Charles Taylor plc ("the Company") 
The Company announces that outstanding share awards granted under the Charles 
Taylor Deferred Annual Bonus Plan (DABP), the Charles Taylor Long Term 
Incentive Plans (LTIP) and the Charles Taylor Sharesave Scheme (Sharesave) have 
vested and, where relevant, became exercisable on 16 January 2020.  Awards have 
vested as a result of the Court sanction of the Scheme of Arrangement as 
announced on 16 January 2020 pursuant to which the acquisition of the entire 
issued share capital of the Company by Jewel BidCo Limited at a price of 345p 
per share will be implemented. Accordingly, the executive directors and other 
Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibility (PDMRs) listed below have become 
the legal and beneficial owners of ordinary shares of 1p each in the Company 
(Shares) as shown. Such Shares will be transferred to Jewel BidCo Limited 
pursuant to the Scheme of Arrangement in the same manner as applies to Shares 
held by all other Company shareholders. Following such transfers, the executive 
directors and other PDMRs will have no remaining interests in Shares. 
The table below shows the number of shares in respect of which awards vested 
under each incentive plan, which were either issued directly to the recipients, 
or transferred into the recipients' names by the Trustee of the Charles Taylor 
Employees' Share Ownership Plan, in each case in the same manner as other 
participants in the incentive plans: 
Executive        DABP - number of      LTIP - number of   Sharesave - number 
Director:        shares vesting:(i)    shares vesting:    of shares vesting: 
                                       (ii)               (iii) 
David Marock     90,130                141,571            1,365 
Damian Ely       26,816                58,283             1,365 
Mark Keogh       15,230                60,922             N/A 
PDMR:            DABP - number of      LTIP - number of   Sharesave - number 
                 shares vesting:       shares vesting:    of shares vesting: 
Suzanne Deery    49,017                11,705             1,365 
Jeremy Grose     147,843               13,770             1,365 
Alistair Hardie  N/A                   9,591              N/A 
Ivan Keane       28,472                11,705             1,365 
Jeffrey More     36,139                11,705             N/A 
Jason Sahota     65,355                31,920             N/A 
Richard Wood     69,814                11,705             1,167 
Richard Yerbury  81,842                28,673             N/A 
 i. In accordance with the rules of the DABP, and as more fully described in 
    the circular sent to Company shareholders in connection with the Scheme of 
    Arrangement, DABP awards vested in full. 
ii. The LTIP awards have vested as follows: 
     a. LTIP 2017 Grant: the vesting of awards was subject to performance 
        conditions and time prorating which resulted in the awards vesting at 
        46% of the maximum allocation. 
     b. LTIP 2018 Grant: the vesting of awards was subject to performance 
        conditions and time prorating which resulted in the awards vesting at 
        29% of the maximum allocation. 
     c. LTIP 2019 Grant: the vesting of awards was subject to performance 
        conditions and time prorating which resulted in the awards vesting at 
        25% of the maximum allocation. 
 i. The Sharesave is an all employee plan. Participants have exercised options 
    using accumulated savings at discounted option prices between GBP2.05 and GBP 
    2.17 per Share in connection with the Scheme of Arrangement, making a gain 
    on the difference between the option price and the 345p offer price. 
The relevant notifications set out below are provided in accordance with the 
requirements of Article 19 of the EU Market Abuse Regulation. 
1   Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities / person 
    closely associated 
a)  Name                    David Marock 
2   Reason for the notification 
a)  Position/status         Group Chief Executive Officer - Executive 
b)  Initial notification/   Initial notification 
3   Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, auction 
    platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
a)  Name                    Charles Taylor plc 
b)  LEI                     2138009V1NHVCXIQ6V62 
4   Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for (i) each type 
    of instrument; 
    (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each date; and (iv) each place where 
    transactions have been conducted 
a)  Description of the      Ordinary shares of 1p each 
    financial instrument, 
    type of instrument 
    Identification code 
b)  Nature of the           Vesting of share awards granted under the Charles 
    transaction             Taylor Deferred Annual Bonus Plan (DABP), the 
                            Charles Taylor Long Term Incentive Plans (LTIP) 
                            and the Charles Taylor Sharesave Scheme 
                            (Sharesave) as a result of a Court sanction of 
                            the Scheme of Arrangement 
c)  Price(s) and volume(s)  Price(s)                 Volume(s) 
                            345p                     90,130 (DABP) 
                            345p                     141,571 (LTIP) 
                            345p                     1,365 (Sharesave) 
d)  Aggregated information 
    -Aggregated volume      233,066 
e)  Date of the transaction 2020-01-16 
f)  Place of the            Outside a trading venue 
1   Details  of  the  person  discharging  managerial  responsibilities  / 
     person  closely associated 
a)  Name                    Damian Ely 
2   Reason for the notification 
a)  Position/status         Chief Executive Officer, Adjusting Services - 
                            Executive Director 
b)  Initial notification/   Initial notification 
3   Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, auction 
    platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
a)  Name                    Charles Taylor plc 
b)  LEI                     2138009V1NHVCXIQ6V62 
4   Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for (i) each type 
    of instrument; 
    (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each date; and (iv) each place where 
    transactions have been conducted 
a)  Description of the      Ordinary shares of 1p each 
    financial instrument, 
    type of instrument 
    Identification code 
b)  Nature of the           Vesting of share awards granted under the Charles 
    transaction             Taylor Deferred Annual Bonus Plan (DABP), the 
                            Charles Taylor Long Term Incentive Plans (LTIP) 
                            and the Charles Taylor Sharesave Scheme 
                            (Sharesave) as a result of a Court sanction of 
                            the Scheme of Arrangement 
c)  Price(s) and volume(s)  Price(s)                 Volume(s) 
                            345p                     26,816 (DABP) 
                            345p                     58,283 (LTIP) 
                            345p                     1,365 (Sharesave) 
d)  Aggregated information 
    -Aggregated volume      86,464 
e)  Date of the transaction 2020-01-16 
f)  Place of the            Outside a trading venue 
1   Details  of  the  person  discharging  managerial  responsibilities  / 
     person  closely associated 
a)  Name                    Mark Keogh 
2   Reason for the notification 
a)  Position/status         Group Chief Financial Officer - Executive 
b)  Initial notification/   Initial notification 
3   Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, auction 
    platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
a)  Name                    Charles Taylor plc 
b)  LEI                     2138009V1NHVCXIQ6V62 
4   Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for (i) each type 
    of instrument; 
    (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each date; and (iv) each place where 
    transactions have been conducted 
a)  Description of the      Ordinary shares of 1p each 
    financial instrument, 
    type of instrument 
    Identification code 
b)  Nature of the           Vesting of share awards granted under the Charles 
    transaction             Taylor Deferred Annual Bonus Plan (DABP) and the 
                            Charles Taylor Long Term Incentive Plans (LTIP) 
                            as a result of a Court sanction of the Scheme of 
c)  Price(s) and volume(s)  Price(s)                 Volume(s) 
                            345p                     15,230 (DABP) 
                            345p                     60,922 (LTIP) 
d)  Aggregated information 
    -Aggregated volume      76,152 
e)  Date of the transaction 2020-01-16 
f)  Place of the            Outside a trading venue 
1   Details  of  the  person  discharging  managerial  responsibilities  / 
     person  closely associated 
a)  Name                    Suzanne Deery 
2   Reason for the notification 
a)  Position/status         Director of Human Resources - PDMR 
b)  Initial notification/   Initial notification 
3   Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, auction 
    platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
a)  Name                    Charles Taylor plc 
b)  LEI                     2138009V1NHVCXIQ6V62 
4   Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for (i) each type 
    of instrument; 
    (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each date; and (iv) each place where 
    transactions have been conducted 
a)  Description of the      Ordinary shares of 1p each 
    financial instrument, 
    type of instrument 
    Identification code 
b)  Nature of the           Vesting of share awards granted under the Charles 
    transaction             Taylor Deferred Annual Bonus Plan (DABP), the 
                            Charles Taylor Long Term Incentive Plans (LTIP) 
                            and the Charles Taylor Sharesave Scheme 
                            (Sharesave) as a result of a Court sanction of 
                            the Scheme of Arrangement 
c)  Price(s) and volume(s)  Price(s)                 Volume(s) 
                            345p                     49,017 (DABP) 
                            345p                     11,705 (LTIP) 
                            345p                     1,365 (Sharesave) 
d)  Aggregated information 
    -Aggregated volume      62,087 
e)  Date of the transaction 2020-01-16 
f)  Place of the            Outside a trading venue 
1   Details  of  the  person  discharging  managerial  responsibilities  / 
     person  closely associated 
a)  Name                    Jeremy Grose 
2   Reason for the notification 
a)  Position/status         Chief Executive Officer, Management Services - 
b)  Initial notification/   Initial notification 
3   Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, auction 
    platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
a)  Name                    Charles Taylor plc 
b)  LEI                     2138009V1NHVCXIQ6V62 
4   Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for (i) each type 
    of instrument; 
    (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each date; and (iv) each place where 
    transactions have been conducted 
a)  Description of the      Ordinary shares of 1p each 
    financial instrument, 
    type of instrument 
    Identification code 
b)  Nature of the           Vesting of share awards granted under the Charles 
    transaction             Taylor Deferred Annual Bonus Plan (DABP), the 
                            Charles Taylor Long Term Incentive Plans (LTIP) 
                            and the Charles Taylor Sharesave Scheme 
                            (Sharesave) as a result of a Court sanction of 
                            the Scheme of Arrangement 
c)  Price(s) and volume(s)  Price(s)                 Volume(s) 
                            345p                     147,843 (DABP) 
                            345p                     13,770 (LTIP) 
                            345p                     1,365 (Sharesave) 
d)  Aggregated information 
    -Aggregated volume      162,978 
e)  Date of the transaction 2020-01-16 
f)  Place of the            Outside a trading venue 
1   Details  of  the  person  discharging  managerial  responsibilities  / 
     person  closely associated 
a)  Name                    Alistair Hardie 
2   Reason for the notification 
a)  Position/status         Chief Executive Officer, CEGA - PDMR 
b)  Initial notification/   Initial notification 
3   Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, auction 
    platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
a)  Name                    Charles Taylor plc 
b)  LEI                     2138009V1NHVCXIQ6V62 
4   Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for (i) each type 
    of instrument; 
    (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each date; and (iv) each place where 
    transactions have been conducted 
a)  Description of the      Ordinary shares of 1p each 
    financial instrument, 
    type of instrument 
    Identification code 
b)  Nature of the           Vesting of share awards granted under the Charles 
    transaction             Taylor Long Term Incentive Plans (LTIP) as a 
                            result of a Court sanction of the Scheme of 
c)  Price(s) and volume(s)  Price(s)                 Volume(s) 
                            345p                     9,591 (LTIP) 
d)  Aggregated information 
    -Aggregated volume      9,591 
e)  Date of the transaction 2020-01-16 
f)  Place of the            Outside a trading venue 
1   Details  of  the  person  discharging  managerial  responsibilities  / 
     person  closely associated 
a)  Name                    Ivan Keane 
2   Reason for the notification 
a)  Position/status         Group General Counsel - PDMR 
b)  Initial notification/   Initial notification 
3   Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, auction 
    platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
a)  Name                    Charles Taylor plc 
b)  LEI                     2138009V1NHVCXIQ6V62 
4   Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for (i) each type 
    of instrument; 
    (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each date; and (iv) each place where 
    transactions have been conducted 
a)  Description of the      Ordinary shares of 1p each 
    financial instrument, 
    type of instrument 
    Identification code 
b)  Nature of the           Vesting of share awards granted under the Charles 
    transaction             Taylor Deferred Annual Bonus Plan (DABP), the 
                            Charles Taylor Long Term Incentive Plans (LTIP) 
                            and the Charles Taylor Sharesave Scheme 
                            (Sharesave) as a result of a Court sanction of 
                            the Scheme of Arrangement 
c)  Price(s) and volume(s)  Price(s)                 Volume(s) 
                            345p                     28,472 (DABP) 
                            345p                     11,705 (LTIP) 
                            345p                     1,365 (Sharesave) 
d)  Aggregated information 
    -Aggregated volume      41,542 
e)  Date of the transaction 2020-01-16 
f)  Place of the            Outside a trading venue 
1   Details  of  the  person  discharging  managerial  responsibilities  / 
     person  closely associated 
a)  Name                    Jeffrey More 
2   Reason for the notification 
a)  Position/status         Chief Executive Officer, Charles Taylor Insurance 
                            Services (IOM) Limited - PDMR 
b)  Initial notification/   Initial notification 
3   Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, auction 
    platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
a)  Name                    Charles Taylor plc 
b)  LEI                     2138009V1NHVCXIQ6V62 
4   Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for (i) each type 
    of instrument; 
    (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each date; and (iv) each place where 
    transactions have been conducted 
a)  Description of the      Ordinary shares of 1p each 
    financial instrument, 
    type of instrument 
    Identification code 
b)  Nature of the           Vesting of share awards granted under the Charles 
    transaction             Taylor Deferred Annual Bonus Plan (DABP) and the 
                            Charles Taylor Long Term Incentive Plans (LTIP) 
                            as a result of a Court sanction of the Scheme of 
c)  Price(s) and volume(s)  Price(s)                 Volume(s) 
                            345p                     36,139 (DABP) 
                            345p                     11,705  (LTIP) 
d)  Aggregated information 
    -Aggregated volume      47,844 
e)  Date of the transaction 2020-01-16 
f)  Place of the            Outside a trading venue 
1   Details  of  the  person  discharging  managerial  responsibilities  / 
     person  closely associated 
a)  Name                    Jason Sahota 
2   Reason for the notification 
a)  Position/status         Chief Information Officer and Chief Executive 
                            Officer, Charles Taylor InsureTech - PDMR 
b)  Initial notification/   Initial notification 
3   Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, auction 
    platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
a)  Name                    Charles Taylor plc 
b)  LEI                     2138009V1NHVCXIQ6V62 
4   Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for (i) each type 
    of instrument; 
    (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each date; and (iv) each place where 
    transactions have been conducted 
a)  Description of the      Ordinary shares of 1p each 
    financial instrument, 
    type of instrument 
    Identification code 
b)  Nature of the           Vesting of share awards granted under the Charles 
    transaction             Taylor Deferred Annual Bonus Plan (DABP) and the 
                            Charles Taylor Long Term Incentive Plans (LTIP) 
                            as a result of a Court sanction of the Scheme of 
c)  Price(s) and volume(s)  Price(s)                 Volume(s) 
                            345p                     65,355 (DABP) 
                            345p                     31,920 (LTIP) 
d)  Aggregated information 
    -Aggregated volume      97,275 
e)  Date of the transaction 2020-01-16 
f)  Place of the            Outside a trading venue 
1   Details  of  the  person  discharging  managerial  responsibilities  / 
     person  closely associated 
a)  Name                    Richard Wood 
2   Reason for the notification 
a)  Position/status         President & Chief Executive Officer, Charles 
                            Taylor Americas - PDMR 
b)  Initial notification/   Initial notification 
3   Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, auction 
    platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
a)  Name                    Charles Taylor plc 
b)  LEI                     2138009V1NHVCXIQ6V62 
4   Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for (i) each type 
    of instrument; 
    (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each date; and (iv) each place where 
    transactions have been conducted 
a)  Description of the      Ordinary shares of 1p each 
    financial instrument, 
    type of instrument 
    Identification code 
b)  Nature of the           Vesting of share awards granted under the Charles 
    transaction             Taylor Deferred Annual Bonus Plan (DABP), the 
                            Charles Taylor Long Term Incentive Plans (LTIP) 
                            and the Charles Taylor Sharesave Scheme 
                            (Sharesave) as a result of a Court sanction of 
                            the Scheme of Arrangement 
c)  Price(s) and volume(s)  Price(s)                 Volume(s) 
                            345p                     69,814 (DABP) 
                            345p                     11,705 (LTIP) 
                            345p                     1,167 (Sharesave) 
d)  Aggregated information 
    -Aggregated volume      82,686 
e)  Date of the transaction 2020-01-16 
f)  Place of the            Outside a trading venue 
1   Details  of  the  person  discharging  managerial  responsibilities  / 
     person  closely associated 
a)  Name                    Richard Yerbury 
2   Reason for the notification 
a)  Position/status         Group Corporate Development and Operations 
                            Director - PDMR 
b)  Initial notification/   Initial notification 
3   Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, auction 
    platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
a)  Name                    Charles Taylor plc 
b)  LEI                     2138009V1NHVCXIQ6V62 
4   Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for (i) each type 
    of instrument; 
    (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each date; and (iv) each place where 
    transactions have been conducted 
a)  Description of the      Ordinary shares of 1p each 
    financial instrument, 
    type of instrument 
    Identification code 
b)  Nature of the           Vesting of share awards granted under the Charles 
    transaction             Taylor Deferred Annual Bonus Plan (DABP) and the 
                            Charles Taylor Long Term Incentive Plans (LTIP) 
                            as a result of a Court sanction of the Scheme of 
c)  Price(s) and volume(s)  Price(s)                 Volume(s) 
                            345p                     81,842 (DABP) 
                            345p                     28,673 (LTIP) 
d)  Aggregated information 
    -Aggregated volume      110,515 
e)  Date of the transaction 2020-01-16 
f)  Place of the            Outside a trading venue 
For more information, please contact: 
Robert Davison - Group Company Secretary- 02076805666 
Chisom Onita - Group Deputy Company Secretary - 02075227437 
Charles Taylor plc 
21 January 2020 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

January 21, 2020 07:01 ET (12:01 GMT)

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