RNS Number:2854M
Howle Holdings PLC
13 June 2003


13 JUNE 2003


For the six months ended 31 March 2003


After the traumas of the previous year, we have sought in this period to consolidate our operations, tighten working
capital management and continue our cost reduction programme.

Our financial performance is affected by our Stock Reduction programme and redundancies but we believe this to be the
proper course to improve cash generation.

The financial outcome for the six months to 31 March 2003 shows Continuing Operations declaring a small profit of
#28,000 (2002: profit #64,000) before Exceptional Charges and Amortisation of Goodwill from sales of #5.9 million
(2002: #6.7 million) and a loss before tax of #122,000 (2002: loss before tax of #485,000).

This represents only step one on our road to recovery, but we are moving in the right direction.

As previously reported, we have ceased operations at Innotek, Greenford. The closure and transfer to Neath is now
complete with NPE-I benefiting from the retention of some ongoing Innotek business.

As a further cost-reduction we are closing Howle France S.A while continuing to sell directly into the territory.

In view of the on-going contraction of some markets, we continue to make cost savings.

Our head-count continues to reduce,      March 02     318
                                         March 03     260
an 18% reduction

Stocks have reduced by 3% with tough targets in place for continuing reductions.

The Stock programme must of course be achieved while fully maintaining customer service.


Notwithstanding all these actions, we must continue to husband our resources and it would be imprudent to pay an
interim dividend.

Operational Review

Carbide Division
Howle Carbides Ltd (HoCa) 

Having absorbed the plant purchased from EAD, both manufacturing plants are now equipped to the highest international
standards. A major sales growth programme is in hand to capitalise on our increasing penetration in both the Oil and
Seal Industries.

Two Manufacturing Improvement Task Forces are in place, concentrating on squeezing more productivity out of existing

As NPE-I re-consolidates itself with Canning customers, HoCa has been able to make technical presentations, promoting
our specialist Canning Carbides to a wide audience of Can Makers, leading us into new market areas.

Cutting Division
Richard Lloyd Limited (RLL) 

The home market does not expand, so any growth there must be at the expense of our competitors. Our Automotive
clients remain supportive, but continually drive us for enhanced performance. The new Ford "Lion" Diesel project is
now into production at Dagenham. A joint initiative in Milling Carbon-Fibre Aerospace materials shows promise.

We are also, slowly but surely, gaining a better share of Automotive product in North America and Mexico.

An efficiency improvement team, assisted by Advantage West Midlands - a Regional Agency - is at work squeezing more
out of our facilities.

Titman Tip Tools (Titman) 

The Manufacturing Project is now bedded-in and we have the benefit of the enhanced throughput.

The market is suffering from the export of a number of UK furniture-making jobs eastwards. We are countering by
seeking new outlets in the extended eastwards-spreading European Union.

Our new Solid Carbide product sales are slowly increasing to the benefit of both Titman and HoCa.

Forming Division
NPE-Innotek, Neath (NPE-I) 
The transfer of equipment - along with appropriate training - from Innotek, has provided an enhanced production base.

Innotek business has followed the transfer, enhancing order intake by some 20% in the last four months.


Very much a "heads down and re-group" time. The Group Executive is concentrating on maximising in-house transfers of
work wherever practicable. Our Sales Forces are trading information to mutual benefit, particularly in the Oil

Overseas we are seeing growth in Germany and France for HoCa. The strengthening of the Euro is helping margins,
although our Raw Materials priced in Euros are offsetting part of the gain.

India, with its growth in Automotive components, is showing signs of growth, with Tap trials running in key
manufacturers like Bharat Forge and Tata. Our Indian partners are showing a healthy interest in the joint development
and "Silvercut" sales are increasing.

Current Trading

Times remain extremely challenging, with markets under attack in every sector. We react by cost-saving, efficiency
gains, spreading our net wider and reducing debt. Any significant change depends on our ability to face-down
World-Class opposition.


We will continue the battle and be as professional as we can in every area. We seek new markets, for instance,
sustainable energy, where some of the conventional Power Generation clients have entered the Wind Power manufacturing

In these incredibly tough times, we are fortunate to be blessed with a team of people who share our determination to

Our employees, customers, suppliers, shareholders and Non-Executive Directors give us great heart - thank you.


                                Unaudited       Unaudited         Unaudited    Unaudited    Unaudited         Audited 
                                Continuing   Discontinued        Exceptional    6 months     6 months       12 months 
                               operations      operations              items       ended        ended           ended 
                            6 months ended       6 months     6 months ended    31 March     31 March    30 September 
                                 31 March           ended     31 March 2003         2003         2002            2002 
                                     2003        31 March                                                             

                                    #'000           #'000             #'000        #'000        #'000           #'000 
  Turnover                          5,825             104                 -        5,929        6,699         12,919  
  Cost of sales                   (3,852)            (86)              (31)      (3,969)      (4,705)         (8,802) 
                                ---------       ---------         ---------    ---------    ---------       --------- 
  Gross profit                     1,973               18              (31)        1,960       1,994           4,117  
  Net operating costs:                                                                                                
  Distribution costs                (740)            (55)               (5)        (800)        (858)         (1,788) 
  Administration                  (1,021)            (24)              (44)      (1,089)      (1,212)         (2,281) 
  Other operating                      28              -                  -           28           58              79 
  Amortisation of                    (19)              -                  -        (19)          (19)            (37) 
                                ---------       ---------         ---------    ---------    ---------       --------- 
  Operating                          221             (61)              (80)           80         (37)              90 
  Loss on sale of                       -               -               (8)          (8)        (131)           (127) 
  fixed assets                                                                                                        
  Provision for costs                                                                                                 
  of fundamental                        -               -                18           18            -           (621) 
                                ---------       ---------         ---------    ---------    ---------       --------- 
  Profit/(loss) on                    221            (61)              (70)           90        (168)           (658) 
  ordinary activities                                                                                                 
  before interest                                                                                                     
  Interest payable and              (212)               -                 -        (212)        (317)           (551) 
  similar charges                                                                                                     
                                ---------       ---------         ---------    ---------    ---------       --------- 
  Profit/(loss) on                                                                                                    
  ordinary                              9            (61)              (70)        (122)        (485)         (1,209) 
  activities before                                                                                                   
  Tax on profit/(loss)               (40)               -                 -         (40)          103             273 
  ordinary activities                                                                                                 
                                ---------       ---------         ---------    ---------    ---------       --------- 
  Loss on ordinary                                                                                                    
  activities after                   (31)            (61)               (70)       (162)       (382)            (936) 

  Dividends                            -               -                  -           -             -               - 
                                ---------       ---------         ---------    ---------    ---------       --------- 
  Retained loss                      (31)            (61)              (70)        (162)       (382)            (936) 
                                =========       =========         =========    =========    =========       ========= 
  Loss per share                   (0.1)p          (0.2)p            (0.3)p       (0.6)p       (1.3)p          (3.2)p 
  Dividend per share                    -               -                 -          Nil          Nil             Nil 

Notes to the above:

1. The unaudited results for the six months ended 31 March 2003 contain the operating profits of all business owned
throughout the period. The discontinued operations relate to Howle France SA, which ceased trading in April 2003.

2. The exceptional items in the period ended 31 March 2003 comprise #31,000 of redundancy costs, #18,000 credit,
being part release of an onerous lease provision, #15,000 provision for the closure of Howle France, #9,000 loss on
disposal of fixed assets, #22,000 for costs related to the re-financing of the business and #11,000 of costs incurred
in preparing a leasehold premises for sub-let.

3. Included in the results for the twelve months ended 30 September 2002 are the following exceptional items: a) cost
of sales - redundancy costs of #215,000, b) distribution costs - redundancy costs of #20,000, c) administrative
expenses - redundancy costs of #13,000, legal and professional costs associated with abortive acquisitions, amending
security arrangements in respect of borrowings and the valuation of land and buildings #72,000 and a credit in
respect of a decrease in pension provision deficits of #22,000 and d) interest - bank loan redemption penalty of

                                                                 Unaudited   Unaudited        Audited
                                                                     as at       as at          as at
                                                                  31 March    31 March   30 September
                                                                      2003        2002           2002

                                                                     #'000       #'000          #'000
                   Fixed assets                                                                      
                   Tangible assets                                   9,489      10,005          9,784
                   Intangible assets                                   693         717            703
                                                                  --------    --------       --------
                                                                    10,182      10,722         10,487
                   Current assets                                 --------    --------       --------
                   Stocks                                            3,492       3,590          3,760
                   Debtors                                           3,390       3,405          2,942
                   Cash at bank and in hand                            258          94            218
                                                                  --------    --------       --------
                                                                     7,140       7,089          6,920
                                                                  --------    --------       --------
                   Creditors - due within one year                 (5,921)     (4,917)        (5,126)
                                                                  --------    --------       --------
                   Net current assets                                1,219       2,172          1,794
                                                                  --------    --------       --------
                   Total assets less current liabilities            11,401      12,894         12,281

                   Creditors - due after                           (3,542)     (4,164)        (4,290)
                   more than one year                                                                

                   Provision for liabilities                         (415)       (572)          (379)
                   and charges                                                                       
                                                                  --------    --------       --------
                                                                     7,444       8,158          7,612
                                                                  ========    ========       ========
                   Capital and reserves                                                              
                   Share capital                                     1,956       1,956          1,956
                   Share premium                                     2,770       2,770          2,770
                   Merger reserve                                    2,780       2,780          2,780
                   Revaluation reserve                                  92          92             92
                   Profit and loss account                           (154)         560             14
                                                                  --------    --------       --------
                   Shareholders' funds (including non-equity)        7,444       8,158          7,612
                                                                  ========    ========       ========


                                                                                  Unaudited   Unaudited        Audited
                                                                                   6 months    6 months      12 months
                                                                                      ended       ended          ended
                                                                                   31 March    31 March   30 September
                                                                                       2003        2002           2002

                                                                                      #'000       #'000          #'000
  Reconciliation of operating profit/(loss) 
  to net cash inflow from operating activities                                                                          
  Operating profit/(loss)                                                                80        (37)             90

  Depreciation and amortisation                                                         374         415            797
  Decrease in stocks                                                                    268         225             55
  (Increase)/decrease in debtors                                                      (448)       (100)            363
  Decrease in creditors                                                                (73)        (85)          (103)
  Profit on sale of fixed assets                                                        (2)        (25)           (45)
  Cash outflow in respect of final salary pension scheme deficit                        (4)         (5)            (9)
  Decrease in pension deficit provision                                                   -           -           (22)
  Net cash outflow in respect of re-organisation costs                                    -           -           (90)
                                                                                   --------    --------       --------
  Net cash inflow from operating                                                        195         388          1,036
                                                                                   --------    --------       --------
  Cash flow statement                                                                                                 
  Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities                                                                 
  - normal                                                                              275         466          1,443
  - exceptional                                                                        (80)        (78)          (407)
                                                                                   --------    --------       --------
                                                                                        195         388          1,036
  Returns on investment and servicing of finance                                      (212)       (317)          (551)
  Taxation                                                                             (14)           -           (76)
  Capital expenditure                                                                  (75)       (411)          (784)
                                                                                   --------    --------       --------
                                                                                      (106)       (340)          (375)
  Equity dividends paid                                                                   -       (174)          (174)
                                                                                   --------    --------       --------
  Cash outflow before financing                                                       (106)       (514)          (549)
  Financing                                                                           1,431       (502)          (510)
                                                                                   --------    --------       --------
  Increase/(decrease) in cash                                                         1,325     (1,016)        (1,059)
                                                                                   ========    ========       ========

                                                                       Unaudited   Unaudited        Audited
                                                                        6 months    6 months      12 months
                                                                           ended       ended          ended
                                                                        31 March    31 March   30 September
                                                                            2003        2002           2002
                                                                           #'000       #'000          #'000

            Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt                                        

            Increase /(decrease) in cash in the period                     1,325     (1,016)        (1,059)

            Loan, hire purchase and finance lease repayments               1,647         502          1,297
            Loan advances and refinancing of                             (3,078)           -          (787)
            plant and machinery                                                                            
                                                                        --------    --------       --------
            Change in net debt resulting from                              (106)       (514)          (549)
            cash flows                                                                                     

            New finance leases and hire purchase obligations                   -       (617)          (717)
                                                                        --------    --------       --------
            Movement in net debt in period                                 (106)     (1,131)        (1,266)

            Net debt at beginning of period                              (6,627)     (5,361)        (5,361)
                                                                        --------    --------       --------
            Net debt at end of period                                    (6,733)     (6,492)        (6,627)
                                                                        ========    ========       ========
Notes to the Interim Results

1. The results of Howle Group plc for the six months to 31/3/03 have been prepared on the basis of the accounting
policies disclosed in the 2002 Annual Report.

2. The calculation of earnings per share is based on the loss on ordinary activities after tax, as shown above,
and on the basis of 29,025,759 average ordinary shares in issue weighted on a time basis (2002: 29,025,759).

3. The financial information given does not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 240(5) of
the Companies Act 1985 (the "Act"). The statutory accounts for the year ended 30 September 2002, on which the
auditors have given an unqualified opinion, have been filed with the Registrar of Companies and contain no statement
under Sections 237(2) or (3) of the Act.

4. Copies of the Interim results will be sent to shareholders and are available at the Company's registered
office, Cromwell Works, Tenbury Wells, Worcestershire, WR15 8LF.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange