RNS Number : 3068I 
Allied Gold Limited 
09 March 2010 

For immediate release 
                                            9 March 2010 
                              ALLIED GOLD LIMITED 
                          ("ALLIED" OR "THE COMPANY") 
 "This press release is not for dissemination in the United States and 
              not be disseminated to United States news services." 
   2 million ounces in MEasured and INDICATED RESOURCES AT PIGIPUT and PIGIBO 
                           DEPOSITS increased by 170% 
·      New resource estimates for Pigiput and Pigibo deposits give total 
Measured and Indicated Resources of 48.1 million tonnes at 1.35 g/t gold, at 
0.5g/t gold block cut-off, equivalent to 2.08 million ounces of gold 
·      170% increase in estimated contained gold in Measured and Indicated 
resources compared to previous estimates 
·      Pigiput total Measured and Indicated resources estimated as 41.0 million 
tonnes at 1.38 g/t gold for 1.82 million ounces of gold 
·      Pigibo total Measured and Indicated resources estimated as 7.1 million 
tonnes at 1.18 g/t gold for 0.27 million ounces of gold 
·      Total group combined Measured, Indicated and Inferred Resources of 194.4 
million tonnes at 1.25 g/t gold for 7.80 million ounces of gold (Simberi,  156.6 
million tonnes at 1.13 g/t for 5.69 million ounces of gold and Gold Ridge, 37.8 
million tonnes at 1.74 g/t for 2.11 million ounces of gold) 
·      Reserve estimation to be undertaken on completion of Phase III drilling 
at Pigibo, Pigiput and north-east towards SE Sorowar 
Allied Gold has received new resource estimates for Pigiput and Pigibo deposits 
from consultants, Golder and Associates, totalling 48.1Mt @ 1.38g/t Au in 
Measured and Indicated categories for 2.08 million ounces of gold, using a 
0.5g/t Au block cut-off. Mineral Resources classified as Inferred are estimated 
to be 38.5Mt @ 1.00 g/t Au for 1.24 Moz of gold and 86.6Mt @ 3.70g/t Ag for 10.3 
Moz of silver. Compared to the previous estimates, this represents a significant 
consolidation, with the equivalent of net 30.4 Mt @ 1.34 g/t Au (1.31 Moz gold) 
converted to Measured and Indicated, and net expansion of total resources, by 
29.4Mt @ 1.04g/t Au (0.98 Moz gold). 
Phase III drilling is on-going with efforts focussed on testing down dip at 
Pigipbo and the open north eastern side of Pigiput. A further seventeen (17) 
diamond core holes for 4,360 metres, have been completed since the resource 
database close-off and two (2) are in progress. The holes are part of a phased 
in-fill and step-out program, commenced in May 2009, designed to support the 
A$10 million Sulphide and Oxide Expansion Studies based around the Pigiput 
Deposit. These studies target increasing total oxide and sulphide production to 
in excess of 200,000oz p.a. by 2012. 
A particular focus of the Phase III programme is to test the presently open 
north-eastern limit of Pigiput, with the aim of establishing a link with known 
mineralisation already immediately north at southeast Sorowar. 
The new estimates for Pigiput and Pigibo bring Allied Gold's total Measured and 
Indicated Resources at the flagship Simberi Gold Mine (PNG) and the Gold Ridge 
Project (Solomon Islands) to 4.81 million ounces being: 
            Simberi(1)           78.4Mt @ 1.27 g/t Au for 3.20 Moz of gold 
            Gold Ridge(2)      29.5Mt @ 1.72 g/t Au for 1.63 Moz of gold 
In addition, estimated Inferred Resources increase to 2.97 million ounces being: 
Simberi(1)           78.2Mt @ 0.99 g/t Au for 2.49 Moz of gold 
            Gold Ridge(2)        8.3Mt @ 1.80 g/t Au for 0.48 Moz of gold 
This equates to a total Measured, Indicated and Inferred Resource for Simberi 
and Gold Ridge of 194.4 Mt @ 1.25 g/t Au for 7.8 Moz of gold. 
(1)   Simberi Total Gold Resources May 2009 - Above 0.5g/t Au Cut-off Grade as 
quoted in ALD Annual Report 08 | 09 with Pigiput and Pigibo resources updated by 
this February 2010 estimate 
(2)   Gold Ridge Total Resources as quoted in ALD Preliminary Short Form 
Prospectus November 13, 2009 
Allied Gold is actively undertaking in-fill and step-out diamond core drilling 
of the Pigiput Prospect, in the central part of its 100% owned mining lease 
ML136. The Phase II program was completed at end January 2010 and Phase III will 
continue through the March '10 Quarter. 
The Pigiput Deposit is currently the subject of a Sulphide Development 
pre-feasibility study (as outlined in ALD Press Release dated 17th June 2009). 
ML136, the mining lease on Simberi Island, is owned 100% by Allied Gold Limited. 
The new mineral resource estimate, along with the results of the Phase III 
drilling, is to be used to determine mining reserves to be included in the 
In this new estimate, Measured and Indicated resources in sulphides for the two 
deposits now total 33.8Mt @ 1.49 g/t Au for 1.62 Moz gold at a 0.5g/t Au block 
assay cut-off. 
Table 1  Pigiput and Pigibo Minerals Resources - February 2010 
|   Deposit    |        Measured          |        Indicated         |    Total MEAS + IND      |        Inferred          | 
|      /       |                          |                          |                          |                          | 
|  Prospect    |                          |                          |                          |                          | 
+              +--------------------------+--------------------------+--------------------------+--------------------------+ 
|              |     Mt | g/t Au |    koz |     Mt | g/t Au |    koz |     Mt | g/t Au |    koz |     Mt | g/t Au |    koz | 
| Pigiput      |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        | 
| oxide        |    3.4 |   0.96 |    106 |    5.0 |   0.97 |    154 |    8.4 |   0.96 |    260 |    1.6 |   0.79 |     40 | 
| transitional |        |        |        |    1.9 |   0.90 |     54 |    1.9 |   0.90 |     54 |    0.6 |   0.85 |     17 | 
| sulphide     |        |        |        |   30.7 |   1.52 |   1501 |   30.7 |   1.52 |   1501 |   27.3 |   0.98 |    861 | 
| PIG-Total    |    3.4 |   0.96 |    106 |   37.5 |   1.42 |   1709 |   41.0 |   1.38 |   1815 |   29.5 |   0.97 |    920 | 
| Pigibo       |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        | 
| oxide        |        |        |        |    2.6 |   1.14 |     97 |    2.6 |   1.14 |     97 |    1.6 |   1.03 |     53 | 
| transitional |        |        |        |    1.4 |   1.19 |     52 |    1.4 |   1.19 |     52 |    0.3 |   1.08 |     11 | 
| sulphide     |        |        |        |    3.1 |   1.20 |    120 |    3.1 |   1.20 |    120 |    7.1 |   1.12 |    256 | 
| PBO-Total    |        |        |        |    7.1 |   1.18 |    269 |    7.1 |   1.18 |    269 |    9.0 |   1.10 |    320 | 
| TOTAL        |    3.4 |   0.96 |    106 |   44.6 |   1.38 |  1,978 |   48.1 |   1.35 |  2,084 |   38.5 |   1.00 |  1,239 | 
Note:  Total pre-mine Mineral Resources. Table shows rounded estimates. This 
rounding may cause some apparent computational discrepancies 
Using additional geological and assay information gained from the intensive 2009 
drilling campaign, a new resource estimate was undertaken by consultants, Golder 
Associates.  At Pigiput, estimated Measured and Indicated resources now total 
41.0Mt @ 1.38 g/t gold for 1.82 million ounces, with a further 29.5Mt @ 0.97 g/t 
(0.92 Moz) classified as Inferred. Inferred silver resources at Pigiput total 
70.4 Mt @ 4.09 g/t silver for 9.3 million ounces. The bulk of these Measured and 
Indicated resources, 30.7 Mt @ 1.52g/t for 1.50 Moz, are in sulphides. 
Previously, estimated Measured and Indicated resources totalled 17.7 Mt @ 1.36 
g/t for 0.77 Moz, with a further 36.0 Mt @ 1.24 g/t gold for 1.43 Moz gold 
classified as Inferred, (ALD Media Release 20th May 2009). 
Phases I and II Pigiput Sulphide Project core drilling programmes completed in 
2009 were designed as sets of multiple radiating holes, drilled from 4 principal 
drill site. The holes were designed to increase the drill hole density in areas 
already known to be mineralised and include drilling directions that pierce the 
mineralised envelopes at oblique angles to the dip and strike of the mineralised 
formations. The true width of a down hole intercept varies significantly, 
depending on the angle the hole intersects the mineralised structures. 
These results from the two drilling programs have now been consolidated into an 
expanded drill hole database allowing an improved 3D model to be developed for 
the February 2010 resource estimate. The new resource estimate used 336 holes 
totalling 51,856 m compared to 290 holes for 37,445 m that comprised the 
database for the May '09 estimate. 
At Pigiput, gold mineralisation is generally associated with a moderately north 
dipping, east-west striking structural surface that can be interpreted across 
the entire extent of the deposit. The surface is recognised in core holes as a 
discrete structurally deformed zone. Steep dipping structures, particularly 
those striking NNW can also be mineralised. Gold grades are generally highest at 
the main surface and significant mineralisation may occur in subsidiary 
structures above and, to a lesser extent, below it. The main surface, 
interpreted as a fault zone, also marks a change from clay-pyrite and 
silica-carbonate-pyrite alteration zones in the brecciated tuff and porphyry 
host rocks at and above it to chlorite dominated alteration below. 
The planned Phase III drilling will test for a north eastern extension of the 
Pigiput deposit into SE Sorowar, an area already known to be mineralised. The 
drilling will seek to better define and link the two mineralised bodies. 
At Pigibo, newly estimated Indicated mineral resources total 7.1Mt @ 1.18 g/t 
gold for 0.27 million ounces, with a further 9.0Mt @ 1.10 g/t (0.32 Moz) 
classified as Inferred resources. No resources are classified as Measured. 
Previously, all resource were classified as Inferred and totalled 3.5 Mt @ 1.26 
g/t gold for 0.14 Moz gold (summarised in ALD Annual Report 08 | 09). This 
represents a net expansion of total resources at Pigibo of 12.7 Mt @ 1.10 g/t, 
equivalent to 0.45 Moz of gold. Indicated resources in sulphides at Pigibo are 
estimated to total 3.1 Mt @ 1.20 g/t Au, 0.12 Moz of gold. 
The current resource estimate used 97 holes totalling 11,208 m compared to 40 
holes for 3,745 m that comprised the database for the previous (1998) estimate. 
At Pigibo, gold mineralisation largely occurs in a crackle-brecciated porphytic 
andesite that intrudes a sequence of volcanic tuffs. Gold mineralization at 
Pigibo is associated with arsenian pyrite, slightly elevated copper values 
(average 170ppm) and otherwise low base metals levels, similar to the upper 
parts of the Pigiput Deposit. 
Allied Gold Limited (Allied) commissioned Golder Associates Pty Ltd (Golder) to 
combine and update the Pigiput and Pigibo deposit resource models on Simberi 
Island in February 2010.  The combined model is based on the geological database 
as at 28 January 2010.  The database includes RC and Diamond drill holes and 
some Diamond Core 'tails'. 
Geological modelling of the deposit was undertaken by Carmel Grant (Resource 
Geologist) and Phil Davies (Chief Geologist) from Allied.  Construction of the 
block model and grade estimation was undertaken by Stephen Godfrey (Associate, 
Senior Resource Geologist) and reviewed by Richard Gaze (Principal).  For this 
update, the oxide, transition and sulphide resource was modelled and estimated 
for gold (Au), silver (Ag) and sulphur (S). 
Drill sample data was composited to five metres and flagged using oxide, 
transition and sulphide wireframes.  The composites were also flagged as being 
in Tuff or Andesite.  The flagged composites were used to estimate their 
corresponding geological/weathering domains in the block model. 
Grade estimations were done using Ordinary Kriging.  High grade restraining was 
applied to restrict the influence of high grade composites. 
Dry Bulk Density values were applied to the model based on depth below surface. 
Independent regression equations were developed for the Oxide, Transition and 
Sulphide zones in Pigibo and Pigiput. 
The Au estimation has been classified as Measured, Indicated and Inferred based 
on data quality and density.  The Measured Resource is confined to the oxide 
material at Pigiput. The Indicated Resource has a nominal data density of 50m by 
50m and the Inferred Resource100m by 100m.  All resource west of 43400mE is 
Inferred.  Material south of the interpreted mineralisation footwall and outside 
the Inferred Resource boundary is not classified due to insufficient data 
density.  Due to the under sampling of the historical drilling, Ag and S are 
classified as Inferred. 
The model has been reported as Pigibo from 43210mE to 44000mE and as Pigiput 
from 44000mE to 44900mE.  Both areas extended from 208600mN to 209350mN. 
This Mineral Resource statement has been compiled in accordance with the 
guidelines defined in the Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration 
Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves (The JORC Code - 2004 Edition). 
Stephen Godfrey is a member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and 
Metallurgy and has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of 
mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which 
he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2004 
Edition of the Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral 
Resources and Ore Reserves (The JORC Code - 2004 Edition). 
The full announcement can be viewed on the Company's website or as a link to 
this announcement. 
For more information: 
| Mark Caruso                      | T:+61 8 93533638         | 
| Executive Chairman               |                          | 
|                                  |                          | 
| Roland Cornish                   | T: +44 (0) 20 7628 3396  | 
| Beaumont Cornish Limited         |                          | 
Competent Persons 
The information in this Stock Exchange Announcement that relates to Mineral 
Exploration results and Mineral Resources, together with any related assessments 
and interpretations, have been verified by and approved for release by Mr P R 
Davies, MSc, BSc, M.Aus.I.M.M., a qualified geologist and full-time employee of 
the Company.  Mr Davies has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style 
of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity 
which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2004 
Edition of the "Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral 
Resources and Ore Reserves". Mr Davies consents to the inclusion of the 
information contained in this ASX release in the form and context in which it 
The information in this Stock Exchange Announcement that relates to Mineral 
Resources has been compiled by Mr S Godfrey of Golder Associates who is a Member 
of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Mr Godfrey has had 
sufficient experience in Ore Resource estimation relevant to the style of 
mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration to qualify as a Competent 
Person as defined in the 2004 Edition of the "Australasian Code for Reporting of 
Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves". Mr Godfrey consents to 
the inclusion of the information contained in this ASX release in the form and 
context in which it appears. 
Forward-Looking Statements 
This press release contains forward-looking statements concerning the projects 
owned by Allied Gold.  Statements concerning mineral reserves and resources may 
also be deemed to be forward-looking statements in that they involve estimates, 
based on certain assumptions, of the mineralisation that will be found if and 
when a deposit is developed and mined.  Forward-looking statements are not 
statements of historical fact, and actual events or results may differ 
materially from those described in the forward-looking statements, as the result 
of a variety of risks, uncertainties and other factors, involved in the mining 
industry generally and the particular properties in which Allied has an 
interest, such as fluctuation in gold prices; uncertainties involved in 
interpreting drilling results and other tests; the uncertainty of financial 
projections and cost estimates; the possibility of cost overruns, accidents, 
strikes, delays and other problems in development projects, the uncertain 
availability of financing and uncertainties as to terms of any financings 
completed; uncertainties relating to environmental risks and government 
approvals, and possible political instability or changes in government policy in 
jurisdictions in which properties are located. 
Forward-looking statements are based on management's beliefs, opinions and 
estimates as of the date they are made, and no obligation is assumed to update 
forward-looking statements if these beliefs, opinions or estimates should change 
or to reflect other future developments. 
Not an offer of securities or solicitation of a proxy 
This communication is not a solicitation of a proxy from any security holder of 
Allied Gold, nor is this communication an offer to purchase or a solicitation to 
sell securities.  Any offer will be made only through an information circular or 
proxy statement or similar document.  Investors and security holders are 
strongly advised to read such document regarding the proposed business 
combination referred to in this communication, if and when such document is 
filed and becomes available, because it will contain important information.  Any 
such document would be filed by Allied Gold with the Australian Securities and 
Investments Commission, the Australian Stock Exchange and with the U.S. 
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). 
The technical information in the Announcement was prepared under the 
"Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and 
Ore Reserves" (JORC). 
Glossary of terms used in the Announcement: 
19. A 'Mineral Resource' is a concentration or occurrence of material of 
intrinsic economic interest in or on the Earth's crust in such form, quality and 
quantity that there are reasonable prospects for eventual economic extraction. 
The location, quantity, grade, geological characteristics and continuity of a 
Mineral Resource are known, estimated or interpreted from specific geological 
evidence and knowledge. Mineral Resources are sub-divided, in order of 
increasing geological confidence, into Inferred, Indicated and Measured 
20. An 'Inferred Mineral Resource' is that part of a Mineral Resource for which 
tonnage, grade and mineral content can be estimated with a low level of 
confidence. It is inferred from geological evidence and assumed but not verified 
geological and/or grade continuity. It is based on information gathered through 
appropriate techniques from locations such as outcrops, trenches, pits, workings 
and drill holes which may be limited or of uncertain quality and reliability. 
21. An 'Indicated Mineral Resource' is that part of a Mineral Resource for which 
tonnage, densities, shape, physical characteristics, grade and mineral content 
can be estimated with a reasonable level of confidence. It is based on 
exploration, sampling and testing information gathered through appropriate 
techniques from locations such as outcrops, trenches, pits, workings and drill 
holes. The locations are too widely or inappropriately spaced to confirm 
geological and/or grade continuity but are spaced closely enough for continuity 
to be assumed. 
22. A 'Measured Mineral Resource' is that part of a Mineral Resource for which 
tonnage, densities, shape, physical characteristics, grade and mineral content 
can be estimated with a high level of confidence. It is based on detailed and 
reliable exploration, sampling and testing information gathered through 
appropriate techniques from locations such as outcrops, trenches, pits, workings 
and drill holes. The locations are spaced closely enough to confirm geological 
and grade continuity. 
Tonnage - An expression of the amount of material of interest irrespective of 
the units of measurement (which should be stated when figures are reported) 
Grade - Any physical or chemical measurement of the characteristics of the 
Analysis (Value) material of interest in samples or product 
Cut off grade - The lowest grade, or quality, of mineralised material that 
qualifies as economically mineable and available in a given deposit. May be 
defined on the basis of economic evaluation, or on physical or chemical 
attributes that define an acceptable product specification 
Mineralisation - Any single mineral or combination of minerals occurring in a 
mass, or deposit, of economic interest 
Assay - The proportion of a particular metal (eg Au and Ag) in a sample derived 
by laboratory analytical techniques. 
Analysis limits of detection for Au is <0.01 g/t.  Au assays are determined by a 
50gm fire assay and an AAS (Atomic Adsorption Spectrometry) finish. Any interval 
recorded as being below detection has been recorded in the database as having a 
grade of half the detection limit, which in this case is 0.005 g/t. The Ag 
detection limit is 0.2g/t, and is derived from a 0.5g charge Aquaregia digest, 
with assay via ICP (Induced Coupled Plasma) AES. 
Simberi mineralisation types are: 
Oxide - extremely weathered material (cyanide leach recoveries > 90%), 0.5 g/t 
Au cutoff 
Transitional - distinctly weathered material (cyanide leach recoveries 50-90%), 
0.5 g/t Au cutoff 
Sulphide - Slightly weathered to fresh material (cyanide leach recoveries 
generally <50%), 0.5 or 1.0 g/t Au cutoff 
Ounce - 1 troy ounce = 31.10348 grams 
Tonnes - Are estimated on a dry basis and defined as a measurement of mass equal 
to 1000kg which is equivalent to 2204.622 pounds. 
Tuff - A rock composed of pyroclastic materials that have been ejected from a 
volcano. In many instances these fragments are still hot when they land, 
producing a "welded" rock mass. 
Mineral Resource estimate- An estimate of tonnage and grade (mineral content) of 
a deposit by a variety of techniques including geometrical classical methods and 
or geostatistical methods. 
Mt - Million Tonnes 
Moz - Million Ounces 
Andesite - A fine-grained, extrusive igneous rock composed mainly of plagioclase 
with other minerals such as hornblende, pyroxene and biotite. 
Ordinary kriging (OK)  - is a geostatistical approach to modeling. Instead of 
weighting nearby data points by some power of their inverted distance, OK relies 
on the spatial correlation structure of the data to determine the weighting 
values. This is a more rigorous approach to modeling, as correlation between 
data points determines the estimated value at an unsampled point. 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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