AIM and Media Release 
8 May 2023 
Tanzanian exploration - Umba South Phase 1 drill results 
Key Points 
  * Phase 1 reverse circulation drilling program completed at the Umba South 
    prospect in northern Tanzania, with 3,015m in 122 holes drilled. 
  * Assay results confirm the presence of rutile mineralisation, which averages 
    approximately 20% of the heavy mineral but is highly variable and can range 
    from 5 to 50% of the heavy mineral. 
  * Three primary geological domains were identified: 
      + Soil/colluvial cover sequence (the primary exploration target) - 
        typically quite thin (1-2m) but can be locally up to 9m thick and has 
        demonstrated widespread rutile mineralisation. 
      + Underlying saprolite material - variable thickness with sporadic rutile 
        mineralisation, and does not appear to be sufficiently weathered to 
        represent free-dig material from which rutile is readily liberated. 
      + Bedrock - heavy mineral content is variable but typically high grade 
        (20%); however it is dominated by pyrite - a known deleterious element 
        for mineral sands processing, requiring dedicated tailings handling and 
  * Preliminary mineralogical assessment of drill samples is yet to be 
    completed, with the presence of rutile calculated based on XRF analysis of 
    the non-magnetic fraction of heavy mineral. 
  * While graphite is present in some drill samples, analysis suggests the 
    overall grade and distribution of mineralisation is not significant. 
  * A Phase 2 infill drilling program to assess the continuity of saprolite 
    mineralisation has been completed, with the results expected to be 
    available in the September 2023 quarter.  These results will assist in 
    planning future exploration activity at Umba South and elsewhere along the 
    prospective geological zone once necessary approvals are obtained. 
Base Resources Limited (ASX & AIM: BSE) (Base Resources or the Company) is 
pleased to provide assay results from the first phase of drilling at its Umba 
South Project (Umba South) in northern Tanzania (Phase 1). 
Figures referenced in this release have been omitted.  A full PDF version of 
this release, including all figures, is available from the Company's website: 
www.baseresources.com.au.  A glossary of key terms used in this release is set 
out at the end of this release. 
Location of Phase 1 drilling and other exploration activities 
Umba South is located near the junction of the Umba and Bombo Rivers in 
northern Tanzania, approximately 75km west-south-west of the Company's Kwale 
Operations in Kenya (refer to Figure 1).  Exploration at Umba South was 
designed to test the southern extremity of a prominent north-south trending 
ridge of quartzite and gneiss that extends 35km north to the Kuranze region of 
Kenya, where initial rock chip and soil sampling indicated the presence of 
rutile.  With the Company unable to carry out exploration activities in Kuranze 
due to its prospecting licence applications for that area being on hold 
following the Government of Kenya's ongoing moratorium on issuance of new 
mineral rights, efforts were instead directed to the southern portion of the 
ridge in Tanzania. 
Exploration activity in Tanzania has so far been confined to areas south of the 
Umba River, while the Company seeks to obtain the necessary approvals from 
various government departments to explore in the Mkomazi Game Controlled Area 
to the north which hosts the target ridge feature extending north to the Kenyan 
border (refer to Figure 2). 
Details about exploration activities 
Exploration at Umba South targeted a high-grade metamorphic sequence within the 
Mozambique Belt that comprises paragneiss (quartzo-feldspathic gneiss) and 
sillimanite-kyanite(-garnet) schists.  The sequence includes accessory minerals 
pyrite, rutile, magnetite and graphite, with rutile the primary exploration 
target.  The focus of exploration is secondary rutile mineralisation associated 
with alluvial and colluvial deposits eroding from the outcropping linear ridges 
of pyritic quartz-feldspar gneiss, and primary rutile mineralisation within the 
weathered saprolite material flanking the ridge feature that is sufficiently 
weathered to represent free-dig material from which rutile can be readily 
In early 2022, mechanised auger sampling of the soil profile to approximately 
1m depth on a 500m x 500m sample grid was undertaken across the broader 
tenement area, with the best results (up to 5% rutile) reported from the flanks 
of Kigwase Hill.  In the June quarter of 2022, rockchip sampling of the 
outcropping ridge confirmed the presence of rutile mineralisation, with grades 
of up to 2.5% rutile reported from banded gneiss on Kigwase Hill.  Selected 
rockchip samples were sent for mineralogical analysis, and this confirmed the 
presence of rutile together with pyrite (in fresh samples), Fe-oxides (in 
weathered samples), magnetite and altered ilmenite. 
A series of test pits were then completed to assess the soil profile, including 
the nature of contact with the underlying saprolite.  Mapping suggests that 
red-brown soil is typically developed within rubbly colluvium overlying the 
brown saprolite material.  Pit depths ranged from 1.5m to 6.5m and samples of 
material collected from the test pits were processed at the Kwale Operations 
laboratory.  Encouraging results were obtained from several samples with 
potential HM products of rutile, leucoxene, altered ilmenite and magnetite 
generated using conventional mineral sands processing techniques.  One of the 
test pits, pit 11, was investigated in detail and reported in-situ grades of 
approximately 1% rutile, 1% leucoxene-altered ilmenite and 1% magnetite (refer 
to Figure 2). 
Following the encouraging results from the reconnaissance exploration, the 
Phase 1 program was planned to obtain preliminary data regarding the 
sub-surface geology and rutile mineralisation in the vicinity of Kigwase Hill. 
 A 400m North-South x 200m East-West reconnaissance grid was subsequently 
drilled over Kigwase Hill where access was available, with the terrain and the 
presence of small-scale gemstone tenure (known as primary mining licences) 
restricting complete coverage (refer to Figure 3 for the drill hole collar 
locations).  A total of 122 holes were drilled for 3,015m using a RC drill rig 
with a hammer bit, primarily due to lack of available aircore drill rigs and 
concerns regarding the ability of aircore to penetrate both the rubbly 
colluvium and the saprolite.  As a result of the drill samples being 
mechanically pulverised by the hammer bit, the slimes content of samples is 
likely to be overstated, the oversize content is likely understated, and the 
sand fraction likely contains mechanically generated sand together with natural 
Results from Phase 1 drilling 
The sample analysis for rutile has been completed on the sand fraction using 
conventional mineral sands techniques (and back-calculated for in-situ grades). 
 There is the potential that rutile assays reported may not reflect true 
in-situ grade and/or represent rutile that is readily amenable to conventional 
mineral sands processing.  Analysis of selected oversize fractions confirmed 
significant rutile is present in the oversize.  For holes TN092 to TN122, the 
oversize fraction from the first stage of sample processing was crushed and 
added to the sand fraction prior to HM analysis - such that these holes report 
a "total" rutile grade (assuming no loss to the slimes fraction), whereas holes 
TN001 to TN091 report only the rutile from the sand fraction and may therefore 
only be a "partial" rutile grade. 
Drill logging has identified three primary geological domains, as follows: 
  * Red-brown soil and colluvium with abundant gravel - typically 1-2m thick on 
    the eastern flank of Kigwase Hill and 2-4m thick on the western flank of 
    Kigwase Hill.  Consistently mineralised and reports high levels of 
    ferruginous HM and significant TiO2 in the magnetic fraction.  The HM is 
    enriched in the upper part of the profile.  This domain is confirmed as a 
    viable exploration target for the province, but lacks the depth/thickness 
    at Umba South to have significant economic potential. 
  * Brown saprolite and saprock - weathered bedrock, subdivided into sandy and 
    clayey units.  It is thought that this reflects the protolith (quartz rich 
    vs feldspar rich), rather than weathering intensity as there is limited 
    evidence for a well-developed chemical weathering profile with 
    remobilisation and volume reduction.  Depth of weathering ranges down to 
    50m but is typically 30m distal to the ridge, and localised variability is 
    evident.  The HM content is highly variable, and often variable HM magnetic 
    fractions both down and between holes.  The saprolite is considered a 
    viable exploration target for the province, but at Umba South it appears to 
    lack the consistent intense weathering that concentrates rutile in the 
    upper profile and promotes free dig mining and simple processing. 
  * Grey bedrock - fresh gneiss, typically with abundant pyrite.  Garnet gneiss 
    logged distal to the ridge, but logging has not attempted to classify the 
    bedrock lithology in detail.  The HM content is variable but typically high 
    grade (20% HM) although dominated by pyrite.  The bedrock is not 
    considered a viable exploration target for rutile due to cost and 
    complexity that would be introduced by hard rock mining and comminution, 
    and the negative impact of pyrite mineralisation on mineral processing 
    recoveries and tails storage - with results only reported for geological 
Set out in the table below are notable hole intercepts.  Due to the variability 
of mineralisation between the geological domains - and potential mining, 
mineral processing and tailings handling and storage implications - the rutile 
mineralisation has been reported by domain and not by total hole intercepts. 
 For a list of all Phase 1 assay results, refer to Table 1 in Appendix 1. 
Refer also to the cross sections in Figures 4 to 6 for a detailed rutile HM 
analysis of each drill hole. 
Notable drill hole intercepts 
Colluvium                     Saprolite                     Bedrock 
  * TN042 - 8m at 1.39%         * TN038 - 15m at 2.54%        * TN015 - 4m at 3.48% 
    rutile from surface           rutile from 18m               rutile from 18m 
  * TN094 - 4m at 1.40%         * TN011 - 10m at 2.55%        * TN009 - 9m at 1.52% 
    rutile from surface           rutile from 13m               rutile from 10m 
  * TN095 - 4m at 1.24%         * TN015 - 11m at 1.99%        * TN056 - 6m at 2.11% 
    rutile from surface           rutile from 7m                rutile from 20m 
  * TN093 - 3m at 1.50%         * TN051 - 17.5m at 1.15% 
    rutile from surface           rutile from 0.5m 
                                * TN039 - 7m at 2.02% 
                                  rutile from 6m 
                                * TN056 - 6m at 2.02% 
                                  rutile from 13m 
Graphite is a common accessory mineral within the paragneiss sequence being 
explored and is routinely observed during panning and logging of the drill 
samples.  Approximately 320 samples from all geological domains were randomly 
selected for analysis to assess the graphite mineralisation potential, with 
around a third of samples reporting below detection and the remainder averaging 
around 0.5% Total Graphitic Carbon including peak values up to 2.5% TGC.  The 
graphite mineralisation is not typically coincident with rutile mineralisation 
and appears confined to specific stratigraphic units within the drilled 
sequence.  Preliminary assessment suggests that graphite does not represent a 
viable exploration target due to unfavourable grade and distribution of 
mineralisation but may have value as a potential co-product where it occurs 
coincident with rutile. 
For further details in respect of the results, refer to the Appendices to this 
release, containing a table of all assay results (refer to Appendix 1) and 
information provided for the purposes of Sections 1 and 2 of Table 1 of the 
JORC Code (refer to Appendix 2). 
Phase 2 infill drilling and further planned activities 
With the Phase 1 program drill spacing unable to establish geological and grade 
continuity of saprolite mineralisation, an infill drilling program was 
undertaken in the first quarter of 2023, with 86 holes drilled for 2,128m ( 
Phase 2).  Assay results from Phase 2 are expected to be available in the 
September quarter of 2023, due to delays associated with the export of samples 
from Tanzania to Kenya and prioritisation of operational assay requirements and 
near-mine exploration assays at the Kwale Operations laboratory.  The Phase 2 
results should provide the Company with a more fulsome understanding of the 
Umba South mineralisation, which will assist in planning future exploration 
activity at Umba South and elsewhere along the prospective geological zone. 
Other further work planned includes: 
  * Geostatistical assessment of data to establish grade continuity parameters. 
  * A program of shallow trenching to expose the saprolite and conduct rock 
    chip channel sampling, geological mapping, and collection of saprolite 
    samples to assess physical properties related to mining and processing 
  * Seek to progress approvals to allow exploration access to granted 
    prospecting licences north of the Umba River, particularly PL11686/2021, 
    and conduct reconnaissance exploration in this area to establish if broad 
    areas of rutile mineralisation are present within either colluvial/alluvial 
    material shedding from the prospective ridge line, or strongly weathered 
    saprolite associated with the targeted prospective zone. 
Competent Person's Statement 
The information in this release that relates to the Umba South exploration 
results is based on, and fairly represents, information and supporting 
documentation prepared by Mr. Ian Reudavey.  Mr. Reudavey is a member of the 
Australasian Institute of Geoscientists.  Mr. Reudavey is employed by Base 
Resources.  Mr. Reudavey has sufficient experience that is relevant to the 
style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the 
activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in 
the JORC Code and as Qualified Person for the purposes of the AIM Rules for 
Companies.  Mr. Reudavey has reviewed this release and consents to the 
inclusion in this release of the Umba South exploration results and the 
supporting information in the form and context in which the relevant 
information appears. 
Appendix 1 
Table 1: Umba South Exploration Project drill hole table.  All drill holes have 
dip of -90 degrees and azimuth of 360 degrees (i.e. vertical). 
Section  Hole  Easting Northing   RL   Survey   Hole    Unit  Interval From To HM (%)  Rut 
   N      ID                     SRTM           Depth                                  (%) 
9500978 TN001  474096  9500978   222   HHGPS      8     TOTAL    8      0   8    -     NSR 
        TN002  473895  9500977   219   HHGPS     17     TOTAL    17     0   17   -     NSR 
        TN003  473297  9500983   234   HHGPS     19     TOTAL    19     0   19   -     NSR 
        TN004  473098  9500980   242   HHGPS     13     TOTAL    13     0   13   -     NSR 
9500578 TN005  473494  9500579   233   HHGPS     13     TOTAL    13     0   13   -     NSR 
        TN006  473696  9500578   228   HHGPS      4     TOTAL    4      0   4    -     NSR 
        TN007  473897  9500576   238   HHGPS     28     TOTAL    28     0   28   -     NSR 
        TN008  474091  9500583   245   HHGPS     11     TOTAL    11     0   11   -     NSR 
        TN009  474293  9500578   239   HHGPS     19      CS      1      0   1   5.9    0.75 
                                                         SAP     9      1   10  5.3    0.89 
                                                         BDR     9      10  19  22.3   1.52 
                                                        TOTAL    19     0   19  13.4   1.18 
        TN117  475491  9500576  225.5  HHGPS     19     TOTAL    19     0   19   -     NSR 
        TN118  475297  9500582  227.5  HHGPS     13     TOTAL    11              -     NSR 
        TN119  475096  9500575   230   HHGPS     22     TOTAL    22     0   22   -     NSR 
        TN120  474901  9500579  231.5  HHGPS     19     TOTAL    19     0   19   -     NSR 
9500178 TN010  474297  9500174  260.5  HHGPS     22     TOTAL    22     0   22   -     NSR 
        TN011  474499  9500183  253.5  HHGPS     32      CS      1      0   1   7.2    1.32 
                                                         SAP     12     1   13   -     NSR 
                                                         SAP     11     13  24  8.0    2.34 
                                              including  SAP     10     13  23  8.6    2.55 
                                                         BDR     8      24  32   -     NSR 
                                                        TOTAL    32     0   32  6.0    0.99 
        TN012  474701  9500175  246.5  HHGPS     22     TOTAL    22     0   22   -     NSR 
        TN013  475095  9500180   239   HHGPS     28     TOTAL    28     0   28   -     NSR 
        TN112  475298  9500179   234   HHGPS     40     TOTAL    40     0   40   -     NSR 
        TN113  475497  9500186   231   HHGPS     20     TOTAL    20     0   20   -     NSR 
        TN114  475696  9500180  224.5  HHGPS     18     TOTAL    18     0   18   -     NSR 
        TN115  475885  9500183   218   HHGPS     19     TOTAL    19     0   19   -     NSR 
        TN116  476095  9500179   213   HHGPS     11     TOTAL    11     0   11   -     NSR 
        TN121  473698  9500171  251.5  HHGPS     19      CS      1      0   1    -     NSR 
                                                         SAP     9      1   10   -     NSR 
                                                         SAP     5      10  15  33.6   1.60 
                                                         BDR     4      15  19   -     NSR 
                                                        TOTAL    19     0   19  29.5   0.73 
        TN122  473498  9500174  236.5  HHGPS     14     TOTAL    14     0   14   -     NSR 
9499778 TN014  475096  9499786   244   HHGPS     25     TOTAL    25     0   25   -     NSR 
        TN015  474700  9499779   255   HHGPS     22      CS      1      0   1    -     NSR 
                                                         SAP     17     1   18  35.6   1.48 
                                              including  SAP     11     7   18  8.9    1.99 
                                                         BDR     4      18  22  34.4   3.48 
                                                        TOTAL    22     0   22  19.6   1.78 
        TN016  474501  9499785   261   HHGPS     28     TOTAL    28     0   28   -     NSR 
        TN017  474296  9499775   272   HHGPS     20      CS      1      0   1   9.4    1.00 
                                                         SAP     12     1   13  4.7    0.78 
                                              including  SAP     9      4   13  5.6    0.91 
                                                         SAP     5      13  18   -     NSR 
                                                         BDR     2      18  20   -     NSR 
                                                        TOTAL    20     0   20   -     NSR 
9499378 TN018  474460  9499377  273.5  HHGPS      7      CS      1      0   1   5.9    0.98 
                                                         SAP     2      1   3   11.9   1.00 
                                                         BDR     4      3   7   15.8   0.77 
                                                        TOTAL    7      0   7   14.4   0.86 
        TN019  474696  9499380  259.5  HHGPS     16      CS      1      0   1   56.3   1.87 
                                                         SAP     11     1   12  13.9   0.77 
                                              including  SAP     2      7   9   10.7   1.43 
                                                         BDR     4      12  16  20.9   0.89 
                                                        TOTAL    16     0   16  18.3   0.87 
        TN020  475097  9499384   244   HHGPS     32     TOTAL    32     0   32   -     NSR 
        TN021  475301  9499370   238   HHGPS     26      CS      1      0   1    -     NSR 
                                                         SAP     21     1   22  8.0    0.25 
                                              including  SAP     3      1   4   5.2    0.95 
                                                         BDR     4      22  26   -     NSR 
                                                        TOTAL    26     0   26   -     NSR 
        TN035  475499  9499375   227   HHGPS     19     TOTAL    19     0   19   -     NSR 
        TN099  473491  9499373   253   HHGPS     38      CS      7      0   7   1.9    0.29 
                                              including  CS      2      0   2   4.0    0.72 
                                                         SAP     27     7   34   -     NSR 
                                                         BDR     4      34  38   -     NSR 
                                                        TOTAL    38     0   38   -     NSR 
        TN108  473299  9499383  246.5  HHGPS     28     TOTAL    28     0   28   -     NSR 
        TN109  473097  9499375  255.5  HHGPS     31     TOTAL    31     0   31   -     NSR 
        TN110  473693  9499377   261   HHGPS     33      CS      8      0   8   4.7    0.78 
                                              including  CS      3      0   3   7.2    1.41 
                                                         SAP     21     8   29   -     NSR 
                                                         BDR     4      29  33   -     NSR 
                                                        TOTAL    33     0   33   -     NSR 
        TN111  474088  9499373   275   HHGPS     20      CS      1      0   1   21.4   1.90 
                                                         SAP     16     1   17   -     NSR 
                                                         BDR     3      17  20   -     NSR 
                                                        TOTAL    20     0   20   -     NSR 
9498978 TN022  475299  9498977   229   HHGPS     17      CS      6      0   6    -     NSR 
                                                         SAP     8      6   14  17.2   0.60 
                                              including  SAP     4      6   10  16.5   0.82 
                                                         BDR     3      14  17   -     NSR 
                                                        TOTAL    17     0   17   -     NSR 
        TN023  475098  9498967   235   HHGPS     25      CS      5      0   5   7.1    0.67 
                                              including  CS      3      0   3   6.9    0.84 
                                                         SAP     17     5   22   -     NSR 
                                                         BDR     2      22  25   -     NSR 
                                                        TOTAL    25     0   25   -     NSR 
        TN024  474890  9498980   248   HHGPS     24      CS      3      0   3   6.7    1.24 
                                                         SAP     17     3   20   -     NSR 
                                                         BDR     4      20  24   -     NSR 
                                                        TOTAL    24     0   24   -     NSR 
        TN025  474715  9498970  256.5  HHGPS     13      CS      1      0   1   4.5    0.93 
                                                         SAP     8      1   9   4.7    0.53 
                                              including  SAP     4      3   7   5.0    0.92 
                                                         BDR     4      9   13   -     NSR 
                                                        TOTAL    13     0   13   -     NSR 
        TN026  474501  9498979   275   HHGPS      3      CS     0.5     0   1   12.4   1.96 
                                                         BDR    2.5    0.5  3   25.9   2.14 
                                                        TOTAL    3      0   3   23.6   2.11 
        TN032  475495  9498978  225.5  HHGPS     16     TOTAL    16     0   16   -     NSR 
        TN033  475696  9498976   223   HHGPS     14     TOTAL    14     0   14   -     NSR 
        TN034  475832  9498981   225   HHGPS     19     TOTAL    19     0   19   -     NSR 
        TN096  473495  9498973   264   HHGPS     44      CS      6      0   6   3.8    0.60 
                                              including  CS      2      0   2   6.8    1.07 
                                                         SAP     34     6   40  10.8   0.39 
                                              including  SAP     4      6   10  5.5    0.83 
                                              including  SAP     3      37  40  46.0   0.79 
                                                         BDR     4      40  44   -     NSR 
                                                        TOTAL    44     0   44   -     NSR 
        TN097  473690  9498974   269   HHGPS     40      CS      8      0   8   4.3    0.44 
                                              including  CS      1      0   1   10.0   1.14 
                                                         SAP     27     8   35  7.4    0.49 
                                              including  SAP     10     10  20  5.8    0.89 
                                                         BDR     5      35  40  35.2   1.63 
                                                        TOTAL    40     0   40   -     NSR 
        TN098  473899  9498982  271.5  HHGPS     51      CS      5      0   5   8.8    0.57 
                                              including  CS      2      0   2   14.1   0.84 
                                                         SAP     42     5   47   -     NSR 
                                                         BDR     4      47  51   -     NSR 
                                                        TOTAL    51     0   51   -     NSR 
        TN100  473297  9498979  256.5  HHGPS     36     TOTAL    36     0   36   -     NSR 
        TN101  473092  9498973   257   HHGPS     31     TOTAL    31     0   31   -     NSR 
        TN102  472902  9498980  256.5  HHGPS     31      CS      5      0   5   1.0    0.25 
                                              including  CS      1      0   1   2.7    0.86 
                                                         SAP     22     5   27   -     NSR 
                                                         BDR     4      27  31  28.1   1.33 
                                                        TOTAL    31     0   31   -     NSR 
9498578 TN027  474695  9498578   266   HHGPS     22      CS      1      0   1   7.5    0.71 
                                                         SAP     17     1   18   -     NSR 
                                                         BDR     4      18  22  25.4   1.00 
                                                        TOTAL    18     0   18   -     NSR 
        TN028  474899  9498575   254   HHGPS     42      CS      1      0   1   7.1    1.18 
                                                         SAP     4      1   42   -     NSR 
                                                        TOTAL    42     0   42   -     NSR 
        TN029  475099  9498577   241   HHGPS     25      CS      2      0   2   6.9    0.58 
                                              including  CS      1      0   1   9.8    0.97 
                                                         SAP     21     1   22   -     NSR 
                                                         BDR     3      22  25   -     NSR 
                                                        TOTAL    25     0   25   -     NSR 
        TN030  475297  9498577  229.5  HHGPS     16      CS      1      0   1    -     NSR 
                                                         SAP     10     1   11   -     NSR 
                                                         BDR     5      11  16  15.0   0.61 
                                              including  BDR     2      11  13  18.2   1.10 
                                                        TOTAL    16     0   16  14.2   0.51 
        TN031  475427  9498515   226   HHGPS     23     TOTAL    23     0   23   -     NSR 
        TN092  473296  9498579  266.5  HHGPS     40      CS      7      0   7    -     NSR 
                                                         SAP     29     7   36  5.7    0.47 
                                              including  SAP     10     19  29  11.6   1.03 
                                                         BDR     4      36  40   -     NSR 
                                                        TOTAL    40     0   40   -     NSR 
        TN093  473492  9498573   271   HHGPS     43      CS      7      0   7   4.5    0.81 
                                              including  CS      3      0   3   7.3    1.50 
                                                         SAP     33     7   40   -     NSR 
                                                         BDR     3      40  43   -     NSR 
                                                        TOTAL    43     0   43   -     NSR 
        TN094  473696  9498579   276   HHGPS     36      CS      6      0   6   6.1    1.05 
                                              including  CS      4      0   4   7.6    1.40 
                                                         SAP     25     6   31  5.9    0.65 
                                              including  SAP     5      6   11  3.4    0.70 
                                              including  SAP     14     17  31  7.0    0.81 
                                                         BDR     2      34  36  40.7   2.25 
                                                        TOTAL    36     0   36  8.7    0.79 
        TN095  473897  9498579  286.5  HHGPS     48      CS      7      0   7   6.1    0.92 
                                              including  CS      4      0   4   7.3    1.24 
                                                         SAP     37     7   44  6.8    0.30 
                                              including  SAP     9      13  22  18.0   0.78 
                                                         BDR     4      44  48   -     NSR 
                                                        TOTAL    48     0   48   -     NSR 
        TN103  472898  9498579   265   HHGPS     34      CS      7      0   7   3.0    0.47 
                                              including  CS      3      0   3   3.0    0.89 
                                                         SAP     23     7   30   -     NSR 
                                                         BDR     4      30  34   -     NSR 
                                                        TOTAL    34     0   34   -     NSR 
        TN104  473092  9498576  265.5  HHGPS     31     TOTAL    31     0   31   -     NSR 
9498178 TN036  475096  9498177  242.5  HHGPS     25      CS      4      0   4   6.6    0.46 
                                              including  CS      1      0   1   15.2   1.29 
                                                         SAP     17     4   21   -     NSR 
                                                         BDR     4      21  25   -     NSR 
                                                        TOTAL    25     0   25   -     NSR 
        TN037  475295  9498179  233.5  HHGPS     16     TOTAL    16     0   16   -     NSR 
        TN038  474899  9498176   250   HHGPS     46      CS      1      0   1    -     NSR 
                                                         SAP     38     1   39  3.0    1.13 
                                              including  SAP     15     18  33  5.3    2.54 
                                                         BDR     7      39  46   -     NSR 
                                                        TOTAL    46     0   46  3.6    0.96 
        TN039  474699  9498179  265.5  HHGPS     21      CS      1      0   1   5.0    0.98 
                                                         SAP     15     1   16  3.7    1.21 
                                              including  SAP     7      6   13  5.4    2.02 
                                                         BDR     5      16  21   -     NSR 
                                                        TOTAL    21     0   21  5.7    1.06 
        TN088  473490  9498175   275   HHGPS     49      CS      5      0   5   4.0    0.58 
                                              including  CS      2      0   2   5.7    0.98 
                                                         SAP     41     5   46   -     NSR 
                                                         BDR     3      46  49   -     NSR 
                                                        TOTAL    49     0   49   -     NSR 
        TN089  473697  9498177   282   HHGPS     54      CS      9      0   9   5.4    0.76 
                                              including  CS      3      0   3   7.8    1.06 
                                                         SAP     39     9   48   -     NSR 
                                                         BDR     6      48  54   -     NSR 
                                                        TOTAL    54     0   54   -     NSR 
        TN090  473893  9498179   289   HHGPS     16      CS      2      0   2   8.7    1.69 
                                                         SAP     10     2   12  3.6    0.65 
                                              including  SAP     6      2   8   4.3    0.82 
                                                         BDR     4      12  16  23.2   1.28 
                                                        TOTAL    16     0   16  9.1    0.94 
        TN091  474095  9498176   307   HHGPS     23     TOTAL    23     0   23   -     NSR 
        TN105  473295  9498177   273   HHGPS     17     TOTAL    17     0   17   -     NSR 
        TN106  473089  9498176   271   HHGPS     19      CS      1      0   1   11.2   0.87 
                                                         SAP     15     1   16   -     NSR 
                                                         BDR     3      16  19   -     NSR 
                                                        TOTAL    19     0   19   -     NSR 
        TN107  472897  9498177   271   HHGPS     34     TOTAL    34     0   34   -     NSR 
9497778 TN040  475094  9497776   242   HHGPS     30     TOTAL    30     0   30   -     NSR 
        TN041  474895  9497776   254   HHGPS     40      CS      5      0   5   5.4    0.55 
                                              including  CS      1      0   1   18.1   1.43 
                                                         SAP     29     5   34   -     NSR 
                                                         BDR     6      34  40  29.1   0.79 
                                                        TOTAL    40     0   40   -     NSR 
        TN042  474695  9497779   262   HHGPS     25      CS      8      0   8   6.1    1.39 
                                                         SAP     12     8   20  6.2    0.51 
                                              including  SAP     3      8   11  3.1    0.85 
                                                         BDR     5      20  25  15.9   0.71 
                                                        TOTAL    25     0   25  8.1    0.83 
        TN043  474493  9497771   278   HHGPS      7      CS      4      0   4   13.5   0.66 
                                              including  CS      3      0   3   16.8   0.83 
                                                         BDR     3      4   7   20.4   1.29 
                                                        TOTAL    7      0   7   16.4   0.93 
        TN044  475289  9497777   235   HHGPS     19     TOTAL    19     0   19   -     NSR 
        TN081  473894  9497776   285   HHGPS     26      CS      2      0   2   6.0    0.92 
                                                         SAP     20     2   22  12.9   0.47 
                                              including  SAP     3      17  21  13.5   0.79 
                                                         BDR     4      22  26   -     NSR 
                                                        TOTAL    26     0   26   -     NSR 
        TN082  474093  9497777   300   HHGPS     19      CS      1      0   1   8.9    0.80 
                                                         SAP     14     1   15   -     NSR 
                                                         BDR     4      15  19   -     NSR 
                                                        TOTAL    19     0   19   -     NSR 
        TN083  473695  9497777  281.5  HHGPS     52      CS      2      0   2   6.1    1.42 
                                                         SAP     46     2   48   -     NSR 
                                                         BDR     4      48  52   -     NSR 
                                                        TOTAL    52     0   52   -     NSR 
        TN084  473494  9497780   276   HHGPS     57      CS      2      0   2   7.0    1.00 
                                                         SAP     49     3   52   -     NSR 
                                                         BDR     5      52  57   -     NSR 
                                                        TOTAL    57     0   57   -     NSR 
        TN085  473295  9497775  270.5  HHGPS     31      CS      2      0   2    -     NSR 
                                                         SAP     25     2   27  8.3    0.46 
                                              including  SAP     7      16  23  12.9   0.83 
                                                         BDR     4      27  31   -     NSR 
                                                        TOTAL    31     0   31   -     NSR 
        TN086  473094  9497777   272   HHGPS     25     TOTAL    25     0   25   -     NSR 
        TN087  472897  9497777   273   HHGPS     31      CS      1      0   1   5.3    1.00 
                                                         SAP     26     1   27   -     NSR 
                                                         BDR     4      27  31   -     NSR 
                                                        TOTAL    31     0   31   -     NSR 
9497378 TN045  475098  9497377   236   HHGPS     22     TOTAL    22     0   22   -     NSR 
        TN046  475293  9497373   230   HHGPS     15     TOTAL    15     0   15   -     NSR 
        TN047  474896  9497377   244   HHGPS     16      CS      1      0   1   11.2   1.71 
                                                         SAP     9      1   10  11.1   0.72 
                                              including  SAP     5      1   6   10.2   0.81 
                                                         BDR     6      10  16  33.3   1.32 
                                                        TOTAL    16     0   16  19.4   1.01 
        TN048  475294  9497371   230   HHGPS     16     TOTAL    16     0   16   -     NSR 
        TN049  474695  9497378   252   HHGPS     16      CS      1      0   1   6.6    1.73 
                                                         SAP     8      1   9   4.8    1.09 
                                                         BDR     7      9   16  20.4   1.00 
                                                        TOTAL    16     0   16  11.7   1.09 
        TN050  474493  9497371   267   HHGPS     10      CS      1      0   1   9.4    1.22 
                                                         SAP     5      1   6   6.7    1.35 
                                                         BDR     4      6   10  19.0   1.43 
                                                        TOTAL    10     0   10  11.9   1.37 
        TN075  473099  9497377   270   HHGPS     30      CS      4      0   4   1.5    0.35 
                                              including  CS      1      0   1   2.4    0.74 
                                                         SAP     22     4   26   -     NSR 
                                                         BDR     4      26  30   -     NSR 
                                                        TOTAL    30     0   30   -     NSR 
        TN076  473297  9497376   271   HHGPS     31     TOTAL    31     0   31   -     NSR 
        TN077  473495  9497377  270.5  HHGPS     41      CS      3      0   3   5.9    0.62 
                                              including  CS      2      0   2   6.0    0.92 
                                                         SAP     33     3   36   -     NSR 
                                                         BDR     5      36  41   -     NSR 
                                                        TOTAL    41     0   41   -     NSR 
        TN078  473694  9497378  273.5  HHGPS     46      CS      9      0   9   9.6    0.62 
                                              including  CS      2      0   2   9.6    2.06 
                                                         SAP     33     9   42   -     NSR 
                                                         BDR     4      42  46   -     NSR 
                                                        TOTAL    46     0   46   -     NSR 
        TN079  473892  9497382   281   HHGPS     33      CS      2      0   2   8.5    2.06 
                                                         SAP     26     2   28   -     NSR 
                                                         BDR     5      28  33   -     NSR 
                                                        TOTAL    33     0   33   -     NSR 
        TN080  474090  9497375   286   HHGPS      4      SAP     1      0   1   9.9    0.73 
                                                         BDR     3      1   4   21.0   1.27 
                                                        TOTAL    4      0   4   18.2   1.13 
9496978 TN051  474494  9496976   254   HHGPS     23      CS     0.5     0   1   10.4   2.38 
                                                         SAP    17.5   0.5  18  5.0    1.15 
                                                         BDR     5      18  23  26.7   1.85 
                                                        TOTAL    23     0   23  9.9    1.35 
        TN052  474693  9496976  243.5  HHGPS     16      CS      1      0   1   9.1    1.49 
                                                         SAP     10     1   11   -     NSR 
                                                         BDR     5      11  16   -     NSR 
                                                        TOTAL    16     0   16   -     NSR 
        TN053  474867  9496978   233   HHGPS     13     TOTAL    13     0   13   -     NSR 
        TN054  475099  9496983   232   HHGPS     13     TOTAL    13     0   13   -     NSR 
        TN055  474290  9496973   265   HHGPS     13      CS      1      0   1   7.2    2.19 
                                                         SAP     8      1   9   6.7    0.84 
                                                         BDR     4      9   13  20.8   1.04 
                                                        TOTAL    13     0   13  11.1   1.01 
        TN056  474090  9496978   264   HHGPS     26      CS      1      0   1   7.6    1.52 
                                                         SAP     19     1   20  6.4    0.94 
                                              including  SAP     6      13  19  14.2   2.02 
                                                         BDR     6      20  26  30.2   2.11 
                                                        TOTAL    26     0   26  12.0   1.23 
        TN057  473897  9496976   265   HHGPS     27      CS      2      0   2    -     NSR 
                                                         SAP     20     2   22  11.0   0.45 
                                              including  SAP     3      14  17  15.2   1.05 
                                                         BDR     5      22  27   -     NSR 
                                                        TOTAL    27     0   27   -     NSR 
        TN058  473697  9496978   261   HHGPS     30      CS      4      0   4   6.2    0.94 
                                              including  CS      2      0   2   8.7    1.60 
                                                         SAP     21     4   25   -     NSR 
                                                         BDR     5      25  30   -     NSR 
                                                        TOTAL    30     0   30   -     NSR 
        TN059  473496  9496975   258   HHGPS     33     TOTAL    33     0   33   -     NSR 
        TN060  473296  9496976   261   HHGPS     34     TOTAL    34     0   34   -     NSR 
        TN073  473095  9496978   263   HHGPS     32     TOTAL    32     0   32   -     NSR 
        TN074  472899  9496976   263   HHGPS     30     TOTAL    30     0   30   -     NSR 
9496578 TN061  473496  9496575  253.5  HHGPS     25     TOTAL    25     0   25   -     NSR 
        TN062  473698  9496572   254   HHGPS     25      CS      4      0   4   3.6    0.60 
                                              including  CS      2      0   2   5.3    1.12 
                                                         SAP     16     4   20   -     NSR 
                                                         BDR     5      20  25   -     NSR 
                                                        TOTAL    25     0   25   -     NSR 
        TN063  473891  9496579  253.5  HHGPS     22      CS      2      0   2    -     NSR 
                                                         SAP     15     2   17  8.4    0.38 
                                              including  SAP     2      15  17  17.2   1.31 
                                                         BDR     5      17  22  17.7   1.50 
                                              including  BDR     3      19  22  20.6   2.13 
                                                        TOTAL    22     0   22   -     NSR 
        TN064  474093  9496571   249   HHGPS     25      CS      2      0   2   11.5   0.92 
                                                         SAP     19     2   21   -     NSR 
                                                         BDR     4      21  25   -     NSR 
                                                        TOTAL    25     0   25   -     NSR 
        TN065  474295  9496576   251   HHGPS     19      CS      2      0   2   12.5   1.00 
                                                         SAP     13     2   15  6.0    0.53 
                                              including  SAP     2      2   4   9.7    0.74 
                                                         BDR     4      15  19  24.7   1.09 
                                                        TOTAL    19     0   19  11.4   0.71 
        TN066  474495  9496573  244.5  HHGPS     22      CS      2      0   2   9.4    1.18 
                                                         SAP     15     2   17   -     NSR 
                                                         BDR     5      17  22   -     NSR 
                                                        TOTAL    22     0   22   -     NSR 
        TN067  474700  9496575   238   HHGPS     20     TOTAL    20     0   20   -     NSR 
        TN068  474833  9496578   233   HHGPS     11     TOTAL    11     0   11   -     NSR 
9496178 TN069  474698  9496173   235   HHGPS     16     TOTAL    16     0   16   -     NSR 
        TN070  474497  9496176   243   HHGPS     15     TOTAL    15     0   15   -     NSR 
        TN071  474300  9496182   245   HHGPS     22     TOTAL    22     0   22   -     NSR 
        TN072  474095  9496179   243   HHGPS     22     TOTAL    22     0   22   -     NSR 
Appendix 2 
JORC Code, 2012 Edition 
Section 1 Sampling Techniques and Data 
  Criteria               Explanation                           Comment 
Sampling      Nature and quality of sampling    Reverse circulation hammer drilling 
techniques    (e.g. cut channels, random chips, was used to obtain 1m samples from 
              or specific specialised industry  which approximately 2.0 kg was riffle 
              standard measurement tools        split to produce a sub-sample for HM 
              appropriate to the minerals under analysis utilizing heavy liquid 
              investigation, such as down hole  separation, magnetic separation and 
              gamma sondes, or handheld XRF     XRF assay. 
              instruments, etc). These examples 
              should not be taken as limiting   All holes were sampled over 
              the broad meaning of sampling.    consistent 1m intervals. 
              Include reference to measures     All holes were drilled using a 
              taken to ensure sample            reverse circulation method to collect 
              representivity and the            25% of the sample via cyclone 
              appropriate calibration of any    separation of drill returns with a 
              measurement tools or systems      4-way splitter attachment at the base 
              used.                             of the cyclone discharging into a 
                                                calico bag. 
              Aspects of the determination of 
              mineralisation that are Material  Samples are collected from alternate 
              to the Public Report. In cases    discharge chutes of the splitter, and 
              where 'industry standard' work    assessment of duplicate samples 
              has been done this would be       collected at routine intervals show 
              relatively simple (e.g. 'reverse  that no bias is evident from the 
              circulation drilling was used to  cyclone splitter. 
              obtain 1m samples from which 3kg 
              was pulverised to produce a 30g   Samples were analysed by mineral 
              charge for fire assay'). In other sands industry standard techniques of 
              cases more explanation may be     screening, desliming and heavy liquid 
              required, such as where there is  separation using SPT (sodium 
              coarse gold that has inherent     polytungstate: SG = 2.85g/cm3).  XRF 
              sampling problems. Unusual        analysis of HM magnetic fractions was 
              commodities or mineralisation     used to define the VHM content. 
              types (e.g. submarine nodules) 
              may warrant disclosure of 
              detailed information. 
Drilling      Drill type (e.g. core, reverse    All drilling was undertaken using a 
techniques    circulation, open-hole hammer,    Smith Capital 10R3H track mounted 
              rotary air blast, auger, Bangka,  reverse circulation drill rig 
              sonic, etc) and details (e.g.     operated by Amazon Mineworks 
              core diameter, triple or standard Tanzania. 
              tube, depth of diamond tails, 
              face-sampling bit or other type,  All holes were drilled vertically, 
              whether core is oriented and if   with the drill rig levelled using 
              so, by what method, etc).         hydraulic jacks. 
                                                Drill rod diameter is 41/2" with 3m 
                                                rods fitted with a face sampling 53/ 
                                                8" button hammer bit. 
Drill sample  Method of recording and assessing Sample size is monitored by the rig 
recovery      core and chip sample recoveries   geologist and logged quantitatively 
              and results assessed.             as either good, moderate or poor, 
                                                with good meaning not contaminated 
              Measures taken to maximise sample and appropriate sample size 
              recovery and ensure               (recovery), moderate meaning not 
              representative nature of the      contaminated, but sample over or 
              samples.                          under sized, and poor meaning 
                                                contaminated or grossly over/ 
              Whether a relationship exists     undersized.  Samples from the Phase 1 
              between sample recovery and grade drilling at Umba South were logged as 
              and whether sample bias may have  80% dry good, 16% dry poor and 3% 
              occurred due to preferential loss moist good. 
              /gain of fine/coarse material. 
                                                The drill rig uses a face sampling 
                                                pneumatic hammer bit and operates at 
                                                air pressures of 24 Bar and low 
                                                rotation speeds (45-65 rpm) to 
                                                maximize sample recovery. 
                                                There is no correlation evident 
                                                between sample recovery and grade, 
                                                resulting in no sample bias. 
Logging       Whether core and chip samples     All samples were visually checked and 
              have been geologically and        logged on site by the rig geologist 
              geotechnically logged to a level  and logged for lithotype, grain size, 
              of detail to support appropriate  colour, hardness, and moisture 
              Mineral Resource estimation,      content. 
              mining studies and metallurgical 
              studies.                          A small subsample was taken for each 
                                                drill interval and manually panned 
              Whether logging is qualitative or for estimation of slimes and HM 
              quantitative in nature. Core (or  content. 
              costean, channel, etc) 
              photography.                      Any relevant comments e.g., water 
                                                table, gangue HM components and 
              The total length and percentage   stratigraphic markers were included 
              of the relevant intersections     to aid in the subsequent geological 
              logged.                           modelling. 
                                                The use of a pneumatic hammer bit is 
                                                believed to have modified the grain 
                                                size characteristics of the sample, 
                                                with potential overstatement of 
                                                slimes content and understatement of 
                                                the oversize fraction.  The drilling 
                                                technique makes logging and 
                                                assessment of the geotechnical 
                                                parameters of the material 
Sub-sampling  If core, whether cut or sawn and  An approximate 25% split of the 
techniques    whether quarter, half or all core drilled sample interval is collected 
and sample    taken.                            from the drill cyclone.  The calico 
preparation                                     sample bags from site were air dried 
              If non-core, whether riffled,     before sub-sampling.  Any material 
              tube sampled, rotary split, etc   that was bound together by clay was 
              and whether sampled wet or dry.   manually attritioned so it would pass 
                                                through the splitter. 
              For all sample types, the nature, 
              quality and appropriateness of    The material was split using a 25 mm 
              the sample preparation technique. three tier riffle splitter to produce 
                                                a sub-sample for assay submission of 
              Quality control procedures        approximately 2.0 kg in a small 
              adopted for all sub-sampling      calico sample bag. 
              stages to maximise representivity 
              of samples.                       For one sample in every 20, an 
                                                additional sample was collected from 
              Measures taken to ensure that the an alternate discharge chute on the 
              sampling is representative of the cyclone mounted splitter for QAQC 
              in-situ material collected,       purposes. 
              including for instance results 
              for field duplicate/second-half   Results of field duplicates confirm 
              sampling.                         the sampling process is generating 
                                                representative results. 
              Whether sample sizes are 
              appropriate to the grain size of  The sample preparation technique, 
              the material being sampled.       sample size and riffle aperture used 
                                                is considered appropriate for mineral 
                                                sands analysis. 
Quality of    The nature, quality and           Samples were analysed by conventional 
assay data    appropriateness of the assaying   mineral sands techniques of 
and           and laboratory procedures used    screening, desliming and heavy liquid 
laboratory    and whether the technique is      separation using SPT (sodium 
tests         considered partial or total.      polytungstate: SG = 2.85g/cm3).  XRF 
                                                analysis of HM magnetic fractions was 
              For geophysical tools,            used to define the VHM content. 
              spectrometers, handheld XRF 
              instruments, etc, the parameters  All 3,015 drill samples were 
              used in determining the analysis  submitted to the Base Titanium 
              including instrument make and     laboratory at the Kwale Operations in 
              model, reading times,             Kenya. 
              calibrations factors applied and 
              their derivation, etc.            The separation of HM was by sodium 
                                                polytungstate (SPT) at density 2.85 g 
              Nature of quality control         /cc. 
              procedures adopted (e.g. 
              standards, blanks, duplicates,    All samples were: 
              external laboratory checks) and   (i)  Dried, weighed. 
              whether acceptable levels of      (ii)  Sample rotary split to produce 
              accuracy (i.e. lack of bias) and  400 g sample. 
              precision have been established.  Sample wet screened using 45 µm and 1 
                                                mm sieves, to generate oversize and 
                                                sand fractions, with slimes lost 
                                                during screening and calculated by 
                                                (iii)  For samples UD2121 to UD3015 
                                                the oversize fraction was crushed 
                                                until minimal oversize was present, 
                                                with heavy liquid separation being 
                                                undertaken on the combined mass of as 
                                                received sand fraction and lab 
                                                generated sand fraction. 
                                                (iv)  SPT heavy liquid separation of 
                                                sand fraction to generate a HM 
                                                (v)  HM fraction subject to magnetic 
                                                separation on a roll magnet to 
                                                generate a high susceptibility (HS) 
                                                fraction, magnetic (Mag) fraction and 
                                                non-magnetic (NonMag) fraction. 
                                                (vi)  XRF analysis of Mag fractions, 
                                                with rutile (assumed 95% TiO2) 
                                                calculated from TiO2 assay of NonMag 
                                                by dividing by 0.95. 
                                                (vii)  NonMag fraction subject to 
                                                Nitric acid dissolution to determine 
                                                pyrite content, with rutile grade 
                                                adjusted to reflect XRF 
                                                Select float fraction samples were 
                                                despatched to BV Centurion SA for 
                                                analysis of TGC, with assay grades 
                                                adjusted to reflect losses to slimes 
                                                and oversize. 
                                                Various quality control samples were 
                                                submitted routinely to assure assay 
                                                quality.  A total of 150 duplicate 
                                                field samples, 301 lab duplicate 
                                                sample preparation samples, and an 
                                                unspecified number of internal 
                                                laboratory standards, repeats and 
                                                blanks have been assayed at Kwale 
                                                Operations' site laboratory. 
Verification  The verification of significant   Drilling, logging and sampling 
of sampling   intersections by either           undertaken by contract geologists 
and assaying  independent or alternative        following on-site training by Base 
              company personnel.                Titanium's Exploration Manager. 
              The use of twinned holes.         Twinned holes have been completed but 
                                                assay results are not yet available 
              Documentation of primary data,    for comparison. 
              data entry procedures, data 
              verification, data storage        Drill hole logging and site sample 
              (physical and electronic)         data is collected electronically and 
              protocols.                        regularly emailed to the exploration 
                                                office in Kwale, Kenya.  Assay data 
              Discuss any adjustment to assay   is captured electronically via LIMS 
              data.                             and merged with logging and sample 
                                                data in Datashed. 
                                                No adjustment to assay data has been 
                                                made - but it is noted that rutile 
                                                grades from holes TN001 to TN091 
                                                reflect rutile in the sand fraction 
                                                only, while for holes TN092 to TN122 
                                                the rutile grades reflect the 
                                                combined sand and (crushed) oversize 
Location of   Accuracy and quality of surveys   Drill hole collars were surveyed 
data points   used to locate drill holes        using handheld GPS. 
              (collar and down-hole surveys), 
              trenches, mine workings and other All drill holes are vertical, down 
              locations used in Mineral         hole surveys were deemed unnecessary. 
              Resource estimation. 
                                                Grid system used throughout the 
              Specification of the grid system  program is UTM, Zone 37S, ARC60 
              used.                             datum. 
              Quality and adequacy of           Topographic data was derived from a 
              topographic control.              DTM generated from SRTM 30m spaced 
                                                point data and all drill collars were 
                                                levelled to the SRTM topographic 
                                                surface for consistency.  The 
                                                topographic control is considered 
                                                adequate for reporting of exploration 
                                                results but will require improved 
                                                definition for any future resource 
Data spacing  Data spacing for reporting of     The drilling program that forms the 
and           Exploration Results.              basis of this release is based upon 
distribution                                    200m hole spacing along E-W oriented 
              Whether the data spacing and      lines with 400m between lines.  The 
              distribution is sufficient to     drill program was designed to test a 
              establish the degree of           prominent N-S trending ridge of 
              geological and grade continuity   quartzite and gneiss that reported 
              appropriate for the Mineral       anomalous rock chip and soil 
              Resource and Ore Reserve          geochemistry. 
              estimation procedure(s) and 
              classifications applied.          The current data spacing, and 
                                                distribution is likely not sufficient 
              Whether sample compositing has    to establish geological and grade 
              been applied.                     continuity and additional work 
                                                programs are being implemented to 
                                                better understand the geological 
                                                controls on mineralisation. 
                                                No sample compositing has been 
Orientation   Whether the orientation of        All drill holes were drilled 
of data in    sampling achieves unbiased        vertically.  The mineralisation 
relation to   sampling of possible structures   drilled comprises a sub-horizontal 
geological    and the extent to which this is   soil and weathered saprolite profile, 
structure     known, considering the deposit    and primary bedrock.  The geological 
              type.                             structure of the bedrock comprises 40 
                                                ° to 50° E dipping metamorphic 
              If the relationship between the   fabric, and it is likely this is also 
              drilling orientation and the      evident in the saprolite as deep / 
              orientation of key mineralised    intense weathering is not evident. 
              structures is considered to have 
              introduced a sampling bias, this  Drill lines were drilled north - 
              should be assessed and reported   south, east - west within 10 degrees 
              if material.                      of the topographic ridgeline that 
                                                reflects the strike of the 
                                                metamorphic fabric. 
                                                A bias to sampling has likely been 
                                                introduced via vertical drilling of a 
                                                moderately dipping geological unit, 
                                                but as the geological controls on 
                                                mineralisation are not fully 
                                                understood at this time - the 
                                                potential bias is still under 
                                                assessment.  Reported mineralisation 
                                                widths in the bedrock and likely 
                                                saprolite will be significantly 
                                                greater (up to 1.5x) than true width. 
Sample        The measures taken to ensure      All samples from the drilling rig 
security      sample security.                  were transported to the Umba South 
                                                exploration camp daily, where they 
                                                are stored in a shed with a secure 
                                                compound.  Once sample preparation is 
                                                completed, the sub-samples for assay 
                                                are placed in drums for transport to 
                                                both Tanga (for government 
                                                assessment) and ultimately the Kwale 
                                                Operations in Kenya. 
                                                The samples bags were labelled by 
                                                both marker and paper tags with a 
                                                unique sample number. 
Audits or     The results of any audits or      No external audits of the sampling 
reviews       reviews of sampling techniques    techniques and data have been carried 
              and data.                         out, but the techniques and data have 
                                                been reviewed by experienced Base 
                                                Titanium and Base Resources 
                                                The sample analytical procedure has 
                                                undergone several internal reviews 
                                                with modifications occurring as 
                                                required.  The results of 
                                                mineralogical analysis are awaited to 
                                                further review the analytical 
Section 2 Reporting of Exploration Results 
   Criteria              Explanation                         Comment 
Mineral        Type, reference name/number,    The Umba South project is located 
tenement and   location and ownership          within Prospecting Licences PL 11686 
land tenure    including agreements or         /2021, PL 11687/2021, and PL 19524/ 
status         material issues with third      2022, which are held by BET Two Ltd, 
               parties such as joint ventures, Base Resources' wholly owned, 
               partnerships, overriding        Tanzanian subsidiary. 
               royalties, native title 
               interests, historical sites,    Several Primary Mining Licences 
               wilderness or national park and (PMLs) for gemstones, up to 10ha in 
               environmental settings.         size, occur at Umba South and BET 
                                               Two has entered into access 
               The security of the tenure held agreements with the PML holders 
               at the time of reporting along  allowing exploration drilling 
               with any known impediments to   activity to be carried out in areas 
               obtaining a licence to operate  of interest. 
               in the area. 
                                               At the time of reporting, the BET 
                                               Two tenure is in compliance with all 
                                               requirements and there are no known 
                                               impediments to obtaining a licence 
                                               to operate in the area. 
Exploration    Acknowledgment and appraisal of No previous exploration for rutile 
done by other  exploration by other parties.   is believed to have been undertaken 
parties                                        in the Umba South area, with 
                                               historical prospecting limited to 
                                               reconnaissance sampling for 
Geology        Deposit type, geological        The project area is underlain by 
               setting and style of            part of the Mozambique Belt - a 
               mineralisation.                 major N-S trending geological 
                                               structure extending along the 
                                               Eastern Coast of Africa.  High-grade 
                                               metamorphic rocks in the project 
                                               area occur as prominent N-S trending 
                                               ridgelines, with rutile being a 
                                               common accessory mineral together 
                                               with reported occurrences of 
                                               graphite, pyrite, sillimanite, 
                                               kyanite, garnet and gemstones 
                                               (primarily tourmaline). 
                                               The primary focus of exploration is 
                                               eluvial / alluvial HM (rutile) 
                                               deposits sourced from the 
                                               mineralised ridges, and / or 
                                               saprolitic deposits enriched in 
                                               rutile that are sufficiently 
                                               weathered to represent free-dig 
                                               material from which rutile is 
                                               readily liberated. 
                                               The eluvial profile developed at 
                                               Umba South is typically quite thin 
                                               (1-2m) but can locally be up to 9m 
                                               thick.  Rutile mineralisation is 
                                               widespread throughout this unit 
                                               proximal to the ridgeline at Umba 
                                               South and is present as HM grains 
                                               within gravelly clayey sand and 
                                               The saprolite present at Umba South 
                                               has variable depth and the 
                                               weathering profile is not well 
                                               developed.  Rutile mineralisation 
                                               occurs sporadically throughout this 
                                               unit and appears related to specific 
                                               lithological zones that are enriched 
                                               in rutile.  The nature of the 
                                               saprolite rutile mineralisation has 
                                               not been established at this time. 
Drill hole     A summary of all information    BET Two has conducted two drilling 
Information    material to the understanding   programs to date, with this release 
               of the exploration results      relating to the Phase 1 
               including a tabulation of the   reconnaissance drilling for which 
               following information for all   assay results are complete. 
               Material drill holes: 
                                               A total of 122 holes for 3,015m with 
                 * easting and northing of the an average depth of 25m were 
                   drill hole collar           completed for Phase 1. 
                 * elevation or RL (Reduced 
                   Level - elevation above sea All holes were drilled vertically. 
                   level in metres) of the 
                   drill hole collar           See drill hole location plan - 
                 * dip and azimuth of the hole Figure 2. 
                 * down hole length and 
                   interception depth          Drill hole collars and significant 
                 * hole length.                assays are presented in Table 1 in 
                                               Appendix 1. 
               If the exclusion of this 
               information is justified on the 
               basis that the information is 
               not Material and this exclusion 
               does not detract from the 
               understanding of the report, 
               the Competent Person should 
               clearly explain why this is the 
Data           In reporting Exploration        Exploration results are reported as 
aggregation    Results, weighting averaging    length-weighted average grades of 
methods        techniques, maximum and/or      rutile mineralisation using a 
               minimum grade truncations (e.g. nominal 0.7% rutile cut-off grade. 
               cutting of high grades) and      No top-cutting has been applied. 
               cut-off grades are usually       Grades reflect in-situ rutile 
               Material and should be stated.  content based upon analysis of the 
                                               sand fraction. 
               Where aggregate intercepts 
               incorporate short lengths of    Aggregate downhole significant 
               high grade results and longer   intercepts were calculated using the 
               lengths of low grade results,   following parameters: 
               the procedure used for such 
               aggregation should be stated      * Minimum 3m interval of 
               and some typical examples of        mineralisation. 
               such aggregations should be       * Maximum 2m interval of internal 
               shown in detail.                    "low grade" allowed provided the 
                                                   aggregate grade exceeds 0.7%, 
               The assumptions used for any        with multiple "low-grade" 
               reporting of metal equivalent       intervals permitted. 
               values should be clearly 
               stated.                         For clarity the aggregate downhole 
                                               intercept is also tabulated by 
                                               geological domain. 
Relationship   These relationships are         The mineralised eluvial soil horizon 
between        particularly important in the   forms a relatively flat lying 
mineralisation reporting of Exploration        blanket and is intersected by 
widths and     Results.                        vertical holes; hence the intercept 
intercept                                      length is approximately equivalent 
lengths        If the geometry of the          to the mineralization thickness. 
               mineralisation with respect to 
               the drill hole angle is known,  The mineralised saprolite material 
               its nature should be reported.  likely has rutile mineralisation 
                                               reflecting the primary metamorphic 
               If it is not known and only the fabric, as the weathering profile is 
               down hole lengths are reported, relatively shallow and weak with 
               there should be a clear         minimal mass reduction and chemical 
               statement to this effect (e.g.  mobilisation.  The metamorphic 
               'down hole length, true width   fabric dips 40° - 50° to the east 
               not known').                    and this would result in down hole 
                                               mineralisation lengths being up to 
                                               1.5 times true width. 
                                               The mineralised bedrock has rutile 
                                               mineralisation aligned with the 
                                               primary metamorphic fabric (as 
                                               above) and this would result in down 
                                               hole mineralisation lengths being up 
                                               to 1.5 times true width. 
Diagrams       Appropriate maps and sections   Plan of Drill hole locations see 
               (with scales) and tabulations   Figure 2 and representative drill 
               of intercepts should be         hole cross sections see Figures 4 to 
               included for any significant    6. 
               discovery being reported These 
               should include, but not be      Tabulation of drill intercepts see 
               limited to a plan view of drill Table 1 of Appendix 1. 
               hole collar locations and 
               appropriate sectional views.    Due to the limited understanding of 
                                               geological controls on 
                                               mineralisation only simplified 
                                               representative cross-sections are 
                                               reported at this time. 
Balanced       Where comprehensive reporting   All drill hole collar locations are 
reporting      of all Exploration Results is   tabulated, including those with no 
               not practicable, representative significant assays. 
               reporting of both low and high 
               grades and/or widths should be 
               practiced to avoid misleading 
               reporting of Exploration 
Other          Other exploration data, if      Metallurgical testwork on samples 
substantive    meaningful and material, should collected from shallow test pits 
exploration    be reported including (but not  within the soil /eluvial domain 
data           limited to): geological         highlighted the presence of altered 
               observations; geophysical       ilmenite (averaging 65% TiO2) 
               survey results; geochemical     within the heavy mineral assemblage. 
               survey results; bulk samples -   Significant TiO2 can be present 
               size and method of treatment;   within the Mags fraction of the HM 
               metallurgical test results;     from rutile mineralised zones, but 
               bulk density, groundwater,      in the absence of mineralogical data 
               geotechnical and rock           and a more refined analytical 
               characteristics; potential      technique it has not been possible 
               deleterious or contaminating    to quantify this TiO2 as an ilmenite 
               substances.                     that has economic potential. 
                                               The geotechnical characteristics of 
                                               the saprolite material being drilled 
                                               is not able to be reliably 
                                               determined given the RC hammer 
                                               drilling method.  This is 
                                               potentially significant as the 
                                               economic potential of the rutile 
                                               mineralisation within the saprolite 
                                               will be partially determined by the 
                                               mining method (cost) and the 
                                               processing required to generate 
                                               rutile product (e.g. liberation of 
                                               rutile grains, efficient recovery 
                                               processes).  There is a risk that 
                                               the saprolite may require drill and 
                                               blast hardrock mining methods (at 
                                               high cost) and that rutile 
                                               mineralisation may require 
                                               comminution (at high cost) to 
                                               achieve liberation and amenability 
                                               to conventional mineral sands 
                                               processing methods.  If this were 
                                               the case a substantially higher 
                                               economic cut-off grade would need to 
                                               be applied. 
                                               Similarly, the bedrock 
                                               mineralisation will necessitate hard 
                                               rock mining methods and comminution 
                                               to achieve rutile liberation - and 
                                               there is no certainty that 
                                               metallurgical testwork will deliver 
                                               economic outcomes. 
                                               The bedrock mineralisation also 
                                               contains a significant amount of 
                                               pyrite - a known deleterious element 
                                               for mineral sands processing, 
                                               together with its unfavourable 
                                               environmental impact necessitating 
                                               dedicated tailings handling and 
Further work   The nature and scale of planned Once necessary approvals have been 
               further work (e.g. tests for    obtained for the Game Controlled 
               lateral extensions or depth     Area north of the Umba River, future 
               extensions or large-scale       work will consist of reconnaissance 
               step-out drilling).             exploration to establish if broad 
               Diagrams clearly highlighting   areas of rutile mineralisation are 
               the areas of possible           present within either colluvial/ 
               extensions, including the main  alluvial material shedding from the 
               geological interpretations and  prospective ridge line, or strongly 
               future drilling areas, provided weathered saprolite associated with 
               this information is not         the targeted prospective zone. 
               commercially sensitive. 
                                               Samples from Umba South have been 
                                               sent for detailed mineralogical 
                                               analysis to assist with geological 
                                               interpretation, validation of 
                                               analytical flowsheet, metallurgical 
                                               assessment, and economic potential. 
                                               A program of trenching or 
                                               core-drilling at Umba South would 
                                               provide samples of the saprolite 
                                               that will allow geotechnical 
                                               assessment and detailed mapping / 
                                               logging of the geology and 
Base         Base Resources' wholly-owned Kenyan subsidiary, Base Titanium Limited. 
BDR          Bedrock geological domain. 
BET Two      Base Resources' wholly-owned Tanzanian subsidiary, BET Two Limited. 
Collar       Location of a drill hole. 
CS           Colluvium and Soil geological domain. 
DTM          Digital terrain model. 
Easting      A figure representing eastward distance on a map. 
GPS          Global positioning system. 
HHGPS        Handheld global positioning system. 
HM           Heavy mineral. 
JORC Code    The Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral 
             Resources and Ore Reserves, as published by the Joint Ore Reserves 
             Committee of The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 
             Australian Institute of Geoscientists and Minerals Council of 
Mag          Magnetic fraction of HM. 
Non-mag      Non magnetic fraction of HM. 
Northing     A figure representing northward distance on a map. 
NSR          No significant result. 
RC           Reverse circulation. 
SAP          Saprolite (weathered bedrock) geological domain. 
SPT          Sodium polytungstate solution used for heavy liquid separation. 
SRTM         Shuttle radar topography mission flown by space shuttle Endeavour to 
             acquire radar data used to create global land elevation dataset. 
TGC          Total graphitic carbon. 
TiO2         Titanium dioxide. 
UD           Umba drilling sample prefix. 
UTM          Universal Transverse Mercator is a plane coordinate grid system. 
VHM          Valuable heavy mineral. 
XRF          A spectroscopic method used to determine the chemical composition of a 
             material through analysis of secondary X-ray emissions, generated by 
             excitation of a sample with primary X-rays that are characteristic of 
             a particular element. 
For further information contact: 
Australian Media Relations                         UK Media Relations 
Citadel Magnus                                     Tavistock Communications 
Cameron Gilenko and Michael Weir                   Jos Simson and Gareth Tredway 
Tel: +61 8 6160 4900                               Tel: +44 207 920 3150 
About Base Resources 
Base Resources is an Australian based, African focused, mineral sands producer 
and developer with a track record of project delivery and operational 
performance.  The Company operates the established Kwale Operations in Kenya, 
is developing the Toliara Project in Madagascar and is conducting exploration 
in Tanzania.  Base Resources is an ASX and AIM listed company.  Further details 
about Base Resources are available at www.baseresources.com.au. 
Level 3, 46 Colin Street 
West Perth, Western Australia, 6005 
Email:  info@baseresources.com.au 
Phone: +61 8 9413 7400 
Fax: +61 8 9322 8912 
RFC Ambrian Limited 
Stephen Allen 
Phone: +61 8 9480 2500 
Matthew Armitt / Detlir Elezi 
Phone: +44 20 3207 7800 
Canaccord Genuity 
Raj Khatri / James Asensio / Patrick Dolaghan 
Phone: +44 20 7523 8000 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

May 09, 2023 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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