RNS No 8272f
7th October 1997

                          PART 1

                       THORNTONS PLC

          Announcement of Preliminary Results for
           52 weeks ended 28 June 1997 (Audited)

Thorntons, the speciality retailer and manufacturer  of
high    quality    chocolate,   toffee,    and    other
confectionery,  today reports its  Preliminary  Results
for the 52 weeks ended 28 June 1997 (1996: 53 weeks).

Financial highlights
                                 Continuing operations
                                 1997     1996

Turnover                      #109.2m   #91.7m   Up 19.1%
Profit before tax and
exceptional items              #11.5m    #8.8m   Up 31.5%
Earnings per share before
exceptionals                   13.32p    8.79p   Up 51.5%
Dividend per Ordinary Share     5.85p    5.30p   Up 10.4%

* Successful completion of the first year of the  retail
  estate relaunch with 157 new look shops opened

* Own  shop sales grew by 27.5% to #80.2m with like-for-
  like sales growing by 12.9%

* Target  number of own shops by the year 2001 increased
  from  359 to 507 due to the success of a number of  new
  retail initiatives

* Average growth in sales of 15% per annum targeted over
  the next four years

* Manufacturing investment  of  #35m  over  the  next  two 
  years to consolidate  all  chocolate  packing  operations 
  onto Thornton Park and generate significant productivity

* 820  new  permanent  full time equivalent jobs being
  created over the next four years (520 in retail, 300 in

Commenting on prospects, Chairman John Thornton said:

"We  are very confident that our focus as a market led,
retail driven business is working. We now believe  that
we  can  accelerate and expand our future growth  plans
for the business over the next four years".

Chairmans Statement

I  am  delighted to report an extremely positive  first
full-years  results in response to our  new  strategic
plan  to relaunch our retail estate, expand our product
range and refocus our culture.


Sales from continuing businesses for the year ending 28
June 1997 grew by 19.1% to a record #109.2m.

Profit  before  taxation at #11.5m grew by  31.5%  from
#8.8m   before  exceptional  items  and  taxation   the
previous  year.   Profits after tax before  exceptional
items grew by 51.9% to #8.6m partly as a result of  the
Groups  successful  claim for  relief  of  prior  year
foreign losses.

Earnings  per  Share  before  this  non-recurring   tax
benefit  were  11.44p, an increase of 30.1%  from  last
years 8.79p.

The  Company  continued to be highly  cash  generative,
enabling   us  to  fund  our  major  retail  investment
programme  and total capital expenditure of  over  #18m
whilst  containing net year end gearing to 15.6%,  well
within our projected levels.

Your Board is recommending a final dividend of 4.2p net
per share, taking total dividends for the year to 5.85p
net per share, an increase of 10.4%.

Progress on Restructuring

As we indicated in the interim announcement progress on
restructuring  is  on  target, with  total  exceptional
costs  in  line  with  and not  more  than  the  #21.9m
provided in last years accounts.

The  sale of the Groups interest in its French  retail
business  has  led to a #0.8m reduction in  the  amount
provided  for in last years accounts for the  disposal
of our foreign subsidiaries.

At the same time the excellent results from our new and
refitted  larger  shops have led  us  to  take  a  more
aggressive  view of the pace of change in  retail  with
the  decision  to  resite an additional  65  undersized
shops  leading  to an increase in retail  restructuring
costs of a similar amount.

Forward Growth Strategy

The  overwhelmingly positive customer response  to  the
157  new, refitted and larger shops launched during the
year, together with the success of a number of trials -
own  shops in small market towns, dual siting in  major
regional  shopping  centres, units  in  factory  outlet
malls and our first shop in Eire - has led us to revise
upwards  the number of locations from which we  believe
we  can  operate  successfully.  Consequently  we  have
increased our original target of own shops for the year
2000  from 359 to a revised target of 507 for the  year
2001. Our estimate of franchise outlets remains at  200

As  a result of this expansion strategy and our ongoing
product  development plans we are targeting to  achieve
average growth in sales of 15% per annum over the  next
four years.


This significant uplift in sales targets, together with
a  major  opportunity to gain production  efficiencies,
has   led   us  to  the  decision  to  accelerate   the
consolidation of all chocolate packing operations  onto
our  Thornton Park site in time for the Christmas  1998
season.   The  costs associated with this  new  packing
facility and further investment in chocolate production
capacity  are anticipated to total #35m over  the  next
two years.

This major investment will have a rapid payback through
gains in productivity and additional capacity.


In  order to finance these investments in manufacturing
and  additional  shops, we are raising finance  from  a
private placement of medium term unsecured loan  notes.
Despite this increase in borrowing facilities, we  will
be  seeking to contain year end gearing to a maximum of
75%  and  to maintain interest cover of at least  three


I  am delighted to welcome Jonathan Fellows who took up
his  position  as Director of Finance  on  10  February

Alan  Goodwin left the Company on 18 April  1997  after
more  than 19 years service, 10 as a director. I  thank
him for his substantial contribution to the development
of  our business over this period and wish him well for
the future.


Opening 157  new-look shops in one  year is a major
achievement. It is a tribute to the talent, energy  and
teamwork  of our people right across the business  that
we have achieved such a retail revolution  with  such
success. To all the Thorntons team my personal  thanks
for  all their hard-work and enthusiasm in the face  of
considerable challenges.


The current year has started well.  Like-for-like sales
in  the first quarter are 7.5% ahead of last year  with
significant  contributions from the recent new  product
launches, in particular our range of countline bars.The
vigorous  pace of our shop-opening programme  is  being
maintained with 30 new and resited shops opened to date
and a total of 80 new shops and resites planned for the

We continue to seek opportunities for growth beyond the
horizons  of  our  current plan and have  a  number  of
trials  of  new business opportunities currently  under
evaluation.  We  aim  to  update  shareholders  on  the
results  of  these trials and on our forward  plans  in
October next year.

John Thornton

Chief Executives Report

1996/97 Results

In  last  years review I described the changes  taking
place  in our business as revolution not evolution.   I
could  find  no  parallel for a company undergoing  the
extent  and  pace of change which we  faced.   And  the
outcome?  Well thanks to unprecedented levels  of  hard
work,  commitment,  enthusiasm and  determination  from
everyone  involved we didnt just achieve  our  targets
for  the  first year of our three year plan -  we  beat

*  We achieved record sales of #109m

*  We opened 157 new look shops

*  We increased operating profits by 31.5%

As a result of the successes achieved to date, combined
with  the  early  results of our trials  undertaken  in
small   catchment  towns,  factory  outlets  and  major
shopping malls, we believe our business can grow faster
and  larger  than our original three year plan  targets
and  accordingly have revisited these.   More  of  that
later,  first  lets review the main  reasons  for  the
success so far.

Own Shops

Own  shop sales grew by 27.5% to #80.2m, with like-for-
like  sales  growing by 12.9%.  Whilst  many  retailers
have  seen encouraging like-for-like increases, we were
particularly pleased that:

* We   maintained  double  digit  like-for-like growth
  throughout  the year, in spite of the second  half  of
  the  previous year having benefited from the start  of
  our  retail   expansion  and  product innovation

* Every  one  of  our  key  four seasons  of  Christmas,
  Valentines  Day,  Mothers Day and  Easter  performed

* Day  to  day  and  self treat sales, previously  areas
  where   the  Group  has  been  weak,  saw  significant
  uplifts,  driven  by  a  high number  of  new  product
  launches  including  an  extensive  countline   range,
  Choccies  cookies and the extended and improved  ice
  cream offer.

* The  72  refitted shops saw average sales  uplifts  of
  12%  over  and  above sales increases of  non-refitted

* The 85  new  and  resited  stores  achieved  average
  increases  of  3%  over the sales  targets  calculated
  from our location model

* The 31 resited stores together achieved sales uplifts
  of 60% compared with their previous locations

* We achieved  all the key retail performance targets
  set  out  in  our  last annual report  as  illustrated

Key Retail Performance Targets 1996/97

                                1995/96  1996/97     1996/97
                                 Actual   Target      Actual
No. of new and resited shops          13       69          85
Average sq. ft.                      305      329         335
Sales per sq.ft.                    #781     #833        #839
Sales per shop (#000)               #238     #269        #281

* A  number  of new retail initiatives proved successful
  encouraging  us  to expand further our retail  estate.
  These include:

Smaller Market Towns
A  five  shop  trial in smaller market towns  -  Elgin,
Berwick-on-Tweed,   Retford,   Sutton-in-Ashfield   and
Abingdon  has proved successful averaging a 34%  market
share of our core market, well above our 21% target.

Factory Mall Outlets
We expanded our factory mall representation from one to
six  in  the year and have opened a further three  this
summer  - every one is amongst the top sales per square
foot performers in the mall.

Dual-Siting in Major Centres

Our   second  shop  in  Sheffield  Meadowhall  regional
shopping  mall, opened in November 1996, has  convinced
us  that  we  should expand multi-siting to  a  further
twelve similar major shopping centres.

Larger Shops

The  key learning from our customers response  to  our
store  expansion  and  refit programmes  was  that  our
stores needed to be larger in order to accommodate more
customers and to display our expanding product range.

Our  best results have been achieved in shops  with  16
bays  (approx.  450  sq.ft.) and performance  in  shops
under 12 bays (approx. 400 sq.ft.) begins to drop off.

This is a significant change from our traditional shops
(averaging seven bays - approx. 305 sq.ft) and has  led
to  a  more  radical approach to our resite  and  refit
programme through the course of the year.

A  move  to more, larger shops in prime locations  will
inevitably  increase pressures on our  retail  property
ratios  and  levels of depreciation.  We are  confident
that   this   impact  will  be  more  than  offset   by
manufacturing    productivity   gains    achieved    by
accelerating our investment programmes at Thornton Park
as described later.


We   continued   our  planned  closure   programme   of
underperforming or inappropriately located  franchises,
leaving 202 franchises trading at the end of the  year.
This  represents a fall in numbers of 27% over the last
two years.  The remaining franchises saw buoyant sales,
with  the  full  year  sales  of  #10.9m  falling  only
slightly below the #11.2m achieved in 1996.  However we
anticipate a 15% sales decline in the year ahead as  we
continue to close inappropriate outlets.

A  number  of new look franchise trials are planned  to
open  before Christmas.  Whilst it is too early to draw
firm  conclusions, their initial results indicate  that
there  is  the  long-term  potential  for  around   200
franchise concessions, once the product range and store
layouts have been optimised.


Sales  to  commercial  customers  totalled  #18.1m,  an
increase  of 3.1% from the previous year in  line  with
our strategic plan.

Our business with our main commercial customer, Marks &
Spencer grew by 10.6%, whilst our export sales also saw
a healthy increase.

New Business Development

Whilst our  existing  businesses  have  demonstrated
exciting growth potential for the next four years,  we
continue to look for further growth vehicles that  can
capitalise on the strength of the Thorntons brand.

We are especially pleased with the potential of  four
specific new  business initiatives  and  trials   in
particular, and intend to review their  full  business
potential in time for next years annual report.  These

The  Cafe  Thorntons format.  Still at a  very  early
stage of the trial - we have:

*   Moorgate (opened August 1996)
*   Oxford (opened May 1997)
*   Liverpool Station (opened July 1997)
*   Milton Keynes (opened September 1997)

The   initial   results  from   all   four   are   very
encouraging.  We are looking to extend the trials to  a
tourist location, a smaller market town, a first  floor
location  and  to a suburban location and  we  plan  to
trade  these  trial locations throughout  all  the  key
seasons  in  order to optimise the format,  layout  and
offering.  We plan to be in a position to identify  the
full  potential  for this new business  opportunity  by
next October.

New  shops in travel locations (stations and airports),
with   new   products  and  presentations  specifically
prepared  for this type of location, which  we  believe
offer a significant growth opportunity.

Our trials of traditional sugar confectionery which are
being  extended through Summer 1998.  We  have  already
learnt valuable lessons about the flexibility of  range
and  layout needed to optimise sales in this  area  and
believe  that  there may well be significant  long-term
potential in this market for Thorntons.

The  Thorntons mail order offer was launched in August.
We   are   confident  that  this  business   can   grow
substantially  over  time  and  intend  to  extend  our
offering  to  the Internet.  Orders can  be  placed  by
post,  over  the  telephone or via any Thorntons  shop.
Our  mail order catalogue containing the full Christmas
range  is being distributed to over 1 million potential
customers.   We look forward to receiving your  orders!
Simply phone free on 0800 19 11 11

Product Development

We   continue   to  develop  innovative  and   exciting
additions to our core product range, both for  our  key
seasonal  offerings and, increasingly, for our  day  to
day business where we see major potential for growth.

A  key  element of our success in the seasons  was  the
emphasis  on innovation and expansion to deliver  fresh
and  appealing  choices to our customers.   The  recent
repackaging and relaunch of the Classics range and  the
introduction of Swiss and Austrian Continental and  the
forthcoming  launch of our Awesome American  range  are
designed to continue to attract new customers, to offer
a  wide  ranging and tempting choice to existing  ones,
and to maintain our success in key seasons.

Day  to  day  ranges  have seen intense  activity.   We
introduced a total of 27 new countline bars during  the
year,  giving us a five fold increase from our previous
countline  offering.   Combined with  Choccies  which
proved  sensational  and with our  expanded  ice  cream
range,  these  new developments were the driving  force
behind second half like-for-like growth of 12.4%.

An exciting initiative for the year ahead is the launch
in Spring 1998 of our major childrens range, including
more  than  a  hundred different products ranging  from
"dalmation  spots"  to "dinosaur footprints"!   In  the
past,  the appeal of our product range to children  has
been  limited so this initiative represents the  single
biggest    growth   opportunity   within    our    core
confectionery markets.

We  intend  to maintain the exciting pace of innovation
in  our seasonal gift markets in the years ahead,  with
additions  to  the  Global  range  to  follow  on  from
American,  together with a traditional range  aimed  at
the  top  end  of  the market and several  more  mouth-
watering ideas in the pipeline.

Manufacturing & Supply Chain

The  closure of Flixborough and the sale of the Gartner
factory were completed in the second half of last  year
with  their activities absorbed successfully  into  our
two  main factories this year, enabling us to start the
process   of   improving  productivity  and   achieving
efficiency savings.

We  have reviewed our entire product range, to identify
those  products where we derive a competitive advantage
from  in-house manufacturing, either because of  recipe
or  process  knowledge, or because we  can  manufacture
more cost effectively.  We are now actively seeking  to
outsource those remaining products which do not provide
such  advantages, which will lead to the proportion  of
externally manufactured products increasing over time.

We  have also made progress in streamlining our  supply
chain,  improving key performance measures and reducing
lead  times,  with  a  key part in the  progress  being
played  by the integrated manufacturing computer system
installed in 1996.

The  productivity  gains  we  have  already  identified
through innovative investment in automation this year -
including a new chocolate enrobing line, the new toffee
breaking  and  packing line, the automatic  Continental
box    erector    -   have   highlighted    significant
profitability  gains  still  to  be  achieved  in   our

Following a comprehensive review of these opportunities
in the light of the considerable additional volume from
our  planned  retail  expansion  we  have  decided   to
consolidate  our chocolate manufacturing and  packaging
operations onto a single site at Thornton Park  at  the
earliest opportunity.

The  combined  cost  of building a  state  of  the  art
facility together with further investment in automation
is significant - #35m - but this investment exceeds our
target   return  on  capital  of  20%,   as   well   as
underwriting  the additional capacity  requirements  of
our ambitious growth plans for the next decade.

We   will   continue  to  maintain  our  non  chocolate
confectionery   production  and  packing   at   Belper,
together  with  our  main  warehouse  and  distribution
facilities.   We would not anticipate relocating  these
functions   unless  such  a  relocation   became   self

We anticipate the total expansion programme will create
additional  jobs over the next four years and are  keen
to  ensure that all employees affected remain with  the

Our  aim  is  to  have  the  new  packaging  facilities
operational  on  Thornton Park in  time  for  Christmas
1998, with the additional investment in automation  due
shortly  thereafter.   Another challenge,  but  another
major opportunity for us!


The   achievements  and  advances  made   towards   our
objectives  in  this,  the first year  of  our  initial
strategic plan have been very satisfying.

We  have  learnt  numerous valuable  lessons  from  the
progress made so far and now firmly believe that  where
"we  get  it  right"(i.e. right location, right  image,
right size), we are capable of achieving a higher share
of our core market than our original 21% target.

This  together  with the trials undertaken  in  smaller
market  towns,  in factory outlets, in  major  shopping
centres, and the opportunities to develop and grow  our
retail estate in both the South East of England and  in
Eire  has led us to recalculate the number of potential
locations from which we can operate profitably up  from
our  original 359 target in 2000 to a higher number  of
507 by the year 2001.

New 4 Year Plan Targets

                              Original Targets     New Targets
                                      for 2000        for 2001

New shops                                  140             288
Resited shops                               76             141
Refitted shops                             143              78
Total shops                                359             507

Average sq.ft per shop                     388             425
Sales per sq.ft.                          #924            #882
Sales per shop (#000)                     #350            #375

The  increased  number of larger shops has  led  us  to
update   our  key  performance  targets  with   greater
emphasis  on  larger shops, higher sales  turnover  per
shop  but  with a slight reduction in sales per  sq.ft.

From June 1997 we plan to open 331 new or resited shops
over  the  next  four years.  This is an ambitious  and
exciting  target.  However  the  speed  with  which  we
accomplish this programme will be responsive to  market
and   property  conditions.   We  will  not   sacrifice
profitability  for growth,  but are however,  confident
that  we  can double sales in our own shops  over  this

We  are determined to maintain our growth momentum, not
just  for  the initial four year planning horizon,  but
beyond  and  are progressing a number of  exciting  new
business  trials throughout the year.  We look  forward
to  updating  our shareholders on their potential  next

Roger Paffard
Chief Executive


Roger Paffard, Chief Executive      0171  466 5000 
on Tuesday 7 October, thereafter on 01773 540550

Jonathan  Fellows, Director of  Finance  0171 466 5000 
on Tuesday 7 October, thereafter on 01773 540550

Tim  Anderson/Charles  Ryland, Buchanan Communications
0171 466 5000

M O R E   T O   F O L L O W


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