RNS Number : 1012A
  Longmead Group PLC
  29 July 2008



    Trading Results

    The last six months have been particularly difficult with an air of pessimism pervading the whole industry. The majority of our
customers have seen a significant decline in their sales and this has been compounded by the loss of one major customer which was reported
last time. The Irish economy, which has been buoyant for many years, is now suffering a downturn with our sales there only 60% of last
year's figure. In the UK, sales to our General Trade customers have fallen by some 7% compared with the same period last year which,
although disappointing, does reflect the difficulties we are facing. Overall our turnover in the period was �903,000 (2007 �1.173 million) a
fall of 23%, most of which is accounted for by one major customer. In spite of a fluctuating exchange rate and increases in raw materials
worldwide, our margins have shown a small improvement on last year. We have continued to reduce overheads in spite of cost increases
particularly on distribution, and in the six months under review overhead costs have been reduced by 6% which is a very creditable performance. In the six months the Company made a loss of �87,000 (2007 �36,000)
entirely due to the shortfall in sales.

    Product Development

    We introduced a range of new products at the KBB Exhibition in Birmingham and they were well received. Their introduction has helped
mitigate the fall in General Trade sales, although we are still awaiting further deliveries from the Far East which should assist our sales

    We have also introduced a new range of ceramic products which are aimed at the leisure industry. We have significant production capacity
which is, at present, underutilised and we believe that the new products will enable us to fill the gap. The UK leisure industry is a growth
area which we are hoping to exploit.

    Balance Sheet

    Our balance sheet at the period end was close to budget. In spite of poor sales, we have kept our stocks in line with budget. Debtors
are somewhat less than budget but cash is almost exactly in line with budget. We have continued to repay the Medium Term Loan which stands
at �802,000 at the period end. Our net assets per share are just under 22p per share.

    Future Prospects

    The next few months are going to be very demanding. There is a lack of market confidence among our customers which is resulting in a
reduction in their stocks and we see very little prospect of an improvement over the next few months.

    We are keeping costs strictly under control and we are using sales promotions to try to generate extra sales. However, we cannot be
other than pessimistic about the outcome for the year.

    REW Newman


    FOR 26 WEEKS ENDED 3 MAY 2008

                                        Unaudited      Unaudited      Audited
                                      26 weeks to    26 weeks to  53 weeks to
                                       3 May 2008  28 April 2007   3 Nov 2007
                                           �'000          �'000        �'000 

 REVENUE                                     903          1,171        2,147 

 Cost of sales                              (465)          (711)      (1,399)
                                           _____          _____        _____ 
 Gross profit                                 438            460         748 

 Selling and administrative expenses        (492)          (466)        (940)
                                           _____          _____        _____ 

 OPERATING (LOSS)                            (54)            (6)        (192)

 Finance income                                -              -            - 

 Finance cost                                (31)           (28)         (58)
                                           _____          _____        _____ 

 (LOSS) BEFORE TAXATION                      (85)           (34)        (250)

 Income tax expense                            -              -            - 
                                           _____          _____        _____ 

                                             (85)           (34)        (250)

 Dividends                                      -              -            -
                                           _____          _____        _____ 

 (LOSS) FOR THE PERIOD                       (85)           (34)        (250)
                                           _____          _____        _____ 

 (BASIC AND DILUTED)                      (1.53)p        (0.62)p      (4.47)p


    AT 3 MAY 2008

                                      Unaudited        Unaudited       Audited
                                     3 May 2008    28 April 2007    3 Nov 2007
                                         �'000            �'000         �'000 
 Non-current assets                                               
 Intangible assets                          16               16            16 
 Property, plant and equipment           1,179            1,260         1,215 
                                         _____            _____         _____ 
                                         1,195            1,276         1,231 
                                         _____            _____         _____ 
 Current assets                                                   
 Inventories                             1,159            1,247          1,149
 Trade and other receivables                441              460           440
 Cash and cash equivalents                   2                2              2
                                         _____            _____         _____ 
                                          1,602            1,709         1,591
                                         _____            _____         _____ 
 TOTAL ASSETS                             2,797            2,985         2,822
                                         _____            _____         _____ 
 CURRENT LIABILITIES                                              
 Short term borrowings                    (495)            (504)         (432)
 Current portion of long term              (58)             (67)          (62)
 Trade and other payables                 (261)            (300)         (231)
                                         _____            _____         _____ 
                                          (814)            (871)         (725)
                                         _____            _____         _____ 
 NON CURRENT LIABILITIES                                          
 Long term borrowings                     (864)            (694)         (893)
                                         _____            _____         _____ 
                                          1,119            1,420        1,204 
                                         _____            _____         _____ 
 Share capital                             558              558           558 
 Share premium account                   1,398            1,398         1,398 
 Capital redemption reserve                 19               19            19 
 Revaluation reserve                        247              253          250 
 Profit and loss account                (1,103)            (808)       (1,021)
                                         _____            _____         _____ 
 TOTAL EQUITY                            1,119            1,420         1,204 
                                         _____            _____         _____ 


    FOR 26 WEEKS ENDED 3 MAY 2008

                                     Unaudited        Unaudited        Audited
                                   26 weeks to      26 weeks to    53 weeks to
                                    3 May 2008    28 April 2007     3 Nov 2007
                                        �'000            �'000          �'000 
 CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING                                        
 (Loss) after taxation                    (85)             (34)          (250)
 Depreciation                               36               46             91
 Finance cost/(income) - net                31               28             58
 (Increase)/decrease in                   (10)               46            144
 (Increase)/decrease in trade and          (1)               81            101
 other receivables                                               
 Increase/(decrease) in trade and           29             (15)           (65)
 other payables                                                  
                                        _____            _____          _____ 
 CASH GENERATED FROM OPERATIONS              -              152             79
 Interest (paid)                          (31)             (28)           (58)
                                        _____            _____           _____
 NET CASH GENERATED FROM                  (31)              124             21
                                        _____            _____           _____
 (Repayment)/drawdown of bank             (28)             (34)            146
 Repayment of obligations under            (4)              (5)           (10)
 finance leases                                                  
                                        _____            _____           _____
 Net cash used in financing               (32)             (39)            136
                                        _____            _____           _____
 Net increase in cash and cash            (63)               85            157
 Cash and cash equivalents at            (430)            (587)          (587)
 start of period                                                 
                                        _____            _____           _____
 Cash and cash equivalents at end        (493)            (502)          (430)
 of period                                                       
                                        _____            _____           _____


    Notes to the half-yearly financial statements

    1. Basis of preparation

    The financial information contained in these half-yearly statements has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 'Interim Financial
Reporting' and the requirements of IFRS 1 'First Time Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards' relevant to half-yearly
reports because they are part of the period covered by the Group's first IFRS financial statements for the 52 weeks ending 1 November 2008.

    The financial information set out in this half-yearly report does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in Section 240 of the
Companies Act 2005. The Group's statutory accounts for the 53 weeks ended 3 November 2008, prepared under UK GAAP, have been filed with the
Registrar of Companies. The auditors' report on those financial statements was unqualified and did not contain a statement under Section 237
(2) of the Companies Act 1985.have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the Group's 2007 statutory financial

    2. Accounting policies  

    Financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention. Policies have changed from the previous year when the
financial statements were prepared under applicable United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (UKGAAP). The comparative
information has been restated in accordance with IFRS.

    Basis of consolidation

    The consolidated financial statements include the financial statements of the Company and its subsidiaries (together the 'Group').
Subsidiaries are those entities the Company has power to control. The financial statements of subsidiaries are included in the consolidated
financial statements from the date that control commences to until the date that control ceases.

    Intragroup balances and transactions, and any unrealised gains arising from intragroup transactions, are eliminated in preparing the
consolidated financial statements. 

    Acquisitions of subsidiaries are dealt with by the purchase method. The purchase method involves the recognition at fair value of all
identifiable assets and liabilities, including contingent liabilities of the subsidiary, at the acquisition date, regardless of whether or
not they were recorded in the financial statements of the subsidiary prior to acquisition. On initial recognition, the assets and
liabilities of the subsidiary are included in the consolidated balance sheet at their fair values, which are also used as the bases for
subsequent measurement in accordance with the Group accounting policies. Goodwill is stated after separating out identifiable intangible
assets. Goodwill represents the excess of acquisition cost over the fair value of the group's share of the identifiable net assets of the
acquired subsidiary at the date of acquisition.


    Revenue represents the fair value of consideration received or receivable for the sale of goods, excluding value added tax and trade
discounts. Revenue from the sale of goods is recognised when the significant risks and rewards of ownership have been transferred to the
buyer of the goods, generally upon delivery, and reliable measurement is possible. Revenue is not recognised where recovery of the
consideration is not probable or there are significant uncertainties regarding associated costs, or the possible return of goods. 

    Goodwill and intangible assets

    Goodwill representing the excess of the cost of acquisition over the fair value of the Group's share of the identifiable net assets
acquired is capitalised and reviewed annually for impairment. Goodwill is carried at cost less accumulated impairment losses. 

    Goodwill on acquisitions prior to 1 January 1998 was deducted from reserves in the year of acquisition. Such goodwill continues as a
deduction from reserves and is not recognised in the income statement in the event of disposal.

    Property, plant and equipment

    Property, plant and equipment is stated at cost, net of depreciation and any provision for impairment. 

    On first adoption of IFRS the carrying value of freehold land and buildings that had previously been revalued is shown as deemed cost,
and not subsequently revalued. The revaluation surplus that had been previously recognised is retained in the revaluation reserve and
transferred to distributable reserves on impairment, depreciation or disposal of the relevant properties as above.

    Depreciation is calculated to write down the cost or valuation, less estimated residual value, of all property, plant and equipment,
other than freehold land, by equal annual instalments over their estimated useful economic lives. The rates generally applicable are:

    Freehold buildings    2% on valuation
    Plant and machinery    l0% to 20% on cost
    Motor vehicles    25% on cost
    Equipment    20% on cost

    Inventories are stated at the lower of cost and net realisable value, on a first in first out basis. Cost includes materials, direct
labour and an attributable proportion of manufacturing overheads based on normal levels of activity. Net realisable value is based on the
estimated sales price after allowing for all further costs of completion and disposal. Provision is made for obsolete, slow-moving or
defective items where appropriate.

    Deferred taxation

    Deferred tax is calculated using the balance sheet liability method on temporary differences, and provided on the difference between the
carrying amounts of assets and liabilities and their tax bases. However, deferred tax is not provided on the initial recognition of
goodwill, nor the initial recognition of an asset or liability, unless the related transaction is a business combination or affects tax or
accounting profit. Deferred tax on temporary differences associated with shares in subsidiaries is not provided if reversal of these
temporary differences can be controlled by the Group and it is probable that reversal will not occur in the foreseeable future. Deferred tax
is measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply when the temporary differences reverse, based on the tax laws that have been enacted
or substantively enacted by the balance sheet date. 

    Deferred tax liabilities are provided in full, with no discounting. Deferred tax assets are recognised to the extent that it is probable
that future taxable income will be available against which the temporary difference can be utilised.

    Changes in deferred tax assets or liabilities are recognised as a component of tax expense in the income statement, except where they
relate to items that are charged or credited directly to equity in which case the related deferred tax is also charged or credited directly
to equity.

    Leased assets

    Leases where the Group assumes substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership are classified as finance leases. Plant and
equipment acquired by way of finance lease is stated at an amount equal to the lower of its fair value and the present value of the minimum
lease payments at inception of the lease, less accumulated depreciation and impairment losses. 

    All other leases are classified as operating leases and the payments made under them are recognised in the income statement on a
straight-line basis over the term of the lease. Lease incentives are spread over the term of the lease. 


    The Group operates a defined contribution scheme with costs being charged to the income statement in the period to which they relate. 

    3. Earnings per share

    The loss per ordinary share is calculated on the loss on ordinary activities after taxation and on a weighted average of ordinary shares
in issue of 5,584,391 in the period (26 weeks to 28 April 2007: 5,584,391 and 53 weeks to 3 November 2007: 5,584,391).

    4. Transition to IFRS

    The consolidated half-yearly financial statements have been prepared using the recognition and measurement principles of IFRS as

    The changes to accounting policies and their effect on restated comparatives are explained below, along with the financial impact upon
equity and the profit for the period, and the changes between the comparative UK GAAP and IFRS income statements and balance sheets.  

    Under UK GAAP, goodwill was treated in two ways. Prior to 1 July 1998, goodwill arising under the acquisition accounting method was
written off directly to equity and recycled to the profit and loss account as part of the profit or loss on disposal of the acquired entity.
Subsequent to that date, goodwill was capitalised and amortised over its useful economic life, up to a maximum period of ten years.

    The Group has taken the exemption in IFRS 1 for business combinations. As a result, the net book value of goodwill under UK GAAP at 29
October 2006 became the deemed cost of goodwill at the date of transition to IFRS. Under IFRS, this balance is no longer amortised but is
subject to impairment testing on an annual basis, or more frequently if there is an indication of impairment. Goodwill previously written
off directly to equity is not recycled to the income statement following a disposal of a previously acquired entity.
    The effect of adopting IFRS was to reverse the goodwill amortisation recognised under UK GAAP and to maintain the carrying value of
goodwill in the balance sheet at the 29 October 2006 value.

    FOR 26 WEEKS ENDED 28 APRIL 2007

                                         UK GAAP      Effect of       IFRS
                                                  transition to
                                      Unaudited            IFRS  Unaudited
                                          �'000          �'000      �'000 

 REVENUE                                  1,171              -      1,171 
 Cost of sales                             (713)              2      (711)
                                          _____          _____      _____ 
 Gross profit                                458              2        460
 Selling and administrative expenses       (466)              -      (466)
                                          _____          _____      _____ 

 OPERATING (LOSS)                            (8)              2        (6)
 Finance income                               -              -          - 
 Finance cost                               (28)              -       (28)
                                          _____          _____      _____ 

 (LOSS) BEFORE TAXATION                     (36)              2       (34)
 Income tax expense                           -              -          - 
                                          _____          _____      _____ 

 ACTIVITIES AFTER TAXATION                  (36)              2       (34)
 Dividends                                     -              -          -
                                          _____          _____      _____ 

 (LOSS) FOR THE PERIOD                      (36)              2       (34)
                                          _____          _____      _____ 


                                         UK GAAP                      IFRS
                                                  transition to
                                      Unaudited            IFRS  Unaudited
                                          �'000          �'000      �'000 

 REVENUE                                  2,147               -     2,147 
 Cost of sales                           (1,402)              3    (1,399)
                                          _____          _____      _____ 
 Gross profit                               745               3       748 
 Selling and administrative expenses       (940)              -      (940)
                                          _____          _____      _____ 

 OPERATING (LOSS)                          (195)              3      (192)
 Finance income                               -              -          - 
 Finance cost                               (58)              -       (58)
                                          _____          _____      _____ 

 (LOSS) BEFORE TAXATION                    (253)              3      (250)
 Income tax expense                           -              -          - 
                                          _____          _____      _____ 

 ACTIVITIES AFTER TAXATION                 (253)              3      (250)
 Dividends                                     -              -          -
                                          _____          _____      _____ 

 (LOSS) FOR THE PERIOD                     (253)              3      (250)
                                          _____          _____      _____ 


                                   UK GAAP      Effect of       IFRS
                                            transition to
                                Unaudited            IFRS  Unaudited
                                    �'000          �'000      �'000 
 Non-current assets
 Intangible assets                     14               2        16 
 Property, plant and equipment      1,260               -     1,260 
                                    _____          _____      _____ 
                                    1,274              2      1,276 
                                    _____          _____      _____ 
 Current assets
 Inventories                        1,247               -     1,247 
 Trade and other receivables           460              -        460
 Cash and cash equivalents              2               -         2 
                                    _____          _____      _____ 
                                     1,709              -      1,709
                                    _____          _____      _____ 

 TOTAL ASSETS                        2,983              2      2,985
                                    _____          _____      _____ 

 ort term borrowings                         (504)        -     (504)
 Current portion of long term borrowings      (67)        -      (67)
 Trade and other payables                    (300)        -     (300)
                                            _____    _____     _____ 
                                             (871)        -     (871)
                                            _____    _____     _____ 

 Long term borrowings                        (694)        -     (694)
                                            _____    _____     _____ 
                                             1,418        2     1,420
                                            _____    _____     _____ 

 Share capital                                558         -      558 
 Share premium account                      1,398         -    1,398 
 Capital redemption reserve                    19         -       19 
 Revaluation reserve                           253        -       253
 Profit and loss account                     (810)        2     (808)
                                            _____    _____     _____ 
 TOTAL EQUITY                               1,418         2    1,420 
                                            _____    _____     _____ 


                                   UK GAAP      Effect of       IFRS
                                            transition to
                                Unaudited            IFRS  Unaudited
                                    �'000          �'000      �'000 
 Non-current assets
 Intangible assets                     13               3        16 
 Property, plant and equipment      1,215               -     1,215 
                                    _____          _____      _____ 
                                    1,228              3      1,231 
                                    _____          _____      _____ 

 Current assets
 Inventories                         1,149              -      1,149
 Trade and other receivables           440              -        440
 Cash and cash equivalents               2              -          2
                                    _____          _____      _____ 
                                     1,591              -      1,591
                                    _____          _____      _____ 

 TOTAL ASSETS                        2,819              3      2,822
                                    _____          _____      _____ 

 Short term borrowings                        (432)        -      (432)
 Current portion of long term borrowings       (62)        -       (62)
 Trade and other payables                     (231)        -      (231)
                                             _____    _____      _____ 
                                              (725)        -      (725)
                                             _____    _____      _____ 

 Long term borrowings                         (893)        -      (893)
                                             _____    _____      _____ 
                                             1,201         3     1,204 
                                             _____    _____      _____ 

 Share capital                                 558         -       558 
 Share premium account                       1,398         -     1,398 
 Capital redemption reserve                     19         -        19 
 Revaluation reserve                           250         -       250 
 Profit and loss account                    (1,024)        3    (1,021)
                                             _____    _____      _____ 
 TOTAL EQUITY                                1,201         3     1,204 
                                             _____    _____      _____ 

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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