RNS Number:6727U
Mid Kent Water PLC
25 November 2005

25 November 2005

                                 MID KENT WATER

                               INTERIM STATEMENT
                   FOR THE HALF YEAR ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2005
                              CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT

Mid Kent Water began the current reporting period against a backdrop of the
lowest level of winter rainfall and aquifer recharge since 1975 and with
resource and related initiatives dominating the agenda. Continued low rainfall
and increasing demand during the summer made it prudent for the Company, along
with other South East England based water companies, to introduce hosepipe
restrictions for the first time since 1995. These restrictions, along with the
benefits from critical capital schemes and operational initiatives, ensured that
all customers received uninterrupted supplies of drinking water throughout the
summer. I would like to take this opportunity of thanking our customers for the
understanding shown and for their on-going support whilst the restrictions
continue. Rainfall and aquifer recharge are continually monitored by the company
and we will only remove the current restrictions if conditions allow.

Against this difficult operational backdrop the six months was also a period of
progress and development in the relationship with our Company's new owners. This
has been very successful and, I believe, all parties look forward to a long-term
successful partnership.

During this period the Company's financial performance has been strong with
Profit before tax up 11% compared to the same period last year. The Company's
operation of its Regulatory contract continues to be our priority. I am
delighted to see that the figures announced by OFWAT show that the Company has
once more improved its Overall Performance Assessment (OPA) performance with
improvements both in actual score (283 out of a maximum of 287) and its ranking
(joint 5th). The continuing success of the Company would not be achievable
without the commitment and the efforts of our staff and I would like to thank
them all for their hard work and dedication.

Financial Performance

Turnover in the half year to 30 September 2005 was #23.9m compared to #21.3m for
the same period last year, an increase of just under 12%. Water income rose by
12.4% to #21.7m, consistent with the increase of 9% and RPI of 3.45% allowed by

Operating profit for the period was #7.6m, up 8.5% on last year, reflecting the
re-commencement of the Company's pension contributions to the Mid Kent Group
Pension Scheme. Net interest cost rose by #145k to #3.3m as a result of
increased debt although the rise was mitigated by equity received from the
Company's new owners in the Spring and the negotiation of new banking facilities
at favourable rates. The Company has now secured facilities sufficient to ensure
the financing of the Company's capital programme into the next Price Review

The net effect of the above is that profit before tax in the half year to 30
September 2005 was #4.4m, in line with the Company's plan, compared to #3.9m for
the same period last year.

Capital Expenditure

Cash payments for capital expenditure in the period amounted to #11.1m, compared
to #12.8m for the same period last year.

The period saw the final elements of work on the Ford pumping station and this
was formally opened by our local MPs, Roger Gale and Julian Brazier, in

Water Quality

Water Quality is of fundamental performance to the Company and I am pleased to
report that once again the Company has improved its compliance position with a
reported compliance for 2004 of 99.97%, the highest it has ever achieved.

Non Regulated Activity

The Company's commercial activities continue to develop with some notable
successes for the Drinking Water Services consultancy brand.

Gordon Maxwell
25 November 2005

                               INTERIM STATEMENT
                   FOR THE HALF YEAR ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2005
                            PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT

Notes                                      Half year     Half year        Year
                                               ended         ended       ended
                                                  30            30          31 
                                           September     September       March
                                                2005          2004        2005
                                         (unaudited)   (unaudited)        #000
                                                #000          #000
4   Turnover                                  23,887        21,343      43,200
    Operating costs                          (16,244)      (14,297)    (29,112)
5   Operating profit                           7,643         7,046      14,088
    Profit on sale of fixed assets                36            46         177
    --------------------------            ------------   ----------- -----------
    Profit on ordinary activities before       7,679         7,092      14,265
    Interest receivable                        1,786         1,626       3,383
    Interest payable and similar              (5,111)       (4,806)    (11,372)
    charges                               ------------   ----------- -----------
3   Profit on ordinary activities before       4,354         3,912       6,276
    Tax on profit on ordinary                 (1,000)       (1,104)        337
    activities                            ------------   ----------- -----------
    Profit on ordinary activities after        3,354         2,808       6,613
    Proposed dividends                        (2,471)       (1,800)     (4,776)
    --------------------------            ------------   ----------- -----------
    Retained profit for the period               883         1,008       1,837
    --------------------------            ------------   ----------- -----------
    Earnings per ordinary share -               17.0p         15.1p       35.4p
    basic                                 ------------   ----------- -----------
    Dividends per ordinary share               12.49p         9.65p      24.95p
    --------------------------            ------------   ----------- -----------

                               INTERIM STATEMENT
                   FOR THE HALF YEAR ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2005
                            SUMMARISED BALANCE SHEET

                                           Half year     Half year        Year
                                               ended         ended       ended
                                                  30            30          31 
                                           September     September       March
                                                2005          2004        2005
                                         (unaudited)   (unaudited)        #000
                                                #000          #000
  Fixed assets                               
  Tangible assets                            190,061       180,170     184,561
  --------------------------              ------------   ----------- -----------
  Current assets                                 
  Stocks                                         717           830         798
  Debtors - amounts falling due within         9,422         8,918       7,704
  one year
  Debtors - amounts falling due after         
  more than one year                          36,451        35,000      35,000
  Investments                                 15,000         8,800      12,024 
  Cash at bank and in hand                     5,162         4,121       1,136
  --------------------------              ------------   ----------- -----------
                                              66,752        57,669      56,662
  Creditors: amounts falling due within      (21,644)      (48,929)    (43,281)
  one year                                ------------   ----------- -----------
  Net current assets                          45,108         8,740      13,381
  --------------------------              ------------   ----------- -----------
  Total assets less current                  235,169       188,910     197,942
  Creditors: amounts falling due after      (177,778)     (141,037)   (142,434)
  more than one year
  Provision for deferred taxation            (10,473)       (9,474)     (9,473)
  --------------------------              ------------   ----------- -----------
  Net assets                                  46,918        38,399      46,035
  --------------------------              ------------   ----------- -----------
  Capital and reserves                        
  Attributable to equity interests             
  Called up share capital                     19,781        18,646      19,781
  Share premium                                5,672             -       5,672
  Profit and loss account                     21,465        19,753      20,582
  --------------------------              ------------   ----------- -----------
  Equity shareholders' funds                  46,918        38,399      46,035
  --------------------------              ------------   ----------- -----------

                               INTERIM STATEMENT
                   FOR THE HALF YEAR ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2005
                         SUMMARISED CASH FLOW STATEMENT

                                           Half year     Half year        Year
                                               ended         ended       ended
                                                  30            30          31 
                                           September     September       March
                                                2005          2004        2005
                                         (unaudited)   (unaudited)        #000
                                                #000          #000
  Net cash inflow from operating              11,399         4,859      22,079
  Returns on investments and servicing        (3,568)         (102)     (2,521)
  of finance
  Taxation and group relief                        -             6      (4,048)
  Capital expenditure                        (10,551)      (10,833)    (22,270)
  Equity dividends paid                       (2,778)       (2,629)     (4,507)
  --------------------------              ------------   ----------- -----------
  Cash outflow before management of           (5,498)       (8,699)    (11,267)
  liquid resources and financing
  Management of liquid resources              (2,976)        1,260      (1,964)
  --------------------------              ------------   ----------- -----------
  Financing                                   12,500        10,430      13,237
  --------------------------              ------------   ----------- -----------
  Increase/(decrease) in cash                  4,026         2,991           6
  --------------------------              ------------   ----------- -----------
  Notes 6 and 9 are part of this statement.

1   The figures for the year ended 31 March 2005 do not constitute the Company's
    statutory accounts for that period but have been extracted from the
    statutory accounts, which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies.
    The auditors have reported on those accounts and that report was unqualified
    and did not contain a statement under Section 237 (2) of the Companies Act.
    The accounts for the six months ended 30 September 2005 have not been
    audited, nor have the accounts for the equivalent period in 2004. They
    comply with relevant accounting standards and have been prepared on a
    consistent basis using accounting policies set out in the 2005 Annual
2   All recognised gains and losses are included in the profit and loss account
    for the period.
3   The tax charge for the period ended 30 September 2005 has been based on the
    estimated effective rate for the full year.

                                           Half year     Half year        Year
                                               ended         ended       ended
                                                  30            30          31 
                                           September     September       March
                                                2005          2004        2005
                                         (unaudited)   (unaudited)        #000
                                                #000          #000
4   Analysis of turnover
    Unmeasured supplies                       11,671        10,533      20,950
    Measured supplies                         10,039         8,780      17,691
    Other activities                           2,177         2,030       4,559
    --------------------------            ------------   ----------- -----------
                                              23,887        21,343      43,200
              --------------------------  ------------   ----------- -----------

5   Operating profit
    --------------------------            ------------   ----------- -----------
    Operating profit is stated after              25            50          82
    Refinancing costs
    --------------------------            ------------   ----------- -----------

6   Reconciliation of operating profit to operating cash flow
    Operating profit                           7,643         7,046      14,088
    Depreciation charge                        5,040         4,607       9,488
    Decrease/(increase) in stocks                 81          (108)        (76)
    Increase in debtors                       (1,714)       (2,089)       (945)
    Increase/(decrease) in creditors             349        (4,597)       (476)
    --------------------------            ------------   ----------- -----------
                                              11,399         4,859      22,079
              --------------------------  ------------   ----------- -----------

7   Analysis of cash flows
    Returns on investment and servicing
    of finance
    Interest received                            331         2,840       4,667
    Interest paid                             (3,899)       (2,942)     (7,188)
    --------------------------            ------------   ----------- -----------
                                              (3,568)         (102)     (2,521)
              --------------------------  ------------   ----------- -----------

    Capital expenditure
    --------------------------            ------------   ----------- -----------
    Purchase of tangible fixed assets        (11,054)      (12,838)    (24,568)
    Contributions to infrastructure              456         1,941       2,082
    Sale of tangible fixed assets                 47            64         216
    --------------------------            ------------   ----------- -----------
                                             (10,551)      (10,833)    (22,270)
              --------------------------  ------------   ----------- -----------

Notes (continued)
                                            Half year      Half year           Year 
                                                ended          ended          ended
                                                   30             30             31 
                                            September      September          March
                                                 2005           2004           2005
                                          (unaudited)    (unaudited)           #000
                                                 #000           #000
7   Analysis of cash flows (continued)
    Management of liquid resources
    (Increase)/decrease in cash                (2,976)         1,260         (1,964)
    deposits                               ------------    -----------    -----------
    Issue of ordinary share capital                 -              -          6,807
    Loans repaid to other group                     -         (9,570)       (11,070)
    Bank loans (repaid)/draw down             (21,500)        20,000         21,500
    Repayment of debentures                         -              -         (4,000)
    Index linked loan                          34,000              -              -
    --------------------------             ------------    -----------    -----------
                                               12,500         10,430         13,237
              --------------------------   ------------    -----------    -----------

                                               At      Cash      Non-cash       At
                                          1 April      Flow       changes       30
                                             2005                             2005
                                             #000       #000        #000      #000
              --------------------------  ---------  ---------   ---------  ---------
 8   Analysis of net debt                   1,136      4,026           -      5,162
     Cash at bank and in hand              12,024      2,976           -     15,000
     Short term deposits
     --------------------------           ---------  ---------   ---------  ---------
     Bank loans                            13,160      7,002           -     20,162
     Index linked loan                    (21,500)    21,500           -          -
     Issue costs                         (144,232)   (34,000)     (1,677)  (179,909)
     Debenture stock                        2,259        378         (45)     2,592
                                             (461)         -           -       (461)
              --------------------------  ---------  ---------   ---------  ---------
                                         (150,774)    (5,120)     (1,722)  (157,616)
              --------------------------  ---------  ---------   ---------  ---------

                                            Half year      Half year           Year 
                                                ended          ended          ended
                                         30 September   30 September       31 March
                                                 2005            2004          2005
                                          (unaudited)     (unaudited)          #000
                                                 #000            #000
 9   Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt
     Increase/(decrease) in cash in the         4,026           2,991             6
     Cash inflow from increase in debt        (12,122)        (10,430)       (6,430)
     and lease financing (net of issue
     costs paid)
     Cash (inflow)/outflow from movement        2,976          (1,260)        1,964
     in liquid resources                   ------------     -----------   -----------
     Movement in net debt resulting from       (5,120)         (8,699)       (4,460)
     cash flows                            ------------     -----------   -----------
     Loan indexation                           (1,677)         (1,391)       (4,247)
     Amortisation of issue costs                  (45)            (41)          (82)
     Net debt at start of period             (150,774)       (106,985)     (141,985)
     --------------------------            ------------     -----------   -----------
     Net debt at end of period               (157,616)       (117,116)     (150,774)
     --------------------------            ------------     -----------   -----------

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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