RNS Number:3910D
Gold Fields Ld
10 May 2001

Registration Number 1968/004880/06
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)


Quarter and nine months ended March 2001


Number of shares in issue       455 366 513
Free Float                      100%
ADR Ratio                       1:1
Bloomberg / Reuters             GFISJ / GFLJ.J

Range - Quarter                 SAR24.60 - SAR33.80
Average Volume - Quarter        872 214 shares / day
Range - 52 Weeks                SAR19.70 - SAR35.50
Average Volume - 52 Weeks       854 987 shares / day

Range - Quarter                 $3.19 to $4.50
Average Volume - Quarter        475 000 shares / day
Range - 52 Weeks                $2.56 to 5.06
Average Volume - 52 Weeks       370 000 shares / day


Europe & South Africa

Willie Jacobsz
Tel:        +27 11 644-2460
Fax:        +27 11 484-0639
E-mail:     investors@goldfields.co.za

North America

Cheryl A. Martin
Tel:    +1 303 796-8683
Fax:    +1 303 796-8293
E-mail: camartin@gfexpl.com
www.goldfields.co.za      www.gold-fields.com

* Net earnings of R261 million, or 57 cents per share.
* Cash costs maintained at US$192 per ounce.
* Tarkwa delivers an excellent performance once again.
* Tarkwa debt retired.

Dear Shareholders,

Typically, the March quarter is a difficult one for the South African gold
producers because it includes the Christmas - New Year shutdown.  Gold Fields
production was affected by this interruption followed by a slow restart.  In
addition, Kloof had a noteably poor quarter.  Net earnings for the quarter at
R261 million were 6% lower than the December quarter and attributable
production was 889,000 ozs, 5% lower than the previous quarter.

Operating profit was R457 million compared with R518 million in the previous
quarter.  Gold Fields realised gold price was $264 per oz compared with $269
but because of the continued deterioration in the Rand exchange rate from
R7.60 to R7.82 to the Dollar our received Rand per kilogram price was
marginally higher at R66 497 versus R65 714.  Cash costs were maintained at
$192 per ounce.

The Kloof complex had a disappointing quarter producing 285,000 ounces versus
324,000 the previous quarter.  The downscaling of operations at Libanon in
part contributed to this but lower grades from both 3 shaft and 7 shaft were
the largest factor.  We expect these lower grades to continue for the next 3-4
months.  Cash costs increased from $196 to $207 per ounce.  Despite lower
grades Driefontein reduced cash costs from $188 per ounce to $179 in this
quarter on slightly lower production.

Both Beatrix and Tarkwa continued to perform well despite mining lower grades.
Oryx has now been integrated into the Beatrix operation as Beatrix 4 Shaft. 
Currently, Beatrix surface waste is being milled at Oryx, utilising the spare
capacity available in the Oryx plant.

For some months Gold Fields has been exploring various options to create an
empowerment vehicle through combining St. Helena with other operations. 
Ultimately we have determined that at current gold prices the St. Helena asset
is not robust enough to create a worthy vehicle.  The mine, in operation since
1946, is now uneconomic and it would be irresponsible to continue delivering
gold from it to a depressed gold market.  A phased closure is therefore under

Gold Fields has now earned a 30% vested interest in the Arctic Platinum
Project, which will rise to 51% on the completion of total expenditure of $13
million.  Over $5 million has been spent to date.  A scoping study of a 5
million ton a year operation has been completed and it supports continued
expenditure towards a final feasibility in June 2002.  This project is likely
to grow in scope over the next year.


SA RAND                     SALIENT FEATURES         US DOLLARS
     Quarter                                                 Quarter
Dec 2000  Mar 2001                                      Mar 2001  Dec 2000
29,276    27,660  kg        Gold produced*    oz (000)  889       941
46,761    48,189  R/kg      Cash costs        $/oz      192       191
5,919     7,060   000       Tons milled       000       7,060     5,919
65,714    66,497  R/kg      Revenue           $/oz      264       269
249       208     R/ton     Operating costs   $/ton     27        33
518       457     Rm        Operating profit  $m        58        68
                            Earnings before
282       242     Rm        exceptional items $m        31        37
                            - net of taxation
62        53      SA c.p.s. and minorities    US c.p.s. 7         8
277       261     Rm        Net earnings      $m        33        36
61        57      SA c.p.s.                   US c.p.s. 7         8
*Attributable - All companies wholly owned except for Tarkwa (71.1%)



Net earnings for the March quarter were R261 million compared with R277
million in the December quarter a decline of R16 million or 6 per cent.  Net
operating profit was R305 million a decline of R54 million or 15 per cent when
compared with the previous quarter.

Revenue at R1,882 million was R105 million lower than the previous quarter as
total gold production declined 5 per cent from 971,000 ounces to 923,000
ounces.  These declines are attributable to a fall in grades from underground,
a change in the mix between underground and surface tons as Tarkwa's
throughput rose, further waste rock treated and a reduction in total tonnage
from underground.  Total tonnage treated rose from 5.9 million tons to 7.1
million tons and underground tonnage declined by 230,000 tons.  Attributable
production for the March quarter was 889,000 ounces compared to 941,000 ounces
in the previous quarter.

The continued weakening of the Rand from R7.60 to R7.82 per U.S. Dollar in the
March quarter more than offset the fall in the US dollar price from $269 to
$264 per ounce resulting in a marginally higher received price of R66,497 per
kilogram compared to R65,714 per kilogram in the previous quarter.

Increased volume and throughput at Tarkwa increased working costs by R49
million for the quarter.  Despite this increase total group working costs fell
by R6 million in the quarter.  The operating margin for the group fell from 26
per cent to 24 per cent for the quarter.

Other income for the March quarter increased by R11 million, to R55 million,
due to dividends received from Rand Refinery of R5 million and the receipt of
a R7 million insurance claim at Driefontein, relating to a seismic event on 28
September 2000.

Net earnings for the quarter amounted to R261 million after accounting for
exceptional items which related mainly to a R38 million profit (US$ 5.1
million) on the close-out of the hedge book of Gold Fields Ghana on 16
February 2001.  The provision for taxation of R80 million is similar to the
previous quarter.

Capital expenditure in the March quarter was R251 million, marginally down
from R265 million in the previous quarter and remains concentrated on the key
projects in the Group, being the 4 sub-vertical shaft at Kloof, the 1 and 5
shaft complexes at Driefontein and the 3 shaft project at Beatrix.  The strong
cash generation at Tarkwa enabled the full outstanding amount of the project
loan of US$ 25 million to be redeemed on 23 February 2001, some three years
ahead of schedule.  The payment of a dividend amounting to R478 million and
the repayment of the project loan at Gold Fields Ghana of US$ 25 million
resulted in the net cash position decreasing to R155 million as compared to
R642 million at the December quarter.


The commitment by Gold Fields to the full compliance program has improved
safety standards and contributed to the continued decline in overall accident
rates across all the operations.  Regrettably, however, 8 employees lost their
lives during the quarter mainly due to fall of ground at Driefontein.  Our
thoughts go out to all the family and friends of our departed colleagues. 
Gold Fields' commitment to safety continues at the highest level and is the
highest priority of the Group.

   Note - ton refers to a metric ton.

Typically the first calendar quarter of the year is negatively affected by the
inclusion of the Christmas - New Year period shutdown and the inevitable slow
restart.  All operations are generally affected to some degree but in this
quarter Kloof was particularly impacted with this division having a noteably
poor quarter.

The one million increase in tons treated at Tarkwa, reduced the group cost per
ton of ore milled to R208 in the current quarter compared to R249 in the
previous quarter.  The increased tonnage attributable to Tarkwa was partially
offset by a reduction in underground ore treated at Kloof and Driefontein. 
Group cash costs remained virtually unchanged at US$192 per ounce, assisted by
the weakening rand/dollar exchange rate.  In Rand terms cash costs increased
by 3 per cent to R48,189 per kilogram from R46,761 per kilogram in the
December quarter.

At Driefontein recent seismicity combined with the ongoing effects of the
previous quarter's seismic events, especially at the high grade 4 shaft east,
contributed to a reduction in gold output of 9,500 ounces to 331,000 ounces. 
As a result of tight cost control the cash cost reduced marginally from
R45,893 per kilogram (US$ 188 per ounce) in the December quarter to R45,090
per kilogram (US$ 179 per ounce) in the current quarter.

At Kloof gold output for the quarter reduced to 285,000 ounces from 324,000
ounces in the December quarter.  Aside from the impact of the December break
as mentioned above, Kloof's production profile is still being affected by the
seismic event on 22 September 2000.  In addition, lower face grades are being
experienced at 3 shaft and 7 shaft.  7 shaft will continue to experience lower
grade over the next 3 to 4 months due to ledging in lower grade areas to make
higher grade areas available.  8 shaft (old Libanon) continues to downsize its
operations by reducing the mining of unprofitable ounces.  Surface operations
contributed 86,000 tons of ore at 0.7 grams per ton and a further 240,000 tons
is planned, at a similar grade, for the June quarter.  Underground yields were
maintained at 10.9 grams per ton for the quarter.  Operating costs reduced by
R29 million to R458 million largely due to the downsizing of operations at 8
and 9 shafts.  Cash costs increased from R47,783 per kilogram (US$ 196 per
ounce) in the previous quarter to R51,924 per kilogram  (US$ 207 per ounce)
for the March quarter.

Oryx has now been integrated with and operates as a shaft of Beatrix as a
means of reducing overheads.  To reflect this integration Oryx and Beatrix are
reported as a combined unit in these results.  Comparative results have been
restated accordingly.  Oryx will in future be referred to as Beatrix No. 4

The combined operations of Beatrix and Oryx produced 161,000 ounces, 10,000
ounces below the previous quarter mainly due to 1 and 2 shafts reporting a
more normal quarter after their recent record highs and due to continued
mining inflexibility at 4 shaft associated with a lack of pay face.  76,000
tons of surface material treated over Christmas and New Year assisted in
reducing the impact of mine closure over this period contributing 1,500 ounces
at 0.6 grams per ton which contributed to reducing the overall combined
surface and underground yield from 6.0 grams per ton to 5.3 grams per ton
quarter on quarter.

In Ghana, the Tarkwa operation again performed exceptionally, producing gold
output of 115,000 ounces, 12,000 ounces more than last quarter, at a cash cost
of US$148 per ounce.  This is higher than last quarter's US$134 per ounce due
to an increased stripping ratio and a lower grade resulting in a yield of 1.1
grams per ton compared to 1.4 grams per ton in the December quarter.   The
Teberebie operation is progressing on plan and contributed 26,000 ounces
during the quarter.


The longer term outlook at St Helena indicates that this mine will not form
the basis for a successful and sustainable black empowerment transaction.  It
has thus been decided to scale down mining with the ultimate aim of ceasing
operations.  To this end the mine will commence extensive salvage operations
with the aim of mitigating closure costs.  The Union has been informed of this

Metallurgical upgrades at Driefontein and Kloof are progressing well and have
already had a positive effect on recoveries and costs.  Commissioning will be
finalised during the quarter.  In addition, large volume SAG mills at
Driefontein have been purchased for the existing milling system, which will
further increase efficiencies and reduce milling costs.

Investigations into the treatment of waste rock and slimes are largely
complete.  The outcome suggests that despite a considerable available reserve,
slimes retreatment represents a break even economic proposition at current
gold prices.  By contrast the treatment of screened waste stockpiles offers
very attractive economics with cash production costs below $100 per ounce. 
Steps are being taken to reconfigure the various treatment plants around the
Group to increase and optimise waste treatment.

As a result of surpassing a cumulative investment of US$5 million in the
Arctic Platinum project during the quarter a 30 per cent interest became
vested in the project.  A further US$6 million investment will result in the
company owning 49 per cent of the project and an additional US$2 million will
increase this interest to 51 per cent.  A scoping study has been completed
that recommends proceeding towards a bankable feasibility study by June 2002. 
A major drilling program is underway with new resource results expected by
June 2001.

The Group recently announced its entry into Projeck AuTEK, a pioneering
initiative to pursue research and develop new product applications for gold
and gold alloys.  We believe that there is substantial potential for gold to
replace existing products and to create new ones.

With the closing of the last hedge positions at Tarkwa the Group is now
completely unhedged and in a position to take advantage of changes in the gold
price, which we believe has upside potential particularly when viewed from the
perspective that a major portion of the industry cannot maintain reserves, nor
mine economically for a sustained period of time, at current gold price


The unaudited results for the quarter and the unaudited interim results for
the year to date have been prepared on the International Accounting Standards
basis.  The detailed financial, operational and developmental results for the
March 2001 quarter are submitted in this report.

These consolidated quarterly and condensed interim financial statements are
prepared in accordance with IAS 34, Interim Financial Reporting.

International Accounting Standards Basis

(Figures are in millions unless otherwise stated)
                                          Quarter           Nine months to
                                 March    December March    March    March
                                 2001     2000     2000     2001     2000
Revenue                          1,881.8  1,986.8  1,793.4  5,798.8  5,261.0
Operating cost                   1,462.0  1,468.0  1,416.1  4,432.1  4,279.2
Gold inventory change            (36.9)   0.8      (13.7)   (27.2)   (35.6)
Operating profit                 456.7    518.0    391.0    1,393.9  1,017.4
Amortisation and depreciation    152.1    159.2    158.2    467.6    490.4
Net operating profit             304.6    358.8    232.8    926.3    527.0
Other income                     54.8     43.8     35.9     115.9    70.0
Business development             (13.2)   (13.6)   (22.7)   (40.8)   (46.4)
Profit before tax and
  exceptional items              346.2    389.0    246.0    1,001.4  550.6
Exceptional gain/(loss)          27.0     (8.4)    (5.8)    10.6     (162.1)
Profit before taxation           373.2    380.6    240.2    1,012.0  388.5
Mining and income taxation       80.3     79.9     4.4      203.6    69.9
- Normal taxation                14.4     49.6     26.5     86.1     100.3
- Deferred taxation              65.9     30.3     (22.1)   117.5    (30.4)
  Profit after taxation          292.9    300.7    235.8    808.4    318.6
Minority interest                32.2     24.2     3.9      70.7     (17.7)
Net earnings                     260.7    276.5    231.9    737.7    336.3
Exceptional items:
Retrenchment costs               (3.2)    (7.3)    (7.1)    (18.5)   (94.4)
Hedge buy-back income/(cost)     37.9     -        -        37.9     (66.3)
Other                            (7.7)    (1.1)    1.3      (8.8)    (1.4)
Total exceptional items          27.0     (8.4)    (5.8)    10.6     (162.1)
Taxation                         2.8      2.7      2.5      7.4      37.4
Minorities' share of
  exceptional items              (10.9)   -        -        (10.9)   24.8
Net exceptional items after
  tax & minorities               18.9     (5.7)    (3.3)    7.1      (99.9)
Earnings per share (cents)
  after exceptional items        57       61       51       163      75
Earnings (Rm) before
  exceptional items, net of
  taxation and minorities        241.8    282.2    235.2    730.6    436.2
Earnings per share (cents)
  before exceptional items,
  net of taxation and minorities 53       62       52       161      97
Gold declared
- managed less capitalised kg    28,299   30,234   30,444   89,585   92,927
Gold price received        R/kg  66,497   65,714   58,911   64,730   56,614
Cash costs                 R/kg  48,189   46,761   43,952   47,092   43,497

International Accounting Standards Basis

(Figures are in millions unless otherwise stated)
                                          Quarter           Nine months to
                                 March    December March    March    March
                                 2001     2000     2000     2001     2000
Revenue                          240.6    261.4    284.7    776.3    852.7
Operating cost                   187.0    193.2    224.8    593.3    693.5
Gold inventory change            (4.7)    0.1      (2.2)    (3.6)    (5.8)
Operating profit                 58.3     68.1     62.1     186.6    165.0
Amortisation and depreciation    19.5     20.9     25.1     62.6     79.5
Net operating profit             38.8     47.2     37.0     124.0    85.5
Other income                     7.0      5.8      5.7      15.5     11.3
Business development             (1.7)    (1.8)    (3.6)    (5.5)    (7.5)
Profit before tax and
  exceptional items              44.1     51.2     39.1     134.0    89.3
Exceptional gain/(loss)          3.5      (1.1)    (0.9)    1.4      (26.3)
Profit before taxation           47.6     50.1     38.2     135.4    63.0
Mining and income taxation       10.2     10.5     0.7      27.2     11.4
- Normal taxation                1.8      6.5      4.2      11.5     16.3
- Deferred taxation              8.4      4.0      (3.5)    15.7     (4.9)
Profit after taxation            37.4     39.6     37.5     108.2    51.6
Minority interest                4.1      3.2      0.6      9.5      (2.9)
Net earnings                     33.3     36.4     36.9     98.7     54.5
  Exceptional items:
Retrenchment costs               (0.4)    (1.0)    (1.1)    (2.5)    (15.3)
Hedge buy-back income/(cost)     5.1      -        -        5.1      (10.7)
Other                            (1.2)    (0.1)    0.2      (1.2)    (0.3)
Total exceptional items          3.5      (1.1)    (0.9)    1.4      (26.3)
Taxation                         0.4      0.4      0.4      1.0      6.1
Minorities' share of
  exceptional items              (1.4)    -        -        (1.5)    4.0
Net exceptional items after
  tax & minorities               2.5      (0.7)    (0.5)    0.9      (16.2)
Earnings per share (cents)
  after exceptional items        7        8        8        22       12
Earnings ($m) before
  exceptional items, net of
  taxation & minorities          30.8     37.1     37.4     97.8     70.7
Earnings per share (U.S. cents)
  before exceptional items,
  net of taxation & minorities   7        8        8        22       16
S.A. Rand/U.S. Dollar
  conversion rate                7.82     7.60     6.30     7.47     6.17
Gold declared - managed less
  capitalised ozs          (000) 910      972      979      2,880    2,988
Gold price received        $/oz  264      269      291      270      285
Cash costs                 $/oz  192      191      217      196      219

International Accounting Standards Basis

(Figures are in millions unless otherwise stated)
                                 South African Rand  United States Dollars
                                 March     June      March    June
                                 2001      2000      2001     2000
Mining and mineral assets        12,872.1  12,326.8  1,603.0  1,820.8
Non-current assets               139.0     128.3     17.3     19.0
Investments                      290.7     244.1     36.2     36.1
Current assets                   960.7     1,079.7   119.6    159.5
- Cash and deposits              155.3     514.9     19.3     76.1
- Other current assets           805.4     564.8     100.3    83.4
Net assets                       14,262.5  13,778.9  1,776.1  2,035.4
Shareholders' equity             8,713.3   8,214.4   1,085.1  1,213.4
Outside shareholders' interest   319.6     203.2     39.8     30.0
Deferred taxation                3,657.5   3,535.3   455.5    522.2
Long-term loans                  -         135.4     -        20.0
  rehabilitation provisions      432.8     319.5     53.9     47.2
  health care provisions         200.0     224.8     24.9     33.2
Current liabilities              939.3     1,146.3   116.9    169.4
- Other current liabilities      939.3     1,078.6   116.9    159.4
- Current portion of
  long-term loans                -         67.7      -        10.0
                                 14,262.5  13,778.9  1,776.1  2,035.4
S.A. Rand/U.S. Dollar
  conversion rate                                    8.03     6.77


                                 South African Rand  United States Dollars
                                 March     March     March    March
                                 2001      2000      2001     2000
Balance as at the
beginning of the financial year  8,214.4   7,417.7   1,213.4  1,240.3
Currency translation adjustment
  and other                      179.6     151.2     (166.6)  (87.1)
Issue of share capital           59.3      142.7     3.5      21.8
Dividends                        (477.7)   (90.7)    (63.9)   (14.7)
Net earnings                     737.7     336.3     98.7     54.5
Balance as at the end of March   8,713.3   7,957.2   1,085.1  1,214.8
Where necessary prior year comparatives have been restated
to conform with changes in presentation.

International Accounting Standards Basis
(Figures are in millions unless otherwise stated)

SA RAND                              Quarter         Nine months to
                                 March     December  March    March
                                 2001      2000      2001     2000
Cash flow
  from operating activities      442.1     259.6     1,094.3  854.4
Profit before tax and
  exceptional items              346.2     389.0     1,001.4  550.6
Exceptional gain/(loss)          27.0      (8.4)     10.6     (162.1)
Amortisation and depreciation    152.1     159.2     467.6    490.4
Change in working capital        (91.6)    (145.0)   (271.0)  81.5
Taxation paid                    (7.9)     (156.0)   (169.7)  (123.0)
Other non-cash items             16.3      20.8      55.4     17.0
Dividends paid                   (477.7)   -         (477.7)  (225.2)
Cash utilised in
  investing activities           (277.6)   (293.9)   (792.0)  (504.1)
Capital expenditure - net        (251.2)   (264.6)   (730.8)  (506.5)
(Purchase)/disposal of
  investments - net              (20.8)    (24.5)    (46.6)   2.4
Investments in trust funds and
  medical payments               (5.6)     (4.8)     (14.6)   -
Cash flow from
  financing activities           (173.5)   (1.0)     (184.2)  19.7
Loan repayment                   (187.8)   (18.9)    (218.2)  19.7
Shares issued                    14.3      17.9      34.0     -
  Net cash inflow/(outflow)      (486.7)   (35.3)    (359.6)  144.8
Cash at beginning of period      642.0     677.3     514.9    255.5
Cash at end of period            155.3     642.0     155.3    400.3

US DOLLARS                           Quarter         Nine months to
                                 March     December  March    March
                                 2001      2000      2001     2000
Cash flow
  from operating activities      56.5      34.0      146.4    138.4
Profit before tax and
  exceptional items              44.1      51.2      134.0    89.3
Exceptional gain/(loss)          3.5       (1.1)     1.4      (26.3)
Amortisation and depreciation    19.5      20.9      62.6     79.5
Change in working capital        (11.7)    (19.2)    (36.3)   13.6
Taxation paid                    (1.0)     (20.6)    (22.7)   (20.5)
Other non-cash items             2.1       2.8       7.4      2.8
Dividends paid                   (63.9)    -         (63.9)   (37.5)
Cash utilised in
  investing activities           (35.5)    (38.8)    (106.0)  (84.0)
Capital expenditure - net        (32.1)    (35.0)    (97.8)   (84.4)
(Purchase)/disposal of
  investments - net              (2.7)     (3.2)     (6.2)    0.4
Investments in trust funds and
  medical payments               (0.7)     (0.6)     (2.0)    -
Cash flow from
  financing activities           (23.2)    (0.1)     (25.5)   3.3
Loan repayment                   (25.0)    (2.5)     (30.0)   3.3
Shares issued                    1.8       2.4       4.5      -
  Net cash inflow/(outflow)      (66.1)    (4.9)     (49.0)   20.2
Translation adjustment           0.5       (3.7)     (7.8)    (1.5)
Cash at beginning of period      84.9      93.5      76.1     42.4
Cash at end of period            19.3      84.9      19.3     61.1



* General corporate hedging unrelated to any specific project is not
* Hedges are established on a project specific basis where applicable, to
protect cash flows in times when significant capital projects are being
undertaken or where specific debt servicing requirements exist.
* In addition, hedges may also be implemented from time to time to safeguard
the viability of higher cost operations.
* Deviations from this policy may occur from time to time depending on
management's view of fundamental changes in the gold market.

All hedge positions have been closed. The hedge positions which remained at
the close of the previous quarter - December 2000, being 160,000 ounces at
Tarkwa at a forward gold price of US$295 per ounce, were closed at a profit of
US$5.1 million (equivalent to R37.9 million).


Beatrix                 SA Rand Gold Call Options
2000/2001               September  December  March  June    Financial Year
Volume - oz             -          -         -      46,678  46,678
Strike price - R/oz     -          -         -      2,281   2,281
Strike price - US$/oz*  -          -         -      284     284
Volume - oz             46,678     -         -      -       46,678
Strike price - R/oz     2,329      -         -      -       2,329
Strike price - US$/oz*  290        -         -      -       290

* Converted at an exchange rate of US$1= R8.03
Rand/Gold call options on 93,356 ounces at an average strike price of R2,305
per ounce, providing upside exposure.


(All figures are in Rand millions unless otherwise stated)
                           Drie-             Free State Division
                           fontein  Kloof             St
                           Division Division Beatrix* Helena Tarkwa  Total
Operating costs (1)
  March 2001               500.9    458.1    257.2    79.1   166.7   1,462.0
  December 2000            510.3    487.2    269.7    82.9   117.9   1,468.0
  Financial year to date   1,522.7  1,456.1  804.0    247.7  401.6   4,432.1
Gold in process change
  March 2001               0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0    (33.8)  (33.8)
  December 2000            0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0    (14.3)  (14.3)
  Financial year to date   0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0    (44.0)  (44.0)
Less: Rehabilitation costs
  March 2001               4.3      0.9      1.1      0.7    0.6     7.6
  December 2000            2.0      0.9      0.6      0.7    0.6     4.8
  Financial year to date   8.4      2.7      2.2      2.1    2.2     17.6
Production taxes
  March 2001               3.0      3.3      1.3      0.2    0.0     7.8
  December 2000            4.8      3.2      1.5      0.3    0.0     9.8
  Financial year to date   10.5     9.8      4.1      0.9    0.0     25.3
General and administration
  March 2001               32.4     17.2     7.1      1.2    6.0     63.9
  December 2000            22.2     21.8     9.0      1.8    5.8     60.6
  Financial year to date   83.3     62.7     26.6     5.4    17.0    195.0
Cash operating costs
  March 2001               461.2    436.7    247.7    77.0   126.3   1,348.9
  December 2000            481.3    461.3    258.6    80.1   97.2    1,378.5
  Financial year to date   1,420.5  1,380.9  771.1    239.3  338.4   4,150.2
Plus: Production taxes
  March 2001               3.0      3.3      1.3      0.2    0.0     7.8
  December 2000            4.8      3.2      1.5      0.3    0.0     9.8
  Financial year to date   10.5     9.8      4.1      0.9    0.0     25.3
  March 2001               0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0    7.0     7.0
  December 2000            0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0    7.1     7.1
  Financial year to date   0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0    20.4    20.4
  March 2001               464.2    440.0    249.0    77.2   133.3   1,363.7
  December 2000            486.1    464.5    260.1    80.4   104.3   1,395.4
  Financial year to date   1,431.0  1,390.7  775.2    240.2  358.8   4,195.9
Plus: Amortisation
  March 2001               48.9     30.9     20.2     0.7    27.2    127.9
  December 2000            48.9     40.0     21.0     1.1    24.6    135.6
  Financial year to date   147.0    109.7    62.5     3.0    73.7    395.9
  March 2001               4.3      0.9      1.1      0.7    0.6     7.6
  December 2000            2.0      0.9      0.6      0.7    0.6     4.8
  Financial year to date   8.4      2.7      2.2      2.1    2.2     17.6
  March 2001               517.4    471.8    270.3    78.6   161.1   1,499.2
  December 2000            537.0    505.4    281.7    82.2   129.5   1,535.8
  Financial year to date   1,586.4  1,503.1  839.9    245.3  434.7   4,609.4
Gold produced
- thousand ounces **
  March 2001               331.0    272.4    160.8    30.8   114.8   909.8
  December 2000            340.5    312.5    170.9    32.8   102.6   959.4
  Financial year to date   1,029.6  914.4    499.9    98.1   322.5   2,864.7
  March 2001               179      207      198      320    148     192
  December 2000            188      196      200      323    134     191
  Financial year to date   186      204      208      328    149     196
- US$/oz  
  March 2001               200      221      215      326    179     211
  US$/oz  December 2000    207      213      217      330    166     211
  Financial year to date   206      220      225      335    180     215

Cash costs and total production costs are calculated in accordance with the
Gold Institute industry standard.
(1) Operating costs - All gold mining related costs before
amortisation/depreciation, changes in gold inventory, taxation and exceptional
(2) Cash costs - Operating costs less off-mine costs, including general and
administration costs, as detailed in the table above.
(3) Total production costs - Cash costs plus amortisation/depreciation and
rehabilitation provisions, as detailed in the table above.
**  Gold produced excludes production at Kloof 4 shaft of 393 kilograms
(12,640 ounces) for the March 2001 quarter and 357 kilogram (11,480 ounces)
for the December 2000 quarter, which is capitalised.
+   Oryx has been integrated with Beatrix, these and future results will be
reported as one unit under Beatrix.
Exchange rates applied are US$1 = R7.82 and US$1 = R7.60 for the March 2001
and December 2000 quarters respectively.

Individual Mines

Operating Results
                           Drie-            Free State Division      TOTAL
                           fontein  Kloof             St             MINE
                           Division Division Beatrix* Helena Tarkwa 
Ore milled / treated*
(000 tons)
  March 2001               1,640    894      952      247     3,327   7,060
  December 2000            1,581    931      880      214     2,313   5,919
  Financial year to date   4,832    2,802    2,720    705     7,905   18,964
Yield (grams per ton)
  March 2001               6.3      9.9      5.3      3.9     1.1     4.1
  December 2000            6.7      10.8     6.0      4.8     1.4     5.1
  Financial year to date   6.6      10.5     5.7      4.3     1.3     4.8
Gold produced (kilograms)
  March 2001               10,295   8,867    5,000    959     3,571   28,692
  December 2000            10,592   10,078   5,317    1,019   3,192   30,198
  Financial year to date   32,024   29,435   15,550   3,050   10,032  90,091
Gold declared (kilograms)
  March 2001               10,295   8,867    5,000    959     3,571   28,692
  December 2000            10,592   10,078   5,317    1,019   3,585   30,591
  Financial year to date   32,024   29,435   15,550   3,050   10,516  90,575
Gold price received
(rands per kilogram)
  March 2001               66,421   66,533   66,380   65,798  66,984  66,497
  December 2000            65,710   65,703   65,507   65,849  66,025  65,714
  Financial year to date   64,667   64,686   64,617   64,492  65,272  64,730
Cash costs
(rands per kilogram)
  March 2001               45,090   51,924   49,800   80,501  37,328  48,189
  December 2000            45,893   47,783   48,919   78,901  32,675  46,761
  Financial year to date   44,685   48,891   49,852   78,754  35,766  47,092
Cash costs
(US dollar per ounce)
  March 2001               179      207      198      320     148     192
  December 2000            188      196      200      323     134     191
  Financial year to date   186      204      208      328     149     196
Total production costs
(rands per kilogram)
  March 2001               50,257   55,676   54,060   81,960  45,113  52,977
  December 2000            50,699   51,991   52,981   80,667  40,570  51,466
  Financial year to date   49,538   52,842   54,013   80,426  43,331  51,732
Operating costs
(rands per ton)
  March 2001               305      536      270      320     50      208
  December 2000            323      543      306      387     51      249
  Financial year to date   315      539      296      351     51      235
Financial Results (Rand Million) Unaudited
  March 2001               683.8    563.8    331.9    63.1    239.2   1,881.8
  December 2000            696.0    638.7    348.3    67.1    236.7   1,986.8
  Financial year to date   2,070.9  1,840.0  1,004.8  196.7   686.4   5,798.8
Operating costs
  March 2001               500.9    458.1    257.2    79.1    166.7   1,462.0
  December 2000            510.3    487.2    269.7    82.9    117.9   1,468.0
  Financial year to date   1,522.7  1,456.1  804.0    247.7   401.6   4,432.1
Gold inventory change
  March 2001               0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0     (36.9)  (36.9)
  December 2000            0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0     0.8     0.8
  Financial year to date   0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0     (27.2)  (27.2)
Operating profit
  March 2001               182.9    105.7    74.7     (16.0)  109.4   456.7
  December 2000            185.7    151.5    78.6     (15.8)  118.0   518.0
  Financial year to date   548.2    383.9    200.8    (51.0)  312.0   1,393.9
Amortilisation of
mining assets **
  March 2001               48.9     30.9     20.2     0.7     27.2    127.9
  December 2000            48.9     40.0     21.0     1.1     24.6    135.6
  Financial year to date   147.0    109.7    62.5     3.0     73.7    395.9
Net operating profit
  March 2001               134.0    74.8     54.5     (16.7)  82.2    328.8
  December 2000            136.8    111.5    57.6     (16.9)  93.4    382.4
  Financial year to date   401.2    274.2    138.3    (54.0)  238.3   998.0
Other income
  March 2001               12.2     6.1      11.1     0.9     (1.7)   28.6
  December 2000            3.8      13.2     12.0     0.2     (2.3)   26.9
  Financial year to date   21.0     24.4     26.3     1.6     (10.6)  62.7
Profit before taxation
  March 2001               146.2    80.9     65.6     (15.8)  80.5    357.4
  December 2000            140.6    124.7    69.6     (16.7)  91.1    409.3
  Financial year to date   422.2    298.6    164.6    (52.4)  227.7   1,060.7
Mining and income taxation
  March 2001               42.8     1.1      36.7     0.0     7.0     87.6
  December 2000            36.5     18.8     25.2     0.0     7.2     87.7
  Financial year to date   100.9    36.0     69.7     0.0     20.5    227.1
- Normal taxation
  March 2001               15.4     (9.8)    0.0      0.0     7.0     12.6
  December 2000            21.8     19.2     0.0      0.0     7.2     48.2
  Financial year to date   50.2     11.4     0.0      0.0     20.5    82.1
- Deferred taxation
  March 2001               27.4     10.9     36.7     0.0     0.0     75.0
  December 2000            14.7     (0.4)    25.2     0.0     0.0     39.5
  Financial year to date   50.7     24.6     69.7     0.0     0.0     145.0
Earnings before
exceptional items
  March 2001               103.4    79.8     28.9     (15.8)  73.5    269.8
  December 2000            104.1    105.9    44.4     (16.7)  83.9    321.6
  Financial year to date   321.3    262.6    94.9     (52.4)  207.2   833.6
Exceptional items
  March 2001               (8.0)    (2.2)    (0.9)    0.0     38.1    27.0
  December 2000            (0.6)    (6.7)    (0.9)    (0.2)   0.0     (8.4)
  Financial year to date   (12.2)   (12.1)   (2.3)    (0.2)   37.6    10.8
Net earnings
  March 2001               95.4     77.6     28.0     (15.8)  111.6   296.8
  December 2000            103.5    99.2     43.5     (16.9)  83.9    313.2
  Financial year to date   309.1    250.5    92.6     (52.6)  244.8   844.4
Capital expenditure (Rand million)
  March 2001               118.8    86.4     34.1     0.3     98.1    337.7
  December 2000            109.1    77.0     43.9     2.0     30.7    262.7
  Financial year to date   290.1    248.9    99.9     3.7     171.6   814.2
  Planned for next six              
  months to September 2001 244.4    178.0    120.9    1.7     52.7    597.7

**Excludes the fair value adjustment from the merger of Driefontein and Gold
Fields Limited.
* Ore milled at Driefontein includes 752,000 surface tons at 2.0 grams per ton
(December 592,000 tons at 2.0 grams per ton) and underground operations
yielding 9.9 grams per ton from 888,000  tons (December 989,000 tons at 9.5
grams per ton).  Other surface operations were as follows:  Kloof - 86,000
tons at 0.7 g/t,  Beatrix - 76,000 tons at 0.6 g/t and St Helena - 35,000 tons
at 1.2 g/t.
+ Oryx has been integrated with Beatrix, these and future results will be
reported as one unit under Beatrix.

Individual Mines
                           Drie-            Free State Division     TOTAL
                           fontein  Kloof             St            MINE
                           Division Division Beatrix* Helena Tarkwa OPERATIONS
Ore milled / treated*
(000 tons)                          
  March 2001               1,640    894      952      247    3,327  7,060
  December 2000            1,581    931      880      214    2,313  5,919
  Financial year to date   4,832    2,802    2,720    705    7,905  18,964
(ounces per ton)
  March 2001               0.202    0.319    0.169    0.125  0.035  0.131
  December 2000            0.215    0.348    0.194    0.153  0.044  0.164
  Financial year to date   0.213    0.338    0.184    0.139  0.041  0.153
Gold produced
(000 ounces)
  March 2001               331.0    285.1    160.8    30.8   114.8  922.5
  December 2000            340.5    324.0    170.9    32.8   102.6  970.9
  Financial year to date   1,029.6  946.4    499.9    98.1   322.5  2,896.5
Gold declared
(000 ounces)
  March 2001               331.0    285.1    160.8    30.8   114.8  922.5
  December 2000            340.5    324.0    170.9    32.8   115.3  983.5
  Financial year to date   1,029.6  946.4    499.9    98.1   338.1  2,912.1
Gold price received
(US dollar per ounce)
  March 2001               264      265      264      262    266    264
  December 2000            269      269      268      269    270    269
  Financial year to date   269      269      269      269    272    270
Cash costs
(US dollar per ounce)
  March 2001               179      207      198      320    148    192
  December 2000            188      196      200      323    134    191
  Financial year to date   186      204      208      328    149    196
Total production costs
(US dollar per ounce)
  March 2001               200      221      215      326    179    211
  December 2000            207      213      217      330    166    211
  Financial year to date   206      220      225      335    180    215
Operating costs
(US dollar per ton)
  March 2001               39       69       35       41     6      27
  December 2000            42       71       40       51     7      33
  Financial year to date   42       72       40       47     7      31
Financial Results (US$  Million) Unaudited
  March 2001               87.4     72.1     42.4     8.1    30.6   240.6
  December 2000            91.6     84.0     45.8     8.8    31.1   261.4
  Financial year to date   277.2    246.3    134.5    26.3   91.9   776.3
Operating costs
  March 2001               64.1     58.6     32.9     10.1   21.3   187.0
  December 2000            67.1     64.1     35.5     10.9   15.5   193.2
  Financial year to date   203.8    194.9    107.6    33.2   53.8   593.3
Gold inventory change
  March 2001               0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0    (4.7)  (4.7)
  December 2000            0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0    0.1    0.1
  Financial year to date   0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0    (3.6)  (3.6)
Operating profit
  March 2001               23.4     13.5     9.6      (2.0)  14.0   58.3
  December 2000            24.4     19.9     10.3     (2.1)  15.5   68.1
  Financial year to date   73.4     51.4     26.9     (6.8)  41.8   186.6
Amortilisation of
mining assets **
  March 2001               6.3      4.0      2.6      0.1    3.5    16.4
  December 2000            6.4      5.3      2.8      0.1    3.2    17.8
  Financial year to date   19.7     14.7     8.4      0.4    9.9    53.0
Net operating profit
  March 2001               17.1     9.6      7.0      (2.1)  10.5   42.0
  December 2000            18.0     14.7     7.6      (2.2)  12.3   50.3
  Financial year to date   53.7     36.7     18.5     (7.2)  31.9   133.6
Other income
  March 2001               1.6      0.8      1.4      0.1    (0.2)  3.7
  December 2000            0.5      1.7      1.6      0.0    (0.3)  3.5
  Financial year to date   2.8      3.3      3.5      0.2    (1.4)  8.4
Profit before taxation
  March 2001               18.7     10.3     8.4      (2.0)  10.3   45.7
  December 2000            18.5     16.4     9.2      (2.2)  12.0   53.9
  Financial year to date   56.5     40.0     22.0     (7.0)  30.5   142.0
Mining and income taxation
  March 2001               5.5      0.1      4.7      0.0    0.9    11.2
  December 2000            4.8      2.5      3.3      0.0    0.9    11.5
  Financial year to date   13.5     4.8      9.3      0.0    2.7    30.4
- Normal taxation
  March 2001               2.0      (1.3)    0.0      0.0    0.9    1.6
  December 2000            2.9      2.5      0.0      0.0    0.9    6.3
  Financial year to date   6.7      1.5      0.0      0.0    2.7    11.0
- Deferred taxation
  March 2001               3.5      1.4      4.7      0.0    0.0    9.6
  December 2000            1.9      (0.1)    3.3      0.0    0.0    5.2
  Financial year to date   6.8      3.3      9.3      0.0    0.0    19.4
Earnings before
exceptional items
  March 2001               13.2     10.2     3.7      (2.0)  9.4    34.5
  December 2000            13.7     13.9     5.8      (2.2)  11.0   42.3
  Financial year to date   43.0     35.2     12.7     (7.0)  27.7   111.6
Exceptional items
  March 2001               (1.0)    (0.3)    (0.1)    0.0    4.9    3.5
  December 2000            (0.1)    (0.9)    (0.1)    (0.0)  0.0    (1.1)
  Financial year to date   (1.6)    (1.6)    (0.3)    (0.0)  5.0    1.4
Net earnings
  March 2001               12.2     9.9      3.6      (2.0)  14.3   38.0
  December 2000            13.6     13.1     5.7      (2.2)  11.0   41.2
  Financial year to date   41.4     33.5     12.4     (7.0)  32.8   113.0
Capital Expenditure (US$ Million)
  March 2001               15.2     11.0     4.4      0.0    12.5   43.2
  December 2000            14.4     10.1     5.8      0.3    4.0    34.6
  Financial year to date   38.8     33.3     13.4     0.5    23.0   109.0
  Planned for next 6
  months to September 2001 30.4     22.2     15.1     0.2    6.6    74.4

Exchange rates applied are US$1 = R7.60 and US$1 = R7.82 for the December 2000
and March 2001 quarters respectively. Figures may not add as they are
converted independently.

** Excludes the fair value adjustment from the merger of Driefontein and Gold
Fields Limited.
* Ore milled at Driefontein includes 752,000 surface tons at 2.0 grams per ton
(December 592,000 tons at 2.0 grams per ton) and underground operations
yielding 9.9 grams per ton from 888,000 tons ( December 989,000 tons at  9.5
grams per ton). Other surface operations were as follows:  Kloof - 86,000 tons
at 0.7 g/t,  Beatrix - 76,000 tons at 0.6 g/t and St Helena - 35,000 tons at
1.2 g/t.
+ Oryx has been integrated with Beatrix, these and future results will be
reported as one unit under Beatrix.


Development values represent the actual results of sampling and no allowance
has been made for any adjustments which may be necessary when estimating ore
reserves. All figures below exclude shaft sinking meters

                      March 2001         December 2000      Nine months to 
                      quarter            quarter            end of March 2001
                      Carbon             Carbon             Carbon
                 Reef Leader Main VCR    Leader Main VCR    Leader Main VCR
Advanced          (m) 7,173  440  2,431  7,644  89   2,085  21,458 708  6,879
Advanced on reef  (m) 1,215  193  669    1,003  42   322    3,774  258  1,265
Sampled           (m) 1,092  72   1,656  1,179  42   333    3,630  147  2,187
Channel width    (cm) 94     113  85     91     104  82     81     103  82
Average value - (g/t) 27     8    17     26     2    29     30     6    20
           - (cm.g/t) 2,511  934  1,438  2,375  232  2,380  2,462  581  1,676

                      March 2001         December 2000       Nine months to
                      quarter            quarter             end of March 2001
                 Reef Kloof Main  VCR    Kloof Main  VCR     Kloof Main  VCR
Advanced          (m) 399   1,271 9,804  389   2,071 11,320  1,287 5,283
Advanced on reef  (m) 192   383   1,471  187   513   1,713   549   1,342 4,931
Sampled           (m) 183   249   1,257  177   474   1,082   513   1,029 3,648
Channel width    (cm) 95    64    72     123   50    73      123   57    78
Average value - (g/t) 4     18    26     5     12    28      11    13    26
           - (cm.g/t) 348   1,182 1,875  604   592   2,072   1,324 742   2,029

                      March 2001        December 2000     Nine months to
                      quarter           quarter           end of March 2001
Beatrix*                      Kalkoen-          Kalkoen-          Kalkoen-
                 Reef Beatrix krans     Beatrix krans     Beatrix krans
Advanced          (m) 5,685   3,361     6,208   4,062     18,381  12,367
Advanced on reef  (m) 1,691   523       1,781   499       4,997   1,967
Sampled           (m) 1,662   523       1,584   499       4,587   1,967
Channel width    (cm) 67      118       73      106       76      103
Average value - (g/t) 14      19        11      9         12      13
           - (cm.g/t) 950     2,278     803     980       925     1,386

                      March 2001      December 2000   Nine months to
                      quarter         quarter         end of March 2001
St Helena
                 Reef Basal  Leader   Basal  Leader   Basal  Leader
Advanced          (m) 1,523  125      1,576  270      4,579  720
Advanced on reef  (m) 466    111      481    151      1,162  402
Sampled           (m) 387    81       528    126      1,125  345
Channel width    (cm) 69     151      72     86       74     104
Average value - (g/t) 9      4        10     7        11     4
           - (cm.g/t) 647    657      728    638      794    462
* Oryx has been integrated with Beatrix, these and future results will be
reported as one unit under Beatrix.


This report contains forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking
statements include, without limitations, estimates of future:

1) earnings,
2) gold production,
3) production costs,
4) cash flows,
5) deferred taxation, and
6) rehabilitation costs.

Where the company expresses an expectation or belief as to future events or
results, such expectation or belief is expressed in good faith and believed to
have a reasonable basis.

However, such forward-looking statements are subject to risks, uncertainties
and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from
future results expressed or implied by such forward looking statements. Such
risks include, but are not limited to, gold price volatility, increased
production costs and variances in ore grade or recovery rates from those
assumed in mining plans.


Corporate Office

Gold Fields Limited
24 St Andrews Road
Postnet Suite 252
Private Bag x 30500
Houghton 2041
Tel:  +27 11 644-2400
Fax:  +27 11 484-0626

C M T Thompson +  (Chairman)
A J Wright        (Deputy Chairman)
I D Cockerill *   (Managing Director)
NJ Holland *
J M McMahon *
G R Parker **
P J Ryan
TMG Sexwale
B R van Rooyen
CI von Christierson

+ Canadian   * British   ** USA

London Office

St James's Corporate Services Limited
6 St James's Place
London SW1A 1 NP
Tel:  +944 207 499-3916
Fax:  +944 207 491-1989

Transfer Offices

Computershare Services Limited
Edura 40 Commissioner Street
P O Box 61051, Marshalltown, 2107
Tel: 27 11 370-7700
Fax: 27 11 836-0792

Company Secretary
VD MacDonald
24 St Andrews Road
Postnet Suite 252
Private Bag x 30500
Houghton 2041
Tel:  +27 11 644-2406
Fax:  +27 11 484-0626

Capita IRG
Bourne House
34 Beckenham Road
Beckenham Kent BR3 4TU
Tel: +944 208 658-3430
Fax: +944 208 639-2000

American Depositary Receipt Banker

Bank of New York
101 Barclay Street
New York N.Y. 10286
Tel:  +91 212 815-5133
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Investor Relations

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Willie Jacobsz
Tel:  +27 11 644-2460
Fax:  +27 11 484-0639
E-mail:  investors@goldfields.co.za

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Tel:  +91 303 796-8683
Fax:  +91 303 796-8293
E-mail:  camartin@gfexpl.com

Hsbc Bk. 25 (LSE:50NT)
Historical Stock Chart
From Dec 2024 to Jan 2025 Click Here for more Hsbc Bk. 25 Charts.
Hsbc Bk. 25 (LSE:50NT)
Historical Stock Chart
From Jan 2024 to Jan 2025 Click Here for more Hsbc Bk. 25 Charts.