Eik fasteignafélag hf.: Interim results for the first three months
of 2023
- Income from operations amounted to ISK 2,702 million.
- Operating profit before changes in value and depreciation
amounted to ISK 1,760 million.
- Total profit amounted to ISK 1,122 million.
- Net cash from operations amounted to ISK 1,259 million.
- The book value of investment properties amounted to ISK 124,020
- The book value of assets for own use amounted to ISK 4,134
million at the end of the period.
- Change in value of investment properties amounted to ISK 2,008
- Cash and cash equivalents amounted to ISK 3,060 million.
- Interest-bearing debt amounted to ISK 72,401 million at the end
of the period.
- Equity ratio was 32.2%.
- Profit per share was ISK 0.33.
- Economic occupancy rate was 95.2% at the end of the period
- Weighted indexed interest was 3.03%.
- Weighted unindexed interest was 7.64%.
The Interim Consolidated Financial Statements of Eik
fasteignafélag hf. for the period 1 January to 31 March 2023 were
approved by the Company’s Board of Directors and CEO on 27 April
Attached is an interim financial report which contains Interim
Consolidated Financial Statements for the first three months of the
year 2023 together with further information on the Company’s
operations than are included in the announcement.
Group´s operations
The Group performed well in the first three months of the year
2023 and the results exceeded management’s forecasts. Operating
income for the first three months of the year 2023 amounted to ISK
2,702 million. Thereof, rental income amounted to ISK 2,702
million. Operating profit before changes in fair value change and
depreciation amounted to ISK 1,760 million, increasing by just over
19% between years. Profit before income tax amounted to ISK 1,403
million and total profit of the Group for the first three months of
the year 2023 amounted to ISK 1,122 million.
The NOI Ratio (i.e. operating profit before changes in value and
depreciation as a ratio of lease income) was 73.6% for the first
three months of the year 2023, compared to 73.5% for the same
period in 2022.
The Group's investment properties are valued at fair value in
accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS),
which is based on, among other, discounted future cash flows of
individual assets. Changes in fair value are recognised and
classified within changes in value of investment properties in the
consolidated statement of comprehensive income, which amounted to
ISK 2,008 million in the first three months of the year 2023.
Financial Position
The Group's total assets amounted to ISK 133,178 million at the
end of the period, whereof investment properties amounted to ISK
124,020 million which consist of real estate leased to tenants
amounting to ISK 119,448 million, lease assets ISK 2,750 million,
investment properties under development ISK 1,157 million, building
rights and land ISK 652 million and pre-paid street construction
tax ISK 13 million. Assets for own use amounted to ISK 4,134
million and assets under development ISK 673 million.
The Group's equity amounted to ISK 42,866 million at the end of
the period and its equity ratio was 32.2%. At the Group’s Annual
General Meeting on 30 March 2023 a dividend payment to shareholders
due to the year 2022 amounting to ISK 2,000 million was approved,
which was subsequently paid on 12 April 2023.
The Group’s total liabilities amounted to ISK 90,312 million at
the end of the year, of which interest-bearing debt amounted to ISK
72,401 million and deferred tax liability ISK 10,964 million
Economic occupancy rate
The Group's economic occupancy rate was 95.2% at the end of the
period, compared to 95.7% at the beginning of the year.
Group´s asset portfolio
In the first three months for the year 2023, the Group acquired
part of the property located at Síðumúli 20-22 or 620 sq.m. After
the acquisition the Group owns the whole property. In addition to
that, the Group acquired the holding company BB29 ehf. which owns
the property located at Ármúli 2. The property is a 3,544 sq. m.
office premises which has a long term lease agreement with the
Icelandic Transport Authority.
The Group own 110 properties which combined are 316 thousand of
sq.m and consist of over 600 rental units with over 400 lessees.
The main properties located in the capital area are Borgartun 21 og
21a, Borgartun 26, Suðurlandsbraut 8 and 10, Myrargata 2-16,
Posthusstraeti 2 (Hotel 1919), Smaratorg 3 (Turninn), Smaratorg 1,
Alfheimar 74 (New Glaesibaer), Grjothals 1-3 og Austurstaeti 5, 6,
7 og 17. Main properties located outside the capital area are
Glerartorg, Akureyri. The biggest lessees are Husasmiðjan,
Flugleidahotel, Landsbankinn, Syn, Ossur, Bonus, Deloitte,
Rumfatalagerinn, Samkaup og Ríkiseignir.
The biggest part of the properties of the Group are office
premises or 42%. Retail premises accounts for 24%, warehouse for
14%, hotel for 9, health related premises for 7% and resturants and
bars for 3%. Around 93% of the properties are located on the
capital area, of that is 29% located in the finance district of
Reykjavik (mainly in zip codes 105 and 108). In the center of
Reykjavik are 17% of the properties located and 18% in Smaranum and
Mjodd. 7% of properties are located outside the capital area,
thereof 6% in Akureyri.
The Company has updated its outlook for 2023 as a result of the
change in the asset portfolio and rental rate. Based on consumer
price index for financial indexation in April 2023 the Company
expects that the EBITDA for the year will be between ISK
7,030–7,230 million at a fixed price throughout the year.
It is estimated that the purchase of Armuli 2 and Sidumuli 20-22
will have around ISK 75 million positive effect on EBITDA. With a
correction for price index increase from the date of the last
published outlook, the estimated increase in the outlook for the
year is around ISK 110 million.
Virtual presentation
An virtual presentation will be held on Friday 28 April 2023 at
8:30 am. Garðar Hannes Friðjónsson CEO and Lýður H. Gunnarsson CFO
will present the results and respond to questions following the
Registration to the meeting is here:
Following registration, participants will receive an e-mail with
further information.
Changed Financial Calendar
Following are planned dates for publishing of interim and annual
Quarterly results, second quarter
17 August 2023 Quarterly results, third quarter
26 October 2023 2023 Annual
15 February 2024
Financial information will be published after closing of
markets. Attention is drawn to changes in planned publication
of 2023 annual results.
For further information contact:
Garðar Hannes Friðjónsson, CEO, gardar@eik.is, tel. 590-2200
Lýður H. Gunnarsson, CFO, lydur@eik.is, tel. 820-8980
- Q1 2023 Condensed consolidated interim financial
Eik Fasteignafelag Hf (LSE:0R70)
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Eik Fasteignafelag Hf (LSE:0R70)
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