RNS Number : 3940B

Gabelli Value Plus+ Trust PLC

09 June 2021

Gabelli Value Plus+ Trust Plc

Legal Entity Identifier: 213800FZFN1SD1GNNZ11

Annual Report and Accounts 2021



GABELLI VALUE PLUS+ TRUST PLC ("GVP" or the "Company") was launched in February 2015 to invest in U.S. equities. The Company is a public company, limited by shares. Trading on the London Stock Exchange under the symbol GVP, the Company brings the "best of" Gabelli Funds through an actively managed fund investing in U.S. companies, giving UK investors direct access to the Gabelli value investment methodology. It incorporates a portfolio of Gabelli Funds all cap U.S. equity ideas with selective deployment of their classic merger arbitrage approach. The merger arbitrage approach aims to earn absolute returns in excess of short term interest rates, non-correlated with the overall equity markets.

Through its Manager, Gabelli Funds, LLC ("Gabelli Funds"), the Company provides access to Gabelli's core methodology, which has delivered annualised outperformance of the Standard & Poor's 500 Index of 5% since the launch of this strategy in 1977. The Company's investment portfolio is diversified across securities, capitalisations, sectors, and event time horizons; it is flexible through various market cycles and opportunistic where appropriate.

The Company is part of the lineage of Gabelli Closed-End Funds. The Gabelli Fund complex currently includes 14 U.S.-based closed-end funds, two funds based in the UK, 24 open-end funds and a SICAV, with two sub-funds.


                                                            As at            As at 
 Performance (unadjusted for distributions)         31 March 2021    31 March 2020 
------------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
 Net asset value per share (cum income)                    168.5p           103.0p 
 Net asset value per share (ex income)                     167.2p           101.9p 
 Share price                                               162.0p            82.5p 
 Discount relative to the NAV (cum income) (--)              3.9%            19.9% 
 Exchange Rate (US$/ GBP)                                    1.38             1.24 
------------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
                                          Year ended       Year ended 
 Total returns                         31 March 2021    31 March 2020 
-----------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
 Net asset value per share(#) (--)             64.3%          (25.0%) 
 Russell 3000 Value Index (GBP)                42.3%          (14.0%) 
 Standard & Poor's 500 Index (GBP)             40.5%           (2.5%) 
 Share price (--)                              98.2%          (32.7%) 
-----------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
 Revenue return per share                      1.32p            1.09p 
-----------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
 Ongoing charges* 
 Annualised ongoing charges** (--)             1.32%            1.24% 
-----------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 

Source: Investment Manager (Gabelli Funds, LLC), verified by the Administrator, State Street Bank and Trust Company.

(#) The net asset value ("NAV") total return for the year reflects the movement in the NAV, adjusted for the reinvestment of any dividends paid.

The total share price return for the year to 31 March 2021 reflects the movement in the share price during the year, adjusted to reflect the reinvestment of any dividends paid.

* Ongoing charges are calculated as a percentage of shareholders' funds using the average net assets over the year and calculated in line with the AIC's recommended methodology.

** The annualised ongoing charges are the recurring operating and investment management costs of the Company, expressed as a percentage of the average net assets. The breakdown is set out in the following table. Portfolio transaction charges are shown for transparency, although they do not form part of the ongoing charges under the AIC's recommended methodology.

-- Alternative Performance Measure (please refer to the Glossary in the Annual Report and Financial Statements)

                                               Year ended                   Year ended 
                                            31 March 2021                31 March 2020 
                                         % of average net             % of average net 
                               GBP000              assets   GBP000              assets 
----------------------------  -------  ------------------  -------  ------------------ 
 Revenue expenses                 543                0.41      474                0.34 
 Investment management fees     1,193                0.91    1,258                0.90 
----------------------------  -------  ------------------  -------  ------------------ 
                                1,736                1.32    1,732                1.24 
 Transaction costs                103                0.08       94                0.07 
----------------------------  -------  ------------------  -------  ------------------ 



I a m p l e as e d t o p r ese n t t h e Co m pan y 's annual r esu l ts f o r t h e y ear t o 3 1 Mar ch 2 0 2 1 . Th e p e r i o d un d e r rev iew saw f i nan c ial mar k e ts, i n t h e U n i t e d S tat es a n d w o r l d w i d e , r e a c t i n g t o t h e sp r e ad of t h e CO VID - 1 9 pan d e m i c , w i th g o v e r n m e n ts st e pp i n g i n t o p r o v i de f iscal st i m u l us f o r t h e e c o n o m y t h r o u gh f i nan c ial su pp o r t f o r b o t h i n d i v i d uals an d c o m pan i es. Wh ilst i n i t iall y h eav ily i m pac t e d i n t h e ear l y par t of 2 0 20 w i t h g o v e r n m e n ts' st i m u l us an d , m o re r e c e n t ly, t h e availab ili t y of a nu m b e r of vac c i n es, mar k e ts hav e r e c o v e r e d t he ear l y l osses an d m o re.

Pe r f o r man ce

B y all measu res, t he fiscal year en ding o n 3 1 Mar c h 2 0 2 1 was a ver y g ood year in per f o r mance ter ms f o r Gabelli Value Plus+ T r ust . F o r t he year, NAV p e r f o r m a nc e w as u p 6 4 . 33 % a nd share p rice per f o r mance was u p by 9 8 . 1 5 % . O f c o u rse, t his was c o min g off a disapp oin tin g p rio r year, w hen t he glo bal pan demic was hittin g t he U.S. st o c k mar ket , an d all glo bal mar kets, ex cep tio nally har d . O u r in vest ment manager, Gabelli F un ds, d oes n ot ben c h mar k itself against an y passive in dex , b u t rat her t ries t o generate absolu te ret u r ns o ver t he lo n g ter m. F o r c o m pariso n p u r p oses, t he S&P 500 Index was u p 4 0 . 5 % (in sterlin g ), o r 5 6 . 35 % % (in U.S. d ollars) d u ring t he year. The Russell 3000 Value In dex i n c reased b y 4 2 . 3 % (in sterlin g ) , o r 5 8 . 4% ( i n U .S. d o ll a rs) o v e r t h e sa m e perio d. The B oar d w o uld like t o c o n g rat ulate t he i n v es tmen t manager f o r t he per f o r mance d u rin g t he past year.

Th r o u g h 30 June 2 0 2 0 , t he S&P 50 0 In dex was off a mere 3 % f r o m t he star t of 2 0 2 0 , havin g rallied alm ost 40 % f r o m its M a r c h l o w . G r o w t h st o c ks c o n tinued t heir winnin g st reak , p o wered b y Faceb oo k, A maz o n , Net flix , Goo gle/ Alp habet, M i c r o s o f t , an d A pple. A t mid - 2 0 2 0 , t hese six st o c ks had an agg regate mar ket capitalizatio n of $ 6 . 3 t rillio n , c o m p rising 2 3 % of t he S&P 500 an d c o n t rib u tin g 5 .4 p oin ts of p ositive year - t o - date ret u r n . In late May/early J une smaller capitalization an d value st o c ks snat c hed mar ket leadership bef o re reversin g.

S t o c k s c o n tinued t o rise d u rin g t he t hird q uar ter of 2 0 2 0 , wit h t he S&P 500 Index u p 8 . 9 % , as g a i ns i n J u l y a n d A u g ust were par tially offset b y a decline in Se pt e m b er. T h e m a i n issu es st i ll f a cing t he mar kets cen t red lar gely ar o un d t he CO VID - 1 9 pan demic : specifically, how lo n g w o uld it persist , w o uld "sec o nd wave" cases spike sig nifican tly hig her, leadin g t o a ret u r n t o f u r t her ec o n o mic s hu td o w ns an d w hen w o uld t herapeu tics an d vac cines be read y f o r develo p ment an d dist rib u tion?

It t oo k CO VID - 1 9 t o en d t he U nited S tates' lo n gest b ull mar ket , w hic h lasted 1 3 1 m o n t hs, o nly t o give way t o its sh o r test bear mar ket of just o ver o ne m o n t h . A f ter declinin g 3 4 % peak - t o-t r o u g h Feb r uar y t o Mar c h , t he S&P 500 In dex en ded u p 1 8 % f o r 2 0 20 (in U.S. d ollars) , 6 5 % hig her t han its Mar c h lo w. U n f o r t unately, even in t he face of rising asset p rices an d an o verall in c reased savin gs rate, t he ex ten ded ec o n o mic shu td o w n st rained t he balance sheets of man y small b usinesses an d im paired t he skills of man y em ployees.

The first q uar ter of 2 0 2 1 , t he Co m pan y's final fiscal q uar ter, p r o vided a sig nificant c o n t rast t o t he first q uar ter of 2 0 2 0. Last year, mar kets were hittin g lo ws amid uncer tain t y regar din g t he ultimate reac h of CO VID - 1 9 an d t he resulting e c o n o m i c w r e c k a g e a t a t i m e w h en even gettin g a diag n ostic test was ex ceedin gly diffic ult . M o re recen tly, n o t o nly have ef fec tive vac cines been develo ped , b u t m ost U.S. S tates have o p e n e d u p t h ei r v a c c i n e p r o g r a ms to all ad ults, o r have ann o unced t hat t hey will in t he near f u t u re. A t t he same time o t her c o un t ries are seein g in c reases in in fec tio n rates an d rein t r o d u cin g or in c reasin g rest ric tio ns t o c o m bat t hem. D u rin g t he q uar ter, mar kets were at all time hig hs amid o p timism ab o u t t he " reo penin g " of t he ec o n o m y an d t he pen t u p deman d f o r vario us ac tivities an d g oo ds, especially t ravel, leisu re, and en ter tain men t.

D i v i d e n d

The Co m pan y's p o r t f olio is c o nst r u c ted w i t h t o t a l r e t u r n i n m i n d r a t h e r t h an an y split bet ween inc o me an d capital ret u r n . The p o r t f olio is likely t o vary c o nsiderably relative t o t hat of t he U.S. st o c k mar ket , acc o r din g t o t he in vest men t st o c k selec tio ns. Revenue ear nin gs per share d u rin g t he year were 1 . 3 2 pence per share, w hic h c o m pares wit h 1 .0 9 pence in t he p rio r year.

The Direc t o rs have declared an in terim dividen d of 1.2 pence per share ( 2 0 20: 1 . 10 pence per share, c o m p risin g a final dividen d of 1 .0 pence per share an d an in terim dividen d of 0 . 1 pence per share) f o r t h e y e ar. T h e d i v i d e n d w ill b e p aid o n 2 July 2 0 2 1 to shareh olders o n t he register at t he close of b usiness o n 18 J une 2 0 2 1 . The ex - dividen d date is 17 J une 2 0 2 1.

Shar e p r i c e rat i n g an d b u y backs

The share p rice star ted t he perio d at a disc o un t of 1 9 . 9 % t o NAV an d finished t he year at a disc o un t of 3 . 9 % . In lig ht of t he o u t c o me of t he c o n tinuatio n v o te at last year's A nnual General Meeting ( ' AGM') t he B oar d did n o t c o nsider it app r o p riate t o un der take an y share b u y bac ks d u rin g t he year.

A s shareh olders are aware, t he managemen t fee paid t o t he In vest ment Manager is calc ulated o n mar ket capitalisatio n , since t his is t h o u g h t to bet ter alig n its in terests wit h t hat of shareh olders.

B o ard

A s rep o r ted in last year's A nnual Rep o r t, Kasia Ro binski stepped d o w n as Direc t or an d A u dit Chair f ollo win g t he c o n clusion of t he AGM o n 30 July 2 0 2 0 . I sh o uld like t o t han k her f o r her valuable c o n t rib u tion t o t h e C o m p a n y a n d w ish h e r w ell f or t he f u t u re.

Co n t i nuat i o n Vo te

A s shareh olders will be aware, t he c o n t i nu a t i o n v o t e at l ast y e a r's A GM was o ver w helmin gly defeated . The o u t c o m e of t h e v o t e p r o v i d e d t he B oar d wit h a clear in dicatio n t hat t he majo rit y of in depen den t shareh olders wished t o realise t heir in vest men t in t he Co m pan y at , o r close, t o t he p revailing net asset value. The B oar d , t o get her wit h t he Co m pan y's B r o ker, have liaised ex tensively wit h t he majo rit y of shareh olders t o seek t o deliver o n t he o u t c o me of t hat v o te. The sig nificant sh a r e h o l d i n g of Asso c iat e d Ca p i t al Gr o u p ( ' ACG') , an affiliate of t he In vest men t Manager, w o uld have been su fficien t t o defeat an y special resolu tion t hat c o uld be p u t bef o re a general meetin g of t he Co m pany, in clu ding an y v o te t o place t he Co m pan y in to mem bers' v olun tar y liq uidatio n.

A s ann o unced o n 8 Feb r uar y 2 0 2 1, ho wever, ACG ir rev o cably un der t oo k to abstain f r o m v o tin g o n a c o n tinuation resolu tio n an d o n a resolu tio n t o place t he Co m pan y in t o mem bers' v olun tary liq uidatio n , t o be p r o p osed at a general meetin g of t he Co m pan y w hic h is to f ollo w t he AGM.

Since t he o u t c o me of t he c o n tinuation an d liq uidatio n v o tes are b y n o means cer tain , t his rep resen ts a material uncer tain t y w hic h may cast sig nificant d o u b t o n t he Co m pan y's f u t u re an d its abilit y t o c o n tinue as a g oin g c o ncer n. N o t wit hstan din g t his, t he finan cial statemen ts have been p repared o n a g oin g c o ncer n basis. In arrivin g at t he decisio n o n t he basis of p reparatio n, t he B oar d c o nsidered t he finan cial p ositio n of t he Co m pany, its cash flow an d liq uidit y p ositio n as well as t he uncer tain t y su r r o un din g t he o u t c o me of t he c o n tinuatio n an d liq uidation v o tes. Fu r t her c o mmen tary o n t he co n tinuatio n and liquidation resolutions, including the voting recommendation of the Board of Directors, is included in the circular convening the GM which will be sent to shareholders shortly.

   A nnu a l G e n e r a l   Mee t i n g a n d   Ge n e ral Mee t i ng 

The Co m pan y's A nnual General Meeting is t o be held at t he offices of Gabelli, 3 S t . J a m es's Pla ce, L o n d o n SW1 A 1 NP on Monday, 12 J uly 2 0 2 1 at 11.00 am . The AGM w ill , b y n e c essi ty, b e p u r el y f un c t i o n al i n n a t u r e . A r r a n g e m e n ts w ill b e m a de t o ensu re t hat t he minim u m nu m ber of shareh olders req uired t o f o r m a q u o r um will be in at ten dance in o r der t hat t he meetin g may p r o ceed an d t he b usiness be c o n clu ded . The B oar d c o nsiders t hese ar ran gemen ts t o be in t he best in terests of shareh olders given t he c u r ren t cir c u mstances.

The AGM will be f ollo wed b y a general meetin g of t he Co m pan y at w hic h a continuation r eso l u t i o n and a resolution t o p l a ce t he Co m pan y in t o mem bers' v olun tary liq uidatio n will be proposed . A cir c ular in c o nnec tio n with t he general meetin g refer red t o ab o ve will be p osted t o shareh olders sh o r tly.

The B oar d st r o n gly disc o u rages shareh olders f r o m at ten din g t he AGM an d t he su bseq uen t GM o n 12 J uly 2 0 21 an d en t r y will be ref used if Go ver n ment g uidance so req uires o r if t he Chair man c o nsiders it t o be necessary. Shareh olders are enc o u raged t o exer cise t heir v o tes in respec t of t he meetin g in ad vance.

O n behalf of t he B oar d , I sh o uld like t o t han k shareh olders in ad vance f or t heir c o - o peratio n an d un derstan din g.

O u t l oo k

L oo k in g ahead , t he o u tloo k f o r t he Co m pan y appears p r o misin g , with t he In vest men t Manager's b o t t o m-u p , value st yle in vest men t p hiloso p hy f i n a ll y d eli v e r i n g fav o u r a b le r e t u r ns f o r shareh olders. The U.S. ec o n o my is t h rivin g , helped b y an agg ressive vac cine r oll o u t an d massive fiscal stim ulus. In additio n , t he Federal Reser ve has stated t hat t hey plan to k ee p sh o r t - t e r m i n t e r est rat es n e ar zer o f o r t he f o reseeable f u t u re, even if in flatio n reac hes its 2 % annual tar get. F u r t her m o re, t he p r o babilit y is hig h t hat a lar ge in f rast r u c t u re spen din g bill will be passed b y t he U.S. Co n g ress an d sig ned in t o law b y Presiden t Biden . The lar gest sec t o r allo catio n in t he p o r t f olio is in in d ust rial st o c ks, an d t his sec t o r sh o uld benefit f r o m su c h a bill.

N o t w it hstan din g t he p r o misin g o u tlook f o r t he U.S. ec o n o m y an d mar kets, t he B oar d rec o g nises t hat shareh olders have exer cised patience since t he p revio us c o n tinuatio n v o te an d may wish t o take t he o pp o r t unity, rep resen ted b y t he u p c o min g v o tes o n c o n tinuatio n and mem bers' v olun tar y liq uidatio n , t o v o te f o r disc o n tinuatio n an d su bseq uent mem bers' v olun tar y liq uidatio n of t he Co m pany.

Pe t e r D i cks

Chair man of t he B oard

9 June 2 0 21


B o t h t he Co m pan y an d its In vest ment Manager are ec o n o mically viable an d in st r o n g finan cial p ositio ns. The Co m pany main tains a hig hly liq uid in vest ment p o r t f olio.

A t t he u p c o min g GM , sc hed uled f or 12 J uly 2 0 2 1 , a c o n tinuatio n v o te will be held . D ue t o t his v o te, t h r o u g h o u t t his A nnu a l Re p o r t t h e r e is l a n g uag e r e lat ed t o t he " g oin g c o ncer n " of t he Co m pany. The g oin g c o ncer n of t he Co m pany relates O N L Y t o t he uncer tain t y of t he o u t c o me of t his c o n tinuatio n v o te.

Gab e lli Ph il oso p h y an d Pr o c ess

Gabelli F un ds w o uld like t o t han k o ur i n v est o rs f o r e n t r ust i n g a p o r tio n of t heir assets t o t he Gabelli Value Plus+ T r u s t . W e a pp r e ciate t he c o n fidence and t r ust y o u have of fered o u r o r ganisation t h r o u g h an in vest men t in GV P . T o day, as f o r m o re t han f o r t y years, we remain vigilan t in t he applicatio n of o ur in vest men t p hiloso p h y an d in o u r sear ch f o r o pp o r t unities. Bef o re we review t he fiscal year just c o m pleted an d self -assess t h e per f o r mance since o u r laun c h in 2015, we w o uld like t o remin d o u r shareh olders of o u r in vest men t p hiloso p h y and p r o cess.

W e a t Ga b e lli a r e a c t i v e , b o t t o m - u p , value in vest o rs, an d seek t o ac hieve real capital app reciatio n ( relative t o in flatio n) over t he lo n g ter m , regar dless of mar ket c y cles. We ac hieve ret u r ns t h r o u gh in vestin g in b usinesses u tilisin g o ur p r o p rietar y Private Mar ket Value ( "PM V") w i t h a Ca t al y s t (TM) m e t h o d o l o gy. PM V is t he value t hat we believe an in f o r med b uyer w o uld be willin g t o pay t o ac q uire an en tire c o m pan y in a p rivate t ransac tio n. O u r team arrives at a PM V valuation t h r o u g h t he rig o r o us assessmen t of f un damen tals, f r o m p u blicly available in f o r matio n an d ju dg men t gained f r o m o u r c o m p rehensive, ac c u m ulated k n o wledge of a variet y of sec t o rs. We f o c us o n t h e b a l a nc e sh ee t , e a r n i n gs, f ree cash flo w , an d t he managemen t of p r o s p e c t i v e c o m panies. We are n o t in dex ben c h mar ked , an d c o nst r u c t p o r t f olios ag n ostic of mar ket capitalisatio n and in dex weig h tin gs. We have in vested t his way since 1 977.

O u r resear c h p r o cess iden tifies dif feren tiated f ran c hise b usinesses, t y p i c a ll y w i t h st r o n g o r g a n i c c ash flo w c harac teristics, balance sheet o pp o r t unities, an d o peratio nal flexibility. We seek t o iden tify b usinesses w h ose sec u rities t rade in t he p u blic mar kets at a sig nifican t disc o un t t o o u r assessmen t of t heir PM V estimate, o r " Mar gin of Safet y ". Havin g iden tified su c h sec u rities, we loo k t o iden tify o ne o r m o re " catalysts" t hat will nar r o w o r eliminate t he disc o unt asso ciated wit h t hat " Mar gin of Safet y ". Catalysts can c o me in man y f o r ms in clu din g , b u t n o t limited t o c o r p o rate rest r u c t u rin gs (su c h as de- mer gers and asset sales) , o peratio nal im p r ovemen ts, reg ulat o r y o r managerial c han ges, special sit uatio ns (su c h as liq uidatio ns) , and mer gers an d ac q uisitio ns.

It is t h r o u g h t his p r o cess of b o t t o m - up st o c k selec tio n an d t he im plemen tation of d is ciplined p o r t f olio c o nst r u c tion t hat we ex pec t t o c reate value f o r o ur shareh olders.

   T h e   Y e a r   i n Re v i e w : W h a t a D i f f e r e n c e a Y ear Mak es! 

O n 3 1 Mar c h 2 0 2 0 , t he U nited S tates and t he en tire w o rld were in t he early stages of dealin g wit h t he COVID - 1 9 glo bal pan demic . L o c k d o w ns were g oin g in to place ac r oss t he U nited S tates, an d many b usinesses came t o a c o m plete stan dstill. The st o c k mar ket was d r o ppin g q uic kly d u rin g t he m o n t h of Mar c h , an d in vest o rs were at a loss t r yin g t o fig u re o u t h ow t he pan demic w o uld play o u t . It had been app r o ximately o ne hun d red years since t he last pan demic , an d p r ojec tio ns f or p o ten tial deat hs were all over t he map. S t o c k mar kets t h r o u g h o u t over t he w o rld were su f ferin g g reat losses.

Fast f o r war d t o t o day, an d it is a very d i f f e r e n t st o r y i n t h e U . S . V a c cine r ollo u ts are in f ull f o r ce, an d states are g rad ually reo penin g f o r b usiness. The Federal g over n men t has injec ted massive fiscal stim ulus in t o t he ec o n o m y and t he Federal Reser ve has p u m ped hu ge am o un ts of liq uidit y in t o t he mar kets. U n e m p l o y m e n t has d r o pped sig nifican tly, t o app r o ximately 6 % , an d is ex pec ted to d r o p f u r t her t h r o u g h o u t 2 0 2 1 . The st o ck mar ket has m o re t han recovered an d is hittin g new hig hs. Value st o c ks, w hich have been o u t of fav o r f o r man y years, are star tin g t o per f o r m well. In additio n, small- an d mid -capitalizatio n st o c ks are also star tin g t o per f o r m well af ter many years of disapp oin tin g per f o r mance.

W e are hap p y t o rep o r t t hat t he net asset value ( NAV ) of ( y ) o u r F un d is also hittin g new hig hs. Wit h t he p o ten tial f or an in f rast r u c t u re spen din g bill t o pass Co n g ress an d g o in t o law , we feel t he sig nifican t ex p osu re of t he T r ust t o t he in d ust rial sec t o r sh o uld help t he overall p o r t f olio t o per f o r m well. A f ter many y e a rs of v a l u e i n v est i n g b e i n g o u t of st yle, it is nice t o finally have t he win d to o u r bac ks.

S e l f - A s s e s s m e n t

It has n o w been just over six years since Ga b e lli Va l u e Pl us+ T r ust w as la un c h ed in Feb r uar y of 2 0 1 5 . Wh en we were c o n d u c t i n g t h e r o a d s h o w f o r t he laun ch of t h e T r u s t , m a n y p o t e n t ial U K in vest o rs wan ted t o par ticipate in t he U. S . st o ck mar ket , b u t t hey wan ted a defensive ex p osu re. O u r Private Mar ket Value with a Catalyst (T M) app r oac h , wit h its absolu te r e t u r n f o c u s , seemed t o be a g oo d fit f or m a n y of t hese in vest o rs, especially given t hat a p o r tio n of t he p o r t f olio was to be in vested in ann o unced mer ger deals. A t t he time, man y p o ten tial in vest o rs c o mmen ted t hat if we c o uld generate hig h sin gle digit ret u r ns over a mar ket c y cle, t hey w o uld be ver y hap py.

A s we reflec t o n t h ose years, we are hap p y t o p oin t o u t t hat o riginal in vest o rs p ai d 100 pence at laun c h , an d on 3 1 Mar c h 2 0 2 1 , t he NAV of Gabelli Value Plus+ T r ust was 170 pence. That w o r ks o u t t o a c o m p o un ded average rate of ret u r n of over 9 % over t he past six years. If o ne in clu des t he dividen ds t hat have been paid o u t t o shareh olders, t hen t he t o tal ret u r n is even hig her. It is w o r th n o t hin g t hat , since t he laun c h of t he T r ust , leverage was never used at any time.

O n e c o ncer n ex p ressed t o us d u ring t he initial r oadsh o w was t hat A merican m o ney managers were k n o w n f o r c o ming t o t he U K t o raise m o ney an d t hen never c o min g bac k t o u pdate in vest o rs o n t heir in vest men t . A t t hat time, we p r o mised t hat we w o uld be ac tive in clien t ser vice. T o date, t he New Y o r k - based p o r t f olio managers o n t he T r ust have c o n d u c ted d o z e ns a n d d o z e ns of i n - p e rson meetin gs wit h in vest o rs all over t he U K


In su mmary, we feel st r o n gly t hat we have d o ne exac tly w hat we p r o mised we w o uld d o d u rin g t he r oad sh o w. We p oin t t his o u t because in J uly t here will be an o t her c o n tinuatio n v o te f or s h a r e h o l d e r s . We h o pe t hat y o u share o ur belief t hat we have delivered o n w hat we said we w o uld d o over six years ag o , and t hat t his T r ust c o n tinues t o meet y o ur in vest men t o bjec tives.

Pe r f o r man c e S u mmar y 2 0 2 0/ 21

D u r in g t he past year, o u r best five c o n t rib u t o rs t o o u r ret u r ns were o ur h oldin gs in t he shares of Her c , Freep o rt M c M oRan , Viac o m , Discovery, and Navistar. B y c o n t rast , o u r h oldin gs in Her t z , Ry man H ospitality, General Elec t ric , an d Aer ojet Ro c ketd y ne were all laggar ds.

L e t 's Tal k S t o cks:

A er ojet Ro c ketd y ne H oldin gs In c. ( A JRD - $ 4 6 . 96 - NYSE) , based in El Seg un d o , Calif o r nia, is a manu fac t u rer of aer ospace and d e f e n se p r o d u c t s a n d s y s t e m s f o r defense an d space applicatio ns. The manu fac t u rin g o peratio n is a leadin g tec hn olo g y- based desig ner, develo per, an d manu fac t u rer of aer ospace an d defense p r o d u c ts f or t he U.S. g o ver n men t , in clu din g t he Depar t men t of Defense an d N A S A. A JRD also manu fac t u res p r o d u c ts f o r g o ver n men tal c o n t rac t o rs an d t he c o mmer cial sec t or. O n 20 December

2 0 2 0 , t he c o m pan y ann o unced it had ag reed t o be ac q uired by L o c k heed Mar tin Co r p o ratio n in an all- cash t ransac tio n wit h t o tal eq uity v a l u e of $ 5 b illi o n , o r $ 5 6 p e r sh a r e. As par t of t he t ransac tio n , Aer ojet Ro c ketd y ne declared a $ 5 .00 per share p re- closin g special dividen d, w h i c h was paid o n 24 Mar c h 2 0 2 1 . The t ransac tio n is ex pec ted t o close in t he sec o n d half of 2 0 2 1.

B K Ban k of New Y o r k Mello n Co r p. ( B K - $ 4 7 . 2 9 - NYSE) is a glo bal le a d e r i n p r o v i d i n g f i n a n c i a l se r v i c es t o instit u tio ns an d in divid uals. The c o m pan y o perates in m o re t han o ne hun d red mar kets w o rld wide and st rives t o be t he glo bal p r o vider of c h oice f o r in vest men t management an d in vest men t ser vices. As of Decem ber 2 0 2 0 , t he Fir m had $ 4 1 .1 t rillio n in assets un der c ust o dy an d $ 2 .0 trillion in assets un der managemen t . Goin g f o r war d , we ex pec t B K t o benefit f r o m hig her in terest rates, risin g glo bal inc o mes an d t he c r oss b o r der m o vemen t of finan cial t ransac tio ns.

CN H IN D U S TRIA L N V (CN HI - $ 1 5 . 6 4 - NYSE) , wit h headq uar ters in L o n d o n , En glan d , an d Bu rr Ridge, Illin ois, is a glo bal capital eq uip ment m a nu f a c t u r e r t h a t w as d e m e r g ed f r o m paren t Fiat in 2 0 1 3 . CN HI is uniq ue in t hat it has leadin g p ositio ns in a variet y of glo bal mac hinery mar kets. It is best k no w n f o r its ag ric ult u ral eq uip men t b usiness, c o nsistin g of Case IH , New H olland A g ric ult u re, an d S tey r b ran ds. The c o m pan y's o t her b usinesses in clu de IVECO , a leadin g glo bal t r u c k an d b us m a nu f a c t u r er, as w ell as Case a nd New H ollan d c o nst r u c tio n mac hinery. Finally, its FPT In d ust rial b rand p r o vides en gines an d t ransmissio ns f o r t he c o m pan y's cap tive b usinesses an d also sells t o o t her mac hinery manu fac t u rers. The new CEO , Sc o tt Wise, is c o mmit ted t o CN HI's finan cial en gineerin g plan , b y w hic h it will separate its O ff Hig h way b usiness f r o m its T r u c k an d En gine b usiness via a tax f ree spin.

PNC Finan cial Ser vices Gr o u p In c. (PNC - $ 175 . 4 1 - NYSE) is o ne of t he natio n's lar gest diversified finan cial ser vices o r ganizatio ns. Fr o m t he c o m pan y's Pittsb u r g h headq uar ters, PNC p r o vides retail an d c o mmer cial ban kin g ser vices in t he N o r t heast, So u t heast , an d Mid west U.S. via a regio nal b ran c h net w o r k of o ver t w o - t h o usan d lo catio ns alo n g with m o r tg a g e a n d d e p osi t b usi n esses on a natio nal basis. In N o vem ber 2 0 2 0, PNC ann o unced t heir in ten tio n to ac q uire t he U.S. su bsidiar y of Spanish ban k B BVA f o r $ 11 . 6 billio n in cash, w hic h w o uld add $ 10 4 billio n in assets t o PNC an d ex pan d t he c o m pan y's f oo t p rin t t h r o u g h o u t t he So u t h west an d West Coast . The c o m pany ex pec ts t he mer ger t o close near t he middle of 2 0 2 1 , an d p r o vide annual ear nin gs ac c retio n in ex cess of 20 % d u rin g t he first f ull year of c o m bined o peratio ns.

RSG Rep u blic Ser vices In c . (RSG - $ 9 9 . 35 - NYSE) , based in Ph oenix, A riz o na, became t he sec o n d lar gest solid waste c o m pan y in N o r th A merica af ter its ac q uisitio n of Allied Waste In d ust ries in Decem ber 20 0 8. Rep u blic p r o vides n o nhazar d o us solid waste c ollec tio n ser vices f or c o mm e r c i a l , i n d ust r i a l , m un i c i p a l, an d residen tial c ust o mers in f o r t y- o ne states an d Puer t o Ric o . Rep u blic ser ves m o re t han 2 , 800 m unicipalities an d o perates 1 8 6 lan d fills, 220 t ransfer statio ns, 3 4 5 c ollec tion o peratio ns, an d 76 rec y clin g facilities. Since t he Allied mer ger, Rep u blic has benefited f r o m sy ner gies d riven b y r o u te density, beneficial use of ac q uired assets, an d red u c tio n in red un dan t c o r p o rate o ver head. Re p u b li c i s c o mm i t t e d t o i ts c o re solid waste b usiness. While o t her p r o viders have st rayed in t o alter native waste reso u r ce tec hn olo gies and st rategies, we view Rep u blic's plan t o remain stead fast in t he t raditio nal solid waste b usiness p ositively. We ex pec t c o n tinued solid waste g r o w th ac q uisitio ns, ear nin gs im p r o vemen t, an d in c remen tal r o u te densit y and in ter nalizatio n g r o w t h in already established mar kets t o generate real value in t he near t o mediu m ter m, hig hlig h tin g t he c o m pan y's p o ten tial.

Gabelli Funds, LLC

9 June 2021



Portfolio distribution as at 31 March 2021 (%)*

                                           Russell 3000 
                           GVP Portfolio          Value   S&P 500 
------------------------  --------------  -------------  -------- 
 Communication Services             15.3            9.9      10.9 
 Consumer Discretionary              6.6           12.3      12.5 
 Consumer Staples                   15.5            5.6       6.1 
 Energy                              2.6            2.6       2.8 
 Financials                         10.4           11.7      11.3 
 Health Care                         8.6           13.5      13.0 
 Industrials                        33.3            9.7       8.8 
 Information Technology              3.9           25.8      26.7 
 Materials                           9.1            3.0       2.7 
 Real Estate                         0.0            3.3       2.5 
 Utilities                           4.7            2.6       2.7 
 Total                             100.0          100.0     100.0 
------------------------  --------------  -------------  -------- 
   *          Excludes cash and short-term investments. 

By asset class (%)

                                             As at            As at 
                                     31 March 2021    31 March 2020 
---------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
 Equities                                     77.4             88.5 
 Cash and short-term investments              22.6             11.5 
---------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
 Total                                       100.0            100.0 
---------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 

Portfolio holdings

                                        As at 31 March 2021 
                                     Market value   % of total 
                                           GBP000    portfolio 
----------------------------------  -------------  ----------- 
 Navistar International Corp                6,063          4.7 
 Bank Of New York Mellon Corp               4,456          3.4 
 PNM Resources Inc                          4,194          3.2 
 PNC Financial Services Group               4,068          3.2 
 Freeport-McMoRan Inc                       4,009          3.1 
----------------------------------  -------------  ----------- 
 Mueller Industries Inc                     3,966          3.1 
 CNH Industrial N.V.                        3,911          3.1 
 GCP Applied Technologies                   3,881          3.0 
 State Street Corp                          3,836          3.0 
 Republic Services Inc                      3,748          2.9 
----------------------------------  -------------  ----------- 
 Cubic Corp                                 3,513          2.7 
 Textron Inc                                3,435          2.7 
 Aerojet Rocketdyne Holdings Inc            3,407          2.6 
 Sinclair Broadcast Group                   2,969          2.3 
 Energizer Holdings Inc                     2,649          2.0 
----------------------------------  -------------  ----------- 
 Flowserve Corp                             2,588          2.0 
 Loral Space & Communications Inc           2,566          2.0 
 Myers Industries Inc                       2,518          1.9 
 Dana Inc                                   2,381          1.8 
 Fox Corp                                   2,379          1.8 
----------------------------------  -------------  ----------- 
 Sub-total - top 20 holdings               70,537         54.5 
 Sub-total - top 21 - 40 holdings          33,824         26.1 
 Sub-total - top 41 - 60 holdings          15,717         12.1 
 Sub-total - remaining holdings             9,481          7.3 
 Total holdings* : 101 positions          129,559        100.0 
----------------------------------  -------------  ----------- 

* Excludes cash and short-term investments.

All holdings are ordinary shares.



The Direc t o rs p resen t t he S t rategic Re p o r t of t h e C o m p a n y f o r t he year e n d e d 3 1 M a r c h 2 0 2 1 . T h e a i m of t he S t rategic Rep o r t is t o p r o vide shareh olders wit h t he abilit y t o assess ho w t he Direc t o rs have per f o r med t heir d u t y t o p r o m o te t he success of t he Co m pan y d u rin g t he year un der review.

The Chair man's S tatemen t an d t he In vest men t Manager's Review f o r m par t of t he S t rategic Rep o r t.

B u si n ess Rev iew

S t r u c t u r e an d O b j e c t i v e of t h e Co m pany

Ga b elli Va l u e Pl us+ T r ust PL C (GVP or t he Co m pan y ) is an in vest men t t r ust c o m pan y t hat has a p remiu m listin g on t he L o n d o n S t o c k Ex c han ge.

The Co m pan y's st rateg y is t o generate ret u r ns f o r its shareh olders b y p u rsuing its in vest men t o bjec tive w hile mitigating shareh older risk , b y in vestin g in a diversified sp read of eq uit y in vest men ts. Th r o u g h a p r o cess of b o t t o m - u p st o ck selec tio n an d t he im plemen tatio n of disciplined p o r t f olio c o nst r u c tio n , t he Co m pan y aims t o c reate value f o r its shareh olders.

In seekin g t o ac hieve its in vest ment o bjec tive t he Co m pan y has c o n t rac t ually delegated t he managemen t of t he in vest men t p o r t f olio t o Gabelli F un ds, L L C , ( t h e " M a n a g e r " ) . G a b elli F un ds, LLC is also t he Co m pan y's Alter native In vest men t F un d Manager.

The Co m pan y's existin g in vest ment o bjec tive an d in vest men t p olic y are set o u t belo w.

I n v e s t m e n t P o li c y , R e s t r i c t i o n s a n d Gu i d e li n es

The Co m pan y will seek t o meet its in vest men t o bjec tive b y in vesting p red o minan tly in eq uit y sec u rities of U.S. c o m panies, of an y mar ket capitalisatio n.

In selec tin g su c h sec u rities t he Manager will u tilise its p r o p rietar y Private Mar ket Value ( "PM V " ) wit h a Catalyst (T M) met h o d olo gy. PM V is t he value t hat t he Manager believes an in f o r med in d ust rial b uyer w o uld be willin g t o pay t o ac q uire an en tire c o m pany. The Manager arrives at a PM V valuatio n b y a rig o r o us assess m e n t o f f un damen tals ( f o c using o n t h e b a l a nc e sh ee t , e a r n i n gs a nd f ree cash flo w ) f r o m p u blicly available i n f o r m a t i o n a n d j u dg m e n t g a i n ed f r o m its c o m p rehensive, ac c u m ulated k no wledge of a variet y of sec t o rs.

The Manager's f un damen tal resear ch see ks t o i d e n t i f y i n v est m e n ts t y pically feat u rin g , b u t n o t limited t o, dif feren tiated f ran c hise b usinesses wit h o r ganic cash flo w , balance sheet

o pp o r t un ities an d o peratio nal flexibility. The Manager will seek t o iden tify b usinesses w h ose sec u rities t rade in t he p u blic mar kets at a sig nifican t disc o unt t o t heir PM V estimate w hic h t he Manager refers t o as a " Mar gin of Safet y ".

H avin g iden tified su c h sec u rities, t he Manager will seek t o iden tif y o ne o r m o re " catalysts" t hat will help t o nar r o w or eliminate t he Mar gin of Safety. Catalysts can c o me in man y f o r ms in clu din g , b ut n o t limited t o , c o r p o rate rest r u c t u rin gs (su c h as demer gers an d asset sales), o peratio nal im p r o vemen ts, reg ulat o r y or managerial c han ges, special sit uatio ns (su c h as liq uidatio ns) an d mer gers and ac q uisitio ns.

The Manager seeks value c reation t h r o u g h its p r o cess of b o t t o m - u p st o ck selec tio n an d its im plemen tatio n of a disciplined p o r t f olio c o nst r u c tion p r o cess.

A s at 3 1 Mar c h 2 0 2 1 , t he t o p 60 h oldin gs rep resen t 9 2 . 7 % of t he t o tal in vest men ts, in line wit h ex pec tatio ns at laun c h . Cash h oldin gs c u r ren tly rep resen t 22 . 6 % of t he p o r t f olio.

In additio n t o eq uit y sec u rities of U.S. c o m panies, t he Co m pan y may (su bject t o t he in vest men t rest ric tio ns set o ut belo w ) also in vest in o t her sec u rities f r o m time t o time in clu din g n o n -U.S. sec u rities, c o n ver tible sec u rities, fixed in terest sec u rities, p refer red st o c k , n o n- c o n ver tible p refer red st o c k , dep ositary receip ts, war ran ts an d o t her rig h ts. Su b je c t t o t h e i n v est m e n t r est r i c tio ns set o u t belo w , t here is n o limitation o n t he nu m ber of in vest men ts w hich may be ex p osed t o an y o ne t y pe of catalyst even t , in clu din g demer gers, r

est r u c t u r i n gs  o r   a nn o unc e d   m e r g e rs an d ac q uisitio ns. 

The Co m pan y may in vest t h r o u gh derivatives f o r efficien t p o r t f olio managemen t an d f o r in vest ment p u r p oses. A n y use of derivatives f or efficien t p o r t f olio managemen t an d f or in vest men t p u r p oses will be su bjec t to t he in vest men t rest ric tio ns set o u t belo w.

Risk d i v e rsi f i cat i on

Ge n e ral

Po r t f olio risk will be mitigated by in vestin g in a diversified sp read of in vest men ts. In par tic ular, t he Co m pany will o bser ve t he f ollo win g in vest ment rest ric tio ns:

-- n o sin gle in vest men t shall, at t he time of in vest men t , acc o un t f o r m o re t han 10 per cen t . of t he Gr oss Assets;

-- n o m o re t han 1 5 per cen t . of t he Gr oss Assets, at t he time of in vest men t , shall be in vested in sec u rities issued by c o m panies o t her t han U.S. c o m panies; and

-- n o m o re t han 2 5 per cen t . of t he Gr oss Assets, at t he time of in vest men t , shall be ex p osed t o any o ne in d ust r y (as defined b y t he MSCI i n d u s t r y g r o u ps a cc o r d i n g t o t he GICS ( glo bal in d ust r y classification stan dar ds categ o risatio n ).

The Co m pan y may ad o p t a tem p o rary defensive p ositio n w here it deter mines t hat ad verse mar ket c o n ditio ns exist and in vest so me o r all of t he p o r t f olio in:

-- c ash o r cash eq uivalen ts, m o ney mar ket inst r u men ts, b o n ds, c o mmer cial paper o r o t her debt o bligatio ns wit h ban ks o r o t her c o un ter par ties havin g a sin gle A ( or e q u i v a le n t ) o r h i g h e r c r e d i t r a t i ng as deter mined b y an in ter natio nally rec o g nised ratin g agen c y ; or

-- a n y " g o ver n men t an d p u blic sec u rities" as defined f o r t he p u r p oses of t he FCA Han db oo k.

In additio n , unin vested cash o r su r plus capital o r assets may be in vested o n a tem p o rar y basis in su c h assets.

D e r i v at i v es an d sh o r t se lli ng

If t he Co m pan y in vests in derivatives an d / o r st r u c t u red finan cial inst r u men ts f o r in vest men t p u r p oses an d / or f o r efficien t p o r t f olio management p u r p oses, t he t o tal n o tio nal value of derivatives an d / o r st r u c t u red finan cial inst r u men ts at t he time of in vest ment will n o t ex ceed , in agg regate, 10 per cen t. of its Gr oss Assets. The Co m pan y may take b o t h lo n g an d sh o r t p ositio ns. The C o m p a n y may sh o r t u p t o a li m i t of 10 per cen t . of its Gr oss Assets. F o r sh o r ting p u r p oses, t he Co m pan y may use in dices o r in divid ual st o c ks.

When in vestin g via derivatives an d/o r st r u c t u red finan cial inst r u men ts ( w h e t h e r f o r i n v est m e n t p u r p oses a n d/ o r f o r efficien t p o r t f olio management p u r p oses) , t he Co m pan y will seek to mitigate an d / o r sp read its c o un ter par ty risk exposure by collateralisation and/or contracting with a potential range of counterparty banks, as appropriate, each of whom shall, at the time of entering into such derivatives and/or structured financial instruments, have a single A (or equivalent) or higher credit rating as determined by an internationally recognised rating agency.

In the event of a breach of the investment guidelines and restrictions set out above, the Manager will inform the Board upon becoming aware of the same and, if the Board considers the breach to be material, notification will be made to a Regulatory Information Service and the Manager will look to resolve the breach with the agreement of the Board.

Borrowing policy

The Company may borrow up to 15 per cent. of Net Asset Value (calculated at the time of draw down). Borrowings may be used for investment and/or working capital purposes.

In accordance with the requirements of the UK Listing Authority, any material change to the Company's investment policy will require the approval of Shareholders by way of an ordinary resolution at a general meeting.

There has been no change to the investment policy since the launch of the Company in February 2015.

Culture and Values

The Directors seek to discharge their responsibilities and meet shareholder expectations in an open and transparent manner. The Board seeks to recruit Directors who have diverse experience. The industry experience on the Board ensures that there is detailed knowledge and constructive challenge in the decision-making process. This helps the Company achieve its overarching aim

of enhancing shareholder value. The Directors are mindful of costs and seek to ensure that the best value for money is achieved in managing the Company.

The Company's values of skill, knowledge and integrity are aligned to the delivery of its investment objective and are closely monitored by the Board.

The Board seeks to employ third party providers who share the Company's culture and, importantly, will work with the Directors in an open and transparent manner to achieve the Company's aims.


Details of the Company's performance during the year are provided in the Chairman's Statement. The Investment Manager's Review includes a review of developments during the year as well as information on investment activity within the portfolio.

Total Return, Revenue and Dividends

The Company's revenue earnings for the year amounted to 1.32 pence per share (2020: 1.09 pence).

The Company intends to pay dividends annually. Dividend yield is a by-product of the investment process as part of the total return sought. Investors should have no expectation that the Company will pay dividends as anticipated, or at all, and past dividends are not an indication of future dividend payments.

On 21 January 2021, the Directors declared an interim dividend of 0.1 pence per ordinary share for the year ended 31March 2020. The dividend was paid on 19 February 2021 to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 29 January 2021.

On 9 June 2021 the Directors declared an interim dividend of 1.2 pence per ordinary share in respect of the year ended 31 March 2021. The dividend is payable on 2 July 2021 to shareholders on the register at close of business on 18 June 2021.

Key Performance Indicators ("KPIs")

The Board recognises that it is share price performance that is most important to the Company's shareholders. Fundamental to share price performance is the performance of the Company's net asset value. The central priority is to generate returns for the Company's shareholders through net asset value and share price total return, and to manage any discount or premium at which the Company's shares trade. The principal KPIs are described below:

-- Performance

At each meeting, the Board reviews the performance of the portfolio as well as the net asset value and share price. Although the Company does not have a benchmark the Board reviews performance in the context of the performance of the S&P 500 and Russell 3000 Value indices.

-- Performance attribution

The purpose of performance attribution analysis is to assess how the Company achieved its performance and to understand the impact on the Company's relative performance of the various components, such as stock selection.

-- Share price discount to net asset value per share

The Board operates a share repurchase programme that seeks to address imbalances in supply and demand for the Company's shares within the market and thereby reduce the volatility of the discount to NAV per share at which the Company's shares trade. In the year to 31 March 2021, the discount ranged between 19.9% and 3.9% based on daily data. The Company did not buy back any ordinary shares during the year ended 31 March 2021.

The Board, at its regular meetings, undertakes reviews of marketing and investor sentiment.

-- Ongoing charges

The ongoing charges represent the Company's management fee and all other recurring operating expenses expressed as a percentage of average net assets. The ongoing charges for the year ended 31 March 2021 were 1.32% (2020: 1 .24%).

                                        Year ended       Year ended 
                                     31 March 2021    31 March 2020 
---------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
 Net asset value total return(1)             64.3%          (25.0%) 
 Share price total return(1)                 98.2%          (32.7%) 
 Discount to net asset value(2)               3.9%            19.9% 
---------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 

(1) This measures the Company's NAV and share price total returns, which assumes dividends paid by the Company have been reinvested.

(2) This is the difference between the share price and the cum-income NAV per share at the year end.

The KPIs f o r t he Co m pan y are set o ut above . These KPIs fall wit hin t he definitio n of "Alter native Per f o r mance M e a s u r es" ( APMs) un d e r g uid a nce issued b y t he Eu r o pean Sec u rities and M a r k e t s A u t h o r i t y (ESM A ) an d additio nal in f o r matio n ex plainin g ho w t hese are calc ulated is set o u t in t he Glossar y in the Annual Report.

Pr i n c i pal Risks

T h e D i r e c t o r s c o n fir m t hat t hey have carried o u t a r o b ust assessmen t of t he p rin cipal risks facin g t he Co m pany in clu din g t h ose t hat w o uld t h reaten its b usiness m o del, f u t u re per f o r mance, s o l v e n c y o r li q u i d i ty, i n c l u d i n g t he im pac t of t he CO VID - 1 9 pan demic.

W it h t he assistance of t he Manager, t he B oar d has p r o d uced a risk mat rix w hic h iden tifies t he Co m pan y's key risks. I n a ssessi n g t h ese r isks a n d ho w t hey can be mitigated , t he B oar d has given par tic ular at ten tio n t o t h ose issues t hat t h reaten t he viabilit y of t he Co m pany. These key risks remain un c han ged since last year an d are set o u t belo w, t o get her wit h details of ho w t hese have been mitigated o r managed , w here app r o p riate.

In v est m e n t Po r t f o li o Risks

O n e of t he main risks of an in vest ment in GVP is a decline in t he U.S. eq uity mar kets. This is best mitigated by i n v est i n g i n a d i v e rsi f ie d p o r t f o li o a nd b y ad herin g t o a caref ully m o nit o red series of in vest men t rest ric tio ns, enabled b y au t o mated p re- t rade c o m pliance feat u res an d daily review of t rade tic kets. These st ric t u res man date t hat n o sin gle sec u rit y p u r c hase can , at t he time of i n v est m e n t , a cc o un t f o r m o r e t h a n 10 % of t he g r oss assets of t he Co m pan y ; no m o re t han 1 5 % of t he g r oss assets, at t he time of p u r c hase, can be in vested in sec u rities issued b y c o m panies o t her t han U.S. c o m panies; an d n o m o re t han 2 5 % of t he g r oss assets, at t he time of p u r c hase, can be ex p osed to an y o ne in d ust r y as defined b y t he M o r gan S tanley Capital In d ust r y g r o u ps acc o r din g t o t he GICS categ o risatio ns. In additio n , t he B oar d meets t he p o r t f olio m a n a g e m e n t t e a m q u a r t e r l y a t t he B oar d meetin gs t o review t he risk fac t o rs an d t heir ef fec t o n t he p o r t f olio , and a t h o r o u g h analysis of t he in vest ment st rateg y is c o m pleted.

Gl o bal Mac r o Ev e n t Risks

Glo bal instabilit y o r even ts, su ch as t he CO VID - 1 9 pan demic , c o uld un d e r m i n e m a r k e ts a n d t h e r e f o re af fec t t he Co m pan y's share p rice and NAV . T o t his en d , glo bal ec o n o mic, geo p olitical, an d finan cial c o n ditio ns are c o nstan tly m o nit o red . Diversificatio n of Co m pan y assets is inc o r p o rated in t o t he in vest men t st rateg y an d , if disr u p tive even ts o c c ur, t he Manager may be p repared t o ad o p t a tem p o rar y defensive p ositio n an d in vest so me o r all of t he Co m pan y's p o r t f olio in cash o r cash eq uivalen ts, m o ney mar ket inst r u men ts, b o n ds, c o mmer cial paper o r o t her deb t o bligatio ns wit h ban ks o r o t her c o un ter par ties, wit h app r o p riate ratin gs as deter mined b y an in ter natio nally rec o g nised ratin g agen c y an d app r o ved b y t he B oar d . A n o t her o p tio n is t he in vest men t in " g o ver n men t an d p u blic se c u r i t ies" as d e f

i n e d   f o r   t h e p u r p oses of t he Finan cial Co n d u c t A u t h o rity Han db oo k. 

O p e r at i o nal Risks

The o peratio nal f un c tio ns of t he C o m p a n y are o u tso u r ced t o t hir d par ties, w hic h in clu de Co m p u tershare ( regist rar an d receivin g agen t ) , S tate S t reet Ban k an d T r ust Co m pan y (c ust o dian, ad minist rat or, an d dep ositar y ), Maitlan d A d minist ratio n Ser vices Limited ( c o m pan y sec retar y ) an d Peel H un t (shareh older c o mm unicatio ns). Disr u p tio ns t o t he systems at t hese c o m panies o r c o n t r ol failu res c o uld im pac t t he Co m pany. All of t hese t hird par ties rep o r t t o t he Co m pan y o n a reg ular basis an d t heir rep o r ts and rep resen tatio ns are reviewed b y t he B oar d an d t he Manager.

The CO VID - 1 9 pan demic resulted in t he o peratio nal f un c tio ns of t he Co m pan y's t hir d par t y ser vice p r o viders t ransitio ning t o rem o te w o r kin g un der t heir respec tive b usiness c o n tinuit y plans. Ser vice levels are m o nit o red b y t he B oar d an d t hey have c o n tinued t o o perate ef fec tively.

C o r p o r a t e G o v e r n a n c e a n d R e g u l a t o r y Risks

The Co m pan y can su f fer damage to its rep u tatio n t h r o u g h p oo r c o r p o rate g o ver nance. The B oar d ac tively per f o r ms self -assessmen ts of c o m pliance with best g o ver nance p rac tices. Also, sh a r e h o l d e r d isc o n t e n t d u e t o a l a ck of app r o p riate c o mm unicatio ns an d/ o r i n a d e q u a t e f i n a n c i a l r e p o r t i ng c o uld cause shareh olders t o red uce or liq uidate t heir p ositio ns, w hic h c o uld im pac t t he mar ket p rice of t he shares. The B oar d is in c o n tac t wit h its major shareh olders o n a reg ular basis, and it m o nit o rs shareh older sen timen t . In additio n , reg ulat o r y risks, in t he f o rm of failu re t o c o m ply wit h man dat o ry reg ulatio ns, c o uld have an im pac t on t he Co m pan y's c o n tinuity. The Co m pany receives, an d resp o n ds t o , g uidance f r om b o t h its ex ter nal an d in ter nal ad viso rs on c o m pliance wit h t he Listin g Rules, and Disclosu re an d T ransparen c y Rules, as well as o t her applicable reg ulatio ns.

T ax Risks

In o r der t o q ualif y as an in vest ment t r ust , t he Co m pan y m ust c o m ply with Sec tio ns 11 5 8- 5 9 of t he Co r p o ration Tax A c t 2 0 1 0 . A b reac h of t hese sec tio ns c o uld result in t he Co m pany l osi n g i n v est m e n t t r ust stat us a n d , as a c o nseq uence, capital gains realized wit hin t he Co m pan y's p o r t f olio w o uld be su bjec t t o Co r p o ratio n Tax . The criteria are m o nit o red b y b o t h t he B oar d an d t he Manager.

   M a r k e t P r i c e   of   t h e   Shar es may t rad e at a d isc o un t t o N e t Asse t Val ue 

The mar ket p rice of t he Co m pan y's shares may fall belo w t he NAV per share. T o add ress a disc o un t , t he Co m pan y has au t h o rit y t o make use of share b u y bac ks, t h r o u g h w hic h shares are rep u r c hased w hen t radin g at a disc o un t t o NAV. The Co m pan y may p u r c hase u p t o a maxim u m of 1 4 . 99 % of its issued share capital. In additio n , as disc ussed un der "Co r p o rate Go ver nance an d Reg ulat o ry Risks, " t he Co m pan y has in c reased its shareh older c o mm unicatio ns p r o g rammes t o in c rease its visibilit y and in terac tio n wit h existin g an d p o ten tial in vest o rs.

Me r g e r an d Ev e n t D r i v e n Risks

This risk is inheren t t o t he mer gers an d ac q uisitio ns c o m p o nen t of t he C o m pan y's st rateg y an d add resses t he p ossibilit y t hat a deal d oes n o t go t h r o u g h , is delayed bey o n d t he o riginal closin g date, o r t hat t he ter ms of t he p r o p osed t ransac tio ns c han ge ad versely. This risk is add ressed b y t he p o r t f olio m a n a g e m e n t t e a m's c a r e f u l sele c tion an d ac tive m o nit o rin g of mer gers and ac q uisitio ns deals, an d main tainin g a t h o r o u g h k no wledge of t he selec ted sec u rities in t he p o r t f olio.

Cli mat e Chan g e Risk

The B oar d an d In vest men t Manager c o nsi d e r ho w c li m a t e c h a n g e c o u ld a f f e c t t h e C o m p a n y's p o r t f o lio c o m panies an d shareh older ret u r ns. C u r r e n t l y , t h e n e a r t e r m e f f e c ts of climate c han ge an d climate c han ge r e g u la t i o n o n t he Co m pan y's in vest men ts are n o t c o nsidered t o be material.

F o r disc ussio n of additio nal risks, please refer t o N o te 11 t o t he finan cial statemen ts.

Se c t i o n 172 S tat e m e nt

The Direc t o rs are min d f ul of t heir d u ties t o p r o m o te t he success of t he Co m pany f o r t he benefit of its shareh olders, w hile also c o nsiderin g t he in terests of its wider stakeh olders, as per sec tio n 172 of t he Co m panies A c t 20 0 6 . The mat ters set o u t in sec tio n 172 ( 1 )(a) t o ( f ) are:

   ( a)     t he likely c o nseq uences of any decisio n in t he lo n g ter m; 
   ( b )     t h e in terests of t he Co m pan y's em ployees; 

( c ) t he need t o f oster t he c o m pan y's b usiness relatio nships wit h su ppliers, c ust o mers an d o t hers;

( d ) t h e im pac t of t he c o m pan y's o p e r a t i o n s o n t he c o mm unit y and t he en vir o n men t;

( e) t he desirabilit y of t he c o m pany main tainin g a rep u tatio n f o r high stan dar ds of b usiness c o n d u c t ; and

   ( f )     t h e need t o ac t fairly bet ween mem bers of t he c o m pany. 

The B oar d ac k no wledges t hat en gagemen t wit h key stakeh olders assists t he B oar d in meetin g t hese o bligatio ns an d has iden tified its key stakeh olders belo w . The f ollo wing o u tlines t he B oar d's en gagemen t with stakeh olders in t he year. The Co m pany has n o em ployees an d t heref o re no em ployee stakeh older mat ters to c o nsider.

 Stakeholder Group    Engagement in the year and their material issues 
-------------------  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Investors            Shareholders play an important role in monitoring and safeguarding the governance 
                       of the Company and have access to the Board via the Company Secretary throughout 
                       the year and, under normal circumstances, are encouraged to attend the AGM. 
                       During the year to 31 March 2021, the Board has had increased engagement with 
                       shareholders as it seeks to deliver a satisfactory outcome on the result of 
                       the continuation vote, which was defeated at last year's AGM. 
 Suppliers            Key suppliers are required to report to the Board on a regular basis. The Company 
                       employs a collaborative approach and looks to build long term partnerships based 
                       on open terms of business and fair payment terms. 
 Investee Companies   The Manager meets with the management of all companies in which the Company 
                       has a significant interest and reports on findings to the Board on a quarterly 
 Regulators           The Board ensures compliance with the necessary rules and regulations relevant 
                       to the Company in order to build trust and reputation in the market. 
-------------------  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

We define principal decisions as both those that are material to the Company but also those that are significant to any of our key stakeholders as identified above. In making the following principal decisions, the Board considered the outcome from its stakeholder engagement as well as the need to maintain a reputation for high standards of business conduct and the need to act fairly between the members of the Company.

 Principal Decision 1 
------------------------------  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Requisitioned General Meeting   During the year to 31 March 2021, the Board has had increased engagement with 
                                  shareholders as it seeks to deliver a satisfactory outcome on the result of 
                                  the continuation vote, which was defeated at last year's AGM. 
------------------------------  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Principal Decision 2 
------------------------------  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Continuation Vote               The Board considered, and unanimously agreed, to recommend that shareholders 
                                  vote against the continuation of the Company and that they vote in favour of 
                                  the resolution to place the Company into members' voluntary liquidation at the 
                                  forthcoming GM. 
------------------------------  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

Viability Statement

In acc o r dance wit h t he p r o visio ns of t he U K Co r p o rate Go ver nance Co de, t he Direc t o rs have assessed t he p r ospec ts of t he Co m pan y o ver a lo n ger perio d t han t he 1 2 m o n t hs refer red t o in t he 'Going Co ncer n' g uidelines.

A t t he AGM held in 2020 a majo rity of shareh olders v o ted against t he c o n t i nu a t i o n of t h e C o m p any . A t a general meetin g of t he Co m pany req uisitio ned b y ACG an d held in Decem ber 2020 , a majo rit y of shareh olders v o ted against all of t h e res o l u t i o n s . I n t h e perio d since t he AGM t he Direc t o rs have c o nsulted w i d el y w i t h a m aj o r i t y of t he shareh olders. The c o nsensus am o n gst t he majo rity of in depen den t shareh olders, t hat is, exclu din g ACG, w hic h is an affiliate of t he Invest men t Manager , is t hat t he Co m pany sh o uld be placed in t o mem bers' v olun tary liq uidatio n as soo n as prac ticable. A general meetin g ('GM') has been c onvened to f ollo w t he AGM at w hic h a further continuation resolu tio n will be pro p osed, and also a resolution t hat t he Co m pany be placed in t o mem bers' v olun tar y liq uidatio n. In the shareholder circular convening the GM, the B oard of Direc t o rs is unanim o usly rec o mmen ding t hat shareh olders v o te against t he c o n tinuatio n of t he Co m pany an d t hat t hey v o te in fav o ur of t he resolu tio n t o p la c e t h e C o m p an y i n t o liq uidatio n; ho wever , t he o u t c o me of t he c o n tinuation an d liq uidatio n v o tes are b y n o means cer tain an d , as su c h , t he v o tes represent a material uncer tain t y in t he c o n tex t of assessin g t he f u t ure prospec ts of t he Co m pany. N o t wit hstan din g t his, t he D ire c t o r s h a v e as s ess e d t h e v iab ilit y of t he Co m pany over a t hree year perio d to Marc h 2024 . This perio d was selec ted as t he Co m pany is su bjec t t o a c o n tinuation v o te ever y t w o years an d t heref ore, if t he f o r t hc o min g c o n tinuatio n v o te is passed, a n d t h e li q u i d a t i o n v o t e is defeated , a f u r t her v o te w o uld be req uired t o be p ut t o shareh olders in 2023 . Depen din g on t he o u t c o me of t hat su bseq uen t v o te t he Direc t o rs may be req uired t o p ut f o r ward pro p osals t o win d - u p , reorganise o r rec o nst r u c t t he Co m pany. It is n ot un reas o n a b le t o es t i m a t e t hat t his pro cess c o uld take u p t o a f u r t her 12 m o n t hs. In makin g t his assessmen t t he B oard also c o nsidered t he Co m pany 's p rin cipal risks.

In vest men t t r usts in t he U K o perate in a well established an d r o b ust reg ulat o ry en vir o n men t an d , f o r t he p u r p oses of assessin g t he viabilit y of t he Co m pany an d n o t wit hstan din g t he uncer tain ty su r r o un din g t he o u t c o me of t he c o n tinuatio n an d liq uidatio n v o tes, t he Direc t o rs have assu med t hat:

-- Investors will c o n tinue t o wan t to in vest in closed -en d in vest ment t r usts because t he fixed capitalisation st r u c t u re is bet ter suited t o p u rsuing t he In vest men t Manager's p r o p rietary lo n g ter m PM V in vest men t st rateg y;

-- The Co m pan y's remit of in vesting p red o minan tly in t he sec u rities of U.S. list e d c o m p a n ies w ill c o n t i nu e t o be an ac tivit y t o w hic h in vest o rs will wish t o have ex p osu re. ( Man y closed -end f un ds w e r e o r i g i n a ll y c r e a t e d i n t he U K t o f a c ili tat e i n v

est m e n t i n   t he " New W o rld . ") 

A s wit h all in vest men t vehicles, t here is a risk t hat t he per f o r mance of in divid ual i n v est m e n ts w ill v a r y a n d t hat c a p i t al may be lost , b u t t his is n o t regar ded as a t h reat t o t he viabilit y of t he Co m pany. O peratio nally, t he Co m pany retains title t o all assets, an d cash and sec u rities are held wit h a c ust o dian bank rec o mmen ded b y t he Manager and app r o ved b y t he B oar d.

T h e nat u re of t he Co m pan y 's in vest men ts means t hat solven c y an d liq uidity risks are lo w because t he p o r t f olio is in vested mainly in readily realisable listed sec u rities:

-- The closed -en d nat u re of t he Co m pan y means t hat , unlike an o pen -en ded f un d , it d oes n o t need to realise in vest men ts w hen shareh olders wish t o sell t heir shares; and

-- The ex penses of t he Co m pany are p redic table an d reaso nable in c o m pariso n wit h t he assets an d t here are n o capital c o mmit men ts c u r ren tly f o reseen w hic h w o uld alter t hat p ositio n.

T akin g t hese fac t o rs in t o acc o un t , and in t he even t t hat t he c o n tinuatio n and liq uidatio n v o tes d o n o t req uire t he Co m pan y t o be w o un d u p in t he nex t 12 m o n t hs, t he Direc t o rs c o n fir m t hat t hey have a reaso nable ex pec tatio n t hat t he Co m pan y c o uld c o n tinue t o o perate and meet its ex penses as t hey fall d ue o ver t he nex t t h ree years.

The Co m pan y's p o r t f olio c o nsists of N o r t h A merican in vest men ts. A cc o r d i n g ly, t h e B o a r d b eliev es t h at t he o n g oin g " B rexit " t ransitio n p r o cess will n o t materially af fec t t he p r ospec ts f o r t he Co m pany, b u t t he B oar d and In vest men t Manager c o n tinue t o keep develo p men ts un der review.

The CO VID - 1 9 pan demic initially had a sig nifican t im pac t o n w o rld st o c k mar kets; ho wever, wit h t he pan demic bein g b r o u g h t un der c o n t r ol an d t he availabilit y of a nu m ber of ef fec tive vac cines, st o c k mar kets have reco vered . The B oar d c o n tinues to m o nit o r t he CO VID - 1 9 sit uatio n b u t it d oes n o t ex pec t it t o im pac t t he f u t u re viabilit y of t he Co m pany.

F u t u r e dev e l o p m e n ts

The f u t u re of t he Co m pan y is depen dent u p o n t he success of t he in vest ment st rategy. The o u tloo k f o r t he Co m pan y is d isc usse d i n t h e C h a i r m a n's S tat e ment, In vest men t Manager's rep o r t , t he viability statemen t an d t he g oin g c o ncer n statemen t.

B o ar d D i v e rsi ty

When rec r uitin g a new Direc t or, t he B oar d's p olic y is t o app oin t in divid uals o n m e r i t . T h e B o a r d b e liev es d i v e rsi ty is im p o r tan t in b rin gin g an app r o p riate ran ge of skills, k n o wledge an d ex perience t o t he B oar d an d gives t hat c o nsideration w hen rec r uitin g new Direc t o rs.

A s at 3 1 Mar c h 2 0 2 1 t here were t h ree male Direc t o rs. F ollo win g t he depar t u re f r o m t he B oar d of Kasia Ro binski at t he c o n c l usi o n of t h e 2 0 20 A G M , a n d in lig h t of t he uncer tain t y su r r o un din g t he c o n tinuatio n of t he Co m pany, t he B oard has n o t so u g h t t o replace Ms Ro binski. In t he even t t hat t he Co m pan y c o n tinues in its c u r ren t f o r m , c o nsideratio n w o uld be given t o recr uitin g an additio nal direc t or. D ue c o nsideratio n w o uld be given to g e n d e r

  a n d e t hn i c   d i v e rsi t y   as  p a r t   of t he recr uit men t p r o cess. 

E m p l oy ee s , S o c i a l , C o mm un i t y a n d H u man Ri g h ts Issu es

A s an in vest men t vehicle t he Co m pany has n o em ployees an d acc o r din gly it has n o d i r e c t so c i a l o r c o mm un i t y i m p a ct a n d li m i t e d e n v i r o n m e n t a l i m p a c t f r om its o peratio ns. H o wever, t he Co m pany b eliev es t h a t i t is i n sh a r e h o l d e rs' i n t e rests t o c o nsider hu man rig h ts issues, en vir o n men tal, so cial an d g o ver nance fac t o rs w hen selec tin g an d retaining in vest men ts.

The Chair man's S tatemen t , t he In vest men t Managers Rep o r t an d t he p o r t f olio analysis also f o r m par t of t his S t rategic Rep o r t.

T h e S t r ategic Rep o r t was app r o ved by t he B oar d o n 9 June 2 0 2 1.

O n behalf of t he b oard

Pe t e r D i cks

Chair man

9 June 2 0 2 1

Statement of Directors' Responsibilities in respect of the financial statements

The directors are responsible for preparing the Annual Report and the financial statements in accordance with applicable law and regulation.

Company law requires the directors to prepare financial statements for each financial year. Under that law the directors have prepared the financial statements in accordance with United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (United Kingdom Accounting Standards, comprising FRS 102 "The Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland", and applicable law). Under company law the directors must not approve the financial statements unless they are satisfied that they give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the company and of the profit or loss of the company for that period. In preparing the financial statements, the directors are required to:

-- select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently;

-- state whether applicable United Kingdom Accounting Standards, comprising FRS 102, have been followed, subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the financial statements;

-- make judgements and accounting estimates that are reasonable and prudent; and

-- prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that the company will continue in business.

The directors are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the company and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities.

The directors are responsible for keeping adequate accounting records that are sufficient to show and explain the company's transactions and disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the company and enable them to ensure that the financial statements and the Directors' Remuneration Report comply with the Companies Act 2006.

The directors are responsible for the maintenance and integrity of the company's website. Legislation in the United Kingdom governing the preparation and dissemination of financial statements may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions.

Directors' confirmations

The directors consider that the annual report and accounts, taken as a whole, is fair, balanced and understandable and provides the information necessary for shareholders to assess the company's position and performance, business model and strategy.

Each of the directors, whose names and functions are listed in Board of Directors section confirm that, to the best of their knowledge:

-- the company financial statements, which have been prepared in accordance with United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (United Kingdom Accounting Standards, comprising FRS 102 "The Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland", and applicable law), give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and loss of the company; and

-- the Directors' Report includes a fair review of the development and performance of the business and the position of the company, together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties that it faces.

In the case of each director in office at the date the Directors' Report is approved:

-- so far as the director is aware, there is no relevant audit information of which the company's auditors are unaware; and

-- they have taken all the steps that they ought to have taken as a director in order to make themselves aware of any relevant audit information and to establish that the company's auditors are aware of that information.

On behalf of the Board

Peter Dicks

Chairman of the Board

9 June 2021


                                                            Year ended 31 March 2021       Year ended 31 March 2020 
                                                         -----------------------------  ------------------------------ 
                                                           Revenue   Capital     Total   Revenue    Capital      Total 
                                                   Note     GBP000    GBP000    GBP000    GBP000     GBP000     GBP000 
------------------------------------------------  -----  ---------  --------  --------  --------  ---------  --------- 
 Dividend income                                             2,497         -     2,497     2,119          -      2,119 
 Interest on deposits                                            -         -         -        19          -         19 
 Other income                                                    3         -         3         -          -          - 
------------------------------------------------  -----  ---------  --------  --------  --------  ---------  --------- 
 Total dividends and interest                                2,500         -     2,500     2,138          -      2,138 
------------------------------------------------  -----  ---------  --------  --------  --------  ---------  --------- 
 Net realised and unrealised (losses)/gains on 
  investments                                         2          -    67,586    67,586         -   (33,893)   (33,893) 
 Net realised and unrealised currency 
  (losses)/gains                                               (5)   (2,522)   (2,527)         5         76         81 
 Investment management fee                            3      (303)     (890)   (1,193)     (310)      (948)    (1,258) 
 Other expenses                                       3      (543)      (11)     (554)     (474)        (9)      (483) 
------------------------------------------------  -----  ---------  --------  --------  --------  ---------  --------- 
 Net return on ordinary activities before 
  finance costs and taxation                                 1,649    64,163    65,812     1,359   (34,774)   (33,415) 
------------------------------------------------  -----  ---------  --------  --------  --------  ---------  --------- 
 Interest expense and similar charges                          (1)         -       (1)         -          -          - 
------------------------------------------------  -----  ---------  --------  --------  --------  ---------  --------- 
 Net return on ordinary activities before 
  taxation                                                   1,648    64,163    65,811     1,359   (34,774)   (33,415) 
------------------------------------------------  -----  ---------  --------  --------  --------  ---------  --------- 
 Taxation on ordinary activities                      5      (346)         -     (346)     (281)          -      (281) 
------------------------------------------------  -----  ---------  --------  --------  --------  ---------  --------- 
 Net returns attributable to shareholders                    1,302    64,163    65,465     1,078   (34,774)   (33,696) 
------------------------------------------------  -----  ---------  --------  --------  --------  ---------  --------- 
 Net returns per ordinary share - basic and 
  diluted                                             6      1.32p    65.28p    66.60p     1.09p   (35.25)p   (34.16)p 
------------------------------------------------  -----  ---------  --------  --------  --------  ---------  --------- 

The total columns of this statement are the profit and loss accounts of the Company for the respective periods.

The revenue and capital items are presented in accordance with the AIC's Statement of Recommended Practice ('SORP') 2014, and updated 2019.

All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing operations.

No operations were acquired or discontinued in the year ended 31 March 2021 (2020: none).

The notes form part of these financial statements.


                                                        Called up          Special 
                                                            Share    Distributable     Capital      Revenue 
                                                          Capital         Reserve*     Reserve     Reserve*      Total 
 Year ended 31 March 2021                        Note      GBP000           GBP000      GBP000       GBP000     GBP000 
----------------------------------------------  -----  ----------  ---------------  ----------  -----------  --------- 
 Net assets as at 1 April 2020                              1,001           95,885       3,106        1,278    101,270 
 Realised gains on investments at fair value        2           -                -      12,733            -     12,733 
 Unrealised gains on investments at fair value      2           -                -      54,853            -     54,853 
 Net realised and unrealised currency losses                    -                -     (2,522)            -    (2,522) 
 Capital expenses                                   3           -                -       (901)            -      (901) 
 Transfer to revenue reserve for the year                       -                -           -        1,302      1,302 
 Dividends paid                                     4           -                -           -      (1,081)    (1,081) 
----------------------------------------------  -----  ----------  ---------------  ----------  -----------  --------- 
 Net assets as at 31 March 2021                     6       1,001           95,885      67,269        1,499    165,654 
----------------------------------------------  -----  ----------  ---------------  ----------  -----------  --------- 
 Year ended 31 March 2020 
------------------------------------------------  ---  ------  --------  ---------  ------  --------- 
 Net assets as at 1 April 2019                          1,001    97,699     37,880     944    137,524 
 Realised gains on investments at fair value        2       -         -      4,943       -      4,943 
 Unrealised losses on investments at fair value     2       -         -   (38,836)       -   (38,836) 
 Net realised and unrealised currency gains                 -         -         76       -         76 
 Capital expenses                                   3       -         -      (957)       -      (957) 
 Ordinary shares bought back into treasury         10       -   (1,814)          -       -    (1,814) 
 Transfer to revenue reserve for the year                   -         -          -   1,078      1,078 
 Dividends paid                                     4       -         -          -   (744)      (744) 
------------------------------------------------  ---  ------  --------  ---------  ------  --------- 
 Net assets as at 31 March 2020                     6   1,001    95,885      3,106   1,278    101,270 
------------------------------------------------  ---  ------  --------  ---------  ------  --------- 
   *       These reserves are distributable. 

The notes form part of these financial statements.


                                                                  As at 31 March 2021     As at 31 March 2020 
-------------------------------------------------------  -----  ----------------------  ---------------------- 
                                                          Note      GBP000      GBP000      GBP000      GBP000 
-------------------------------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Fixed assets 
 Investments held at fair value through profit or loss       2                 129,559                  89,892 
 Current assets 
 Cash and cash equivalents                                   7      37,862                  12,372 
 Receivables                                                 8         808                     231 
-------------------------------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
                                                                    38,670                  12,603 
 Current liabilities 
 Payables                                                    9     (2,575)                 (1,225) 
-------------------------------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Net current assets                                                             36,095                  11,378 
-------------------------------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Net assets                                                                    165,654                 101,270 
-------------------------------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Capital and reserves 
 Called-up share capital                                    10       1,001                   1,001 
 Special distributable reserve*                                     95,885                  95,885 
 Capital reserve                                                    67,269                   3,106 
 Revenue reserve*                                                    1,499                   1,278 
-------------------------------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Total shareholders' funds                                                     165,654                 101,270 
 Net asset value per ordinary share                          6                  168.5p                  103.0p 
-------------------------------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
   *       These reserves are distributable. 

Gabelli Value Plus+ Trust Plc is registered in England and Wales under Company number 9361576.

The financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 9 June 2021 and signed on its behalf by

Peter Dicks


The notes form part of these financial statements.


1 Accounting policies

(a) Basis of preparation - For the year ended 31 March 2021, the Company applied FRS 102 - The Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland, which forms part of the revised Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (UK GAAP) issued by the Financial Reporting Council ('FRC') in 2015.

As noted in the Company's Notice of Annual Results announcement, released on 9 June 2021, the Board of Directors is recommending that shareholders vote against the resolution to approve the continuation of the Company and that they vote in favour of the resolution to place the Company into members' voluntary liquidation, both of which are to be proposed at the general meeting which will follow the AGM. These decisions were reached after consultation with a range of shareholders over the period since the defeat of the continuation vote at the 2020 AGM. A vote of 50% plus 1 of votes cast in favour is required for continuation. A vote of 75% plus 1 of votes cast in favour of members' voluntary liquidation is required for the resolution to be passed.

The voting will be such that if the relevant continuation resolution is not passed and the liquidation resolution is passed at the general meeting which follows the AGM, the Company will be placed into members' voluntary liquidation with effect from the conclusion of the GM.

As such, the outcome of the continuation and liquidation votes at the GM respectively on 12 July 2021 represent a material uncertainty which may cast significant doubt on the Company's ability to continue as a going concern. The financial statements do not include the adjustments that would result if the Company was unable to continue as a going concern. In arriving at the decision on the basis of preparation, the Board has considered the financial position of the Company, its cashflow and liquidity position as well as the uncertainty surrounding the outcome of the continuation and liquidation votes. The Board further concluded that, as the liquidation vote was contingent on shareholder approval and the Company is considered solvent in all other regards, there is no irrevocable path to liquidation and thus going concern remained the most appropriate basis for preparation.

If it were not appropriate to prepare the financial statements on a going concern basis of accounting then adjustments would be required to reclassify all assets as current, and a provision for further liabilities, including liquidation costs, would be made. In the Directors' opinion the impact of these adjustments on the financial statements is not expected to be significant.

These financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis in accordance with the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules of the Financial Conduct Authority, FRS 102 issued by the FRC in September 2015, the revised Statement of Recommended Practice "Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies and Venture Capital Trusts" (SORP) issued by the AIC in November 2014 and updated in October 2019 and Companies Act 2006.

Statement of estimation uncertainty - In the application of the Company's accounting policies, the Investment Manager is required to make judgements, estimates, and assumptions about carrying values of assets and liabilities that are not always readily apparent from other sources. The estimates and associated assumptions are based on historical experience and other factors that are considered to be relevant. Actual results may vary from these estimates. There have been no significant judgements, estimates, or assumptions for the year.

Cash flow statement - The statement of cash flows has not been included in the financial statements as the Company meets the conditions set out in paragraph 7.1A of FRS 102, which state that a statement of cashflows is not required to be provided by investment funds that meet all of the following conditions:

(i) substantially all of the entity's investments are highly liquid;

(ii) substantially all of the entity's investments are carried at market value; and

(iii) the entity provides a statement of changes in net assets.

(b) Income recognition - Revenue from investments (other than special dividends), including taxes deducted at source, is included in revenue by reference to the date on which the investment is quoted ex-dividend, or where no ex-dividend date is quoted, when the Company's right to receive payment is established. Franked investment income is stated net of the relevant tax credit. Other income includes any taxes deducted at source. Special dividends are credited to capital or revenue, according to the circumstances. Scrip dividends are treated as unfranked investment income; any excess in value of the shares received over the amount of the cash dividend is recognised as a capital item in the Statement of Comprehensive Income.

(c) Expenses - The investment management fees are allocated seventy-five percent to capital and twenty-five percent to revenue in the Statement of Comprehensive Income in accordance with the Board's expected long term split of returns in the form of capital gains and revenue, respectively. Interest receivable and payable and management expenses are treated on an accruals basis. All other expenses are charged to revenue except where they directly relate to the acquisition or disposal of an investment, in which case, they are added to the cost of the investment or deducted from the sale proceeds.

(d) Cash and cash equivalents - Cash comprises cash on hand and on demand deposits. Cash equivalents are short-term, highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash.

(e) Investments - Investments have been designated upon initial recognition at fair value through profit or loss. Investments are recognised and de-recognised at trade date where a purchase or sale is under a contract whose terms require delivery within the time frame established by the market concerned, and are initially measured at fair value. Subsequent to initial recognition, investments are valued at fair value. Movements in the fair value of investments and gains/ losses on the sale of investments are taken to the Statement of Comprehensive Income as capital items. The Company's investments are classified as held at fair value through profit or loss in accordance with Section 11 and Section 12 of FRS 102.

The Company's listed investments are fair valued using the closing bid price of the valuation date.

(f) Foreign currency - Foreign currencies are translated at the rates of exchange prevailing on the year end date. Revenue received/receivable and expenses paid/ payable in foreign currencies are translated at the rates of exchange prevailing at the transaction date.

(g) Fair value - All financial assets and liabilities are recognised in the financial statements at fair value.

(h) Dividends payable - Interim dividends are recognised in the period in which they are paid. Final dividends are not recognized until approved by the shareholders in the general meeting.

(i) Capital reserve - Capital distributions received, realised gains or losses on investments that are readily convertible to cash, and capital expenses are transferred to the capital reserve. Share buybacks are funded through the capital reserve, with details of buybacks disclosed in note 10.

(j) Taxation - The tax effect of different items of income/ gains and expenditure/ losses is allocated between revenue and capital on the same basis as the particular item to which it relates, under the marginal method, using the Company's effective rate of tax. Deferred taxation is recognised in respect of all timing differences that have originated but not reversed at the year end date where transactions or events that result in an obligation to pay more or a right to pay less tax in future have occurred at the year end date measured on an undiscounted basis and based on enacted tax rates. This is subject to deferred tax assets only being recognised if it is considered more likely than not that there will be suitable profits from which the future reversal of the underlying timing differences can be deducted. Timing differences are differences arising between the Company's taxable profits and its results as stated in the accounts which are capable of reversal in one or more subsequent periods.

(k) Functional and presentation currency - The functional and presentation currency of the Company is GBP sterling.

(l) Alternative Performance Measures ("APM's")

The Company's APMs are set out in the glossary in the Annual Report.

2 Investments held at fair value through profit or loss

                                                       As at            As at 
                                               31 March 2021    31 March 2020 
                                                      GBP000           GBP000 
-------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
 Opening book cost                                   120,116          128,532 
 Opening investment holding (losses)/gains          (30,224)            8,612 
-------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
 Opening market value                                 89,892          137,144 
-------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
 Additions at cost                                    71,739           60,402 
 Disposal proceeds received                         (99,658)         (73,761) 
 Gains/(losses) on investments                        67,586        ( 33,893) 
-------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
 Market value of investments                         129,559          8 9,892 
-------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
 Closing book cost                                   104,930          120,116 
 Closing investment holding gains/(losses)            24,629         (30,224) 
 Closing market value                                129,559           89,892 
-------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 

The C o m pan y received GBP9 9 , 6 5 8 ,000 ( 2 0 20: GBP73 ,76 1 ,000) f r o m in vest men ts sold in t he year. The b oo k c ost of t hese in vest men ts w hen t hey were p u r c hased was GBP 8 6 , 9 2 5 ,000 ( 2 0 20: GBP6 8 , 8 1 8 ,000).

Fair value hierarchy

The Company has adopted the 'Amendments to FRS 102 - Fair value hierarchy disclosure', where an entity is required to classify fair value measurements using a fair value hierarchy that reflects the significance of the inputs used in making the measurements. The fair value hierarchy shall have the following levels:

-- Level 1 - The unadjusted quoted price in an active market for identical assets or liabilities that the entity can access at the measurement date.

-- Level 2 - Inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are observable, i.e., developed using market data, for the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly.

-- Level 3 - Inputs are unobservable, i.e., for which market data is unavailable, for the asset or liability.

The financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss in the financial statements are grouped into the fair value hierarchy as follows:

                                                                   As at 31 March 2021 
                                                          Level 1   Level 2   Level 3     Total 
                                                           GBP000    GBP000    GBP000    GBP000 
-------------------------------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 
 Quoted equities                                          129,517         -         -   129,517 
 Registered Investment Companies                                -        42         -        42 
 Net fair value                                           129,517         -         -   129,559 
-------------------------------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
                                                                   As at 31 March 2020 
                                                          Level 1   Level 1   Level 1   Level 1 
                                                           GBP000    GBP000    GBP000    GBP000 
-------------------------------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 
 Quoted equities                                           89,892    89,892    89,892    89,892 
 Net fair value                                            89,892    89,892    89,892    89,892 
-------------------------------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 

Net realised and unrealised gains/(losses) on investments

                                                                  Year ended       Year ended 
                                                               31 March 2021    31 March 2020 
                                                                      GBP000           GBP000 
 Realised gains on investments                                        12,733            4,943 
 Movement in unrealised gains/(losses) on investments                 54,853         (38,836) 
 Net realised and unrealised gains/(losses) on investments            67,586         (33,893) 
-----------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 

Transaction costs

During the year, commissions and other expenses were incurred in acquiring or disposing of investments classified at fair value through profit or loss. G.research, LLC, an affiliate of the investment manager, remained the largest recipient of these. These have been expensed through capital and are within gains/ (losses) in the Statement of Comprehensive Income. The total costs were as follows:

                  Year ended       Year ended 
               31 March 2021    31 March 2020 
                      GBP000           GBP000 
 Purchases                47               53 
 Sales                    56               41 
 Total                   103               94 
-----------  ---------------  --------------- 

3 Management fees and other expenses

                                                  Year ended       Year ended 
                                               31 March 2021    31 March 2020 
                                                      GBP000           GBP000 
 Revenue expenses 
 Directors' remuneration                                 103               88 
 Accounting fees                                          57               54 
 Custody fees                                             15                8 
 Registrar - Computershare                                26               17 
 Marketing and advertisement                               -               13 
 Company secretary fees                                   62               77 
 Broker retainer                                          36               57 
 Auditors' remuneration (inclusive of VAT)                42               39 
 Directors' insurance                                     11               11 
 Miscellaneous                                           192              110 
-------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
 Sub total                                               543              474 
-------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
 Management Fees 
 Manager fee - Revenue      303     310 
 Manager fee - Capital      890     948 
 Total                    1,193   1,258 
-----------------------  ------  ------ 
 Capital expenses 
 Transaction charges         11       9 
 Total                       11       9 
-----------------------  ------  ------ 

Details of the contract between the Company and Gabelli Funds, LLC for provision of investment management services are given in the Directors' Report contained in the Annual Report and Financial Statements.

4 Dividends

                         Year ended       Year ended 
                      31 March 2021    31 March 2020 
                             GBP000           GBP000 
------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
 Final dividend                 983              744 
 Interim dividend                98                - 
------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
 Total                        1,081              744 
------------------  ---------------  --------------- 

5 Taxation on ordinary activities

                                             Year ended 31 March 2021 
                                            Revenue   Capital     Total 
 Analysis of the charge in the year          GBP000    GBP000    GBP000 
----------------------------------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
 Foreign withholding taxes on dividends         348         -       348 
 Foreign withholding taxes on REIT              (2)         -       (2) 
 Total                                          346         -       346 
----------------------------------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
                                             Year ended 31 March 2020 
                                            Revenue   Capital     Total 
 Analysis of the charge in the year          GBP000    GBP000    GBP000 
----------------------------------------  ---------  --------  -------- 
 Foreign withholding taxes on dividends         272         -       272 
 Foreign withholding taxes on REIT                9         -         9 
 Total                                          281         -       281 
----------------------------------------  ---------  --------  -------- 

The effective corporation tax rate was 19% (2020:19%). The tax charge for the year differs from the charge resulting from applying the standard rate of corporation tax in the UK for an investment trust company. The differences are explained below.

                                                                                           Year ended 31 March 2021 
                                                                                         Revenue    Capital      Total 
 Factors affecting the tax charge for the year                                            GBP000     GBP000     GBP000 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  --------  ---------  --------- 
 Net return before taxation                                                                1,648     64,163     65,811 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  --------  ---------  --------- 
 UK Corporation tax at effective rate of 19%                                                 313     12,191     12,504 
 Effects of: 
 Gains on investments held at fair value through profit or loss                                -   (12,841)   (12,841) 
 Expenses not allowable for tax purposes                                                       -          2          2 
 Losses on foreign currencies                                                                  -        479        479 
 Non taxable overseas dividends                                                            (473)          -      (473) 
 Foreign withholding taxes on dividends                                                      346          -        346 
 Increase in excess management and overdraft expenses                                        165        169        334 
 Decrease in excess management and overdraft expenses: adjustment in respect of prior 
  years                                                                                      (5)          -        (5) 
 Total                                                                                       346          -        346 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  --------  ---------  --------- 
                                                                      Year ended 31 March 2020 
                                                                    Revenue    Capital      Total 
 Factors affecting the tax charge for the year                       GBP000     GBP000     GBP000 
-----------------------------------------------------------------  --------  ---------  --------- 
 Net return before taxation                                           1,359   (34,774)   (33,415) 
-----------------------------------------------------------------  --------  ---------  --------- 
 UK Corporation tax at effective rate of 19%                            258    (6,607)    (6,349) 
 Effects of: 
 Losses on investments held at fair value through profit or loss          -      6,439      6,439 
 Overseas tax expensed                                                  (1)          -        (1) 
 Expenses not allowable for tax purposes                                  -          2          2 
 Gains on foreign currencies                                              -       (14)       (14) 
 Non taxable overseas dividends                                       (393)          -      (393) 
 Foreign withholding taxes on dividends                                 281          -        281 
 Increase in excess management and overdraft expenses                   136        180        316 
 Total                                                                  281          -        281 
-----------------------------------------------------------------  --------  ---------  --------- 

At the year end, after offset against income taxable on receipt, there is a potential deferred tax asset of GBP1,894,467 (2020: GBP,560,390) in relation to surplus tax reliefs. It is unlikely that the Company will generate sufficient taxable profits in the future to utilise these amounts and therefore no deferred tax asset has been recognised.

Due to the Company's status as an investment trust and the intention to continue to meet the conditions required to obtain approval in the foreseeable future, the Company has not provided deferred tax on capital gains and losses arising on the revaluation or disposal of investments .

6 Return per ordinary share and net asset value

The return and net asset value per ordinary share are calculated with reference to the following amounts:

                                                               Year ended        Year ended 
                                                            31 March 2022     31 March 2020 
 Revenue return 
 Revenue return attributable to ordinary shareholders        GBP1,302,000      GBP1,078,000 
--------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------- 
 Weighted average number of shares in issue during year        98,282,193        98,650,562 
 Total revenue return per ordinary share                            1.32p             1.09p 
--------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------- 
 Capital return 
 Capital return attributable to ordinary shareholders       GBP64,163,000   (GBP34,774,000) 
--------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------- 
 Weighted average number of shares in issue during year        98,282,193        98,650,562 
 Total capital return per ordinary share                           65.28p          (35.25p) 
--------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------- 
 Total return 
 Total return per ordinary share                                   66.60p          (34.16p) 
--------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------- 
                                                     As at            As at 
 Net asset value per share                   31 March 2021    31 March 2020 
-----------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
 Net assets attributable to shareholders    GBP165,654,000   GBP101,270,000 
 Number of shares in issue at year end          98,282,193       98,282,193 
 Net asset value per share                          168.5p           103.0p 
-----------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 

7 Cash and cash equivalents

                             As at            As at 
                     31 March 2021    31 March 2020 
                            GBP000           GBP000 
-----------------  ---------------  --------------- 
 GBP Sterling                  199              659 
 Canadian Dollar                10                7 
 U.S. Dollar                37,653           11,706 
 Total                      37,862           12,372 
-----------------  ---------------  --------------- 

8 Receivables: amounts falling due within one year

                                  As at            As at 
                          31 March 2021    31 March 2020 
                                 GBP000           GBP000 
----------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
 Dividends receivable               127              218 
 Due from brokers                   652                - 
 Prepaid expenses                    29               13 
 Total                              808              231 
----------------------  ---------------  --------------- 

None of the Company's receivables were past due or impaired as at the year end date.

9 Payables: amounts falling due within one year

                                                 As at            As at 
                                         31 March 2021    31 March 2020 
                                                GBP000           GBP000 
-------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
 Due to brokers                                  2,313              936 
 Due to Manager (Gabelli Funds, LLC)               133              101 
 Other payables                                    129              188 
 Total                                           2,575            1,225 
-------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 

10 Called up share capital

                                                                               As at            As at 
                                                                       31 March 2021    31 March 2020 
                                                                              GBP000           GBP000 
 250,000,000 Ordinary shares of 1p each - equity                               2,500            2,500 
-------------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
 Allotted, called up and fully paid: 
 98,282,193 (2020: 98,282,193) Ordinary shares of 1p each - equity               983              997 
 Treasury shares: 
 1,818,808 (2020: 1,818,808) Ordinary shares of 1p each - equity                  18                4 
 Total shares                                                                  1,001            1,001 
-------------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 

During the year ended 31 March 2021, no shares (2020: 1,424,500) were bought back into treasury (2020: at a cost of GBP1,813,513).

11 Financial risk management

The Company's financial instruments comprise securities and other investments, cash balances, receivables, and payables that arise directly from its operations; for example, in respect of sales and purchases awaiting settlement, and receivables for accrued income. The Company also has the ability to enter into derivative transactions in the form of forward foreign currency contracts, futures, and options, for the purpose of managing currency and market risks arising from the Company's activities. No derivatives transactions were undertaken during the year.

The main risks the Company faces from its financial instruments are (i) market price risk (comprising interest rate risk, currency risk, and other price risk), (ii) liquidity risk, and (iii) credit risk.

The Board regularly reviews, and agrees upon, policies for managing each of these risks. The Manager's policies for managing these risks are summarised below and have been applied throughout the year. The numerical disclosures exclude short term receivables and payables, other than for currency disclosures.

(i) Market price risk

The fair value or future cash flows of a financial instrument held by the Company may fluctuate because of changes in market prices. This market risk comprises three elements - interest rate risk, currency risk, and other price risk.

Interest rate risk

Interest rate movements may affect the level of income receivable and payable on cash deposits.

The possible effects on fair value and cash flows that could arise as a result of changes in interest rates are taken into account when making investment decisions .

Interest risk profile

The interest rate risk profile of the portfolio of financial assets and liabilities at the year end date was as follows:

                                 As at 31 March 2021 
                    Interest       Local     Foreign      Sterling 
                        rate    currency    exchange    equivalent 
                           %         000        rate        GBP000 
-----------------  ---------  ----------  ----------  ------------ 
 GBP Sterling           0.00         199        1.00           199 
 Canadian Dollar        0.00          18        1.73            10 
 U.S. Dollar            0.00      51,950        1.38        37,653 
 Total                                                      37,862 
-----------------  ---------  ----------  ----------  ------------ 
                                 As at 31 March 2020 
                    Interest       Local     Foreign      Sterling 
                        rate    currency    exchange    equivalent 
                           %         000        rate        GBP000 
-----------------  ---------  ----------  ----------  ------------ 
 GBP Sterling           0.00         659        1.00           659 
 Canadian Dollar        0.15          13        1.76             7 
 U.S. Dollar            0.00      14,514        1.24        11,706 
 Total                                                      12,372 
-----------------  ---------  ----------  ----------  ------------ 

Interest rate sensitivity

The sensitivity analyses below have been determined based on the exposure to interest rates for both derivative and non-derivative instruments at the year end date and the stipulated change taking place at the beginning of the financial year and held constant throughout the reporting year in the case of instruments that have floating rates.

If interest rates had been 10 (2020: 10) basis points higher or lower and all other variables were held constant, the Company's profit or loss for the reporting year to 31 March 2021 would increase / decrease by GBP38,000 (2020: GBP12,000). This is mainly attributable to the Company's exposure to interest rates on its floating rate cash balances.

As at 31 March 2021 an interest rate of 0.10% is used, given the prevailing Bank of England base rate 0.10%. This level is considered possible based on observations of market conditions and historic trends.

Foreign currency risk

The Company's investment portfolio is invested mainly in foreign securities and the year end can be significantly affected by movements in foreign exchange rates. It is not the Company's policy to hedge this risk on a continuing basis but the Company may, from time to time, match specific overseas investments with foreign currency borrowings.

The revenue account is subject to currency fluctuation arising from overseas income.

Foreign currency risk exposure by currency of denomination:

                                As at 31 March 2021 
                                  Net monetary   Total currency 
                    Investments         assets         exposure 
                         GBP000         GBP000           GBP000 
-----------------  ------------  -------------  --------------- 
 Canadian Dollar          1,894             10            1,904 
 Euro                       402            (1)              401 
 Norwegian Krone            395              -              395 
 Swiss Franc                  3              -                3 
 U.S. Dollar            126,865         35,993          162,858 
-----------------  ------------  -------------  --------------- 
 Total                  129,559         36,002          165,561 
-----------------  ------------  -------------  --------------- 
                                As at 31 March 2020 
                                  Net monetary   Total currency 
                    Investments         assets         exposure 
                         GBP000         GBP000           GBP000 
-----------------  ------------  -------------  --------------- 
 Canadian Dollar          1,442              7            1,449 
 U.S. Dollar             88,450         10,987           99,437 
-----------------  ------------  -------------  --------------- 
 Total                   89,892         10,994          100,886 
-----------------  ------------  -------------  --------------- 

The asset allocation between specific markets can vary from time to time based on the Manager's opinion of the attractiveness of the individual markets.

Foreign currency sensitivity

The following table details the Company's sensitivity to a 15% increase and decrease in sterling against the relevant foreign currencies and the resultant impact that any such increase or decrease would have on net return before tax and equity shareholders' funds. The sensitivity analysis includes only outstanding foreign currency denominated monetary items and adjusts their translation at the year end for a 15% change in foreign currency rates.

                             As at            As at 
                     31 March 2021    31 March 2020 
                            GBP000           GBP000 
 Canadian Dollar                 2                1 
 Euro                            - 
 Norwegian Krone                 - 
 Swiss Franc                     - 
 U.S. Dollar                 5,399            1,648 
-----------------  ---------------  --------------- 
 Total                       5,401            1,649 
-----------------  ---------------  --------------- 

Other price risk

Other price risks, i.e., changes in market prices other than those arising from interest rate or currency risk, may affect the value of the quoted investments.

The Investment Manager actively monitors market prices throughout the year and reports to the Board, which meets regularly to review investment strategy. The investments held by the Company are listed on recognised stock exchanges.

Other price risk sensitivity

If market prices at the year end date had been 15% higher or lower while all other variables remained constant, the return attributable to ordinary shareholders for the year ended 31 March 2021 would have increased / decreased by GBP19,434,000. The calculations are based on the portfolio valuations as at the year end date, and are not representative of the year as a whole.

(ii) Liquidity risk

This is the risk that the Company will encounter difficulty in meeting obligations associated with financial liabilities. All creditors are payable within three months.

Liquidity risk is not considered to be significant as the Company's assets comprise mainly readily realisable securities, which can be sold to meet funding commitments if necessary.

(iii) Credit risk

This is the risk of failure of the counterparty to a transaction to discharge its obligations under that transaction that could result in the Company suffering a loss.

The risk is managed as follows:

-- Investment transactions are carried out mainly with one broker, G.research, LLC, whose credit ratings are reviewed periodically by the Investment Manager.

-- Most transactions are made delivery versus payment on recognised exchanges.

-- Cash is held only with reputable banks.

The maximum credit risk exposure as at 31 March 2021 was GBP38,670,000 (2020: GBP12,603,000) This was due to cash and receivables as per notes 7 and 8.

12 Capital management policies and procedures

The Company's capital management objectives are:

-- to ensure that the Company will be able to continue as a going concern; and

-- to maximise the revenue and capital return to its equity shareholders through an appropriate balance of equity capital and debt.

The Board monitors and reviews the broad structure of the Company's capital on an ongoing basis. This review includes the nature and planned level of gearing, which takes account of the Investment Manager's views on the market and the extent to which revenue in excess of that which is required to be distributed under the investment trust rules should be retained.

The analysis of shareholders' funds is as follows:

                                            As at            As at 
                                    31 March 2021    31 March 2020 
                                           GBP000           GBP000 
--------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
 Equity share capital                       1,001            1,001 
 Special distributable reserve*            95,885           95,885 
 Capital reserve                           67,269            3,106 
 Revenue reserve*                           1,499            1,278 
 Total                                    101,270          101,270 
--------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
   *          These reserves are distributable. 

13 Alternative Investment Fund Managers ("AIFM") Directive

In accordance with the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive ("AIFMD"), the Company is an Alternative Investment Fund ("AIF") and has appointed Gabelli Funds, LLC as its Alternative Investment Fund Manager (the "AIFM") to provide portfolio management and risk management services to the Company in accordance with the investment management agreement.

The Company is categorised as an externally managed European Economic Area ("EEA") domiciled AIF for the purposes of the AIFMD. Since the Investment Manager is a non-EEA AIFM, the Investment Manager is only subject to the AIFMD to the extent that it markets an EEA AIF in the EEA. Accordingly, the Investment Manager is required to make only certain financial and nonfinancial disclosures.

The Company's maximum leverage levels at 31 March 2021 are shown below:

 Leverage Exposure          Gross method   Commitment method 
-------------------------  -------------  ------------------ 
 Maximum permitted limit            115%                115% 
-------------------------  -------------  ------------------ 

The leverage limits are set by the AIFM and approved by the Board and are in line with the maximum leverage levels permitted in the Company's Articles of Association. The AIFM is also required to comply with the gearing parameters set by the Board in relation to borrowings.

14 Related party transactions

During the year ended 31 March 2021, with the exception of Investment Management fees, Directors' remuneration, Directors' shareholdings, secretarial fees, and other administrative fees, the Company paid brokerage commissions on security trades of GBP43,206 (2020: GBP76,776) to G.research, LLC, an affiliate of the Investment Manager.

15 Contingent Liabilities and Commitments

As at 31 March 2021, the Company had no contingent liabilities or commitments (31 March 2020: Nil).

16 Post balance sheet events

On 9 June 2021 the Board declared an interim dividend of 1.2 pence per share. The dividend is payable on 2 July 2021, to shareholders on the register as at close of business on 18 June 2021.

On 9 June 2021 the Board declared a further interim dividend on 0.2 pence per share in respect of the year ending 31 March 2022. This dividend is being paid in order to ensure that the Company meets the distribution requirements to maintain investment trust status during the period from 1 April 2021 to the date of the General Meeting. The dividend is payable on 2 July 2021 to shareholders on the register as at close of business on 18 June 2021.

There are no other significant post balance sheet events to report.

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

June 09, 2021 12:45 ET (16:45 GMT)

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