RNS Number:6259T
Charlton Athletic PLC
6 November 2000


Charlton Athletic plc - Preliminary Results for the year
ended 30 June 2000


Our  success  in winning the First Division  Championship
was  tremendously exciting for everyone  associated  with
the  club.   It  was  not easy to bounce  back  from  the
disappointment of relegation, especially as  I  genuinely
feel  that  we  did not deserve to lose  our  Premiership
status.  I  sensed from the very first game there  was  a
feeling  of  determination throughout the whole  club  to
return  to  the top flight at the first attempt.   It  is
true to say that we took a carefully calculated financial
risk  by  maintaining and then improving the  first  team
squad  in  order to gain promotion.  Consequently,  I  am
proud  of the fact we celebrate the new Millennium  as  a
Premiership  club.   As  a matter  of  record,  the  team
finished in first place accumulating 91 points, which was
a club record.

Our  number  one  priority is to retain  our  hard-earned
Premiership  status.  The significant revenues  available
from  the new television agreement which comes into force
in  Summer 2001 and the enhanced commercial opportunities
available in the top division, would help us continue the
development    of    our   club   and   its    commercial


The  12  months  to  30 June 2000 in the  First  Division
produced a net loss of #2.8 million on turnover of  #11.7
million,  compared with a net profit of #1.2  million  on
turnover of #16.3 million in the previous financial year.
The  group incurred a #4.2 million operating loss  before
depreciation,  net transfer income, amortisation  of  the
player   pool  and  finance  charges.    This  level   of
operating loss, while unsustainable in the long term, was
considered  necessary to secure our immediate  return  to
the   Premiership.   A  substantial  proportion  of  this
related  to the costs of gaining promotion including  the
bonuses paid to players and other employees.

FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS                        2000     1999
                                              #m       #m
TURNOVER                                    11.7     16.3
                                         -------  -------
Operating    profit    (loss)    before                  
depreciation,  transfer   account   and    (4.2)      3.5
Depreciation                               (0.5)    (0.5)
Net   transfer  account   profits   and      2.0    (1.6)
Interest charges                           (0.1)    (0.2)
                                         -------  -------
Net (loss)/profit before taxation          (2.8)      1.2
                                         -------  -------
SHAREHOLDERS FUNDS                          17.4     16.6
Purchase of players                          2.2      3.0
Net  proceeds  from  shares  issued  in      3.6      3.5
Tangible fixed assets                       21.7     21.1
Player pool                                  5.0      5.3
Current insurance value of squad            32.0         

ANALYSIS OF TURNOVER                        2000     1999
                                              #m       #m
Television and broadcast                     3.2      6.6
Ticket sales                                 4.4      5.4
Sponsorship and other match day income       1.6      2.2
Retail and other                             1.4      1.3
Match programme                              0.5      0.5
Conference and Banqueting                    0.6      0.3
                                         -------  -------
                                            11.7     16.3
                                         -------  -------

Television revenues were significantly lower in  Division
One   despite  the  #1.7  million  television   parachute
payment, in respect of the domestic broadcasting contract
and  the  #0.5 million payment for the overseas broadcast
contract.   Broadcasting facility  fees  fell  from  #1.2
million  to  less than #0.3 million.  Ticket prices  were
set  at  realistic  levels  to  encourage  supporters  to
support  us  in our bid for promotion, underpinned  by  a
pledge  given  that  1998/1999  Premier  League  standard
prices would be retained for the 2000/1 season should the
club be successful.  This policy resulted in the sale  of
16,000  season tickets for a stadium with a  capacity  of
20,043,  but  saw  ticket  revenues  fall  by  nearly  #1

The exciting football played and the success on the field
brought  us  high levels of support for every  game,  the
average crowd being 19,540.


During our year in the Premier League we attracted a  new
core  of  sponsors, the majority of whom continued  their
support in the Nationwide League.

Our   existing  shirt  sponsorship  agreement  with  Mesh
Computers plc was amicably terminated early, to allow  us
to  sign  a  new record three-year deal with  Redbus,  an
investment   company  specialising  in   new   technology
business.    I  would like to thank Redbus  and  chairman
Cliff  Stanford  for  demonstrating their  faith  in  the
future of our club.

Match  programme  sales were maintained at  the  previous
year's level due in the main to the popularity of the new
Valley Review and the size of the home support.

In  our  Conference and Banqueting division we report  on
the  first full period of operations since the West Stand
was  built and revenues have grown strongly.    There  is
much  potential in this side of our business and we  will
be  looking  for  expansion during the current  financial

The Valley has now been firmly established as a seven-day-
a-week  commercial site.  The Millennium Fitness Gym  has
in  excess  of  1,000 members, all of  whom  add  to  the
customer  base for the retail outlets and Floyd's  Sports
Bar  and Diner.   We are pleased to welcome back  to  The
Valley the London Broncos, who have just completed  their
Year  2000  season.  Apart from the incremental  revenues
derived  from the extended use of the stadium, we benefit
from commercial rental income paid to the club.

I  would  like to thank our kit sponsor, Le Coq  Sportif,
Greenwich   Council,  our  club  sponsor  and  Railtrack,
sponsor  of  the  Football in the Community  Scheme,  for
their continuing support.   I also thank the large number
of  companies and individuals who continue to support  us
in  so  many ways.  Your backing is very much appreciated
and really makes a difference.


It  is  not  often  a club celebrates  winning  a  league
championship and in our case it took 65 years  to  repeat
our last such success.

In  July 1999 we sold Danny Mills to Leeds Utd for a club
transfer  record  of #4 million, part of  which  fee  was
payable  to Norwich City under the terms of the  original
purchase agreement.
These  funds were then used to strengthen the  squad,  in
our  search  for immediate promotion back to the  Premier
League, with the acquisition of Dean Kiely, Greg Shields,
John  Salako, Andy Todd and Mathias Svensson,  who  added
extra quality to an already strong squad.

During the season many records were broken:-

-    The team achieved 12 consecutive league victories in
  a  run  stretching from 26th December 1999 to 7th March
  2000.   The team was unbeaten in 16 consecutive  league
  matches and both these achievements set new club records.

-     Our dramatic 3-2 FA Cup win at Coventry was one  of
  the  highlights of the season and the team went  on  to
  reach  the FA Cup Quarter-Final stage losing to  Bolton
  Wanderers 1-0 at the Reebok stadium.  In excess of 3,000
  fans  travelled to the game and a further 5,600 watched
  the match on a giant screen erected on the pitch at The
  Valley.  This "beam-back" was a success and we intended
  to  provide this service for our supporters during  the
  current season, but we have so far been unable to secure
  the necessary planning consents.

-    The average gate at The Valley was 19,540, which was
  the club's highest at the equivalent level since 1957/58
  and  has been surpassed only twice at that level in the
  club's history.

-     We  secured a record equalling nine home  and  away
  league doubles over opponents.

-     Our  12  away league victories with only four  away
  defeats were both new records.

-    We won a record six consecutive away league matches.

-     Alan  Curbishley became the first manager to  steer
  our club to the top division on two separate occasions.

-     Welsh international John Robinson became the club's
  most capped player when he made his 20th appearance for
  Wales.  He was also voted Welsh Player of the Year at the
  Welsh FA awards dinner in October 2000.

We  were again able to provide free travel for one match,
rewarding our dedicated travelling supporters.  The sight
of  5,200 supporters bedecked in yellow at Nottingham  is
something which will live long in my memory.

Our  collaboration with Internazionale of Milan continues
to  bear  fruit  with four of our most promising  players
from  the  Under  15 squad spending a  week  training  in
Milan.   Two of our most highly rated youth players  have
gone  to Internazionale for a year to be integrated  into
their training set-up and two of their youth players have
joined  us.  We have instigated a programme of  community
projects that commenced this summer with a group  of  our
local children enjoying a week-long trip to Milan.   This
was followed by a party of Italian youngsters enjoying  a
week  in London, with a trip to the Millennium Dome as  a
highlight.  The option for Internazionale players to sign
for the club at first-team level remains a realistic one.

At  the  end of the season we strengthened our first-team
domestic  and overseas scouting structure and discussions
are  in progress to link with Inter's world-wide scouting
system.     We   have  appointed  a  Chief  Scout   whose
responsibility  is  to  organise a  network  of  domestic
scouts  and  we  introduced a new Overseas  Scouting  Co-
ordinator, who will build on the foundations laid by  our
Director  of Overseas Recruitment, Bob Whitehand.   Their
main  goal will be to establish sound scouting structures
abroad  which will provide us with information on players
based outside the United Kingdom.

At  the same time the directors announced plans to  raise
funds  from a Placing and Open Offer of shares, earmarked
for  player  transfers and their associated  costs.   The
considerable  support  for  the  issue  from   directors,
associate  directors,  city institutions  and  supporters
meant  that we raised some #5.3 million which, when added
to  the  increased television revenues available, enabled
us  to purchase Claus Jensen, Jonatan Johansson, Radostin
Kishishev  and Karim Bagheri. We have already  broken  by
some margin this season all previous transfer records for
the club.

Our FA Youth Academy continues to develop strongly and it
remains our intention to create the best academy  in  the
south of England. In July 2000 our Under 15 side won  the
prestigious   international  Milk  Cup   competition   in
Ireland.   This has been completely overshadowed  by  the
death   in   August   of   Pierre   Bolangi   in   tragic
circumstances. I am limited in what I can say because  of
the police investigation into the matter, but I join with
everyone  at  the club in sending our sincere condolences
to his family.

Three   academy   players   have   been   recognised   at
international   level.   Stacy   Long   (England),   Neil
McCafferty   (Republic  of  Ireland)  and  Osei   Sankofa
(England).    We  have  recently  applied  for   planning
permission  to construct a new indoor sports hall,  which
should  ensure  we  will  be granted  our  full  Football
Association licence in August 2001.

During  the year we purchased the playing fields adjacent
to  our  existing training facilities to further  develop
the Sparrows Lane training complex.  Our objective is  to
provide  the Youth Academy with the high quality  playing
and  training facilities which will enable us to  develop
quality players within the club.

Alan  Curbishley was voted the Manager of  the  Year  for
Division  One and also the overall Manager of  the  Year,
pushing Sir Alex Ferguson into second place.  He deserves
enormous  credit  for  securing two promotions  in  three
seasons  and  is  widely recognised as  one  of  the  top
english managers in this country.   I would also wish  to
acknowledge  the important contribution  to  our  success
made  by  Mervyn Day, Keith Peacock and all the  backroom
staff at the training ground.

On  the  international scene, the club now  boasts  seven
current  full  internationals  in  Karim  Bagheri,  Claus
Jensen,  Jonatan  Johansson, Dean Kiely,  Mark  Kinsella,
Radostin  Kishishev and John Robinson.  Scott Parker  and
Paul  Konchesky  have been included recently  in  England
Under 21 squads.


The  club  has rightly earned a genuine reputation  as  a
community club.  This means that we try to develop  links
at   all   levels  of  the  local  community,   providing
employment and recreational and leisure opportunities for
local people.

As  part of our relationship with Internazionale, I  have
already  mentioned  that last summer we  sent  ten  local
children to Milan for a week's football coaching and  ten
children from Milan then travelled to us. We continue  to
support  a  vast  array of community groups  through  the
donation  of club merchandise and other measures  and  we
contributed  to the initiative that allowed  hundreds  of
children to travel to Margate in a fleet of London taxis.

Many  local children continue to benefit from one of  the
most  progressive community schemes in the country.  Only
recently Railtrack, the scheme sponsor, agreed to  become
the  sponsor of the UK Community Programme because of the
huge success they have had with our scheme.  This has led
to a significant decline in the level of vandalism around
railway  lines  and  railway stations.  Our  support  for
Charlton  Park School and the Pound Park Scheme  are  two
projects which are particularly noteworthy.

The  Study  Support Centre at The Valley  has  become  an
important supplementary educational facility catering for
the needs of local children, and the results of this work
is particularly impressive.

The  Charlton Athletic Race Equality Partnership has been
recommended for a national award for its work in tackling
racism.  Our Red, White and Black Day last season was the
most  successful to date and the various activities  were
spread  out  over  a week with some activities  broadcast
live on Sky television.

The  Charlton  Athletic Disabled Supporter's  Association
(CADSA)  has been formed to provide a forum for  disabled
supporters  to influence the planning of future  disabled
facilities  at  The  Valley, and to provide  us  with  an
understanding  of  the  difficulties  faced  by  disabled
football fans everywhere.

Charlton Athletic is a club working in the community  for
the  benefit  of  the  community  and  I  would  like  to
acknowledge  the  support of our key partners;  Greenwich
Council,  Greenwich  Leisure Ltd and Greenwich  Community


I have always said that people are the key to the success
of   any  business  and  I  would  like  particularly  to
acknowledge  the  contribution of all the  dedicated  and
hard  working staff, both at The Valley and the  training
ground.   The team spirit both on and off the  pitch  has
been a vital ingredient to our success.

I extend my thanks to Martin Simons and David Sumners for
their work on the Executive Management Board and all  our
other directors for their contribution to the work of the
Football Company and PLC Boards.  During the year,  Roger
Alwen  resigned as a director of this company, but  I  am
delighted he remains as a director of the football club.

I  would  also like to thank Richard Collins, who  chairs
our  football  club  Health  and  Safety  Committee,  for
agreeing to assume responsibility for all the vast  array
of  health  and safety issues which the club has  had  to
address  in the past 12 months.  His experience  in  such
matters has been invaluable.

I  am  delighted  that  Sir Maurice Hatter,  a  life-long
supporter, accepted the Board's invitation to become  the
Club's Honorary Life President.

I must particularly record my appreciation for the manner
in  which  Executive  Directors Peter  Varney  and  Nigel
Capelin have continued to manage the extraordinary growth
that this club has enjoyed in recent years.

Our supporters displayed tremendous loyalty following our
relegation  from the Premier League and our overall  home
support actually increased in Division One.  They produce
a  magnificent  atmosphere at The  Valley  for  our  home
matches and so many people in football comment to  me  on
the  warm  and  friendly welcome they receive  when  they
visit us.


I continue to be concerned by the threatened intervention
by   the   European   Commission  relating   to   players
registrations in Europe.  In response to concerns  raised
by  the  Commission, the football authorities  agreed  to
establish  a  package of proposals by 31st  October  2000
with  a  deadline for agreement of the proposals of  31st
December 2000.

The Working Group set by the English football authorities
has  played  a leading role in the discussions  with  the
Commission  and  has  articulated  the  general  view  of
Premiership clubs that the current transfer system, while
not  perfect,  does  bring stability  and  order  to  the
professional game.

It  is  not clear what new system will evolve  but  I  am
concerned that the financial gap between the rich and the
poor  clubs  will widen and there will be  a  significant
level  of wage inflation for a small minority of players.
As  a  consequence,  there will be  little  incentive  to
invest  in  our  youth  academy  and  in  future,  player
contracts  may also offer less protection to players  who
suffer injury or a loss of form.

Football does have unique and special characteristics and
I  hope  that,  ultimately, this  is  recognised  by  the
European Commission.


The  recent  successes which have  helped  to  raise  the
national  profile of the club, the redevelopment  of  the
Greenwich Peninsula and the Thames Gateway area  and  the
increased  local  interest in the club,  all  combine  to
offer huge potential for further domestic exploitation of
the Charlton brand.

The  club  now boasts, on the international front,  seven
current full internationals from Bulgaria, Denmark, Iran,
Finland,  Wales  and  the  Republic  of  Ireland.   This,
coupled  with  the  huge  global media  coverage  of  the
Premiership, represents a unique opportunity  for  us  to
recruit  and  retain supporters from  abroad.   For  this
reason,   we  intend  to  continue  with  the  impressive
development of our website to provide information for new
overseas supporters about the club in their own language.


We   now   have  a  formal  planning  consent   for   the
construction  of  nearly 6,000 additional  seats  at  the
north  end  of  the ground, giving us the opportunity  to
increase the capacity of The Valley to just under 26,000.
It  will be the largest stand in the ground and will link
up  to  the  East  and  West  stands  forming  a  natural
horseshoe  which  will  lead to a significantly  enhanced
atmosphere.   With the three main stands linked,  service
provision  and  standards will improve on  a  match  day.
This  will  also cater for the significant  London  based
demand  for  match day hospitality in the Premier  League
which  we  cannot currently meet.  The Board is currently
closely  considering both the appropriate timing and  the
financing arrangements for a commitment to this  project,
the  next major step in turning The Valley into a  modern
football arena.

At  the  same  time, the professional game  is  facing  a
period  of  great  uncertainty caused  by  the  impending
European  Commission  ruling  on  the  existing  transfer
system.   In my opinion, the existing transfer system  is
unlikely to survive in its current form.  However,  I  do
not  expect  any  replacement system to  affect  existing
contracts  and so we have continued to show the  cost  of
our purchased players in the balance sheet.

The  new television deal covering the three years to June
2004  should provide significant additional revenues  for
Premier  League clubs and therefore retaining our current
status   would  give  a  major  boost  to   the   ongoing
development  of the club.  It is, however, essential  for
the  future of football in this country that there  is  a
more  equitable distribution of television monies amongst
all  clubs.   Too much financial bias in  favour  of  the
bigger  clubs  will  lead  to  a  less  competitive   and
therefore less attractive professional game.

The club will continue to pursue ticketing policies which
allow  individual  supporters  and  families,  especially
those  on low incomes, to see top class football  at  The
Valley.    The  relationship  that  we  enjoy  with   our
supporters is something special and we will preserve  and
nurture  this as I realise that we have something  unique
at this club which we must never take for granted.

We  continue  to be proud of the excellent reputation  we
have  earned for the responsible way we have rebuilt  our
club  in  recent  years.   We have,  at  the  same  time,
retained  the  unique culture and strong community  links
which  the  club has always enjoyed.  Ongoing success  on
the  field  and  the influx of players  of  international
quality  will  assist us to develop further the  Charlton
Athletic  brand.   With  the  continuing  commitment   of
everyone   connected  with  this  club,   including   our
supporters,  I am confident that the progress  of  recent
years will be maintained.

Richard A Murray
Chairman - Charlton Athletic Plc
6 November 2000


                                 Year ended  Year ended
                                    30 June     30 June
                                       2000        1999
                                     # 000s      # 000s
TURNOVER                             11,746      16,274
                                  ---------   ---------
Cost of sale                        (2,338)     (2,162)
Administrative expenses             (1,594)     (1,354)
Player and match expenses          (12,465)     (9,774)
                                  ---------   ---------
                                   (16,397)    (13,290)
                                  ---------   ---------
Operating profit/(loss) before                         
player transfer fees                (4,651)       2,984
Player transfer fees                  1,995     (1,590)
                                  ---------   ---------
OPERATING LOSS/(PROFIT)             (2,656)       1,394
Interest and similar charges          (141)       (145)
                                  ---------   ---------
OPERATING LOSS/(PROFIT) BEFORE                         
TAXATION                            (2,797)       1,249
Taxation                                  0           0
                                  ---------   ---------
(LOSS)/PROFIT AFTER TAXATION        (2,797)       1,249
                                  =========   =========
Earnings per share                  (7.31)p       3.87p
                                  =========   =========

All amounts derive from continuing operations.

There is no difference between the historical cost
profits and losses and the reported results in the profit
and loss account.

                                 Year ended  Year ended
                                    30 June     30 June
                                       2000        1999
                                     # 000s      # 000s
Profit/(loss) for the year          (2,797)       1,249
Unrealised surplus on                                  
revaluation of freehold land and          0         381
                                  ---------   ---------
Total gains and losses              (2,797)       1,630
                                  =========   =========


                                 Year ended  Year ended
                                    30 June     30 June
                                       2000        1999
                                     # 000s      # 000s
FIXED ASSETS                                           
Intangible                            4,951       5,328
Tangible                             21,750      21,761
                                  ---------   ---------
                                     26,701      27,089
                                  ---------   ---------
CURRENT ASSETS                                         
Stocks                                  218         163
Debtors                               3,559       2,241
Cash at bank and in hand              4,586         529
                                  ---------   ---------
                                      8,363       2,933
CREDITORS:  amounts falling due                        
within one year                    (11,110)     (6,753)
                                  ---------   ---------
NET CURRENT LIABILITIES             (2,747)     (3,820)
                                  ---------   ---------
TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT            23,954      23,269
CREDITORS:  falling due after                          
more than one year                  (2,160)     (2,346)
DEFERRED INCOME:                    (4,359)     (4,315)
                                  ---------   ---------
                                     17,435      16,608
                                  =========   =========
CAPITAL AND RESERVES                                   
Called up share capital              21,329      17,694
Share premium account                 1,660       1,671
Revaluation reserve                   2,975       2,975
Profit and loss account             (8,529)     (5,732)
                                  ---------   ---------
Shareholder's funds                  17,435      16,608
                                  =========   =========


1    The  financial information relating to  the  Company
     does not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning
     of  Section  240 (5) of the Companies act  1985  (as
     amended). Statutory accounts in respect of the year ended
     30  June  2000, which received an unqualified  audit
     opinion, will be filed with the Registrar of Companies in
     England and Wales

2    Earnings per ordinary share have been calculated  by
     dividing the loss for the year by the weighted number of
     ordinary shares in issue for the year.

                                Year ended  Year ended
                                   30 June     30 June
                                2000 #000s  1999 #000s
     Profit/(Loss)   for   the    #(2,797)      #1,249
     Weighted    number     of                        
     shares in issue            38,280,766  32,245,909
     (Loss)/Earnings       per      (7.31)  3.87 pence
     share                           pence

3    The Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 30
     June  2000  will  be  sent to  shareholders  in  due
     course.   At  that  time  further  copies  will   be
     available  from the Company's Nominated Advisor  and
     Broker, Teather & Greenwood Limited, Beaufort House,
     15 St Botolph Street, London EC3A 7QR.

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