Versatile Systems Inc. (TSX VENTURE:VV) announces its results for the third
quarter of the 2014 fiscal year.

Revenue for the three months ended March 31, 2014 was $11,386,580, generating a
gross profit of $1,974,726 or 17.3% of sales compared to $10,222,371, generating
a gross profit of $1,697,798 or 16.6% of sales for the same quarter last year.
The Net Loss for the quarter amounted to $560,852 ($0.00 per share), which
includes non-recurring expenses of $27,286, compared to a Net Loss of $780,888
($0.00 per share) for the same quarter last year.

Highlights for the quarter included:

--  Revenue for the three months ended March 31, 2014 was $11,386,580
    compared to $10,222,371 for the same quarter last year, an increase of
--  The gross profit for the three months ended March 31, 2014 was
    $1,974,726 or 17.3% of sales compared to $1,697,798 or 16.6% of sales
    for the same quarter last year; 
--  The research and development expense for the quarter amounted to
    $214,976 compared to $366,890 for the same quarter last year; and 
--  Deferred revenue at March 31, 2014 was $5,613,780 (of which $4,930,662
    is expected to be recognized in the next four quarters) compared to
    $6,835,938 at June 30, 2013. 

During this current quarter the Company continued to actively pursue its goal of
improved financial and operational performance. "I am proud of the management
team and the improving performance is the direct result of effectively
remodeling the business," said Kenny Kahn the Company's Chief Executive Officer.
"Since assembling this management team, Versatile has been able to improve
operational performance quarter over quarter. I feel confident we can continue
this trend and get our Company back to profitability."

Revenue for the nine months ended March 31, 2014 was $27,883,744 generating a
gross profit of $4,941,881 or 17.7% of sales compared to $27,688,798 generating
a gross profit of $5,373,205 or 19.4% of sales for the same period last year.
The Net Loss for the period amounted to $2,762,167 ($0.02 per share) compared to
$1,679,571 ($0.01 per share) for the same period last year.

About Versatile

Versatile is a multi-disciplinary technology company with solutions across the
mobile, digital signage, IT infrastructure, software and hardware landscape. The
company's products are utilized by Fortune 500 companies, leading financial
institutions and large and small retail organizations. For more information,
please visit and

Forward-Looking Statements

This document may contain forward-looking statements relating to Versatile's
operations or to the environment in which it operates, which are based on
Versatile's operations, estimates, forecasts and projections. These statements
are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties
that are difficult to predict or are beyond Versatile's control. A number of
important factors including those set forth in other public filings could cause
actual outcomes and results to differ materially from those expressed in these
forward-looking statements. Consequently, readers should not place any undue
reliance on such forward-looking statements. In addition, these forward-looking
statements relate to the date on which they are made. Versatile disclaims any
intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements
whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Service Provider (as that term
is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for
the adequacy or accuracy of this release. All amounts are expressed in U.S.
dollars unless otherwise stated. (C) 2014 Versatile Systems Inc. All rights

Versatile Systems Inc.                                                      
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Financial Position                     
(Unaudited - Prepared by Management)                                        
                                                    March 31,      June 30, 
Expressed in U.S. dollars                                2014          2013 
Current Assets                                                              
  Cash and cash equivalents                      $    110,904  $     83,724 
  Investment in Equus                               1,798,203     1,798,203 
  Accounts receivable                               5,078,239     6,379,629 
  Prepaid expenses                                  4,262,076     4,588,012 
  Inventory                                         1,988,191     2,406,355 
                                                   13,237,613    15,255,923 
Long-term accounts receivable                             568        14,368 
Long-term prepaid expenses                            618,955     1,140,311 
Capital Assets                                        138,113       189,274 
Intangible assets                                     139,194       169,959 
Deferred income tax assets                            336,275       336,275 
Goodwill                                            2,718,970     2,718,970 
                                                 $ 17,189,688  $ 19,825,080 
Current Liabilities                                                         
  Line of credit                                 $  4,083,417  $  3,602,269 
  Accounts payable and accrued liabilities          6,435,267     6,963,126 
  Current portion of deferred revenue               4,930,662     5,586,738 
                                                   15,449,346    16,152,133 
Deferred Revenue                                      683,118     1,249,200 
Convertible Loan                                      475,816             - 
                                                   16,608,280    17,401,333 
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                                        
  Share Capital                                    55,175,946    54,433,709 
  Equity Reserve                                    4,798,636     4,637,968 
  Deficit                                         (59,075,203)  (56,313,036)
  Accumulated other comprehensive loss               (317,972)     (334,894)
                                                      581,408     2,423,747 
                                                 $ 17,189,688  $ 19,825,080 
Versatile Systems Inc.                                                      
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations and Comprehensive Income    
(Unaudited - Prepared by Management)                                        
Expressed in U.S.                                                           
 dollars            Three months ended March 31  Nine months ended March 31 
                             2014          2013          2014          2013 
SALES                $ 11,386,580  $ 10,222,371  $ 27,883,744  $ 27,688,798 
COST OF SALES           9,411,854     8,524,573    22,941,863    22,315,593 
                        1,974,726     1,697,798     4,941,881     5,373,205 
  Selling and                                                               
   marketing              910,969     1,183,700     2,566,195     3,332,192 
  General and                                                               
   administrative       1,267,490       859,206     3,632,073     2,513,936 
  Research and                                                              
   development            214,976       366,890       839,732       925,985 
  Non recurring                                                             
   expenses                27,286             -       434,705             - 
  Amortization of                                                           
   capital assets          20,118        24,408        61,065       101,409 
   compensation                 -         2,188             -         6,561 
  Foreign exchange                                                          
   (gain) loss            (14,679)       (7,348)      (17,348)        2,198 
                        2,426,160     2,429,044     7,516,422     6,882,281 
LOSS FROM OPERATIONS     (451,434)     (731,246)   (2,574,541)   (1,509,076)
  Interest expense                                                          
   and financing                                                            
   costs                 (108,218)      (24,766)     (183,838)      (63,580)
  Equity loss from                                                          
   Investment in                                                            
   Equus                        -       (23,881)            -      (102,780)
  Loss on sale of                                                           
   capital assets               -             -          (461)            - 
LOSS BEFORE INCOME                                                          
 TAXES                   (559,652)     (779,893)   (2,758,840)   (1,675,436)
Current income tax                                                          
 expense                   (1,200)         (995)       (3,327)       (4,135)
NET LOSS             $   (560,852) $   (780,888) $ (2,762,167) $ (1,679,571)
Other comprehensive                                                         
 income (loss)                                                              
  Foreign exchange                                                          
   translation            (10,657)        6,075        16,922         5,978 
Total comprehensive                                                         
 loss                $   (571,509) $   (774,813) $ (2,745,245) $ (1,673,593)
LOSS PER SHARE                                                              
 (basic and diluted) $      (0.00) $      (0.00) $      (0.02) $      (0.01)
Weighted average                                                            
 number of common                                                           
 shares oustanding,                                                         
 basic and diluted    161,654,689   157,285,643   158,362,942   157,285,643 
Versatile Systems Inc.                                                      
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Changes in Shareholders' Equity        
(Unaudited - Prepared by Management)                                        
Expressed in U.S. dollars                                                   
                                      Share          Equity                 
                                    Capital         Reserve         Deficit 
Balance, June 30, 2012       $   54,433,709  $    4,629,219  $  (52,458,434)
Net loss                                  -               -      (1,679,571)
Foreign exchange on the                                                     
 translation of VMS-UK                    -               -               - 
Share-based compensation                                                    
 expense                                  -           6,561               - 
Balance, March 31, 2013          54,433,709       4,635,780     (54,138,005)
Balance, June 30, 2013           54,433,709       4,637,968     (56,313,036)
Shares issued during the                                                    
 period                             742,237               -               - 
Warrants issued during the                                                  
 period                                   -          33,714               - 
Conversion option with the                                                  
 convertible loan                         -         126,954               - 
Net loss                                  -               -      (2,762,167)
Foreign exchange on the                                                     
 translation of VMS-UK                    -               -               - 
Balance, March 31, 2014      $   55,175,946  $    4,798,636  $  (59,075,203)

Expressed in U.S. dollars                                   
                                       loss           Total 
Balance, June 30, 2012       $     (337,622) $    6,266,872 
Net loss                                  -      (1,679,571)
Foreign exchange on the                                     
 translation of VMS-UK                5,978           5,978 
Share-based compensation                                    
 expense                                  -           6,561 
Balance, March 31, 2013            (331,644)      4,599,840 
Balance, June 30, 2013             (334,894)      2,423,747 
Shares issued during the                                    
 period                                   -         742,237 
Warrants issued during the                                  
 period                                   -          33,714 
Conversion option with the                                  
 convertible loan                         -         126,954 
Net loss                                  -      (2,762,167)
Foreign exchange on the                                     
 translation of VMS-UK               16,922          16,922 
Balance, March 31, 2014      $     (317,972) $      581,408 
Versatile Systems Inc.                                                      
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows                             
(Unaudited - Prepared by Management)                                        
Expressed in U.S.            Three months ended           Nine months ended 
 dollars                               March 31                    March 31 
                               2014        2013          2014          2013 
OPERATING ACTIVITIES                                                        
  Net loss               $ (560,852) $ (780,888) $ (2,762,167) $ (1,679,571)
  Items not involving                                                       
    Amortization of                                                         
     capital assets          20,118      24,408        61,065       101,409 
    Amortization of                                                         
     Financing costs         51,520           -        51,520             - 
     compensation                 -       2,188             -         6,561 
    Loss on sale of                                                         
     capital assets               -           -           461             - 
    Equity loss from                                                        
     Investment in Equus          -      23,881             -       102,780 
    Unrealized foreign                                                      
     exchange loss                                                          
     (gain)                       -        (409)          991           683 
Cash flow used in                                                           
 operations before other                                                    
 items                     (489,213)   (730,820)   (2,648,129)   (1,468,138)
    Net change in non-                                                      
     cash working                                                           
     capital                (30,740)    675,027       837,121        90,061 
                           (519,953)    (55,793)   (1,811,008)   (1,378,077)
INVESTING ACTIVITIES                                                        
  Proceeds from                                                             
   disposition of                                                           
   capital assets                 -           -         1,418             - 
  Intangible assets -                                                       
   contract cost                                                            
   additions                (30,195)    (52,185)     (140,090)     (190,164)
  Intangible assets -                                                       
   contract cost                                                            
   recognized                57,937      58,491       176,690       203,864 
  Purchase of capital                                                       
   assets                    (3,355)    (15,815)      (10,117)      (43,319)
                             24,387      (9,509)       27,901       (29,619)
FINANCING ACTIVITIES                                                        
  Proceeds from the                                                         
   bridge loan                    -           -       742,237             - 
  Repayment of the                                                          
   bridge loan             (742,237)          -      (742,237)            - 
    Issuance of common                                                      
     shares                 742,237           -       742,237             - 
    Proceeds from the                                                       
     convertible loan       586,902           -       586,902             - 
    Proceeds from line                                                      
     of credit              (43,543)     36,167       481,148     1,014,616 
                            543,359      36,167     1,810,287     1,014,616 
Increase (decrease) in                                                      
 cash and cash                                                              
 equivalents                 47,793     (29,135)       27,180      (393,080)
Cash and cash                                                               
 equivalents, beginning                                                     
 of period                   63,111      70,780        83,724       434,725 
Cash and cash                                                               
 equivalents, end of                                                        
 period                  $  110,904  $   41,645  $    110,904  $     41,645 

Versatile Systems Inc.
Kenny Kahn

Media Contact: Daum Weigle Inc.
Jon Daum

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