If you are in any doubt about the contents of this Circular or as to the course 
of action to be taken, you should consult your stockbroker, bank manager, 
solicitor, accountant or other professional adviser immediately who specialises 
in advising on the acquisition of shares and other securities. If you have sold 
or transferred all of your shares, please send this document and the 
accompanying Form of Proxy to the purchaser or transferee or to the stockbroker 
or other agent through whom the sale or transfer was effected for transmission 
to the purchaser or transferee. 
The Company and the Directors, whose name appear on page 1 of this Circular, 
accept responsibility, individually and collectively, for the information 
contained in this Circular and compliance with the AIM rules. To the best of 
the knowledge and belief of the Company and the Directors (who have taken all 
reasonable care to ensure that such is the case), the information contained in 
this Circular is in accordance with the facts and does not omit anything likely 
to affect the import of such information. 
                        ICB FINANCIAL GROUP HOLDINGS AG 
                         (Incorporated in Switzerland) 
A letter from the Chairman of ICB is set out on page 1 of this Circular. 
The Extraordinary General Meeting ("EGM") of the Company will be held at the 
offices of ICB at Schulhausstrasse 1, CH-8834 Schindellegi, Switzerland on 
Monday, 29 October 2012 at 2.00 p.m. The Notice of EGM of ICB together with the 
Form of Proxy are enclosed in this Circular. 
The Form of Proxy for use at the EGM accompanies this Circular and, to be 
valid, must be completed and deposited to the share register of ICB Financial 
Group Holdings AG, c/o ShareCommService AG at Europastrasse 29, CH-8152 
Glattbrugg, fax: +41-44-809 58 59 as soon as possible but in any event to be 
received not later than 29 October 2012 at 1.45 p.m. before the time set for 
the EGM. The lodging of the Form of Proxy will not preclude you from attending 
and voting in person at the meeting should you subsequently wish to do so. 
                     This Circular is dated 5 October 2012 
Date of Circular                      :  5 October 2012 
Latest time and date for receipt of   :  No later than 29 October 2012 at 1.45 
completed Forms of Proxy for the         p.m. 
Extraordinary General Meeting 
EGM                                   :  2.00 p.m. on 29 October 2012 
Last day of dealings in shares on AIM :  5 November 2012 
Delisting takes effect                :  7.00 a.m. on 6 November 2012 
(i) If any of the above times and/or dates change, the revised times and/or 
dates will be notified to Shareholders by an announcement through a regulatory 
information service provider recognised by the London Stock Exchange. 
(ii) The Delisting require the approval by not less than 75% of votes cast by 
Shareholders at the EGM. 
In this Circular, unless otherwise indicated, the following words and 
abbreviations shall have the following meanings:- 
"Admission"                  :  the admission of the Shares to trading on AIM 
"AIM"                        :  the AIM market operated by the London Stock 
"AIM Rules"                  :  the rules published by the London Stock 
                                Exchange relating to AIM, as amended from time 
                                to time 
"Articles of Association"    :  the articles of association of the Company 
"Company" or "ICB"           :  ICB Financial Group Holdings AG, a company 
                                listed on AIM 
"CREST"                      :  a relevant system (as defined in the 
                                Regulations) in respect of which Euroclear UK 
                                and Ireland Limited is the Operator (as defined 
                                in the Regulations) 
"Delisting"                  :  the proposed cancellation of admission of the 
                                Shares to trading on AIM 
"Directors" or "Board"       :  the directors of the Company 
"Form of Proxy"              :  the form of proxy for use by Shareholders 
                                enclosed with this document 
"EGM"                        :  the Extraordinary General Meeting of the 
                                Company convened for 29 October 2012 at 2.00 
                                p.m. notice of which is set at the end of this 
"London Stock Exchange"      :  London Stock Exchange Plc 
"Shares"                     :  the existing shares in the capital of the 
"Proposal"                   :  the Delisting 
"Resolutions"                :  the resolutions contained in the notice of 
                                Extraordinary General Meeting enclosed with 
                                this document 
"Shareholders"               :  the persons who are registered as holders of 
                                Shares prior to the Extraordinary General 
LETTER TO SHAREHOLDERS OF ICB                                             1 
1.   INTRODUCTION                                                         1 
2.   RATIONALE FOR THE DELISTING                                          2 
3.   CURRENT TRADING                                                      2 
4.   PROCESS FOR DELISTING                                                2 
6.   IRREVOCABLE UNDERTAKINGS                                             3 
7.   EGM                                                                  3 
8.   ACTION TO BE TAKEN                                                   3 
9.   RECOMMENDATION                                                       3 
NOTICE OF EGM                                    ENCLOSED 
FORM OF PROXY                                    ENCLOSED 
                        ICB FINANCIAL GROUP HOLDINGS AG 
                         (Incorporated in Switzerland) 
                                                   Registered Office: 
                                                   Schulhausstrasse 1 
                                                   CH-8834 Schindellegi 
                                                   5 October 2012 
Board of Directors: 
Michael R. Hanlon (Independent and Non-Executive Chairman) 
Josephine P. Sivaretnam (Non Independent Non Executive Director) 
Rene Fritschi (Independent Non-Executive Director) 
Lim Teong Liat (Independent Non-Executive Director) 
To: The Shareholders of ICB 
Dear Shareholder 
On 28 September 2012, the Company announced its intention to seek Shareholder 
approval to cancel the Admission. 
The purpose of this Circular is to explain the background to the proposed 
Delisting and the reasons why the Board consider the Proposal to be in the best 
interests of the Company and its Shareholders as a whole and to seek your 
approval to the Proposal at the EGM convened for this purpose. The Notice of 
EGM together with the Form of Proxy are enclosed in this Circular. 
Following careful consideration, the Directors have concluded that it is no 
longer in the best interests of the Company or its Shareholders for ICB to 
maintain the Admission. In reaching this conclusion, the Directors considered 
the following factors: 
  * that the AIM listing no longer serves a useful function for the Company in 
    terms of providing access to capital or enabling the shares to be used to 
    effect acquisitions, although the Directors acknowledge the benefit to 
    shareholders of having a public market in the shares; 
  * the lack of liquidity in trading of the shares (there have been no trades 
    in the Company during the current calendar year); 
  * small free float; 
  * market capitalisation of the Company is lower than when introduced to the 
  * limited market appreciation of the Company's broad geographical presence; 
  * the significant professional fees associated with the AIM listing (such as 
    legal, accounting, London Stock Exchange and nominated adviser costs); and 
  * the amount of senior management time spent in ensuring compliance with the 
    AIM Rules and related regulatory requirements, including reporting, 
    disclosure and corporate governance requirements. 
As a result of the Delisting, the Company would benefit from substantial cost 
savings, which the Directors estimate would total approximately GBP180,000 - 
200,000 per annum. 
The Directors have concluded that it is no longer in the best interests of the 
Company or its Shareholders to maintain admission to AIM of the Shares. The 
Directors believe that greater shareholder value will ultimately be derived by 
operating the Company's business off-market. 
There have been no changes in the portfolio since the year ending 31 December 
2011 in terms of acquisitions or disposals. 
The Directors will send out annual financial statements to Shareholders. 
In accordance with Rule 41 of the AIM Rules, the Company has notified the 
London Stock Exchange of the Delisting. Under the AIM Rules, it is a 
requirement that the Delisting is approved by not less than 75% of the votes 
cast by Shareholders at a general meeting. Accordingly, the Resolution numbered 
1 set out in the Notice of EGM seeks Shareholders' approval for the Delisting. 
The Resolution approving the Delisting is not conditional on the passing of any 
of the other Resolution. Subject to the Resolution approving the Delisting 
being passed at the EGM, it is anticipated that trading in the Ordinary Shares 
on AIM will cease at close of business on 5 November 2012 with the Delisting 
taking effect at 7.00 a.m. on 6 November 2012. 
Upon the Delisting becoming effective, RFC Ambrian Limited will cease to be 
nominated adviser to the Company. The Company will no longer be required to 
comply with the AIM Rules. The Company will no longer be bound (nor able) to 
announce via a regulatory information service provider material events, 
administrative changes or material transactions nor to announce interim or 
final results. The Company will no longer be required to comply with any of the 
additional specific corporate governance requirements for companies admitted to 
trading on AIM. 
Upon the Delisting becoming effective, the Company's CREST facility will be 
cancelled and Shareholders who hold Shares in uncertificated form prior to 
Delisting will receive share certificates. 
Immediately following the Delisting, there will be no market facility for 
dealing in the Shares and no price will be publicly quoted. As a result the 
Board recognises that the Delisting will make it more difficult for the 
Shareholders to buy and sell Shares should they want to do so. In view of this 
and in order to assist Shareholders, the Board intends to facilitate a dealing 
arrangement for six months following Delisting to enable Shareholder to trade 
in the Shares. Once the facility has been arranged, details will be sent to all 
Shareholders and will also be made available to Shareholders via the Company's 
website: www.icbankingroup.com 
The Company has received irrevocable undertakings from the Director and other 
major shareholders who together hold 133,810,000 Shares representing 
approximately 74.4 per cent of the current issued share capital, that they will 
vote in favour of the Resolutions. 
7. EGM 
Set out at the end of this Circular is a notice convening the EGM to be held at 
the office of ICB at Schulhausstrasse 1, CH-8834 Schindellegi, Switzerland at 
2.00 p.m. on 29 October 2012 at which the Resolutions will be put to 
Shareholders will find enclosed with this document a Form of Proxy for use at 
the EGM. 
Whether or not you intend to attend the EGM, you are requested to complete the 
Form of Proxy in accordance with the instructions printed and return it to the 
Company's share register, ShareCommService AG at Europastrasse 29, CH-8152 
Glattbrugg as soon as possible and, in any event, so that it is received no 
later than 23 October 2012. Completion and return of a Form of Proxy will not 
preclude you from attending and voting in person at the EGM, should you wish to 
do so. 
For the reasons set out on page 2, the Directors believe that the Proposal is 
fair and reasonable and are in the best interests of the Company and its 
Shareholders as a whole. Accordingly, the Board unanimously recommends 
Shareholders to vote in favour of the Resolutions to be proposed as they intend 
to do in respect of their own beneficial holdings representing, in aggregate 
13.1 per cent of the Shares in issue. 
Yours faithfully 
Michael R. Hanlon 
Independent Non Executive Chairman 
                        ICB FINANCIAL GROUP HOLDINGS AG 
                         (Incorporated in Switzerland) 
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Extraordinary General Meeting ("EGM") of ICB 
Financial Group Holdings AG ("ICB" or "the Company") will be held at the 
Offices of ICB at Schulhausstrasse 1, CH-8834 Schindellegi, Switzerland on 
Monday, 29 October 2012 at 2.00 p.m. for the purpose of considering and if 
thought fit, approving the following resolutions: 
1. THAT the admission of the Company's Shares of CHF1 each to trading on AIM be 
cancelled ("the Delisting") AND THAT the Directors of the Company be and are 
hereby authorised to do all acts, deeds and things necessary and to execute, 
sign and deliver for and on behalf of the Company all such documents as may be 
necessary to give full effect to the Delisting. 
2. THAT conditional upon the Resolution numbered 1 above being passed and on 
the Delisting taking effect: 
2.1 THAT the amendments to the Articles of Association (if required) be 
By Order of the Board 
Independent Non-Executive Chairman 
Date: 5 October 2012 
How Shareholders can exercise their voting rights 
Admission and Voting Rights, Admission Cards 
a) Shareholders registered in the Company's Shareholders' Register 
Registered Shareholders entered in the share register up to and including 22 
October 2012 as shareholders with voting rights will receive, together with the 
invitation to the EGM of Shareholders, a registration and power of attorney 
form that they may use to order the admission card and voting card or to 
appoint a proxy. No entries conferring voting rights will be made in the share 
register in the period from 23 October 2012 to the end of the EGM of 
b) Attendants holding CREST Depository Interests 
In the course of the listing of the shares of ICB Financial Group Holdings AG 
on AIM, shares of the Company were issued to CREST International Nominees 
Limited for the account of shareholders trading on AIM. These shares were 
represented by CREST Depository Interests (CDIs). CDIs are uncertificated 
securities constituted under English law, allowing for the electronic 
settlement of trades in the Company's shares via the CREST system operated by 
Euroclear UK & Ireland Limited, London. 
CREST members holding CDIs as legal owners on their own account and CREST 
members holding CDIs as legal owners (nominees) and acting upon instructions 
from the beneficial owners of such CDIs who can establish through which nominee 
that they hold the CDIs are entitled to attend the EGM of Shareholders (or to 
be represented by proxy) and to cast their votes as proxies of CREST 
International Nominees Limited. 
CREST members whose names appear on the CREST register up to and including 22 
October 2012 will receive, together with the invitation to the EGM of 
Shareholders a registration and power of attorney form that they or the 
beneficial owners of the CDIs may use to order the admission card and voting 
card or to appoint a proxy. All nominees are requested to forward the 
invitation to the EGM of Shareholders and the registration and power of 
attorney form, as well as the requested admission card and voting card to the 
beneficial owners of CDIs. 
General Remarks 
Preparation for the EGM of Shareholders will be facilitated by the prompt 
return of your registration and power of attorney form. Please return it by 23 
October 2012 at the latest to the share register of ICB Financial Group 
Holdings AG, c/o ShareCommService AG, Europastrasse 29, CH-8152 Glattbrugg, 
fax: +41-44-809 58 59. 
There is no guarantee to handle registration and power of attorney forms which 
arrive after this date. The admission cards will be sent out from 24 October 
If any of the shares or CDIs recorded as votes on an admission card are sold, 
the registered shareholder or CDIs attendant should present the relevant 
admission card upon admission to the EGM of Shareholders as the associated 
voting rights will have lapsed. 
Shareholders with voting rights as well as CDIs attendants may arrange to be 
represented by a third party by granting authority to this person in writing. 
In order to grant authority the shareholder or CDI attendant must specify the 
relevant person in the registration and power of attorney form. The admission 
card and voting card will be sent to the shareholder. Please sign the power of 
attorney on the admission card, and deliver it together with the voting card to 
the authorized representative. 
Alternatively, Shareholders may appoint one of the following as their proxy: 
- ICB Financial Group Holdings AG; or 
- a bank or other professional asset manager acting as proxy for deposited 
  shares as specified in article 689d of the Swiss Code of Obligations; or 
- Andreas G. Keller, attorney-at-law, P.O. Box 2924, CH-8021 Zurich, 
  Switzerland, acting as the independent proxy, with the right for substitution 
  (phone:+41-44-4631003;fax:+41-44-46310 04). 
To provide voting instructions please use the instruction form on the 
registration and power of attorney form. 
Proxy holders of deposited shares are requested to notify the share register of 
ICB Financial Group Holdings AG, c/o ShareCommService AG, Europastrasse 29, 
CH-8152 Glattbrugg, fax: +41-44-809 58 59, regarding the number of shares they 
represent as soon as possible, but no later than 29 October 2012, 1.45 p.m. 
Unless expressly instructed otherwise, the proxies of shareholders or CDIs 
attendants will exercise their votes in favour of the proposal made by the 
Board of Directors. Any signed authorization forms sent in blank will be 
treated as an authorization in favour of ICB Financial Group Holdings AG. 
The Company's AIM nominated adviser is RFC Ambrian Limited. Contact Stephen 
Allen or Trinity McIntyre on +61894802500 

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