NOTIFICATION OF MAJOR INTERESTS IN SHARES                   

All relevant boxes should be completed in block capital letters.

1. Name of company                   2. Name of shareholder having a major     
   UNITED BUSINESS MEDIA PLC                                                   
                                        Barclays plc                           

3. Please state whether notification 4. Name of the registered holder(s) and,  
   indicates that it is in respect      if more than one holder, the number of 
   of holding of the shareholder        shares held by each of them            
   named in 2 above or in respect of                                           
   a non-beneficial interest or in      As 2 Above - see attached sheet.       
   the case of an individual holder                                            
   if it is a holding of that                                                  
   person's spouse or children under                                           
   the age of 18                                                               
   NON BENEFICIAL - See 2 Above                                                

5. Number of      6. Percentage of  7. Number of shares 8. Percentage of      
   shares            issued class      /amount of stock    issued class       
   acquired                            disposed                               
                     N/A                                   N/A                
   N/A                                 N/A                                    

9. Class of security                10. Date of          11. Date company      
                                        transaction          informed          
   ORDINARY SHARES OF 25P                                                      
                                        NOT KNOWN            15 September 2003 

12. Total holding following this     13. Total percentage holding of issued    
    notification                         class following this notification     
    20,324,665 ORDINARY SHARES OF        6.06%                                 

14. Any additional information       15. Name of contact and telephone number  
                                         for queries                           
                                         NIGEL YOUDS 020 7921 5032             

16. Name and signature of authorised company official responsible for making   
    this notification                                                          
    ANNE SIDDELL                                                               
    COMPANY SECRETARY                                                          
Date of notification: 15 September 2003                                        

           Registered Holder             Account Designation      No. of Shares
ALMIXFTTL - 18408 - Chase Manhattan            ALMIXFTT                  44,862
ASUKEXTTL - 20947 - Chase Manhattan            ASUKEXTT               7,223,788
Bank of Ireland                                BNX009IE                  90,991
Barclays Capital Nominees LIMI                                            8,768
Barclays Trust Co R69                                                     1,600
BLENTFUKQ - 16344 - Chase Manhattan            BLENTFUK                  73,224
BLENTPUKQ - 16345 - Chase Manhattan            BLENTPUK                 159,343
BLEQFDUKQ - 16331 - Chase Manhattan            BLEOFDUK                 126,214
BLEQPTUEA - 16341 - Chase Manhattan            BLEOPTUE                 423,424
BLEQPTUKO - 16341 - Chase Manhattan            BLEOPTUK                 317,483
BLINTNUKQ - Z1AJ - dummy                       BLINTNUK                  23,331
BLINTPUKQ - 16342 - Chase Manhattan            BLINTPUK                  40,397
BLUKINTTL - 16400 - Chase Manhattan            BLUKINTT               3,022,425
Boston Safe Deposit and Trust                   591668                   76,040
Chase Manhattan Bank                            500227                1,549,461
Chase Manhattan Bank                            502872                  555,175
Chase Manhattan Bank                            508068                  142,985
Chase Manhattan Bank                            527191                2,928,337
Chase Manhattan Bank                            536747                  619,656
Chase Manhattan Bank                            552942                  448,938
Chase Manhattan Bank                            585439                    4,972
CHATRKTTL-16376-Chase Manhattan                CHATRKTT                 158,682
Citibank, NA (United States)                    597367                   38,309
Investors Bank and Trust Co.                    428169                   29,480
Investors Bank and Trust Co.                    555879                    7,038
Investors Bank and Trust Co.                    573039                   41,203
Investors Bank and Trust Co.                    583293                  211,344
Investors Bank and Trust Co.                    588888                   12,429
Investors Bank and Trust Co.                    590421                   29,053
Investors Bank and Trust Co.                    595966                  294,918
Investors Bank and Trust Co.                    598856                    5,232
Investors Bank and Trust Co.                    911140                    9,640
JP Morgan Chase Bank                            540186                  194,446
JP Morgan Chase Bank                            555465                   58,413
JP Morgan Chase Bank                            599123                    9,735
JP Morgan Chase Bank                           BTC034IE                   4,485
JP Morgan Chase Bank                           BTC045IE                  38,190
JP Morgan Chase Bank                           BTGF01IE                  69,550
JP Morgan Chase Bank                           BTGF04IE                  44,356
JP Morgan Chase Bank                           BTGF05IE                  49,413
JP Morgan Chase Bank                           BTGF07IE                   8,241
JP Morgan Chase Bank                           BTK001IE                  40,237
JP Morgan Chase Bank                           BTS004IE                  37,122
JP Morgan Chase Bank                           BTS005IE                   9,552
JP Morgan Chase Bank                           BTS011IE                  12,939
JP Morgan Chase Bank                           BTS019IE                   3,661
JP Morgan Chase Bank                           BTS024IE                   4,160
JP Morgan Chase Bank                           BTS028IE                 150,474
JP Morgan Chase Bank                           BTS033IE                   4,965
JP Morgan Chase Bank                           BTS036IE                  16,022
Master Trust Bank                              BNNP06IE                  16,385
Mitsubishi Trust International                 BNN018IE                   1,683
Mitsubishi Trust International                 BNN046IE                  12,498
Northern Trust Bank - BGI SEPA                  581610                  315,499
Northern Trust Bank - BGI SEPA                  584069                   99,070
State Street                                   BNX012IE                   6,714
State Street                                   BNX019IE                  51,724
State Street Bank & Trust - US                  713101                  338,071
Sumitomo TB                                    BNN052IE                   6,052
Zeban Nominees Limited                                                    2,266
TOTAL                                                                20,324,665