Final Results




* Private placings completed, raising �7.75 million net
* Successful 2006 exploration leading to increased resources in
* Significant progress made towards reopening of Black Angel mine
* Post year end US$30 million loan facility agreed
* Post year end private placings completed for Brazilian subsidiary
  raising �824,950
* Successful listing of Australian associate on the Australian Stock
  Exchange raising A$4 million


Dear Shareholder,

Another year has gone  by since I last  wrote this statement and  you
will see that it has been a year of substantial progress towards  the
goal of all mining companies - cash flow.

Twelve months ago, a  substantial exploration programme was  underway
in Greenland, a new geological and financial team was being assembled
in Brazil  and we  were  in the  process  of floating  the  Company's
Australian subsidiary,  QGM, on  the  Australian Stock  Exchange.  It
gives me considerable pleasure to report to you on all fronts.

Of  pivotal  importance  of  course,   is  the  ability  to   finance
exploration  and,  when   it  subsequently   proves  justified,   the
exploitation  of  the  resources  discovered.  Your  Board  has  been
involved in lengthy  negotiations to  secure funding,  almost a  year
ahead of the completion  of a Bankable  Feasibility Study, to  enable
both exploration and civil engineering work to continue at the  Black
Angel mine in Greenland.

It was particularly encouraging for our small management team that at
the Extraordinary  General  Meeting  in  York  on  2  July  2007,  80
shareholders, representing 50% of the Company and accounting for  99%
of all votes cast, voted in favour of the US $30 million facility  we
had negotiated. Your Board would like  to record its thanks for  this
overwhelming support.

In addition to the above, �7.75 million was also raised last year  in
equity, largely as the result of two private placings.


The loss for the year amounts to �4,161,801 compared with  �2,138,335
in 2006. This increase  is largely accounted for  by �2.5 million  in
additional exploration  costs and  associated overheads,  the  direct
result of  our accelerated  activities in  Greenland and  Brazil.  We
continue to write off all such costs until ore reserves and value are

At the year  end our cash  and bank balances  amounted to  �3,957,526
compared to �1,008,062 at the same  time last year. This increase  is
largely the result of successful equity fundraisings during the year.


The 2007 field season is currently underway at your Group's  flagship
project. Not only  is further  exploration work  being undertaken  to
prove up and hopefully augment the resources discovered last year but
the civil engineering programme  has commenced to  enable the Black
Angel mine to be  reopened next year. Work  has started to  reinstall
the cable car which will give access to the mine itself. Construction
of the  infrastructure at  ground level  has already  commenced.  All
being well this should be completed  next year and whilst much  still
remains to be  done, I am  hopeful that the  first production for  18
years from the mine should start in the last quarter of 2008.


Last year saw the strengthening of the management team in Brazil  and
the creation of a new holding company, St Andrews Mining Ltd ("SAM"),
for our  operations  there.  A  number of  new  projects  in  Brazil,
particularly Sta  D�bora and  Sta Elena,  are especially  encouraging
with work  underway towards  defining a  large gold  resource. It  is
possible that one  of these will  be producing gold  within the  next
twelve months.

In April  and  August 2007,  we  successfully undertook  two  private
placings in SAM, raising  a total of  �824,950 to provide  additional
working capital for our  operations in Brazil. As  a result of  these
placings, A&R retains an 81% interest. It is the intention to seek  a
listing for SAM next year.


I am happy to  report that in January  of this year QGM  successfully
listed on  the Australian  Stock Exchange,  raising A$4  million.  In
addition to the joint  venture announced last  year with Oxiana,  QGM
announced a further cooperation, this time with Canadian company Mega
Uranium. The  independence of  QGM means  that it  is now  no  longer
financially dependent upon A&R and it is now treated as an  associate
rather than as a subsidiary company.


In line with our commitment to terminate our involvement in  projects
that were unlikely  to produce early  cash flow, we  disposed of  our
part of the  Separation Lake venture  in exchange for  shares in  our
partner, Gossan Resources Ltd. That investment has now been sold.


It is not normal for Chairmen to dilute their enthusiasm with a  word
or two of caution in their  statements. However, it does no harm  for
us all to be realistic about the challenges ahead. Almost all  mining
projects in the world today are experiencing delays. Dump trucks  are
sitting idle because of the  lack of capacity of tyre  manufacturers,
assay laboratories around  the world  are taking  months rather  than
weeks to do their  work and lastly there  is a worldwide shortage  of
experienced management at all levels.  These examples are simply  the
result of the success of the  stock markets in raising new funds  for
mining exploration over the last  four years in particular. Only  now
have service industries started to respond to the increased demand.

Your Group is better positioned than many in having strong  technical
management in all areas  of its operations.  However, the process  of
changing from an exploration company to a producing one will  require
a range  of  additional skills  and  we are  therefore  now  actively
engaged in recruitment.

Another area of concern  that I know I  share with other Chairmen  of
smaller public companies is the creeping costs involved in  complying
with increasing regulation. Soon many  investors will object to  half
of the  money being  raised in  small  IPOs being  used in  fees  and
overheads that are outside  the control of  the companies. This  will
inevitably result in a spate of mergers.

Your Company makes strenuous efforts  to keep in touch directly  with
all its shareholders. However with  so many shareholdings in  nominee
names  and  some  nominee  companies  refusing  to  distribute   news
releases, we continue to encourage our shareholders to contact us  in
order that they may be placed on our direct mailing list.
Naturally all shareholder contact details are treated  confidentially
by us and are not passed on to any other organisation. This is not so
with shareholders' details appearing  on the Company register.  Third
parties often request  shareholder lists  from the  registrar who  is
obliged to pass these details on without establishing the reason  for
their final  use. The  potential  for abuse  of  this system  can  be

As ever,  none of  the achievements  of your  Group would  have  been
possible without the loyal support of many hardworking people at  all
levels. If space did not  preclude me from doing  so I would like  to
mention everyone by name. However, particular mention must be made of
Frank van der Stijl in Greenland and Jayme Leite in Brazil. They  run
our drilling operations in remote  areas with many people  answerable
to them.

Then of course my  sincere thanks are due  to my fellow Directors  on
the boards of the  various companies in the  Angus & Ross group.  All
deserve to be singled out for their various contributions - often  at
antisocial times of the day and night.

In conclusion, I would  like to believe that  the year ahead will  be
the one that shareholders have been patiently waiting for.

Robin Andrews
28 August 2007

Group profit and loss account
Year ended 28 February 2007

                                                     2007        2006
                                                        �           �
Depreciation of capitalised exploration         (222,962)   (257,383)
costs                                                   -   (657,362)
Exploration costs impaired                    (2,544,175)   (527,802)
Exploration costs written off                 (2,767,137) (1,442,547)

                                                (855,988)           -
Impairment of goodwill                        (1,275,260)   (711,393)
Other administrative expenses
                                              (2,131,248)   (711,393)
Total administrative expenses
                                                        -   (291,918)
Exceptional item - loss on capitalisation
of loan in subsidiary                         (4,898,385) (2,445,858)

Operating loss                                   (28,480)           -

Share of operating loss of associate          (4,926,865) (2,445,858)

Total operating loss
                                                  334,514    (20,504)
Exceptional item - profit/(loss) on part          226,947      72,332
disposal of subsidiary
undertaking                                   (4,365,404) (2,394,030)
Interest receivable and similar income
                                                        -           -
Loss   on   ordinary   activities   before
taxation                                      (4,365,404) (2,394,030)

Tax on loss on ordinary activities                203,603     255,695

Loss on ordinary activities after taxation    (4,161,801) (2,138,335)

Minority interests - equity                       (3.16p)     (2.85p)
                                                  (3.04p)     (2.83p)
Loss sustained for the financial year

Basic loss per share
Fully diluted loss per share

All activities are derived from the Group's continuing operations

Group statement of total recognised gains and losses
Year ended 28 February 2007

                                                     2007        2006
                                                        �           �

Loss sustained attributable to members of the (4,161,801) (2,138,335)
parent company
Exchange difference on re-translation of net       47,625      11,522
assets of subsidiary
undertakings                                  (4,114,176) (2,126,813)

Total recognised gains and losses relating to
the year                                        (230,015)

Prior year adjustment (as explained in note

Total gains and losses recognised since last
annual report

Balance sheets 28 February 2007


                             2007        2006        2007        2006
                                     Restated                Restated
                                �           �           �           �
Fixed assets
Intangible assets               -       3,825           -           -
Tangible assets            51,988     649,600      14,181      10,607
Investments in
subsidiary                      -           -           -     364,704
Investment in             544,757           -     573,237           -
undertaking               596,745     653,425     587,418     375,311

                          395,921     179,938     568,737     328,397
Current assets
Debtors due within              -           -           -     118,317
one year                3,957,526   1,008,062   3,644,016     355,960
Debtors due after       4,353,447   1,188,000   4,212,753     802,674
more than
one year
Cash at bank and in
hand                    (468,431)   (250,451)   (120,899)   (151,504)

                        3,885,016     937,549   4,091,854     651,170

Creditors: amounts
falling due             4,481,761   1,590,974   4,679,272   1,026,481
within one year

Net current assets       (87,077)   (117,529)    (87,077)   (117,529)

Total assets less
current                 4,394,684   1,473,445   4,592,195     908,952

Creditors: amounts
falling due
after more than one     1,387,772     753,144   1,387,772     753,144
year                   11,990,417   4,874,177  11,990,417   4,874,177
                          558,105     230,015     558,105     230,015
                      (9,541,610) (5,427,434) (9,344,099) (4,948,384)
Net assets
                        4,394,684     429,902   4,592,195     908,952

Capital and reserves
                                -   1,043,543           -           -
Called up share
capital                 4,394,684   1,473,445   4,592,195     908,952
Share premium account
Share option reserve
Profit and loss

Equity shareholders'

Minority interests -

Total capital

Group cash flow statement
Year ended 28 February 2007
                                                                       2007          2006
                                                                          �             �

Net cash outflow from operating activities                      (3,665,613)   (1,094,120)

Returns on investments and servicing of finance
Interest received                                                   226,947        72,332

Capital expenditure
Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets                          (24,112)     (725,464)

Acquisitions and disposals
Increase in stake in subsidiary undertaking                               -       (5,422)
Part disposal of subsidiary undertaking                             381,020       895,767
                                                                    381,020       890,345

Net cash outflow before management of liquid
resources and financing                                         (3,081,758)     (856,907)

Net cash receipts from issue of ordinary share capital            6,036,632             -

Increase/(decrease) in cash                                       2,954,874     (856,907)

Notes to the Cash Flow Statement
Year ended 28 February 2007

A   Reconciliation  of  operating  loss  to  net  cash  outflow  from
operating activities

                                                     2007        2006
                                                        �           �
Operating loss                                (4,898,385) (2,445,858)
Increase in debtors                             (215,983)    (92,212)
Increase in creditors                             187,528      88,329
Movement in debtors and creditors on disposal
of                                              (213,437)           -
subsidiary                                        234,493     265,705
Depreciation                                            -     657,362
Impairment of tangible fixed assets               855,988           -
Goodwill written off                                    -     293,793
Loss on capitalisation of loan in subsidiary      328,090     198,694
Share based payments                               56,093    (59,933)
Other non-cash movements including exchange
differences                                   (3,665,613) (1,094,120)

Net cash outflow from operating subsidiaries

B Acquisitions and disposals

                                                        2007     2006
                                                          �         �

(i) Increase in stake in subsidiary undertaking
(BAM)                                                858,248    7,957
Net assets acquired                                  855,988    3,825
Goodwill                                           1,714,236   11,782

Satisfied by:                                      1,714,236    6,360
Shares                                                     -    5,422
Cash                                               1,714,236   11,782

(ii) Disposal/Part disposal of subsidiary            238,723  916,271
undertaking (QGM)                                    334,514 (20,504)
Net assets disposed of                               573,237  895,767
Gain/(loss) on disposal

                                                           -  895,767
Satisfied by:                                        573,237        -
Cost of investment in associate

C  Analysis of net funds

                    1 March                       Exchange         28
                       2006       Cash flow      movements   February

                          �               �              �       2007

Cash at bank and  1,008,062       2,954,874        (5,410)  3,957,526
in hand
                  1,008,062       2,954,874        (5,410)  3,957,526
Net funds

D Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds

                                                  2007           2006
                                                     �              �
Increase/(decrease)   in    cash   in    the 2,954,874      (856,907)
year                                           (5,410)          1,511
Translation difference                       2,949,464      (855,396)
Movement in net funds in the year            1,008,062      1,863,458
Opening net funds                            3,957,526      1,008,062
Closing net funds

Notes to the preliminary results for the year ended 28 February 2007

1.    This statement was approved by the Directors and agreed with
the Group's auditor on
28 August 2007.

2.    The figures and financial information for the year ended 28
February 2007 do not
constitute the statutory financial statements for that year.

3.    The figures and financial information for the year ended 28
February 2006 do not
constitute the statutory financial statements for that year.  Those
statements have been delivered to the Registrar and included an
auditor's report
which was unqualified.

4.    Loss per ordinary share

The calculations for the basic and diluted loss per ordinary share
have been calculated
on the basis of the following information:

                                                                     2007         2006
Loss attributable to the Group                                       (�4,161,801) (�2,138,335)
Weighted average number of shares in issue during the year (Basic)   131,895,511  74,964,403
Weighted average number of shares in issue during the year (Diluted) 136,873,776  75,556,728

5.    Share-based payment transactions - change in accounting policy

The Group adopted FRS 20 "Share-based payment" from 1 March 2006 and
as a result
comparative figures have been restated. In accordance with the
transitional provisions,
FRS 20 has been applied to all grants of equity instruments after 7
November 2002
that were unvested as of 1 March 2006. The effect on the Group and
Company loss for
the year to 28 February 2007 was an increase of �328,090 (2006:
�198,694) and the
cumulative effect on the deficit on the profit and loss account
reserve at the year
end was an increase of �558,105 (2006: �230,015). In both years,
there was an equal
and opposite movement in the share option reserve, so overall
shareholders' funds and
net assets were not affected in either year.

6.    The directors do not propose the payment of a dividend.

7.    The Report and Accounts of the Company for the year ended 28
February 2007 will be
sent to shareholders shortly. Copies will be available from the
Company's website and from the registered office of the Company,
St Chad's House,
Piercy End, Kirkbymoorside, York YO62 6DQ. The Annual General Meeting
of the Company
will be held in York on Tuesday 2 October 2007.

For further information contact:

Angus & Ross plc

Robin Andrews, Chairman 01751 430988


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