RNS Number : 1774L
InterQuest Group PLC
14 July 2017
14 July 2017
InterQuest Group plc
("InterQuest" or the "Company")
Response to level of acceptances and Offer extension
The independent director of the Company (being David Higgins)
(the "Independent Director") notes the announcement by Chisbridge
Limited ("Chisbridge") earlier today that it has received
acceptances of its Offer of 19,109,934 InterQuest Shares,
representing 49.61 per cent. of the existing issued share capital
of InterQuest.
These acceptances include those received in respect of
16,444,266 InterQuest Shares held by Gary Ashworth and Clare
Ashworth together with certain InterQuest Shareholders who had
given an irrevocable undertaking and letters of intent in support
of the Offer. Therefore, the level of take-up of Chisbridge's Offer
from other InterQuest Shareholders was 2,665,668, representing only
6.92% of the existing issued share capital of the Company.
The Independent Director also notes that the Offer has been
extended to 1.00pm (London time) on 31 July 2017.
As previously communicated in the circular posted to
shareholders on 15 June 2017, the Independent Director, who has
been so advised by Panmure Gordon, recommends that InterQuest
Shareholders do not accept the Offer and take no action on the
basis that it materially undervalues the Company.
In addition, pursuant to Rule 34.1 of the City Code on Takeovers
and Mergers, Shareholders who have accepted the Offer may withdraw
their acceptance until the earlier of the time that the Offer
becomes or is declared unconditional as to acceptances or the final
time for lodgement of acceptances which can be taken into account
in accordance with Rule 31.6. Details of how Shareholders can
exercise their rights of withdrawal are contained in paragraph 3 of
Part B of Appendix 1 of the Offer Document.
Capitalised terms used in the Circular have the same meanings in
this announcement, save where the context provides otherwise.
InterQuest Group plc
David Higgins (Independent Director)
Panmure Gordon (UK) Limited
(Financial Adviser, Nomad and Broker)
Dominic Morley Tel: +44 (0) 20 7886 2500
Karri Vuori
James Greenwood
Important notices:
Panmure Gordon (UK) Limited, which is authorised and regulated
in the United Kingdom by the Financial Conduct Authority, is acting
exclusively for InterQuest and the Independent Director and no one
else in connection with the Offer and will not be responsible to
anyone other than InterQuest and the Independent Director for
providing the protections afforded to its clients or for providing
advice in relation to the Offer or any other matters referred to
The Independent Director accepts responsibility for the
information contained in this announcement. To the best of his
knowledge and belief (having taken all reasonable care to ensure
that such is the case), the information contained in this
announcement for which he is responsible is in accordance with the
facts and does not omit anything likely to affect the import of
such information.
Publication on website:
In accordance with Rule 26.1 of the Code, a copy of this
announcement will be made available (subject to certain
restrictions relating to persons resident in restricted
jurisdictions) at www.interquestgroup.com by no later than 12 noon
(London time) on 17 July 2017, being the date following the date of
this announcement.
Disclosure requirements of the Code:
Under Rule 8.3(a) of the Code, any person who is interested in
1% or more of any class of relevant securities of an offeree
company or of any securities exchange offeror (being any offeror
other than an offeror in respect of which it has been announced
that its offer is, or is likely to be, solely in cash) must make an
Opening Position Disclosure following the commencement of the offer
period and, if later, following the announcement in which any
securities exchange offeror is first identified. An Opening
Position Disclosure must contain details of the person's interests
and short positions in, and rights to subscribe for, any relevant
securities of each of (i) the offeree company and (ii) any
securities exchange offeror(s). An Opening Position Disclosure by a
person to whom Rule 8.3(a) applies must be made by no later than
3.30 pm (London time) on the 10th business day following the
commencement of the offer period and, if appropriate, by no later
than 3.30 pm (London time) on the 10th business day following the
announcement in which any securities exchange offeror is first
identified. Relevant persons who deal in the relevant securities of
the offeree company or of a securities exchange offeror prior to
the deadline for making an Opening Position Disclosure must instead
make a Dealing Disclosure.
Under Rule 8.3(b) of the Code, any person who is, or becomes,
interested in 1% or more of any class of relevant securities of the
offeree company or of any securities exchange offeror must make a
Dealing Disclosure if the person deals in any relevant securities
of the offeree company or of any securities exchange offeror. A
Dealing Disclosure must contain details of the dealing concerned
and of the person's interests and short positions in, and rights to
subscribe for, any relevant securities of each of (i) the offeree
company and (ii) any securities exchange offeror(s), save to the
extent that these details have previously been disclosed under Rule
8. A Dealing Disclosure by a person to whom Rule 8.3(b) applies
must be made by no later than 3.30 pm (London time) on the business
day following the date of the relevant dealing.
If two or more persons act together pursuant to an agreement or
understanding, whether formal or informal, to acquire or control an
interest in relevant securities of an offeree company or a
securities exchange offeror, they will be deemed to be a single
person for the purpose of Rule 8.3.
Opening Position Disclosures must also be made by the offeree
company and by any offeror and Dealing Disclosures must also be
made by the offeree company, by any offeror and by any persons
acting in concert with any of them (see Rules 8.1, 8.2 and
Details of the offeree and offeror companies in respect of whose
relevant securities Opening Position Disclosures and Dealing
Disclosures must be made can be found in the Disclosure Table on
the Takeover Panel's website at www.thetakeoverpanel.org.uk,
including details of the number of relevant securities in issue,
when the offer period commenced and when any offeror was first
identified. You should contact the Panel's Market Surveillance Unit
on +44 (0)20 7638 0129 if you are in any doubt as to whether you
are required to make an Opening Position Disclosure or a Dealing
Additional information
This announcement is not intended to, and does not, constitute
or form part of any offer, invitation or the solicitation of an
offer to purchase, otherwise acquire, subscribe for, sell or
otherwise dispose of, any securities, or the solicitation of any
vote or approval in any jurisdiction, pursuant to this announcement
or otherwise. Any offer, if made, will be made solely by certain
offer documentation which will contain the full terms and
conditions of any offer, including details of how it may be
The distribution of this announcement in jurisdictions other
than the United Kingdom and the availability of any offer to
shareholders of InterQuest who are not resident in the United
Kingdom may be affected by the laws of relevant jurisdictions.
Therefore any persons who are subject to the laws of any
jurisdiction other than the United Kingdom or shareholders of
InterQuest who are not resident in the United Kingdom will need to
inform themselves about, and observe, any applicable
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
(END) Dow Jones Newswires
July 14, 2017 12:54 ET (16:54 GMT)
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