RNS Number : 9521T

Cenkos Securities PLC

26 March 2019

26 March 2019

Cenkos Securities plc

Annual Results for the year ended 31 December 2018

Cenkos Securities plc (the "Company" or "Cenkos") and together with its subsidiaries (the "Group" or the "Firm"), today announces its results for the year ended 31 December 2018. Cenkos is an independent, specialist institutional securities group, focused on small and mid-cap companies and investment funds. The Group's principal activity is institutional stockbroking.

Cenkos' shares are admitted to trading on the AIM Market of the London Stock Exchange ("LSE"). The Company is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority ("FCA") and is a member of the LSE.

 Highlights                                            31-Dec-18   31-Dec-17 
----------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
                                                         GBP45.0     GBP59.5 
 Revenue                                                       m           m 
 Profit before tax on continuing operations             GBP3.2 m           m 
 Profit after tax on continuing and discontinued 
  operations                                             GBP2.3m     GBP7.2m 
                                                         GBP33.6     GBP36.8 
 Cash                                                          m           m 
 Net assets                                             GBP27.6m    GBP29.7m 
 Basic and diluted earnings per share on continuing 
  and discontinued operations                              4.2 p      13.2 p 
 Full year dividend per share paid and proposed 
  (1)                                                      4.5 p       9.0 p 

(1) Includes a proposed final dividend of 2.5p (2017: 4.5p)

Since being admitted to trading on AIM in 2006, the Company has returned GBP111.6 million of cash to shareholders, equivalent to 171.8p per share, before the payment of the proposed 2018 final dividend of 2.5p per share.

Commenting the Company's Chief Executive Officer, Anthony Hotson said:

"We have had a better start to 2019 than the same time last year. The pipeline of significant transactions in our business remains strong. Consequently, we look forward to the current year with optimism."

 For further information contact: 
 Cenkos Securities plc 
 Anthony Hotson - Chief Executive      +44 20 7397 
  Officer                               8900 
 Nominated Adviser 
  Spark Advisory Partners Limited 
 Matthew Davis                        +44 20 3368 3550 
 Whitman Howard 
 Nick Lovering                        +44 20 7659 1224 
 Public Relations 
  Buchanan Communications 
 David Rydell                         +44 20 7466 5066 

Chief Executive's Statement

"Our corporate client base remains solid, reflecting our ethos of building and developing long-term relationships. Delivering good client outcomes lies at the heart of the Firm."

Anthony Hotson Chief Executive Officer

This year's Annual Report is my second, as your Chief Executive following my appointment in August 2017 after serving as a Non-executive Director since 2012. Having carried out and delivered business reviews in the front and back office, the company is now in a stronger position to address the commercial challenges ahead. It has a simpler management structure and a more robust three lines of defence compliance model which will help with the forthcoming implementation of the Senior Managers & Certification Regime ("SM&CR"). We completed the acquisition of the nominated adviser business of Smith & Williamson LLP during the year. I look forward to handing over the leadership of Cenkos to a new Chief Executive in the near future who I expect will build upon Cenkos' strengths and deliver growth for all our stakeholders.


We propose a final dividend of 2.5p per share (2017: 4.5p per share) which brings the total dividend for the year to 4.5p per share (2017: 9.0p per share). Since we have been admitted to trading on AIM in 2006 we have returned GBP111.6 million of cash to shareholders, equivalent to 171.8p per share, before the payment of the proposed 2018 final dividend of 2.5p per share.


Cenkos has had a challenging year, delivering revenues, profit and dividends well behind 2017, albeit in line with the results achieved in 2016. After generating GBP18.1m of revenue in H1 2018, we are pleased to report that performance in the second half improved leading to full year revenues of GBP45.0m. Revenues, dominated by placing and corporate finance fees, have been generated across the Firm in reasonable numbers but with an absence of the larger deals that took place in 2017. Profits have been impacted by the implementation costs and consequences of the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II (MiFID II) together with restructuring costs following the implementation of business reviews of the front and back office.

We have helped our clients raise GBP1.2bn (2017: GBP2.5bn) of equity finance. Our corporate client base remains solid, reflecting our ethos of building and developing long-term relationships. Delivering good client outcomes lies at the heart of the Firm.

The key performance indicators we use to assess our performance include both financial and non-financial indicators and signpost the Board's strategy which is set out in the Annual Report.

Brexit, the economy and regulatory environment

Political uncertainty and macro-economic factors have disrupted confidence in 2018 and continue to do so in 2019. The Board is mindful of these risks and they have been reflected in the Firm's assessment of principal risks.

Regulatory obligations in the financial sector increased in 2018 with the implementation of MiFID II. Whilst this implementation has gone well, there has been a fall-off in research revenues as "buy-side" demand for paid research has been eroded. The decline in research revenues is set to continue in 2019 as the market adjusts.

This pace of regulatory change will be sustained in 2019 with the implementation of the SM&CR. Whilst it is early days, I am pleased to note that actions taken from our front and back-office reviews over the last eighteen months have put the Firm in a solid position to deliver against the requirements of SM&CR.

Along with other firms, we continue to invest in people, systems and technology to meet the requirements of new regulation and legislation. Last year we reported the Firm had initiated the introduction of a new operating model for the compliance team. This new model has been completed and, following Philip Anderson's departure later in the year, this provides the opportunity for a new Head of Compliance to refine the model further upon arrival.

We believe that all regulation must be accompanied by a strong internal culture underpinned by the highest ethical and professional standards. Whilst an overarching governance framework is critical, with the highest standards being set by the Board as a role model, ultimately individuals must take responsibility for the way in which they conduct business and work with colleagues. This ethos lies at the heart of SM&CR. Details of our governance framework are set out in the Annual Report.

The Board

Several changes to the Board were announced in 2018. On 5 November 2018, Gerry Aherne retired as Chairman after six years in the position. Jeff Hewitt, Non-executive Chairman of the Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee, was appointed acting Chairman. Subject to regulatory approval being received Jeremy Miller will be appointed as a Non-executive Director and also to the position of Chairman of the Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee.

Two further changes took place in the year. I announced my intention to step down from the Board as soon a suitable successor has received regulatory approval. On 12 December 2018, Philip Anderson (Finance Director and Head of Compliance) announced his intention to step down from the Board on 31 March 2019. He will continue as Head of Compliance until a suitable successor is appointed and has received regulatory approval. Philip has supported me in the front and back office reviews and redesigned the Firm's three lines of defence compliance model. I would echo the Board's thanks to Philip Anderson for the work he carried out on the Cenkos business model and in preparing the foundations for the Firm's compliance with SM&CR.


The reputation of our business is reliant on the quality, expertise, professionalism and conduct of every person in the Firm. Our teams always set out to deliver outstanding client outcomes. The Board and management is focused on retaining and developing a pool of diversified talent with a shared set of values and strategic goals. On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank our employees for their contribution in 2018.


We continue to live in uncertain times where the geopolitical environment makes it very difficult to predict either the direction of the markets or health of investor sentiment. This situation is being further exacerbated by the uncertainties around Brexit.

In 2018, market volatility appears to have had a negative impact on investor sentiment. This climate is likely to persist through 2019 and the Board have factored this into the Firm's plans in 2019. Notwithstanding this, we remain ranked as one of the leading brokers in London for growth companies and the Cenkos business model is resilient and well capitalised.

We have had a better start to 2019 than the same time last year. The pipeline of significant transactions in our business remains strong. Consequently, we look forward to the current year with optimism.

Consolidated income statement

For the year ended 31 December 2018

                                                                 2018            2017 
                                                            GBP 000's       GBP 000's 
----------------------------------------------------   --------------  -------------- 
    Continuing operations 
    Revenue                                                    44,953          59,504 
    Administrative expenses                                  (41,902)        (49,528) 
-----------------------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
    Operating profit                                            3,051           9,976 
    Investment income - interest receivable                       103              23 
-----------------------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
    Profit before tax from continuing operations 
     for the year                                               3,154           9,999 
    Tax                                                         (805)         (1,815) 
-----------------------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
    Profit after tax from continuing operations for 
     the year                                                   2,349           8,184 
    Discontinued operations 
    Loss after tax from discontinued operations for 
     the year                                                       -           (973) 
-----------------------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
    Profit for the year                                         2,349           7,211 
-----------------------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
    Attributable to: 
    Equity holders of Cenkos Securities plc                     2,349           7,211 
-----------------------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
    From continuing operations 
    Basic and diluted earnings per share                         4.2p           15.0p 
    From continuing and discontinued operations 
    Basic and diluted earnings per share                         4.2p           13.2p 
-----------------------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 

Consolidated statement of comprehensive income

For the year ended 31 December 2018

                                                                      2018        2017 
                                                                 GBP 000's   GBP 000's 
--------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
    Profit for the year                                              2,349       7,211 
    Amounts that will not be recycled to income statement in 
     future periods 
    Loss on FVOCI financial assets                                   (180)       (133) 
    Tax on FVOCI financial assets                                       29          26 
    Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations            -       (105) 
--------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
    Other comprehensive loss for the year                            (151)       (212) 
--------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
    Total comprehensive income for the year                          2,198       6,999 
--------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
    Attributable to: 
    Equity holders of Cenkos Securities plc                          2,198       6,999 
--------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 

Consolidated statement of financial position

As at 31 December 2018

                                                 2018        2017 
                                            GBP 000's   GBP 000's 
----------------------------------------   ----------  ---------- 
    Non-current assets 
    Property, plant and equipment                 558         525 
    Intangible asset                              100           - 
    Deferred tax asset                            520         738 
-----------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
                                                1,178       1,263 
    Current assets 
    Trade and other receivables                18,831      20,798 
    FVOCI financial assets                        220         250 
    Other current financial assets             12,648      10,615 
    Cash at bank                               33,635      36,829 
-----------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
                                               65,334      68,492 
 ----------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
    Total assets                               66,512      69,755 
-----------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
    Current liabilities 
    Trade and other payables                 (32,640)    (36,300) 
    Other current financial liabilities       (6,018)     (3,341) 
-----------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
                                             (38,658)    (39,641) 
 ----------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
    Net current assets                         26,676      28,851 
    Non-current liabilities 
    Trade and other payables                    (263)       (366) 
-----------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
    Total liabilities                        (38,921)    (40,007) 
-----------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
    Net assets                                 27,591      29,748 
-----------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
    Share capital                                 567         567 
    Share premium                               3,331       3,331 
    Capital redemption reserve                    195         195 
    Own shares                                (5,663)     (3,845) 
    FVOCI reserve                                (93)          58 
    Retained earnings                          29,254      29,442 
-----------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
    Total equity                               27,591      29,748 
-----------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 

Consolidated cash flow statement

For the year ended 31 December 2018

                                                             2018        2017 
                                                        GBP 000's   GBP 000's 
----------------------------------------------------   ----------  ---------- 
    Profit for the year                                     2,349       7,211 
    Adjustments for: 
    Net finance income                                      (103)        (23) 
    Tax expense                                               805       1,815 
    Depreciation of property, plant and equipment             247         242 
    Shares and options received in lieu of fees           (1,970)     (3,888) 
    Share-based payment expense                             1,852       1,560 
-----------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
    Operating cash flows before movements in 
     working capital                                        3,180       6,917 
    Decrease in net trading investments and FVOCI 
     financial assets                                       2,492       7,908 
    Decrease in trade and other receivables                 1,983       3,623 
    (Decrease)/increase in trade and other payables       (3,029)       1,959 
-----------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
    Net cash flow from operating activities before 
     interest and tax paid                                  4,624      20,407 
    Tax paid                                              (1,664)     (1,334) 
-----------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
    Net cash flow from operating activities                 2,960      19,073 
    Investing activities 
    Interest received                                          90          23 
    Purchase of property, plant and equipment               (280)       (378) 
    Acquisition of Nomad business                           (100)           - 
    Net cash outflow from investing activities              (290)       (355) 
    Financing activities 
    Dividends paid                                        (3,573)     (5,201) 
    Proceeds from sale of own shares to employee 
     share plans                                               62          66 
    Acquisition of own shares                             (2,353)       (549) 
    Net cash used in financing activities                 (5,864)     (5,684) 
-----------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
    Net (decrease)/increase in cash at bank               (3,194)      13,034 
-----------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
    Cash at bank at beginning of year                      36,829      23,795 
-----------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
    Cash at bank at end of year                            33,635      36,829 
-----------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 

Consolidated statement of changes in equity

For the year ended 31 December 2018

                                                                   Equity attributable to equity holders of the Parent 
-----------------  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                                               Capital                              currency 
                        Share       Share   redemption         Own       FVOCI   translation    Retained 
                      capital     premium      reserve      shares     reserve       reserve    earnings       Total 
                    GBP 000's   GBP 000's    GBP 000's   GBP 000's   GBP 000's     GBP 000's   GBP 000's   GBP 000's 
-----------------  ----------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ---------- 
At 1 January 2017         567       3,331          195     (3,556)         165           105      26,376      27,183 
Profit for the 
 year                       -           -            -           -           -             -       7,211       7,211 
Loss on FVOCI 
 financial assets 
 net of tax                 -           -            -           -       (107)             -           -       (107) 
 differences on 
 translation of 
 operations                 -           -            -           -           -         (105)           -       (105) 
-----------------  ----------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ---------- 
 income for 
 the year                   -           -            -           -       (107)         (105)       7,211       6,999 
Transfer of 
 shares to 
 employee share 
 plans                      -           -            -          66                         -           -          66 
Transfer of 
 shares from 
 share plans to 
 employees                  -           -            -         194           -             -       (194)           - 
Acquisition of 
 own shares by 
 EBT                        -           -            -       (549)           -             -           -       (549) 
Credit to equity 
 payments                   -           -            -           -           -             -       1,250       1,250 
Dividends paid              -           -            -           -           -             -     (5,201)     (5,201) 
-----------------  ----------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ---------- 
At 31 December 
 2017                     567       3,331          195     (3,845)          58             -      29,442      29,748 
-----------------  ----------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ---------- 
Profit for the 
 year                       -           -            -           -           -             -       2,349       2,349 
Loss on FVOCI 
 financial assets 
 net of tax                 -           -            -           -       (122)             -           -       (122) 
Derecognition of 
 FVOCI financial 
 asset                      -           -            -           -        (29)             -          23         (6) 
 income for the 
 year                       -           -            -           -       (151)             -       2,372       2,221 
Transfer of 
 shares from 
 share plans to 
 employees                  -           -            -         535           -             -       (473)          62 
Acquisition of 
 own shares                 -           -            -     (2,353)           -             -           -     (2,353) 
Credit to equity 
 payments                   -           -            -           -           -             -       1,486       1,486 
Dividends paid              -           -            -           -           -             -     (3,573)     (3,573) 
-----------------  ----------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ---------- 
At 31 December 
 2018                     567       3,331          195     (5,663)        (93)             -      29,254      27,591 
-----------------  ----------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ---------- 

Notes to the consolidated financial statements

1. Accounting policies

General information

The consolidated financial information contained within this announcement does not constitute statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2018 within the meaning of Section 434 of the Companies Act 2006, but is derived from those audited accounts. The auditors reported on those accounts and their report was unqualified and did not contain any statement under section 498(2) or section 498(3) of the Companies Act 2006. The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2018 will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies in due course. The annual report and audited statutory accounts will be sent to shareholders and will be made available to the public on the Company's website: www.cenkos.com or, upon request, copies may be obtained from the Company Secretary at the registered office of Cenkos Securities plc, 6.7.8. Tokenhouse Yard, London, EC2R 7AS. The Company's Annual General Meeting will be held on 15 May 2019.

The consolidated financial information contained within these financial statements has been prepared on the historical cost

basis, except for the revaluation of certain financial instruments.

Going concern

The Group's business activities, together with the factors likely to affect its future development and performance, the financial position of the Group, its cash flows and liquidity position are set out in the Strategic Report. The financial statements of the Group have been prepared on a going concern basis as the Directors have satisfied themselves that, at the time of approving the financial statements and having taken into consideration the strength of the Group's statement of financial position and cash balances, the Group has adequate resources to continue in operational existence for at least the next 12 months from the signing of these financial statements.

Basis of accounting

The consolidated financial information contained within these financial statements has been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the European Union (EU) and in accordance with International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC) interpretations and with those parts of the Companies Act 2006 applicable to companies reporting under IFRS, and are in accordance with the accounting policies that were applied in the Group's statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2018.

2. Dividends

                                                                           2018        2017 
 Amounts recognised as distributions to equity holders 
  in the year:                                                        GBP 000's   GBP 000's 
-------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------  ---------- 
 Final dividend for the year ended 31 December 2017 of 
  4.5p (2016: 5.0p) per share                                             2,484       2,743 
 Interim dividend for the period to 30 June 2018 of 2.0p 
 (June 2017: 4.5p) per share                                              1,089       2,458 
                                                                          3,573       5,201 
 A final dividend of 2.5p per share has been proposed for the year ended 
  31 December 2018 (2017: 4.5p). The proposed final dividend is subject 
  to approval at the Annual General Meeting and is not recognised as a 
  liability as at 31 December 2018. Under the Compensatory Award Plan 
  2009 ("CAP"), the payment of a dividend to ordinary shareholders will 
  trigger a cash payment to holders of options under the CAP. The payment 
  of the final dividend will increase staff costs by GBP0.3 million in 
  the first half of 2019 (2017: final dividend of 4.5p increased staff 
  costs by GBP0.52 million in the first half of 2018). The final dividend 
  will be paid on 31 May 2019 to the shareholders on the register at 3 
  May 2019, subject to approval at the Annual General Meeting to be held 
  on 15 May 2019. 

3. Events after the reporting period

There were no material events to report on that occurred between 31 December 2018 and the date at which the Directors signed the Annual Report.

4. Market abuse regulation (MAR) disclosure

Certain information contained in this announcement would have been deemed to be inside information for the purposes of article 7 of Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 until the release of this announcement.

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

March 26, 2019 03:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

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