E.L.A.N. Ld
E.L.A.N. Limited
Whiteley Chambers
Don Street
St. Helier
Jersey JE4 9WG
Channel Islands
J.P. Morgan Trustee and Depositary Company Limited
(formerly Chase Manhattan Trustees Limited)
Trinity Tower
9 Thomas More Street
London E1W 1YT
For the attention of Capital Markets, Fiduciary Services
Fax Number: +44 20 7777 5410
JPMorgan Chase Bank
(formerly The Chase Manhattan Bank)
Trinity Tower
9 Thomas More Street
London E1W 1YT
For the attention of Capital Markets, Fiduciary Services
Fax Number: +44 20 7777 5410
Morgan Stanley & Co. International Limited
25 Cabot Square
Canary Wharf
London E14 4QA
For the attention of: Elizabeth Dunlop
Fax Number: +44 20 7677 7125
J.P. Morgan Bank Luxembourg S.A.
(formerly Chase Manhattan Bank Luxembourg S.A.)
5, Rue Plaetis
L-2338, Luxembourg
For the attention of: Andrew Dellow/Phil Townsend
Fax Number: +44 20 7777 5410
Euroclear Bank S.A./NV
as operator of the Euroclear System
Clearstream Banking, Luxembourg
For the attention of the holders of the Notes
Marc-Stephane Perez (Euroclear Bank S.A./NV)
Fax Number: + 32 2 224 1459/4038
Martin Da Costa (Clearstream Banking)
Fax Number: +352 46 56 46 97 51/+352 46 564 8248
London Stock Exchange plc
Fax Number: +44 20 7588 6057
Dear Sirs
EUR57,980,000 Secured Instalment Notes due 23 November 2040, Series 2001-1
issued by E.L.A.N. Limited (ISIN: XS0122960882) (the "Notes")
Terms used and not defined herein shall have the same meanings given thereto in
the terms and conditions of the Notes.
On 7 February 2006, the following was passed as a written resolution of the
Noteholders (the "Written Resolution"):
"As from the date hereof (the "Effective Date")
(a) the Seller agrees to sell to the Issuer, and the Issuer agrees to buy, for
settlement on the Effective Date, the Additional Assets;
(b) the terms and conditions of the Notes will be amended by
(i) replacing the Redemption by Instalments Schedule set out at Annex 2 of the
Supplementary Listing Particulars with the Revised Redemption by Instalments
Schedule; and
(ii) including in the definition of "Underlying Assets" in Special Condition F
the Additional Assets:
(c) all Instalment Payment Amounts due in respect of the Notes shall be made in
the amounts set out in and in accordance with the Revised Redemption by
Instalments Schedule;
(d) the Trustee is authorised to make such additional changes to the Transaction
Documents and to take such actions as may be necessary to bring effect to this
In the above Written Resolution:
(i) the Issuer is referred to as the "Company";
(ii) the Additional Assets comprise EUR337,740 in nominal amount of debt
securities (or the equivalent thereof in any other currency as determined by the
Determination Agent acting in good faith) which satisfy the Eligible Investment
Criteria; and
(iii) the form of the "Revised Redemption by Instalments Schedule" is attached
Pursuant to the terms of the Written Resolution the terms and conditions of the
Notes were duly amended on 7 February 2006.
Yours faithfully
E.L.A.N. Limited
Contact: Chris Byrne
Telephone: 01534 504000
Instalment Payment Date (subject to Instalment Payment Amount
adjustment in accordance with the (EUR)
Modified Following Business Day
23-Feb-06 373,832
23-Mar-06 341,883
23-Apr-06 341,352
23-May-06 340,818
23-Jun-06 340,283
23-Jul-06 652,002
23-Aug-06 339,046
23-Sep-06 338,499
23-Oct-06 337,954
23-Nov-06 337,407
23-Dec-06 646,534
23-Jan-07 342,329
23-Feb-07 341,758
23-Mar-07 341,188
23-Apr-07 340,614
23-May-07 340,039
23-Jun-07 339,461
23-Jul-07 650,968
23-Aug-07 338,138
23-Sep-07 337,549
23-Oct-07 336,962
23-Nov-07 336,372
23-Dec-07 644,698
23-Jan-08 341,002
23-Feb-08 340,386
23-Mar-08 339,772
23-Apr-08 339,156
23-May-08 338,536
23-Jun-08 337,914
23-Jul-08 648,520
23-Aug-08 336,506
23-Sep-08 335,874
23-Oct-08 335,242
23-Nov-08 334,607
23-Dec-08 642,219
23-Jan-09 339,326
23-Feb-09 338,666
23-Mar-09 338,004
23-Apr-09 337,343
23-May-09 336,678
23-Jun-09 336,011
23-Jul-09 645,388
23-Aug-09 334,512
23-Sep-09 333,833
23-Oct-09 333,154
23-Nov-09 332,473
23-Dec-09 638,640
23-Jan-10 337,072
23-Feb-10 336,365
23-Mar-10 335,658
23-Apr-10 334,948
23-May-10 334,236
23-Jun-10 333,371
23-Jul-10 640,819
23-Aug-10 331,778
23-Sep-10 331,052
23-Oct-10 330,328
23-Nov-10 329,599
23-Dec-10 633,614
23-Jan-11 334,061
23-Feb-11 333,304
23-Mar-11 332,550
23-Apr-11 331,793
23-May-11 331,033
23-Jun-11 330,271
23-Jul-11 635,360
23-Aug-11 328,585
23-Sep-11 327,812
23-Oct-11 327,041
23-Nov-11 326,265
23-Dec-11 627,699
23-Jan-12 330,583
23-Feb-12 329,779
23-Mar-12 328,975
23-Apr-12 328,169
23-May-12 327,363
23-Jun-12 326,555
23-Jul-12 628,696
23-Aug-12 324,775
23-Sep-12 323,957
23-Oct-12 323,138
23-Nov-12 322,317
23-Dec-12 620,583
23-Jan-13 326,478
23-Feb-13 325,628
23-Mar-13 324,776
23-Apr-13 323,925
23-May-13 323,071
23-Jun-13 322,214
23-Jul-13 620,812
23-Aug-13 320,343
23-Sep-13 319,476
23-Oct-13 318,611
23-Nov-13 317,741
23-Dec-13 612,240
23-Jan-14 321,735
23-Feb-14 320,835
23-Mar-14 319,937
23-Apr-14 319,037
23-May-14 318,135
23-Jun-14 317,229
23-Jul-14 611,664
23-Aug-14 315,264
23-Sep-14 314,350
23-Oct-14 313,434
23-Nov-14 312,518
23-Dec-14 602,624
23-Jan-15 316,330
23-Feb-15 315,382
23-Mar-15 314,435
23-Apr-15 313,485
23-May-15 312,536
23-Jun-15 311,585
23-Jul-15 601,216
23-Aug-15 309,527
23-Sep-15 308,565
23-Oct-15 307,604
23-Nov-15 306,639
23-Dec-15 591,719
23-Jan-16 310,261
23-Feb-16 309,265
23-Mar-16 308,271
23-Apr-16 307,274
23-May-16 306,277
23-Jun-16 305,279
23-Jul-16 589,467
23-Aug-16 303,130
23-Sep-16 302,121
23-Oct-16 301,113
23-Nov-16 300,101
23-Dec-16 579,512
23-Jan-17 303,520
23-Feb-17 302,476
23-Mar-17 301,436
23-Apr-17 300,393
23-May-17 299,349
23-Jun-17 298,306
23-Jul-17 576,396
23-Aug-17 296,068
23-Sep-17 295,014
23-Oct-17 293,958
23-Nov-17 292,903
23-Dec-17 566,000
23-Jan-18 296,109
23-Feb-18 295,021
23-Mar-18 293,934
23-Apr-18 292,847
23-May-18 291,757
23-Jun-18 290,668
23-Jul-18 562,014
23-Aug-18 288,345
23-Sep-18 287,246
23-Oct-18 286,149
23-Nov-18 285,049
23-Dec-18 551,185
23-Jan-19 288,034
23-Feb-19 286,903
23-Mar-19 285,773
18-Apr-19 284,642
23-May-19 283,513
23-Jun-19 282,381
23-Jul-19 546,339
23-Aug-19 279,978
23-Sep-19 278,840
23-Oct-19 277,699
23-Nov-19 276,560
23-Dec-19 535,111
23-Jan-20 279,314
23-Feb-20 278,141
23-Mar-20 276,973
23-Apr-20 275,801
23-May-20 274,628
23-Jun-20 273,456
23-Jul-20 529,396
23-Aug-20 270,978
23-Sep-20 269,797
23-Oct-20 268,619
23-Nov-20 267,238
23-Dec-20 517,374
23-Jan-21 269,752
23-Feb-21 268,541
23-Mar-21 267,333
23-Apr-21 266,123
23-May-21 264,914
23-Jun-21 263,703
23-Jul-21 510,796
23-Aug-21 261,154
23-Sep-21 259,939
23-Oct-21 258,722
23-Nov-21 257,507
23-Dec-21 498,814
23-Jan-22 259,776
23-Feb-22 258,529
23-Mar-22 257,284
23-Apr-22 256,038
23-May-22 254,792
23-Jun-22 253,548
23-Jul-22 491,384
23-Aug-22 250,933
23-Sep-22 249,684
23-Oct-22 248,436
23-Nov-22 247,186
23-Dec-22 479,074
23-Jan-23 249,208
23-Feb-23 247,927
23-Mar-23 246,652
23-Apr-23 245,373
23-May-23 244,096
23-Jun-23 242,822
23-Jul-23 470,832
23-Aug-23 240,154
23-Sep-23 238,875
23-Oct-23 237,596
23-Nov-23 236,321
23-Dec-23 458,239
23-Jan-24 238,093
23-Feb-24 236,787
23-Mar-24 235,484
23-Apr-24 234,179
23-May-24 232,877
23-Jun-24 231,575
23-Jul-24 449,233
23-Aug-24 228,867
23-Sep-24 227,564
23-Oct-24 226,264
23-Nov-24 224,966
23-Dec-24 436,418
23-Jan-25 226,494
23-Feb-25 225,165
23-Mar-25 223,842
23-Apr-25 222,516
23-May-25 221,196
23-Jun-25 219,877
23-Jul-25 426,710
23-Aug-25 217,134
23-Sep-25 215,814
23-Oct-25 214,498
23-Nov-25 213,184
23-Dec-25 413,726
23-Jan-26 214,469
23-Feb-26 213,129
23-Mar-26 211,789
23-Apr-26 210,452
23-May-26 209,119
23-Jun-26 207,787
23-Jul-26 403,397
23-Aug-26 205,029
23-Sep-26 203,698
23-Oct-26 202,372
23-Nov-26 201,050
23-Dec-26 390,317
23-Jan-27 202,101
23-Feb-27 200,755
23-Mar-27 199,410
23-Apr-27 198,065
23-May-27 196,726
23-Jun-27 195,388
23-Jul-27 379,444
23-Aug-27 192,627
23-Sep-27 191,290
23-Oct-27 189,959
23-Nov-27 188,633
23-Dec-27 366,314
23-Jan-28 189,452
23-Feb-28 188,102
23-Mar-28 186,756
23-Apr-28 185,411
23-May-28 184,072
23-Jun-28 182,734
23-Jul-28 354,955
23-Aug-28 179,981
23-Sep-28 178,646
23-Oct-28 177,318
23-Nov-28 175,997
23-Dec-28 341,848
23-Jan-29 176,594
23-Feb-29 175,251
23-Mar-29 173,911
23-Apr-29 172,575
23-May-29 171,243
23-Jun-29 169,913
23-Jul-29 330,104
23-Aug-29 167,181
23-Sep-29 165,857
23-Oct-29 164,539
23-Nov-29 163,230
23-Dec-29 317,098
23-Jan-30 163,623
23-Feb-30 162,296
23-Mar-30 160,972
18-Apr-30 159,651
23-May-30 158,338
23-Jun-30 157,028
23-Jul-30 305,105
23-Aug-30 154,344
23-Sep-30 153,040
23-Oct-30 151,744
23-Nov-30 150,456
23-Dec-30 292,305
23-Jan-31 150,659
23-Feb-31 149,356
23-Mar-31 148,057
23-Apr-31 146,764
23-May-31 145,477
23-Jun-31 144,194
23-Jul-31 280,174
23-Aug-31 141,570
23-Sep-31 140,294
23-Oct-31 139,029
23-Nov-31 137,773
23-Dec-31 267,668
23-Jan-32 137,812
23-Feb-32 136,543
23-Mar-32 135,280
23-Apr-32 134,025
23-May-32 132,777
23-Jun-32 131,531
23-Jul-32 255,562
23-Aug-32 128,991
23-Sep-32 127,757
23-Oct-32 126,531
23-Nov-32 125,316
23-Dec-32 243,450
23-Jan-33 125,208
23-Feb-33 123,985
23-Mar-33 122,766
23-Apr-33 121,558
23-May-33 120,353
23-Jun-33 119,155
23-Jul-33 231,489
23-Aug-33 116,715
23-Sep-33 115,530
23-Oct-33 114,354
23-Nov-33 113,188
23-Dec-33 219,855
23-Jan-34 112,955
23-Feb-34 111,784
23-Mar-34 110,618
23-Apr-34 109,462
23-May-34 108,310
23-Jun-34 107,167
23-Jul-34 208,155
23-Aug-34 104,843
23-Sep-34 103,714
23-Oct-34 102,594
23-Nov-34 101,483
23-Dec-34 197,066
23-Jan-35 101,144
23-Feb-35 100,030
23-Mar-35 98,922
23-Apr-35 97,825
23-May-35 96,733
23-Jun-35 95,651
23-Jul-35 185,729
23-Aug-35 93,458
23-Sep-35 92,393
23-Oct-35 91,338
23-Nov-35 90,294
23-Dec-35 175,279
23-Jan-36 89,879
23-Feb-36 88,830
23-Mar-36 87,792
23-Apr-36 86,761
23-May-36 85,737
23-Jun-36 84,724
23-Jul-36 164,443
23-Aug-36 82,673
23-Sep-36 81,678
23-Oct-36 80,693
23-Nov-36 79,717
23-Dec-36 154,675
23-Jan-37 79,245
23-Feb-37 78,270
23-Mar-37 77,302
23-Apr-37 76,347
23-May-37 75,400
23-Jun-37 74,463
23-Jul-37 144,453
23-Aug-37 72,569
23-Sep-37 71,657
23-Oct-37 70,751
23-Nov-37 69,854
23-Dec-37 135,472
23-Jan-38 69,362
23-Feb-38 68,470
23-Mar-38 67,588
23-Apr-38 66,716
23-May-38 65,853
23-Jun-38 64,999
23-Jul-38 126,030
23-Aug-38 63,277
23-Sep-38 62,448
23-Oct-38 61,627
23-Nov-38 60,813
23-Dec-38 117,871
23-Jan-39 60,323
23-Feb-39 59,518
23-Mar-39 58,722
23-Apr-39 57,937
23-May-39 57,162
23-Jun-39 56,394
23-Jul-39 109,288
23-Aug-39 54,850
23-Sep-39 54,107
23-Oct-39 53,373
23-Nov-39 52,645
23-Dec-39 101,979
23-Jan-40 52,174
23-Feb-40 51,459
23-Mar-40 50,752
23-Apr-40 50,054
23-May-40 49,367
23-Jun-40 48,689
23-Jul-40 94,301
23-Aug-40 47,325
23-Sep-40 46,673
23-Oct-40 72,351
23-Nov-40 3,270,545
Elan Inst Nts40 (LSE:36PU)
Historical Stock Chart
From Feb 2025 to Mar 2025
Elan Inst Nts40 (LSE:36PU)
Historical Stock Chart
From Mar 2024 to Mar 2025