RNS Number:6281G
Guinness Flight Venture Cap Tst PLC
30 October 2007

Guinness Flight Venture Capital Trust PLC

Investment Manager's Review
For the six months ended 31 August 2007


The NAV at 31 August 2007 has increased to 50.42p per share compared to 49.52p
at 28 February 2007, an increase of 1.8% over the period.  Overall, the
performance of the portfolio companies has been satisfactory. Whilst there has
been a write down in the value of one significant investment, there are material
valuation increases in two others which more than offset that write down.
Details of the changes in valuation of the major investments are shown in the
table below.

Unlisted investments held by Guinness Flight Venture Capital Trust are valued in
accordance with the International Private Equity and Venture Capital Valuation
Guidelines. Investments which are traded on the Alternative Investment Market
(AIM) or a recognised stock exchange are valued at their bid price.


The Company has not realised any major investments during the six month period
and continues to utilise the borrowing facility provided by Bank of Scotland.
The Board does not intend to declare a dividend while this situation persists.

Investment Strategy

The Manager's strategy is to build a diversified portfolio of unlisted and AIM
investments that offer excellent growth prospects and therefore the opportunity
for capital gains in the medium and longer term while maintaining VCT qualifying
status. The value of the portfolio is concentrated in a relatively small number
of investments and the Manager expects over time to sell most of these holdings
and re-invest in a larger number of smaller investments. This will result in a
more diversified base to spread the risk which is associated with investing in
smaller companies. This process will take some time to allow the existing
holdings to be divested at the optimum time in each investee company's business

Regulatory changes

The overall VCT fundraising market declined by approximately two thirds in the
year to April 2007 which reflects the changes to the VCT regulations announced
in the last two Budgets. For funds raised after April 2006, new restrictions on
the size of company in which VCTs can invest where those investments are to be
treated as qualifying were introduced. The regulations introduced in the 2007
Budget are particularly onerous in this regard focussing on the maximum number
that can be employed in addition to placing a limit on the amount which can be
raised under venture capital schemes by the investee company. However, those new
2007 regulations do not affect the money raised by the Company which can
continue to invest in the scale and type of company which the Manager intends to
target and has achieved success with in the past.

Investment activity

The Company is constrained from making substantial new investments at present
but has invested #300,000 in two new investments alongside other VCT clients of
the Manager. At 31 August 2007, the investment portfolio consisted of
twenty-three active unlisted and AIM investments having a total cost of #19.2

The following new investments were made during the reporting period.

Investment                           Date                      Activity                        Cost
                                                                #'000                         #'000
Countcar                             May 2007 Provider of tool, plant hire and hydraulic        100
                                              products and services to the oil and gas
Funeral Services Partnership         May 2007 Operator of funeral director businesses           200

Total unlisted investment                                                                       300

Portfolio developments

Unlisted investments

The following provide an update on progress at the major investments:

Espresso Broadband

The six month period saw significant progress made at Espresso Broadband with
the acquisition of the Channel 4 Learning business which has enhanced the value
of the company significantly. This has been recognised in an increased valuation
amounting to #750,000.


Good progress has also been made at LG & DE following the acquisition by that
company of the Far Eastern interests in the Linguaphone brand. This has
increased the value of the company which is again reflected in an increased

Mawdsley's GNS

In contrast, one of the legal processes in which Mawdsley's GNS had engaged was
unsuccessful. A date for mediation has been agreed on the main remaining legal
action and it is anticipated that progress towards settlement will be made as a
result. The valuation of the investment has been reduced to reflect the
unsuccessful court case earlier in the year and to reflect the uncertainty
inherent in any legal action

Higher Nature

Mawdsley's GNS was set up to realise certain assets from Mawdsley's. The
remaining assets are now the proceeds of a court case against a former supplier
to the business. A date for mediation has been agreed on this action and it is
anticipated that progress towards settlement will be made as a result. However,
as there is uncertainty inherent in any legal action and as it is unlikely that
the company will recover the full amount of certain other debts, the valuation
has been reduced.


After a series of technical issues which have delayed the start of full scale
production, the Serrastone plant is expected to begin production in the coming
months. Further funding is being raised by the company to take it through to
positive cash flow from trading.


Vyre continues to show good growth and has exceeded its previous year turnover
after eight months of its current financial year. Its customer base and sales
pipeline are both extremely strong.

AIM investments

During the period, the balance of the holding in UBC Media Group was sold
realising #131,573 resulting in a loss of #266,938 against the cost of the
investment and a reduction compared to the February 2007 valuation of #67,491.

Risk and uncertainties

The Board has reviewed the principal risks and uncertainties facing the Company
in the second half of its financial year; these are unchanged from those it
faced at the start of the year. They are continuing to comply with the venture
capital trust regulations and mitigating the risk associated with investment in
smaller unlisted and AIM quoted companies. The Manager closely monitors the
position of the Company to ensure that it complies with the various tests at all
times. In order to minimise the exposure to investment risk, the Company has
invested in a portfolio of investments in unlisted and AIM quoted companies
across a range of industrial sectors in the United Kingdom and the Manager
intends to increase the number and diversity of sectors in due course.


Aberdeen Asset Managers has become more directly involved with the portfolio
companies during the first half of the financial year following its appointment
as Manager late in 2006. Whilst two new investments have been made, current cash
constraints mean that the strategy of rebuilding the portfolio into a highly
diversified selection of good quality smaller company assets can only really
begin after the realisation of one or more of the existing investments. Progress
towards the first of these realisations has been made but will take some time
yet to result in a sale.  Both of the new investments made during the last six
months are performing in line with expectations at this early stage.  The
Manager has strong deal flow and it is expected that the Company will co-invest
alongside other VCTs managed by the Manager when realisations are achieved.

Guinness Flight Venture Capital Trust PLC
Income Statement
For the six months ended 31 August 2007

                         Six months to 31 August 2007     Six months to 31 August 2006   Year ended 28 February 2007
                                 (unaudited)                      (unaudited)                     (audited)

                           Revenue  Capital     Total      Revenue   Capital     Total     Revenue  Capital    Total
                             #'000    #'000     #'000        #'000     #'000     #'000       #'000    #'000    #'000
Investment income and           58        -        58           20         -        20         152        -      152
deposit interest                                                                                             

Investment management
fees                           (59)     (86)     (145)         (60)     (181)     (241)       (111)    (332)    (443)
Finance costs                  (11)     (34)      (45)          (1)       (1)       (2)        (14)     (40)     (54)

Other expenses                 (82)      -        (82)        (136)        -      (136)       (308)       -     (308)
Gains/(losses) on
investments                    -        456       456            -      (503)     (503)          -   (5,641)  (5,641)

Profit on ordinary
before taxation                (94)     336       242         (177)     (685)     (862)       (281)  (6,013)  (6,294)

Tax on ordinary
activities                       -        -         -            -         -         -           -        -        -

Profit on ordinary
after taxation                 (94)     336       242         (177)     (685)     (862)       (281)  (6,013)  (6,294)

Earnings per share
(pence)                      (0.35)    1.24      0.89        (0.64)    (2.49)    (3.13)      (1.03)  (21.99)  (23.02)

A Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses has not been prepared, as all
gains and losses are recognised in the Income Statement.

All items in the above statement are derived from continuing operations. The
Company has only one class of business and derives its income from investments 
made in shares, securities and bank deposits.

The total column of this Statement is the Profit and Loss Account of the

Reconciliation of movements in              Six months             Six months                  Year
Shareholders' Funds                            ended                   ended                   ended
                                           31 August 2007         31 August 2006          28 February 2007
                                                    #'000                  #'000                     #'000
Opening Shareholders' funds                        13,440                 20,605                    20,605
Total return for period                               242                   (862)                   (6,294)
Repurchase and cancellation of shares                   -                   (323)                     (323)
Dividends paid - capital                                -                   (276)                     (548)
Closing Shareholders' funds                        13,682                 19,144                    13,440

Guinness Flight Venture Capital Trust PLC
Balance Sheet
As at 31 August 2007                                                                                      28
                                                                31 August          31 August        February      
                                                                     2007               2006            2007
                                                               (unaudited)        (unaudited)       (audited)
                                                 Notes              #'000              #'000           #'000

Fixed assets

Investments at fair value through profit or                        15,472             19,414          14,855

Current assets
Debtors                                                                56                  -              20

Cash and overnight deposits                                            88                122             303
                                                                      144                122             323
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year    4                (1,934)              (392)         (1,738)

Net current liabilities                                            (1,790)              (270)         (1,415)

Total net assets                                                   13,682             19,144          13,440

Capital and reserves

Called up share capital                                             2,714              2,714           2,714

Special reserve                                   2                24,022             24,294          24,022
Capital redemption reserve                        2                   255                255             255

Capital reserve - realised                        2               (10,849)            (6,650)        (10,462)

Capital reserve - unrealised                      2                (1,621)              (828)         (2,344)
Revenue reserve                                   2                  (839)              (641)           (745)
Net assets attributable to ordinary                                13,682             19,144          13,440

Net Asset Value per Ordinary share (pence)                          50.42              70.54           49.52

The accompanying Notes are an integral part of the Financial Statements.

Guinness Flight Venture Capital Trust PLC
Cash Flow Statement
For the six months ended 31 August 2007

                                             Six months to    Six months to         Year ended
                                            31 August 2007   31 August 2006   28 February 2007
                                                (unaudited)      (unaudited)          (audited)
                                                     #'000            #'000              #'000

Net cash outflow from operating activities            (311)            (479)              (208)

Financial investment
Purchase of investments                               (666)          (1,379)            (1,736)
Sale of investments                                    143              721                749
Net cash outflow from financial investment            (523)            (658)              (987)

Equity dividends paid                                    -             (276)              (548)
Net cash outflow before financing                     (834)          (1,413)            (1,743)

Bank loan interest paid                                (45)              (2)               (54)
Repurchase of Ordinary shares                            -             (323)              (323)
Net cash outflow from financing                        (45)            (325)              (377)

Decrease in cash                                      (879)          (1,738)            (2,120)

The accompanying Notes are an integral part of the Financial Statements.

Guinness Flight Venture Capital Trust PLC
Notes to the Financial Statements


Accounting Policies

*   The financial information for the six months ended 31 August 2007 and the 
six months ended 31 August 2006 comprises non-statutory accounts within the 
meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.

*   The financial information contained in this report has been prepared on the 
basis of the accounting policies set out in the Annual Report and Financial 
Statements for the year ended 28 February 2007.

*   The results for the year ended 28 February 2007 are extracted from the full 
accounts for that year, which received an unqualified report from the Auditors 
and have been filed with the Registrar of Companies.

                                                          Capital       Capital         Capital
                                         Special       redemption       reserve         reserve        Revenue
                                         reserve          reserve      realised      unrealised        reserve
                                           #'000            #'000         #'000           #'000          #'000
2.  Movement in reserves

    At 28 February 2007                   24,022              255       (10,462)         (2,344)          (745)
    Losses on sales of investments             -                -          (267)              -              -

    Net increase in value of
    investments                                -                -             -             723              -

    Investment management fees                 -                -           (86)              -              -
    Finance costs                              -                -           (34)              -              -
    Loss on ordinary activities after
    taxation                                   -                -             -               -            (94)
    As at 31 August 2007                  24,022              255       (10,849)         (1,621)          (839)

                                                                                            Six months ended
3.  Return per ordinary shares                                                                31 August 2007

    The returns per share have been based on the following
    Weighted average number of ordinary shares                                                    27,138,128
    Revenue Return                                                                                  #(94,000)
    Capital Return                                                                                  #336,000

4. Creditors

Amounts falling due within one year include #1.4 million of a #1.8 million bank
facility, provided by Bank of Scotland, which has recently been renewed.

Summary of Investment Changes

                                                                  Increase/              Profit/     
                                    Valuation           New       (decrease     Proceeds  (Loss)      Valuation
                                28 February 2007    Investment   in valuation)  on sale   on sale   31 August 2007
                                            #'000       #'000         #'000      #'000     #'000           #'000
Espresso Broadband                          2,483                       750                                 3,233
Vyre Limited                                3,091                                                           3,091
LG & DE Limited                             2,493                       307                                 2,800
Higher Nature                               2,060                                                           2,060
Serrastone                                  1,360                                                           1,360
Mawdsley's GNS Limited                      1,258         214          (722)                                  750
Fine Art Logistics                            511                                                             511
Ashford Colour Press Limited                  338                        52         11        11              390
Bridgefilms                                   324                       (30)                                  294
IDG                                           292                                                             292
Others (Less than #250,000                    431         452          (202)         -         -              681
at 31 August 2007)

Total unlisted                             14,641         666           155         11        11           15,462

Total AIM (All less than                      213          -             (5)       132       (67)              10

Total Portfolio                            14,855         666           150        143       (56)          15,472

Investment Portfolio Summary

As at 31 August 2007
Investment                                                                        Bookcost   aluation         % of
Ashford Colour Press Limited    Printer specialising in educational text books         439        390          2.5
Baby Innovations Marketing      Design and marketing of disposable sterilised          200        200          1.3
Internationais LDA              babies bottles
Bridgefilms                     Commercialisation of property rights to              1,397        294          1.9
                                children's TV characters
Churchyard Limited              Consultancy promoting tourism and inward                50         25          0.2
Countcar Limited                Provider of tool, plant hire and hydraulic             100        100          0.6
                                products and services to the oil and gas

Espresso Broadband              Development and supply of educational resources        751      3,233         20.9
                                to primary schools
Fine Art Logistics              Packing and shipping services for the fine art         613        511          3.3
Funeral Services Partnership    Operator of funeral directors                          200        200          1.3
Higher Nature                   Mail order supplier of natural health foods and        500      2,060         13.3
                                homeopathic medicines
IDG                             Laboratory testing services for the food and         1,000        292          1.9
                                pharmaceutical industries

LG & DE Limited                 Supplier of language training courses under the        405      2,800         18.1
                                Linguaphone brand

Mawdsley's GNS Limited          Asset recovery from disposal of the trade and        1,197        750          4.8
                                assets of engineering business, Mawdsley's
New Concept                     Publishing of trade magazines for the property,        750        133          0.9
                                security and fire prevention sectors

Serrastone                      Development of innovative gypsum-based building        694      1,360          8.8

Vyre Limited                    Software developer specialising in web-based           615      3,091         20.0
Others valued at less than                                                           9,399         23          0.1
                                                                                    18,310     15,462         99.9
ID Data Group plc               Supplier of secure transaction systems and             894         10          0.1
                                related services for the international
                                telephone, banking and retail industries
                                                                                       894         10          0.1

Total investments                                                                   19,204     15,472         100%

Other information

The Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share has been calculated using the number of
Ordinary Shares in issue at 31 August 2007 of 27,138,128.

A summary of investment changes for the six months under review and an
investment portfolio summary as at 31 August 2007 are attached above.

A full copy of the Interim Report and Financial Statements will be printed and
issued to Shareholders.

Copies of this announcement will be available to the public at the office of
Aberdeen Asset Management PLC, 149 St Vincent Street, Glasgow and at the
registered office of the Company, One Bow Churchyard, Cheapside, London.

Directors' responsibility statement

The implementation of the EU Transparency Obligations Directive and the
associated amendments to the rules laid down by the UK Listing Authority require
the Directors to confirm their responsibilities in relation to the preparation
and publication of the interim report and financial statements.

The Directors confirm that, to the best of their knowledge:

the financial statements for the six months ended 31 August 2007 have been
prepared in accordance with applicable accounting standards and with the
Statement of Recommended Practice 'Financial Statements of Investment Trust
Companies' (the SORP) issued in December 2005 the interim report includes a 
fair review of the information required by DTR 4.2.7R in relation to the 
indication of important events during the first six months, and of the principal 
risks and uncertainties facing the Company during the second six months, of the 
year ending 28 February 2008 the interim report includes adequate disclosure 
of the information required by DTR 4.2.8R in relation to related party 
transactions and any changes therein.

On behalf of the Board


30 October 2007

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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