Core VCT I plc ("the Company")

Half-Yearly Report for the six months ended 30 June 2008

Investment Objective

Core VCT I plc ("Core VCT I", "the Company" or "the Fund") is a tax efficient
listed company which aims to achieve long-term capital and income growth and to
distribute tax free dividends comprising realised gains and investors' capital

Investment Approach

We invest management buyout and development capital, typically in:

  * Established, private companies, which show:
      + Sufficient operating critical mass, with an established economic model.
      + Quality management teams with the key skills in place to deliver a
        well-defined business model.
  * Amounts of �3 - �8 million in companies valued at �5 - �25 million.
Fund Structure

Core VCT I is structured as follows :-

  * No Annual Management fees
Only when Shareholders have received the first 60 pence of distributions, which
together with an assumed 40 pence of initial tax relief will have realised them
100 pence, will the Manager start to be entitled to 30% of distributions from
the Fund (for further information please see Note 1d) to the Accounts below).

  * Maximise distributions of income and capital
Core VCT I has a policy to distribute all proceeds from realised investments.
The Company has no fixed life but intends to naturally liquidate and distribute
its assets over time. The Manager's incentives are structured to align their
interests in delivering this liquidity for Shareholders as well as maximising
overall investment performance.

Investment Policy

Core VCT I intends to achieve its overall Investment Objective, consistent with
maintaining its qualifying status as a VCT, by pursuing the following
Investment Policy:-

  * Asset Allocation
The Company may invest all of its assets into private companies. These
investments are unquoted, and include, but are not limited to, Management
Buy-Outs (MBOs) and Development Capital for expansion or acquisition funding
for established companies. After 31 December 2007, the Company must have in
excess of 70% of its assets invested in Qualifying Investments as defined for
VCT purposes.

However, due to the nature of completing and realising such investments, and
the need to maintain some liquid reserves, there will inevitably be periods
when a proportion of its assets are not held in Unquoted Investments.

  * Risk Management
The Company's Asset Allocation includes a potentially large proportion of the
Company's assets to be held in Unquoted Investments. These investments are not
publicly traded and there is not a liquid market for them, and therefore these
investments may be difficult to realise.

The Company manages its investment risk within the restrictions of maintaining
its qualifying VCT status by using a number of methods commonly used in the
Private Equity industry, including :-

  * The active monitoring of its investments by the Manager;
  * Seeking the agreement of various rights associated with each investment,
    such as board representation, information rights, and veto rights;
  * Seeking to hold larger investment stakes by co-investing with other funds
    managed by the Manager, so as to gain more significant influence in the
    investment and to facilitate investing in larger companies which may reduce
    the risk compared to investing in smaller companies;
  * Ensuring a spread of investments is achieved.
The Company has no fixed life but intends to realise its assets over time, and
distribute all proceeds (net of costs) from its realised investments. This
process will naturally result in each retained investment representing an
increased proportion of the remaining net assets of the Company.

  * Gearing
The Company has the authority to borrow up to the amount paid on the issued
share capital and the amount standing to the credit of the reserves of the
Company but does not ordinarily take advantage of this authority.

As is common in the Private Equity industry, in many cases the Company makes
investments into Unquoted Companies which have, or may have, substantial
borrowings from third party lenders.

Performance Summary

Ordinary Shares                   30 June 2008  30 June 2007   31 December 2007
Net asset value per share          91.65 pence   98.32 pence       101.49 pence
Total return to date per share1    98.75 pence  101.42 pence       104.59 pence
Share price (mid-market)           79.50 pence   90.00 pence        90.00 pence
Earnings per share                (5.84) pence    3.39 pence         6.57 pence
Cumulative dividends paid per       7.10 pence    3.10 pence         3.10 pence
share since inception                                                          

B shares                          30 June 2008  30 June 2007   31 December 2007
Net asset value per share           1.00 pence    1.00 pence         1.00 pence
Total return to date per share1     1.00 pence    1.00 pence         1.00 pence
Share price (mid-market)            4.00 pence    4.50 pence         4.50 pence
Earnings per share                  0.00 pence    0.00 pence         0.00 pence
Dividends per share                 0.00 pence    0.00 pence         0.00 pence

1 Total return per share comprises closing net asset value per share plus
cumulative dividends per share paid to date.

Chairman's Statement


The Net Asset Value (NAV) total return per Ordinary Share was 98.75p as at 30
June 2008, comprising a NAV per Ordinary Share of 91.65p and cumulative
dividends paid of 7.10p per Ordinary Share. This is a decrease over the Total
Return to 31 December 2007 of 5.58%. A deficit of �639,060 was made during the
six month period, mainly due to the provisions made in the unquoted qualifying
investment portfolio, as referred to below.


Core VCT I is structured to maximise distributions of both capital and income
to Shareholders over the life of the Company. Following the completion of the
initial investment programme of the Fund by 31 December 2007, we are also
working towards returning the proportion of the Fund we do not intend to invest
into unquoted private equity investments, approximating to 30p per share. A
distribution of 4p per share was made in June. At the period end, there was
liquidity approximating to 14p per share and we intend to consider distributing
a proportion of this amount following the year end.


The Manager's Review refers in more detail to the prospects of the investment
portfolio, which now comprises eight investments with a cost of �8.10 million
and a valuation of �8.23 million. Although we are seeing good trading
performance in most of the portfolio, we have not increased the valuation of
any investment since the year end given the negative sentiment in the equity
markets. In addition, we have chosen to decrease the valuation of two of the
investments below cost. This portfolio is still relatively young, and whilst
the current climate will produce challenges it will also present acquisition
opportunities for companies in the portfolio, some of which may be funded from
internal resources.

Developments at the Manager

Core Capital LLP ("Core Capital" or "the Manager") has announced a new UK-wide
business partnership with Aberdeen Asset Management plc ("Aberdeen"). This
alliance is aimed at providing a wider pool of transaction opportunities to
Core Capital, and facilitating in the completion of larger investments both of
which should bring benefits to investors. In addition, Aberdeen will administer
the Core VCTs from 1 July 2008, and we hope that shareholders will benefit from
improvements in our communications in future. Further information on this
important development is contained in the Manager's Review.

Information for Shareholders

The Board supports open communication with investors and welcomes any comments
or questions you may have. As a result of Aberdeen's appointment as
administrator and company secretary, new contact details are provided at the
back of this Report.

Share Price

Both the Ordinary Shares (CR.) and the B Shares (CR.B) are fully listed shares.
Prices are available on and the Ordinary Share
price is published daily in the Financial Times. Shareholders are reminded that
their holding of B Shares forms an integral part of their investment along with
their holding of Ordinary Shares.

We are conscious that the mid price of the shares is at a discount to the Net
Asset Value. This discount has widened over recent months, as it has for many
other VCTs, which simply reflects the lack of liquidity in the secondary
market. In addition, whilst Core VCT I is able to buy back shares, we are not
anticipating making any share buy backs over the coming months so that we are
best placed as a Fund to maximise distributions made to all shareholders, as
referred to above. We would also remind shareholders that we view the NAV Total
Return, rather than the share price, as the preferred measure of performance,
as it encompasses the value of the current portfolio and the amount of cash
distributed to shareholders over the life of their investment.


The current economic and investment outlook is very uncertain, with sentiment
poor and liquidity, especially from banks, tightening. Our investments cannot
be immune from these economic pressures, although the active management that
goes into the portfolio is reaping benefits. In addition, whilst the Fund does
not plan to make new investments, there will be opportunities for our existing
investments to make acquisitions at lower prices and so take advantage of these

Peter Smaill

28 August 2008

Principal Risks and Uncertainties

The Company's assets consist of unquoted investments, securities, cash and
liquid resources. Its principal risks are therefore market risk, credit risk
and liquidity risk. Other risks faced by the Company include economic risks,
the loss of approval as a Venture Capital Trust, failure to comply with other
regulatory requirements, and broader risks such as reputational, operational
and financial risks. These risks, and the way in which they are managed, are
described in more detail in the Annual Report for the year ended 31 December
2007, in note 18 to the accounts. The Company's principal risks and
uncertainties have not changed materially since the date of that report and it
is not envisaged that there will be any changes to the risks and uncertainties
in the remaining six months of the financial year.

Related Party Transactions

Details of related party transactions in accordance with Disclosure and
Transparency Rule 4.2.8 can be found in Note 11 to the Accounts below.

Responsibility Statement

The Directors confirm that to the best of their knowledge:

 a. the condensed set of financial statements have been prepared under the fair
    value rules of the Companies Act 1985, applicable accounting standards, ASB
    Statement on Half-Yearly Financial Reporting and the 2003 Statement of
    Recommended Practice "Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies",
    revised December 2005, and give a true and fair view of the assets,
    liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the Company, as
    required by Disclosure & Transparency Rule 4.2.4; and
 b. the interim management report includes a fair review of the information
    required by Disclosure & Transparency Rules 4.2.7 - 8 in accordance with
    Disclosure & Transparency Rule 4.2.10.
For and on behalf of the Board:

Peter Smaill


Co-investment scheme of the Manager

A co-investment scheme has been agreed with the Manager for implementation
during the coming year which will allow executives and members of the Manager
to invest alongside the Company. The Directors believe that the scheme will
further the alignment of interests of the executives and the Company's
shareholders by creating a mechanism for executives to make an investment in
each transaction alongside the Company. In addition, the adoption of such a
scheme brings Core Capital into line with several other leading VCT managers,
and such a scheme is becoming an accepted incentive mechanism to enable the
Manager to attract and retain high quality investment executives in a highly
competitive market.

The scheme will operate through a nominee which will facilitate the investment
alongside the Company in unquoted investments, including any follow-on
investments. In an unlisted investment, the transaction will normally be
structured such that 70% to 90% of the investment is by way of fixed interest
instrument, loan note, or preferred instrument, and 30% to 10% in ordinary
shares. The amount which will be invested by the nominee company is fixed at up
to 5% of the value of the ordinary shares which are available to the Company.

Investment Portfolio Summary

As at 30 June 2008

                                Date of       Book cost    Valuation     % of net
                                initial                                 assets by
                              investment                                    value
                                                  �'000        �'000             
Qualifying investments                                                          
Kelway Holdings Limited      November 2006        1,162        1,912        18.9%
IT Services                                                                      
Colway Limited (trading as     May 2006           1,000        1,462        14.5%
London Graphic Centre)                                                           
Office and graphics supplies                                                     
Adapt Group Limited            June 2006            980        1,280        12.7%
(formerly Highpitch Limited)                                                     
Internet connections and                                                         
co-location services                                                             
Blanc Brasseries Holdings     April 2006          1,000        1,172        11.6%
Premium casual dining                                                            
Pureleaf Limited (Baxter     January 2007         1,212          819         8.1%
Removal company                                                                  
SPL Services Limited           July 2007          1,064          799         7.9%
Specialist courier company                                                       
focusing on the medical                                                          
Ma Hubbards Limited            July 2005          1,500          658         6.5%
Managed freehold pubs                                                            
                                           ------------ ------------ ------------
Total qualifying investments                      7,918        8,102       80.3%1
                                           ------------ ------------ ------------
Non-qualifying investments                                                       
Kelway Holdings Limited        June 2008            139           97         1.0%
IT Services                                                                      
Augentius Fund               October 2006            30           30         0.3%
Administration LLP                                                               
Fund administrator                                                               
Core Holdings I Limited2      March 2007            501          510         5.0%
Core Holdings III Limited2    March 2007            502          468         4.6%
Short-dated variable rate                           449          447         4.4%
Listed securities                                    80           77         0.8%
                                           ------------ ------------ ------------
Total non-qualifying                              1,701        1,629        16.1%
                                           ------------ ------------ ------------
Total investments                                 9,619        9,731        96.4%
                                                =======      =======      =======
Current assets                                                   391         3.9%
Current liabilities                                             (27)       (0.3%)
                                                        ------------ ------------
Net assets                                                    10,095       100.0%
                                                             =======      =======
1 Book value of total qualifying investments represents 80.3%of the total book   
value of investments. The VCT investment tests are measured broadly on original  
cost of investments, including cash balances, and this gives the figure of       
84.89% in relation to maintaining a minimum of 70% of total investments          
invested in qualifying investments from 31 December 2007 onwards.                
2 The Core Holdings companies have been set up for the purpose of acquiring      
future investments.                                                              

Managers' Review

Investment Highlights

  * The investment portfolio now comprises eight investments with a cost of �
    8.10 million and a value of �8.23 million;
  * Trading is meeting or exceeding our expectations in most businesses.
    Valuations, however, have not been increased, reflecting the uncertainty in
    the equity and other markets; and
  * Core Capital has announced a new partnership with Aberdeen, giving us
    access to additional funds and investment opportunities, and an enhanced
    administrative and support infrastructure;

Overall, we are pleased with the current trading and prospects of most of the
investments in the portfolio, although we are vigilant to problems that might
arise as the economic climate worsens. We have made no material increases in
the valuations of any of the investments, but have made a provision against one
investment, SPL Services, reflecting the weaker short term trading being
experienced. Conversely, we anticipate that there will be attractive
acquisition opportunities available over the next 12 months or so, and we are
working to continue to ensure that certain of the existing investments are well
placed to take advantage.

Given the relatively young average age of the investments, we are not planning
any realisations and we would expect the current climate to delay the timeframe
for achieving attractive exits.

With the initial investment programme of the fund now completed, we have made
no new investments and have invested a further �326,000 into three existing
portfolio companies.

Each investment is described below:

  * Kelway Holdings Limited              Cost �1,301,000, Valuation �2,009,000
Kelway is a fast growing IT reseller targeting organisations with 250 to 1,000
employees. Since the date of our investment, turnover has increased to �97
million in the year ended 31 March 2008. This reflects the successful
completion and integration of a major acquisition completed last year and the
strong overall performance of the business. This business has the capacity to
make further acquisitions and has a low overall level of bank gearing.

  * Ma Hubbards Limited                  Cost �1,500,000, Valuation �658,000
The business operates freehold pubs offering value for money food in the North
Midlands. This investment has the benefit of freehold property which supports
the valuation of the investment, although these valuations have fallen in line
with values of pub businesses generally. Current trading is holding up well in
a difficult climate, and we are in the process of de-gearing this investment to
provide additional funds to freshen up the concept. This investment is
syndicated with Electra VCTs.

  * Blanc Brasseries Holdings plc        Cost �1,000,000, Valuation �1,172,000
Blanc Brasseries now operates 7 units and plans to open a number of new units
this year. The business model has been successfully re-worked and trading from
the new and refurbished units is ahead of expectations. We are however mindful
that the climate for consumers is likely to worsen and there are significant
cost pressures in the leisure industry which require careful management. We
have yet to see better economic terms for new sites, but this business is well
placed to take advantage when this does occur.

  * Pureleaf Limited
    (Baxter International)               Cost �1,212,000 Valuation �819,000
Baxters is a long established removals and storage business with substantial
freehold property and a long standing relationship with the Ministry of
Defence, for whom Baxters carries out a significant amount of long term

As reported in the accounts to 31 December 2007, we have settled our claims
against the vendors to our satisfaction. However, we have chosen to maintain
the provision against the cost of this investment but anticipate a release of
this as we see the benefits of the settlement in the actual trading results.
This business has no senior bank gearing and significant unencumbered freehold

  * Colway Limited                       Cost �1,000,000, Valuation �1,462,000
Colway is a long established office and graphic supplies business. Since our
original investment, the business has completed four acquisitions and we are
actively pursuing a `buy & build' model to increase the scale of this business.
Turnover has grown from �15.5 million at the date of our investment to over �20
million in the year ended 31 March 2008. Whilst we can expect some impact from
the tougher economic climate, we are planning to take advantage of further
acquisition opportunities as they arise.

  * Adapt Group Limited (formerly
    Highpitch Limited)                   Cost �980,040 Valuation �1,280,000
Adapt is a virtual network operator (VNO) providing telecoms solutions to small
and medium sized businesses.

Adapt has traded in line with expectations. Our investment is structured as a
high yielding investment, and we have received �57k since inception in addition
to the valuation increase over cost as detailed above.

  * SPL Services Limited                 Cost �1,064,000, Valuation �799,000
SPL Services is a specialist logistics business servicing the pharmaceutical
sector. Whilst this business operates in an attractive market, it is
characterised by long term contracts and relationships; growth can therefore
take some time to be evidenced and we have made a provision against the cost of
this investment to reflect the weaker than expected short term trading. In
addition, we have invested in additional resources primarily in sales,
established an operation in India and are re-locating in the UK, and have
invested a further �62k in the period. We believe these actions will result in
the successful outcome from a number of significant tender contracts which
would restore growth to the business.

  * Augentius Fund Administration LLP    Cost �30,144, Valuation �30,144
Augentius is a leading onshore administrator of private equity funds and was
formerly Ansbacher Fund Services. The business operates from London and
Guernsey and provides out-sourced administration services to many leading
private equity and property funds.

This small investment has a cash yield of 9.5%. The business is trading to
expectations, but we have made no increase in the valuation given the
immaterial size of this investment.

Developments at Core Capital

Core Capital and Aberdeen have agreed a new UK-wide business partnership, aimed
at leveraging the respective strengths of both businesses to provide the best
possible returns for our investors.

Under the terms of this agreement, Core Capital and Aberdeen will operate as
one team, sharing transactions and offering an integrated package of finance
for fast growing SMEs and will manage in excess of �200m in funds.

This alliance will bring significant benefits to investors, providing access to
a wider pool of transactions with broader geographical and risk

Aberdeen will also provide back-office administration, accounting and investor
relations services to the Core Funds and the new contact details are set out at
the back of this report.

Unaudited Income Statement

(incorporating the Revenue Account of the Company for the six months ended 30
June 2008)

                                      Six months ended                   Six months ended
                                          30 June 2008                       30 June 2007
                                            (unaudited)                        (unaudited)

                Notes    Revenue    Capital      Total      Revenue    Capital      Total
                               �          �          �            �          �          �
Unrealised        8            -  (554,822)  (554,822)            -    332,066    332,066
on investments                                                                           
Realised          8            -   (73,020)   (73,020)            -   (81,796)   (81,796)
on investments                                                                           
Income            5       69,091          -     69,091      224,252          -    224,252
Transaction     1 d)       (536)    (2,223)    (2,759)      (2,100)   (10,336)   (12,436)
costs and                                                                                
Other expenses          (77,550)          -   (77,550)     (72,817)          -   (72,817)
                      ---------- ---------- ----------   ---------- ---------- ----------
(Loss)/return            (8,995)  (630,065)  (639,060)      149,335    239,934    389,269
on ordinary                                                                              
before taxation                                                                          
Tax on ordinary   6            -          -          -     (19,124)      1,186   (17,938)
                      ---------- ---------- ----------   ---------- ---------- ----------
(Loss)/return            (8,995)  (630,065)  (639,060)      130,211    241,120    371,331
attributable to                                                                          
                          ======     ======     ======       ======     ======     ======
(Loss)/return     7      (0.08)p    (5.76)p    (5.84)p        1.19p      2.20p      3.39p
per 1p Ordinary                                                                          
Dividends paid                 �          �          �            �          �          �
Final dividend           164,018    273,364    437,382            -          -          -
paid for year                                                                            
ended 31                                                                                 
December 2007                                                                            
of 4.0p per                                                                              
Final dividend                 -          -          -      229,836          -    229,836
paid for year                                                                            
ended 31                                                                                 
December 2006                                                                            
of 2.10p per                                                                             

                               Year ended 31 December 2007

                  Notes      Revenue    Capital      Total
                                   �          �          �
Unrealised          8              -    611,917    611,917
(losses)/gains on                                         
Realised (losses)   8              -     23,713     23,713
/gains on                                                 
Income              5        323,073          -    323,073
Transaction costs  1 d)      (2,725)   (28,220)   (30,945)
and investment                                            
Other expenses             (210,585)          -  (210,585)
                          ---------- ---------- ----------
Return/(loss) on             109,763    607,410    717,173
activities before                                         
Tax on ordinary     6        (3,012)      4,280      1,268
                          ---------- ---------- ----------
Return/(loss)                106,751    611,690    718,441
attributable to                                           
                              ======     ======     ======
Return/(loss) per   7          0.98p      5.59p      6.57p
1p Ordinary share                                         
Dividends paid                     �          �          �
Final dividend                     -          -          -
paid for year                                             
ended 31 December                                         
2007 of 4.0p per                                          
Final dividend               229,836          -    229,836
paid for year                                             
ended 31 December                                         
2006 of 2.10p per                                         

Unaudited Balance Sheet
As at 30 June 2008

                                   As at           As at               As at
                                 30 June    30 June 2007    31 December 2007
                             (unaudited)     (unaudited)           (audited)
                      Notes            �               �                   �
Non-current assets                                                          
Investments at fair     8      9,731,256      11,391,859          10,890,734
Current Assets                                                              
Debtors and                      344,501         814,842             195,362
Cash at bank                      46,562       (260,548)             141,831
                              ----------      ----------          ----------
                                 391,063         554,294             337,193
Creditors: amounts              (27,822)     (1,122,324)            (56,988)
falling due within                                                          
one year                                                                    
                              ----------      ----------          ----------
Net current assets/              363,241       (568,030)             280,205
                              ----------      ----------          ----------
Net assets                    10,094,497      10,823,829          11,170,939
                                 =======         =======             =======
Capital and reserves    9                                                   
Called up Ordinary               109,346         109,346             109,346
Share capital                                                               
Called up B Share                 72,964          72,964              72,964
Capital redemption                   100             100                 100
Share premium account          5,113,629       5,113,629           5,113,629
Capital reserve -                111,273         435,180             647,890
Capital reserve -              (146,483)       (210,895)            (53,035)
Special distributable          4,831,261       5,104,625           5,104,625
Revenue reserve                    2,407         198,880             175,420
                              ----------      ----------          ----------
Total equity                  10,094,497      10,823,829          11,170,939
shareholders' funds                                                         
                                 =======         =======             =======
Net asset value per                                                         
share (attributable                                                         
assets basis)                                                               
Net asset value per     10        91.65p          98.32p             101.49p
1p Ordinary Share                                                           
Net asset value per     10        1.00 p           1.00p               1.00p
1p B Share                                                                  

Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds
for the six months ended 30 June 2008

                               Six months       Six months         Year ended
                                    ended            ended                   
                             30 June 2008     30 June 2007               2007
                                        �                �                  �
Opening shareholders           11,170,939       10,691,338         10,691,338
Net share capital bought                -          (9,004)            (9,004)
back in the period                                                           
(Loss)/profit for the           (639,060)          371,331            718,441
Dividends paid in period        (437,382)        (229,836)          (229,836)
                            -------------    -------------      -------------
Closing shareholders'          10,094,497       10,823,829         11,170,939
                                 ========         ========           ========

Unaudited Summarised Cash Flow Statement
For the six months ended 30 June 2008

                                Six months        Six months         Year ended
                                     ended    ended 30 June         31 December            
                              30 June 2008              2007               2007
                               (unaudited)       (unaudited)          (audited)
                     Notes               �                 �                  �
Operating activities                                                           
Income received                    119,245           210,809            293,081
Transaction costs                  (2,468)           (9,810)           (14,820)
Other cash payments              (136,868)         (121,399)          (194,866)
                             -------------     -------------      -------------
Net cash (outflow)/               (20,091)            79,600             83,395
inflow from                                                                    
operating activities                                                           
UK Corporation tax                       -                 -           (55,992)
Investing activities                                                           
Acquisitions of        8       (1,749,357)       (2,771,239)        (4,347,071)
Disposals of           8         2,111,561         2,508,838          4,539,246
                             -------------     -------------      -------------
Net cash inflow/                   362,204         (262,401)            192,175
(outflow) from                                                                 
investing activities                                                           
Equity dividends                 (437,382)         (229,836)          (229,836)
                             -------------     -------------      -------------
Cash (outflow)/                   (95,269)         (412,637)           (10,258)
inflow before                                                                  
financing and liquid                                                           
resource management                                                            
Share capital bought                     -           (9,004)            (9,004)
                             -------------     -------------      -------------
(Decrease)/increase               (95,269)         (421,641)           (19,262)
in cash for the                                                                
                                   =======           =======            =======

Reconciliation of revenue return before taxation to net cash (outflow)/inflow
from operating activities

For the six months ended 30 June 2008

                                 Six months       Six months         Year ended
                                      ended            ended        31 December
                               30 June 2008     30 June 2007               2007
                                (unaudited)      (unaudited)          (audited)
                                          �                �                  �
Revenue return before               (8,995)          149,335            109,763
Investment management fees          (2,223)         (10,336)           (28,220)
charged to capital                                                             
Increase/(decrease) in               20,293         (31,556)             13,020
(Decrease)/increase in             (29,166)         (27,843)           (11,168)
                              -------------    -------------      -------------
Net cash (outflow)/inflow          (20,091)           79,600             83,395
from operating activities                                                      
                                   ========         ========           ========

Notes to the unaudited financial statements

 1. Principal accounting policies
A summary of the principal accounting policies, all of which have been applied
consistently throughout the period, is set out below:

 a. Basis of accounting
The accounts have been prepared under the fair value rules of the Companies Act
1985, and in accordance with United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting
Practice, consistent with the accounting policies set out in the audited
statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2007 and, to the extent that
it does not conflict with the Companies Act 1985, and UK accounting standards,
the 2003 Statement of Recommended Practice, `Financial Statements of Investment
Trust Companies', revised December 2005, amended October 2006.

 b. Presentation of Income Statement
In order to better reflect the activities of a VCT and in accordance with the
SORP, supplementary information which analyses the Income Statement between
items of a revenue and capital nature has been presented alongside the total
column. The revenue return is the measure the Directors believe appropriate in
assessing the Company's compliance with certain requirements set out in Section
274 Income Tax Act 2007.

 c. Investments
All investments held by the Company are classified as at "fair value through
profit and loss". For investments actively traded in organised financial
markets, fair value is generally determined by reference to Stock Exchange
market quoted bid prices at the close of business on the balance sheet date.

Unquoted investments are valued by the Directors in accordance with the
following rules, which are consistent with the International Private Equity
Venture Capital Valuation (IPEVCV) guidelines published in 2005:

 i. Investments which have been made in the last 12 months are valued at fair
    value, which unless another methodology gives a better indication of fair
    value, will be at cost.
ii. Investments in companies at an early stage of their development are valued
    at fair value, which unless another methodology gives a better indication
    of fair value, will be at cost.
iii. Where investments have gone beyond the stage in their development in (ii)
    above, the shares may be valued, in the absence of overriding factors, by
    applying a suitable price-earnings ratio to that company's maintainable
    earnings (the ratio used being based on a comparable listed company or
    sector but the resulting value being discounted to reflect lack of
    marketability). Where overriding factors apply, alternative methods of
    valuation will be used. These may include the application of a material
    arms length transaction by an independent third party, cost, cost less
    provision for impairment, discounted cash flow, or a net asset basis.
iv. Where a value is indicated by a material arms-length transaction by a third
    party in the shares of a company, this value will be used.
 v. Where a company's underperformance against plan indicates a permanent
    diminution in the value of the investment, provision against cost is made
    and charged to the realised capital reserve.
 d. Transaction costs and investment management expense
The Company is responsible for any external costs such as legal or accounting
fees incurred on transactions that do not proceed to completion. Such
transaction costs, along with other transaction costs, are charged 100% against

The Board have considered the intrinsic value of the B shares allotted to the
Manager at the period end, as the valuation should be considered over the
period of the Manager's service. The resulting valuation, less the amount
subscribed by the Manager for these shares, is spread over the estimated
investing period.

Given the inherent uncertainties in projecting the investment performance of
the Manager (which will ultimately determine the value of the B shares) the
Board consider that the fair value of these shares at the period end is �
54,723, being 1p per share. This is the subscription price paid by the Manager,
and as the Manager has paid this value in cash, there is no investment
management expense attributable to Core Capital LLP in the current period.

75% of the investment management expense attributable to Credit Suisse is
charged against capital. This is in line with the Board's expected long-term
split of returns from the investment portfolio of the Company.

Third party transaction costs arose from aborted transactions where such costs
were not otherwise recoverable. Under the agreement with the manager, these
costs are to be borne by the Company and by the other VCTs managed by Core
Capital. The amount of such costs for the period ended 30 June 2008 is �nil (30
June 2007: �3,531; 31 December 2007: �18,817).

 e. Income
Dividends receivable on quoted equity shares are brought into account on the
ex-dividend date. Dividends receivable on unquoted equity shares are brought
into account when the Company's right to receive payment is established and
there is no reasonable doubt that payment will be received. Fixed returns on
non-equity shares are recognised on a time apportionment basis so as to reflect
the effective yield, provided there is no reasonable doubt that payment will be
received in due course. Fixed returns on debt securities are recognised on a
time-apportioned basis so as to reflect the effective yield. Provisions are
made against such income receivable as soon as it is considered doubtful that
such income will be received.

f) Expenses

All expenses are accounted for on an accruals basis. Expenses are charged
wholly to revenue, with the exception of expenses incidental to the acquisition
or disposal of an investment, which are charged to the capital column of the
Income Statement.

g) Taxation

Deferred tax is recognised in respect of all timing differences that have
originated but not reversed at the balance sheet date where transactions or
events that result in an obligation to pay more tax in the future or a right to
pay less tax in the future have occurred at the balance sheet date. Timing
differences are differences between the Company's taxable profits and its
results as stated in the financial statements.

Deferred tax is measured at the average tax rates that are expected to apply in
the periods in which the timing differences are expected to reverse based on
tax rates and laws that have been enacted or substantially enacted at the
balance sheet date. Deferred tax is measured on a non-discounted basis.

Any tax relief obtained in respect of management fees allocated to capital is
reflected in the capital reserve - realised and a corresponding amount is
charged against revenue. The tax relief is the amount by which corporation tax
payable is reduced as a result of these capital expenses.

 2. The revenue column of the Income Statement is the profit and loss account
    of the Company. There were no other gains and losses in the six months
    ended 30 June 2008, or the comparative periods.
 3. All revenue and capital items in the Income Statement derive from
    continuing operations.
 4. Earnings for the six months ended 30 June 2008 should not be taken as a
    guide to the results for the year ending 31 December 2008.
 5. Income
              Six months           Six months                   Year                  
                   ended                ended               ended 31              
                 30 June              30 June               December              
                    2008                 2007                   2007              
             (unaudited)          (unaudited)              (audited)
                       �                    �                      �
Dividends         22,709               48,676                 90,817
Fixed and         16,629               74,056                 74,222
Loan              24,003               94,382                145,374
Bank               5,750                7,138                 12,660
           -------------        -------------          -------------
                  69,091              224,252                323,073
                ========             ========               ========

Loan stock income above is stated after providing against �66,578 of loan
interest receivable recognised in the previous year.

 6. Taxation
There is no tax charge for the period, as taxable losses have been incurred for
the period.

 7. Earnings and return per share

                 Six months           Six months                Year                  
                      ended                ended            ended 31              
                    30 June              30 June            December              
                       2008                 2007                2007              
                (unaudited)          (unaudited)           (audited)
                          �                    �                   �

i) Total            (639,060)            371,331             718,441
Basic                 (5.84)p              3.39p               6.57p
per share                                                           
ii) Net               (8,995)            130,211             106,751
Revenue               (0.08)p              1.19p               0.98p
return per                                                          
Net                  (73,020)           (81,796)              23,713
Net                 (554,822)            332,066             611,917
Capital               (2,223)            (9,150)            (23,940)
iii) Total          (630,065)            241,120             611,690
Capital               (5.76)p              2.20p               5.59p
return per                                                          
iv)                10,934,571         10,941,588          10,938,050
number of                                                           
shares in                                                           
issue in                                                            
the period                                                          

The basic earnings, revenue return and capital return per share shown above for
each period are respectively based on numerators i)-iii), each divided by iv),
the weighted average number of shares in issue in the period.

None of the returns to date are attributable to the B shares. Accordingly, no
diluted earnings and return per share are disclosed.

 8. Summary of investments during the period

                              Unlisted             Investments   Fixed and                                    
              Fully listed    ordinary  Loan stock          in    variable   Funds and       Total            
                                shares              associated    interest      trusts                        
                                         companies  securities                                    
                         �           �           �           �           �           �           �
Valuation at 1     385,285   3,250,242   5,256,148   1,008,366           -     990,693  10,890,734
January 2008                                                                                      
Purchases at        47,360     200,866     125,000           -   1,130,670      76,029   1,579,925
Sales -          (422,752)           -    (87,500)           -   (679,358)   (921,951) (2,111,561)
    - realised      74,536           -           -           -     (2,785)   (144,771)    (73,020)
Movement in        (7,259)    (62,226)   (453,020)    (30,369)     (1,948)           -   (554,822)
               ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
Valuation at        77,170   3,388,882   4,840,628     977,997     446,579           -   9,731,256
30 June 2008                                                                                      
               ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
Book cost at        80,035   2,413,880   5,674,422   1,003,119     448,527           -   9,619,983
30 June 2008                                                                                      
Unrealised         (2,865)     975,002   (833,794)    (25,122)     (1,948)           -     111,273
at 30 June                                                                                        
               ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
Valuation at        77,170   3,388,882   4,840,628     977,997     446,579           -   9,731,256
30 June 2008                                                                                      
                    ======      ======      ======      ======      ======      ======      ======

Reconciliation of cash movements in investment transactions

Purchases of investments above exclude �169,432 held with solicitors awaiting
completion . Adding this amount to purchases above equals acquisitions of �
1,749,357 as shown in the summarised cash flow statement.

 9. Capital and reserves
             Called up ordinary Called up B     Capital       Share  Unrealised            
                  share capital       share  redemption     premium     capital            
                                    capital     reserve     account     reserve            
                              �           �           �           �           �
At 1 January 2008       109,346      72,964         100   5,113,629     647,890
Losses on disposal            -           -           -           -           -
of investments                                                                 
Unrealised                    -           -           -           -   (554,822)
movements in fair                                                              
Costs of investment           -           -           -           -           -
Management fees on            -           -           -           -           -
Credit Suisse                                                                  
Realisation of                -           -           -           -      18,205
movements in fair                                                              
Net loss for the              -           -           -           -           -
Dividends paid                -           -           -           -           -
                    ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
At 30 June 2008         109,346      72,964         100   5,113,629     111,273

                         Realised       Special                         
                          capital distributable     Revenue             
                          reserve       reserve     reserve        Total
                                �             �           �            �
At 1 January 2008        (53,035)     5,104,625     175,420   11,170,939
Losses on disposal       (73,020)             -           -     (73,020)
of investments                                                          
Unrealised movements            -             -           -    (554,822)
in fair value                                                           
Costs of investment         (616)             -           -        (616)
Management fees on        (1,607)             -           -      (1,607)
Credit Suisse                                                           
Realisation of           (18,205)             -           -            -
unrealised movements                                                    
in fair value                                                           
Net loss for the                -             -     (8,995)      (8,995)
Dividends paid                  -     (273,364)   (164,018)    (437,382)
                     -----------    ----------- -----------  -----------
At 30 June 2008         (146,483)     4,831,261       2,407   10,094,497

10. Net asset values
The Net Asset Values per share, as disclosed on the balance sheet, are based on
attributable assets at the date of the balance sheet and assume that no
break-up of the Company will occur. The Board consider that the Articles basis
reflects the attribution of assets between the two classes of shares that would
occur in the event that a liquidation of the Company took place. On
liquidation, B shareholders could be entitled to up to 40% of the assets
remaining after Ordinary shareholders first recover their effective initial
cost of 60 pence per share plus the annual hurdle rates due to both share
classes, achieved up to the date of liquidation.

At this early stage in the Company's life, the Board considers that liquidation
is unlikely, and that attributing to the B shares purely the capital
contributed of 1 penny per share reflects the Board's best estimate at 30 June
2008 of the B shares' entitlement to assets at 30 June, given the inherent
uncertainties in projecting the investment performance of the Manager (which
will ultimately determine the B shares' entitlement to the Company's assets).

The Net Asset Values per share have been calculated by reference to the numbers
of shares in issue at 30 June 2008, as follows:

                                         As at 30 June 2008  As at 30 June 2007
                                                          �                   �
Share capital                                                                  
10,934,571 (30 June 2007: 10,934,571)               109,346             109,346
1p ordinary shares                                                             
7,296,381 (30 June 2007: 7,296,381) 1p               72,964              72,964
B shares                                                                       
                                                -----------         -----------
                                                    182,310             182,310
1p Ordinary shares                       Total attributable     Net asset value
                                                 net assets   (pence per share)
In accordance with the Articles                   8,680,995              79.39p
Additional entitlement to assets on the           1,340,538              12.26p
attributed basis                                                               
                                                -----------         -----------
Attributed basis                                 10,021,533              91.65p
                                                    =======             =======
1p B shares                                                                    
In accordance with the Articles                   1,413,502            (18.37)p
Reduced entitlement to assets on the            (1,340,538)              19.37p
attributed basis                                                               
                                                -----------         -----------
Attributed basis                                     72,964               1.00p
                                                    =======             =======

11. Related party transactions
Lord Walker is also a Director of Caparo plc, which is a member of the Manager,
Core Capital LLP. No amounts have been paid or are payable to Caparo plc.

12. The financial information for the six months ended 30 June 2008 and 30 June
    2007 has neither been audited nor reviewed.
13. The information for the year to 31 December 2007 does not comprise full
    financial statements within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act
    1985. The financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2007 have
    been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The auditors have reported on
    these financial statements and that report was unqualified and did not
    contain a statement under section 237(2) of the Companies Act 1985.
14. Copies of this statement are being sent to all shareholders. Further copies
    are available free of charge from the Company's registered office, One Bow
    Churchyard, London, EC4M 9HH.
Shareholder enquiries:

For information on your holding, to notify the Company of a change of address
or to request a dividend mandate form (should you wish to have future dividends
paid directly into your bank account) please contact the Company's Registrars,
Capita IRG plc, Northern House, Woodsome Park, Fennay Bridge, Huddersfield HD8
0LA (Tel: 0871 664 0300 (calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras), if
calling from overseas dial +44 208 639 3399) or should you prefer visit their
website at

For enquiries concerning the performance of the Company, please contact the
Investment Manager at Core Capital LLP:

Stephen Edwards on 020 7317 0150 or by e-mail on

Walid Fakhry on 020 7317 0145 or by e-mail on

For other Shareholder enquiries, including the sale of shares, please contact
the Company Secretary and Administrator, Aberdeen Asset Management plc
Sutherland House, 149 St Vincent Street, Glasgow G2 5NW (telephone 0845 300
2830) or alternatively visit their website, email:

Corporate Information

Peter Smaill (Chairman)                                                        
Lord Walker                                                                    
John Brimacombe                                                                
All of whom are non-executive and of:       Solicitors                         
One Bow Churchyard                          SJ Berwin                          
London                                      10 Queen Street Place              
EC4M 9HH                                    London                             
                                            EC4R 1BE                           
Secretary and administrator                 Auditors                           
Aberdeen Asset Management plc               Ernst & Young LLP                  
Sutherland House                            1 More London Place                
149 St Vincent Street                       London                             
Glasgow                                     SE1 2AF                            
G2 5NW                                                                         
Investment Manager                          Bankers                            
Core Capital LLP                            Bank of Scotland                   
103 Baker Street                            PO Box No. 39900 Level 7           
London                                      Bishopsgate Exchange               
W1U 6LN                                     155 Bishopsgate                    
                                            London EC2M 3YB                    
VCT Tax Adviser                             Sponsor and Promoter               
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP                  Collins Stewart Limited            
1 Embankment Place                          9th Floor                          
London                                      88 Wood Street                     
WC2N 6RH                                    London EC2V 7QR                    
Receiving Agent                             Stockbroker                        
Capita IRG plc                              Brewin Dolphin Securities Limited  
PO Box 166                                  PO Box 512                         
The Registry                                National House                     
34 Beckenham Road                           36 St Ann Street                   
Beckenham                                   Manchester M60 2EP                 
Kent BR3 4TU                                                                   
Cash Assets Investment Manager              Registrar                          
Credit Suisse                               Capita Registrars Limited          
Private Banking, London Branch              Northern House                     
17th Floor                                  Woodsome Park                      
1 Cabot Square                              Fennay Bridge                      
London E14 4QJ                              Huddersfield HD8 0LA               
                                                           Company No : 5258348


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