RNS Number:8200D
New Star RBC Hedge250 IDX (3X GBP)
13 September 2007

                                   HEDGE ETS

            New Star RBC Hedge 250 Index Exchange Traded Securities

                                  PCC Limited

(A closed-ended protected cell company incorporated in Guernsey with registered
number 45501 under the provisions of The Companies (Guernsey) Laws 1994 and The
          Protected Cell Companies Ordinance 1997 to 1998, as amended)

13th September 2007

Preliminary Statement of Results for the period ended 30 June 2007

New Star RBC Hedge 250 Index Exchange Traded Securities PCC Limited (the "
Company" or "Hedge ETS") today announces its preliminary results for the period
ended 30 June 2007.

Highlights for the period ended 30 June 2007

*    Hedge ETS launched in November 2006 raising $150 million

*    Number of share issues during the period raising approximately
     $150 million

*    Shareholders' funds at 30 June 2007 were $326.7 million

*    Positive monthly returns for each month to 30 June 2007

                                     1X                               3X
                                         $          Euro          #          $          Euro         Euro
NAV at 30 June 2007                  1.0543     1.0464     1.0538      1.1485    1.1370    1.1464
% increase since launch              5.4%       4.6%       5.4%        14.9%     13.7%     14.6%
Share price at 30 June 2007          1.08       1.08       1.08        1.20      1.20      1.20
% increase since launch              8.0%       8.0%       8.0%        20.0%     20.0%     20.0%

For further information please contact:

Ravi Anand, New Star Asset Management Limited,        020 7225 9292

About Hedge ETS

The objective of Hedge ETS is to provide access to performance representative of
the hedge fund asset class. The investment policy of the company is to provide
access to such performance through investment exposure to the RBC Hedge 250
Index (the "Index").

The 1X Cell seeks to achieve its investment objective by entering into a swap
agreement with Royal Bank of Canada designed to provide unleveraged exposure to
the performance of the Index.
The 3X Cell seeks to achieve its investment objective by entering into a swap
agreement with Royal Bank of Canada designed to provide approximately three
times' exposure to the performance of the Index.

Chairman's report

I am pleased to present the Company's first report and accounts since its launch
on 29 November 2006. The Company seeks to provide access to performance
representative of the hedge fund asset class through exposure to the RBC Hedge
250 Index.


During the period to 30 June 2007, the net asset values ("NAV") (before
deducting launch costs of approximately 2.1%) rose 5.4%, 4.6% and 5.4% for the
1X dollar, euro and sterling classes of shares respectively and 14.9%, 13.7% and
14.6% for the 3X dollar, euro and sterling classes of shares respectively.
During this period, the shares continuously traded at a premium to their NAVs
and provided returns of 8% for the 1X shares and 20% for the 3X shares.

The monthly NAV returns have been positive for each month to 30 June 2007
reflecting the positive returns from the underlying hedge fund strategies.

Share issues

As envisaged at the Company's launch, the Company has actively issued shares to
meet investor demand. The initial launch raised $150 million whilst two
subsequent large share offerings and two 'tap' offerings during the period to 30
June 2007 raised approximately an additional $150 million for the Company.

The Company expects to continue to meet demand through regular share issues and
has recently obtained shareholder approval to issue 'C' shares, which provide a
cost-effective method of issuing shares without the risk of dilution to existing
shareholder investors.

Redemption facility

The Directors have the discretion to operate a quarterly redemption facility.
The Directors have exercised this discretion for the first time for the quarter
to 2 January 2008. Notices for redemptions were required to be received by 4
September 2007; redemption requests for 1,038,077 1X shares were received
(representing 0.5% of the issued 1X share capital) and no redemption requests
were received for the 3X shares.

Share price rating

The Directors believe it is appropriate for the Company's shares to trade at or
around NAV and intend - subject to normal market conditions, accuracy of the
Index hedge fund valuations and closed periods - to utilise their ability to buy
back shares at a discount to NAV, exercise redemption facilities and issue
shares to facilitate such a rating. Any share repurchases will be made at a
narrow discount, and share issues at a small premium, to the latest estimated
NAV. This NAV is calculated using the Index value as reported on RBC's website,
www.rbchedge250.com, the marked to market value of collateral held (currently
short-dated US treasuries) and the Company's fees and expenses as set out in its
latest Prospectus.


In line with hedge fund industry returns, the Company's NAV fell during July and
August 2007 while the prices of the 1X and 3X shares fell by a larger margin as
their premiums over NAV narrowed.  Although negative sentiment and market
turbulence affected returns in July and August, short-term volatility provides
many opportunities for hedge funds, whose incentivised and talented managers
seek to generate absolute returns. Your Company, by providing diversified
exposure to more than 250 hedge funds selected on a rules-based methodology, is
well placed to capture such returns for investors with minimal exposure to
significant single manager or single strategy risk.

Christopher Sherwell
13 September 2007

Balance Sheet

as at 30 June 2007
                                                     1X Cell            3X Cell           Total
                                                         US$                US$              US$
Financial assets at fair value                   259,195,140         70,593,266      329,788,406
through profit or loss

(cost: 1X Cell US$: 250,310,776; 3X
Cell US$: 64,908,801)
Unrealised gain on open forward                      652,337            161,030          813,367
exchange contracts
Cash and cash equivalents                          1,741,413            554,261        2,295,674
Other receivables                                     73,000             19,765           92,765
Total assets                                     261,661,890         71,328,322      332,990,212

Swap interest payable                              2,869,361          2,227,576        5,096,937
Investment management fees payable                   333,723             98,324          432,047
Administration fees payable                           33,634             10,235           43,869
Share issuance costs payable                         206,000            100,000          306,000
Other payables                                       350,217             53,175          403,392
Total liabilities                                  3,792,935          2,489,310        6,282,245

Share premium                                    242,942,647         61,785,522      304,728,169
Accumulated capital gains                         14,926,308          7,053,490       21,979,798
Total equity                                     257,868,955         68,839,012      326,707,967
Total equity and liabilities                     261,661,890         71,328,322      332,990,212

                                                                       1X Cell            3X Cell
Net Asset Value
US$ share class                                                 US$129,704,971      US$36,377,058
Euro share class                                                   Euro59,412,211        Euro10,125,624
Sterling share class                                               #23,845,698         #9,356,173

Shares in issue
US$ share class                                                    123,030,271         31,674,110
Euro share class                                                    56,778,461          8,905,835
Sterling share class                                                22,628,678          8,161,347

Net Asset Value per Share
US$ share class                                                      US$1.0543          US$1.1485
Euro share class                                                       Euro1.0464            Euro1.1370
Sterling share class                                                   #1.0538            #1.1464

Income Statement
for the period from 19 September 2006 (date of incorporation) to 30 June 2007

                                                                     1X Cell         3X Cell             Total
                                                                         US$             US$               US$
Interest                                                             418,467          98,841           517,308
Other income                                                       1,064,250         592,774         1,657,024
Investment income                                                  1,482,717         691,615         2,174,332

Swap interest expense                                              5,036,095       4,114,961         9,151,056
Investment management fees                                           897,797         256,373         1,154,170
Directors' fees                                                       42,953          10,500            53,453
Audit fees                                                            72,917          17,348            90,265
Administration fees                                                   69,675          19,958            89,633
Custodian fees                                                        21,613           6,777            28,390
Other expenses                                                       225,007          91,249           316,256
Operating expenses                                                 6,366,057       4,517,166        10,883,223

Net investment expense                                           (4,883,340)     (3,825,551)       (8,708,891)

Net realised and unrealised gains/(losses) on
investments and foreign exchange
Net realised gain on investments                                  11,122,414       5,298,302        16,420,716
Net realised gain on foreign exchange                              (849,465)       (264,754)       (1,114,219)
Net change in unrealised gain on investments                       8,884,362       5,684,463        14,568,825          
and swap agreements                                                                
Net change in unrealised gain on open forward                        652,337         161,030           813,367    
exchange contracts                                                                       
Total net realised and unrealised gains on investments            19,809,648      10,879,041        30,688,689
and foreign exchange

Return for the period                                             14,926,308       7,053,490        21,979,798

Earnings per Share                                                     1X Cell         3X Cell
US$ share class                                                      US$0.0793       US$0.3987
Euro share class                                                       Euro0.0982         Euro0.3408
Sterling share class                                                   #0.0764         #0.3230

Statement of Changes in Equity
for the period from 19 September 2006 (date of incorporation) to 30 June 2007

                                                                       1X Cell          3X Cell            Total
                                                                           US$              US$              US$

Balance at date of incorporation                                             -                -                -

Return for the period                                               14,926,308        7,053,490       21,979,798

Share premium
Subscriptions, net of transfer between classes                     246,062,227       62,461,927      308,524,154
Share issuance costs                                               (3,119,580)        (676,405)      (3,795,985)
Total share premium                                                242,942,647       61,785,522      304,728,169

Balance at 30 June 2007                                            257,868,955       68,839,012      326,707,967

Cash Flow Statement
for the period from 19 September 2006 (date of incorporation) to 30 June 2007

                                                                     1X Cell          3X Cell              Total
                                                                         US$              US$                US$
Cash flows from operating activities
Return for the period                                             14,926,308        7,053,490         21,979,798

Adjustments to reconcile profit for the financial
period to net cash from operating activities:
Purchases of investments                                     (1,253,708,989)    (295,374,013)    (1,549,083,002)
Sale of investments                                            1,003,398,212      230,465,210      1,233,863,422
Unrealised gain on investments and swap agreements               (8,884,362)      (5,684,463)       (14,568,825)
Increase in unrealised gain on open forward exchange               (652,337)        (161,030)          (813,367)
Swap interest payable                                              2,869,361        2,227,576          5,096,937
Investment management fees payable                                   333,723           98,324            432,047
Administration fees payable                                           33,634           10,235             43,869
Other receivable                                                    (73,000)         (19,765)           (92,765)
Other payables                                                       350,216           53,175            403,391

Net cash used in operating activities                          (241,407,234)     (61,331,261)      (302,738,495)

Cash flows from financing activities
Subscriptions, net of transfer between classes                   246,062,227       62,461,927        308,524,154
Share issuance costs                                             (3,119,580)        (676,405)        (3,795,985)
Share issuance costs payable                                         206,000          100,000            306,000
Net cash provided by financing activities                        243,148,647       61,885,522        305,034,169

Net increase cash and cash equivalents                             1,741,413          554,261          2,295,674

Opening cash and cash equivalents                                          -                -                  -

Ending cash and cash equivalents                                   1,741,413          554,261          2,295,674

Supplementary cash flow information:
Interest received                                                    394,585           92,572            487,157
Interest paid                                                        (3,798)            (920)            (4,718)


1          Accounting policies

(a) Statement of compliance

Whilst the financial information in this preliminary announcement has been
computed in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS
"), this announcement does not itself contain sufficient information to comply
with IFRS. The financial statements are presented in United States dollars 

(b) Basis of preparation

The accounting policies used in arriving at the preliminary figures are
consistent with those which will be published in the full financial statements.
The financial statements have been prepared on a historical cost basis, except
for financial instruments classified at fair value through profit or loss that
have been measured at fair value. The preparation of financial statements in
conformity with International Financial Reporting Standards requires management
to make estimates and assumptions that affect the amounts reported in the
financial statements and accompanying notes. Management believes that the
estimates utilised in preparing its financial statements are reasonable and
prudent. Actual results could differ from these estimates.

The Company has not early adopted IFRS 7 "Financial Instruments: Disclosures
which will enhance requirements of IAS 32 and 39 for annual periods commencing
on 1 January 2007.

2     Derivative Contracts

Each Swap is valued on the basis of the latest valuation provided by Royal Bank
of Canada. The valuation of each Swap is dependent, among other things, on RBC
Capital Markets Corporation (the "Index Administrator") determining the level of
the RBC Hedge 250 Index (the "Index") in accordance with the Index Rules. The
Index level may reflect estimates of the net asset value of all or some of the
hedge funds provided by administrators or managers of the relevant hedge funds.
Further, the Index level may be estimated by the Index Administrator. The Index
Administrator is a wholly owned affiliate of Royal Bank of Canada.

3     Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting will be held at 4.30pm on 31 October 2007 at Arnold
House, St. Julian's Avenue, St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 3NF, Channel Islands.

4     Approval of financial statements

The financial statements were approved by the Directors on 13 September 2007.
This preliminary statement is not the Company's statutory financial statements.
The above results for the period to 30 June 2007 have been agreed with the
auditors and are an abridged version of the Company's full financial statements.
The full financial statements have yet to be published or filed with the
Guernsey Financial Services Commission. It is expected that the full financial
statements will be posted to shareholders in September 2007. The audit report on
the full financial statements for the period ended 30 June 2007 is yet to be
signed by the auditors.

By Order of the Board
HSBC Securities Services (Guernsey) Limited
13 September 2007

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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