BW20030729002112  20030730T060008Z UTC

( BW)(EGYPT-TRUST)(EGP) Audited Annual Report

    Business Editors

    LUXEMBOURG--(BUSINESS WIRE)--July 30, 2003--

Societe d'Investissement a Capital Fixe
R.C. no. B 55.584

Audited annual report as at March 31st, 2003

                            THE EGYPT TRUST

Organisation of the Fund  2

General Information  4

Chairman's Statement  5

Manager's Review  6

Auditor's Report  20

Statements of Net Assets  21

Shareholders' equity  21

Statements of Operations  22

Statements of Changes in Net Assets  23

Statistical Information about the Fund  23

Statement of Changes in Shares Outstanding  23

Statement of investments and other net assets  24

Currency, Geographical and Industrial Classification of the Portfolio  26

Notes to the Financial Statements  27


Organisation of the Fund

Chairman                 DR. IBRAHIM AHMED KAMEL
                         8 Ahmed Nessim Street

Directors                MICHAEL BECKETT
                         Dulwich Common
                         U.K. - London SE21 7EW

                         MOHAMED HASSANEIN
                         c/o NATIONAL BANK OF EGYPT
                         NBE Tower
                         1187 Corniche El-Nile

                         GAMAL HOSNY MUBARAK
                         9 Elsaada St. Roxy, 20th Floor, Suite 212

                         MICHAEL TAIT
                         c/o Oxford and Edinburgh Consultants
                         8 Chalcot Crescent
                         U.K. - London NW1 8YD

                         ALEXANDER E. ZAGOREOS
                         c/o Lazard Freres & Co. LLC
                         30 Rockefeller Plaza
                         U.S.A. - New York, NY 10020

Registered Office        11 rue Aldringen
                         L - 1118 Luxembourg

Manager                  Lazard Asset Management LLC
                         30 Rockefeller Plaza
                         U.S.A. - New York, NY 10020

Investment Adviser       National Bank of Egypt
                         NBE Tower
                         1187 Corniche El-Nile

Advisory Board           DAOUD EWEIS
                         HERBERT GULLQUIST

Custodian and Paying Agent  Kredietbank S.A. Luxembourgeoise
                          43 boulevard Royal
                          L - 2955 Luxembourg

Domiciliary, Registrar and Transfer              Kredietrust Luxembourg S.A.
and Administrative Agent                         11 rue Aldringen
                                                 L - 2960 LUXEMBOURG

Independent Auditor        Ernst & Young S.A.
                           6 rue Jean Monnet
                           L - 2180 Luxembourg


General Information

1.   Shareholders will be sent audited annual accounts relating to the
     Company, which will include a report by the Manager, made up to
     the last day of March in each year. Shareholders will also be
     sent an unaudited interim report covering the six-month period
     ending September 30th in each year.

2.   The Annual General Meeting is held in Luxembourg each year
     (commencing in 1997) at 4 p.m. on the third Tuesday of August in
     each year (or, if such day is not a business day in Luxembourg,
     on the next following business day). Notices convening each
     annual general meeting, including agenda, time and place, and
     details of attendance, quorum and majority requirements under
     Luxembourg law, will be sent to the registered addresses of
     Shareholders together with the annual report and accounts not
     less than 21 days before the date of such meeting.

3.   The investment objective of the Company is to achieve medium to
     long-term capital growth through investment principally in the
     equities of companies listed on the Egyptian Stock Exchange,
     aiming to capitalise on low valuations and benefiting, in the
     short-term, from the high dividend yields currently available in
     the Egyptian market.

4.  The Company intends to distribute annually to Shareholders
    substantially all of its income (including dividends and interest)
    available for distribution after deducting fees and expenses

5.   Dividends will only be paid to the extent that they are covered
     by income received from underlying investments, Shares of profits
     of associated companies being unavailable for this purpose unless
     and until distributed to the Company. The Articles of
     incorporation provide that dividends shall not be paid out of
     surpluses arising upon the realisation of investments.

6.  A dividend declared but not claimed by a Shareholder after twelve
    years from the declaration thereof shall lapse and revert to the

7.  The Net Asset Value is expressed in US Dollars and is published on
    a weekly basis in the "Financial Times".

8.  The Shares are listed on the London Stock Exchange and the
    Luxembourg Stock Exchange. It is also intended that an application
    will be made for the Shares to be admitted to listing on the
    Egyptian Stock Exchange.


Chairman's Statement

It has been a turbulent year for the region, with the war in Iraq and
continued Palestinian Israeli violence. Regional politics cast a
damper on the Egyptian economy and the market, translating into lower
stock prices, although the Egypt Trust fared better on a relative

The war in Iraq is now over with a difficult re-construction
beginning. The US-sponsored "Road Map" now provides hope for an
Israeli/Palestinian settlement. With regional tensions abating, we
believe that any more downside to the market at this point appears
limited and that the market offers value at current levels.

During the past several months, efforts have been underway to
implement the redemption feature approved by the Board at its meeting
in October 2002. Though regulatory approval for the redemption feature
has not yet been secured, a positive dialogue with the Luxembourg
authorities is underway, and the current expectation is that the
feature will be in place for first redemptions by the end of the third
quarter (please see the proposed timetable on page 8). Great care has
been taken to assure that the redemption feature will in no way affect
the Trust's closed-end status.

I would like to thank my fellow board members, Lazard Asset
Management, LLC, the manager Dina Khayat and the National Bank of
Egypt. We look forward to a profitable year and the continued success
of the Egypt Trust.

Luxembourg, April 4th, 2003
Dr. Ibrahim Ahmed Kamel


Manager's Review

More information on the Manager's Review can be found in a printed
report which will be sent to the London Stock Exchange.


2002 was a testing year for the Egyptian economy and market.
Geopolitical uncertainties muted investor sentiment, even while Egypt
undertook important reforms designed to stimulate long-term growth.
During the past year, the government announced the flotation of the
Egyptian pound, issued a new labor law and initiated a number of draft
laws governing customs and taxation.

For the twelve-month period ending March 2003, the Egyptian market, as
measured by the IFC Investable Egypt Index fell by 5.9 percent (in
Dollar terms), while the total net assets of the Egypt Trust fell by
0.2 percent (adjusting for dividend paid by the Trust during the
year), outperforming the market by nearly 570bps, owing to high cash
levels and fixed income positions. Valuations among Egypt Trust's
portfolio holdings are now approximately 6.0 times 2002 earnings, with
the weighted-average dividend yield at 3.7 percent. The Trust's share
price rose 13.3%, outperforming the IFC Egypt Global index by nearly
20 percentage points. Please refer to the `Period Returns' table above
for a summary of the Trust's historical total returns, which have been
adjusted for the payment of dividends.

The Economy

The quick end to the war in Iraq appears to have spared the Egyptian
economy its worst-case scenarios, though some additional fallout is
anticipated for the volatile tourism sector. Travel receipts, which
are very sensitive to regional violence, have accounted for as much as
20 percent of Egypt's hard currency earnings in recent years. During
the first week of the war, occupancy rates were down to 40 percent
compared to 55 percent a year earlier. As a result, some forecasts for
tourist receipts show a 38 percent decline from a year ago, to reach
USD 2.25 billion, in 2003. But as in the past, tourism could recover
during the second half of the year, particularly if regional political
tensions subside.

Tourism aside, there are significant economic opportunities for Egypt
in the medium term. Among the more immediate opportunities are those
for the construction and building materials sectors with the
reconstruction of Iraq. Additionally, with the presentation of the
`Road Map' to the Israeli Government and the Palestinian Authority,
there is the prospect for significant reconstruction projects in the
Palestinian territories. In the immediate term, any progress in the
peace process will benefit the Egyptian economy, especially the
tourism sector. Should a comprehensive lasting settlement develop, the
implications for Egypt would be far broader and more substantial.

The reconstruction of Iraq and the restarting of the Palestinian -
Israeli peace talks are also expected to go a long way toward
reversing foreign investors' perception of the Middle East as an
unstable region, ultimately paving the way for increased foreign
direct investment into the market. Furthermore, democratic reforms and
the emergence of a functioning economy in Iraq should serve to remind
investors of the large market opportunity which the Middle East
represents. Egypt will likely be encouraged, if not expected to play a
critical role in the reconstruction of Iraq and a nascent Palestinian
state. Egypt's prominence in these developments would no doubt
illuminate the strength of its domestic economy and reach into the
region, providing a potential boon for the private sector, in
particular (in the case of Palestinian reconstruction) cement sales
and construction contracts.

Portfolio Overview

During the twelve-month period ending March 31st, 2003, the Egyptian
market rose dramatically in local currency terms, although a
significantly weaker pound translated into small losses in Dollar
terms. As a result, the USD denominated IFC Global Egypt Index fell
5.9 percent for the period under review. The Egypt Trust, inclusive of
dividends, outperformed the index (in USD terms), falling only 0.2
percent, largely due to a sizeable cash position all held in Dollars,
as well as a 10 per cent Dollar denominated position in the Egyptian
Eurobond issue, both of which mitigated foreign exchange losses. The
portfolio now consists of 22 holdings, and remains concentrated with
the top ten holdings constituting 62 percent of net assets.

The portfolio yield to the trust is projected to be 3.2% for the year
ending March 31st, 2004. For all dividend distributions, shareholders
have the option to reinvest their dividends should they elect to do
so. Under the Dividend Reinvestment Plan, participants will be issued
new shares at a price per share equal to the greater of (a) 103
percent of NAV per share; or (b) 95 percent of the middle market price
per share on that valuation date.1

Discount to NAV

Based on March 31st, 2003 NAV, the discount to net asset value of the
Egypt Trust was 7.0 percent. For the year, the Trust had an average
discount of 17.4 percent; with a high of 22 percent in September and a
low of 7 percent in March 2003. The discount has narrowed on news of
the quarterly redemption anticipated to be in effect by the end of
September, 2003 (The redemption feature was originally expected to be
in place by the end of June, however legal and regulatory
considerations in light of investors' desires to retain the closed end
structure have delayed its introduction. A new timetable is provided
below). The decision to allow for quarterly redemptions has done more
to narrow the discount than any of the share buybacks had done in the
past, where one year the Manager bought back over 500,000 shares but
the discount remained stubbornly over 20 percent.

1   For more information on the Dividend Reinvestment Plan, please
    call the manager or Kredietbank in Luxembourg (Tel:+352 468191).

Quarterly Redemptions

Shareholders voted for the continuation of the closed-end structure at
the Annual General Meeting, which took place on August 20th, 2002.
Meeting in October, the Board approved a change in the Trust's
structure to allow for up to a 10 percent quarterly redemption at the
net asset value, which would take effect in 2003 after regulatory
approval. When instituted, this redemption feature is likely to have a
narrowing effect on the fund discount.

Regulatory approval for the redemption feature has not yet been
secured. The feature is being implemented in a manner, which seeks to
retain the Trust's closed-end status while allowing redemptions. A
positive dialogue with the Luxembourg authorities is underway, and the
latest projected timetable indicates the quarterly redemption should
be available to shareholders for first redemptions by the end of the
third quarter. When the redemption feature is in place, the fund
should retain its closed-end fund status.

In June, Directors ratified final changes to the Articles of
Incorporation, and related submissions were made to the Luxembourg
authorities. In July notice was given to shareholders of the
Extraordinary General Meeting (most likely to coincide with the Annual
General Meeting) for ratifying said changes to the Articles. The
proposed timetable for the remaining milestones related to the
implementation of the quarterly redemption is as follows:


--  AGM/EGM convened. Assuming quorum is achieved shareholders vote on
    the proposed amendments to the Articles of Incorporation.

--  In the event Quorum is not achieved, subsequent EGM must be
    convened allowing six weeks notice, would occur September 23rd,


--  First redemption date, September 26th, 2003.

Given the narrow timeframe between shareholder ratification, and the
first allowable redemption at the month-end in September, shareholders
will be allowed to make a special `conditional' notification of
intention to redeem shares. The required 30-day notice will be in
effect for the first redemption period. Said notice will be
conditioned upon the shareholder ratification of the redemption
feature in either the August AGM or, if necessary, the September EGM.
Detailed instructions for giving notice will be distributed to all
shareholders by the custodian.

The timetable is based upon consultation with the Trust's legal
counsel and Luxembourg administrator. We believe that the timetable
set forth above is realistic, but acknowledge that there is the
potential for delay.

Top Ten Holdings

---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- ------------------------
Company                                                          Sector                  % of Total Assets
---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- ------------------------

Egypt Sovereign Eurobond                                         Fixed Income                    10.72 %
Commercial International Bank (CIB)                              Banking                          8.83 %
National Societe Generale Bank (NSGB)                            Banking                          7.57 %
Egyptian Company for Mobile Services (MobiNil)                   Telecom                          7.13 %
Orascom Construction Industries (OCI)                            Const/Bldg Mats                  6.59 %
First Arabian Investment                                         Tourism                          6.57 %
Suez Cement Company                                              Cement                           5.15 %
Egyptian Int'l Pharmaceutical Company (EIPICO)                   Pharmaceuticals                  5.01 %
Nasr City Housing                                                Housing                          2.36 %
Egyptian American Bank                                           Banking                          2.27 %
Top Ten Holdings as a Percentage of Net Assets                                                   62.18 %
---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- ------------------------

Egypt's Sovereign Bonds

Issue:                                      USD 1,000,000,000
Coupon:                                     Fixed 8.75 %
Par Value:                                  USD 1,000
Issue Date:                                 July 12th, 2001
Term:                                       10 years
Maturity:                                   July 11th, 2011
Payment Frequency:                          Semi-annual
Current Price (March 31st):                 113.535
Yield-to-maturity:                          6.60 %


--  Provides a partial US dollar hedge for the fund.

--  Balances the portfolio by adding an increased fixed income

--  High liquidity


--  Susceptible to a weakening in price in light of Egypt's macro
    economic concerns.

Commercial International Bank

Price:                     EGP 30.4 as of March 31st, 2003
Shares in issue:           65,000,000
Free Float:                74.6 % or 48,490,000 shares (includes GDRs)

------------------- ------------------- ------------- ----------------- ---------------- ----------------
Year-end            Net Profit          EPS           PER               Dividend         Dividend
                    (EGP million)       (EGP)         (X)               (EGP)            Yield
------------------- ------------------- ------------- ----------------- ---------------- ----------------
Dec 2000            384.9               5.92          6.0               3.75               10.60 %
Dec 2001            401.8               6.18          4.7               3.75               13.04 %
Dec 2002            380.9               5.86          5.2               3.00                9.87 %
Dec 2003e           420.0               6.46          4.7               3.80               12.50 %
------------------- ------------------- ------------- ----------------- ---------------- ----------------
2000 and 2001 figures are based on capital structure and price in
effect for each year.


--  In the first quarter 2003, CIB witnessed a healthy 16.4 percent
    growth in net interest income to EGP 143.1 million although net
    profit fell 5.5 percent year-on-year due to foreign exchange
    losses of EGP 52.9 million. The foreign exchange loss resulted
    from the revaluation of foreign investments at cost while foreign
    currency liabilities were revalued at the current exchange rate.

--  During the first quarter of 2003, CIB transferred foreign
    operating capital accounts to loan loss provisions, which became
    USD denominated, increasing the bank's loan loss provision balance
    with the Egyptian pound depreciation. This will give the bank more
    tax benefits and will strengthen CIB's balance sheet.

--  For the year 2002, CIB reported 15.8 percent growth in net
    interest income, although net income fell as a result of 63
    percent decrease in foreign exchange commissions. Net earnings
    came in at EGP 380.9 million, in 2002 versus EGP 401.8 million
    last year, representing a decline of 5.2 percent.

--  CIB's asset quality continues to improve. The ratio of
    non-performing loans to the total portfolio dropped from a high of
    5.2 percent in 2001 to 3.5 percent in 2002 and again, to 3.3
    percent in the first quarter 2003.

--  Among peer group banks (NSGB, MI Bank and EAB), CIB is the largest
    bank in terms of assets (EGP 19.8 billion) and net worth (EGP 1.7
    billion). Furthermore, it has the largest branch network with 40
    branches, as of end December 2002.

--  The bank is one of the most liquid and largest capitalization
    stocks on the exchange with an average daily volume of 77,632
    shares (last 12 months) and a market capitalization of EGP 1,976
    million (USD 343 million).

--  CIB is trading at a price-to-book of 1.2 times. Based on 2002
    earnings the bank has an ROA and a ROE of 1.9 percent and 23.1
    percent, respectively.


--  Given the current economic environment, CIB shows conservative
    lending practices with loan to deposit ratio down from 79.4
    percent, in 2001 to 69.0 percent, in 2002, eroding the bank's
    spread on the long run.

--  The current slowdown in economic activity combined with the recent
    float of the Egyptian pound against the US dollar may increase
    non-performing loans, as companies' servicing ability would be
    negatively affected.

Egyptian Company for Mobile Services

Price:                     EGP 35.17 as of March 31st, 2003
Shares in issue:           100,000,000
Free float:                30.0 % or 30,000,000 shares

------------------- ----------------- ----------------- ---------------- ---------------- -----------------
Year-end            Net Profit        EPS               PER              Dividend (EGP)   Dividend Yield
                    (EGP million)     (EGP)             (X)
------------------- ----------------- ----------------- ---------------- ---------------- -----------------
Dec 2000            289.1             2.89              26.1             0.00             0.00 %
Dec 2001            340.8             3.41              8.2              1.50             5.39 %
Dec 2002            422.3             4.22              8.3              2.50             7.11 %
Dec 2003e           480.0             4.80              7.3              2.50             7.11 %
------------------- ----------------- ----------------- ---------------- ---------------- -----------------
2000 and 2001 figures are based on capital structure and price in
effect for each year.


--  As of the end of March 2003, Mobinil registered a healthy 29
    percent growth in revenue, as a result of its growth strategy
    initiated in 2002, focusing on high-end consumers. Net earnings
    jumped 85 percent year-on-year to EGP 153 million. The company's
    active subscribers reached 2.4 million.

In 2002, MobiNil reported an 11 percent growth in revenue relative to
2001. Net earnings came in at EGP 422.3 million, up from EGP 340.8
million in 2001, representing a 24.0 percent increase. The company has
a market share of approximately 54 percent.

--  In April 2003, Mobinil implemented a more balanced tariff
    structure, which is expected to improve post-paid ARPU by 7
    percent to EGP 290, while pre-paid ARPU remains unchanged.

--  MobiNil has the highest market capitalization and liquidity in the
    Egyptian stock market, with a market cap of USD 607 million (EGP
    3.5 billion) and an average daily volume (last 12 months) of

--  There remains growth potential for mobile penetration as current
    total subscribers in Egypt are around 4.2 million from an
    estimated addressable market of over 14 million subscribers.
    However, we expect a relatively slower forthcoming subscriber's
    growth due to the slow economy.

--  The company gets direct benefits from the technical assistance of
    Orange as well as the marketing clout of Orascom.


--  The currency depreciation continues to put pressure on bottom line
    results, as MobiNil has significant amounts of US dollar
    denominated debt (USD 39 million non-hedged) and hard currency
    denominated CAPEX needs, which have been averaging USD 110-125
    million annually.

--  With the majority of market demand in the low calling volume
    pre-paid service, the overall average revenue per user had been
    declining. However, the situation has improved somewhat in 2002,
    with MobiNil's recent focus on higher value new subscribers, which
    has raised blended ARPUs at around EGP 100, up from EGP 97.

--  The entrance of the third mobile telephone operator (should it
    happen), will likely slow growth.

--  The company's tax exemption ends after 2003, resulting in a 42
    percent tax rate going forward, which will have a dramatic impact
    on earnings.

First Arabian Investment & Development-Four Seasons

Price:                     USD 61.17 (EGP 352.49) as of March 31st, 2003
Shares in issue:           600,000
Free float:                0.00 %

------------------- ------------------- ------------- ----------------- ---------------- ----------------
Year-end            Net Profit          EPS           PER               Dividend (EGP)   Dividend Yield
                    (USD million)       (USD)         (X)
------------------- ------------------- ------------- ----------------- ---------------- ----------------

Dec 2001            0.57                0.95          64                0.00             0.00 %
Dec 2002            (4.94)              (8.23)        N/A               0.00             0.00 %
Dec 2003e           (6.5)               (10.83)       N/A               0.00             0.00 %
------------------- ------------------- ------------- ----------------- ---------------- ----------------


--  As the first "seven star" hotel to open in Cairo, with Four
    Seasons management, First Arabian has at least 2 years over its
    closest competition, a second Four Seasons Hotel.

--  In spite of tough tourism environment, in 2002, revenue from the
    hotel came in at USD 4.9 million, representing a 12.5 percent
    year-on-year growth.

--  The mall, which is leased to luxury boutiques, brings in an
    additional USD 1.5 million per year in revenue.

--  Revenues from La Gourmandise restaurant were up 21 percent, in
    2002, to USD 1.1 million

--  The hotel caters to business travelers, who are comparatively less
    price sensitive and more service and comfort oriented.


--  Tourism in Egypt was badly hit by the war on Iraq with occupancy
    rates down to 40 percent compared to 59 percent a year earlier. As
    a result, the project is not expected to show a profit before

--  In the aftermath of September 11th, Ladbrokes did not renew its
    casino contract, resulting in the loss of USD 4.7 million of
    steady revenue. However, First Arabian is currently in the process
    of finalizing a casino contract with the Russian "Ballo".

--  There are concerns about the continuation of contracts of the mall
    tenants. If the current business/tourism environment prevails, the
    renegotiated of lease contracts will become more difficult.

--  The project is highly leveraged with annual debt service in the
    range of USD 9 million. Despite the losses, however, interest and
    scheduled principal installments have been paid on time.

National Societe Generale Bank

Price:                     EGP 23.54 as of March 31st, 2003
Shares in issue:           40,000,000*
Free Float:                26.7 % or 10,680,000

------------------- ------------------- ------------- ----------------- ---------------- ----------------
Year-end            Net Profit          EPS           PER               Dividend         Dividend
                    (EGP million)       (EGP)         (X)               (EGP)            Yield
------------------- ------------------- ------------- ----------------- ---------------- ----------------
Dec 2000            124.6               5.66          5.7               1.00             3.12 %
Dec 2001            142.1               4.74          4.8               1.00             4.36 %
Dec 2002            165.4               4.13          5.7               1.25             5.31 %
Dec 2003e           175.0               4.38          5.4               1.25             5.31 %
------------------- ------------------- ------------- ----------------- ---------------- ----------------
2000 and 2001 figures are based on capital structure and price in
effect for each year.

*In 2000, NSGB had a capital increase, from 18 to 22 million shares,
in 2001, from 22 to 30 million shares, and in 2002, from 30 to 40
million shares.


--  In order to increase retail-banking operations, NSGB has been
    aggressive in expanding its branch network. The bank added 6
    branches in 2002, increasing the total to 30 operating branches as
    of December 2002. Furthermore, the bank has an ATM network
    comprised of 42 ATMs.

--  Despite the general economic slowdown, net earnings for 2002
    reached EGP 165.4 million, up from EGP 142.1 million in 2001,
    representing an increase of 16.4 percent, which is the highest
    growth among peer group banks.

-- The bank has a leading market position in trade finance,
    particularly in the issuance of L/Cs and L/Gs for French and other
    European companies conducting business in Egypt, which generate
    high fees for the bank.

--  NSGB has positioned itself as a leader in project finance,
    especially in the energy sector in Egypt.

--  As a majority-owned subsidiary of Societe Generale in Paris
    (54.3%), the bank benefits from their technical support,
    management training and global branch network. Furthermore,
    Societe Generale in Paris reviews 80-85 percent of the loan
    portfolio through its executive committee.

--  NSGB is trading at a price-to-book value of 1.4 times. Based on
    2002 earnings, the bank has an ROA and ROE of 2.3 percent and 26.9
    percent, respectively.


--  As of December 31st, 2002, NSGB reported a significant increase in
    operating expense of 25 percent, resulting from the bank's
    aggressive expansion plan into retail banking operations.

--  NSGB is one of the less liquid traded stocks.

Orascom Construction Industries

Price:                     EGP 33.49 as of March 31st, 2003
Shares in issue:           95,287,500*
Free float:                30.0 % or 28,586,250 shares

------------------- ----------------- ----------------- ---------------- ---------------- -----------------
Year-end            Net Profit        EPS               PER              Dividend (EGP)   Dividend Yield
                    (EGP million)     (EGP)             (X)
------------------- ----------------- ----------------- ---------------- ---------------- -----------------
Dec 2000            279.2             3.72              13.0             0.00             0.00 %
Dec 2001            303.8             3.68              8.3              1.05             3.45 %
Dec 2002            363.9             3.82              8.8              1.00             2.99 %
Dec 2003e           415.0             4.36              7.7              1.10             3.28 %
------------------- ----------------- ----------------- ---------------- ---------------- -----------------
2000 and 2001 figures are based on capital structure and price in
effect for each year.

*In 2001, OCI had a capital increase, from 75 to 82.5 million
shares, in 2002 from 82.5 to 86.625 million shares and from 86.6 to
95.3 million shares.


--  Orascom Construction Industries (OCI) is involved in construction,
    infrastructure development and building materials manufacturing.
    The company's construction group provides engineering and building
    services for industrial, commercial, power, water/sewage and
    railway projects. The building materials group manufactures basic
    products used in contracting and construction such as cement,
    paints and chemicals, fabricated steel, pipes, cement bags and
    industrial gases.

--  Egyptian Cement Company (ECC), which is 53.6 percent owned by OCI,
    is one of the most efficient cement companies in Egypt. Benefiting
    from Holderbank's technical expertise, the plants have reached
    high capacity utilization levels in record time. ECC now has a
    20.0 percent market share.

--  For the year 2002, OCI achieved 20.3 percent growth in
    consolidated revenue, to EGP 2,911 million and a 19.8 percent
    increase in net earnings, to EGP 363.9 million from EGP 303.8
    million last year. As of the end of the December 2002, the company
    had 1.7 billion in un-billed backlog.

--  OCI benefits from currency depreciation, as over 50 percent of
    consolidated backlog is denominated in US dollars, as of December
    31st, 2002. Additionally, in order to diversify country risk, OCI
    plans on expanding in the region, targeting the derivation of 50
    percent of revenues from sources outside of Egypt by 2005. In
    2002, OCI generated around 18 percent of consolidated revenues
    from outside Egypt.

--  OCI's construction arm, Contrack International, a US based
    construction company, which bids for international public works
    and defense contracts initiated by the US government may benefit
    from the reconstruction of Iraq.

--  OCI has strong relationships with leading multinationals in
    construction, engineering and building materials, many of which
    are joint-venture partners with OCI.

--  Inter-group synergism provides strong support for top-line growth
    and economies of scale.


--  The inter-locking nature of the businesses and their exposure to
    the construction market in Egypt makes them vulnerable to economic

--  Multitude of inter-company accounts makes it difficult to assess
    the extent of inter-company trading.

--  The current over-supply situation in the Egyptian cement market
    resulted in a price war among cement companies, aiming to gain
    market share. This has impacted ECC's EBITDA margins, which were
    down from 56.4 percent, as of December 31st, 2001 to 54.4 percent,
    in 2002. Somewhat mitigating further decline is the potential of
    exporting cement. For the year 2002, OCI exported a total of
    695,794 tons of cement to various African markets, Canary Islands
    and Yemen and has already secured new export contracts for the
    year 2003 of 1.7 million tons of cement.

Egyptian International Pharmaceutical Industries Company

Price:                     EGP 8.58 as of March 31st, 2003
Shares in issue:           72,124,000
Free Float:                63.5 % or 45,798,740 shares

------------------- ------------------- ------------- ----------------- ---------------- ----------------
Year-end            Net Profit          EPS           PER               Dividend         Dividend
                    (EGP millions)      (EGP)         (X)               (EGP)            Yield
------------------- ------------------- ------------- ----------------- ---------------- ----------------
Dec 2000            97.5                23.21         5.9               16.00            11.76 %
Dec 2001*           100.7               1.40          6.2               1.00             11.53 %
Dec 2002            102.3               1.42          6.0               1.02             11.89 %
Dec 2003e           99.9                1.39          6.2               1.00             11.66 %
------------------- ------------------- ------------- ----------------- ---------------- ----------------
2000 and 2001 figures are based on capital structure and price in
effect for each year.

*Underwent a capital increase and a 1 to 16
stock split in early 2001.


--  In spite of current macro economic conditions, revenue for the
    year 2002 increased by 12 percent to EGP 481 million, relative to
    EGP 428 million in 2001.

--  The government has allowed a slight price increase in the lower
    priced lines (under EGP 5), which should mitigate the effect of
    the depreciation of the Egyptian pound on EIPICO's bottom line,
    since imported raw materials represent 51 percent of COGS.

--  As a member of the ACDIMA (Arab Company for Drug Industries and
    Medical Appliances), EIPICO is exempt from custom duty on imported
    raw materials.

--  EIPICO has a broad distribution network distinguished by its
    direct selling units (moving drugstores), which allow for on the
    spot delivery of ordered items.


--  EIPICO is exposed to foreign exchange risk, as imported raw
    materials represent 51 percent of the company's COGS. In view of
    the recent Egyptian pound flotation, EIPICO's future operating
    margin will likely be eroded by around 5 percent, bringing it down
    to 27 percent by the end of 2003, despite exports representing 13
    percent of sales.

--  EIPICO spends only 3 percent of its revenues on research and
    development, and even those are more a development activity for
    generics rather than a research activity for new drugs.

--  EIPICO has reached the mature phase of its life cycle. The company
    needs to invest in new projects in order to diversify product
    lines and realize further sales growth.

--  With the onset of increasing competition from the multinationals
    likely resulting from GATT and TRIPS, EIPICO will have to widen
    the range of the generic product line in order to drive sales.

Suez Cement Company

Price:                     EGP 37.13 as of March 31st, 2003
Shares in issue:           64,000,000*
Free float:                28.0 % or 17,920,000 shares

------------------- ----------------- ----------------- ---------------- ---------------- -----------------
Year-end            Net Profit        EPS               PER              Dividend (EGP)   Dividend Yield
                    (EGP million)     (EGP)             (X)
------------------- ----------------- ----------------- ---------------- ---------------- -----------------
Dec 2000            290.0             5.38              6.4              2.00             5.84 %
Dec 2001            166.0             2.59              12.5             1.50             4.62 %
Dec 2002            49.3              0.77              48.2             0.00             0.00 %
Dec 2003e           105.0             1.64              22.6             0.00             0.00 %
------------------- ----------------- ----------------- ---------------- ---------------- -----------------
2000 and 2001 figures are based on capital structure and price in
effect for each year.

*In 2000, Suez had a capital increase, from 49
to 53.9 million shares and in 2001, from 53.9
to 64 million shares.


--  During 2002, Ciment Francais acquired an additional 9 percent
    stake in Suez Cement Company, increasing its stake to 34 percent
    and their presence in the Egyptian market, which affirm the fact
    that the future of the cement market in Egypt is promising. Suez's
    long term understanding of the Egyptian cement market will be
    supplemented by Ciment Francais' expertise in manufacturing and

--  The Ciment Francais transaction injected over EGP 500 million (USD
    108 million) in Suez, which was used to lower debt from the Tourah
    acquisition (EGP 1.2 billion), thereby reducing interest expense.
    Debt to equity is now down to 0.5 from 1.8, previously.

--  The partial retirement of debt had a significant impact on
    stand-alone earnings witnessed in 2002 results, resulting in a 38
    percent drop in interest expense from EGP 160 million, last year
    to EGP 102 million, in 2002.

--  Suez benefits from a high quality image in the Egyptian market,
    which allows the company to sell its product at a 5 percent

--  The Suez/Tourah entity is currently the largest cement producer in
    Egypt with a current total annual capacity that exceeds 8 million
    tons. The consolidated entity has a 23 percent market share.


--  Suez Cement was one of the most efficient and fastest growing
    cement companies in Egypt. However, this growth was capped by the
    acquisition of Tourah, which affected the financial structure by
    adding EGP 1.2 billion in long-term debt. On the consolidated
    level, we have yet not seen any clear efficiency or cost saving
    benefits accruing from the merger. The liability related to the
    merger with Tourah is much greater than the gain from it.

--  Current economic conditions, new entrants such as Egyptian Cement,
    in addition to increased capacity in existing cement companies
    have created an over-supply situation in the Egyptian market
    accompanied with a dramatic cement price war. This made Suez
    margin shrink dramatically to their lowest levels.

Egyptian American Bank

Price:                     EGP 27.71 as of March 31st, 2003
Shares in issue:           14,400,000
Free Float:                27.0 % or 3,888,000 shares

------------------- ------------------- ------------- ----------------- ---------------- ----------------
Year-end            Net Profit          EPS           PER               Dividend         Dividend
                    (EGP millions)      (EGP)         (X)               (EGP)            Yield
------------------- ------------------- ------------- ----------------- ---------------- ----------------
Dec 2000            72.5                5.03          6.7               3.00               8.88 %
Dec 2001            73.2                5.08          6.5               3.00               9.08 %
Dec 2002            50.0                3.47          8.0               3.00              10.83 %
Dec 2003e           67.0                4.65          6.0               3.00              10.83 %
------------------- ------------------- ------------- ----------------- ---------------- ----------------
2000 and 2001 figures are based on capital structure and price in
effect for each year.


--  As one of the leading and innovative private banks in Egypt, EAB
    provides the full range of banking services as well as trade
    finance to multinational firms in Egypt. EAB caters to the top
    tier clientele of Egypt.

--  In spite of macro economic conditions, EAB managed to increase
    total income by 18.3 percent to EGP 356 million, in 2002 versus
    EGP 301 million, in 2001. Earnings before provisions and taxes
    grew by 27 percent, reaching EGP 209 million, relative to EGP 165
    million. EAB booked EGP 154 million in provisions (loan loss and
    tax claims), with an extra EGP 65 million compared to last year,
    which made its net earnings drop from EGP 73 million to EGP 50
    million. We believe that this higher provisioning should
    ameliorate the bank's asset quality.

--  Due to current economic conditions, EAB's footings grew very
    conservatively in 2002. Loans declined 8 percent, while deposits
    grew by 21 percent, in 2002.

--  As a majority-owned subsidiary of AMEX Holdings (40 percent), the
    bank benefits from their technical support, management training
    and global branch network.

--  EAB is trading at a price-to-book value of 0.7 times.

--  The main reason for holding this share is as an acquisition
    target. Both American Express and Bank of Alexandria want to sell
    the bank. Standard Chartered had put in a firm offer for this bank
    earlier last year (at EGP 60 per share) but the transaction failed
    on a disagreement over price.


--  EAB has witnessed some deterioration in asset quality due to
    current economic conditions. Non-performing loans to total loans
    reached 6.5 percent up from 3.5 percent, as of the end of 2000.
    Since then, management refused to disclose the bank's
    non-performing loan balance.

--  Based on 2002 earnings, the bank has an ROA and ROE of 0.64
    percent and 9.6 percent, respectively, which is the lowest of the
    peer group banks.

Nasr City Housing Company

Price:                     EGP 21.56 as of March 31st, 2003
Shares in issue:           16,000,000
Free float:                75.0 % or 12,000,000 shares

------------------- ----------------- ----------------- ---------------- ---------------- -----------------
Year-end            Net Profit        EPS               PER              Dividend (EGP)   Dividend Yield
                    (EGP million)     (EGP)             (X)
------------------- ----------------- ----------------- ---------------- ---------------- -----------------
June 2000           70.0              4.38              6.2              3.25                11.95 %
June 2001           52.7              3.29              6.6              2.00                 9.19 %
June 2002           50.1              3.13              6.3              2.00                10.22 %
June 2003e          50.5              3.16              6.8              2.00                 9.28 %
------------------- ----------------- ----------------- ---------------- ---------------- -----------------
2000, 2001 and 2002 figures are based on capital structure and price
in effect for each year.


--  For the first half of 2003 fiscal year, Nasr City Housing
    witnessed a 13.7 percent decline in revenue to EGP 27.7 million.
    However, if we normalize figures and deduct an important sales
    transaction of EGP 12 million to the military forces, in the same
    period last year, Nasr City Housing would have achieved a 37.0
    percent growth in revenue.

--  Despite the economic slowdown, Nasr City Housing achieved 77.5
    percent growth in revenue for 2002, to EGP 58.2 million, as a
    result of the important sales transaction mentioned above as well
    as implementing aggressive sales incentives.

--  Nasr City Housing is one of the largest real estate development
    companies in Egypt and the first company to be majority privatized
    (75%) in Egypt.

--  The company is the developer of "Nasr City" one of Cairo's largest
    districts, with a total area of approximately 45 million square

--  The company has no competition in the Nasr City area and has a
    diversified line of luxury, upper and middle income housing, which
    serve to mitigate demand swings.

--  The company's land bank was granted to the company by the
    government at zero cost. The remaining land bank today is
    estimated at 9.3 million square meters, which should fulfil
    development needs for the next 15 years.

--  In efforts to integrate, the company acquired two contracting
    companies, Nasr Civil Works and Nasr Infrastructure. As the
    companies were sub-contractors to Nasr City, the acquisition
    allowed for better cost control, while yielding dividends of
    around EGP 12.3 million or 25 percent of total net earnings, in

--  The new mortgage law, which will allow for mortgages of up to 30
    years and foreclosures for non-payment of installments, as well as
    the new law permitting non-Egyptians to own real estate, should
    revitalize the residential and commercial real estate market in
    Egypt over the long run.


--  The Civil Aviation Authority has frozen new development in areas
    that are close to Cairo International Airport until the plans for
    the new runway are completed. This area represents around 38% of
    the company's total land bank.

--  The economic slowdown in Egypt has affected sales and the payment
    of unit instalments, with the percentage of uncollected
    instalments increasing from 16.1 percent, in 2001 to 21.1%, in

--  The current economic situation in the country have led Nasr City
    housing to reduce purchase down payments from 50 percent to 30 to
    40 percent, thereby increasing default risk.

Luxembourg, April 4th, 2003

Lazard Asset Management


Auditor's Report

To the Shareholders of
The Egypt Trust:

We have audited the financial statements, which consist of the
statements of net assets and the statement of investments and other
net assets of The Egypt Trust (a Luxembourg close-ended investment
company) (the "SICAF") as at March 31st, 2003, the related statements
of operations for the year then ended, the statements of changes in
net assets, the statement of the changes in Shares outstanding and the
notes to the financial statements for the year then ended. These
financial statements are the responsibility of the Board of Directors
of the SICAF. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these
financial statements based on our audit.

We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on
Auditing. Those Standards require that we plan and perform the audit
to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements
are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a
test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the
financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting
principles used and significant estimates made by the Board of
Directors of the SICAF in preparing the financial statements, as well
as evaluating the overall financial statements presentation. We
believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the attached financial statements described above
give, in conformity with the legal and regulatory requirements in
Luxembourg, a true and fair view of the financial position of The
Egypt Trust as at March 31st, 2003 and the results of its operations
and changes in its net assets for the years then ended.

Supplementary information included in the annual report has been
reviewed in the context of our mandate but has not been subject to
specific audit procedures carried out in accordance with the standards
described above. Consequently, we express no opinion on such
information. We have no observation to make concerning such
information in the context of the financial statements taken as a

Societe Anonyme
Independent Auditors

Bernard LHOEST

Luxembourg, April 4th, 2003

                            THE EGYPT TRUST
                       Statements of Net Assets
                               (in USD)

                                        March 31st, 2003                       March 31st, 2002
Securities' portfolio at market value        29,602,994                                   33,182,821
Cash at bank                                 12,237,116                                   13,189,018
Receivable on sales of securities                     -                                        8,787
Receivable on treasury transactions                   -                                        1,000
Income receivable on portfolio                  626,467                                      106,078
Interest receivable on bank accounts              5,003                                        9,994
Prepaid expenses                                  2,543                                        2,582
                                      ------------------                         --------------------

Total assets                                                    42,474,123                                   46,500,280

Bank liabilities                                      -                                      332,539
Payable on purchases of securities                    -                                    2,126,883
Interest payable on bank accounts                     -                                        1,197
Expenses payable                                127,188                                      190,497
                                      ------------------                         --------------------

Total liabilities                                                  127,188                                    2,651,116
                                                       --------------------                         --------------------

NET ASSETS at the end of the year                               42,346,935                                   43,849,164
                                                       ====================                         ====================

Number of Shares outstanding                                     6,849,510                                    6,849,510
Net Asset Value per Share                                             6.18                                         6.40

                  Shareholders' equity represented by
                               (in USD)

                                                    March 31st, 2003                      March 31st, 2002

Capital: 8,513,347 Shares at USD 2.00                 17,026,694                          17,026,694
Share premium                                         73,633,306                          73,633,306
Legal Reserve                                            786,253                             786,253
Profit brought forward                                -2,946,638                          16,362,462
                                                   --------------                      ----------------

Total Capital and Reserves                                            88,499,615                         107,808,715
Cost of 1,663,837 Shares held in Treasury                            -15,939,917                         -15,939,917
Net realised gain/loss for the year                                   -3,273,670                         -17,170,252
Unrealised appreciation/depreciation on securities                   -25,500,696                         -28,710,534
Dividend                                                              -1,438,397                          -2,138,848
                                                                  ----------------                    ----------------

Total Shareholders' Equity                                            42,346,935                          43,849,164
                                                                  ================                    ================

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements

                            THE EGYPT TRUST
                       Statements of Operations
                               (in USD)

                                                             March 31st, 2003            March 31st, 2002

Dividends, net                                                      2,501,584                   2,030,770
Interest on bonds and other debt securities                           462,246                     182,402
Interest on bank accounts                                             181,294                     396,713
                                                       -----------------------     -----------------------
Total income                                                        3,145,124                   2,609,885

Management fees                                                       443,396                     507,348
Advisory fees                                                         110,849                     126,890
Custodian fees                                                         17,213                      17,861
Bank and financial services                                            48,000                     156,129
Central administration costs                                           46,206                      28,871
Audit and supervisory fees                                             25,866                      20,343
Printing and publication expenses                                      35,037                      30,447
Subscription duty ("taxe d'abonnement")                                21,976                      28,760
Interest paid                                                           2,350                       1,197
Directors fees and expenses                                           100,969                      56,754
Other expenses                                                          1,159                     117,481
Reversal of an undue adjustment of interest                            59,899                           -
                                                       -----------------------     -----------------------
Total expenses                                                        912,920                   1,092,081
                                                       -----------------------     -----------------------

NET INVESTMENT INCOME                                               2,232,204                   1,517,804

- on sale of securities (-1 year)                                  -2,959,525                  -6,335,745
- on sale of securities (+1 year)                                  -2,512,053                 -11,804,826
- on foreign exchange                                                 -34,296                    -547,485
                                                       -----------------------     -----------------------

REALISED GAIN / LOSS                                               -3,273,670                 -17,170,252

- on securities                                                     3,209,838                   8,603,905
                                                       -----------------------     -----------------------

Decrease in Net assets as a Result of Operations                      -63,832                  -8,566,347
                                                       =======================     =======================

Repurchase of Shares                                                        -                  -2,677,747

Dividend paid                                                      -1,438,397                  -2,138,848
                                                       -----------------------     -----------------------

TOTAL CHANGE IN NET ASSETS                                         -1,502,229                 -13,382,942

TOTAL NET ASSETS AT THE BEGINNING OF THE YEAR                      43,849,164                  57,232,106
                                                       -----------------------     -----------------------

TOTAL NET ASSETS AT THE END OF THE YEAR                            42,346,935                  43,849,164
                                                       =======================     =======================

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial

                            THE EGYPT TRUST
                  Statements of Changes in Net Assets
                               (in USD)

                                                              March 31st, 2003                 March 31st, 2002

Net Assets at the Beginning of the Year                                     43,849,164                      57,232,106
Net investment income                                     2,232,204                             1,517,804
Net realised gain/loss on exchange                          -34,296                              -547,485
Net realised gain/loss on sale of securities (-1 year)    -2,959,525                           -6,335,745
Net realised gain/loss on sale of securities (+1 year)    -2,512,053                          -11,804,826

Net realised gain/loss for the Year                                         -3,273,670                     -17,170,252
Repurchase of Shares                                                                 -                      -2,677,747
Change in unrealised appreciation/                                           3,209,838                       8,603,905
depreciation on securities
Dividend paid                                                               -1,438,397                      -2,138,848
                                                                      -----------------                    ------------

Net Assets at the End of the Year                                           42,346,935                      43,849,164
                                                                      =================                    ============

                Statistical Information about the Fund
                               (in USD)

                                      March 31st, 2003        March 31st, 2002         March 31st, 2001
                                      ----------------        ----------------         ----------------

Total Net Assets                            42,346,935              43,849,164               57,232,106
Net Asset Value per Share                         6.18                    6.40                     7.91

              Statement of Changes in Shares Outstanding
                  For the Year ended March 31st, 2003

Number of Shares Outstanding at the Beginning of the Year                                 6,849,510

Number of Shares repurchased                                                                      -

Number of Shares Outstanding at the End of the Year                                       6,849,510

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial

                            THE EGYPT TRUST
             Statement of investments and other net assets
                           March 31st, 2003
                               (in USD)

------------ ------------------ -------------------------------------- ----------------- -- ----------------  ---------
  Currency   Number / nominal   Description                                  Cost            Market value     % of
                   value                                                                                      total
------------ ------------------ -------------------------------------- ----------------- -- ----------------  ---------

Banks, finance and credit institutions
EGP                    661,996  Commercial Intl Bank Ltd                      5,525,807           3,492,352       8.25
EGP                    199,499  Egyptian American Bank Reg                    1,414,499             959,326       2.27
EGP                      1,350  Misr Exterior Bank                              626,577             226,315       0.53
EGP                     69,510  Misr Intl Bank                                  497,537             195,291       0.46
EGP                    784,405  National Societe Generale Bank Reg            4,232,211           3,204,320       7.57
                                                                       -----------------    ----------------  ---------
                                                                       -----------------    ----------------  ---------
                                                                             12,296,631           8,077,604      19.08
Chemical industry
EGP                     72,369  Egyptian Financial & Indust Co Reg              575,290             534,118       1.26

Construction and civil engineering
EGP                    480,021  Orascom Construction Industrie Reg            4,161,441           2,789,745       6.59
EGP                    306,738  Suez Cement Co                                2,609,656           1,976,431       4.67
                                                                       -----------------    ----------------  ---------
                                                                       -----------------    ----------------  ---------
                                                                              6,771,097           4,766,176      11.26
Electric machinery and appliances
EGP                     54,816  Misr Refrig & Air Cond Manu                     750,547             303,070       0.72

EGP                     12,570  Egypt Gas                                     1,102,603             172,893       0.41

Food industry
EGP                        925  Al Nasr for Dehydrating Prod                     12,056               1,011       0.00

EGP                    115,000  Delta Insurance                                 723,353             239,479       0.57
EGP                    168,531  Mohandes Insurance                            2,129,761             379,908       0.90
                                                                       -----------------    ----------------  ---------
                                                                       -----------------    ----------------  ---------
                                                                              2,853,114             619,387       1.47
EGP                  1,423,636  Egyptian Intl Pharma Invest                   5,246,583           2,119,704       5.01
EGP                     22,598  Memphis Pharmaceutic Chem Ind                   526,635             193,608       0.46
                                                                       -----------------    ----------------  ---------
                                                                       -----------------    ----------------  ---------
                                                                              5,773,218           2,313,312       5.47
Post and telecommunication
EGP                    494,859  Egyptian Co for Mobile Com                    5,076,707           3,020,250       7.13

Real estate
EGP                    266,780  Madinet Nasr City Housing                     4,208,217             998,139       2.36

Steel industry
EGP                      8,617  Alexandria Iron & Steel                         801,871             148,459       0.35

EGP                    537,047  Orascom Proj Touristic Dev Reg                4,034,952             172,414       0.41

                                                                       -----------------    ----------------  ---------
                                                                       -----------------    ----------------  ---------
Total shares                                                                 44,256,303          21,126,833      49.92
Participating shares
Banks, finance and credit institutions
USD                     51,150  Commercial Intl Bank Ltd GDR repr               594,582             247,055       0.58
                                                      1 Reg Share      -----------------    ----------------  ---------
                                                                       -----------------    ----------------  ---------
Total participating shares                                                      594,582             247,055       0.58
Countries and governments
USD                  4,000,000  Egypt 8.75% 01/11.07.11                       3,880,000           4,541,400      10.72

Steel industry
EGP                  5,000,000  Arab Factory for Iron 11% 98/26.07.05         1,468,004             859,436       2.03

                                                                       -----------------    ----------------  ---------
                                                                       -----------------    ----------------  ---------
Total bonds                                                                   5,348,004           5,400,836      12.75
Banks, finance and credit institutions
EGP                      3,939  Misr Exterior Bank Emission 02                   59,295              47,849       0.11

Hotels and restaurants
USD                     45,454  First Arabian Hotels & Resorts                4,845,506           2,780,421       6.57

                                                                       -----------------    ----------------  ---------
                                                                       -----------------    ----------------  ---------
Total shares                                                                  4,904,801           2,828,270       6.68
                                                                       -----------------    ----------------  ---------
                                                                       -----------------    ----------------  ---------
TOTAL INVESTMENTS IN SECURITIES                                              55,103,690          29,602,994      69.93
CASH AT BANKS                                                                                    12,237,116      28.88
OTHER NET ASSETS/(LIABILITIES)                                                                      506,825       1.19
                                                                                            ----------------  ---------
                                                                                            ----------------  ---------
TOTAL                                                                                            42,346,935     100.00
                                                                                            ================  =========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements

                            THE EGYPT TRUST
 Currency, Geographical and Industrial Classification of the Portfolio
                           March 31st, 2003
                     (in percentage of net assets)

                        Currency Classification

Egyptian Pound                                                                  52.06 %
US Dollar                                                                       17.87 %
TOTAL INVESTMENTS IN SECURITIES                                                 69.93 %
Egyptian Pound                                                                   1.58 %
US Dollar                                                                       27.30 %
TOTAL CASH AT BANKS                                                             28.88 %
OTHER ASSETS AND RECEIVALES                                                      1.19 %
TOTAL                                                                          100.00 %

                      Geographical Classification

Egypt                                                                           69.93 %
TOTAL INVESTMENTS IN SECURITIES                                                 69.93 %
OTHER ASSETS AND RECEIVALES                                                     30,07 %
TOTAL                                                                          100,00 %

                       Industrial Classification

Banks, finance and credit institutions                                          19.77 %
Construction and civil engineering                                              11.26 %
Countries and governments                                                       10.72 %
Post and telecommunication                                                       7.13 %
Hotels and restaurants                                                           6.57 %
Pharmaceuticals                                                                  5.47 %
Steel industry                                                                   2.38 %
Real estate                                                                      2.36 %
Insurance                                                                        1.47 %
Chemical industry                                                                1.26 %
Electric machinery and appliances                                                0.72 %
Energy                                                                           0.41 %
Tourism                                                                          0.41 %
TOTAL INVESTMENTS IN SECURITIES                                                 69.93 %
OTHER ASSETS AND RECEIVALES                                                     30,07 %
TOTAL                                                                          100,00 %

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements

                            THE EGYPT TRUST
                   Notes to the Financial Statements
                           March 31st, 2003


The Egypt Trust (the "Fund" or the "Company") is a closed-end
investment company incorporated as a investissement company under the
laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and qualified as a "societe
d'investissement a capital fixe" under the law of March 30th, 1988
regarding undertakings for collective investments and the law of
August 10th, 1915, as amended regarding commercial companies.

The Fund was incorporated in Luxembourg on July 23rd, 1996 for an
indefinite period. However, at the annual general meeting of the
Company to be held in 2002, and subsequently at every third annual
general meeting, a resolution will be put to Shareholders that the
Fund should continue as a closed-end investment company. During the
annual general meeting of the company held on August 20th, 2002 it was
resolved that the present company structure is maintained.

The Fund's Articles have been published in the "Memorial, Recueil
des Societes et Associations" and they have been filed with the
Registrar of the Luxembourg District Court, where copies thereof may
be obtained. In addition, a legal notice concerning the issue of the
Shares is on file with the Registrar of the Luxembourg District Court.

The Fund's investment objective is to achieve medium to long term
capital growth through investment principally in the equities of
companies listed on the Egyptian Stock Exchange, aiming to capitalise
on low valuations and benefiting, in the short-term, from the high
dividend yields currently available in the Egyptian market.


a)  Presentation of Accounts

The financial statements are presented in accordance with the
Luxembourg regulations relating to investment funds. The Fund keeps
its books and records in USD.

b)  Valuation

1)  The Net Asset Value per Share is calculated in accordance with
    Article 22 of the Articles on each Valuation Date (as defined in
    the Articles). "Valuation Date" means the date fixed by the Board
    for the valuation of the Shares being Friday of each week (or, if
    that day is not a business day in Luxembourg, on the next business

The Net Asset Value per Share is determined by dividing the Net Assets
of the Fund, being the value of its assets less liabilities, by the
number of Shares then outstanding.

2)  In calculating the Net Asset Value, income and expenditures are
    treated as accruing from day to day and the Articles of
    incorporation provide, inter alias, that:

(i) unquoted investments will initially be valued at cost price, which
    will include any expenses relating to their acquisition;

(ii) a revaluation of unquoted investments to a value in excess of or
    below cost may be made where, in the opinion of the Board, or in
    the opinion of the Fund's investment manager (where the Board has
    delegated its powers), it is justified. Factors affecting such
    revaluations may include: the prices at which further issues of
    capital or dealings between third parties take place, the market
    value of comparable companies (making appropriate adjustments for
    such factors as limitation of marketability) or the price at which
    any agreement has been entered into, or is reasonably
    contemplated, for the sale of the investments;

(iii) securities which are listed on an official stock exchange or
    traded on any other regulated market will be valued at the last
    available price on the principal market on which such securities
    are traded, or by a pricing service approved by the Board; and

(iv) assets or liabilities expressed in terms of currencies other than
    US dollars will be translated into US dollars at the prevailing
    market rate for such currencies at the Valuation date.

3)  First-in first-out method : purchases of securities are recorded
    at cost. Realised gains and losses on securities sold are computed
    on the first-in first-out basis.

4)  The value of cash in hand or on deposit, bills and notes payable
    on presentation, accounts due, prepaid expenses and dividends and
    interest declared and fallen due but not yet received consists of
    the nominal value of such assets, except, however, in the event
    that it seems improbable that such value can be realised, in which
    event the value is determined by deducting a sum which the Board
    of Directors of the Fund considers appropriate to reflect the
    realisable value of such assets.

5)  Foreign currencies : monetary assets and liabilities denominated
    in foreign currencies in the Statement of Net Assets are
    translated into USD at the rates of exchange ruling at the date of
    the report. Transactions in foreign currencies are recorded in USD
    based on the exchange rates in effect at the date of transactions.
    The following significant exchange rates have been applied for the
    conversion as at the date of the report:

1     EGP               Egyptian Pound                                     0.1735358
1     EUR               Euro                                               1.0910500

c)  Income Recognition

Interest and dividend income is recorded on an accrual basis, net of
any withholding taxes in the relevant country.


The Fund pays to Lazard Asset Management, the Manager, annual
management fees of 1.00 per cent, of the value of the gross assets of
the Company, payable monthly in arrears and to National Bank of Egypt,
the Investment Advisor, 0.25 per cent, per annum, of the value of the
gross assets of the Company, payable monthly in arrears.


In order to finalize the books of The Egypt Trust at the end of March
31st, 2002, KBL had to estimate a reajustment of undue interests that
was under process at that time. Errousnously USD 59,899 have been
attributed to the Fund in excess by KBL amount that has been reversed
during the exercise ending March 31st, 2003 without any financial
impact for the Fund and its shareholders.


As a Luxembourg investment company, under present laws the Fund is not
subject to income taxes in Luxembourg. Taxes may be withheld at the
source on dividends and interest received on investment securities.

According to the law of March 30th, 1988, the Fund is subject to
Luxembourg subscription duty (