RNS Number : 9934V 
Henderson Financial Opps Ltd 
10 November 2010 

Henderson Financial Opportunities Fund Limited 
Proposals for the voluntary winding-up and reconstruction of the Company 
10 November 2010 
The Board of the Company has today announced recommended Proposals for the 
reconstruction and members' voluntary liquidation of the Company. 
Under the Proposals, Shareholders will be able to elect to receive their 
entitlement upon the winding-up of the Company either in cash or to roll over 
some or all of their investment into Henderson Global Financials Fund, a 
sub-fund of the Henderson OEIC. 
The Proposals have been designed to provide Shareholders with a choice of 
realising their investment or continuing it through a rollover into Henderson 
Global Financials Fund. 
Background to the Proposals 
At the extraordinary general meeting held in September 2009, Shareholders 
approved proposals, including a revised investment policy, which sought to 
enable the Company to remain an attractive long term investment and, in due 
course, to increase in size in order to improve liquidity in the Shares and also 
to reduce the impact of fixed running costs on each Shareholder. 
At the same time, the Board, recognising that Shareholders would benefit from 
the comfort of knowing that should these objectives not be achieved, they would 
have the opportunity to vote on the future of the Company, committed to propose 
an ordinary resolution at the annual general meeting of the Company to be held 
in 2011 that the Company continue as an investment company. If that resolution 
were not passed, then proposals to wind up or otherwise reconstruct the Company 
would be put to Shareholders within three months. 
In the recent half-year report we noted that, given the current uncertain 
outlook for the western economies, and thus for the markets, and some of the 
fears that still surround some banks and other financial institutions, it seemed 
increasingly unlikely that a fund-raising for the Company would be achievable in 
the short term. 
Following subsequent consultation with Shareholders representing 66.5 per cent. 
of the Shares in issue, the Board has now determined that it would be in the 
best interests of Shareholders as a whole if proposals to wind up the Company 
were put to Shareholders without the need to hold a continuation vote 
(notwithstanding the commitment of the Board to propose an ordinary resolution 
at the annual general meeting of the Company to be held in 2011 that the Company 
continue as an investment company and Article 166 of the Articles), and further 
should be put to Shareholders ahead of the annual general meeting to be held in 
On a winding-up, Shareholders' entitlements will be determined by reference to 
the Articles and the Law, under which the Liquidators are obliged to realise the 
Company's assets and apply them in satisfaction of the Company's debts and 
liabilities pari passu. Any surplus may then be distributed to Shareholders 
according to their respective rights and interests in the Company. 
Third Interim Dividend and Fourth Interim Dividend 
On 13 September 2010, the Board declared the Third Interim Dividend payable on 
22 October 2010 to Shareholders on the register as at 24 September 2010. Prior 
to the Company entering into liquidation, the Directors will declare, in 
accordance with the Articles and the Law, the Fourth Interim Dividend to be paid 
to Shareholders. This dividend will be based on the Directors' best estimate of 
the revenue profits (including accumulated revenue reserves) available for 
distribution prior to liquidation. 
The Shares will be declared "ex" the Fourth Interim Dividend entitlement on 17 
November 2010, the record date for the Fourth Interim Dividend will be 19 
November 2010 and it will be paid on 9 December 2010, prior to the Second GM. 
The Fourth Interim Dividend will represent substantially all of the Company's 
revenue reserves as at the date of payment. 
The Proposals 
The Proposals involve the voluntary winding-up of the Company. 
Under the Proposals the Company's voluntary winding-up shall commence on 13 
December 2010. Shareholders will be able to elect: 
(a)  to roll over, in a tax-efficient manner, some or all of their investment 
into shares in Henderson Global Financials Fund which is an existing sub-fund 
within the Henderson OEIC, an open-ended investment company which aims to 
achieve long-term capital growth by investing in financial services companies 
both in the UK and internationally. In addition to ordinary shares, the 
Henderson Global Financials Fund may invest in fixed interest securities, 
preference shares, debt securities convertible into ordinary stock, money-market 
instruments, deposits and any other permitted asset type deemed appropriate to 
meet the investment objective (the "Rollover Option"); and/or 
(b)   to receive cash in the liquidation of the Company by realising some or all 
of their investments (the "Cash Option"). 
The Scheme 
Under the Scheme, Shareholders will be entitled to receive the Scheme Asset 
Value per Share in respect of their Options. The Scheme Asset Value per Share 
for these purposes is an amount equal to the amount of cash or assets which 
would be available to the Company (less the value of the Liquidation Fund) to 
pay the capital entitlement of each Share divided by the number of Shares in 
The net assets of the Company as at 8 November 2010  were approximately GBP15.7 
million. The amount of these net assets takes into account the anticipated costs 
of liquidating the Company (estimated at GBP150,000) as well as the retention 
anticipated to be required by the Liquidators (to meet contingent and unknown 
liabilities) of GBP100,000. 
Based on the net assets of the Company as set out above and assuming that: there 
is no change in those net assets between now and the Effective Date; that such 
net assets were represented solely by cash; that the level of revenue reserves 
does not change between now and the Effective Date; and that shares in the 
Rollover Fund were issued at 49.79p (being their issue price as at close of 
business on 8 November 2010), this would give rise to the following payment per 
Share in cash or shares in the Rollover Fund under the Scheme: 
For each Share: 41.18p in cash or 0.827 shares in the Rollover Fund 
Due to the short interval between the Calculation Date 9 December 2010 and the 
Transfer Date, 14 December 2010, Shareholders who elect for the Rollover Option 
will be exposed to any movement over that interval in the market value of the 
assets to be transferred as part of the Rollover Pool. These assets are expected 
to be principally cash and short-dated government securities. 
Shareholders should note that following the initial distribution of either cash 
or shares, any further payments will be paid by the Liquidators in cash only to 
all Shareholders regardless of the Option they choose for the initial 
distribution. Any such further payments will be paid to Shareholders only by the 
Liquidators following fulfilment of any outstanding liabilities of the Company. 
There will not be an initial charge to roll over into the Henderson Global 
Financials Fund for Shareholders who elect for the Rollover Option. 
Failure to make an Election 
Shareholders (other than Overseas Holders) who make no valid election will be 
deemed to have elected for the Rollover Option in respect of their entire 
holding of Shares. Overseas Holders will be deemed to have elected for the Cash 
Further details of the Options are described under the section entitled "The 
Options" below. 
Advantages of the Proposals 
The Directors believe that the Proposals are in the best interests of 
Shareholders because: 
?    shares in the Rollover Fund are being issued on terms which are more 
favourable than the terms on which Shareholders could generally purchase such 
shares due to the Rollover Manager's agreement to waive the initial charge of 
5.25 per cent. of the gross investment in the Class A Income Shares. In 
addition, the Rollover Manager has agreed to waive any requirements in respect 
of minimum investment levels; 
?    the Rollover Fund pursues an investment policy that is similar to that of 
the Company which is to achieve long-term capital growth by investing in 
financial services companies both in the UK and internationally, albeit that the 
yield is lower. In addition to ordinary shares, the Henderson Global Financials 
Fund also may invest in fixed-interest securities, preference shares, debt 
securities convertible into ordinary stock, money-market instruments, deposits 
and any other permitted asset type deemed appropriate to meet the investment 
?     they should allow Shareholders to elect to receive shares in the Rollover 
Fund, thereby allowing Shareholders to retain an investment exposure without 
triggering a disposal for capital gains purposes until disposing of such shares 
at a time of their choosing; and 
?     Shareholders who elect for the Cash Option will be able to receive cash in 
the liquidation of the Company at close to the SAY per Share. 
The choice between the Options available under the Proposals will be a matter 
for each Shareholder to decide and will be influenced by their individual 
circumstances and investment objectives. 
The Options 
Under the Proposals, Shareholders have the choice of electing for one or both of 
the Options in respect of their Shares. Information on each of the Options is 
set out below. 
The Rollover Option 
Henderson Global Financials Fund aims to achieve long-term capital growth by 
investing in financial services companies both in the UK and internationally. In 
addition to ordinary shares, the Henderson Global Financials Fund may also 
invest in fixed interest securities, preference shares, debt securities 
convertible into ordinary stock, money-market instruments, deposits and any 
other permitted asset type deemed appropriate to meet the investment objective. 
Henderson Global Financials Fund is managed by Henderson Investment Funds 
Limited who is the Authorised Corporate Director. 
As at 31 October 2010, Henderson Global Financials Fund had assets of 
approximately GBP88.3 million and the dividend yield was 0.08 per cent. Source: 
No initial charges will be levied on the issue of the Henderson Global Financial 
Fund Shares pursuant to the Scheme. 
The Rollover Manager has also agreed to waive the normal minimum investment 
requirement for Shareholders who wish to elect for the Rollover Option. 
The Cash Option 
Shareholders who elect for the Cash Option will receive a cheque in respect of 
their entitlement. 
Liquidation Fund 
Under the Proposals, the Company will be wound up by means of a members' 
voluntary liquidation. The Liquidators will set aside sufficient assets in the 
Liquidation Fund of the Company to meet its liabilities. If any further cash is 
received by the Company after the Effective Date, it will form part of the 
Liquidation Fund. 
The Liquidators also will provide in the Liquidation Fund for a Retention which 
they consider sufficient to meet any contingent and unknown liabilities of the 
Company. The Retention is currently expected to amount to approximately 
GBP100,000. To the extent that all of this Retention is not required to meet 
such liabilities, the balance will be distributed in cash only by the 
Liquidators to those Shareholders holding Shares on the Record Date. 
In accordance with section 397 of the Law, the Liquidators have a statutory duty 
to realise the Company's assets and discharge its liabilities before 
distributing surplus assets to Shareholders. 
Final meeting prior to dissolution 
As soon as the Company's affairs are fully wound up, the Liquidators will 
prepare an account of the winding-up in accordance with section 400(1)(a) of the 
Law and call a further general meeting of the Company at which the account will 
be presented and an explanation given, in accordance with section 400(1)(b) of 
the Law. Immediately after such meeting the Liquidators will give notice to the 
Registrar of Companies in Guernsey that such meeting has been held and the date 
on which it was held. The Company then will be dissolved on the expiry of three 
months beginning from the date of delivery of such notice. 
Details of the Proposals 
Shareholders' approval is required under the provisions of the Law in order to 
implement the Proposals. As part of the reconstruction and winding-up of the 
Company it is necessary, for technical reasons, to reorganise its share capital. 
The Scheme is conditional on the passing of the Resolutions at the Meetings 
which require (whether on a poll or by a show of hands) approval by a majority 
of not less than 75 per cent. of those attending and voting at each Meeting. 
At the First GM, a special resolution will be proposed to: 
(i)    re-classify the rights attaching to the Shares such that those 
Shareholders who elect, or are deemed to elect, to roll over into Henderson 
Global Financials Fund will hold shares with "A" rights giving them the right to 
receive Henderson Global Financials Fund Shares on a winding-up of the Company 
and those Shareholders who elect, or are deemed to elect, to receive cash will 
hold Shares with "B" rights giving them the right to receive cash on the 
winding-up of the Company; 
(ii)   authorise the implementation of the Scheme by the Liquidators including 
an application to delist the Company's Shares from the Official List of the UKLA 
and the Official List of the CISX; and 
(iii)   amend the Articles for the purposes of its implementation. 
Shareholders may attend and vote, or appoint a proxy to vote on their behalf, at 
the First GM. 
Conditional upon the resolutions proposed at the First General Meeting being 
passed and conditional upon the amendment to the Official List of the UKLA and 
the Official List of the CISX to reflect the reclassification of the Shares, a 
special resolution will be proposed at the Second GM to wind the Company up 
voluntarily, to appoint the Liquidators, to fix the remuneration of the 
Liquidators, to confer certain powers on the Liquidators and to instruct the 
Secretary to hold the books of the Company to the Liquidators' order. 
Shareholders may attend and vote at the Second GM. 
In order to implement the Scheme, the assets of the Company will be divided into 
three Pools on the Calculation Date, being the Cash Pool, the Rollover Pool and 
the Liquidation Fund. The assets of the Company will comprise cash and 
securities. The division of the assets of the Company will be on the basis of 
the value attributable to Elections for the Rollover Option and the value 
attributable to Elections for the Cash Option as a proportion of the total value 
attributable to Elections. In order to make the division between the three 
Pools, the Manager, in consultation with the Liquidators, will calculate for the 
purposes of determining SAY the aggregate value of the Company in accordance 
with the Scheme as at 5.00 p.m. on the Calculation Date. 
On the Effective Date, or as soon as practicable thereafter, the Liquidators 
will distribute the value of the Cash Pool to Shareholders with "B" rights. On 
the Transfer Date the Liquidators will transfer the assets in the Rollover Pool 
to Henderson Global Financials Fund in exchange for Henderson Global Financials 
Fund Shares which will be issued to the Shareholders with "A" rights, pro rata, 
on the basis of the value of the Rollover Pool as at the Calculation Date and 
the Henderson Global Financials Fund Share Issue Price being the price of such 
shares as at noon on the Transfer Date. 
The transfer of the Rollover Pool will be carried out in accordance with the 
terms of the Transfer Agreement. 
Cancellation of the listing of the Reclassified Shares on the Official Lists is 
expected to take place by 9 November 2011. 
Guernsey regulatory notification 
The Company has been declared to be an authorised closed-ended investment scheme 
by the GFSC pursuant to Section 8 of the POI Law and Rule 6.02 (pursuant to Rule 
7.02) of the Rules made thereunder. Notification of the Proposals has been made 
to the GFSC pursuant to Part 5 of the Rules. 
Overseas Holders 
Overseas Holders will not receive a Form of Election or the Simplified 
Prospectus and will (unless the Directors determine otherwise) receive cash 
directly from the Company in respect of their entire holding of Shares unless 
they have satisfied the Directors that it is lawful for shares to be issued to 
them under any relevant overseas laws and regulations. 
Costs and expenses 
The total costs in connection with the Proposals, including financial, legal and 
tax advice, are estimated to be approximately GBP150,000 (inclusive of the 
estimated Liquidator's costs but excluding the Retention to be made by the 
Of the costs referred to above, the Board, having consulted with its advisers, 
has determined that all such costs will be charged to capital. 
Conditions to the Proposals 
The Scheme which provides for, and which will effect, the Rollover Option, is 
conditional upon: 
(i)    the resolutions at the First GM and the Second GM being passed; and 
(ii)   the amendment to the Official List of the UKLA and the Official List of 
the CISX to reflect the reclassification of the Shares. 
If the Resolutions to be proposed at the Second GM are not passed, the Proposals 
will not become effective and the Company will continue as a closed-ended 
investment company. 
Certain considerations relating to the Proposals 
The implementation of, and an Election for one or more Options under, the 
Proposals carry with them certain considerations for Shareholders as described 
?     if Shareholders elect to roll over some or all of their entitlement into 
the Rollover Fund the subsequent disposal by such Shareholders of shares in that 
fund may incur redemption charges and will constitute a disposal for the 
purposes of crystallising a liability to any tax on capital gains; 
?     the Company makes quarterly income distributions whereas the Rollover Fund 
distributes income biannually, which may be a material consideration for some 
?     whilst the Rollover Fund invests in the same sector as the Company, it 
should be noted that the yield of the Fund is lower than that of the Company, 
reflecting a greater emphasis on capital growth; 
?     there can be no assurance that the Rollover Fund will not raise its annual 
management charge and/or other fees in the future; or that there will not be any 
changes to key personnel within the Rollover Manager; or that the investment 
objective and policy of the Rollover Fund will not change; or that the Rollover 
Manager will not be acquired by another fund management firm. 
Money laundering 
The prevailing money laundering legislation requires that the identity of 
investors in Henderson Global Financials Fund, including Shareholders who have 
elected for the Rollover Option, be verified; otherwise redemption proceeds 
cannot be paid if and when Henderson Global Financials Fund Shares are redeemed. 
Therefore, Shareholders to whom Henderson Global Financials Fund Shares are 
issued pursuant to the Scheme will, when relevant, be required to complete the 
necessary money laundering forms in due course. Shareholders to whom Henderson 
Global Financials Fund Shares are issued will not be able to receive redemption 
proceeds in connection with any subsequent redemption until the necessary 
identity verification under anti-money laundering procedures has been complied 
Notwithstanding that the shares in the Rollover Fund should generally qualify 
for holding in a ISA, Shareholders who hold their Shares within ISAs should, 
before making any Election for the Rollover Option or Cash Option, consult their 
ISA plan administrator as regards their own position. 
The Board of the Company, that has received financial advice from Numis 
Securities Limited in the context of the Proposals, considers that the Proposals 
are in the best interests of Shareholders as a whole and recommends Shareholders 
to vote in favour of all of the Resolutions. In providing its advice, Numis 
Securities Limited has placed reliance on the Directors' commercial assessment 
of the Proposals. 
The Directors intend to vote in favour of all the Resolutions in respect of 
their beneficial holdings representing, in aggregate, 101,000 Shares 
(representing 0.265 per cent. of the Shares in issue) as at 8 November 2010. 
Expected timetable 
| 2010          |        |                                         | 
| 10 November   |        | Despatch of the Scheme circular         | 
| 19 November   |        | Record Date for the Fourth Interim      | 
|               |        | Dividend                                | 
| 1 December    | 1.00   | Latest time and date for receipt of the | 
|               | p.m.   | Forms of Election and                   | 
|               |        | TTE Instructions from Shareholders      | 
| 1 December    | 5.00   | Record Date for participation in the    | 
|               | p.m.   | Proposals and Register                  | 
|               |        | closes                                  | 
| 2 December    | 11.00  | Latest time and date for receipt of     | 
|               | a.m.   | Forms of Proxy for the First            | 
|               |        | GM                                      | 
| 6 December    | 11.00  | First GM and Shares reclassified into   | 
|               | a.m.   | Reclassified Shares                     | 
| 7 December    |        | Opening of Register and amendment to    | 
|               |        | the Official Lists to                   | 
|               |        | reflect the reclassification of the     | 
|               |        | Shares                                  | 
| 9 December    | 11.00  | Latest time and date for receipt of     | 
|               | a.m.   | Forms of Proxy for the                  | 
|               |        | Second GM                               | 
| 9 December    | 5.00   | Calculation Date                        | 
|               | p.m.   |                                         | 
| 9 December    |        | Fourth Interim Dividend paid to         | 
|               |        | Shareholders                            | 
| 13 December   | 7.30   | Listing of Reclassified Shares          | 
|               | a.m.   | suspended on the Official Lists         | 
| 13 December   | 11.00  | Second GM and, if the Scheme becomes    | 
|               | a.m.   | unconditional, Effective Date for the   | 
|               |        | implementation of the Proposals and     | 
|               |        | commencement of liquidation             | 
| 13 December   |        | Effective Date                          | 
| 14 December   |        | Expected date of issue of the Henderson | 
| (or as soon   |        | Global Financials Fund Shares, which    | 
| as            |        | are issued as part of the Scheme        | 
| practicable   |        |                                         | 
| thereafter)   |        |                                         | 
| Week          |        | Despatch of: (i) cheques or CREST       | 
| commencing 27 |        | accounts credited to                    | 
| December      |        | Shareholders who elect for the Cash     | 
|               |        | Option and (ii) letters of              | 
|               |        | confirmation in respect of Henderson    | 
|               |        | Global Financials Fund                  | 
|               |        | Shares                                  | 
| By 9 November |        | Cancellation of listing of Shares on    | 
| 2011          |        | the Official Lists                      | 
For further information please contact: 
Julian Tregoning, Chairman 
020 7818 6125 
James de Sausmarez, Head of Investment Trusts 
020 7818 3349 
Numis Securities 
David Benda, Corporate Broking 
020 7260 1275 
The information in this announcement should be read in conjunction with the full 
text of the circular to shareholders dated 10 November 2010 (the "Circular"). 
Capitalised terms used in this announcement shall, unless the context otherwise 
requires, bear the meaning given to them in the Circular. 
A copy of the Prospectus has been submitted to the National Storage Mechanism 
and will shortly be available for inspection at www.hemscott.com/nsm.do 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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