RNS Number:9736U
Chapelthorpe PLC
30 November 2000

                        Interim Results                                
                Half-year ended 30 September 2000                             


*    Turnover increased by 21% to #70m (1999: #58m)

*    Increased sales from North America

*    Acquisition of American Fibers and Yarns in July,
     allows  accelerated penetration of strategically 
     important US automotive market

*    New umbrella frame production capacity to allow for
     increased penetration of US  and  European  markets 
     and provides considerable organic growth potential

*    Reorganisation of Specialist  Coatings  operations 
     in  the  UK  provides  base  for  improved  future 
     operational performance

*    Performance of Asota in line with expectations

*    Interim dividend maintained at 0.63p per share

*    Purchase and cancellation of 9.7m ordinary shares 
     which enhanced earnings for the remaining shareholders

*    No firm proposals yet received re possible offer for 
     the Company, shareholders will be kept informed of

Charles Godwin, Chairman commented: 

" Over the past three years we have concluded a number of 
strategically important moves to reduce our dependence on 
manufacturing in the UK whilst at the same time building 
and developing important businesses  in North America and 
Europe. Despite the high level of activity on these fronts, 
our UK businesses, and in particular, the export led ones, 
have still suffered from the twin impact of the strength 
of sterling and increased raw material costs, damaging 
turnover and margin.

"In our trading statement, issued 31 August 2000, we indicated 
that we expected these negative conditions to improve as the year
progressed and looked forward to a much improved second
half. Thus far neither of these external factors have moved
in our favour. However, we still have grounds for belief
that raw material price pressure may well ease in the final
quarter, although we expect our operational performance in
the second half of the year will still be below our previously
expected levels.

"Looking ahead to the future, the strengthening of our North American
businesses combined with the success of our Austrian operation gives
us grounds for cautious optimism. We will continue to optimise the 
return on the significant strategic investments made in our businesses
as well as examining other opportunities to maximise shareholder value."


For further information; please contact:

Chris Lynch/Josh Royston Square Mile Communications 0207 601 1000

Chairman's Statement

The  results for the six months to 30 September 2000 reflect
the  adverse  macro  economic  factors  currently  affecting
operations, namely the strength of sterling against European
currencies  and  the  sharp increase  in  the  cost  of  raw
materials  - particularly those related to oil prices,  both
of  which remain outside our control. Counter action,  where
possible, has been taken to mitigate this continuing adverse
impact  on performance. However, this action has led to  the
current results being further affected by exceptional items,
mainly  attributable to the reorganisation of the Specialist
Coatings  division in the UK and, in particular,  the  costs
relating to mothballing one of the manufacturing units.

In  addition,  we  have continued our declared  strategy  of
growing our North American operations by the acquisition  of
the  staple fibre business and assets of the American Fibers
and Yarns Company, as described below.


Turnover  in  the six months to 30 September  2000  rose  to
#70.0m (1999: #58.0m), an increase of #12.0m, assisted by  a
full  six-month contribution from Asota, when compared  with
the  same  period  last year. Increased sales,  mainly  from
North America, compensated for the decline in domestic sales
arising  from  the  continuing depressed trading  conditions
prevailing for our customers in the wallcoverings and carpet
markets.  Pre-exceptional operating profit, before  goodwill
amortisation,  was  #4.0m compared with #6.0m  in  the  same
period last year, reflecting the two principal factors which
have been referred to above.

After  taking account of a higher interest charge  of  #1.2m
(1999:  #0.7m),  arising  from the  increase  in  borrowings
relating to the acquisition of Asota and American Fibers and
Yarns,  and  the  amortisation of goodwill resulting  mainly
from the Chamberlain and Asota acquisitions, pre-tax profits
before exceptional items fell to #2.3m from #5.1m in 1999. A
#10.0m  exceptional charge has been recorded in relation  to
costs   arising   from  the  cessation  of   operations   at
Chamberlain  Coatings' facility. This  charge  includes  the 
full write down of tangible fixed  assets  and an impairment 
review of goodwill, in accordance with FRS11, and provisions
for ongoing site, lease and other reorganisation costs.  The 
fixed  assets will  be  retained   for  potential use in the 
future   and  negotiations  are   ongoing  to  mitigate the 
outstanding lease costs.

After exceptional items the pre-tax loss for the period  was
#7.9m  compared  with a pre-tax profit  of  #4.9m  in  1999.
Earnings  per  share, pre-exceptional items, fell  to  0.67p
(1999:  1.64p), whilst, post exceptional items,  losses  per
share  were 3.40p, compared with earnings per share in  1999
of 1.36p.

Purchase of own shares

Following  the  authority granted to us by  shareholders  to
purchase  up  to  15%  of the issued share  capital  of  the
Company,  9,746,556  ordinary  shares   were  purchased  and
cancelled between 9 June and 18 July 2000, which represented
4.5%  of the issued share capital, at that time. These share
buy  backs,  given that the cost of capital is significantly
below  the cost of dividends, are earnings enhancing and  as
long  as  these circumstances prevail, subject to regulatory
constraints, we will consider additional share purchases  up
to  our  authorised  level when appropriate.  Following  the
above  cancellation of ordinary shares, the number of shares
now in issue stands at 204,040,900.


The  Board  is  declaring an unchanged interim  dividend  of
0.63p  per share, which will be payable on 12 February  2001
to  shareholders  on the register as at  15  December  2000.
Following the introduction of the Dividend Reinvestment Plan
(the "Plan") in July 2000, shareholders will once again have
the   opportunity  to  reinvest  the  whole  of  their  cash
dividends  in  the  purchase of  additional  shares  in  the
Company in the open market at competitive dealing rates. The
last  date  for election to participate in the  Plan  is  22
January 2001.

Balance Sheet

The  recent  share  buy  backs referred  to  above  and  the
exceptional  reorganisation and impairment  provisions  have
been  the  main  contributory factors in  the  reduction  of
shareholders' funds to #54.9m (1999: #61.2m). This reduction
when  coupled  with the increase in borrowings necessary  to
complete the acquisition in the USA has resulted in  gearing
of  76.9%.  This level of  borrowings  was well  within  our
agreed facilities.

On 14 November 2000  revised  banking facilities were put in  
place, which provide longer term funding,  resulting  in   a 
debt profile maturing over a period of years  and  which  is 
more appropriate to the Group's requirement.


On  31  July 2000 our US subsidiary, Drake Extrusion,  Inc.,
completed  the  strategically important acquisition  of  the
staple fibre business and assets of the American Fibers  and
Yarns  Company ("AFY") for a cash consideration of US  $8.7m
(excluding costs). AFY is the preferred supplier of coloured
polypropylene  fibre  to  the  US  automotive  industry,  in
particular  to  General  Motors  and  Chrysler,  and  is  an
excellent fit for our existing business. We are currently  a
supplier  to Ford of coloured polypropylene fibre, which  is
used in the kick panels, parcel shelves and boot linings  of
motor  vehicles  and  this acquisition will  accelerate  our
penetration   into  this  important  market   segment.   The
business,  which  is  currently based at Spartanburg,  South
Carolina, has been integrated into our US fibres division.

Half-year review

As  shareholders  will be well aware, the  economic  climate
over   the   past  two  to  three  years  has  resulted   in
increasingly  challenging trading conditions  for  ourselves
and  our  UK customers. The strength of sterling  over  this
period  against European currencies has had a major negative
impact on our UK export led manufacturing businesses and our
export  volumes have been maintained only at the expense  of
margin.  In addition to this impact on our export  business,
our   UK  customers'  businesses  have  become  increasingly
affected by import penetration.

Shareholders  will also be aware that since  1995,  when  we
first developed a manufacturing base on a greenfield site in
the  USA,  we  have  taken a number of  strategic  steps  to
develop  stronger businesses outside the UK. The  timeliness
of  those  steps is becoming more apparent day by  day.  The
duration of the problems in the UK is extremely difficult to
gauge and largely outside our control. Consequently, our  UK
businesses have been streamlined but, being largely  capital
intensive  operations, they still retain the  capability  to
exploit rapidly any significant increase in demand.

Specialist Coatings

This division is principally involved in the manufacture  of
vinyl  coated  base  paper and plastisols,  mainly  for  the
wallcoverings industry worldwide. Turnover in the period was
#24.2m   (1999:   #25.3m)   and  operating   profit   before
exceptional items and goodwill amortisation was #1.3m (1999:

UK and Europe

In  the  last  Annual Report we commented that the  domestic
retail  wallpaper market was the worst in living memory  and
sadly  there  has  been  no  sign  of  any  improvement,  if
anything, the market has worsened. In addition, the strength
of  sterling has provided a number of opportunities for  our
European  competitors, particularly from France,  to  supply
the UK market. Despite these factors the division managed  a
good   sales  performance  in  direct  exports  to  European
manufacturers, albeit at lower margins than  we  would  have

We  do not anticipate that the second half of the year  will
bring  about any recovery in the domestic market as  volumes
are  expected  to remain flat. However, we do  believe  that
better  operational  performance will  arise  following  the
recent reorganisation of our UK manufacturing facilities.

North America

Our  business  in Canada continues to perform satisfactorily
as  a  consequence  of  our ability to respond  to  changing
demand  directed  to  heavier  vinyl  and  more  specialised

The  US  market  has been less buoyant than anticipated  and
currency  has  been  the  major  determinant.  The  relative
strength   of   the  US  dollar  has  allowed  some   import
penetration. Consequently, we have taken the opportunity  to
change  the specification on our second coating line,  prior
to its commissioning, in order to optimise the opportunities
in  the  commercial market for more value  added  specialist
products,  not readily available through imports. This  line
is now expected to be fully operational by early 2001.


This  division  is involved in the manufacture  of  coloured
polypropylene fibres and filament yarns which  are  supplied
to   the  floorcoverings,  automotive,  technical  textiles,
geotextiles and home furnishings markets worldwide. Turnover
was   #40.3m  (1999:  #25.5m)  and  operating  profit   pre-
exceptional items and goodwill amortisation was #1.7m (1999:

UK and Europe

Raw  material  cost increases and the rise in the  value  of
sterling made for extremely tough conditions in most of  our
markets.  In  particular,  the weakness  in  the  UK  carpet
sector,  subjected  to  increased  penetration  of  imported
products,    impacted   on   profitability.   Despite    the
reorganisation of our UK businesses and the concentration of
the  majority  of  production at  one  site,  the  continued
squeezing of export margins has seen operating profits fall.
Conversely,   the  acquisition  of  Asota  has   been   very
beneficial  with  the  major factors  impacting  on  our  UK
businesses  working to our advantage in Continental  Europe.
This  business  performed  in line  with  expectations  and,
although having only been part of the Group for just over 12
months,  it  now  makes a significant  contribution  to  the
division's profitability.

North America

Overall, the fibres business in the US continues to  perform
satisfactorily  although  increases  in  the  cost  of   raw
materials  are  having a negative effect. As  the  build  up
phase in our Martinsville facility will be completed in  the
second half of the year, we will be in a better position  to
maximise  the  return  on  our  strategic  investment.   The
acquisition of AFY represents a great opportunity for us  in
the  US automotive markets and will enable us to develop our
business  still  further. We will continue to  work  closely
with  our customers and suppliers to ensure that we  are  in
the  best possible position to reap the full benefit of this

Umbrella Frames

This  division is involved in the manufacture of  specialist
frames  for  sun  and sporting umbrellas.  Turnover  in  the
period  was  #5.6m (1999: #5.4m)  and operating profit  pre-
exceptional  items  was  #1.0m  (1999:  #1.3m).  Comparative
figures exclude Shaw Export Services, which was sold in July
1999.  Despite  the strength of sterling,  our  position  as
market leader in Europe remains unchallenged and new markets
have  been  opened up in Eastern Europe and  South  America.
Profitability,  however, has suffered in  order  to  prevent
business  being  lost  to  major competitors,  predominantly
based  in Europe. With additional capacity coming on stream,
the  constraints restricting further penetration of  the  US
and  European markets will be removed and the potential  for
continued organic growth is substantial.

Update on possible offer for the Company

On 21 November 2000, it was announced that Brian Leckie, the
Chief Executive, had been given permission to approach funders
with a view to making an offer for the Company. As previously 
announced, a   committee  of  independent  Directors has been
formed to consider any proposal when received and shareholders
will be kept informed of developments.


Over  the  past three years we have concluded  a  number  of
strategically  important moves to reduce our  dependence  on
manufacturing in the UK whilst at the same time building and
developing important businesses in North America and Europe.
Despite the high level of activity on these fronts,  our  UK
businesses,  and in particular, the export  led  ones,  have
still  suffered  from the twin impact  of  the  strength  of
sterling and increased raw material costs, damaging turnover
and margin. In our trading statement, issued 31 August 2000,
we  indicated that we expected these negative conditions  to
improve as the year progressed and looked forward to a  much
improved  second  half. Thus far neither of  these  external
factors  have  moved in our favour. However, we  still  have
grounds for belief that raw material price pressure may well
ease   in   the  final  quarter,  although  we  expect   our
operational performance in the second half of the year  will
still be below our previously expected levels.

Looking  to  the  future,  the  strengthening  of  our North  
American   businesses  combined   with  the  success  of our 
Austrian operation gives us grounds  for cautious  optimism.  
We  will continue  to optimise the return on the significant 
strategic investments   made  in our businesses as  well  as  
examining other opportunities to maximise shareholder value.

Charles Godwin

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
Half-year ended 30 September 2000

                            Operating     Exceptional        Half-year        
                           activities           items     30 September   
                                 2000            2000             2000   
                      Notes      #000            #000             #000 
Turnover                  2    70,044               -           70,044 
Operating profit
continuing operations           4,013               -            4,013  
exceptional items                   -          (7,504)          (7,504)       
goodwill amortised               (437)         (3,002)          (3,439)       
Total operating profit  2,6     3,576         (10,506)          (6,930)       
Exceptional items 
relating to disposals 
of businesses             6         -             297              297

Profit on sale of property          -               -                -      

Interest                        1,228               -            1,228  
(Loss) profit on ordinary activities
before taxation
Profit before taxation
and exceptional items           2,348               -            2,348     
Exceptional items                   -         (10,209)         (10,209) 
Total (loss) profit on 
ordinary activities 
before taxation                 2,348         (10,209)          (7,861)

Taxation on (loss) profit on
ordinary activities
Taxation on profit before
exceptional items                 930               -              930  
Taxation relating to 
exceptional items                   -          (1,788)          (1,788)       
Total taxation on (loss)
profit on ordinary activities     930          (1,788)            (858)

(Loss) profit for the period    1,418          (8,421)          (7,003)  

Preference                                                          23     
Ordinary                                                         1,184
Retained (deficit) profit                                       (8,210)       

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account (Continued)
Half-year ended 30 September 2000

                                 Half-year                     Year
                              30 September                 31 March
                                      1999                     2000 
                      Notes           #000                     #000 
Turnover                  2         58,010                  125,545
Operating profit
continuing operations                6,025                   12,528
exceptional items                        -                   (1,742)       
goodwill amortised                    (281)                    (725)       
Total operating profit  2,6          5,744                   10,061           
Exceptional items 
relating to disposals 
of businesses             6           (221)                    (386)
Profit on sale of property               -                    1,740      

Interest                               660                    1,698  
(Loss) profit on ordinary activities
before taxation
Profit before taxation
and exceptional items                5,084                   10,105     
Exceptional items                     (221)                    (388)
Total (loss) profit on 
ordinary activities 
before taxation                      4,863                    9,717

Taxation on (loss) profit on
ordinary activities
Taxation on profit before
exceptional items                    1,660                    2,091 
Taxation relating to 
exceptional items                      354                        -           
Total taxation on (loss)
profit on ordinary activities        2,014                    2,091

(Loss) profit for the period         2,849                    7,626  

Preference                              23                       46   
Ordinary                             1,346                    5,465
                                     1,369                    5,511  
Retained (deficit) profit            1,480                    2,115


                                   Operating      Exceptional
                      Notes       activities            items     Total
(Loss) earnings per 
ordinary share
Half-year ended 
30 September 2000
- basic (pence)           8             0.67            (4.07)    (3.40)
- diluted (pence)         8             0.67            (4.07)    (3.40)
Half-year ended 
30 September 1999
- basic (pence)           8             1.64            (0.28)     1.36
- diluted (pence)         8             1.64            (0.28)     1.36
Year ended 31 March 2000
- basic (pence)           8             3.80            (0.18)     3.62
- diluted (pence)         8             3.80            (0.19)     3.61

Consolidated Balance Sheet
30 September 2000

                                 30 September    30 September    31 March
                                         2000            1999        2000
                                         #000            #000        #000
Fixed assets
Intangible assets                      14,381          17,455      16,384
Tangible assets                        64,919          61,439      64,304
                                       79,300          78,894      80,688
Current assets
Stocks                                 17,257          12,703      12,634
Debtors                                36,355          37,547      40,080
Cash at bank and short-term 
deposits                                6,685           6,828       8,637
                                       60,297          57,078      61,351

Amounts falling due within one year    70,916          63,244      69,531
Net current (liabilities)             (10,619)         (6,166)     (8,180)
Total assets less current
liabilities                            68,681          72,728      72,508

Amounts falling due after more
than one year                           3,191           6,159       3,503
Provisions for liabilities 
and charges                            10,565           5,299       5,949
Deferred income                             -              38          35
Net assets                             54,925          61,232      63,021

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                11,002          11,471      11,489
Reserves                               43,923          49,761      51,532
Total shareholders' funds              54,925          61,232      63,021

Attributable to:
Equity interests                       54,125          60,432      62,221
Non-equity interests                      800             800         800
                                       54,925          61,232      63,021

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
Half-year ended 30 September 2000

                                    Half-year         Half-year       Year
                                 30 September      30 September   31 March
                                         2000              1999       2000
                           Notes         #000              #000       #000
Net cash inflow from 
operating activities           3        1,782             4,400     10,664
Returns on investments and 
servicing of finance

Interest received                         102               207        345
Interest paid                          (1,316)             (913)    (2,124)
Interest element of finance
lease rental payments                      (2)               (3)        (9)
Dividends paid on non-equity 
shares                                    (23)              (23)       (46)
Net cash (outflow) from 
returns on investments
and servicing of finance               (1,239)             (732)    (1,834)
Taxation                               (1,178)           (5,554)    (4,086)
Capital expenditure
Purchases of tangible fixed assets     (1,816)           (7,771)   (13,816)
Sales of tangible fixed assets              4                64         76
Sales of properties held for resale     6,357                 -          -
                                        4,545            (7,707)   (13,740)
Acquisitions and disposals
Disposals of businesses                     -             3,856      3,939
Purchases of businesses        7       (6,303)          (10,291)   (10,370)
                                       (6,303)           (6,435)    (6,431)
Equity dividends paid                  (4,066)           (2,237)    (3,414)
Purchase of own shares                 (2,956)                -          -
Issue of ordinary share capital             -                 4          7
Costs of share issues                      (5)               (3)       (15)
Increase in short-term deposits             -            (3,955)         -
Loans advanced                          3,973                 -          -
Repayment of amounts borrowed          (5,296)           (5,000)   (12,744)
Capital element of finance lease 
rental payments                            (5)              (54)      (129)
Net cash (outflow) from financing      (4,289)           (9,008)   (12,881)
(Decrease) in cash             4      (10,748)          (27,273)   (31,722)

Total Recognised Gains and Losses
Half-year ended September 2000

                                   Half-year       Half-year        Year
                                30 September    30 September    31 March
                                        2000            1999        2000
                                        #000            #000        #000
(Loss) profit for the period          (7,003)          2,849       7,626
Exchange translation adjustments
on foreign currency net
investments                            3,075            (706)        338
Total recognised gains 
and losses for the period             (3,928)          2,143       7,964

Movement in Shareholders' Funds
Half-year ended 30 September 2000

                                   Half-year         Half-year       Year
                                30 September      30 September   31 March
                                        2000              1999       2000
                                        #000              #000       #000
(Loss) profit for the period          (7,003)            2,849      7,626
Dividends                             (1,207)           (1,369)    (5,511)
Scrip dividend adjustments                 -             1,822      1,941
                                      (8,210)            3,302      4,056
Purchase of own shares                (2,956)                -          -
Issue of ordinary share capital            -                 4          7
Costs of share issues                     (5)               (3)       (15)
Goodwill reinstated on disposal 
of business                                -             1,428      1,428
Exchange translation adjustments
on foreign currency net
investments                            3,075              (706)       338
(Decrease) increase in 
shareholders' funds                   (8,096)            4,025      5,814
Shareholders' funds at 
1 April 2000                          63,021            57,207     57,207
Shareholders' funds at 
30 September 2000                     54,925            61,232     63,021

Notes to the Interim Accounts

1. Basis of preparation
The  interim accounts for the half-year ended 30 September
2000   have   been  prepared  using  accounting   policies
consistent  with  those  set out  in  the  2000  Report  &
Accounts  and are unaudited. The consolidated  profit  and
loss  account, cash flow statement and statement of  total
recognised  gains and losses for the year ended  31  March
2000  and  the consolidated balance sheet as at that  date
are  an  abridged  version  of the  full  historical  cost
accounts  which  received  an unqualified  report  by  the
auditors  and  have  been  filed  with  the  Registrar  of

2. Turnover and operating profit
Area of activity

                            Half-year         Half-year           Year   
                         30 September      30 September       31 March        
                                 2000              1999           2000       
                                 #000              #000           #000       
Continuing operations

Specialist Coatings            24,160            25,347         49,153    
Fibres                         40,260            25,481         61,359    
Umbrella Frames                 5,624             7,182         15,033 

                               70,044            58,010        125,545 
Goodwill amortised                           
                               70,044            58,010        125,545 

Geographical area
                            Half-year         Half-year           Year    
                         30 September      30 September       31 March        
                                 2000              1999           2000    
Region of origin                 #000              #000           #000    
Continuing operations

United Kingdom                 33,805            37,860         76,107  
North America                  25,911            19,572         38,848  
Europe                         10,328               578         10,590 

                               70,044            58,010        125,545   
Goodwill amortised                           
                               70,044            58,010        125,545  

2. Turnover and operating profit (continued)
Area of activity

                                          operating profit
                            Half-year         Half-year           Year   
                         30 September      30 September       31 March        
                                 2000              1999           2000       
                                 #000              #000           #000       
Continuing operations

Specialist Coatings             1,330             2,622          5,034 
Fibres                          1,723             2,095          4,395
Umbrella Frames                   960             1,308          3,099

                                4,013             6,025         12,528
Goodwill amortised               (437)             (281)          (725)       
                                3,576             5,744         11,803 

Geographical area
                            Half-year         Half-year           Year    
                         30 September      30 September       31 March        
                                 2000              1999           2000    
Region of origin                 #000              #000           #000    
Continuing operations

United Kingdom                  1,597             3,973          7,892
North America                   1,755             2,036          3,915  
Europe                            661                16            721

                                4,013             6,025         12,528  
Goodwill amortised               (437)             (281)          (725)       
                                3,576             5,744         11,803

                              Half-year       Half-year        Year
                           30 September    30 September    31 March
                                   2000            1999        2000
Region of destination              #000            #000        #000

United Kingdom                   19,989          22,500      43,005
Europe                           21,081          14,623      40,580
North America                    26,938          19,907      39,576
Africa and Middle East              491             355         562
Australia and Far East            1,545             625       1,822
                                 70,044          58,010     125,545

Following the acquisition of the staple fibre business  of
American   Fibers   and  Yarns  Company,   the   business,
operational  and management systems of this facility  were
totally   integrated   within   an   existing   operation.
Therefore, it has not been possible to separately identify
the  results  of the acquired business. These results  are
combined  within the continuing operations of  the  Fibres

3.  Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash  inflow
from operating activities

                                     Half-year       Half-year        Year
                                  30 September    30 September    31 March
                                          2000            1999        2000
                                          #000            #000        #000
Operating profit before
exceptional items                        3,576           5,744      11,803
Depreciation                             3,478           2,914       6,064
Amortisation of goodwill                   437             281         725
Net cash (outflow) in respect 
of operating exceptional items            (480)              -           -
Net cash (outflow) in respect 
of prior year aborted
acquisition bid                         (1,409)              -        (540)
Net cash (outflow) in respect 
of previous fundamental
reorganisation                              (3)           (773)       (743)
Capital grants transfer                     (5)             (6)         (9)
(Increase) in stocks                    (2,502)         (1,550)     (1,405)
Decrease (increase) in debtors             596             805        (662)
(Decrease) in creditors                 (1,906)         (3,015)     (4,569)
Net cash inflow from 
operating activities                     1,782           4,400      10,664

4. Reconciliation to net debt

                                     Half-year        Half-year       Year
                                  30 September     30 September   31 March
                                          2000             1999       2000
                                          #000             #000       #000
(Decrease) in cash in the period       (10,748)         (27,273)   (31,722)
Decrease in debt and finance 
leasing                                  1,328            9,009     12,873
Change in net debt from cash flows     (9,420)          (18,264)   (18,849)
Loans relating to business acquired         -            (4,713)    (4,713)
Exchange adjustments                      207              (302)       469
Movement in net debt in the period     (9,213)          (23,279)   (23,093)
Net debt at 1 April 2000              (33,044)           (9,951)    (9,951)
Net debt at 30 September 2000         (42,257)          (33,230)   (33,044)

5. Analysis of net debt
                            1 April   Cash     Other   Exchange  30 September 
                               2000   flow  non-cash   movement          2000
                               #000   #000      #000       #000          #000
Cash at bank and in hand      8,637 (2,205)                 253         6,685 
Overdrafts and short-term 
facilities                  (30,515)(8,543)                  21       (39,037)
Debt due after more than
one year                     (3,496)     -       291         16        (3,189)
Debt due within one year     (7,584) 1,323      (291)       (83)       (6,635)
Finance leases                  (86)     5                                (81)
                            (33,044)(9,420)                 207       (42,257)

6. Exceptional items

As  part of a Group reorganisation during the period,  the
business  of  Chamberlain Coatings Limited was transferred
to  Speciality  Coatings (Darwen) Limited  and  production
ceased at Chamberlain's premises in Bishop Auckland.
An  analysis of the exceptional costs in relation  to  the
closure  of  the  Bishop  Auckland  operation  and   other
reorganisation  costs for the period  ended  30  September
2000 is as follows:

                                            Costs   relating to prior
                      Chamberlain     relating to        year aborted    2000
                         Coatings  reorganisation     acquisition bid   Total
                             #000            #000                #000    #000
Impairment provisions
Intangible fixed assets    (3,002)              -                   -  (3,002)
Tangible fixed assets      (2,359)              -                   -  (2,359)
Debtors                      (128)              -                   -    (128)
Provisions for liabilities (4,321)              -                   -  (4,321)
Capital grants                 30               -                   -      30
                           (9,780)              -                   -  (9,780)
Other costs (paid) 
relating to operating 
exceptional items            (220)            (82)               (209)   (511)
Other costs (accrued)
relating to operating
exceptional items               -            (215)                  -    (215)
Costs relating to
operating exceptional 
items                     (10,000)           (297)               (209)(10,506)
Release of provision against
deferred consideration from
prior year disposal             -             300                   -     300
(Loss) relating to previous
fundamental reorganisation      -              (3)                  -      (3)
Costs relating to non-operating 
exceptional items               -             297                   -     297
Total exceptional items   (10,000)              -                (209)(10,209)

Reconciliation to cash flow statement

                                          Costs  relating to prior
                      Chamberlain    relating to      year aborted    2000
                         Coatings reorganisation   acquisition bid   Total
                             #000           #000              #000    #000
Costs (paid) above           (220)           (82)             (209)   (511)
Net cash (outflow) 
relating to costs
provided in previous
years                           -           (178)           (1,200) (1,378)
Net cash (outflow) 
relating to operating
exceptional items            (220)          (260)           (1,409) (1,889)
Net cash (outflow) 
relating to previous
reorganisation                  -             (3)                -      (3)
                             (220)          (263)           (1,409) (1,892)

7. Acquisition of business

On  31  July  2000  the Group acquired  the  staple  fibre
business  and assets of American Fibers and Yarns Company,
a  producer  of  coloured polypropylene fibre  for  supply
primarily to the automotive industry.
Goodwill arising during the period, the majority of  which
relates to the acquisition of the staple fibre business of
American Fibers and Yarns Company, has been capitalised as
an  intangible  asset in the balance sheet  and  is  being
amortised over a period of 20 years.

Analysis of the provisional fair values of the net  assets

                                                          fair value to
                                                              the Group

Tangible fixed assets                                             1,930
Stocks                                                            1,767
Debtors                                                           2,441
Creditors due within one year                                       (24)

Net assets                                                        6,114

Cash (including costs)                                            7,564

Goodwill arising on acquisition                                   1,450

Cash flows relating to the acquisition

Cash outflow on acquisition of business:
Consideration                                                     7,564
Less costs accrued                                               (1,264)
Cash outflow relating to prior year acquisition                       3

Consideration per cash flow statement                             6,303

8. (Loss) earnings per ordinary share

                                      Basic earnings per share 
                          Half-year          Half-year              Year    
                       30 September       30 September          31 March      
                               2000               1999              2000    
                               #000               #000              #000    
(Loss) profit for 
the period                   (7,003)             2,849             7,626   
Dividends on preference 
shares                          (23)               (23)              (46)    
Exceptional items                 -                  -                 -      

(Loss) earnings 
attributable to
ordinary shareholders        (7,026)             2,826              7,580     
Weighted average 
number of ordinary 
shares in issue during
the period (000's)          206,867            207,716            209,463 
(Loss) earnings per
ordinary share (pence)        (3.40)              1.36               3.62     

8. (Loss) earnings per ordinary share (continued)

                            Earnings per share before exceptional items
                          Half-year          Half-year              Year    
                       30 September       30 September          31 March      
                               2000               1999              2000    
                               #000               #000              #000    
(Loss) profit for 
the period                   (7,003)             2,849             7,626   
Dividends on preference 
shares                          (23)               (23)              (46)    
Exceptional items             8,421                575               388 

(Loss) earnings 
attributable to
ordinary shareholders         1,395              3,401             7,968    
Weighted average 
number of ordinary 
shares in issue during
the period (000's)          206,867            207,716            209,463 
(Loss) earnings per
ordinary share (pence)         0.67              1.64               3.80     

                                        Diluted earnings per share
                                Half-year       Half-year        Year
                             30 September    30 September    31 March
                                     2000            1999        2000
                                     #000            #000        #000
(Loss) profit for the 
period                             (7,003)          2,849       7,626
Dividends on preference 
shares                                (23)            (23)        (46)
(Loss) earnings attributable 
to ordinary shareholders           (7,026)          2,826       7,580
Weighted average number of 
ordinary shares in issue during
the period (000's)                206,867         207,716     209,463

Dilutive effect of 
share options (000's)                   -             290         224
Adjusted weighted average 
number of ordinary shares in issue
during the period (000's)         206,867         208,006     209,687
(Loss) earnings per ordinary
share (pence)                       (3.40)           1.36        3.61

The  effect  of the exceptional items on the earnings  per
share for the current period is (4.07)p (1999: (0.28)p).

Distribution to shareholders

The Interim report will be despatched to shareholders on 6
December 2000. Copies may be obtained from  the  Company's
registered    office:   Chapelthorpe Hall,  Church   Lane, 
Chapelthorpe, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, WF4 3JB.

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