30 November 2007

                                 ADWALKER PLC                                  

                  ('Adwalker' or 'the Group' or 'the Company')                  

                                INTERIM RESULTS                                

The Board of Adwalker, the AIM-quoted media technology company, is pleased to
announce its interim results for the six-month period ended 31 August 2007.


  * Turnover for the period increased to Euro1,142,547 (2006: Euro937,756);
  * Gross profits increased to Euro562,201 (2006: Euro445,229);
  * Fundraising completed raising �930,000, before expenses, from a Placing of
    62,000,000 new ordinary shares at 1.5 pence per share;
  * USA operation continues to experience strong growth; and
  * Pilot underway of an interactive digital network on behalf of a blue chip
    Fast Moving Consumer Goods ("FMCG") company.
Commenting on today's results, Adwalker's, Chairman, Padraic O'Connor, said: 
"The Group has made good progress in the first six months of this fiscal year
resulting in an increase in turnover with a particularly strong contribution
from our USA operation. In addition, the Company has made significant progress
with the development and pilot of an interactive digital network for a blue
chip customer and the Board believes the Company is well placed to build on the
progress made to date."



Adwalker plc                                             Tel: +353 (1) 866 9000
Simon Crisp                                                                    
John East & Partners Limited                                 Tel: 020 7628 2200
Simon Clements                                                                 
David Worlidge                                                                 
Bishopsgate Communications Ltd.                              Tel: 020 7562 3350
Dominic Barretto                                          Mobile: 07930 450 156
Sophie Davis                                              Mobile: 07960 830 635

Notes to Editors:

About Adwalker

The Adwalker mobile out-of-home, interactive media platform is an advertising
and media platform which is worn by its operators ('Adwalkers') as a compact
body pack incorporating a LCD screen, wearable computer, touch screen and
printer, enabling services and applications which include brand advertising,
point-of-sale, data capture and promotions.

Some of Adwalker's blue chip clients to date include Bank Of America, AT&T,BT,
Virgin Music, Volvo, Lufthansa, Motorola, Diageo, Daimler Chrysler, Microsoft,
Paramount Pictures, UIP/Universal Pictures, GSK, Ask.com, 3 Mobile, American
Express, Coors, Comcast, O2, Ford, Guinness, Telemundo, British Airways,
Charles Schwab and Jameson's.

Adwalker's shares were admitted to trading on the AIM market of the London
Stock Exchange in August 2005. (Ticker: AWR) Its headquarters are in Dublin,
with offices in New York and London.


I am pleased to present the interim results of the Group for the six months
ended 31 August 2007.

The Group has made good progress in the first six months of this fiscal year
resulting in an increase in turnover with a particularly strong contribution
from our USA operation. In addition, the Company has made significant progress
with the development and pilot of an interactive digital network for a blue
chip customer.

Turnover for the period was Euro1,142,547 (2006: Euro937,756) and gross profits were
Euro562,201 (2006: Euro445,229). The Company generated a loss before tax of Euro988,917
(2006: Euro1,597,969). The reduction in losses over the corresponding period in
2006 is due to tighter cost controls being exercised over the period and
slightly increased gross margins on client campaigns. The loss per share for
the period amounted to 0.56 cents (2006: 0.95 cents).

Earlier today, the Company announced that it has raised �930,000, before
expenses, from a Placing of 62,000,000 ordinary shares in the capital of the
Company at 1.5p per share with institutional and other investors. The Placing
provides the Company with working capital to support its expected growth, repay
certain overdue trade creditors and provide working capital generally.

The Company's USA operation continues to experience strong growth and for the
period under review and the Board believes the performance in the USA will
continue to drive the Adwalker wearable media business although its
contribution in the second half is likely to be impacted by the weakening

In the period under review, the UK operation has concentrated on the
development of a longer term strategy with rental partners and steady progress
has been made in this area. The Irish operation has primarily focussed on the
development of digital consumer communication solutions and supporting the
operational requirements of the pilot project referred to below.

As previously announced, the Company is currently undertaking a pilot study of
an interactive digital network on behalf of a major Fast Moving Consumer Goods
("FMCG") company. The pilot study results to date have been very encouraging
and the decision to implement a major roll-out of this network is expected to
be made by the FMCG company in the first quarter of 2008.

In addition, the Company has received several enquiries from other Blue Chip
companies and retailers to discuss the development of similar interactive
digital networks and the Company will update shareholders in the event that
those discussions develop further.

The adoption cycle for the Adwalker wearable media solution is shortening, as
media agencies and their clients slowly move away from traditional media and
into the digital arena, and the global awareness of the platform continues to
grow. Increased awareness has led to a number of enquiries to licence the units
for use within certain territories. The Board is actively considering these
opportunities in order to increase the utilisation of its 300 Adwalker units.

The Board is encouraged with the Group's performance in the first half of the
fiscal year, in particular the pilot study results from the interactive digital
network pilot and the Board believes the Company is well placed to build on the
progress made to date.



30 November 2007

Consolidated Income Statement

For the six months ended 31 August 2007

                                 Notes    Six months   Six months          Year
                                               ended        ended         ended
                                           31 August    31 August  28 February 
                                                2007         2006          2007
                                           Unaudited    Unaudited       Audited
                                                   Euro            Euro             Euro
Revenue - continuing operations    3       1,142,547      937,756     1,599,645
Cost of sales                              (580,346)    (492,527)   (1,149,190)
Gross profit                                 562,201      445,229       450,455
Distribution costs                           (5,077)     (29,191)      (24,727)
Administrative and other                 (1,494,014)  (2,042,887)   (3,624,733)
operating expenses                                                             
Loss from operations -                     (936,890)  (1,626,849)   (3,199,005)
continuing operations                                                          
Finance costs                                (6,311)      (1,691)       (3,832)
Income from investments                            -       34,518        36,448
Exchange loss                               (45,716)      (3,947)      (20,756)
Loss before tax - continuing               (988,917)  (1,597,969)   (3,187,145)
Income tax expense                                 -            -         8,613
Net loss for the period -                  (988,917)  (1,597,969)   (3,178,532)
continuing operations                                                          
Loss per share                     4                                           
Basic loss per share                     (0.56 cent)  (0.95 cent)   (1.88 cent)
Diluted loss per share                   (0.56 cent)  (0.95 cent)   (1.80 cent)

Consolidated Balance Sheet

As at 31 August 2007

                                  Notes     31 August   31 August   28 February
                                                 2007        2006          2007
                                            Unaudited   Unaudited       Audited
                                                    Euro           Euro             Euro
Non-current assets                                                             
Plant and equipment                 5         434,666     889,868       609,973
Intangible assets                   6         282,847     408,134       339,642
                                              717,513   1,298,002       949,615
Current assets                                                                 
Trade and other receivables                   254,844     637,638       234,552
Bank and cash balances                        174,938     402,655       109,738
                                              429,782   1,040,293       344,290
Total assets                                1,147,295   2,338,295     1,293,905
Equity and liabilities                                                         
Capital and reserves                                                           
Share capital                       7       3,712,664   3,372,664     3,372,664
Capital reserves                            5,753,560   5,392,689     5,392,689
Other reserve                                  25,489           -       (8,519)
Share Options                                 505,582     464,617       493,410
Accumulated losses                       (10,177,763) (7,608,284)   (9,188,848)
Total equity                                (180,469)   1,621,686        61,396
Non current liabilities                                                        
Obligations under finance leases               46,237      82,146        63,509
- due after one year                                                           
                                               46,237      82,146        63,509
Current liabilities                                                            
Trade and other payables                      865,900     494,370       886,296
Bank loans and Overdrafts                     178,933      25,769        98,138
- due within one year                                                          
Other taxation liabilities                    198,176      75,806       145,829
Obligations under finance leases               38,518      38,518        38,736
- due within one year                                                          
                                            1,281,527     634,463     1,169,000
Total equity and liabilities                1,147,295   2,338,295     1,293,905

Consolidated cash flow statement for the six months ended 31 August 2007

                                          Six months   Six months         Year
                                               ended        ended             
                                            31August     31August             
                                                                   28 February
                                                2007         2006             
                                         (Unaudited)  (Unaudited)             
                                                   Euro            Euro             
Operating activities                                                          
Loss before tax                            (988,917)  (1,597,969)  (3,187,145)
Depreciation and amortisation                295,336      349,361      705,888
Adjustments for share options grants          12,172       29,933       58,726
Exchange differences                          35,377            -             
                                           (646,032)  (1,218,675)  (2,422,531)
Tax refund                                         -            -        1,251
Decrease in inventories                            -        5,390        5,390
(Increase)/Decrease in receivables          (18,528)    (121,034)      282,052
Decrease/(Increase) in payables               31,952     (37,747)      423,044
Cash used in operations                    (632,608)  (1,372,066)  (1,710,794)
Net investment expense/(income)                6,311     (32,827)     (32,616)
Net cash used in operating activities      (626,297)  (1,404,893)  (1,743,410)
Investing activities                                                          
Interest received                                  -       34,518       36,448
Interest paid                                (6,311)      (1,691)      (3,832)
Purchase of intangible assets               (22,665)     (13,820)     (21,905)
Purchase of property, plant and             (41,938)     (82,056)     (82,111)
Net cash used in investing activities       (70,914)     (63,049)     (71,400)
Net cash outflow before financing          (697,211)  (1,467,942)  (1,814,810)
Financing activities                                                          
Issue of shares                              700,871            -            -
Capital repayment of finance leases         (19,254)     (19,259)     (37,678)
Net cash flow from financing                 681,618     (19,259)     (37,678)
Decrease in cash and cash equivalents       (15,593)  (1,487,201)  (1,852,488)
in period                                                                     
Cash and cash equivalents at start of         11,599    1,864,087    1,864,087
the period                                                                    
Cash and cash equivalents at end of the        3,994      376,886       11,599

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

For the six months ended 31 August 2007

1. General

Adwalker plc is a public limited company incorporated in Ireland. The company
has subsidiaries located in the United Kingdom, United States and Hong Kong.

The company and subsidiaries are principally involved in offering clients
digital media solutions on the Adwalker mobile platform.

These results are presented in Euro as that is the currency in which the
majority of the Group's transactions are presently denominated.

2. Basis of Preparation of the interim financial statements

The interim financial statements have been prepared on a basis which is
consistent with the accounting policies adopted for the period to 31 August

The interim report, including the financial information contained therein, is
the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the directors. The directors
are responsible for preparing the interim report in accordance with the AIM
Rules of the London Stock Exchange which require that the accounting policies
and presentation applied to the interim figures should be consistent with those
applied in preparing the preceding annual accounts except where any changes,
and the reasons for them, are disclosed.

The interim accounts which are abridged and unaudited, do not include all the
information required for full annual financial statements. The financial
information contained in the interim statements does not constitute statutory
accounts as defined within the meaning of the Companies Act 1963 to 2006.
Comparative figures for the year to 28 February 2007 have been extracted from
the latest financial statements on which the report of the independent auditors
was unqualified.

The interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the
International Financial Reporting Standards.

 3. Revenue
An analysis of the Group's revenue is as follows:

                                         Six months   Six months           Year
                                              ended        ended               
                                          31 August    31 August               
                                                            2006    28 February
                                               2007                        2007
                                          Unaudited                     Audited
                                                  Euro            Euro              Euro
Media services                            1,142,547      937,756      1,599,645
Revenue is derived from the following geographic regions                       
Ireland                                      78,972      248,630        193,900
United Kingdom                               53,970      556,461        853,180
United States of America                  1,009,605      132,665        552,565
                                          1,142,547      937,756      1,599,645

4. Loss per share

Basic loss per share is based on a loss of Euro988,917, (Six months ended 31
August 2006: Euro1,597,969) (Year ended 28 February 2007: Euro3,178,532) and a
weighted average number of shares in issue of 177,880,340 (Six months ended 31
August 2006: 168,633,087) (Year ended 28 February 2007: 168,633,087).

In 2007 the diluted loss per share has been calculated on the same basis as
basic loss per share because the effect of the potential ordinary shares (share
options) reduces the net loss per share and is therefore anti-dilutive.

5. Plant and equipment

                           Adwalker Fixtures   Computer    Leasehold      Total
                              Packs           Equipment Improvements           
                                  Euro        Euro          Euro            Euro          Euro
Cost or valuation                                                              
At 1 March 2007           1,334,619  131,256    178,555       89,174  1,733,604
Reclassification                650  (1,714)      1,670        (606)          -
Exchange                          -  (1,462)      (629)        (165)    (2,256)
Additions                         -        -     41,938            -     41,938
At 31 August 2007         1,335,269  128,080    221,534       88,403  1,773,286
Accumulated depreciation                                                       
and impairment                                                                 
At 1 March 2007             915,600   41,652    139,218       27,161  1,123,631
Reclassification              5,067    1,237    (5,797)        (507)          -
Exchange                          -    (522)      (295)         (71)      (888)
Charge for the period       178,844   13,529     14,443        9,060    215,876
At 31 August 2007         1,099,511   55,896    147,569       35,643  1,338,620
Carrying amount                                                                
At 28 February 2007-        419,019   89,604     39,337       62,013    609,973
At 31 August 2007 -         235,758   72,184     73,965       52,759    434,666

6. Intangible assets

                                    Patents and     ACOMS  Goodwill       Total
                                      Trademark    System                      
                                              Euro         Euro         Euro           Euro
At 1 March 2007                          88,894   527,643 1,959,567   2,576,104
Additions                                22,665         -         -      22,665
At 31 August 2007                       111,559   527,643 1,959,567   2,598,769
Accumulated amortisation                                                       
At 1 March 2007                          33,057   243,838 1,959,567   2,236,462
Charge for the period                    13,505    65,955         -      79,460
At 31 August 2007                        46,562   309,793 1,959,567   2,315,922
Carrying amount                                                                
At 28 February 2007 - Audited            55,837   283,850         -     339,642
At 31 August 2007 - Unaudited            64,997   217,850         -     282,847

The impairment of goodwill arose on Adwalker (IP) Limited. The company ceased
trading on acquisition and the directors wrote down the goodwill relating to
this subsidiary by Euro1,959,567 in the period ended 28 February 2005.

7. Share Capital

                                            31 August    31 August  28 February
                                                 2007         2006         2007
                                            Unaudited    Unaudited      Audited
                                                    Euro            Euro            Euro
Authorised share capital                                                       
1,200,000,000 ordinary shares of Euro0.02     24,000,000   24,000,000   24,000,000
                                           24,000,000   24,000,000   24,000,000
Issued share capital                                                           
At 1 March 2007                                                                
168,633,087 ordinary shares of Euro0.02        3,372,664    3,372,664    3,372,664
Issued in the period                          340,000            -            -
17,000,000 ordinary shares of Euro0.02 each                                       
                                            3,712,664    3,372,664    3,372,664

8. Dividends

The Directors are not proposing the payment of a dividend in respect of the six
months ended 31 August 2007.

9. Copies of the Interim Results

Copies of the interim results will be sent out to shareholders shortly and will
also be available at the Company's registered office, The Crescent Building,
Northwood, Santry, Dublin 9.


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