RNS Number : 2498Q 
Bank Hapoalim B.M. 
07 April 2009 

Bank Hapoalim B.M. 
Registration no. 520000118 
The securities of the corporation are listed for trading on the Tel Aviv Stock 
Code name: Poalim 
Street: P.O.B. 27, Tel Aviv 61000 
Tel: 03-5673800; 03-5673333; Fax: 03-5674576 
e-mail: yoram.weissbrem@mailpoalim.co.il 
Transmission date: 01/04/2009 
Reference: 2009-01-079482 
Securities AuthorityTel Aviv Stock Exchange Ltd. 
An amending report to a flawed report, which was sent on 22nd July 2008, the 
reference number of which is: 211548-01-2008 
The flaw: Report on a greater amount (Report on value on the stock exchange and 
not on the amount of shares) 
Reason for flaw: Error 
The amendment: The correct holding is 3,369 shares and not as previously 
reported in error. 
Immediate Report regarding the schedule of holdings of Interested Parties and 
Senior Office Holders 
Regulation 33 (c) of the Securities (Periodic and Immediate Reports) 
Regulations, 5730-1970 
Following is the schedule as of 31/03/2009 
A. Interested Parties in the corporation (including CEO and directors, and 
including any employee holding five percent or more of the issued share capital 
of the corporation or voting rights therein). 
|  No.   |   Name of Holder    |  Name,   |  Current    |  Extent of Holding   |  Extent of Holding   | 
|  of    |                     |Category  |  Quantity   |                      |   (fully diluted)    | 
|Holder  |                     |& Series  |     of      |                      |                      | 
|        |                     |    of    | Securities  |                      |                      | 
|        |                     |Security  |             |                      |                      | 
|        |                     |          |             |   % of    |  % of    |   % of    |  % of    | 
|        |                     |          |             |  capital  |  voting  |  capital  |  voting  | 
|   1    |  Arison Holdings    |  BNHP    |263,531,308  |  19.99    |  19.99   |  19.59    |  19.59   | 
|        |    (1998) Ltd.      |Ordinary  |             |           |          |           |          | 
|        |                     |  Shares  |             |           |          |           |          | 
|   2    |    Israel Salt      |  BNHP    | 75,764,441  |   5.75    |  5.75    |   5.63    |  5.63    | 
|        |  Industries Ltd.    |Ordinary  |             |           |          |           |          | 
|        |                     |  Shares  |             |           |          |           |          | 
|   3    |    Dan Dankner      |  Option  |  825,000    |   0.00    |  0.00    |   0.06    |  0.06    | 
|   4    |    Moshe Koren      |  BNHP    |   13,000    |   0.00    |  0.00    |   0.00    |  0.00    | 
|        |                     |Ordinary  |             |           |          |           |          | 
|        |                     |  Shares  |             |           |          |           |          | 
|   5    |    Ronen Israel     |  BNHP    |    1,342    |   0.00    |  0.00    |   0.00    |  0.00    | 
|        |                     |Ordinary  |             |           |          |           |          | 
|        |                     |  Share   |             |           |          |           |          | 
|   6    |      Zvi Ziv        |  BNHP    |   17,088    |   0.00    |  0.00    |   0.00    |  0.00    | 
|        |                     |Ordinary  |             |           |          |           |          | 
|        |                     |  Shares  |             |           |          |           |          | 
|   7    |      Zvi Ziv        |  Option  |  1,140,000  |   0.00    |  0.00    |   0.09    |  0.09    | 
|    Total Extent of    |   Total Extent of    | 
|        Holding        |       Holding        | 
|                       |   (fully diluted)    | 
|   % of    |   % of    |   % of    |  % of    | 
|  capital  |  voting   |  capital  |  voting  | 
|  25.74    |  25.74    |  25.37    |  25.37   | 
B. Senior Office Holders in the corporation (not including CEO and directors, 
and not including any employee holding five percent or more of the issued share 
capital of the corporation or voting rights therein). 
  *  Do not hold securities of the corporation 
  *  Following is the schedule of holdings of senior office holders in the 
|  No.   |   Name of Holder    |  Name,   |  Current   |  Extent of Holding   |  Extent of Holding   | 
|  of    |                     |Category  |  Quantity  |                      |   (fully diluted)    | 
|Holder  |                     |& Series  |    of      |                      |                      | 
|        |                     |    of    |Securities  |                      |                      | 
|        |                     |Security  |            |                      |                      | 
|        |                     |          |            |   % of    |  % of    |   % of    |  % of    | 
|        |                     |          |            |  capital  |  voting  |  capital  |  voting  | 
|   8    |     Ilan Mazur      |  BNHP    |   3,369    |   0.00    |  0.00    |   0.00    |  0.00    | 
|        |                     |Ordinary  |            |           |          |           |          | 
|        |                     |  Shares  |            |           |          |           |          | 
|   9    |    Hanna Pri-Zan    |  BNHP    |  13,682    |   0.00    |  0.00    |   0.00    |  0.00    | 
|        |                     |Ordinary  |            |           |          |           |          | 
|        |                     |  Shares  |            |           |          |           |          | 
|    Total Extent of    |   Total Extent of    | 
|        Holding        |       Holding        | 
|                       |   (fully diluted)    | 
|   % of    |   % of    |   % of    |  % of    | 
|  capital  |  voting   |  capital  |  voting  | 
|   0.00    |   0.00    |   0.00    |  0.00    | 
1. Holdings of convertible securities should be reported, including convertible 
securities, which are not listed for trading. 
2. If an interested party holds more than one category of securities, the extent 
of his holdings (including fully diluted) should be stated taking into 
consideration all of the securities held by him on one line only. 
3. The schedule of holdings of all interested parties should be listed in this 
form, including holdings which have remained unchanged. 
4. Where the interested party is a subsidiary company, the holdings should be 
separated into shares which were purchased before the Companies Law, 5759-1999 
took effect and which confer rights as to capital and voting, and shares which 
were purchased after the Law took effect and which are inactive shares. 
5. If the interested party is a corporation, the name of the controlling party 
in the corporation should be reported as well. 
6. If a senior office holder holds 5 percent or more of the issued share capital 
of the corporation or voting rights therein, the holdings should be listed in 
the "Interested Parties" listings table as described in paragraph "A" above. 
7. If the interested party or the senior office holder also holds shares of a 
subsidiary or related company of the reporting corporation, a detail of these 
holdings should be listed in the field "Remarks" which appears in the holder 
details table. 
|                    |                                                                   | 
| Name of Holder:    | Arison Holdings (1998) Ltd.                                       | 
| No. of Holder:     | 1                                                                 | 
| Category of   | Other Interested Party                                                 | 
| Holder:       |                                                                        | 
| Category of Identity    | Number at the Registrar of Companies                         | 
| Number:                 |                                                              | 
| Identity Number:   | 512705153                                                         | 
| Citizenship/Country of Incorporation   | Incorporated in Israel                        | 
| or Registration:                       |                                               | 
| Country of Citizenship/Incorporation or     |              |                           | 
| Registration:                               |              |                           | 
| Does the holder serve as a representative for         | No                             | 
| reporting purposes of a number of shareholders who    |                                | 
| hold securities of the Corporation together with him: |                                | 
| Are the shares held inactive      | No                                                 | 
| shares                            |                                                    | 
| Stock Exchange Security Number:   | 662577                                             | 
| Balance in previous comprehensive report         | 263,531,308                         | 
| (quantity of securities):                        |                                     | 
| Change in Quantity of        | 0                                                       | 
| Securities:                  |                                                         | 
| Explanation: If a decrease in number is reported, a negative value should be stated,   | 
| i.e. represented by the sign "-".                                                      | 
| Remarks:                                                                               | 
| The holdings of the interested parties in the Bank are as follows:                     | 
| Eternity Holdings One Trust holds 23.07% of the shares of Arison Holdings (1998) Ltd., | 
| which holds 20.03% of the shares of Bank Hapoalim B.M. (hereinafter: "the Bank").      | 
| Furthermore, Eternity Holdings One Trust holds 23.07% of the shares of the company     | 
| Arison Sustainability Ltd., which holds 100% of the shares of Arison Investments Ltd., | 
| which holds 100% of the shares of Arzaf D Ltd., which holds 100% of the shares of      | 
| Israel Salt Industries Ltd., which holds 5.76% of the shares of the Bank.              | 
| Eternity Four Trust-A holds 53.86% of the shares of Arison Holdings (1998) Ltd., which | 
| holds 20.03% of the shares of the Bank.                                                | 
| Furthermore, Eternity Four Trust-A holds 53.86% of the company Arison Sustainability   | 
| Ltd., which holds 100% of the shares of Arison Investments Ltd., which holds 100% of   | 
| the shares of Arzaf D Ltd., which holds 100% of the shares of Israel Salt Industries   | 
| Ltd., which holds 5.76% of the shares of the Bank.                                     | 
| Nickel 97 - A Trust holds 23.07% of the shares of Arison Holdings (1998) Ltd., which   | 
| holds 20.03% of the shares of the Bank.                                                | 
| Furthermore, Nickel 97 - A Trust holds 23.07% of the shares of the company Arison      | 
| Sustainability Ltd., which holds 100% of the shares of Arison Investments Ltd., which  | 
| holds 100% of the shares of Arzaf D Ltd., which holds 100% of the shares of Israel     | 
| Salt Industries Ltd., which holds 5.76% of the shares of the Bank.                     | 
| Ms. Shari Arison, holder of Israeli citizenship (Israeli Identity Document 064767437)  | 
| is the principal beneficiary of Eternity Holdings One Trust and of Eternity Four       | 
| Trust-A.                                                                               | 
| Mr. Mickey Arison, holder of American citizenship (Passport Number 219203102) is the   | 
| principal beneficiary of Nickel 97 - A Trust.                                          | 
|          |                                                                             | 
|          |                                                                             | 
|               |                                                                             | 
| Name of       | Israel Salt Industries Ltd.                                                 | 
| Holder:       |                                                                             | 
| No. of        | 2                                                                           | 
| Holder:       |                                                                             | 
| Category of        | Other Interested Party                                                 | 
| Holder:            |                                                                        | 
| Category of Identity    | Number at the Registrar of Companies                              | 
| Number:                 |                                                                   | 
| Identity      | 520037573                                                                   | 
| Number:       |                                                                             | 
| Citizenship/Country of Incorporation   | Incorporated in Israel                             | 
| or Registration:                       |                                                    | 
| Country of Citizenship/Incorporation or     |              |                                | 
| Registration:                               |              |                                | 
| Does the holder serve as a representative for         | No                                  | 
| reporting purposes of a number of shareholders who    |                                     | 
| hold securities of the Corporation together with him: |                                     | 
| Are the shares held inactive      | No                                                      | 
| shares:                           |                                                         | 
| Stock Exchange Security Number:   | 662577                                                  | 
| Balance in previous comprehensive report         | 75,764,441                               | 
| (quantity of securities):                        |                                          | 
| Change in Quantity of        | 0                                                            | 
| Securities:                  |                                                              | 
| Explanation: If a decrease in number is reported, a negative value should be stated, i.e.   | 
| represented by the sign "-".                                                                | 
| Remarks:                                                                                    | 
|          |                                                                                  | 
|          |                                                                                  | 
|               |                                                                             | 
| Name of       | Dan Dankner.                                                                | 
| Holder:       |                                                                             | 
| No. of        | 3                                                                           | 
| Holder:       |                                                                             | 
| Category of        | Director / CEO                                                         | 
| Holder:            |                                                                        | 
| Category of Identity    | Number of Identity Document                                       | 
| Number:                 |                                                                   | 
| Identity      | 059581280                                                                   | 
| Number:       |                                                                             | 
| Citizenship/Country of Incorporation   | Private person with Israeli citizenship            | 
| or Registration:                       |                                                    | 
| Country of Citizenship/Incorporation or     |              |                                | 
| Registration:                               |              |                                | 
| Does the holder serve as a representative for         | No                                  | 
| reporting purposes of a number of shareholders who    |                                     | 
| hold securities of the Corporation together with him: |                                     | 
| Are the shares held inactive      | No                                                      | 
| shares:                           |                                                         | 
| Stock Exchange Security Number:   | 0                                                       | 
| Balance in previous comprehensive report         | 825,000                                  | 
| (quantity of securities):                        |                                          | 
| Change in Quantity of        | 0                                                            | 
| Securities:                  |                                                              | 
| Explanation: If a decrease in number is reported, a negative value should be stated, i.e.   | 
| represented by the sign "-".                                                                | 
| Remarks:                                                                                    | 
| A. the holding is in option warrants which were allotted in a private offer detailed in the | 
| private offer report of 13th February, 2008.                                                | 
| B. the data regarding the percentage of the holding on a fully diluted basis with reference | 
| to Mr. Dankner are theoretical data, since the exercise mechanism has been set as a net     | 
| exercise mechanism (see Clause 3.6 of the aforesaid private offer report).                  | 
|          |                                                                                  | 
|               |                                                                             | 
| Name of       | Moshe Koren                                                                 | 
| Holder:       |                                                                             | 
| No. of        | 4                                                                           | 
| Holder:       |                                                                             | 
| Category of        | Director / CEO                                                         | 
| Holder:            |                                                                        | 
| Category of Identity    | Number of Identity Document                                       | 
| Number:                 |                                                                   | 
| Identity      | 1228998                                                                     | 
| Number:       |                                                                             | 
| Citizenship/Country of Incorporation   | Private person with Israeli citizenship            | 
| or Registration:                       |                                                    | 
| Country of Citizenship/Incorporation or     |              |                                | 
| Registration:                               |              |                                | 
| Does the holder serve as a representative for         | No                                  | 
| reporting purposes of a number of shareholders who    |                                     | 
| hold securities of the Corporation together with him: |                                     | 
| Are the shares held inactive      | No                                                      | 
| shares:                           |                                                         | 
| Stock Exchange Security Number:   | 662577                                                  | 
| Balance in previous comprehensive report         | 12,987                                   | 
| (quantity of securities):                        |                                          | 
| Change in Quantity of        | 13                                                           | 
| Securities:                  |                                                              | 
| Explanation: If a decrease in number is reported, a negative value should be stated, i.e.   | 
| represented by the sign "-".                                                                | 
| Remarks:                                                                                    | 
|                                                                                             | 
|          |                                                                                  | 
|               |                                                                             | 
| Name of       | Ronen Israel                                                                | 
| Holder:       |                                                                             | 
| No. of        | 5                                                                           | 
| Holder:       |                                                                             | 
| Category of        | Director / CEO                                                         | 
| Holder:            |                                                                        | 
| Category of Identity    | Number of Identity Document                                       | 
| Number:                 |                                                                   | 
| Identity      | 055692578                                                                   | 
| Number:       |                                                                             | 
| Citizenship/Country of Incorporation   | Private person with Israeli citizenship            | 
| or Registration:                       |                                                    | 
| Country of Citizenship/Incorporation or     |              |                                | 
| Registration:                               |              |                                | 
| Does the holder serve as a representative for         | No                                  | 
| reporting purposes of a number of shareholders who    |                                     | 
| hold securities of the Corporation together with him: |                                     | 
| Are the shares held inactive      | No                                                      | 
| shares:                           |                                                         | 
| Stock Exchange Security Number:   | 662577                                                  | 
| Balance in previous comprehensive report         | 1,342                                    | 
| (quantity of securities):                        |                                          | 
| Change in Quantity of        | 0                                                            | 
| Securities:                  |                                                              | 
| Explanation: If a decrease in number is reported, a negative value should be stated, i.e.   | 
| represented by the sign "-".                                                                | 
| Remarks:                                                                                    | 
| the shares are held in an account in the name of his son who is a minor                     | 
|          |                                                                                  | 
|               |                                                                             | 
| Name of       | Zvi Ziv.                                                                    | 
| Holder:       |                                                                             | 
| No. of        | 6                                                                           | 
| Holder:       |                                                                             | 
| Category of        | Director / CEO                                                         | 
| Holder:            |                                                                        | 
| Category of Identity    | Number of Identity Document                                       | 
| Number:                 |                                                                   | 
| Identity      | 004143699                                                                   | 
| Number:       |                                                                             | 
| Citizenship/Country of Incorporation   | Private person with Israeli citizenship            | 
| or Registration:                       |                                                    | 
| Country of Citizenship/Incorporation or     |              |                                | 
| Registration:                               |              |                                | 
| Does the holder serve as a representative for         | No                                  | 
| reporting purposes of a number of shareholders who    |                                     | 
| hold securities of the Corporation together with him: |                                     | 
| Are the shares held inactive      | No                                                      | 
| shares:                           |                                                         | 
| Stock Exchange Security Number:   | 662577                                                  | 
| Balance in previous comprehensive report         | 17,088                                   | 
| (quantity of securities):                        |                                          | 
| Change in Quantity of        | 0                                                            | 
| Securities:                  |                                                              | 
| Explanation: If a decrease in number is reported, a negative value should be stated, i.e.   | 
| represented by the sign "-".                                                                | 
| Remarks:                                                                                    | 
|          |                                                                                  | 
|          |                                                                                  | 
|              |                                                                             | 
| Name of      | Zvi Ziv.                                                                    | 
| Holder:      |                                                                             | 
| No. of       | 7                                                                           | 
| Holder:      |                                                                             | 
| Category of       | Director / CEO                                                         | 
| Holder:           |                                                                        | 
| Category of Identity   | Number of Identity Document                                       | 
| Number:                |                                                                   | 
| Identity     | 004143699                                                                   | 
| Number:      |                                                                             | 
| Citizenship/Country of Incorporation  | Private person with Israeli citizenship            | 
| or Registration:                      |                                                    | 
| Country of Citizenship/Incorporation or    |              |                                | 
| Registration:                              |              |                                | 
| Does the holder serve as a representative for        | No                                  | 
| reporting purposes of a number of shareholders who   |                                     | 
| hold securities of the Corporation together with     |                                     | 
| him:                                                 |                                     | 
| Are the shares held inactive     | No                                                      | 
| shares:                          |                                                         | 
| Stock Exchange Security Number:  | 0                                                       | 
| Balance in previous comprehensive report        | 1,140,000                                | 
| (quantity of securities):                       |                                          | 
| Change in Quantity of       | 0                                                            | 
| Securities:                 |                                                              | 
| Explanation: If a decrease in number is reported, a negative value should be stated, i.e.  | 
| represented by the sign "-".                                                               | 
| Remarks:                                                                                   | 
| A. the holding is in option warrants which were allotted in a private offer detailed in    | 
| the private offer report of 31st March, 2008.                                              | 
| B. the data regarding the percentage of the holding on a fully diluted basis with          | 
| reference to Mr. Ziv are theoretical data, since the exercise mechanism has been set as a  | 
| net exercise mechanism (see Clause 3.6 of the aforesaid private offer report).             | 
|              |                                                                             | 
| Name of      | Ilan Mazur                                                                  | 
| Holder:      |                                                                             | 
| No. of       | 8                                                                           | 
| Holder:      |                                                                             | 
| Category of       | Senior Office Holder who is not CEO or Director                        | 
| Holder:           |                                                                        | 
| Category of Identity   | Number of Identity Document                                       | 
| Number:                |                                                                   | 
| Identity     | 007447386                                                                   | 
| Number:      |                                                                             | 
| Citizenship/Country of Incorporation  | Private person with Israeli citizenship            | 
| or Registration:                      |                                                    | 
| Country of Citizenship/Incorporation or    |              |                                | 
| Registration:                              |              |                                | 
| Does the holder serve as a representative for        | No                                  | 
| reporting purposes of a number of shareholders who   |                                     | 
| hold securities of the Corporation together with     |                                     | 
| him:                                                 |                                     | 
| Are the shares held inactive     | No                                                      | 
| shares:                          |                                                         | 
| Stock Exchange Security Number:  | 662577                                                  | 
| Balance in previous comprehensive report        | 3,369                                    | 
| (quantity of securities):                       |                                          | 
| Change in Quantity of       | 0                                                            | 
| Securities:                 |                                                              | 
| Explanation: If a decrease in number is reported, a negative value should be stated, i.e.  | 
| represented by the sign "-".                                                               | 
| Remarks:                                                                                   | 
|              |                                                                             | 
| Name of      | Hanna Pri-Zan                                                               | 
| Holder:      |                                                                             | 
| No. of       | 9                                                                           | 
| Holder:      |                                                                             | 
| Category of       | Senior Office Holder who is not CEO or Director                        | 
| Holder:           |                                                                        | 
| Category of Identity   | Number of Identity Document                                       | 
| Number:                |                                                                   | 
| Identity     | 50963115                                                                    | 
| Number:      |                                                                             | 
| Citizenship/Country of Incorporation  | Private person with Israeli citizenship            | 
| or Registration:                      |                                                    | 
| Country of Citizenship/Incorporation or    |              |                                | 
| Registration:                              |              |                                | 
| Does the holder serve as a representative for        | No                                  | 
| reporting purposes of a number of shareholders who   |                                     | 
| hold securities of the Corporation together with     |                                     | 
| him:                                                 |                                     | 
| Are the shares held inactive     | No                                                      | 
| shares:                          |                                                         | 
| Stock Exchange Security Number:  | 662577                                                  | 
| Balance in previous comprehensive report        | 13,682                                   | 
| (quantity of securities):                       |                                          | 
| Change in Quantity of       | 0                                                            | 
| Securities:                 |                                                              | 
| Explanation: If a decrease in number is reported, a negative value should be stated, i.e.  | 
| represented by the sign "-".                                                               | 
| Remarks:                                                                                   | 
As of the date of this report and according to the directives of the law, the 
controlling party in the corporation is : 
| 1                               |                                | 
| Arison Holdings (1998) Ltd.     |                                | 
| Identification Number of        | Identification Number          | 
| Controlling Party :             | 512705153                      | 
| 2                               |                                | 
| Israel Salt Industries Ltd.     |                                | 
| Identification Number of        | Identificiation Number         | 
| Controlling Party :             | 520037573                      | 
- = Remarks = - 
1.    extent of holding (fully diluted) does not include subordinated capital 
notes Series A, B and C. 
2.When calculating the size of the holding of the interested parties in the 
Company on a fully diluted basis, 1,965,000 options held by Messrs Zvi Ziv and 
Dan Dankner were not taken with account, because those options are only 
exercisable into shares of the Bank to be purchased for that purpose by the Bank 
and no new shares will be allotted; the calculation of the size of the holdings 
of Zvi Ziv and Dan Dankner (on a fully diluted basis) was made on the assumption 
that each option would be exercised into one share. This is a theoretical 
assumption because the exercise mechanism for such options is a "net exercise" 
mechanism, so that in fact there will not be allotted to the offeree who 
exercises the options all of shares emanating therefrom, but only shares in a 
quantity which reflects the amount of the monetary benefit embodied in the 
options. It is to be noted that according to the terms of the options allotted 
to Messrs. Zvi Ziv and Dan Dankner, they are exercisable only into shares to be 
purchased for that purpose by the Bank. As at the time of this report, the 
Supervisor of Banks has permitted the Bank to purchase for its own account 
1,250,000 shares so that the options may be exercised, as aforesaid. 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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