RNS Number:0153A
Atlantic Richfield Co
29 October 1999


LOS ANGELES - ARCO (NYSE: ARC) today reported 1999 third-quarter net income of 
$372 million, or $1.13 per diluted share. Excluding special items, earnings for
the quarter were $511 million, or $1.55 per diluted share - a sixfold increase 
over the previous year's results.

In the 1998 third quarter, ARCO's net income was $872 million, or $2.71 per
share, while earnings excluding special items were $73 million, or $0.22 per
share, in the same quarter last year.

"Stronger commodity prices made the headlines this quarter. However, our third
quarter results also demonstrate the strong benefits being realized from our
accelerated cost-reduction program and the impressive accomplishments of ARCO
people as we move toward the combination with BP Amoco," said ARCO Chairman  and
Chief Executive Officer Mike R. Bowlin, "ARCO's employees have stayed focused on
the job to be done in 1999 and as a result have made tremendous achievements.

"Our world-class refining and marketing operations continue to deliver strong 
results," added Bowlin. "Additionally, we continued to make great strides in
reshaping our asset portfolio,"


In October of last year, ARCO announced a program designed to reduce before tax
costs by $500 million over a two-year period, with $350 million of the savings
expected in 1999. Earlier this year, the company announced plans to meet the
entire $500 million reduction target in 1999. Cost savings in the first nine 
months of 1999 totaled $370 million, when compared with adjusted 1998 expenses.

"All operating areas as well as staff functions are contributing to the
cost-reduction program, which makes us highly confident that we will meet the
$500 million goal this year," Bowlin said,   

At the same time, ARCO has continued to restructure its asset  portfolio. During
the quarter, the company announced plans to modify  its upstream portfolio in
South America and in North Africa. ARCO has  been in negotiations to sell its
interest in the Villano field and exploration interests in Ecuador, Peru and
Colombia to Burlington  Resources, Inc. A subsidiary of Elf Aquitaine signed an
agreement to acquire an interest in ARCO's Production Sharing Contract covering
the Rhourde El Baguel field in Algeria.


Reflecting higher commodity prices and cost reductions, ARCO's  worldwide
exploration and production operations excluding special  items earned $360
million after tax in the 1999 third quarter versus  $38 million in the prior
period. Third-quarter net income totaled $183 million compared with a loss of
556 million in the same quarter of 1998. The 1999 results included an after-tax
charge of $175 million  on the sale of a share of ARCO's interest in the Rhourde
El Baguel  field; the 1998 results included a $94 million after-tax charge 
primarily related to ARCO's California heavy oil holdings. 

Domestic petroleum liquids realizations averaged $14.49 per barrel for  the
quarter versus $8.76 per barrel last year. Domestic natural gas prices averaged
$2.25 per thousand cubic feet (Mcf) compared to $1.75 per Mcf in the prior year

ARCO's international natural gas production grew by 13 percent, with  most of
the growth coming from the United Kingdom North Sea. In the U.S., Vastar
Resources, Inc., (NYSE: VRI) reported a 7-percent increase in natural gas
production. ARCO holds an 81.9-percent interest in Vastar, which last week
announced the highest quarterly earnings in its history. 

Overall, ARCO's oil and gas production was down 6 percent to 970 thousand
barrels of oil equivalent per day (MBOE/D) versus 1,035 MBOE/D in the third
quarter of 1998. Liquids production was down 14  percent, in line with expected
natural field declines in Alaska and the November 1998 swap of California heavy
oil properties for offshore  Gulf of Mexico natural gas and oil assets, now
owned by Vastar.

During the third quarter, ARCO and Anadarko Petroleum announced a revised
development plan for the new Alpine field on Alaska's North Slope that will
increase production rates and reserve estimates. Upon full development,
projected recovery from Alpine is expected to be 429 million barrels of oil, up
from earlier estimates of 365 million barrels of recoverable oil. Additionally,
peak production will now reach 80 MBOE/D, up from previous estimates of 70
MBOE/D. Alpine startup remains on target for mid-year 2000.


Two U.S. discoveries were announced in the third quarter. In the Gulf of Mexico
deepwater, Vastar Resources, Inc. announced a significant oil discovery with an
exploratory well testing the Horn Mountain prospect on Mississippi Canyon Block
127. Vastar holds a two-thirds working interest in the prospect.

In Alaska, ARCO announced an oil discovery in the Fiord accumulation, which is
estimated to contain more than 50 million barrels of proven and potential
reserves. Fiord is situated west of the Kuparuk River field near the new Alpine


ARCO's refining and marketing operations earned $182 million after tax, an
increase of 69 percent versus the same quarter last year when earnings were $108

Improved light product margins, combined with retail volume increases and cost
reduction efforts, led to another excellent quarter in the refining and
marketing business. At the retail level, ARCO's gasoline sales volumes grew
nearly 6 percent compared to the 1998 third quarter.


Other operations, consisting of ARCO's Lower 48 pipelines and aluminum
operations, contributed after-tax earnings of $25 million in the 1999 third
quarter compared with $45 million in the 1998 third quarter. Excluding special
items, earnings were $20 million after tax in the 1999 third quarter, down from
$28 million in the 1998 third quarter.


ARCO shareholders overwhelmingly approved the company's proposed combination 
with BP Amoco at a special meeting on August 30, as did BP Amoco's shareholders
in a meeting on September 1. Additionally, on September 29, the European Union
announced approval of the combination pending some North Sea asset sales. The
combination remains subject to FTC approval.

Both companies are currently working to close the transaction later in the year.

Editor's Note: On April 1, ARCO and BP Amoco announced that the two companies
had agreed to combine.

Some of the matters discussed in this news release are forward-looking
statements that involve risks and uncertainties. Actual results could differ
materially based on numerous factors, including the realized level of crude oil
and natural gas production and other risks detailed from time to time in the
company's  Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) reports, including the 1998
report on Form 10-K. The timing of the closing of the combination with BP Amoco
is subject to the timing of governmental reviews. Unless otherwise noted in the
statements, ARC0 does not intend to update such forward-looking statements.

(Cautionary Note to Investors - the SEC only permits oil and gas companies to
disclose in their filings with the SEC those reserves classified as proved,
i.e., reserves that are economically and legally producible under existing
economic and operating conditions. In this press release we use the term "proven
and potential" which SEC guidelines strictly prohibit using in the SEC filings.
Investors are urged to consider the reserve disclosure in our 1998 report on the
Form 10-K.)

Contacts: Media - Linda Dozier or Marylou Flynn, (213)486-3384; Investors -
Eden Warner or David De Sonier, (213)486-1511. Visit ARCO's website at

                           ATLANTIC RICHFIELD COMPANY

(Millions, except per
 share amounts)                     Three Months Ended     Nine Months Ended
                                        September 30,        September 30,
                                        1999     1998        1999     1998
Sales and other operating revenues   $ 3,423  $  2,655    $  8,885    $  7,755
Other revenues                           119       146         428         346
   Total revenues                      3,542     2,801       9,313       8,101

Trade purchases                        1,418     1,039       3,397       3,096
Operating expenses                       593       889       1,753       1,983
Selling, general and 
administrative expenses                  168       187         496         572
Depreciation, depletion and 
amortizaton                              423       428       1,334       1,106
Impairment of oil and gas 
properties                                 -       148           -         258
Exploration expenses (including 
undeveloped leasehold amortization)      100       135         282         410
Taxes other than income taxes            117       121         353         397
Interest (a)                              98       123         288         326
Loss on disposition of Algeria assets    175         -         175           -
Restructuring cost adjustment             20         -          20           -
    Total expenses                     3,112     3,070       8,098       8,148
Income (loss) from continuing 
operations before income taxes
and minority interest                    430      (269)       1,215        (47)
Provision (benefit) for taxes on income   87      (138)         382       (128)
Minority interest in earnings of 
subsidiaries                              13         7           25         21
Income (loss) from continuing
operations                               330      (138)         808         60
Income from discontinued operations(b)    42        12           42        188
Gain on disposition of 
discontinued operations(c)                 -       998            -        998

Net income                             $ 372   $   872     $    850   $  1,246

Earned per share
  Continuing operations               $ 1.03   $ (0.43)    $    2.51  $   0.18
  Discontinued operations               0.13      3.14          0.13      3.70

  Net income                          $ 1.16   $  2.71     $    2.64  $   3.88
 Diluted (d)
  Continuing operations               $ 1.00   $ (0.43)    $    2.46  $   0.18
  Discontinued operations               0.13      3.14          0.13      3.63
  Net income                          $ 1.13   $  2.71     $    2.59  $   3.81

Dividends per common share           $0.7125   $0.7125     $  2.1375  $ 2.1375

(a) Excludes capitalized interest of:$    45   $    29     $     133  $     66
(b) Net of income taxes (benefit) of:$   (38)  $     7     $     (38) $     93
(c) Net of income taxes of:          $     -   $ 1,612     $       -  $  1,612
(d) No dilution assumed for three 
    months ended September 30, 1998 
    due to loss from continuing operations.

                           ATLANTIC RICHFIELD COMPANY
                           AFTER-TAX SEGMENT EARNINGS

(Millions)                 Three Months Ended  Nine Months Ended
                             September 30,        September 30,
                              1999     1998      1999     1998
Exploration and production   $ 183    $ (56)  $  446  $   143
Refining and marketing         182      108      517      224
Other(a)                        25       45       73       98
Unallocated expenses            10     (143)     (17)    (169)
Interest expense               (70)     (92)     (211)    (236)
Income from continuing     
operations                     330     (138)     808       60
Discontinued operations(b)      42       12       42      188
Gain on disposition of 
discontinued operations          -      998        -      998
Net income                  $  372   $  872   $  850   $1,246

                            SEGMENT OPERATING INCOME

(Millions except per share amounts)
                        Three months ended September 30,1999
                                     Items    Before
                           Reported  (charge) Special
                                      benefit Items

Exploration and production  $   183  $(177)   $ 360  Primarily loss on Algeria
Refining and marketing          182     (2)     184  Primarily environmental
Other (a)                        25      5       20  Primarily asset sales
Unallocated expenses             10     (7)      17  Environmental, merger
                                                     costs, tax adjustments
Interest expense                (70)     -      (70)

Income from continuing 
operations                      330    (181)    511
Discontinued operations(b)       42      42       -  Tax adjustments to
                                                     gain/loss on dispositions
 Total                      $   372  $ (139)  $ 511

Average shares 
outstanding (diluted)         329.5            329.5
Earned per share            $  1.13          $   1.55

                        Three months ended September 30, 1998
                                     Items    Before
                           Reported  (charge) Special
                                     benefit  Items

Exploration and production  $   (56)  $ (94)  $  38  Primarily California
                                                     property impairment
Refining and marketing          108       -     108
Other (a)                        45      17      28  Asset sales
Unallocated expenses           (143)   (122)    (21) Environmental, tax
Interest expense                (92)      -     (92)

Income from continuing 
operations                     (138)   (199)     61
Discontinued operations (b)      12       -      12
Gain on disposition of 
discontinued operations         998     998       -  Gain on ARCO Chemical      
                                                    disposition, loss on
 Total                      $   872  $  799  $   73  coal divestiture
Average shares 
outstanding(c)                321.2           327.2
Earned per share            $  2.71          $  0.22

(a) Consists of ARCO Pipeline (Lower 48 pipelines) and aluminum operations

(b) Consists of interest in ARCO Chemical, petrochemical operations acquired    
   from  Union Texas Petroleum, and coal operations.

(c) No dilution assumed for three months ended September 30, 1998 due to loss   
   from  continuing operations.

                           ATLANTIC RICHFIELD COMPANY
                           AFTER-TAX SEGMENT EARNINGS

                      SEGMENT OPERATING INCOME (continued)

                        Nine months ended September 30, 1999
                                    Items     Before
                                    (charge)  Special
                          Reported  benefit   Items

Exploration and production  $   446  $(172)  $   618
Refining and marketing          517     (4)      521
Other (a)                        73      5        68
Unallocated expenses           (17)     (6)      (11)
Interest expense              (211)       -     (211)
Income from continuing 
operations                     808    (177)      985
Discontinued operations (b)     42      42         -

 Total                      $   850  $(135)   $  985

Average shares outstanding 
(diluted)                     328.5             328.5
Earned per share            $  2.59           $  3.00

                        Nine months ended September 30, 1998
                                    Items     Before
                                    (charge)  Special
                          Reported   benefit  Items
Exploration and production  $   143  $(169)   $ 312
Refining and marketing          224       -     224
Other (a)                        98      17      81
Unallocated expenses           (169)   (117)    (52)
Interest expense               (236)      -    (236)
Income from continuing 
operations                       60    (269)    329
Discontinued operations (b)     188      12     176
Gain on disposition 
of discontinued operations      998     998       -

 Total                      $ 1,246  $  741   $ 505

Average shares outstanding
 (diluted)                     327.3            327.3
Earned per share            $   3.81          $  1.54

(a) Consists of ARCO Pipeline (Lower 48 pipelines) and aluminum operations 
(b) Consists of interest in ARCO Chemical, petrochemical operations acquired    
   from Union Texas Petroleum, and coal operations.

                      ATLANTIC RICHFIELD COMPANY
                      CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET
                               September 30,  December 31,
                                       1999        1998
Current assets:
Cash and cash equivalents          $   745   $   657
Short-term investments                 246       260
Accounts receivable                  1,504     1,002
Inventories                            427       475
Prepaid expenses and other 
current assets                         224       317
Total current assets                 3,146     2,711

Investments and long-term receivables:
 Investments accounted for 
 on the equity method                1,291     1,235
Other investments and long-term 
receivables                          1,322       831
                                     2,613     2,066

Net property, plant and equipment    18,563   18,762
Net assets of discontinued 
operations                               67      339
Deferred charges and other assets     1,438    1,321

Total assets                       $ 25,827  $25,199


Current liabilities:
 Notes payable                     $ 1,958   $ 2,403
 Accounts payable                      717       976
 Taxes payable                         509       634
 Long-term debt due within one year    105       399
 Other                               1,007     1,285
 Total current liabilities           4,296     5,697

Long-term debt                        5,691    4,332
Deferred income taxes                 3,468    3,318
Dismantlement,restoration and 
reclamation                           1,138    1,058
Other deferred liabilities 
and credits                           2,845    2,955
Minority interest                       285      259
Total liabilities                    17,723   17,619
Stockholders' equity:
 Preference stocks                        1        1
 Common stock                           816      815
 Capital in excess of par 
 value of stock                         859      863
 Retained earnings                    6,749    6,589
 Treasury stock                        (285)    (344)
 Accumulated other comprehensive 
 income (loss)                          (36)    (344)
 Total stockholders' equity            8,104   7,580

Total liabilities and stockholders' 
equity                              $ 25,827  $ 25,199

                           ATLANTIC RICHFIELD COMPANY
                         FINANCIAL AND STATISTICAL DATA

(Millions)                 Three Months Ended  Nine months ended
                             September 30,       September 30,
                              1999    1998       1999     1998

Additions to fixed assets

Exploration and production
(including dry hole costs)  $   483   $  721   $  1,681   $  2,046
Refining and marketing          109      137        290        397
Other                             3        7         17         34
Total                       $   595   $  865   $  1,988   $  2,477

Exploration and Production
 Pretax earnings (loss), 
 before exploration expense:
  Alaska                    $  221    $ 115    $   460    $    418
  International                (39)     (34)        95         (41)
  Vastar                       113       57        233         234
  Other Lower 48 operations     83     (137)       176         (49)
                               378        1        964         562

 Exploration expense           100      135        282         410
 Exploration & production 
 pretax earnings           $   278   $ (134)    $  682    $    152
Pretax exploration expense:
 Alaska                    $     9   $    4     $   41    $    32
 International                  52       91        115        200
 Vastar                         38       36        123        168
 Other Lower 48                  1        4          3         10
 Total exploration expense  $  100   $  135      $ 282    $   410

After-tax exploration and 
Production earnings (loss)
 Alaska                     $  151   $   70      $ 282    $   241
 International                 (77)     (69)       (50)      (160)
 Vastar                         71       37        138        118
 Other Lower 48                 38      (94)        76       (56)
 Total                      $  183   $  (56)     $ 446    $   143
Includes costs recovered 
under provisions of 
production-sharing          $    1   $    3      $   4    $    13

                           ATLANTIC RICHFIELD COMPANY
                         FINANCIAL AND STATISTICAL DATA

                           Three Months Ended   Nine months ended
                               September 30,    September 30,
                               1999    1998    1999     1998
Crude, condensate and NGL production
(net thousand bbls/day):
 United States:
  Prudhoe Bay                 114.6    138.2   128.9    145.8
  Kuparuk                     102.3    112.0   110.7    122.0
  Greater Point McIntyre       28.8    39.5    30.8     41.2
  Tam                          13.0     6.9    12.2      2.4
  NGLs/Other                   32.5    38.0    34.9     34.7
    Total Alaska              291.2   334.6   317.5    346.1
  Vastar liquids               62.5    44.8    59.4     48.6
  Other Lower 48 liquids       82.7   136.4    86.8    138.5
 Total United States          436.4   515.8   463.7    533.2

  United Kingdom               47.2    54.4      46.7    28.2
  Indonesia                    22.1    38.6      29.8    28.9
  Algeria                      20.8    20.2      18.4    20.3
  Venezuela                    32.8    33.4      31.6    11.6
  NGLs/Other                   40.7    31.8      37.3    27.0
 Total International(a)       163.6   178.4     163.8   116.0

Total liquids production 
(net thousand bbls/day)       600.0   694.2     627.5   649.2

(a)Includes equity affiliates   6.2     6.5       7.2     4.3

Natural gas production 
(million cubic feet per day
 - net)
 United States:
  Vastar                     1,043.0  977.2   1,102.0    940.0
  Other U.S.                   179.0  186.3     178.0    185.0
 Total United States         1,222.0 1,163.5  1,280.0  1,125.0

 United Kingdom                275.4  193.4     397.2    311.8
 Indonesia                     270.0  310.4     262.8    267.1
 Indonesia LNG                 260.8  193.1     266.8     65.1
 China                         133.8  139.5     109.7    120.5
 Other                          57.6   47.1      55.0     28.6
 Total International(b)        997.6  883.5   1,091.5    793.1

Total natural gas production 2,219.6 2,047.0  2,371.5   1,918.1

(b) Includes equity 
    affiliates                  84.3    55.9     83.1      18.8

Total production 
(barrels of oil equivalent 
- net thousands/day)           969.9 1,035.4  1,022.8     968.9

                           ATLANTIC RICHFIELD COMPANY
                         FINANCIAL AND STATISTICAL DATA

                           Three Months Ended   Nine months ended
                             September 30,       September 30,
                              1999    1998     1999     1998
Average sales prices
 Oil and gas liquids 
 (per barrel):
 Alaska                     $ 13.32 $  7.84  $  9.76    $  8.59
 Lower 48, including 
 Vastar                     $ 16.85 $ 10.47  $ 13.40    $ 11.31
 U.S. composite 
 average price              $ 14.49  $ 8.76  $ 10.91    $  9.55
 Venezuela                  $  8.47  $ 7.94  $  6.41    $  7.96
 composite average price    $ 16.68  $10.96  $ 12.87    $ 11.62
Natural gas (per Mcf):
 U.S., including 
 Vastar                     $ 2.25   $ 1.75  $  1.89    $  1.85
 (excluding LNG)            $ 2.09   $ 2.29  $  2.22    $  2.51
 Indonesia LNG              $ 3.53   $ 2.29  $  2.94    $  2.29

Refinery runs 
(net thousand bbls per 
 Crude oil                  428,600  449,700  420,600    453,200

U.S. petroleum product 
sales volumes, including
intersegment sales 
(net thousand bbls per 

  Gasoline                  314,600   304,900  312,900   304,800
  Jet fuels                 104,700    97,100  102,100   106,300
  Distillate fuels           77,000    83,500   81,200    79,900
  Other                      74,200    75,400   73,800    76,100
  Total                     570,500   560,900  570,000   567,100


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