London Asia Capital plc                            

         Interim Statement for the six months ended 30th November 2002         

London Asia Capital plc

Chairman's Statement

I am pleased to announce that the Company has returned to profit in the six
months to 30th November 2002. We are continuing to reduce running costs and the
period has seen the disposal of our holdings in several companies. Despite the
very difficult funding environment Idiom Holdings Ltd, an Irish based SMS
messaging services business in which your Company has a significant stake and a
seat on the Board, has recently obtained second round funding and the valuation
at which we hold the investment in our accounts has been adjusted accordingly.

The future of the Company lies in the opportunities available in Greater China
as a result of the rapid economic changes there arising from the continuing
shift to a market economy, and its recent entry to WTO. China is the fastest
growing major economy in the world, and there is increasing recognition of the
opportunities there, both in terms of its low cost manufacturing capabilities
and the size of the potential market there as the population becomes
increasingly wealthy and consumer orientated. We have made three investments in
China in the period which have substantially improved the asset base of the
Company. The profits and cash flow generated from these businesses will assist
the development of the Company going forward. We have received unaudited
numbers from our Chinese financial software business, Beijing Success Ltd, in
which we acquired a 24.8% stake in November 2002, which indicate that it has
beaten its budgeted profit for the year ended 31st December 2002 of �750,000.
We have an option to increase our stake in Beijing Success to 51%.

We announced in November 2002 that we were seeking to appoint a new Chairman. I
am delighted to announce that Jack Wigglesworth has agreed to join the Company
as Chairman. Jack has had a distinguished career in the City working for a
variety of organisations, including ABN Amro, Phillips & Drew and J.P Morgan,
and was formerly Chairman of the London International Financial Futures and
Options Exchange (LIFFE). Jack is currently Deputy Chairman of UK listed
investment bank Durlacher Corporation plc, Chairman of Hackney Council's
Education Action Zone and on the Board of several private companies. Jack's
many years of experience in the City will be of great value to the Company
going forward as we seek to expand our business.

Despite the current difficult economic climate and uncertainty, we feel
confident that our focus on one of the few growth areas in the world will
return value to shareholders.

Simon Littlewood


10 February 2003

London Asia Capital plc

Unaudited profit and loss account

For the six months ended 30 November 2002

                                       Six months      Six months    Year ended
                                            ended           ended              
                                                                    31 May 2002
                                      30 November     30 November              
                                             2002            2001              
                                      (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)     (Audited)
                                            �'000           �'000         �'000
(Loss) / profit on sale of                   (12)            (16)            18
Other operating income                          -              61            47
Administrative expenses                     (113)           (241)         (441)
Operating (loss) / profit                   (125)           (196)         (376)
Interest receivable                             1               1             3
Interest payable                               12               -          (25)
Amounts written back to/(off)                 212         (1,323)       (3,178)
Profit/(loss) on ordinary                      76         (1,518)       (3,576)
activities before taxation                                                     
Taxation                                        -               -             -
Retained profit/(loss) for the                 76         (1,518)       (3,576)
financial period                                                               
Basic and diluted earnings/                 0.47p        (18.77)p       (32.4)p
(loss) per ordinary share                                                      

All amounts are derived from continuing operations.

There were no recognised gains or losses not dealt through profit and loss

London Asia Capital plc

Unaudited balance sheet

As at 30 November 2002

                                   30 November            31 May
                                          2002              2002
                                   (Unaudited)         (Audited)
                               �'000     �'000  �'000      �'000
Fixed assets                                                    
Tangible assets                              -                 -
Fixed asset investments                    345                 -
Investments                                449               267
Current assets                                                  
Debtors                           78               48           
Investments                      295              434           
Cash at bank and in hand          18               72           
                                 391              554           
Creditors: amounts falling     (231)            (184)           
due within one year                                             
Net current assets /                       160               370
                                           954               637
Creditors: amounts falling               (110)             (170)
due after more than one year                                    
Total assets less                          844               467
Capital and reserves                                            
Called up share capital                  1,002               701
Share premium account                    5,758             5,758
Profit and loss account                (5,916)           (5,992)
Equity shareholders' funds                 844               467
Comparative figures have not been shown for 30 November 2001,   
due to the significant write offs subsequent to that date       

Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds

                                      30 November     30 November   31 May 2002
                                             2002            2001              
                                      (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)     (Audited)
                                            �'000           �'000         �'000
Profit/(loss) for the period                   76         (1,518)       (3,576)
Issue of ordinary share                       301             301           301
Net increase/(decrease) in                    377         (1,217)       (3,275)
shareholders' funds                                                            
Opening shareholders' funds                   467           3,742         3,742
Closing shareholders' funds                   844           2,525           467

London Asia Capital plc

Unaudited cash flow statement

For the six months ended 30 November 2002

                                    Six months      Six months      Year ended
                                         ended           ended                
                                                                   31 May 2002
                                   30 November     30 November                
                                          2002            2001                
                                   (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)       (Audited)
                                 �'000   �'000   �'000   �'000   �'000   �'000
Net cash movement from                    (90)           (128)           (375)
operating activities                                                          
Returns on investment                                                         
Interest received                    1               1               3        
Interest Paid                     (12)               -            (25)        
Net cash movement from                    (11)               1            (22)
returns on investments                                                        
Taxation paid                                -            (57)            (57)
Capital expenditure                                                           
Purchase of investments           (44)               -               -        
Sale of investments                201             203             289        
Net cash movement from                     157             203             289
capital expenditure                                                           
Acquisitions and disposals                                                    
Payments to acquire                      (345)               -               -
investments in associates                                                     
Net cash movement before                 (289)              19           (165)
management of liquid                                                          
resources and financing                                                       
Proceeds from ordinary share       301             301             301        
Repayment of Bank Loan            (60)               -            (60)        
Net cash inflow from                       241             301             241
Movement in cash                            48             320              76

London Asia Capital plc

Notes to the interim results

1. Basis of preparation

The results for the six months ended 30 November 2002 are unaudited and have
not been reviewed by the Auditors. They have been prepared on accounting bases
and policies that are consistent with those used in the preparation of the
financial statements of the company for the year ended 31 May 2002.

The financial statements contained in this report do not constitute statutory
accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The
results for the year ended 31 May 2002 were reported on by the auditors and
received an unqualified audit report. Full accounts for the year ended 31 May
2002 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.

2. Significant accounting policies


Investments are included in the financial statements at cost, less provisions
for permanent diminution in value. Income from investments is recognised on the
basis of receipt.

Unlisted investments have been disclosed as a separate classification on the
company's balance sheet. In the directors' opinion, this presentation is
necessary in order to present a true and fair view, since the company's holding
of unlisted investments cannot be considered either as current assets
specifically held for resale or as fixed assets to be held for the long term.
The nature of the company's activities is such that the unlisted investments,
whilst held potentially for the long term, are nonetheless available for
disposal, depending on market conditions and commercial judgements of the

The afore-mentioned presentation of unlisted investments was previously applied
to all investments held by the company. However, the company has now
re-classified its listed and quoted investments as current asset investments,
as the company's intention is to realise these investments within the
foreseeable future.

3. Earnings per share

The calculation of the basic earnings per share is based on the profit after
tax of �76,000 on 16,058,639 ordinary shares being the weighted average number
of ordinary shares in issue during the year.

There is no dilutive effect of options and warrants due to the fair price of
the shares during the period being less than the exercisable price of these
options and warrants.

4. Dividend

The directors do not recommend the payment of an interim dividend.

5. Matters required under Schedule 2(f) of the AIM Rules in respect of
appointment of director

Full name of proposed director: Jack Wigglesworth

Age: 61

Names of current and past directorships in the past five years:

Current                             Past                               
Capital Value Brokers Limited       LIFFE (Holdings) plc               
Gresham College Trust               Securities Institute               
Cablenet International Limited      LIFFE Administration and Management
Financial Services National         LIFFE Trustees Limited             
Training Organisation                                                  
Deacons Heights Residents'          The Futures and Options Association
Association (1-8) Limited                                              
LitComp Plc                         London Commodity Exchange (1986)   
Majorband Limited                   ABN AMRO Futures Limited           
Durlacher Corporation plc           Stace Barr Angerstein plc          
                                    SBA Underwriting Limited           
                                    Clivia Limited                     
                                    Mavicom Limited                    

There are no matters to be disclosed under Schedule 2(f) (iii) - (viii)