AmerenUE Is Prepared for Severe Winter Weather, Offers Tips to Help Customers when Storms Occur
December 14 2008 - 1:00PM
PR Newswire (US)
ST. LOUIS, Dec. 14 /PRNewswire/ -- AmerenUE is prepared for severe
winter conditions forecast for tonight (Dec. 14) and early Monday.
The area weather forecast includes the possibility of freezing
rain, snow and sleet Sunday. UE urges customers to ready themselves
for the possibility of storm-related power outages throughout the
winter. Senior Vice President for UE Energy Delivery Richard Mark
reminds everyone to stay away from downed power lines and always
call UE or '911' if downed lines are spotted. He warns that during
icy weather conditions, going outside in the dark means that a
person could come into contact with a downed power line that could
still be energized and dangerous but not visible. In addition, he
urges everyone to stay away from brush, shrubs and downed trees
that may hide downed lines. When severe storms cause power outages,
UE's first priority is to correct potentially life-threatening
situations, such as downed power lines or hospitals without power.
The company then implements power restoration plans focused on
restoring power for the greatest number of customers in the
shortest length of time. When there is a threat of severe weather,
UE's key steps include: -- Constantly monitoring weather
conditions, watching for any changes that may affect service. --
Placing key UE staff on alert. -- Considering the staging of field
personnel in preparation for storm restoration work. Decisions on
staging are based on evolving weather conditions. -- In
anticipation of severe winter weather, UE may dispatch specially
equipped Storm Trailers. These trailers are filled with materials
field crews need to perform their service restoration work. The
trailers can be moved to various staging sites to provide materials
when outside crews come in to help with the restoration efforts and
to provide a store of materials close to the area with the most
damage. -- In severe weather situations, UE's Emergency Operations
Center will be activated. Customer Safety Tips The measures
customers should take to prepare for a power outage or loss of
natural gas service are similar to those needed to prepare for any
emergency situation. -- Because most major outages are caused by
severe weather, begin by developing shelter plans for severe storm
conditions. -- If any member of your family has a medical
condition, plan and make arrangements to have that person's special
needs met in the event electricity is not available for an extended
period of time during a storm. -- Assemble a "storm kit" and store
it in a secure, centrally located part of your house. Make sure all
family members know where to find that kit. It should contain: --
Emergency telephone numbers; flashlights and fresh batteries (avoid
using candles, lanterns or oil lamps due to the fire risk); extra
garage and house keys; a battery-powered radio; a battery-powered
or wind-up alarm clock; a supply of bottled water (one gallon per
person per day); non-perishable foods that don't require heating;
blankets, bedding or sleeping bags; a first-aid kit and
medications; a hand-operated can opener; special items for infants
or family members with special needs; hand tools, such as a
screwdriver, scissors and duct tape; household items like plastic
utensils, paper plates, waterproof matches and household bleach;
identification and copies of important family documents. -- If your
electric service is interrupted, be sure to unplug or protect
sensitive computer and electronic equipment with a high-quality
surge protector. -- When severe weather is predicted, make certain
your cell phone is fully charged. Also, remember that cordless land
line telephones will not function in the event of a power outage.
-- If your power goes out, contact a neighbor to see if you are the
only one without power. If you are the only one without service,
check your panel box for a tripped circuit breaker or blown fuse.
If any breakers are in the "off" position or if a fuse is blown,
you should investigate the problem. If you are still without power,
or if others in your neighborhood are experiencing a power outage,
call your UE at any time, 24 hours a day, seven days a week -- and
always call as soon as possible to report a downed line or natural
gas odor! Customers can access information about electricity
service outages on the Ameren Web site ( --
Go to the "Storm Center" in the left-hand menu and select "Outage
Information." Then select "Missouri Outage Information." By
selecting the "Outage Map," you can immediately see the areas that
are affected by outages and the number of customers without power
in the affected areas. Outages are listed by zip code. -- Select
"County Outages" to view the number of outages in each county. --
Select "My Electric Outage" to learn more about the outage
affecting you. You can plug in your phone number and if it is on
file, you will find out your outage status. With this service, you
often can determine the outage cause and estimated restoration
time. -- "Power Out? Call Us" provides complete contact information
in the event of an outage. Review and print out this information
before a storm occurs. "Storms and Emergencies" provides valuable
customer information in dealing with severe storms. "Outage
Restoration Trend" shows a graph to help customers understand the
progress being made to restore power. "Emergency Preparedness"
provides a link to Ready America. Here customers will learn how to
assemble a storm emergency kit, how to create an emergency plan and
how to stay informed. With residential electric retail rates that
are more than 40 percent below the national average, UE provides
electricity and natural gas to 1.2 million customers in Missouri.
UE's parent, Ameren Corporation, through its affiliates, serves 2.4
million electric and nearly 1 million natural gas customers across
64,000 square miles of Missouri and Illinois. DATASOURCE: AmerenUE
CONTACT: AmerenUE Media Hotline, +1-314-554-2182 Web site: