crazy horse 0
2 hours ago
Higher Lows and Higher Highs RITE
120,000,000 vol all above .0028!
a minimum of $338,000 dollars traded here today, probably closer to $375,000
all of today's trading volume not only took place above yesterday's close ($0.0024) but the lowest price of the day was .0027 or 0028
within the first hour of trade today, RITE had traded nearly 95% of thursday's volume and all over .0030 with a print as high as 0038, i also saw a 6M buy smash the ask at .0034 ($20,000) buy
RITE traded 120,000,000 shares today all above thursdays close (very impressive)
as for Market Maker activity
as with any OTC stock, manipulation can be done and likely takes place on any given day, with unsolicited quotes, there is more wiggle room for larger spreads and odd volume prints and sporadic volume. There is also a higher chance for cross trades and share swaps btwn individual traders and or professional market makers. I firmly believe that walls have been put up for shares to be accumulated.
on level 2, when you see an ask or bid put up and immediately bought into or sold into, that is professional OTC traders doing what they do best, causing confusion and or loading. There are multiple ways to cause people to panic or sell or panic buy in the OTC, especially on news and even more so when a stock is UNSOLICITED QUOTES only.
RITE traded in a range of .0002-0008 for MONTHS!!!! once RITE broke above 0008-0010 range, the stock has been under heavy accumulation, i think these past two days, RITE is being loaded up for a much larger move. This kind of shaking of the tree and confusion in a tight trading range after running from .000s to .0030s is very positive and encouraging. You have to have churning after a big move from 000s otherwise, the stock cant reset and resume higher. A new base must be established, of course business developments must continue on a transparent and positive trajection. I think the FORM 10 will get a lot of people's attention and more and more eyes will see the great steps that the new CEO has taken and they will bear fruit.
professional OTC traders with L2 and those who only trade watching LV 2 live trading can see just how strong RITE trading has been. Moves like this dont happen all that often and the way RITE has traded since breaking .0010 is very very strong and I think RITE will be seeing a break over $.0050 very soon and a push to $.01+ in the very near future
2 hours ago
Even though Mr. Burgauer's response contains no non-public information, to ensure that there is equal access to full, fair, accurate and timely information for all, the text of the answer he personally gave was as follows:
You are correct in your assessment that RITE does not control the price of our stock in the market.
What controls the price is the sentiment of investors, and/or the professional players that act as agents, dealers, and/or market-makers for those investors.
In the truest sense, investors each individually determine what they believe the value of a share of an enterprise is, then they engage with other investors who each have their own opinion as well, and they negotiate or otherwise attempt to arrive at a price that both parties find acceptable. If they succeed, then they conduct business; and if not, they don't.
Presumably the professionals fairly represent each investor to facilitate the ensuing transactions with an eye towards making a tick by providing assistance in the process. Presumably - that is, presumably they provide assistance in facilitating the transaction. Sometimes they have their own agendas. Obviously, one of their agenda points is to make money. To that end, transactional volume is important. That is, if you make .0001 on a trade, and you trade 120 million shares, you put $12,000 in your pocket. And, if you can go short or long the stock at will, you can often make another tick here or there -- all of which adds up by virtue of the volume. One really never knows the actual position of the professional investors because of the way information is reported in the industry.
Sometimes it also takes a bit of time for investors to digest information. After all, RITE did put out 62 pages of information yesterday. That is one of the reasons we issued our reports after market hours -- in the hopes that our shareholders would have sufficient time to assimilate the information we disclosed. Many investors will likely take the weekend to review and study further, and may well revise or strengthen their initial assessments.
Of course, we at RITE have an eye to generate value for our shareholders. Part of that value is reflective in today's stock price. Part of that value is reflected in what the Company is doing and how successful it will be doing it. That success, of course, should be reflected in tomorrow's stock price, next year's stock price, and next decade's stock price.
While of course we want to see the stock price go up just as you do, RITE is running a marathon, not a sprint.
Hopefully this helps you better understand the dynamics as we see them
14 hours ago
120,000,000 vol all above .0028!
a minimum of $338,000 dollars traded here today, probably closer to $375,000
all of today's trading volume not only took place above yesterday's close ($0.0024) but the lowest price of the day was .0027 or 0028
within the first hour of trade today, RITE had traded nearly 95% of thursday's volume and all over .0030 with a print as high as 0038, i also saw a 6M buy smash the ask at .0034 ($20,000) buy
RITE traded 120,000,000 shares today all above thursdays close (very impressive)
as for Market Maker activity
as with any OTC stock, manipulation can be done and likely takes place on any given day, with unsolicited quotes, there is more wiggle room for larger spreads and odd volume prints and sporadic volume. There is also a higher chance for cross trades and share swaps btwn individual traders and or professional market makers. I firmly believe that walls have been put up for shares to be accumulated.
on level 2, when you see an ask or bid put up and immediately bought into or sold into, that is professional OTC traders doing what they do best, causing confusion and or loading. There are multiple ways to cause people to panic or sell or panic buy in the OTC, especially on news and even more so when a stock is UNSOLICITED QUOTES only.
RITE traded in a range of .0002-0008 for MONTHS!!!! once RITE broke above 0008-0010 range, the stock has been under heavy accumulation, i think these past two days, RITE is being loaded up for a much larger move. This kind of shaking of the tree and confusion in a tight trading range after running from .000s to .0030s is very positive and encouraging. You have to have churning after a big move from 000s otherwise, the stock cant reset and resume higher. A new base must be established, of course business developments must continue on a transparent and positive trajection. I think the FORM 10 will get a lot of people's attention and more and more eyes will see the great steps that the new CEO has taken and they will bear fruit.
professional OTC traders with L2 and those who only trade watching LV 2 live trading can see just how strong RITE trading has been. Moves like this dont happen all that often and the way RITE has traded since breaking .0010 is very very strong and I think RITE will be seeing a break over $.0050 very soon and a push to $.01+ in the very near future
18 hours ago
When the volume dried up, MMs were able to get shares much cheaper from weak hands so they let it go as low as sellers would give them up. Folks holding for copper and silver don't give up that easy. Flippers gonna flip, then we can rip. Still left most of the sellers from yesterday in the dust, so that was nice. Now if we can leave today's sellers in the dust next week, it'll be even nicer.When the volume dried up, MMs were able to get shares much cheaper from weak hands so they let it go as low as sellers would give them up. Folks holding for copper and silver don't give up that easy. Flippers gonna flip, then we can rip. Still left most of the sellers from yesterday in the dust, so that was nice. Now if we can leave today's sellers in the dust next week, it'll be even nicer.