Further re AngloGold/Ashanti Merger
January 26 2004 - 4:59AM
UK Regulatory
News Release
(Incorporated in the Republic of CORPORATE AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT
South Africa)
(Registration Number: 1944/017354 16th Floor, 11 Diagonal Street, Johannesburg
/06) 2001, South Africa
ISIN Number:ZAE000043485 Tel: (+27 11) 637-6385 or Fax: (+27 11)
JSE Share Code: ANG SJL/CAD/AGO392.04
NYSE Ticker: AU 26 January 2004
AngloGold has received confirmation from the United States Securities and
Exchange Commission (SEC) of the availability of an exemption under Section 3
(a)(10) of the US Securities Act of 1933 that will enable AngloGold to issue
its shares in the scheme relating to the merger of AngloGold and Ashanti,
without registration in the United States.
Once the required approvals of the Parliament and Government of Ghana have been
received, the scheme documents will be finalised and distributed to Ashanti
shareholders. AngloGold anticipates that the transaction will be completed
during April 2004.
Except for the historical information contained herein, there are matters
discussed in this news release that are forward-looking statements. Such
statements are only predictions and actual events or results may differ
materially. For a discussion of important factors including, but not limited to
development of the Company's business, the economic outlook in the gold mining
industry, expectations regarding gold prices and production, and other factors,
which could cause actual results to differ materially from such forward-looking
statements, refer to the Company's annual report on the Form 20-F for the year
ended 31 December 2000 which was filed with the Securities and Exchange
Commission on 23 April 2001.
South Africa Tel: Mobile: E-mail:
Steve Lenahan +27 11 637 6248 +27 83 308 2200 slenahan@anglogold.com
Alan Fine +27 11 637 6383 +27 83 250 0757 afine@anglogold.com
Shelagh Blackman +27 11 637 6379 +27 83 308 2471 skblackman@anglogold.com
Europe & Asia
Tomasz Nadrowski +1 917 912 4641 tnadrowski@anglogold.com
Charles Carter (Toll free) 800
417 9255
+1 212 750 7999 cecarter@anglogold.com
Andrea Maxey +61 8 9425 4604 +61 438 001 393 amaxey@anglogold.com.au
Certain statements in this announcement are forward-looking within the meaning
of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, including without limitation,
those statements concerning (i) timing, fulfillment of conditions, tax
treatment and completion of the Merger, (ii) the value of the transaction
consideration, (iii) expectations regarding production and cost savings at the
combined group's operations and its operating and financial performance and
(iv) synergies and other benefits anticipated from the Merger. Although
AngloGold and Ashanti believe that the expectations reflected in such
forward-looking statements are reasonable, no assurance can be given that such
expectations will prove to have been correct.
For a discussion of important terms of the Merger and important factors and
risks involved in the companies' businesses, which could cause the combined
group's actual operating and financial results to differ materially from such
forward-looking statements, refer to AngloGold's and Ashanti's filings with the
US Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"), including AngloGold's annual
report on Form 20-F for the year ended 31 December 2002, filed with the SEC on
7 April 2003 and Ashanti's annual report on Form 20-F for the year ended 31
December 2002, filed with the SEC on 17 June 2003 and any other documents in
respect of the Merger that are furnished to the SEC by AngloGold or Ashanti
under cover of Form 6-K.
AngloGold will file important documents with the SEC regarding the transaction
with Ashanti. Investors and security holders are urged to carefully read all
such documents filed with the SEC, because these documents will contain
important information. Investors and security holders will be able to obtain a
free copy of any such documents at the SEC's web site at www.sec.gov or by
directing a request to AngloGold Limited, 14th Floor, 11 Diagonal Street,
Johannesburg 2001, South Africa, Attention: Chris Bull, Company Secretary.