26 June 2009 
                                  Garner Plc 
                          ("Garner" or the "Company") 
                Final Results for the year to 31 December 2008 
  * Group turnover up 4.8% to GBP3.3m (2007: GBP3.1m) 
  * Profit down 11.2% to GBP0.36m (2007: GBP0.40m) 
  * Acquisition of Norman Broadbent 
  * Balance sheet strengthened with net assets of GBP1.0m (2007: net liabilities 
  * Net debt GBP0.3m (2007: GBP1.2m) 
The Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year to 31 December 2008 
will be sent to all shareholders today. Further copies will be available to the 
public from the company's registered office and also from the Company's web 
Garner plc:        Andrew Garner, Executive        Tel: 020 7629 8822 
Dowgate Capital    James Caithie                   Tel: 020 7492 4777 
Advisers Limited: 
                   Antony Legge 
St Helen's Capital Ruari McGirr                    Tel: 020 7628 5582 
                   Mark Anwyl 
Web site: www.garnerinternational.com 
Chairman's Statement 
For most PLC Chairmen, this is probably the most challenging Statement to write 
simply because although the requirement is to reflect on last year, in the 
meantime Garner plc (the "Company") has changed beyond recognition and the 
world has changed, too. 
The last time we communicated was at the time of the admission document 
associated with the acquisition of the `Norman Broadbent' businesses. At the 
risk of repeating the rationale behind the deal, we saw this as an opportunity 
to increase our scale and, alongside the agreement reached with the Preference 
Shareholders, strengthen our balance sheet. We believe history will record the 
decision to have proved sound although since December of last year life has 
been challenging. 
The results for 2008 are that we made a Group profit after tax of GBP357,000 
(2007: GBP402,000) based on an increased turnover of GBP3,274,000 (2007: GBP 
3,122,000). Group earnings per share fell to 0.88p (2007: 1.06p). It should be 
stressed that two factors played their part in this result. Firstly, we saw 
three weeks of Norman Broadbent turnover in December following the acquisition. 
Secondly, the Company benefited from the interest due from a VAT repayment of GBP 
Comparing like with like, turnover from continuing operations was down to GBP 
2,683,000 (2007: GBP3,122,000) with an operating profit of GBP99,000 (2007: GBP 
609,000). Although revenues from continuing operations were down 14% compared 
with 2007, there has been a continued drive by the team to expand our client 
base. The company engaged with 21 new clients during the year across a range of 
sectors including media, education and retail. In addition, the introduction of 
the Norman Broadbent companies to the Group provides an established client base 
of over 250 businesses across sectors such as energy, professional services, 
pharmaceuticals, NHS and leadership consultancy. These new relationships 
combined with our proven ability to create repeat business from valued clients 
will provide a solid foundation to maximise future revenues. 
The Group is now reporting a much stronger balance sheet than in previous 
years, with net assets at year end of GBP1,044,000 (2007: net liabilities of GBP 
1,301,000). The primary drivers of this movement were the conversion of 
1,043,566 Preference Shares, recognised as a liability in 2007, into new equity 
plus an equity placement of 24,354,335 Ordinary Shares to fund the acquisition 
of Norman Broadbent. Net debt at year end reduced to GBP334,000 (2007: GBP 
1,183,000) representing a net cash flow of GBP849,000, which includes GBP731,000 
from the equity placement. 
Turning to non-financial matters, clearly a large part of 2008 was spent 
contemplating, negotiating and managing the process of acquiring Norman 
Broadbent. Combining this with running our business in light of the overall 
deterioration in the economy was difficult but with strong management, a good 
consulting team, prudent cost control and insightful leadership we performed 
well. I would like to offer my thanks to all those involved. 
When the transaction was confirmed at the Company's general meeting in December 
it was worth noting that the combined business more than doubled our consultant 
base and placed the Group as a considerable force amongst Executive Search 
firms in the UK. Additionally it gave us a strong position in Interim 
Management, Leadership and HR Consulting. In Spain, we own 20% of the Norman 
Broadbent business which operates out of Madrid and Barcelona. I attend their 
board meetings and am proud to confirm that they have a strong market position 
in Spain. 
At the time of the acquisition the initial strategy was to trade under both the 
Garner International and Norman Broadbent brands. In January 2009 the decision 
was made to rebrand the combined Executive Search business as Norman Broadbent, 
integrating within this our extremely successful human resource consulting 
which trades as "Garner HR". This decision was reached in view of the 
significant global reach of the Norman Broadbent name combined with the 
commercial benefits of running a solo brand. 
As part of the Interim Statement for 2008 I talked of building relationships 
with Rhodes, a leading executive search firm in the United States. In the final 
analysis we withdrew from that possibility as the Norman Broadbent presence in 
Canada also covers North America. 
It is not appropriate in these remarks to make predictions about the future and 
frankly, given the market, it would be foolish to do so. Suffice to say the 
global executive search business in the twenty five years of my acquaintance 
has seen nothing like these conditions before. Revenues were already falling in 
the second half of 2008 and trading conditions remain tough. Not surprisingly, 
cash management is at the very core of everything we are doing and in December 
we commenced a programme of cost efficiencies, strategic business planning and 
strong fiscal management that have established a robust integration strategy. 
We now have a streamlined and committed team who are fully engaged to meet the 
challenge ahead. 
A C Garner 
25 June 2009 
                             Note                    31 December   31 December 
                                                            2008          2007 
                                  Acquisition Continuous   Total         Total 
                                         GBP000       GBP000    GBP000          GBP000 
                     REVENUE  2           591      2,683   3,274         3,122 
          COST OF OPERATIONS            (447)    (2,584) (3,031)       (2,513) 
      GROUP OPERATING PROFIT              144         99     243           609 
   Net finance income/(cost)  4             -        107     107         (115) 
          PROFIT ON ORDINARY  3           144        206     350           494 
                 Tax expense  6           (9)         16       7          (92) 
    PROFIT FOR THE FINANCIAL              135        222     357           402 
  Earnings per share - Basic  7                            0.88p         1.06p 
Earnings per share - Diluted  7                            0.81p         1.01p 
There are no recognised gains and losses other than as stated above. 
Accordingly, no Statement of Total Recognised Income & Expense is given. 
As at 31 December 2008 
                          Notes              2008              2007 
                                    GBP000     GBP000     GBP000     GBP000 
Goodwill                    8               7,049               959 
Property, plant and         9                 198                14 
TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS                    7,247               973 
Trade and other            11      2,013               812 
Cash and cash equivalents            643                56 
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS                        2,656               868 
TOTAL ASSETS                                9,903             1,841 
Current Liabilities 
Redeemable preference      13          -             1,213 
Deferred consideration     18      1,060                 - 
Trade and other payables   12      2,681               561 
Bank overdraft and         18        556               850 
interest bearing loans 
Current tax liability                 87               195 
TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES                   4,384             2,819 
Non-Current Liabilities 
Deferred consideration     18               4,154                 - 
Interest bearing loans     18                 321               323 
TOTAL LIABILITIES                           8,859             3,142 
LIABILITIES                                 1,044           (1,301) 
Issued share capital       13               5,709             4,942 
Share premium account      14               4,868             3,845 
Retained earnings          14             (9,533)          (10,088) 
TOTAL EQUITY                                1,044           (1,301) 
                                                           2008     2007 
                                                           GBP000     GBP000 
Net cash from operating activities                 (i)      894      223 
Cash flows from investing activities and servicing 
of finance 
Interest received/                                          107    (115) 
Payments to acquire                                         (3)      (2) 
tangible assets 
Acquisition of subsidiary, inclusive of cash       (ii)   (566)        - 
Net cash used in                                          (462)    (117) 
investing activities 
Cash flows from 
financing activities 
Net cash inflow from                                        633        - 
equity placings 
Repayment of secured                                       (94)    (181) 
Advances from directors                                      88     (31) 
Payment of transaction                                    (272)        - 
(Decrease)/ Increase in                                   (198)      185 
invoice discounting 
Net cash from financing                                     157     (27) 
Net increase in cash                                        589       79 
and cash equivalents 
Net cash and cash equivalents at                             54     (25) 
beginning of period 
Net cash and cash equivalents at end of                     643       54 
Analysis of net funds 
Cash and cash equivalents                                   643       56 
Bank overdraft                                                -      (2) 
                                                            643       54 
Borrowings due within one                                 (556)    (848) 
Borrowings due after one                                  (321)    (323) 
Directors loan account                                    (100)     (66) 
Net funds                                                 (334)  (1,183) 
Note (i)                                                  Total 
Reconciliation of operating profit to   Continuing         2008     2007 
net cash 
Acquisition                             Activities         GBP000     GBP000 
Operating profit                    144         99          243      609 
Depreciation of property,             5          5           10        4 
plant and equipment 
Amortisation of loan                  -          -            -        3 
arrangement fees 
Decrease/(Increase) in trade        513        (5)          508    (144) 
and other receivables 
Increase/(Decrease) in trade        221         11          232    (108) 
and other payables 
Taxation paid                         -       (99)         (99)    (141) 
Net cash from operating             883         11 (i)      894      223 
Note (ii) 
Acquisition of subsidiary, inclusive of 
cash acquired 
              Cash paid                                   (200)        - 
          Cash acquired                                   (366)        - 
                                                   (ii)   (566)        - 
The principle accounting policies adopted in the preparation of these financial 
statements are set out below. These policies have been consistently applied to 
both years presented unless otherwise stated. 
(a) Basis of preparation 
The consolidated financial statements of Garner plc have been prepared in 
accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the 
European Union (IFRS as adopted by the EU), IFRIC interpretations and the 
Companies Act 1985 applicable to Companies reported under IFRS. The 
consolidated financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost 
convention, as modified by the revaluation of financial assets and liabilities 
(including derivative instruments) at fair value through profit or loss. 
The preparation of financial statements in conformity with IFRS requires the 
use of certain critical accounting estimates. It also requires management to 
exercise its judgement in the process of applying the Group's accounting 
policies. The areas involving a higher degree of judgement or complexity, or 
areas where assumptions and estimates are significant to the consolidated 
financial statements are disclosed in note (d). 
The accounts have been prepared on a going concern basis. TheGroupremains 
dependant on the continuing support of itsbankers who have confirmed their 
intention to extend the existing facilities through to 30 July 2010. 
(b) Basis of consolidation 
The consolidated income statement and balance sheet include the financial 
statements of the Company and its subsidiary undertakings made up to 31 
December 2008. The results of subsidiaries acquired are included in the 
consolidated income statement from the date control passed. Intra-Group sales 
and profits are eliminated fully on consolidation. 
On acquisition of a subsidiary, all of the subsidiary's assets and liabilities 
that exist at the date of acquisition are recorded at their fair values 
reflecting their condition at that date. 
(c) Goodwill 
Goodwill arising on acquisition of subsidiaries is included in the balance 
sheet of the consolidated accounts as an asset at cost less impairment. 
For the purpose of impairment testing, goodwill is allocated to each of the 
Group's cash-generating units expected to benefit from the synergies of the 
combination. Cash-generating units to which goodwill has been allocated are 
tested for impairment annually, or more frequently where there is an indication 
that the unit may be impaired. If the recoverable amount of the cash-generating 
unit is less than the carrying amount of the unit, the impairment loss is 
allocated first to reduce the carrying amount of any goodwill allocated to the 
unit and then to other assets of the unit pro-rata on the basis of the carrying 
amount of each asset in the unit. An impairment loss recognised for goodwill is 
not reversed in a subsequent period. 
(d) Critical accounting judgements and estimates 
Impairment of goodwill - determining whether the goodwill is impaired requires 
estimation of the value in use of the cash-generating units to which goodwill 
has been allocated. The value in use calculation requires the entity to 
estimate the future profitability expected to arise from the cash-generating 
unit and a suitable discount rate in order to calculate present value. 
Share Options - the fair value of options granted during the year was 
determined using the trinomial valuation model. The significant inputs into the 
model were share price at grant date, expected price, expected option life and 
risk free rate. 
(e) Property, plant and equipment 
The cost of property, plant and equipment is their purchase cost, together with 
any incidental costs of acquisition. 
Depreciation is calculated so as to write off the cost of the assets, less 
their estimated residual values, over the expected useful economic lives of the 
assets concerned. The principal annual rates used for this purpose are: 
Fixtures and Fittings               - 25% - 33% per annum on cost 
Land & Buildings - Leasehold        - over 5 years straight line 
(f) Foreign exchange 
Transactions denominated in foreign currency are translated into the functional 
currency at the rates ruling at the dates of the transactions. Monetary assets 
and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies at the balance sheet date are 
retranslated at the rates ruling at that date. These translation differences 
are dealt with in the income statement. 
(g) Leases 
Costs in respect of operating leases are charged on a straight-line basis over 
the lease term. 
(h) Deferred taxation 
UK corporation tax is provided at amounts expected to be paid (or recovered) 
using the tax rates and laws that have been enacted or substantially enacted by 
the balance sheet date. 
Deferred tax is provided in full on timing differences that result in an 
obligation at the balance sheet date to pay more tax, or a right to pay less 
tax, at a future date, at rates expected to apply when they crystallise based 
on current rates and laws. Timing differences arise from the inclusion of items 
of income and expenditure in taxation computations in periods different to 
those in which they are included in the financial statements. Deferred tax is 
not provided on timing differences arising from the revaluation of fixed assets 
where there is no binding contract to dispose of those assets. Deferred tax 
assets are recognised to the extent that it is regarded as more likely than not 
that they will be recovered. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are not 
(i) Investments 
Fixed asset investments are stated at cost less provision for any impairment in 
(j) Revenue Recognition 
Revenue comprises the fair value of the sale of services, net of value-added 
tax, rebates and discounts. Revenue is recognised on the percentage completion 
basis, using pre-specified milestones to trigger invoices. 
(k) Pensions 
The Group operates a number of defined contribution funded pension schemes for 
the benefit of certain employees. The costs of the pension schemes are charged 
to the income statement as incurred. 
(l) Share Option Schemes 
For equity-settled share-based payment transactions the group, in accordance 
with IFRS2, measures their value, and the corresponding increase in equity, 
indirectly, by reference to the fair value of the equity instruments granted. 
The fair value of those equity instruments is measured at grant date, using the 
trinomial method. The expense is apportioned over the vesting period of the 
financial instrument and is based on the numbers which are expected to vest and 
the fair value of those financial instruments at the date of grant. If the 
equity instruments granted vest immediately, the expense is recognised in full. 
The analysis by class of business of the Group's turnover, profit before 
taxation and net liabilities is set out below: 
                           Turnover      Profit before tax   Net assets/( 
                          Year      Year     Year     Year     Year     Year 
                         ended     ended    ended    ended    ended    ended 
                        31 Dec    31 Dec   31 Dec   31 Dec   31 Dec   31 Dec 
                          2008      2007     2008     2007     2008     2007 
                          GBP000      GBP000     GBP000              GBP000     GBP000 
    Class of business 
     Executive search    3,274     3,122      373      677    1,044  (1,301) 
    Corporate central                       (130)     (68) 
 Interest receivable/                         107    (115) 
                                              350      494 
                           Turnover        Profit/(loss)      Net assets/ 
                                            before tax       (liabilities) 
                          Year      Year     Year     Year     Year     Year 
                         ended     ended    ended    ended    ended    ended 
                        31 Dec    31 Dec   31 Dec   31 Dec   31 Dec   31 Dec 
                          2008      2007     2008     2007     2008     2007 
                          GBP000      GBP000     GBP000     GBP000     GBP000     GBP000 
Geographical analysis by 
       United Kingdom    3,008     2,737      331      433    1,044  (1,301) 
               Europe      193       280       14       44        -        - 
                Other       73       105        5       17        -        - 
                         3,274     3,122      350      494    1,044  (1,301) 
Turnover by location is not materially different from turnover by destination. 
                                                    Year ended    Year ended 
                                                   31 December   31 December 
                                                          2008          2007 
Profit on ordinary activities before                      GBP000          GBP000 
is stated after charging: 
Depreciation and amounts written off property, 
plant and equipment: 
Owned assets                                       10          4 
Operating lease rentals: 
Land and buildings                                 142         120 
Auditors' remuneration: 
Audit work                                         38          15 
Non-audit work                                     8           1 
The Company audit fee in the year was GBP8,000 (2007: GBP4,000). 
                                                    Year ended    Year ended 
                                                   31 December   31 December 
                                                          2008          2007 
                                                          GBP000          GBP000 
Interest payable on bank loans and overdrafts             (84)         (115) 
Interest receivable on VAT reclaim                         191             - 
                                                           107         (115) 
The average number of full time                     Year ended    Year ended 
equivalent persons 
                                                   31 December   31 December 
(including directors) employed by the 
Group during                                              2008          2007 
the period was as follows:                                 No.           No. 
Sales and related services                                  13            11 
Administration                                               8             5 
                                                            21            16 
                                                          GBP000          GBP000 
Staff costs (for the above persons): 
Wages and salaries                                       1,731         1,480 
Social security costs                                      184           164 
Pension costs                                               30            26 
                                                         1,945         1,670 
The emoluments of the directors are disclosed as required by the Companies Act 
1985 on page 9 in the Directors' Remuneration Report. The table of directors' 
emoluments has been audited and forms part of these financial statements. This 
also includes details of the highest paid director. 
   Taxation is based on the profit for              Year ended    Year ended 
                              the year 
                                                   31 December   31 December 
                                                          2008          2007 
                        and comprises:                    GBP000          GBP000 
 United Kingdom corporation tax at 28%                      24           105 
   (2007: 30%) based on profit for the 
                Under/(over) provision                    (31)          (13) 
                                                           (7)            92 
The differences between the current tax shown above and the amount 
calculated by applying the standard rate of UK corporation tax to the profit 
before tax is as follows: 
                                                    Year ended    Year ended 
                                                   31 December   31 December 
                                                          2008          2007 
                                                          GBP000          GBP000 
  Profit on ordinary activities before                     350           494 
  Tax on profit on ordinary activities                      98           148 
at standard UK corporation tax rate of 
                       28% (2007: 30%) 
                           Effects of: 
               Expenses not deductible                      12             1 
   Adjustment in respect of prior year                    (31)             - 
                Small Companies Relief                       -          (22) 
    Utilisation of ACT brought forward                    (13)          (23) 
 Utilisation of losses brought forward                    (36)             - 
                     Other adjustments                    (37)          (12) 
   Current tax (credit)/charge for the                     (7)            92 
In accordance with IAS 33, earnings per ordinary share of 0.88p (2007: 1.06p) 
have been calculated by dividing the profit on ordinary activities after 
taxation and non-equity dividends of GBP357,000 (2007: GBP402,000) by 40,600,981 
(2007: 37,968,937), being the weighted average number of ordinary shares in 
issue and ranking for dividend during the period. There were no preference 
shares at 31 December 2008 (2007: nil) available for conversion. The share 
options granted through the EMI scheme and the issued warrants have been used 
to calculate the diluted earnings per ordinary share of 0.81p (2007: 1.01p). 
Group                                                               Goodwill 
At 1 January 2008                                                        959 
Goodwill arising on acquisition (note                                  6,090 
At 31 December 2008                                                    7,049 
Net book value 
At 31 December 2008                                                    7,049 
At 31 December 2007                                                      959 
In line with International Financial Reporting Standards, goodwill has not been 
amortised from the transition date, but has instead been subject to an 
impairment review by the directors of the group. 
As set out in accounting policy note 1, the directors test the goodwill for 
impairment annually. The recoverable amount of the Group's cash generating 
units is calculated on the present value of their respective expected future 
cash flows, applying a weighted average cost of capital in line with businesses 
in the same sector. Post tax future cash flows are derived from approved 
budgets for the 2009 financial year. Management believe the forecasts are 
reasonably achievable. 
By applying these tests the directors have concluded that goodwill is not 
                                   Land and   Fixtures     Total 
                                buildings -        and 
                                  leasehold  equipment 
                                      GBP'000      GBP'000     GBP'000 
At 1 January 2008                        17         82        99 
Additions                                 -          3         3 
Acquisitions through business             -        191       191 
At 31 December 2008                      17        276       293 
Accumulated depreciation 
At 1 January 2008                         7         78        85 
Charge for the period                     3          7        10 
At 31 December 2008                      10         85        95 
Net book value 
At 31 December 2008                       7        191       198 
At 31 December 2007                      10          4        14 
The Group had no capital commitments as at 31 December 2008 (2007: GBPNil). 
The above assets are owned by Group companies; the Company has no fixed assets. 
Company                                                     Shares in Group 
At 1 January 2008                                                  4,743 
Acquisition of subsidiary                                          6,004 
At 31 December 2008                                                10,747 
Provision for impairment 
At 1 January and 31 December                                       3,518 
Net book value 
At 31 December 2008                                                7,229 
At 31 December 2007                                                1,225 
On 3rd December 2008, the Group acquired 100% of the shares in BNB Recruitment 
Consultancy Limited, Bancomm Limited and BNB Overseas Holdings Limited for a 
total consideration of GBP6,004,000. This consideration includes GBP590,000 legal, 
professional and advisory costs directly attributable to the acquisition. 
Principal Group investments: 
                         Country of      Principal     Description and 
                         incorporation   activities    proportion of 
                         or registration               shares held by 
                         and operation                 the company 
Garner International     England and     Executive     100% ordinary 
Ltd                      Wales           search        shares 
BNB Recruitment          England and     Executive     100% ordinary 
Consultancy Ltd          Wales           search        shares 
Bancomm Ltd              England and     Executive     100% ordinary 
                         Wales           search        shares 
BNB Overseas Holdings    England and     Executive     100% ordinary 
Ltd                      Wales           search        shares 
Substantial Share 
NBS Norman Broadbent     Spain           Executive     20% ordinary 
SA*                                      Search        shares 
* The 20% shareholding in this company is owned by BNB Overseas Holdings Ltd, a 
wholly owned subsidiary of Garner plc. 
                                               Group             Company 
                                           2008     2007     2008     2007 
                                           GBP000     GBP000     GBP000     GBP000 
Trade and other receivables               1,651      747        -        - 
Prepayments and accrued                     362       65      200        2 
Other taxation and social                     -        -      288        - 
Due from group undertakings                   -        -      208        - 
                                          2,013      812      696        2 
                                              Group              Company 
                                           2008    2007      2008     2007 
                                           GBP000    GBP000      GBP000     GBP000 
Trade payables                            1,147      98       631       10 
Due to group undertakings                     -       -       542      485 
Other taxation and social security          216     108         -        - 
Other payables                              105      97        25       30 
Directors loan account                      100      66        66       66 
Accruals                                  1,113     192        59       22 
                                          2,681     561     1,323      613 
                                                              2008     2007 
                                                              GBP000     GBP000 
307,744,864 Ordinary shares of 1.0p each (2007:              3,078    2,938 
23,342,400 Deferred A shares of 4.0p each (2007:               934      934 
907,118,360 Deferred shares of 0.4p each (2007:              3,628    3,628 
1,745,226 Deferred B shares of 42.0p each (2007:               733        - 
1,745,226 Preference shares of 50p each (2007:                   -      873 
                                                             8,373    8,373 
Allotted and fully paid: 
70,855,541 Ordinary shares of 1.0p each (2007:                 709      380 
23,342,400 Deferred A shares of 4.0p each (2007:               934      934 
907,118,360 Deferred shares of 0.4p each (2007:              3,628    3,628 
1,043,566 Deferred B shares of 42.0p each (2007:               438        - 
                                                             5,709    4,942 
On 7th November 2008, the company granted to St Helen's Capital an option to 
subscribe for 798,762 Ordinary Shares of 1.0p each at an exercise price of 
5.625p each. The option may be exercised in whole but not in part, at any time 
up to 31 March 2011 (Note 22). 
On 2nd December 2008, in consideration of services provided in connection with 
the Acquisition, Conversion and Placing, the company granted 850,000 warrants. 
The warrants entitle the holders to subscribe for Ordinary Shares at a price of 
3.0p per Share, at any time prior to 31 December 2011. 
Prior to 2nd December 2008 there were 1,043,566 5p preference shares of 50p 
each allotted and fully paid with a nominal value of GBP521,783. The value of 
these shares, along with their associated premium and accrued dividend was 
classified under Current Liabilities. Payment was only to be made when the 
Company had sufficient distributable reserves. On 2nd December 2008 the 
authorised share capital of the company was altered by Special Resolution, 
which created 13,961,808 Ordinary Shares of 1.0p each and 1,745,226 Deferred B 
Shares of 42.0p each. The Preference Shareholders were then issued with the new 
shares created in exchange for the Preference Shares, which were then 
Deferred Shares of 0.4p each 
The Deferred Shares carry no right to dividends, distributions or to receive 
notice of or attend general meetings of the company. In the event of a winding 
up, the shares carry a right to repayment only after payment of capital paid up 
on Ordinary Shares plus a payment of GBP10,000 per Ordinary Share. The company 
retains the right to transfer or cancel the shares without payment to the 
holders thereof. 
Deferred A Shares of 4p each 
The Deferred A Shares carry no right to dividends or distributions or to 
receive notice of or attend general meetings of the company. In the event of a 
winding up, the shares carry a right to repayment only after the holders of 
Ordinary Shares have received a payment of GBP10 million per Ordinary Share. 
The company retains the right to cancel the shares without payment to the 
holders thereof. The rights attaching to the shares shall not be varied by the 
creation or issue of shares ranking parri passu with or in priority to the 
Deferred A Shares. 
Deferred B Shares of 42p each 
The Deferred B Shares carry no right to dividends or distributions or to 
receive notice of or attend general meetings of the company. In the event of a 
winding up, the shares carry the right to repayment only after the holders of 
Ordinary Shares have received a payment of GBP10 million per Ordinary Share. The 
company retains the right to cancel the shares without payment to the holders 
thereof. The rights attaching to the shares shall not be varied by the creation 
or issue of shares ranking parri passu with or in priority to the Deferred B 
                                                     Share Retained    Total 
                                                   Premium Earnings 
                                                      GBP000     GBP000     GBP000 
At 1 January 2008                                    3,845 (10,088)  (6,243) 
Issue of ordinary shares and conversion of           1,029        -    1,029 
preference shares 
Costs relating to issue and conversion of shares     (241)        -    (241) 
Add-back accrued dividend on preference shares           -      156      156 
VAT reclaimed on historic share placement costs        235        -      235 
Share based payment expense                              -       42       42 
Profit for the period                                    -      357      357 
At 31 December 2008                                  4,868  (9,533)  (4,665) 
                                                     Share Retained    Total 
                                                   Premium Earnings 
                                                      GBP000     GBP000     GBP000 
At 1 January 2008                                    3,845 (10,138)  (6,293) 
Issue of ordinary shares and conversion of           1,029        -    1,029 
preference shares 
Costs relating to issue and conversion of shares     (241)        -    (241) 
Add-back accrued dividend on preference shares           -      156      156 
VAT reclaimed on historic share placement costs        235        -      235 
Share based payment expense                              -       42       42 
Profit for the period                                    -      179      179 
At 31 December 2008                                  4,868  (9,761)  (4,893) 
                                                              2008      2007 
                                                              GBP000      GBP000 
Profit for the financial period                                357       402 
                                                               357       402 
Issue of share capital                                         767         - 
Premium on issue of ordinary shares and                      1,029         - 
conversion of preference shares 
Costs relating to issue and conversion of shares             (241)         - 
Add back accrued dividend on preference shares                 156         - 
VAT reclaimed on historic share placement costs                235         - 
Share based payment expense                                     42         - 
Net addition to shareholders' funds                          2,345       402 
Opening shareholders' (deficit)                            (1,301)   (1,703) 
Closing shareholders' surplus/                               1,044   (1,301) 
Operating leases 
At 31 December 2008, the Group had annual commitments under non-cancellable 
operating leases which expire as follows: 
                                                                   Land and 
                                                              2008     2007 
                                                              GBP000     GBP000 
In less than one year                                          179        - 
Between 2 and 5 years                                          120        - 
In more than five years                                          -      120 
                                                               299      120 
The Group operated several defined contribution pension schemes for the 
business. The assets of the schemes were held separately from those of the 
Group in independently administered funds. The pension cost represents 
contributions payable by the Group to the funds and amounts to GBP30,000 (2007: GBP 
26,000). All costs were fully paid at the year end. 
Derivatives and other financial instruments 
The Group's financial instruments comprise borrowings, some cash and liquid 
resources and various items such as trade receivables and trade payables that 
arise directly from its operations. The main purpose of these financial 
instruments is to raise finance for the Group's operations. 
The Group has not entered into any derivative transactions in the year. The 
Group does not trade in financial instruments. 
The Group has taken advantage of the exemptions available under International 
Accounting Standard 22 not to provide numerical disclosures in relation to 
short-term receivables and payables. 
The main risks arising from the Group's financial instruments are interest rate 
risk, liquidity risk and currency risk. The Board reviews and agrees policies 
for managing each of these risks and they are summarised below. 
Interest rate risk 
The Group finances operations through bank borrowings and finance leases. At 
the year-end all of the Group's bank borrowings were at floating rates of 
interest. It is the Group's policy to have all borrowings at a floating rate of 
interest and this policy is reviewed periodically to ensure it is appropriate. 
Liquidity risk 
The Group's policy is to retain a balance between short-term flexibility, 
achieved through overdraft facilities, and longer term planning through 
longer-term instalment debt. At the year-end, 43% of bank borrowings were 
The maturity profile of the Group's financial liabilities is provided on the 
following page. 
Currency risk 
The Group's policy is not to hedge transactions, and to buy and sell currency 
at spot rate where applicable. Each company has assets and liabilities in its 
native currency only. 
Financial assets: 
GBP643,000 (2007: GBP56,000) of cash at bank and in hand is held in the Group, all 
denominated in Sterling. All financial assets attract interest at floating 
rates, and are based on national bank offering rates. 
Financial liabilities 
                                              Group              Company 
Analysis of loan repayments               2008     2007      2008     2007 
                                          GBP000     GBP000      GBP000     GBP000 
Current Liabilities 
In one year or less or on demand: 
Bank overdrafts and interest bearing       556      850       334      429 
Deferred Consideration (note 20)         1,060        -     1,060        - 
Redeemable Preference Shares (note           -    1,213         -    1,213 
Directors' loan accounts                   100       66        66       66 
                                         1,716    2,129     1,460    1,708 
Non-Current Liabilities 
In more than one year but not more 
than two years: 
Interest bearing loans                     183      183       183      183 
Deferred Consideration (note 20)         1,060        -     1,060        - 
In more than two years but not more 
than five years: 
Interest bearing loans                     138      140       138      140 
Deferred Consideration (note 20)         3,094        -     3,094        - 
                                         4,475      323     4,475      323 
                                         6,191    2,452     5,935    2,031 
Bank loans and overdrafts are secured by a fixed and floating charge over the 
assets of the Group and by keyman and other insurance policies in respect of A 
C Garner and S O'Brien, by a deed of postponement from A C Garner in respect of 
all loans made to the Group and by separate all moneys guarantees of restricted 
amounts from A C Garner. The following debentures are also in place as security 
for the bank loans: 
  * Unlimited debenture dated 3rd November 2000 from Garner International 
  * Omnibus guarantee and set off agreement dated 6th November 2000 between the 
    bank, Garner plc and Garner International. 
The interest rate profile of the Group's financial liabilities was: 
                                                              2008     2007 
                                                              GBP000     GBP000 
Floating rate financial liabilities                            877    1,173 
Fixed rate financial liabilities                                 -        - 
Non interest bearing financial liabilities - non                 -    1,213 
equity shares 
- deferred consideration                                     5,214        - 
                - directors' loan account                      100       66 
                                                             6,191    2,452 
Floating rate liabilities represent bank borrowings and overdrafts that bear 
rates of interest at between 2.0% and 3.5% above the base rate. 
All of the financial instruments are held in the UK in Sterling. 
Set out below is a comparison by category of book values and fair values of the 
Group's financial liabilities which are all denominated in sterling: 
                                               2008              2007 
                                             Book     Fair     Book     Fair 
                                          value GBP  value GBP  value GBP  value GBP 
                                              000      000      000      000 
Bank overdraft                                  -        -        2        2 
Bank loan                                     877      877    1,171    1,171 
Directors' loan                               100      100       66       66 
Deferred consideration                      5,214    5,214        -        - 
                                            6,191    6,191    1,239    1,239 
Non-equity share redemption                     -        -    1,213    1,213 
                                            6,191    6,191    2,452    2,452 
The fair value of cash at bank and in hand is not materially different from its 
book value. 
On 3rd December 2008, the Group acquired 100% of the shares in BNB Recruitment 
Consultancy Limited, Bancomm Limited and BNB Overseas Holdings Limited for a 
total consideration of GBP6,004,000, including professional and advisory costs. 
The principal activity of all three companies is that of executive search. 
The following table summarises the recognised amounts of assets acquired and 
liabilities assumed at the acquisition date and the major classes of 
consideration transferred. The values of assets and liabilities have been 
determined at acquisition date using fair values: 
                                          BNB     Bancomm    BNB     TOTAL 
                                      Recruitment          Overseas 
                                      Consultancy          Holdings 
                                             GBP000     GBP000     GBP000     GBP000 
Property, plant & equipment                   189        2        -      191 
Trade & other receivables                   1,544      104       63    1,711 
Cash & cash equivalents                     (615)      249        -    (366) 
Trade & other payables                    (1,322)    (300)        -  (1,622) 
Net identifiable assets &                   (204)       55       63     (86) 
Goodwill on acquisition (note                                          6,090 
Cash on acquisition date                                                 200 
Deferred cash consideration                                            5,214 
(note 18) 
Professional & advisory costs                                            590 
re: acquisition 
The principle reasons for the acquisition were to increase the client base 
within the UK and to extend the Group's presence abroad. The Norman Broadbent 
brand is widely recognised and it has a strong executive search practice in a 
number of sectors, which does not compete with existing business. The acquired 
companies have operations in the UK, USA, Canada and Dubai in addition to 
holding an interest in an associate business in Spain. The company agreed an 
aggregate purchase price of GBP5,414,000 for 100% of issued share capital, based 
on net assets of the three BNB subsidiaries at 30th September 2008. The 
acquisition was completed on 3rd December 2008. 
The company has agreed to pay an aggregate purchase price before professional 
and advisory costs of GBP5,414,000 to acquire the three subsidiaries. This 
consideration is payable as follows: 
- GBP200,000 was paid in cash on acquisition date 
- Payments equivalent to royalty income receivable by BNB Overseas Holdings 
Limited during the year, net of tax is paid directly to the vendor. 
- Quarterly payments over a period of up to 60 months from 30th September 2008, 
based on a proportion of actual revenues as against projected revenues of the 
Enlarged Group. 
In the event that the total amounts paid by the company to the vendor during 
the 30 month period from 30th September 2008 is less than GBP2,800,000 then the 
company must pay the full amount of the shortfall at that time. If the total 
amount paid during the period of 60 months from 30th September 2008 is less 
than GBP5,414,000 then the company must pay the shortfall at that time. 
If any shortfall payment due in respect of the period of 30 months from 30th 
September 2008 is not paid in accordance with the Acquisition Agreement then 
the vendor will have the right to acquire all intellectual property rights 
relating to the Norman Broadbent name and brand for GBP1. 
Professional & advisory costs: 
The group incurred costs directly attributable to the acquisition of GBP590,000 
which have been included within goodwill. These costs included fees payable to 
professional advisors and also an allocation of staff costs and administrative 
expenditure that the directors believe is a true reflection of the work carried 
out to complete the acquisition. 
IFRS 3 Considerations: 
IFRS 3 requires that any separately identifiable intangibles, the cost of which 
can be accurately measured, should be disclosed independently from residual 
goodwill on acquisition. The residual goodwill represents the future economic 
benefits arising from other assets acquired in the business combination that 
are not individually identified and separately recognised. 
To determine the gross consideration payable for the Norman Broadbent 
subsidiaries, the directors assessed the future profit/cash generating 
potential of the group. The key assets to drive this were deemed to be: 
- a globally recognised and respected search brand; 
- a team of consultants with knowledge, experience and strong client 
relationships across a diverse range of markets; 
- a well established and efficient administrative and support infrastructure. 
The directors believe that it is not possible to separate and accurately 
measure the above assets independently as they are all linked and contribute 
wholly to the cash generating ability of the group. As such the balance has 
been recognised as residual goodwill on the balance sheet. 
In previous years A C Garner has made various loans to the Group to assist in 
working capital requirements. At 31 December 2008 the balances on these loans 
were GBP100,000 (2007: GBP66,000). These loans are non-interest bearing and at the 
Balance Sheet date none of these loans had any agreed repayment terms. 
In addition, A C Garner has guaranteed GBP200,000 of bank loans and overdraft. 
In relation to the acquisition of BNB Recruitment Consultancy Limited, Bancomm 
Limited and BNB Recruitment Overseas Holdings Limited in December 2008, A C 
Garner has personally guaranteed the payment of up to GBP500,000 of the 
consideration due to the vendor in respect of the purchase price. The guarantee 
reduces on a pound-for-pound basis as purchase consideration received by the 
vendor exceeds GBP1,000,000. 
The measurement requirements of IFRS2 have been implemented in respect of 
share-options that were granted after 7 November 2002. The expense recognised 
for share based payments made during the year is shown in the following table; 
Total expenses arising from equity settled share-based     2008    2007 
                                                           GBP000    GBP000 
Garner plc Executive Share Option Scheme                     24       - 
St Helens Options                                            18       - 
The share-based payment plans are described below: 
Garner plc Executive Share Option Scheme 
In accordance with the Executive Share Option Scheme, approved share options 
over Ordinary Shares of 1.0p each are granted to eligible employees who devote 
at least 25 hours per week, or if less at least 75% of their working time to 
the performance of duties or employment with the company. 
The exercise price of the options is equal to the market price of the shares at 
the date of grant. The options may be exercised on the first, second and third 
anniversary of the date of the grant in equal amounts. 
If the option holder ceases employment for any reason, the option may not be 
exercised, unless the Board permits. The approved options will be forfeited 
where they remain unexercised, at the end of their respective contractual lives 
of eight, nine or ten years. 
There have been no cancellations or modifications to this plan since 19 
December 2007 when the options were granted. 
St Helens Options 
On 7th November 2008, the company granted to St Helen's Capital an option to 
subscribe for 798,762 Ordinary Shares of 1.0p each at an exercise price of 
5.625p each, the market price of the shares at the date of grant. The option 
may be exercised in whole but not in part, at any time up to 31 March 2011.The 
fair value of share options granted is estimated at the date of grant using a 
trinomial pricing model, taking into account all the terms and conditions upon 
which the options were granted. 
The total number of options outstanding and exercisable under share 
arrangements as at 31st December 2008 was as follows: 
                                Options Outstanding      Options Exercisable 
                                Number of     Weighted     Weighted      Number 
                                   shares         avg.         avg. exercisable 
                                             remaining     exercise 
                                            life (yrs)    price (p) 
Executive Share Option Scheme   1,758,437          9.0        5.625   1,758,437 
St Helens Options                 798,762          2.3        5.625     798,762 
Movements in the number of share options outstanding and their related weighted 
average exercise prices are as follows: 
                               Executive Share Option     St Helens Options 
2008:                             Weighted   Number of     Weighted   Number of 
                                      avg.     options         avg.     options 
                                  exercise                 exercise 
                                 price (p)                price (p) 
Balance at 1st January 2008          5.625   1,758,437            -           - 
Granted                                  -           -        5.625     798,762 
Exercised                                -           -            -           - 
Lapsed                                   -           -            -           - 
Balance at 31st December 2008        5.625   1,758,437        5.625     798,762 
In consideration of services provided in connection with the acquisition of the 
Norman Broadbent companies, the Company granted 850,000 warrants to Dowgate on 
the basis of 1 warrant for 1 Ordinary Share. Total warrants existing at 31st 
December 2008 over 1p Ordinary Shares in the Company are summarized below. 
2008:                             Weighted    Number of 
                                      avg.     warrants 
                                 price (p) 
Balance at 1st January 2008              -            - 
Granted                              3.00p      850,000 
Exercised                                -            - 
Lapsed                                   -            - 
Balance at 31st December 2008        3.00p      850,000 
Inputs to the trinomial Valuation Model 
The fair value of share options and warrants granted is estimated at the time 
of grant using a trinomial pricing model, taking into account all the terms and 
conditions upon which the derivatives were granted. 
The following table lists the inputs to the trinomial model in 2008 & 2007: 
                                      2008         2007 
Expected dividend yield                 0%           0% 
Expected volatility                    85%          70% 
Contractual life of the            3 years   8-10 years 
Weighted avg. risk free              3.99%        4.73% 
interest rate 
Weighted avg. fair value            5.625%       5.625% 
The expected volatility was estimated by reference to the historical volatility 
of the company's share price. 
The risk free rate of return is estimated as the yield on zero coupon UK 
government bonds of a term consistent with the contractual life of the options 
The financial information in this announcement does not comprise statutory 
accounts for the purpose of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985 and have been 
extracted from the company's consolidated accounts for the period to 31 
December 2008. The statutory accounts for the company for the year ended 31 
December 2008 will be filed following the Company's annual general meeting. The 
auditors' reports on the accounts are unqualified and did not include a 
statement under Section 237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. 
Whilst the information included in this announcement has been prepared in 
accordance with the recognition and measurement criteria of IFRSs, this 
announcement does not itself contain sufficient information to comply with 

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