Moto Goldmines Limited (TSX:MGL)(ASX:MOE) - -0- *T - Significant results from the extension diamond drill programme at Karagba / Chauffeur / Durba East include: - 10m @ 17.60 g/t Au from 158m to 168m, - 28m @ 14.33 g/t Au from 446m to 474m, - 30m @ 7.94 g/t Au from 406m to 436m, - 72m @ 7.09 g/t Au from 81m to 153m, - 34m @ 5.30 g/t Au from 192m to 226m, - 30m @ 8.69 g/t Au from 124m to 154m, and - 43m @ 4.30 g/t Au from 173m to 216m. - Significant results from the 40m x 40m infill diamond drill programme at Karagba include: - 16m @ 8.87 g/t Au from 61m to 77m. - 18m @ 5.97 g/t Au from 45m to 63m, - 30m @ 4.57 g/t Au from 0m to 30m, - 60m @ 3.34 g/t Au from 106m to 166m, - 46.4m @ 3.33 g/t Au from 4m to 50.4m, and - 75m @ 2.56 g/t Au from 0m to 75m. A revised independent resource estimate is planned for Q1, 2006. - Significant results from the extension diamond drill programme at Sessenge include: - 28m @ 6.11 g/t Au from 174m to 202m, - 10m @ 5.96 g/t Au from 150m to 160m, - 18m @ 4.17 g/t Au from 180m to 198m, - 14m @ 3.84 g/t Au from 90m to 104m, - 32m @ 3.27 g/t Au from 84m to 116m, and - 36m @ 2.85 g/t Au from 124m to 160m. A revised independent resource estimate is planned for Q1, 2006. - Significant results from the infill diamond drill programme at Mengu Hill include: - 58m @ 4.72 g/t Au from 0m to 58m, - 62.25m @ 4.64 g/t Au from 7.75m to 70m, and - 22.6m @ 3.88 g/t Au from 0m to 22.6m. A revised independent resource estimate is planned for Q1, 2006. - Continuous infill and extension drilling is planned for Q1 and Q2, 2006. - Pre-feasibility study is scheduled for completion by mid-2006. *T In November 2005 the Company announced a revised resource estimate at the Moto Gold project in the north east of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Independent geological consultants Cube Consulting Pty Limited ("Cube Consulting") estimated indicated resources of 34.34 million tonnes at 2.5 g/t for 2.81 million ounces of gold and inferred resources of 92.89 million tonnes at 2.7 g/t Au for 8.16 million ounces of gold. Recent infill and extension drilling at Karagaba / Chauffeur and Sessenge designed to increase and upgrade the resources from the inferred to the indicated category, have generated further significant results including the discovery of another mineralized shoot, Durba East underlying the Chauffeur mineralisation. KARAGBA / CHAUFFEUR / DURBA EAST A 14 hole 5,087m diamond drill programme, DDD067 to DDD080 inclusive which tested the shallower up-plunge portion of the Chauffeur mineralisation has recently been completed. This drill programme has discovered another mineralised zone underlying the Chauffeur mineralisation. It occurs at a similar stratigraphic position and to the east of the Durba Mine. It has been termed Durba East. The Durba East mineralisation has a potential plunge length of 1,200m from the deepest intersection to surface. At the projected surface position there is evidence of previous artisanal mining. Significant results include: 30m @ 8.69 g/t Au from 124m to 154m in DDD072, 10m @ 17.60 g/t Au from 158m to 168m in DDD074, 72m @ 7.09 g/t Au from 81m to 153m in DDD077, 34m @ 5.30 g/t Au from 192m to 226m in DDD078, 30m @ 6.32 from 406m to 436m in DDD079 and 43m @ 4.30 from 173m to 216m in DDD082. The next programme, combining both extension and infill holes (DDD080 to DDD110 for 8,100m) has commenced. Results for DDD035 completed as a part of the drill programme to test the continuity of the Karagba and the underlying Chauffeur mineralised zone has returned significant intercepts including: 18m @ 6.91 g/t Au from 366m to 384m, 30m @ 7.94 g/t Au from 406m to 436m and 28m @ 14.33 g/t Au from 446m to 474m. This diamond hole lies 80m up-plunge of DDD021; 14m @ 3.41 g/t Au from 286m to 300m, 110m @ 4.84 g/t Au from 213m to 422m and 28m @ 3.94 g/t Au from 446m to 474m and 80m down-plunge of DDD033; 28m @ 9.11 g/t Au from 366m to 394m, 40m @ 11.32 g/t Au from 410m to 450m. This high grade deeper mineralisation intercepted in DDD031 to DDD035 inclusive is interpreted to correlate with the Chauffeur mineralised zone. This mineralisation shares a similar 30 degrees plunge with the overlying Karagba mineralisation. The Chauffeur mineralisation is presently being exploited by artisanal miners at surface, 1,000 metres up-plunge from the drill intercept in DDD035. The 40m x 40m infill drill programme at Karagba,, holes DDD036 to DDD066, inclusive has been completed. Significant intercepts to date include: 75m @ 2.56 g/t Au from 0m to 75m and 60m @ 3.34 g/t Au from 106m to 166m (including 4m @ 30 g/t Au cut from 4m @ 756g/t Au) in DDD066, 46.4m @ 3.33 g/t Au from 4m to 50.4m in DDD041, 30m @ 4.57 g/t Au from 0m to 30m in DDD044, 13m @ 7.49 g/t Au from 51m to 64m in DDD046, 18m @ 5.97 g/t Au from 45m to 63m in DDD050 and 16m @ 8.87 g/t Au from 61m to 77m in DDD053. In November 2005 Cube Consulting estimated an inferred resource at Karagba of 36.70 million tonnes grading 3.1 g/t Au for 3.63 million ounces of gold. A revised resource estimate will be completed by independent consultants Cube Consulting in Q1 2006. Significant results received and not previously reported for Karagba / Chauffeur are summarised in Table 1. Significant results received and not previously reported for Chauffeur / Durba East are summarised in Table 2. SESSENGE Results have been received for all holes in a 14 hole diamond drill programme at Sessenge SDD001 to SDD014 inclusive. These holes were drilled to test the down plunge position of the Sessenge mineralisation. Significant results from the programme include: 14m @ 3.84 g/t Au from 90m to 104m in SDD002, 32m @ 3.27 g/t Au from 84m to 116m in SDD003, 18m @ 4.17 g/t Au from 180m to 198m in SDD007, 28m @ 6.11 g/t Au from 174m to 202m in SDD009, 10m @ 5.96 g/t Au from 150m to 160m in SDD010 and 36m @ 2.85 g/t Au from 124m to 160m in SDD014. In November 2005 Cube Consulting estimated an indicated resource at Sessenge of 4,778,000 tonnes grading 2.0 g/t Au for 301,000 ounces of gold and an inferred resource of 922,000 tonnes grading 2.3 g/t Au for 67,000 ounces of gold. A revised resource estimate will be completed by Cube Consulting in Q1 2006. Significant results received and not previously reported are summarised in Table 3. MENGU HILL All results have now been received for the 23 hole 3,136m infill diamond drill programme MDD015-38 completed at Mengu Hill. This programme has demonstrated the excellent continuity of the mineralisation. Significant results include: 58m @ 4.72 g/t Au from 0m to 58m in MDD019, 22.6m @ 3.88 g/t Au from 0m to 22.6m in MDD021 and 62.25m @ 4.64 g/t Au from 7.75m to 70m in MDD023 (previously reported as 7.65m @ 15.49 g/t Au from 62.35m to 70m). In November 2005 Cube Consulting estimated an indicated resource at Mengu Hill of 8M tonnes grading 3.3 g/t Au for 844,000 ounces of gold and an inferred resource of 985,000 tonnes grading 1.4 g/t Au for 43,000 ounces of gold. An revised resource estimate will be completed by Cube Consulting in Q1 2006. Significant results received and not previously reported are summarised in Table 4. Prefeasibility Work and Ongoing Drilling Programme Activities in relation to project feasibility and development are ongoing. Pre-feasibility work is scheduled for completion by mid 2006 and a bankable feasibility study is expected to finalised in 2007. The Company continues to operate four drill rigs (one RC and three diamond) on the Moto site, and a continuous programme of infill and extension drilling is planned through to mid 2006. Company website: Additional Notes: Scientific or technical information in this news release has been prepared under the supervision of Greg Smith, Exploration Manager of the Company and a qualified person under National Instrument 43-101 and a member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM). Greg Smith has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2004 Edition of the "Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves" (the JORC Code). The Information in this report that relates to Mineral Resources is based on a resource estimate compiled by Ted Coupland who is a member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM), Mineral Industry Consultants Association (MICA) and is a Chartered Professional (Geology), and a qualified person under National Instrument 43-101. Ted Coupland is a director of Cube Consulting Pty Ltd. Ted Coupland has sufficient experience which is relevant to gold mineralisation and resource estimation to qualify as a competent Person as defined in the December 2004 Edition of the "Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves" (the JORC Code). Ted Coupland consents to the inclusion in this report of the Information, in the form and context in which it appears. Caution Regarding Forward Looking Statements: Statements regarding the Company's plans with respect to developing the Moto Gold Project are forward-looking. There can be no assurance that any mineralisation will be proven to be economic, that anticipated metallurgical recoveries will be achieved, that future evaluation work will confirm the viability of deposits identified with the project or that future required regulatory approvals will be obtained. NOTE: There is a Map available on CCNMatthews' website at: -0- *T Table 1 - Significant intercepts Karagba / Chauffeur --------------------------------------------------------------------- Hole UTM UTM UTM Azi- Dip Depth From To Inter- Au _id _North _East _RL muth val g/t --------------------------------------------------------------------- DDD035 344861 787448 853 0 -90 491.65 338 340 2 0.99 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 344 346 2 6.24 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 366 384 18 6.91 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 406 436 30 7.94 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 446 474 28 14.33 --------------------------------------------------------------------- DDD036 344951 787069 850 0 -90 168.2 0 7 7 2.56 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 13 2 1.26 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 56 33 4.06 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 83 89 6 3.06 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 115 121 6 1.16 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 127 137 10 1.23 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 143 149 6 0.88 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 153 165 12 3.86 --------------------------------------------------------------------- DDD037 344929 787101 849 0 -90 176.8 14 19 5 1.33 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 51 57 6 2.23 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 63 69 6 1.24 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 75 81 6 1.30 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 91 95 4 0.84 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 119 125 6 1.17 --------------------------------------------------------------------- DDD038 344907 787122 848 0 -90 191 0 4 4 1.38 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 26 4 1.99 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 34 40 6 21.05 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 60 70 10 1.10 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 98 106 8 2.53 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 148 154 6 0.71 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 166 170 4 1.28 --------------------------------------------------------------------- DDD039 344830 787174 848 0 -70 240 36 44 8 2.65 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 48 50 2 1.44 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 74 80 6 2.94 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 88 90 2 1.24 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 94 98 4 2.72 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 144 206 62 2.98 --------------------------------------------------------------------- DDD040 344838 787174 848 0 -90 272.15 38 58 20 1.24 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 72 90 18 0.80 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 100 112 12 2.31 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 144 168 24 1.13 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 178 182 4 1.13 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 190 200 10 0.84 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 210 220 10 1.24 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 234 246 12 1.60 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 250 252 2 1.93 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 264 266 2 2.22 --------------------------------------------------------------------- DDD041 344897 787078 853 0 -90 188.8 4 50.4 46.4 3.33 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 65 79 14 2.44 --------------------------------------------------------------------- DDD042 344932 786983 860 0 -90 143.05 no significant intercept --------------------------------------------------------------------- DDD043 344902 787016 858 0 -90 199.4 4 8 4 0.75 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 18.15 6.15 0.63 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 36 46 10 1.18 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 80 83 3 1.05 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 115 143 28 1.00 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 167 173 6 0.89 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 189 194.4 5.4 0.85 --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Hole UTM UTM UTM Azi- Dip Depth From To Inter- Au _id _North _East _RL muth val g/t --------------------------------------------------------------------- DDD044 344876 787043 857 0 -90 172.95 0 30 30 4.57 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 35 39 4 1.24 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 45 49 4 1.86 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 67 74 7 1.17 --------------------------------------------------------------------- DDD045 344860 787057 857 225 -60 191 0 3 3 0.77 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 40 26 2.52 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 76 85 9 1.58 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 136 140 4 0.82 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 146 150 4 1.06 --------------------------------------------------------------------- DDD046 344847 787071 856 0 -90 161 0 4 4 1.66 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 30 15 2.23 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 35 39 4 3.47 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 51 64 13 7.49 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 90 96 6 0.93 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 102 150 48 1.05 --------------------------------------------------------------------- DDD047 344819 787100 854 0 -90 170 0 4 4 0.78 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 39 27 2.13 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 49 52 3 1.84 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 66 74 8 6.85 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 116 132 16 1.27 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 140 146 6 2.85 --------------------------------------------------------------------- DDD048 344796 787132 853 0 -90 173 18 35 17 2.88 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 75 97 22 3.39 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 113 125 12 1.44 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 129 137 8 1.21 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 147 151 4 0.93 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 171 173 2 10.26 --------------------------------------------------------------------- DDD049 344758 787161 852 0 -90 170.05 88 106 18 0.90 --------------------------------------------------------------------- DDD050 344889 786969 864 0 -90 227 2 6 4 0.81 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 45 63 18 5.97 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 145 155 10 2.46 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 159 163 4 0.91 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 187 195 8 0.80 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 201 209 8 1.30 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 217 225 8 1.00 --------------------------------------------------------------------- DDD051 344860 787001 864 0 -90 161.5 0 11 11 2.48 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 18 3 2.34 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 44 48 4 2.46 --------------------------------------------------------------------- DDD052 344791 787069 860 315 -60 164.25 4 17 13 1.25 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 40 59.9 19.9 2.45 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 91 93 2 7.34 --------------------------------------------------------------------- DDD053 344774 787084 859 0 -90 149.1 0 13 13 2.79 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 29 32 3 1.64 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 55 57 2 1.21 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 61 77 16 8.87 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 85 115 30 1.33 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 125 127 2 1.25 --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Hole UTM UTM UTM Azi- Dip Depth From To Inter- Au _id _North _East _RL muth val g/t --------------------------------------------------------------------- DDD054 344749 787115 856 0 -90 158 54 85 31 3.88 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 101 103 2 5.14 --------------------------------------------------------------------- DDD055 344846 786956 868 0 -90 116 0 10.75 10.75 1.37 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 21 6 4.77 --------------------------------------------------------------------- DDD056 344834 786972 868 135 -70 121.35 0 4.5 4.5 1.11 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 47 57 10 1.81 --------------------------------------------------------------------- DDD057 344761 787038 863 0 -90 123.2 0 4.7 4.7 1.42 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 38 45.2 7.2 6.20 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 77 81 4 0.74 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 98 122 24 4.14 --------------------------------------------------------------------- DDD058 344731 787068 860 0 -90 137 0 4 4 1.03 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 45 57 12 2.02 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 63 73 10 2.85 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 79 87 8 1.46 --------------------------------------------------------------------- DDD059 344701 787091 859 0 -90 145.05 24 27 3 1.11 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 45 54.3 9.3 2.33 --------------------------------------------------------------------- DDD060 344804 786947 871 135 -50 164.1 0 21.3 21.3 2.94 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 102 130 28 1.34 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 136 138 2 1.24 --------------------------------------------------------------------- DDD061 344800 786947 871 0 -90 149 0 4.75 4.75 1.78 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 34 40 6 1.82 --------------------------------------------------------------------- DDD062 344732 787017 863 315 -60 160.75 0 10 10 5.04 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 26 35 9 5.73 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 66 79.4 13.4 2.19 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 96 103 7 1.12 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 115 119 4 1.03 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 127 129 2 4.31 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 143 153 10 1.14 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 159 160.75 1.75 1.52 --------------------------------------------------------------------- DDD063 344720 787028 863 0 -90 155.1 0 4 4 0.91 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 33 63 30 5.91 --------------------------------------------------------------------- DDD064 344690 787046 861 0 -90 173 0 4 4 1.55 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 25 47 22 2.78 --------------------------------------------------------------------- DDD065 344673 787022 862 0 -90 122.05 16.7 25 8.3 5.18 --------------------------------------------------------------------- DDD066(a) 344865 787110 850 0 -90 227.8 0 75 75 2.56 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 106 166 60 3.34 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 186 190 4 0.87 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 194 202 8 1.40 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 222 227.8 5.8 4.82 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note (a) Results of DDD066 106m to 166m include 4m @ 30 g/t Au cut from 4m @ 756g/t Au. Table 2 - Significant intercepts Chauffeur / Durba East --------------------------------------------------------------------- Hole UTM UTM UTM Azi- Dip Depth From To Inter- Au _id _North _East _RL muth val g/t --------------------------------------------------------------------- DDD067 344370 786888 862 0 -90 422 100 126 26 1.46 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 184 190 6 1.12 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 210 212 2 1.45 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 238 288 50 2.95 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 348 396 48 1.72 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 410 412 2 6.27 --------------------------------------------------------------------- DDD068 344399 786854 866 0 -90 395 144 152 8 13.95 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 170 174 4 1.65 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 190 192 2 1.11 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 216 218 2 1.84 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 244 286 42 3.18 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 326 340 14 1.30 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 344 348 4 1.69 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 354 356 2 1.04 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 376 380 4 1.12 --------------------------------------------------------------------- DDD070 344457 786803 871 0 -90 272 86 92 6 2.46 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 222 226 4 1.22 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 252 260 8 2.82 --------------------------------------------------------------------- DDD072 344393 786977 856 0 -90 422 124 154 30 8.69 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 160 198 38 1.94 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 206 214 8 2.69 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 270 276 6 2.53 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 288 296 8 1.73 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 356 362 6 1.03 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 410 414 4 1.36 --------------------------------------------------------------------- DDD073 344422 786947 856 0 -90 425.7 108 110 2 1.34 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 124 132 8 3.13 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 138 158 20 1.47 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 214 228 14 6.15 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 236 266 30 2.75 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 280 290 10 1.40 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 308 314 6 5.00 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 354 356 2 1.41 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 380 384 4 1.73 --------------------------------------------------------------------- DDD074 344453 786919 862 0 -90 398.05 158 168 10 17.60 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 176 178 2 10.24 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 196 204 8 5.68 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 218 222 4 10.88 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 236 250 14 2.26 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 254 270 16 1.41 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 290 306 16 5.37 --------------------------------------------------------------------- DDD077 344339 786919 864 0 -90 374 81 153 72 7.09 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 175 223 48 2.62 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 287 297 10 1.17 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 305 323 18 1.62 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 337 341 4 1.08 --------------------------------------------------------------------- DDD078 344497 787041 851 0 -90 395.8 154 156 2 2.31 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 164 180 16 1.84 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 192 226 34 5.30 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 244 280 36 1.56 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 332 342 10 1.65 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 354 366 12 3.71 --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Hole_id UTM_ UTM_ UTM_ Azi- Dip Depth From To Inter- Au North East RL muth val g/t --------------------------------------------------------------------- DDD079 344505 787163 849 315 -80 497.7 192 216 24 1.86 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 336 376 40 1.53 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 384 396 12 1.26 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 406 436 30 6.32 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 460 464 4 1.30 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 480 484 4 1.48 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 492 497.7 5.7 1.16 --------------------------------------------------------------------- DDD082 344340 786920 870 225 -60 341.65 59 61 2 2.14 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 71 109 38 2.27 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 121 127 6 1.03 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 135 161 26 2.34 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 173 216 43 4.30 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 284 302 18 1.30 --------------------------------------------------------------------- DDD085 344310 786950 880 0 -90 362 82 106 24 1.26 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 156 160 4 1.23 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 196 210 14 1.32 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 240 250 10 1.05 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 270 280 10 1.11 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Table 3 - Significant intercepts Sessenge --------------------------------------------------------------------- Hole_id UTM UTM UTM Azi- Dip Depth From To Inter- Au _North _East _RL muth val g/t --------------------------------------------------------------------- SDD001 344104 785946 855 0 -90 170 90 94 4 0.86 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 98 100 2 1.09 --------------------------------------------------------------------- SDD002 344073 785980 861 0 -90 182.4 90 104 14 3.84 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 172 178 6 0.78 --------------------------------------------------------------------- SDD003 344053 786008 864 0 -90 191.95 50 54 4 0.82 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 84 116 32 3.27 --------------------------------------------------------------------- SDD004 344036 786050 867 0 -90 177.2 110 118 8 1.17 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 124 130 6 2.46 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 174 177.2 3.2 1.67 --------------------------------------------------------------------- SDD005 344005 786077 868 0 -90 203 118 130 12 0.94 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 142 146 4 5.59 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 176 186 10 1.55 --------------------------------------------------------------------- SDD006 343965 786088 868 0 -90 188 122 126 4 0.69 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 154 170 16 2.39 --------------------------------------------------------------------- SDD007 343922 786104 874 0 -90 233.05 116 122 6 0.70 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 160 162 2 5.73 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 180 198 18 4.17 --------------------------------------------------------------------- SDD008 343899 786137 873 0 -90 248.95 150 172 22 1.17 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 186 200 14 1.78 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 238 242 4 1.49 --------------------------------------------------------------------- SDD009 343899 786183 878 0 -90 242 150 152 2 0.84 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 174 202 28 6.11 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 210 216 6 0.81 --------------------------------------------------------------------- SDD010 343911 786021 862 0 -90 172.9 70 74 4 0.55 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 114 120 6 1.24 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 136 140 4 0.93 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 150 160 10 5.96 --------------------------------------------------------------------- SDD011 343911 786062 867 0 -90 173 107 113 6 0.67 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 147 155 8 2.24 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 165 173 8 1.24 --------------------------------------------------------------------- SDD012 343840 786058 870 0 -90 158 66 72 6 0.88 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 96 100 4 1.71 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 114 118 4 5.21 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 126 128 2 1.53 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 144 150 6 1.50 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 156 158 2 3.79 --------------------------------------------------------------------- SDD013 343839 786102 861 0 -90 190.45 4 6 2 1.68 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 121 133 12 1.98 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 139 149 10 2.57 --------------------------------------------------------------------- SDD014 343839 786135 859 0 -90 227.05 70 72 2 1.67 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 96 98 2 2.75 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 124 160 36 2.85 --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Hole UTM UTM UTM Azi- Inter- Au _id _North _East _RL muth Dip Depth From To val g/t --------------------------------------------------------------------- MDD015 351047 782857 913 0 -90 55.75 0 4.4 4.4 2.20 --------------------------------------------------------------------- MDD016 351042 782900 908 0 -90 68 0 4.25 4.25 1.17 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 18.25 28.75 10.5 4.17 --------------------------------------------------------------------- MDD017 351024 782942 903 0 -90 53 0 2 4 1.52 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 34 40 6 1.14 --------------------------------------------------------------------- MDD018 351141 782900 878 0 -90 83 0 20 20 1.14 --------------------------------------------------------------------- MDD019 351141 782942 880 0 -90 92 0 58 58 4.72 --------------------------------------------------------------------- MDD020 351140 782979 871 0 -90 90 0 6.2 6.2 2.41 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 25.7 8.7 1.33 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 45 65 20 1.13 --------------------------------------------------------------------- MDD021 351142 783019 863 0 -90 71 0 22.6 22.6 3.88 --------------------------------------------------------------------- MDD022 351218 782933 860 0 -90 107 0 2 4 1.65 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 10.75 12.25 1.5 1.77 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 30.25 7.25 5.78 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 39.75 49.05 9.3 0.98 --------------------------------------------------------------------- MDD023 (i) 351222 782974 858 0 -90 101 0 2.2 2.2 1.35 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.75 70 62.25 4.64 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 78 84 6 2.65 --------------------------------------------------------------------- MDD024 (i) 351223 783015 851 0 -90 100.9 22 24.05 2.05 1.15 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 37.55 42.05 4.5 1.61 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 66 82 16 1.82 --------------------------------------------------------------------- MDD025 (i) 351222 783058 844 0 -90 83 36 42 6 3.21 --------------------------------------------------------------------- MDD026 no significant (i) 351294 782946 846 0 -90 80 intercept --------------------------------------------------------------------- MDD027 351288 782975 844 0 -90 122 0 4 4 0.74 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 30 42 12 3.18 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 56 78 22 2.26 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 82 84 2 1.49 --------------------------------------------------------------------- MDD028 (i) 351296 783019 834 0 -90 116 35 93 58 5.07 --------------------------------------------------------------------- MDD029 (i) 351296 783055 832 0 -90 128 34 36 2 1.34 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 58 62 4 2.05 --------------------------------------------------------------------- (i)Note: Previously reported partial results. Note(i) The intersected true width ranges from 90% to 100% of the intercept. Genalysis Laboratory Services located in Perth, Western Australia completed all assays on drill core from Karagba / Chauffeur / Durba East, Mengu Hill and Sessenge. Fire assay using a 50gm charge was used for all assays. *T Moto Goldmines Limited (TSX:MGL) (ASX.:MOE)
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