RNS Number : 5115R

Orchid Developments Group Ltd

20 November 2012

20 November 2012

Orchid Developments Group Ltd.

("Orchid", the "Company" or the "Group")

Open Offer of 93,966,260 new Ordinary Shares to raise up to GBP2,114,240.85

Capitalisation of Bellport Fees and

Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting

Further to the announcement of 12 November 2012 and the ongoing suspension of Group's shares, Orchid (AIM: OCH), the Bulgarian focused property developer and investor, announces that it proposes to:

(i) raise up to GBP2,114,240.85 (approximately EUR2.64 million) (gross) by way of an Open Offer on the basis of 1 (one) Offer Share for each Existing Ordinary Share held; and

(ii) capitalise GBP671,621 (approximately EUR839,526) of fees due to Bellport by the issue of 29,849,813 Ordinary Shares.

The issue price for the Offer Shares and the Capitalisation Shares is 2.25 pence per share (being a premium of 20 per cent. to the closing price on 21 September 2012, being the last dealing day prior to the announcement of the suspension of the Company's shares).

The Open Offer and capitalisation of GBP671,621 of fees by Bellport is conditional upon, amongst other things, the Directors obtaining appropriate Shareholder authorities at the EGM to:

   (i)     increase the authorised share capital of the Company; 
   (ii)    disapply pre-emption rights which would otherwise apply to the Capitalisation Shares; and 

(iii) waive the requirements of article 144(C) of the Articles, as well as the lifting of the Suspension and Admission.

The lifting of the Suspension will only occur once the Open Offer has completed and the Interim Results have been published and shall occur on the same day as Admission.

The Offer Shares are being made available to Qualifying Shareholders and Qualifying DI Holders, who have the right to subscribe for their pro rata Open Offer Entitlements, together with a right to subscribe for additional Offer Shares pursuant to the Excess Application Facility, each in accordance with the terms of the Open Offer. It is expected that the Existing Ordinary Shares will be re-admitted, that Admission will (subject to the Minimum Subscription having been achieved) become effective and that dealings in the Offer Shares and the Capitalisation Shares will commence on 17 December 2012.

Guy Meyohas and Ofer Miretzky, the Joint Chief Executive Officers of the Company, have committed to invest up to GBP1.36 million (EUR1.7 million), being the Minimum Subscription, as part of the Proposals.

Accordingly and pursuant to an irrevocable undertaking from Guy Meyohas, Ofer Miretzky and Bellport, ("the Concert Party") has conditionally agreed to:

   (i)     take up their respective Open Offer Entitlements; 

(ii) subscribe for up to a further 32,281,756 Offer Shares to the extent that such Offer Shares are not subscribed by Existing Shareholders under the Open Offer in order that the Minimum Subscription is met;

(iii) extinguish GBP671,621 (approximately EUR839,526) of fees due to Bellport by the issue of the Capitalisation Shares; and

(iv) accept the Potential Further Capitalisation Shares or to defer payment of such amounts (together with interest accruing daily at a rate of 5 per cent. per annum), until the earlier of a sale of assets of the Group following which the Company has sufficient surplus cash to make the repayment and 31 December 2013, if there is insufficient cash to pay the Future Fees due to Bellport.

The Concert Party will hold, in aggregate, 39.34 per cent. of the voting rights of the Company if the Open Offer is taken up in full or 63.84 per cent. of the voting rights of the Company if no one takes up the Open Offer other than the Concert Party and the Concert Party subscribes more than its pro rata entitlement in accordance with the Irrevocable Undertaking. Without an ordinary resolution of the Independent Shareholders waiving the requirements of article 144(C) of the Articles, the Concert Party would be required to make a general offer under that article to acquire all of the Ordinary Shares not already owned by them. A proposed waiver of the obligations of the Concert Party to make an offer pursuant to article 144(C) of the Articles is set out in the Waiver Resolution. The Irrevocable undertaking is conditional, amongst other things, on the Waiver Resolution being passed by Shareholders.

A shareholder circular, containing information about the background to and the reasons for, amongst other things, the Open Offer and the Capitalisation ("the Proposals"), explain why the Directors consider the Proposals to be in the best interests of the Company and its shareholders as a whole and why the Independent Directors recommend that you vote in favour of the Resolutions to be proposed at the EGM, will be published and sent to shareholders today and, when published, will be available on the Company's website www.orchid-dev.com, the ("Shareholder Circular").

An Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders to approve the Proposals will be held at 11.00 a.m. on 14 December 2012, notice of which will be set out at the end of the Shareholder Circular.

Shareholders should note that, if the Resolutions are not approved at the Extraordinary General Meeting, the Minimum Subscription will not be received by the Company and the Capitalisation will not occur. If this were to happen, the Company would not have sufficient working capital to continue to trade, would need to cease to trade and would most likely be placed into liquidation.

Set out below are extracts from the Shareholder Circular, including the Letter from the Chairman, which is set out in full, in addition to certain other information. Shareholders attention is drawn to the statements on working capital set out in paragraph 3 of Part I of the Shareholder Circular. Shareholders are advised to read the Shareholder Circular in its entirety and not just the information reproduced in this announcement.

All defined terms in this announcement shall have the same meaning as ascribed to them in the Shareholder Circular.

Guy Meyohas, Chief Executive Officer of Orchid, said:

"We are pleased to launch this initiative as a Board and for the Group to be taking a step closer to having its shares readmitted.

We believe there is significant value in Orchid's asset base, especially the Grand Mall which is exhibiting significant investment potential. This is why Ofer and I have committed to invest up to GBP1.36 million to ensure the Minimum Subscription is met.

We hope shareholders will vote in favour of the proposals to allow us the best chance to maximise and return value to all our shareholders."


 Number of Ordinary Shares in issue 
  as at the date of this document                  93,966,260 
 Number of Offer Shares being offered 
  pursuant to the Open Offer                       93,966,260 
 Issue Price                                           2.25 p 
 Number of Capitalisation Shares to 
  be issued to Bellport by way of the 
  Capitalisation                                   29,849,831 
 Number of Ordinary Shares in issue 
  following Admission (assuming full 
  subscription under the Open Offer)*             219,071,221 
 Number of Ordinary Shares in issue 
  following Admission (assuming no 
  take up under the Open Offer other 
  than pursuant to the Irrevocable 
  Undertaking)*                                   185,549,405 
 Number of Offer Shares and Capitalisation    56.52 per cent. 
  Shares as a percentage of the enlarged 
  Ordinary Share capital of the Company 
  following completion of the Open 
  Offer (assuming full subscription 
  under the Open Offer) 
 Number of Offer Shares and Capitalisation    48.66 per cent. 
  Shares as a percentage of the enlarged 
  Ordinary Share Capital of the Company 
  following completion of the Open 
  Offer (assuming no take up under 
  the Open Offer other than pursuant 
  to the Irrevocable Undertaking) 
 Estimated gross proceeds receivable          GBP1.36 million 
  by the Company from the Open Offer 
  and Minimum Subscription (assuming 
  no take up under the Open Offer other 
  than pursuant to the Irrevocable 

In calculating currency conversions from amounts in EUR to GBP (and vice versa) in Parts I and IV of the Shareholder Circular, an exchange rate of EUR 1.25 : GBP1 has been used.

*Includes 1,288,888 Ordinary Shares to be issued in lieu of certain fees, at the Issue Price, on completion of the Fundraising


 Record Date for entitlements                   5p.m. on 14 November 
  under the Open Offer                                          2012 
 Announcement of Open Offer                 7.00 a.m. on 20 November 
 Publication of this Circular                       20 November 2012 
  and dispatch of the Application 
  Forms, Forms of Proxy and Forms 
  of Direction 
 Ex-entitlement date for the                8.00 a.m. on 21 November 
  Open Offer Open Offer                                         2012 
 Open Offer Entitlements and                8.00 a.m. on 20 November 
  Excess CREST Open Offer Entitlements                          2012 
  enabled in CREST and credited 
  to stock accounts of Qualifying 
  DI Holders as soon as possible 
 Recommended latest time for                 4.30 p.m. on 7 December 
  requesting withdrawal of Open                                 2012 
  Offer Entitlements and Excess 
  CREST Open Offer Entitlements 
  from CREST 
 Latest time for depositing                 3.00 p.m. on 10 December 
  Open Offer Entitlements and                                   2012 
  Excess CREST Open Offer Entitlements 
  into CREST 
 Latest time and date for receipt          11.00 a.m. on 11 December 
  of Forms of Direction from                                    2012 
  Qualifying DI Holders for the 
  Extraordinary General Meeting 
 Latest time and date for splitting         3.00 p.m. on 11 December 
  Application Forms (to satisfy                                 2012 
  bona fide market claims only) 
 Latest time and date for receipt          11.00 a.m. on 12 December 
  of Forms of Proxy from                                        2012 
  Qualifying Shareholders for 
  the Extraordinary General Meeting 
 Latest time for receipt of                11.00 a.m. on 13 December 
  completed Application Forms                                   2012 
  and payment in full under the 
  Open Offer or settlement of 
  relevant CREST instruction 
  (as appropriate) 
 Extraordinary General Meeting             11.00 a.m. on 14 December 
 The results of the Extraordinary                 By 2.00 p.m. on 14 
  General Meeting announced through                    December 2012 
  a Regulatory Information Service 
 Anticipated publication of                 7.00 a.m. on 17 December 
  the Interim Results                                           2012 
 Anticipated lifting of the                 7.30 a.m. on 17 December 
  Suspension                                                    2012 
 Re-admission of Existing Ordinary          8.00 a.m. on 17 December 
  Shares and Admission and commencement                         2012 
  of dealings in the Fundraising 
  Shares on AIM 
 CREST stock accounts credited              8.00 a.m. on 17 December 
  with Depository Interests representing                        2012 
  Fundraising Shares as soon 
  as possible thereafter 
 Dispatch of share certificates                    By 2 January 2013 
  for the new shares in certificated 
 For further information please contact 
 Orchid Developments            www.orchid-dev.com 
  Guy Meyohas                       +359 52 953307 
 Shore Capital and Corporate 
  Bidhi Bhoma / Toby Gibbs        +44 20 7408 4090 
 MHP Communications 
  Reg Hoare / Tim McCall 
  / Vicky Watkins                 +44 20 3128 8100 


This announcement has not been approved by the UK Financial Services Authority or by any other regulatory authority. This announcement does not constitute the Shareholder Circular and investors should not subscribe for or purchase any securities referred to in this announcement except on the basis of information provided in the Shareholder Circular to be published by the Company in due course. This announcement does not constitute an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to subscribe for, the securities in any jurisdiction in which such offer or solicitation is unlawful.

The distribution of this announcement and/or the prospectus and/or securities into jurisdictions other than the United Kingdom may be restricted by law. Persons into whose possession this announcement comes should inform themselves about and observe any such restrictions. Any failure to comply with these restrictions may constitute a violation of the securities laws of any such jurisdiction.

In particular, this announcement is not for distribution, directly or indirectly in, or into the United States (including its territories and dependencies, any State of the United States and the District of Columbia), Australia, Canada, Japan or South Africa. This announcement does not constitute or form a part of any offer or solicitation to purchase or subscribe for securities in the United States. The securities have not been, and will not be, registered under the US Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act"). The securities mentioned herein may not be offered or sold in the United States absent registration or an applicable exemption from the registration requirements of the Securities Act. There will be no public offer of such securities in the United States.

The securities have not been or will not be registered under the relevant laws of any state, province or territory of Australia, Canada, Japan or South Africa and may not be offered, sold, taken up, exercised, resold, renounced, transferred or delivered, directly or indirectly, within Australia, Canada, Japan, South Africa or the Republic of Ireland except pursuant to an applicable exemption.

Neither the content of the Orchid website nor any website accessible by hyperlinks on the Orchid website is incorporated in, or forms part of, this announcement.

Shore Capital and Corporate Limited, which is authorised and regulated in the United Kingdom by the Financial Services Authority, is acting as nominated adviser to the Company in relation to the Open Offer. The responsibilities of Shore Capital and Corporate Limited as the Company's nominated adviser under the AIM Rules for Nominated Advisers are owed solely to London Stock Exchange and are not owed to the Company, to any Director or to any person. Shore Capital Stockbrokers Limited, which is a member of London Stock Exchange plc and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority, is acting as the broker to the Company. Persons reading this announcement and receiving the Shareholder Circular should note that Shore Capital Stockbrokers Limited will not be responsible to anyone other than the Company, for providing the protections afforded to its clients or for advising any other person on the arrangements described in the Shareholder Circular. Neither Shore Capital and Corporate Limited nor Shore Capital Stockbrokers Limited has authorised the contents of, or any part of, the Shareholder Circular and no liability whatsoever is accepted by either of them for the accuracy of any information or opinions contained the Shareholder Circular or for the omission of any information.

This announcement has been issued by and is the sole responsibility of Orchid. No representation or warranty, express or implied, is or will be made as to, or in relation to, and no responsibility or liability is or will be accepted by Shore Capital and Corporate Limited or Shore Capital Stockbrokers Limited, together being ("Shore Capital"), or its affiliates as to, or in relation to, the accuracy or completeness of this announcement or any other written or oral information made available to or publicly available to any interested party or its advisers, and any responsibility or liability therefore whether arising in tort, contract or otherwise is expressly disclaimed.

Shore Capital is not underwriting the Open Offer. Save as required or imposed by the UK Financial Services and Markets Act 2000, no representation or warranty, express or implied, is made by Shore Capital as to the accuracy, completeness or fairness of any information in this announcement and Shore Capital accept no responsibility or liability for this announcement and accordingly they disclaim all and any liability, whether arising in tort, contract or otherwise, which they might otherwise be found to have in respect of this announcement.

This announcement includes forward-looking statements that reflect the current views of Orchid's management with respect to future events. These forward-looking statements include all matters that are not historical facts. They include, but are not limited to, statements regarding the Company's intentions, beliefs or current expectations concerning, inter alia, the Company's results of operations and financial position, and the development of the markets and the industry in which the Group operates. Forward-looking statements are based on current plans, estimates and projections, and therefore too much reliance should not be placed upon them. Such statements are subject to risks and uncertainties, most of which are difficult to predict and are generally beyond the Company's control. Orchid cautions you that forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and that if risks and uncertainties materialise, or if the assumptions underlying any of these statements prove incorrect, the Company's actual results of operations and financial position, and the development of the markets and the industry in which the Group operates may materially differ from those made in, or suggested by, the forward-looking statements contained in this announcement. In addition, even if the results of operations and financial position, and the development of the markets and the industry in which the Group operates, are consistent with the forward-looking statements contained in this announcement, those results or developments may not be indicative of results or developments in future periods..



(incorporated under the laws of the Cayman Islands with Number CR-136434)

 Directors:                                Registered office: 
 Joseph Georg Drescher (Non-Executive       Paget-Brown Trust 
  Director and Chairman)                          Company Ltd 
 Mark Holdsworth (Non-Executive                 Boundary Hall 
  Director and Deputy Chairman) 
 Ofer Miretzky (Joint Chief Executive          Cricket Square 
 Guy Meyohas (Joint Chief Executive               PO Box 1111 
 Amir Rosentuler (Non-Executive         Grand Cayman KY1-1102 
                                               Cayman Islands 
                                          British West Indies 

20 November 2012

To the Existing Shareholders and for information purposes only, holders of options to subscribe for Ordinary Shares.

Open Offer to raise up to GBP2,114,240.85

Capitalisation of Bellport Fees


Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting

   1.         introduction 

On 24 September 2012, the Company announced that the Existing Ordinary Shares had been suspended pending clarification of the Group's financial position. The Company now proposes to: (i) raise up to GBP2.1 million (approximately EUR2.64 million) (gross) by way of an Open Offer on the basis of 1 (one) Offer Share for each Existing Ordinary Share held; and (ii) capitalise GBP671,621 (approximately EUR839,526) of fees due to Bellport by the issue of 29,849,813 Ordinary Shares. The issue price for the Offer Shares and the Capitalisation Shares is 2.25 pence per share (being a premium of 20 per cent. to the Closing Price). The Fundraising is conditional upon, amongst other things, the Directors obtaining appropriate Shareholder authorities at the EGM to: (i) increase the authorised share capital of the Company; (ii) disapply pre-emption rights which would otherwise apply to the Capitalisation Shares; and (iii) waive the requirements of article 144(C) of the Articles, as well as the lifting of the Suspension and Admission. The lifting of the Suspension will only occur once the Open Offer has completed and the Interim Results have been published and shall occur on the same day as Admission.

The Offer Shares are being made available to Qualifying Shareholders and Qualifying DI Holders, who have the right to subscribe for their pro rata Open Offer Entitlements, together with a right to subscribe for additional Offer Shares pursuant to the Excess Application Facility, each in accordance with the terms of the Open Offer. It is expected that the Existing Ordinary Shares will be re-admitted, that Admission will (subject to the Minimum Subscription having been achieved) become effective and that dealings in the Offer Shares and the Capitalisation Shares will commence on 17 December 2012.

Guy Meyohas and Ofer Miretzky, the Joint Chief Executive Offices of the Company, have committed to invest up to GBP1.36 million (EUR1.7 million), being the Minimum Subscription, as part of the Proposals. Accordingly and pursuant to an irrevocable undertaking from Guy Meyohas, Ofer Miretzky and Bellport, the Concert Party has conditionally agreed to: (i) take up their respective Open Offer Entitlements; (ii) subscribe for up to a further 32,281,756 Offer Shares to the extent that such Offer Shares are not subscribed by Existing Shareholders under the Open Offer in order that the Minimum Subscription is met; (iii) extinguish GBP671,621 (approximately EUR839,526) of fees due to Bellport by the issue of the Capitalisation Shares; and (iv) in respect of the Future Fees due to Bellport, to accept the Potential Further Capitalisation Shares or to defer payment of such amounts (together with interest accruing daily at a rate of 5 per cent. per annum), until the earlier of a sale of assets of the Group following which the Company has sufficient surplus cash to make the repayment and 31 December 2013. The Concert Party will hold, in aggregate, 39.34 per cent. of the voting rights of the Company if the Open Offer is taken up in full or 63.84 per cent. of the voting rights of the Company if no one takes up the Open Offer other than the Concert Party and the Concert Party subscribes more than its pro rata entitlement in accordance with the Irrevocable Undertaking. Without an ordinary resolution of the Independent Shareholders waiving the requirements of article 144(C) of the Articles, the Concert Party would be required to make a general offer under that article to acquire all of the Ordinary Shares not already owned by them. A proposed waiver of the obligations of the Concert Party to make an offer pursuant to article 144(C) of the Articles is set out in the Waiver Resolution. The Irrevocable undertaking is conditional, amongst other things, on the Waiver Resolution being passed by Shareholders.

The purpose of the Shareholder Circular is to provide you with information about the background to and the reasons for the Open Offer and the Capitalisation, explain why the Directors consider the Open Offer and Capitalisation to be in the best interests of the Company and its shareholders as a whole and why the Independent Directors recommend that you vote in favour of the Resolutions to be proposed at the EGM, notice of which is set out at the end of the Shareholder Circular.

You should note that, if the Resolutions are not approved at the Extraordinary General Meeting, the Minimum Subscription will not be received by the Company and the Capitalisation will not occur. If this were to happen, the Company would not have sufficient working capital to continue to trade, would need to cease to trade and would most likely be placed into liquidation.

Your attention is drawn to the statements on working capital set out in paragraph 3 of this Part I of the Shareholder Circular. Shareholders are advised to read the Shareholder Circular in its entirety and not just this Part I.


Orchid is a Cayman incorporated company quoted on AIM and, together with its subsidiaries, is an owner-manager and developer of commercial and residential property primarily in Bulgaria.

The Group has three main projects in which it is investing and managing. These are the Grand Mall retail centre in Varna, the Orchid Gardens multi-use commercial and residential complex in Varna and the Orchid Hills residential complex, also in Varna.

On 13 January 2012, the Company posted a circular to Shareholders convening an extraordinary general meeting of the Company for 15 February 2012 (February 2012 EGM), in which the Board said that its primary focus for the immediate and medium term was to maximize shareholder value and returns, to which end the Group may, if market conditions permit and realistic valuations could be achieved, dispose of the Group's assets. At the February 2012 EGM, the Company's Articles were amended, by the insertion of a new article 141 A, to include a provision that an extraordinary general meeting will be called on or before 31 December 2013 where resolutions will be put to shareholders to allow them to decide whether the Company should realise its assets at that time, defer such decision for a year, or continue in its current form. The Concert Party agreed that during the term of the management services agreement between Bellport and the Company dated 30 June 2005 (as amended) they would abstain from voting on such resolutions.

Copies of the Shareholder Circular and further background on the Company can be found on the Company's website (http://www.orchiddev.com/).


The global financial crisis has had a considerable impact on Bulgaria's economy. The major challenges the crisis has presented for the Group include a reduction in the availability of debt financing available for real estate investments on the domestic and European markets and inactivity in the residential and commercial property markets resulting from poor financing and economic uncertainty, reducing the number of potential buyers for Group assets. High levels of unemployment in the domestic market and GDP per capita remaining persistently low also has a detrimental effect on transaction volume.

As a consequence of these challenges, the quantum of free cash flow which the Group is able to generate in the short to medium term from the sales of apartments and other assets, is unpredictable. In addition, in July 2012 the Company was in very late stage negotiations to sell the Golden Yavor Hotel, an asset which would generate significant free cash flow in the context of the Company's working capital requirements, when there was a terrorist attack in Bulgaria which targeted tourists, following which the buyer withdrew from the transaction. On 24 September the Company's shares were suspended pending clarification of the Group's financial position. The Company has not published its Interim Results due to its inability to give a going concern statement. If the Resolutions are passed, the Company will be in a position to release the Interim Results. Set out in Part III of the document is certain financial and operational information which, but for the going concern issue, would have been released to the market in relation to the period to 30 June 2012. Shareholders attention is drawn to the information in Part III of the Shareholder Circular which should be read in full prior to applying under the Open Offer.

The announcement of the Suspension and the Company's financial position has resulted in further financial pressure on the Group as it is seen as a forced seller of assets. Bellport has now made a bridge finance facility available to the Company, secured by way of a charge over stage two of Sofia Hills as announced on 12 November 2012. Following the Suspension, the Board has determined that it needs to raise further funds to (i) enable it to pursue the strategy of realising assets to maximise shareholder returns; and (ii) meet the Group's working capital requirements which it estimates to be a minimum of GBP1.36 million (approximately EUR1.7 million) for the period through to 30 November 2013 (on the assumption that the Bellport Fees are capitalised pursuant to the Capitalisation and that Future Fees due to Bellport are capable of being deferred or capitalised). In the opinion of the Directors, having made due and careful enquiry, the Minimum Subscription (after the elimination of the Bellport Fees and the arrangements in respect of Future Fees due to Bellport) will be sufficient for its present requirements, that is for the twelve month period from 1 December 2012 to 30 November 2013, but it should be noted that the Minimum Subscription is not expected to be sufficient to fund the Company beyond 30 November 2013 unless the Company is successful in selling one or more of its assets to generate free cash flows.

The Minimum Subscription will principally be used, together with any amount in excess of the Minimum Subscription raised under the Open Offer, to:

-- provide operating cash support to complete existing projects (particularly for repayment of remaining debts);

-- assist in the re-zoning of specific elements of the land bank with a view to generating increased value;

   --      provide employee compensation and benefits packages (particularly for senior staff); 
   --      pay executive and non-executive directors fees due; 
   --      repay the bridge finance facility to Bellport referred to above; and 

-- pay professional fees associated with the Open Offer and related costs in relation to the Company's ongoing admission to trading on AIM.

In addition to the above, the Fundraising will, if completed, provide the Directors with enhanced negotiating power with respect to the sale of the Company's assets and also a 12 month period in which to progress such sales.

In relation to Future Fees due to Bellport, the Board has agreed with Bellport that if the Company does not have sufficient funds available to pay the management fee due in respect of a particular calendar month (the "Relevant Monthly Fee"), Bellport shall elect either: (i) that it will accept in satisfaction of the Relevant Monthly Fee such number of Ordinary Shares as is derived from converting the Relevant Monthly Fee into sterling at the spot rate as shown in the Financial Times on the last business day of the month and dividing the resultant sterling amount by the lower of the closing price on the last Business Day of the relevant month and 2.5 pence; or (ii) to defer the payment of the Relevant Monthly Fee (together with interest which shall accrue on such amount at a rate of 5 per cent. per annum accruing daily on the basis of a 360 day year) until the earlier of the date upon which the board of directors of the Company (excluding Guy Meyohas and Ofer Miretzky) determines the Company has sufficient free cash following a sale of assets to repay the Relevant Monthly Fee (together with accrued interest) and 31 December 2013.

The Group is in the process of restructuring its facility loans in some of its projects. Project finance facilities are secured at a local company level such that there is no recourse or debt at Company level. The Directors believe that the debts in the subsidiaries will be met and/or in certain instances, based on previous experience, will be subject to further restructuring. In particular, it should be noted that the Company's subsidiary, Orchid Gardens Varna EOOD ("Orchid Gardens"), which is developing a project of the same name, has certain loan facilities which are described more fully in Part IV of the Shareholder Circular. As at the date of the Shareholder Circular, certain principal and interest payments will become due within the 12 month period from 1 December 2012 to 30 November 2013 which Orchid Gardens may not be able to meet. Whilst the Board expects to be able to refinance the facilities in question (as it has been able to do on previous occasions), if these payments are not met, the lender in question will have the right to enforce its security over Orchid Gardens. Orchid Gardens has ring fenced financing so while any such action would result in a reduction of NAV for the Group, the lender would have no direct right of recourse against any other company other than Orchid Gardens.

The Group continues to pursue measures to realise value from the Group's assets including reviewing and streamlining its undeveloped portfolio for development realisation. The Group has consolidated its efforts and focus on the leveraging of its existing portfolio with the aim of realising these assets in the short to medium term in order to strengthen the Group's cash flow position. In adopting this approach, the Group is increasing occupancy within its flagship assets and has succeeded in attracting international retailers including H&M and Carrefour.

Existing Shareholders should be aware that, if the Resolutions are not approved at the Extraordinary General Meeting, the Minimum Subscription will not be received by the Company and the Capitalisation will not occur. If this were to happen the Company would not have sufficient working capital to continue to trade, would need to cease to trade, and would most likely be placed into liquidation.

   4.         THE PROPOSALS 

The Open Offer

The Open Offer is being made to (i) Qualifying Shareholders, being holders of Existing Ordinary Shares as set out on the register of members of the Company on the Record Date, and (ii) Qualifying DI Holders, being holders of Depository Interests representing Existing Ordinary Shares as set out on the register of Depository Interest Holders maintained by the Depository on the Record Date.

Qualifying Shareholders and Qualifying DI Holders are hereby invited to apply to subscribe for Offer Shares, subject to the terms and conditions below (and in the case of Qualifying Shareholders, in the Application Form), at a price of 2.25 pence each payable in full on application and free of expenses, on the following basis:

1 (one) Offer Share for each Existing Ordinary Share

held by them or as DIs representing Existing Ordinary Shares, in each case registered in the names of Qualifying Shareholders, or in respect of which Qualifying DI Holders are registered in the DI register, at the Record Date, and so on in proportion for any other number of Existing Ordinary Shares or Depository Interests then registered.

Applications by Qualifying Shareholders and Qualifying DI Holders will be satisfied in full up to the amount of their individual Open Offer Entitlements. Qualifying Shareholders and Qualifying DI Holders will also be entitled, provided they subscribe for their Open Offer Entitlement in full, to apply for additional Offer Shares in excess of their Open Offer Entitlements through the Excess Application Facility. If applications under the Excess Application Facility are received for more than the total number of Offer Shares available following subscription for Open Offer Entitlements, such applications will be scaled back pro rata to each subscriber for such additional Offer Shares under the Excess Application Facility, based on their Record Date holding and any decision by the Board in respect of such scale back shall be final.

Pursuant to the Irrevocable Undertaking, the Concert Party has conditionally upon the passing of the Resolutions, the lifting of the Suspension and Admission, agreed (amongst other things) to: (i) take up their respective Open Offer Entitlements; and (ii) subscribe for up to a further 32,281,756 Offer Shares to the extent that the Minimum Subscription is not subscribed by Existing Shareholders under the Open Offer. Apart from the Minimum Subscription of GBP1.36 million, the Open Offer is not underwritten.

The Issue Price represents a premium of 20 per cent. to the Closing Price.

Further details of the Open Offer are set out in Part IV of the Shareholder Circular.

The Capitalisation

The Company has also conditionally agreed with Bellport to issue the Capitalisation Shares to Bellport in satisfaction of Bellport's Fees. The issue price for the Capitalisation Shares is 2.25 pence per share being the same as the issue price for the Offer Shares. The Capitalisation is conditional, amongst other things, on the Resolutions being passed, the Minimum Subscription being raised, lifting of the Suspension and Admission.

The Potential Further Capitalisation

In relation to Future Fees due to Bellport, the Board has agreed with Bellport that if the Company does not have sufficient funds available to pay the Relevant Monthly Fee, Bellport shall elect either: (i) that it will accept in satisfaction of the Relevant Monthly Fee such number of Ordinary Shares as is derived from converting the Relevant Monthly Fee into sterling at the spot rate as shown in the Financial Times on the last business day of the month and dividing the resultant sterling amount by the lower of the closing price on the last Business Day of the relevant month and 2.5 pence; or (ii) to defer the payment of the Relevant Monthly Fee (together with interest which shall accrue on such amount at a rate of 5 per cent. per annum accruing daily on the basis of a 360 day year) until the earlier of the date upon which the board of directors of the Company (excluding Guy Meyohas and Ofer Miretzky) determines the Company has sufficient free cash following a sale of assets to repay the Relevant Monthly Fee (together with accrued interest) and 31 December 2013.

Shareholders should note that the Resolutions are inter-conditional and, if either one is not passed, the Proposals described in this circular will not proceed.

Settlement and Dealings

Application will be made to the London Stock Exchange for the Offer Shares and the Capitalisation Shares to be admitted to trading on AIM. It is expected that, subject to the passing of the Resolutions and the publication of the Interim Results, the Existing Ordinary Shares will be re-admitted, Admission will become effective and dealings in the Offer Shares and Capitalisation Shares will commence on 17 December 2012. The Offer Shares and Capitalisation Shares to be issued pursuant to the Open Offer and Capitalisation will be issued fully paid and will rank equally in all respects with the Existing Ordinary Shares.


Pursuant to the Fundraising and conditional on, amongst other things, the passing of the Resolutions, Guy Meyohas and Ofer Miretzky, together with Bellport have agreed to subscribe for Offer Shares. Bellport will also receive the Capitalisation Shares to extinguish the Bellport Fees as set out in paragraph 6 of the Part I of the Shareholder Circular.

   6.         THE ARTICLES 

Article 144

Transactions in the Company's Ordinary Shares are not subject to the provisions of the UK City Code on Takeovers and Mergers (the "Code"). However, the Company has incorporated key provisions, which mirror certain elements of the Code into its Articles. The proposed Fundraising gives rise to certain considerations under article 144 of the Articles which reflects in certain respects rule 9 of the Code.

Under article 144(C) of theArticles, where any person acquires, whether by a series of transactions over a period of time or not, an interest in shares which (taken together with shares already held by him and an interest in shares held or acquired by persons acting in concert with him) carry 30 per cent. or more of the voting rights of the Company, that person is required to make a general offer to all the holders of any class of equity share capital or other class of transferable securities carrying voting rights in the Company to acquire the balance of their interests in the Company.

Article 144(C) of the Articles also provides that, among other things, where any person who, together with persons acting in concert with him, is interested in shares which in aggregate carry not less than 30 per cent. but not more than 50 per cent. of the voting rights of the Company, and such person, or any person acting in concert with him, acquires an additional interest in shares which increases the percentage of shares carrying voting rights in which he is interested, then such person is normally required to make a general offer to all the holders of any class of equity share capital or other class of transferable securities carrying voting rights of the Company to acquire the balance of their interests in the Company.

An offer under article 144(C) of the Articles, must be in cash (or with a cash alternative) and at the highest price paid within the preceding 12 months for any shares in the Company by the person required to make the offer or any person acting in concert with him.

The Concert Party

Under the Articles, a concert party arises when persons who, pursuant to an agreement or understanding (whether formal or informal), co-operate through the acquisition by any of them of shares in the Company, to obtain or consolidate control of the Company. Under the Articles, control means a holding or aggregate holdings of shares representing 30 per cent. or more of the voting rights of the Company, irrespective of whether such interest or interests give de facto control.

Guy Meyohas, Ofer Miretzky and Bellport are deemed to be acting in concert for the purposes of article 144 of the Articles. The Concert Party is currently beneficially interested in an aggregate of 28,162,688 Ordinary Shares, representing approximately 29.97 per cent. of the entire existing issued share capital of the Company.

Pursuant to the Open Offer and the Capitalisation, the Concert Party could acquire, in aggregate, and assuming full take up under the Open Offer, up to 39.34 per cent. of the voting rights of the Company, or if no one takes up the Open Offer other than the Concert Party and it subscribes more than its pro rata entitlement in accordance with the Irrevocable Undertaking, 63.34 per cent. of the voting rights of the Company. Without a waiver of the obligations under article 144(C) of the Articles, the Concert Party would be obliged to make a general offer to Shareholders. The Waiver Resolution which will be proposed at the EGM waives the obligations on the Concert Party to make a general offer to Shareholders both as a result of the Fundraising and as a result of the issue of the Potential Further Capitalisation Shares to capitalise Future Fees due to Bellport. Accordingly, only the Independent Shareholders will be entitled to vote on this Resolution.

                                                                                                Maximum        percentage 
                                                          Minimum          Minimum               number       of Ordinary 
                   Ordinary       Percentage               number       percentage          of Ordinary            Shares 
                     Shares      of Ordinary          of Ordinary      of Ordinary               Shares              held 
                       held           Shares               Shares           Shares                to be             after 
                      prior             held                to be             held             acquired               the 
                         to            prior             acquired            after             pursuant   Capitalisation, 
             Capitalisation               to             pursuant              the               to the              Open 
                        and   Capitalisation    to Capitalisation   Capitalisation      Capitalisation,             Offer 
                       Open         and Open             and Open         and Open           Open Offer               and 
 Name                 Offer            Offer               Offer*           Offer*   and Subscription**    Subscription** 
  Meyohas        11,196,344           11.92%           11,196,344           10.22%           11,196,344            12.07% 
  Miretzky       11,196,344           11.92%           11,196,344           10.22%           11,196,344            12.07% 
 Bellport         5,770,000            6.14%           35,619,813           18.89%           67,901,569            39.70% 
            ---------------  ---------------  -------------------  ---------------  -------------------  ---------------- 
                 28,162,688           29.97%           58,012,501           39.34%           90,294,257            63.84% 
            ---------------  ---------------  -------------------  ---------------  -------------------  ---------------- 

* This is calculated on the basis that there is full take up under the Open Offer.

**This percentage is calculated on the basis that only the Offer Shares in respect of which the Company has received binding commitments from the Concert Party are subscribed for.

Potential voting rights of the Concert Party

If the Waiver Resolution is passed at the Extraordinary General Meeting and on the assumption that: (a) 90,294,257 Ordinary Shares are issued pursuant to the Open Offer, the Capitalisation and the Subscription; and (b) there are no other changes to the issued share capital of the Company, the voting rights attributable to Ordinary Shares held by the Concert Party following Admission, would constitute approximately 64 per cent. of all the voting rights in the Company. Shareholders should be aware that if the Open Offer does not become unconditional or is terminated, the Concert Party will not subscribe for Offer Shares or receive Capitalisation Shares and the Concert Party will continue to hold 28,162,688 Ordinary Shares representing 29.97 per cent. of the issued share capital of the Company but in these circumstances, the Company will have to cease to trade and will likely be put into liquidation or wound up.

Following completion of the Open Offer and the Capitalisation and assuming some take up of the Open Offer other than by the Concert Party, the Concert Party will be interested in Ordinary Shares carrying more than 39.34 per cent. but less than 64 per cent. of the Company's voting share capital. For so long as they continue to be treated as acting in concert, any further increases in their aggregate interest in shares above 30 per cent. but less than 50 per cent., other than any issue of Potential Further Capitalisation Shares to satisfy the Future Fees due to Bellport, will be subject to the provisions of article 144 of the Articles.

Under the Waiver Resolution, the Independent Shareholders will be asked to waive the obligation of the Concert Party to make a general offer that would otherwise arise as a result of the Proposals. Accordingly, Resolution 1 is being proposed at the EGM and will be taken on a poll. The Concert Party will not be entitled to vote on Resolution 1.


The Concert Party has confirmed that it would be its intention that, following the increase in its proportionate shareholding as a result of the participation in the Open Offer and the Capitalisation, the business of the Company and its subsidiaries would be continued in substantially the same manner as it is at present, with no major changes. With this in mind, there will be no repercussions on employment or the location of the Company's places of business and no redeployment of the Company's fixed assets.

The Concert Party is also not intending to prejudice the existing employment rights of any of the employees or management of the Group nor to procure any material change in the conditions of employment of any such employees or management.


The Company was approached by a third party early in 2012 which led to an announcement on 14 February 2012. The Company announced on 17 February 2012 that the preliminary discussions did not lead to an indicative offer for the Company and those discussions had terminated. Following the Suspension, the same third party approached the Board again with a view to combining the business interests of the Group with its own corporate group or assets (such approach did not constitute an indicative offer). The third party has not provided the Board with any concrete proposals however, on the basis of the minimal information supplied and of the indicative valuation of the Company given so far, the Directors believe that any such business combination or merger proposed by the third party would leave Shareholders with an unacceptably low proportion of the shares of the enlarged entity. Accordingly, as a result of the potentially unacceptable level of dilution which Shareholders might suffer and the unacceptable solution of the Company and its assets, the Board believes that it is in the best interests of the Company to proceed with the Proposals.


Conditional upon the Fundraising proceeding, I have agreed to step down from my position as Chairman of the Company and Mark Holdsworth has agreed to step down from his position as Deputy Chairman, with effect from Admission. I will be replaced by Frank Lewis, as Independent Non- Executive Chairman with effect from Admission. There will be no replacement for Mark Holdsworth.

Brief details of the terms of the appointment letter pursuant to which Frank Lewis will join the Board as set out in Part V.

Frank Lewis is aged 66. Frank Lewis has over 25 years of experience in listed and unlisted companies. He has held a number of board positions as chairman, non-executive director, chief executive officer and finance director both in the UK and abroad with growing mid-market companies. Frank Lewis currently holds office as Independent Non-Executive Director on the board of China Africa Resources Plc, Chairman of Asia Ceramic Holdings Plc and Chairman of Zeo Medical Plc. Frank Lewis is a member of the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants and a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales.

In the previous five years, Frank Lewis has also been chairman of China Evoline Plc, Welconstruct Group Limited and Lloyds British Testing Plc and has been a Non-Executive Director of, Formjet Plc (now VSA Capital Group plc) Polymer Logistics NV, Creat Resources Holdings Limited (formerly Zeehan Zinc Ltd) and Image Metrics Ltd. Frank Lewis is a former member of the AIM Advisory Group established by the London Stock Exchange.

Frank Lewis resigned from his position with Welconstruct Group Limited on 10 September 2009, when the company was placed into administration. On 10 August 2010 the company changed its name to WGL Realisations 2010 Limited. On 27 August 2010 the joint administrators sought a Court Order to enable a distribution in the administration and move the company into a Creditors Voluntary Liquidation. At that date the statement of affairs showed a deficit of GBP8,370,000 (this deficit has since been increased to GBP9,832,000). The joint administrators had achieved realisations in excess of the amounts due to secured and preferential creditors, but the quantum and timing of a distribution to unsecured creditors is unknown.

Frank Lewis was appointed a Non-Executive Director of Telephone Maintenance Group plc on 20 October 2006 and resigned three months later on 25 January 2007. The Company went into administrative receivership on 26 September 2007 and was dissolved on 26 February 2011. The deficit to unsecured creditors was GBP1,650,000. Frank Lewis was also a Non-Executive Director of The Industry Limited when it went into receivership on 4 December 2003. The statement of affairs had a deficit of GBP4,950,000 and there was a shortfall of GBP1,140,000 to unsecured creditors. Frank Lewis was a nonexecutive director of the company representing a private equity house for a period of less than 8 months. Frank Lewis resigned on 4 December 2003, being the date on which the receiver was appointed.

Frank Lewis has no unspent convictions in relation to indictable offences nor has he filed for bankruptcy or entered into any individual voluntary arrangement.


Set out at the end of the Shareholder Circular is a notice convening the Extraordinary General Meeting to be held on 14 December 2012 at the offices of Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe (Europe) LLP (107 Cheapside, London EC2V 6DN) at which the Resolutions will be proposed for the purposes of implementing the Proposals. The Resolutions can be summarised as follows:

-- Resolution 1 is theWaiver Resolution. This resolution will be taken on a poll of the Independent Shareholders voting in person and by proxy at the EGM.

-- Resolution 2, which will be proposed as a special resolution, is conditional upon the passing of Resolution 1, seeks the approval of the following:

o the increase to the authorised share capital of the Company from EUR1,250,000 to EUR2,500,000 by the creation of 125,000,000 Ordinary Shares;

o the grant of authorisation to the Directors to generally allot Ordinary Shares or rights to acquire Ordinary Shares; and

o the disapplication of Article 4(D) and the grant of authorisation to the Directors to issue and allot for cash, otherwise than on a pre-emptive basis, Ordinary Shares to, amongst other things, implement the Proposals and issue 888,888 Ordinary Shares to Shore Capital in lieu of professional fees and 400,000 Ordinary Shares to Frank Lewis (in each case conditional upon Admission).

Shareholders should note that Resolutions 1 and 2 are inter-conditional and, if either one is not passed, the Proposals described in this circular will not proceed. Shareholders should note that, if the Resolutions are not approved at the Extraordinary General Meeting, the Minimum Subscription will not be received by the Company and the Capitalisation will not occur. If this were to happen, the Company would not have sufficient working capital to continue to trade, would need to cease to trade, and would most likely be placed into liquidation.


Your attention is drawn to the additional information set out in Parts II to V of the Shareholder Circular.

   12.        ACTION TO BE TAKEN 

-- If you are a Qualifying Shareholder and you wish to accept the Open Offer, you should complete the Application Form in accordance with the instructions printed on it and the information provided in the Shareholder Circular and sign and return it as soon as possible. Completed Application Forms should be posted, along with a cheque or banker's draft drawn in the appropriate form, in the accompanying pre-paid envelope (for use within the UK only) or returned by post or by hand (during normal business hours only), to Capita Registrars, Corporate Actions, The Registry, 34 Beckenham Road, Beckenham, Kent BR3 4TU (who will act as Receiving Agent in relation to the Open Offer) so as to be received by Capita Registrars not later than 11.00 a.m. on 13 December 2012, after which time Application Forms will not be valid.

-- If you are a Qualifying DI Holder and you wish to accept the Open Offer, you should follow the instructions set out in paragraph 5 of Part IV of the Shareholder Circular entitled "Procedure for application and payment for Qualifying DI Holders" of Part IV: "Terms and Conditions of the Open Offer" of the Shareholder Circular. Persons who hold Depository Interests representing Existing Ordinary Shares through a CREST member should be informed by the CREST member through which they hold their Depository Interests representing Existing Ordinary Shares of the number of Offer Shares for which they are entitled to subscribe under the Open Offer and should contact them should they not receive this information.

To vote on the Resolutions

-- If you are a Shareholder, whether or not you intend to be present at the Extraordinary General Meeting, you are requested to complete the Form of Proxy (white) in accordance with the instructions printed on it, sign and return the form by post or by hand (during normal business hours only) so as to be received by PXS, 34 Beckenham Road, Beckenham, Kent BR3 4TU, as soon as possible and, in any event, so as to arrive not later than 11.00 a.m. on 12 December 2012. Completion and return of the Form of Proxy will not prevent you from attending the Extraordinary General Meeting and voting in person if you wish.

-- If you are a DI Holder, whether or not you intend to be present at the Extraordinary General Meeting, you are requested to complete the Form of Direction (blue) to instruct the Depository to vote the number of Ordinary Shares in Orchid represented by your Depository Interests, as per your instruction, in relation to the Resolutions and in accordance with the instructions printed on it, sign and return the form by post or by hand (during normal business hours only) and in any case, so as to be received by Capita IRG Trustees Limited, The Registry, PXS, 34 Beckenham Road, Beckenham, Kent BR3 4TU, as soon as possible and, in any event, so as to arrive not later than 11.00 a.m. on 11 December 2012. If you hold your Depository Interest via the Depository Interest arrangement and would like to attend the Extraordinary General Meeting, please contact the Depository on the contact details set out on page 6.

Shareholder helpline

If you have any questions, please contact the Capita Registrars helpline, details of which are set out on page 6.

   13.        RECOMMENDATION 

The Directors believe that should Shareholders not vote in favour of the Proposals, or should the Proposals not proceed for any other reason, the Group will not have adequate working capital to continue to trade. As Guy Meyohas and Ofer Miretzky are interested in the arrangements with Bellport, they have not taken part in the Board's deliberations in relation to the Capitalisation nor in relation to the Waiver Resolution. The Independent Directors, who have consulted with Shore Capital and Corporate Limited, the Company's nominated adviser, which has taken into account the Independent Directors commercial assessment of the Proposals, consider that the Proposals, and the Resolutions to be proposed at the EGM, are fair and reasonable in so far as Shareholders are concerned. The Independent Directors unanimously recommend Shareholders to vote in favour of the Resolutions. Bellport, Guy Meyohas and Ofer Miretzky have undertaken to vote in favour of Resolution 2 and to abstain from voting on Resolution 1.

Yours faithfully

Joseph Drescher



On 24 September 2012, the Company announced that the Directors considered that it was in the Company's best interests to complete the equity fundraising and debt capitalisation prior to publishing its Interim Results. It is intended that the Company will publish its Interim Results following the EGM and on the basis that the Resolutions are approved by shareholders and the Minimum Subscription achieved.

However, set out below are the material matters to be disclosed in the Interim Results and also a summary of current trading.


-- Loss for the six months ended 30 June 2012 was EUR3.0 million (2011 H1: profit EUR2.1 million), (2011 FY: loss EUR0.2 million):

o includes a fair value loss, relating to the investment property items of EUR1.4 million (2011 H1: gain EUR4.7 million), (2011 FY: gain EUR3.6 million).

-- Positive cash flow in the six months ended 30 June 2012 generated from operational activities of EUR3.1 million (2011 H1: positive cash flow EUR1.0 million), (2011 FY: positive cash flow EUR3.0 million).

-- Net asset value stood at EUR71.4 million, (2011 H1: EUR75.3 million), (2011 FY: EUR73.1 million) equating to a net asset value per share of EUR 0.74 (2011 H1: EUR0.85), (2011 FY: EUR0.83), equating to approximately GBP0.61 per Ordinary Share as at 30 June 2012.

-- Total revenues for the six months ended 30 June 2012 were EUR5.9 million (2011 H1: EUR5.0 million), revenues from rent and operations of the Grand MallVarna EUR4.2 million (2011 H1: EUR3.5 million.), (2011 FY: EUR8.0 million).

-- As announced on 11 April 2012, the Group extended term agreements and completed the restructuring of the credit facility with UniCredit Bulbank JSC (a division of UniCredit Group) for EUR21.4 million relating to Orchid Gardens Varna Project.

   --      Gradual improvement in performance by Grand Mall Varna: 

o current leased area is 81.3 per cent. (31 December 2011: 77.9 per cent.) of which 80 per cent. is occupied (31 December 2011: 72.9 per cent.) and 1.3 per cent. is to be occupied by the end of the second half of 2012;

o a further 2,600 sqm (c.5.2 per cent.) of lettable space is currently under negotiation with international brands;

o in the first half of 2012 3.5 million visitors entered the Grand Mall Varna (2011 H1: 2.9 million visitors);

o strong take up by new tenants in the six months ended 30 June 2012, with 10 new lettings, among them:

-- BM Rialto, a local restaurants chain;

-- Bushman, the international fashion retailer; and

-- Inglot, the Polish cosmetic retailer; and

o International brands represented include Carrefour, Zara, H&M, Bershka, Apple, Adidas, Nike, Puma and McDonalds, some of them appearing for the first time in the local market.

   --      Continuing progress at Orchid Gardens Varna: 

o construction works at Orchid Gardens are expected to be finished by the end of November 2012, occupancy permission expected by the end of the year.

   3.         PORTFOLIO SUMMARY AS AT 30 JUNE 2012 
 EUR millions 
 Projects     Grand     Orchid   Orchid    Sofia    Land   Golden   Business    Total 
  L/V          Mall    Gardens    Hills    Hills    Plts    Yavor       Park 
  ratio       Varna      Varna    Varna                     Hotel      Varna 
                          (++)     (++)                                  (+) 
 Value          137       31.5      4.2      0.8    10.8      5.7        2.2    192.2 
  debt          2.4        8.8     0.92        -       -        -        3.1    15.22 
  debt         92.9       10.5        -        -       -        -          -    103.4 
  debt         95.3       19.3     0.92        0       0        0        3.1   118.62 
  Value        41.7       12.2     3.28      0.8    10.8      5.7     -0.90%    73.58 
  ratio      69.56%     61.20%   21.90%       0%      0%       0%       141%   67.71% 

+ Construction halted due to financial crises

++ Cross collateral between the Bulgarian SPV's

The table above represents the value of the Group's principal assets netted against liabilities to financing banks. All values stated are based upon independent valuation reports save for Orchid Hill Varna, Orchid Gardens Varna (save for the retail units therein) and the Golden Yavor Hotel, whose values above are book values.

The Group will continue to focus its efforts in the near future on progressing the construction of its existing development, Orchid Gardens Varna, letting the retail space and selling the available apartments and offices following the completion of this project. In addition the Group will focus on completing the letting of the retail space in the Grand Mall, selling the remaining residential units in Orchid Hills Varna and Orchid Hills Sofia. Furthermore, the Board remains committed to its strategy to realise certain assets within the Group, which will be used to maximise shareholder value.

As stated in the past, due to the economic downturn and the lack of funding available, the Group has narrowed its on-going developments to three projects, which the Board believes have the best prospects in terms of market demand and financing availability. These projects are: the Grand Mall retail centre, the Orchid Gardens Varna multi-use commercial and residential development and the Orchid Hills Varna residential complex. The Group's management will continue to focus their efforts to complete successfully the Group's current projects under construction with a plan to realise these assets over the course of the next two years. Proceeds will be used to both strengthen the Group's cash position and to return cash to Shareholders.

   4.         FINANCIAL REVIEW 

The Group's net loss for the six months ended 30 June 2012 was EUR3,029,000 (2011 H1: profit EUR2,060,000) (2011 FY: loss EUR182,000). The significant change is attributable to the loss from sale of apartments in the Group's residential projects (mainly the Orchid Hills Varna project) in the amount of EUR0.6 million and the decrease in fair value of the Grand Mall Varna (fair value decrease of EUR0.9 million) and of the Orchid Gardens Varna project (fair value decrease of EUR0.5 million) due to the revaluation of these two assets by MBL, an independent specialist real estate advisory firm which is part of the CBRE Affiliate Network. The main factors, which have influenced these fair value adjustments are the additional fit out works executed during the period for occupying new shops in the Mall (mainly for H&M) and construction works in the Orchid Gardens Varna project.

The Group recognises revenue and costs from the sale of residential units on transfer of ownership. The Group recognises rental income based on the straight-line method in accordance with IAS 17. The revenue of EUR5.9 million (2011 H1: EUR5.0 million), (2011 FY: EUR12.3 million) mainly consists of revenues from the rent and operation of the Grand Mall (EUR4.2 million) and from sales of completed apartment units in the Orchid Hills Sofia and the Orchid Hills Varna residential projects (EUR1.5 million).

The majority of the operating expenses are attributable to the costs of apartment units sold in the Orchid Hills Sofia and the Orchid Hills Varna residential projects which increased to EUR1.8 million (H1 2011: EUR1.65 million) ( 2011 FY: EUR3.2 million) and the operational costs of the Grand Mall. The level of hired services expenses remained unchanged during the first half of 2012 amounting to EUR1.1 million (2011 H1: EUR1.1) (2011 FY: EUR2.4 million) as a result of efforts to cut and optimise the operational cost of the Group despite of increase in the Mall's activity volume during the period.

As at 30 June 2012, the Group's net asset value stood at EUR71.4 million (2011 H1: EUR75.3 million) (2011 FY: EUR73.1 million) equating to a net asset value per share of EUR0.74 (2011 H1: EUR0.85), (2011 FY: EUR0.83), equating to approximately GBP0.61 per Ordinary Share as at 30 June 2012.

Non-current assets of EUR167.2 million increased from EUR166.9 million at the end of 2011 mainly due to increase in the deferred tax assets of the Group and a small increase in fair value of the Grand Mall. Current assets of EUR36.0 million (2011: EUR38.7 million) include mainly residential projects under development and inventory of residential units for sale of EUR29.5 million (2011: EUR29.7 million) that are recorded at the lower of cost and net realisable value.

Long-term borrowing liabilities have increased to EUR103.4 million (2011: EUR102.6 million) as a result of borrowing primarily in relation to the Orchid Gardens Varna project. Short-term borrowing facilities of EUR2.1 million were repaid during the period. Short-term borrowing liabilities of EUR15.3 million consist mainly of credit facilities which should be repaid during the 12 month period to 30 June 2013 as follows:

   --      EUR0.9 million by December 2012 (Orchid Hills Varna); 

-- EUR1.2 million by the end of 2012 and EUR7.2 million by the end of June 2012 (Orchid Gardens Varna) (amended as set out below), EUR0.5 million of which has been deferred until September 2013 following new terms agreed with the financing bank;

-- EUR2.4 million in quarterly payments of EUR0.58 million, EUR0.59 million, EUR0.60 million and EUR0.61 million during the second half of 2012 and first half of 2013 (Grand Mall - Orchid Multi Use Complex Varna) the amount of EUR2.4 million was deferred for payment until June 2015 following new agreed terms with the financing banks; and

-- EUR3.1 million overdue payment since October 2011 (Orchid Centre Varna), currently being negotiated.

All of the Group's major projects under development are financed by committed facilities at the project level. During the six month period to 30 June 2012 (and as reflected above), the Group finalised the renegotiation and signed an annex rescheduling the repayment of the credit facility relating to Orchid Gardens Varna. The repayment terms of the loan principal have been postponed to be paid in instalments as follows:

   --    EUR1.2 million by the end of November 2012; 
   --    EUR2.1 million by March 2013; 
   --    EUR5.1 million by June 2013; 
   --    EUR5.7 million by December 2013; 
   --    EUR5.7 million by June 2014; and 
   --    EUR1.6 million which will be paid in 38 monthly payments starting from July 2014. 

The revolving VAT facility should be repaid by means of funds from refunded VAT and it is expected that any sums due will be repaid by 31 December 2012.

Since 30 June 2012, the Group has negotiated the credit facility relating to Orchid Gardens Varna as follows:

   --    EUR1.1 million to be paid by the end of January 2013; 
   --    EUR2.2 million to be paid by June 2013; 
   --    EUR5.0 million to be paid by September 2013; 
   --    EUR5.6 million to be paid by December 2013; 
   --    EUR5.7 million to be paid by June 2014; and 
   --    EUR1.7 million which will be paid in 40 instalments starting from July 2014 till August 2017. 

The status of the borrowings of the Group as at 30 June 2012 can be presented as follows:

 Project Loan Financing         1 year          2 - 5          More          Total 
                                                years          than 
                                                            5 years 
                               EUR'000        EUR'000       EUR'000        EUR'000 
 Orchid Multi-Complex 
  Varna EOOD                     2,399         11,355        81,580         95,334 
 Orchid Gardens 
  Varna EOOD                     8,873         10,467             -         19,340 
 Orchid Center Varna 
  EOOD*                          3,106              -             -          3,106 
 Orchid Seaside 
  Apartments EOOD**                925              -             -            925 
                          ------------  -------------  ------------  ------------- 
 Total borrowings               15,303         21,822        81,580        118,705 
                          ------------  -------------  ------------  ------------- 

* The Group is presently renegotiating the repayment terms of this short-term loan

** The project name for this Subsidary is Orchid Hills Varna

The status of the borrowings of the Group as of 16 November 2012, the last practicable date prior to the publication of the Shareholder Circular can be presented as follows:

 Project Loan Financing     1 year     2 - 5       More     Total 
                                       years       than 
                                                5 years 
                           EUR'000   EUR'000    EUR'000   EUR'000 
 Orchid Multi-Complex 
  Varna EOOD                     -    13,754     81,580    95,334 
 Orchid Gardens 
  Varna EOOD                 8,840    10,467          -    19,340 
 Orchid Center Varna 
  EOOD*                      3,106         -          -     3,106 
 Orchid Seaside 
  Apartments EOOD**            867         -          -       867 
                          --------  --------  ---------  -------- 
 Total borrowings           12,813    24,715     81,580   119,108 
                          --------  --------  ---------  -------- 

On 15 February 2012, the Group agreed with its executive directors (via their management company Bellport) to postpone the payment of EUR0.6 million relating to Directors' bonus payments which arose in 2009. This amount is classified as a long-term liability and bears 3 per cent. interest on an annual base. The amount is due to be paid by the end of December 2013.

   5.         CURRENT TRADING 

As previously stated the economic environment in which the Group is operating in Bulgaria remains difficult and, with the continuing crisis in the Eurozone, is likely to remain volatile for the foreseeable future. The recession and lack of available credit have had a negative effect on the ability of both local and international retailers to expand and the Group estimates that this climate will continue for the foreseeable future. Notwithstanding the economic backdrop, the Group continues to focus on selling its stock of remaining apartments. In addition, the completion of Orchid Gardens Varna, which was delayed significantly during 2011, is expected to occur before 31 December 2012.

At the February 2012 EGM, the Company's Articles were amended, by the insertion of a new article 141 A, to include a provision that an extraordinary general meeting will be called on or before 31 December 2013 where resolutions will be put to shareholders to allow them to decide whether the Company should realise its assets at that time, defer such decision for a year, or continue in its current form. The Concert Party agreed that during the term of the management agreement in place with the Group, they it would abstain from voting on such resolutions.

In conjunction with the above, the Board remains committed to closing the large gap between the Group's market capitalisation and net asset value, in part through delivering on operational and financial milestones and in part through improving the understanding of Orchid's business and prospects.

The Directors believe that the Group would be able to continue to operate within the proposed levels of funding in the immediate and medium term. However, the quantum of free cash flow, which may be generated in the medium term from the sales of apartments and other assets, remains uncertain. The Directors have further considered the Group's cash flow forecasts together with the associated judgments and the uncertainties related to the forecasted volumes of sales of residential units from the projects Orchid Varna Hills and Orchid Gardens Varna, the rescheduling of the loan payments in the subsidiary Orchid Center Varna EOOD.

It should be noted that the Group's forecasts include the following assumptions:

-- the Group will be able to raise funds in the minimum amount of GBP1.36 million (approximately EUR1.7 million) pursuant to the Open Offer and to remove certain existing liabilities through the Capitalisation;

-- the Group will be able to generate sufficient funds from the sale of its residential units during the next 12 months or will be able to restructure or refinance part of the future principal payments on amounts due under loans (if sales of residential units do not generate sufficient funds) in order to repay or defer (as appropriate) debt in relation to Orchid Gardens Varna EOOD (approximately EUR8.9 million) and in relation to Orchid Seaside Apartments EOOD (approximately EUR0.9 million);

-- the Group will successfully renegotiate the repayment terms of its short term loan of EUR3.1 million in the subsidiary Orchid Center Varna EOOD; and

   --      certain payments to suppliers and contractors can be postponed or renegotiated. 

The matters mentioned above indicate the existence of a material uncertainty that may cast significant doubt about the ability of certain subsidiaries of the Group to continue as a going concern. After reviewing the Group's budgets, analysing the possibilities of selling certain of the Group's property or renegotiating payment terms with suppliers and considering the assumptions and uncertainties listed above, the Board has a reasonable expectation that the Group has adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future. Accordingly, it is expected that, when the Interim Results are published, the financial statements therein will have been prepared on a going concern basis.


Orchid Sofia Hills EOOD ("OSH"), a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company, is engaged in litigation with Consortium Remi Group JCS ("Consortium Remi"), the general building contractor for the Group's Orchid Hills development. The litigation, initiated in 2010 by Consortium Remi, related to the late payment by OSH of certain invoices. The Sofia City Court found in favour of Consortium Remi and awarded an amount of EUR213,000, of which EUR36,211 was seized from the bank accounts of OSH. Details in relation to the court's ruling have previously been announced. Sofia City Court has allowed Consortium Remi to appoint a new bailiff in relation to the outstanding claim and the bailiff, on behalf of Consortium Remi, has sought to seize 17 apartments in Orchid Sofia Hills in order to recover the amount of the debt outstanding; as five had already been sold, the bailiff has taken possession of the remaining 12 apartments held for sale.

Orchid Management Bulgaria EOOD ("OMB") (also a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company) which is owed the amount of 5,000 Bulgarian Lev by OSH under a promissory note has taken steps to block the sale of the 12 apartments in respect of which the bailiff has taken possession and has sought to seize a plot of land on the Orchid Sofia Hills complex.

Consortium Remi filed a further claim against OSH in 2011 in which it is seeking a declaration from the court that OSH is in insolvency due to non-payment of 380,000 Bulgarian Lev outstanding under a concluded construction contract. The first court hearing in relation to this matter is scheduled for 23 November 2012 but may be rescheduled to a later date.

OSH has initiated a counter-claim against Consortium Remi in respect of low quality execution of works. The claim is for 100,000 Bulgarian Lev although there is a possibility that the claim may be increased, based on estimated damages, up to 700,000 Bulgarian Lev. No date has yet been scheduled for a court hearing.


This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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