RNS Number : 5482D

Intandem Films PLC

31 March 2014

31 March 2014


("Intandem" or the "Company")

Half Yearly Results to 31 December 2013

Intandem Films plc (AIM: IFM), the London based international film group, is pleased to announce its results for the six months to 31 December 2013.

Chief Executive Officer's Statement

It is just over a year since I became CEO of Intandem Films Plc and, despite there being a lot more work to do, the structure of the Company has changed enormously, is now positioned to move forwards and as a result I look forward to the future with optimism.

In twelve months, our slate has improved significantly and currently comprises five finished films, three in the filming stage, seven in pre-production, two fully financed with shooting dates to be confirmed and two successfully completed (Red Mansions and Catweazle) third party SEIS (Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme) projects.

Furthermore, there are an additional eight movies for which we are helping raise finance and of these eight, two are almost fully funded.

I am very pleased with the progress made in the twelve months I have been CEO, but as I said earlier, there is still a lot of hard work to be done.


Turnover for the period under review was GBP136,251 (2012: GBP238,033) and the loss before tax was GBP294,793 (2012: GBP651,496) with a loss per share of 0.09p (2012: loss per share of 0.44p). The loss has decreased mainly as a result of restructuring of the Company and tighter control of costs which is in line with the new strategy. The Company continues to operate at a net liabilities and a net current liabilities position.


I am very pleased that our three non-exec directors, Alan Bowen, Corinne Lambert & Chris Sykes (legal adviser) were all re-elected to the board at our AGM in January 2014. I would like to thank Andrew Brown and Billy Hurman for their continued good work with the Company.

On 29(th) January 2014, we announced our new staff share option scheme, which I hope proved how much faith the Board has in the Company's future success and illustrates that there will be no rewards for staff until shareholders have seen a genuine return on their investment.


The revenues we were able to earn, especially towards the end of the six months have meant that we have cut our losses significantly to GBP294,793 for the period, compared to the first six months of the last financial year.

We expect our slate of films will continue to improve in both number and quality over the next eighteen months and we believe the films we have on the current slate are of a number and quality that Intandem Media Group will be able to show increases in monthly revenue over time.

We also believe the creation of Bold Ink, our digital marketing division, under the direction of Emilie Kodjo will play a major part in our future turnover. We expect Emilie will work on the majority of the films we are now representing as well as projects from outside of the Company.

The name change of our film sales department, from Intandem Films to Manifest Film Sales, was done after considerable consultation with film financiers, film distributors and film producers. Almost one hundred per cent of those consulted agreed that early 2014 was the right time to rename the division. Everyone understood a new name would perfectly illustrate the changes made to our business.


I have huge ambitions for the Company and our staff moving forward. We believe Intandem Media Group is now in a place where I can confidently start to fully utilise my relationships with the key names in filmmaking and promise very demanding and talented filmmakers that Intandem is the right place for their movies.

While it was tempting to approach these people during the rebuilding phase, I knew it would be better left until I could prove that I wasn't going to them for help; that I would only approach them when I felt we could add value to their films.

I would like to thank the Board and our shareholders for their continued support.

Robert Mitchell

Chief Executive Officer

31 March 2014


 Intandem Films plc 
  Robert Mitchell, Chief Executive Officer    +44 (0)20 7851 3800 
  Ed Frisby / Ben Thompson - Corporate 
  Stephen Norcross - Corporate Broking        +44 (0)20 7220 0500 
 Peterhouse Corporate Finance 
  Jon Levinson/Lucy Williams 
  Bishopsgate Communications 
  Nick Rome/Sam Allen                         +44 (0)20 7469 0930 
  intandem@bishopsgatecommunications.com       +44 (0)20 7107 1896 



                                        As at 31/12/13  As at 31/12/12  As at 30/06/13 
                                Notes              GBP             GBP             GBP 
 Non-current assets 
Property, plant and equipment                   13,991          22,865          16,291 
Financial assets                                   100             100             100 
                                                14,091          22,965          16,391 
Current Assets 
Trade receivables                               75,255         284,667          46,181 
Other current assets                           118,948         204,213          94,211 
Cash and cash equivalents                        7,381           8,656          15,115 
                                               201,584         497,536         155,507 
Total assets                                   215,675         520,501         171,898 
                                               =======         =======         ======= 
Equity and liabilities 
Equity attributable to equity 
 holders of the parent 
Share capital                                  383,669         146,715         146,715 
Share premium                                4,691,253       3,898,139       3,898,139 
Merger reserve                                 252,506         252,506         252,506 
Foreign exchange reserve                     (397,221)       (324,721)       (288,821) 
Retained earnings                          (5,188,088)     (4,123,915)     (4,893,295) 
                                             (257,881)       (151,276)       (884,756) 
Non-current liabilities 
Deferred income                                      -           6,731               - 
                                                     -           6,731               - 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables                       473,556         665,046       1,056,654 
Total liabilities                              473,556         671,777       1,056,654 
                                               =======         =======         ======= 
Total equity and liabilities                   215,675         520,501         171,898 
                                               =======         =======         ======= 



                                              6 months      6 months    Year ended 
                                                 ended         ended 
                                              31/12/13      31/12/12      30/06/13 
                                  Notes            GBP           GBP           GBP 
Executive producer fees                              -       166,548       165,000 
Commissions & other income                      83,694        14,181        40,688 
Recoverable project costs                       52,557        57,304        80,151 
                                               _______       _______       _______ 
                                               136,251       238,033       285,839 
Cost of Sales 
 Recoverable expenses                         (52,557)      (57,304)      (80,151) 
Amortisation of film asset                           -             -             - 
Gross profit                                    83,694       180,729       205,688 
 Staff costs                                 (189,537)     (195,736)     (283,150) 
Depreciation                                   (3,387)       (6,253)      (13,010) 
Other external charges                       (169,182)     (629,510)   (1,207,537) 
                                               _______       _______       _______ 
Operating loss                               (278,412)     (650,770)   (1,298,009) 
Finance costs                                 (16,381)         (726)       (6,220) 
Income from investments                              -             -             - 
                                               _______       _______       _______ 
Loss before tax                              (294,793)     (651,496)   (1,304,229) 
Income tax expense                                   -             -             - 
                                               _______       _______       _______ 
Profit/(Loss) for the year from 
 continuing operations                       (294,793)     (651,496)   (1,304,229) 
                                               =======       =======       ======= 
Earnings per share 
Basic                                     (0.09 pence)  (0.44 pence)  (0.89 pence) 
Diluted                                   (0.09 pence)  (0.44 pence)  (0.89 pence) 



                                                 6 months   6 months       Year 
                                                    ended      ended      ended 
                                                 31/12/13   31/12/12   30/06/13 
                                       Note           GBP        GBP        GBP 
Cash flows from operating activities 
Cash from (used in) operating 
 activities                                   (1,020,334)  (486,803)  (641,667) 
Interest paid                                    (16,381)      (726)    (6,220) 
Net cash (used in) operating 
 activities                                   (1,036,715)  (487,529)  (647,887) 
Cash flows from investing activities 
Purchases of property, plant 
 and equipment                                    (1,087)   (19,060)   (19,243) 
Purchase of film assets                                 -          -          - 
Investment in associated companies                      -          -          - 
Interest received                                       -          -          - 
Net cash from (used in) investing 
 activities                                       (1,087)   (19,060)   (19,243) 
Cash flows from financing activities 
Issue of new ordinary shares                    1,184,768          -          - 
Net proceeds on financing of 
 film asset revenues                            (154,700)          -          - 
Repayment of loan                               (167,000)          -          - 
Issue of new loans 
 Proceeds on issue of convertible                       -          -    167,000 
 loan notes                                             -          -          - 
Net cash from financing activities                863,068          -    167,000 
Net increase/(decrease) in cash 
 and cash equivalents                           (174,734)  (506,589)  (500,130) 
Cash and cash equivalents at 
 beginning of period                               15,115    515,245    515,245 
Foreign exchange difference                             -          -          - 
 on consolidation 
Cash and cash equivalents at 
 end of period                                  (159,619)      8,656     15,115 
                                                  =======    =======    ======= 
Bank balances and cash                              7,381      8,656     15,115 
                                                  =======    =======    ======= 


1. Accounting policies

The principal accounting policies are as set out in the June 2013 annual report.

The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and with those parts of the Companies Act, 2006 applicable to companies reporting under IFRS. The financial reports have been prepared under the historical cost convention.

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles requires the use of estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Although these estimates are based on management's best knowledge of the amount, event or actions, actual results ultimately may differ from those estimates.

2. Status of financial information

The interim results for the 6 months ended 31 December 2013 and the 6 months ended 31 December 2012 are unaudited and do not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of section 428, Companies Act 2006. The figures for the year ended 30 June 2013 have been extracted from the audited annual accounts.

3. Earnings per share

   Earnings                               6 months     6 months 
                                             ended        ended    Year ended 
                                          31/12/13     31/12/12      30/06/13 
                                               GBP          GBP           GBP 
   Earnings for the purpose of 
    basic earnings per share (net 
    loss for the year)                   (294,793)    (651,496)   (1,304,229) 
   Earnings for the purpose of 
    diluted earnings per share           (294,793)    (651,496)   (1,304,229) 
   Number of shares                       6 months     6 months 
                                             ended        ended    Year ended 
                                          31/12/13     31/12/12      30/06/13 
   Weighted average number of 
    ordinary shares for the purposes 
    of basic earnings per share        341,517,303  146,715,000   146,715,000 
   Weighted average number of 
    ordinary shares for the purposes 
    of diluted earnings per share      341,517,303  146,715,000   146,715,000 

4. Share capital

                                      6 months   6 months 
                                         ended      ended    Year ended 
                                      31/12/13   31/12/12      30/06/13 
                                           GBP        GBP           GBP 
   Ordinary shares of GBP0.001 
    each                               600,000    200,000       200,000 
   Issued and fully paid:              =======    =======       ======= 
   Ordinary shares of GBP0.001 
    each                               383,669    146,715       146,715 
                                       =======    =======       ======= 
   Reported at beginning of period     146,715    146,715       146,715 
   Reported at period end              383,669    146,715       146,715 

5. Note to the cash flow statement

                                         6 months   6 months 
                                            ended      ended   Year ended 
                                         31/12/13   31/12/12     30/06/13 
                                              GBP        GBP          GBP 
   Loss for the year                    (294,793)  (651,496)  (1,304,229) 
   Adjustment for: 
    - Finance credits                      16,381        726        6,220 
    - Depreciation                          3,387      6,253       13,010 
    - Amortisation                              -          -            - 
    - Movements in foreign exchange 
     reserve                            (108,400)     35,493       35,900 
    - Other operating income                    -          -            - 
   Changes in working capital: 
   - Charge for share options 
    issued during the year                      -          -     (81,154) 
   - Increase in trade and other 
    receivables                          (53,811)     77,031      425,519 
   - Increase in trade and other 
    payables                            (583,098)     45,190      263,067 
   Cash from (used in) operations     (1,020,334)  (486,803)    (641,667) 

6. Financial assets

                                        6 months   6 months 
                                           ended      ended  Year ended 
                                        31/12/13   31/12/12    30/06/13 
                                             GBP        GBP         GBP 
   Available-for-sale financial 
   Beginning of the period                   100        100         100 
   Additions / (Disposals)                     -          -           - 
   Amortisation                                -          -           - 
   Movements due to foreign exchange           -          -           - 
   End of year                               100        100         100 
                                         =======    =======     ======= 

Available-for-sale financial assets include the following:

                                       6 months   6 months 
                                          ended      ended  Year ended 
                                       31/12/13   31/12/12    30/06/13 
                                            GBP        GBP         GBP 
   Unlisted securities: 
   Investment in Audley Films 
    Ltd                                     100        100         100 
   Investment in film library                 -          -           - 
   Investment in Radical Publishing           -          -           - 
                                            100        100         100 

Available-for-sale financial assets are denominated in the following currencies:

                           6 months   6 months 
                              ended      ended  Year ended 
                           31/12/13   31/12/12    30/06/13 
                                GBP        GBP         GBP 
   Pound                        100        100         100 
   United States Dollar           -          -           - 
                                100        100         100 
                            =======    =======     ======= 

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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