ABN: 60 099 377 849 
                                            Unit 7, 11 Preston Street 
                                                       Como  WA  6152 
                                                           PO Box 860 
                                          Canning Bridge  WA  6153 
                                         Telephone:  618-9367 0601 
                                            Facsimile:  618-9367 0602 
                                    Email:  admin@medusamining.com.au 
                                   Internet:  www.medusamining.com.au 
                        MEDUSA MINING LIMITED 
                             (AIM: MML) 
                     HALF-YEAR FINANCIAL REPORT 
                          31 DECEMBER 2008 
Medusa Mining Limited ("Medusa" or the "Company"), is pleased to 
report a net after tax profit for the six months to 31 December 2008 
of A$12.0 million. 
Highlights for the six months: 
*          Gold production of 19,144 ounces of gold, an increase of 
  119% (compared to 8,736 ounces in the same corresponding period in 
  2007) at an average production cost for the period of US$225 per 
*          40% increase in Co-O Mine JORC resource to over 1.2 
  million ounces; 
*          Phase I and Phase II expansion programmes on schedule, 
  with long term cash costs anticipated at US$200 per ounce. 
Geoffrey Davis, Managing Director of Medusa, commented: 
"The Company is starting to see the benefits of its development and 
expansion programmes and is pleased to report that it is on schedule 
to increase its gold production initially to 60,000 annualised ounces 
by Q3, 2009 and then to 100,000 ounces per annum from Q1, 2010 
Being an unhedged, high margin gold producer, we are well  positioned 
for an exciting future as we continue to increase our gold production 
this year. 
Medusa is also continuing with an intensive drilling programme at 
Co-O, designed to further delineate and increase its resource base." 
                                                           5 March 09 
For further information, please contact: 
Medusa Mining Limited                   +61 8 9367 0601 
Geoffrey Davis, Managing Director 
Roy Daniel, Finance Director 
Fairfax I.S. PLC                        +44 (0)20 7598 5368 
Nominated Adviser / Joint Broker 
Ewan Leggat 
Mirabaud Securities Limited             +44 (0)20 7321 2508 
Joint Broker 
Peter Krens 
Lothbury Financial                      +44 (0)20 7011 9411 
Michael Padley / Libby Moss 
A summary of activities for the period is presented below. 
The locations of the Company's projects are shown on Figures 1 and  2 
(please see the link at the end of this announcement). 
Figure 1. (please see the link at the end of this announcement) 
Location diagram 
 Figure 2. (please see the link at the end of this announcement) 
Regional tenement map showing mines and prospects. 
The production statistics for the six months to 31 December 2008, are 
summarised in Table I. 
Table I.  Gold Production 
| Period     |   Gold   | Head  |   Cash   | Comments               | 
|            | produced | grade |  costs   |                        | 
|------------+----------+-------+----------|                        | 
|            |  (ozs)   | (g/t  | (US$ per |                        | 
|            |          | gold) |   oz)    |                        | 
| Jul to Sep |    6.986 | 10.42 |   243    | On-vein development    | 
| 2008       |          |       |          | and stoping            | 
| Oct to Dec |   12,158 | 15.84 |   215    | On-vein development    | 
| 2008       |          |       |          | and stoping            | 
| TOTAL      |   19,144 | 12.71 |   225    |                        | 
For the six months to 31  December 2008, the Company produced  19,144 
ounces of gold (compared to 8,736 ounces of gold in the corresponding 
period in 2007)  at an average  grade of 12.71  g/t gold and  average 
cash production costs of US$225 per ounce. 
The benefits of the Phase 1 expansion commenced in September 2007 are 
starting flow through in the last quarter of 2008. 
Further incremental production increases  are forecast in the  coming 
quarters with the full  benefits of the Phase  I expansion to  60,000 
ounces annualised production on  track to flow  through in the  third 
quarter of 2009. 
Expansion works have proceeded well during the half year with a total 
of 2,893 metres of  development completed. The  connection of the  8E 
and Agsao Shafts is the last stage of the Phase I expansion. 
The levels in the mine have recently been renamed as follows: 
Level 1: adit level or 3150 metre level 
Level 2: 3100 metre level 
Level 3: 3050 metre level 
Level 4: 3000 metre level 
Level 5: 2950 metre level, etc 
(a)     Agsao Shaft 
The new external Agsao Shaft, to an inclined depth of 240 metres (200 
metres vertical)  reached  final depth  in  early December  with  the 
bottom of this shaft at Level 5. Cutting of the plat and installation 
of services are in progress with driving along vein to connect to the 
8E (or Beta) internal inclined shaft at Level 5 expected to  commence 
during January 2009. 
(b)     8E(Beta) Shaft 
The 8E Shaft to an inclined depth of 120 metres (100 metres vertical) 
is currently  at  89.50 metres  inclined  depth. The  timing  of  the 
completion of this  shaft is being  coordinated with the  development 
driving from the Agsao Shaft so that correct drainage levels  between 
the shafts can be set up. 
Work on the Phase II expansion  has commenced with the setting up  of 
the collar and headframe for the  Baguio Shaft at the western end  of 
the mine. Sinking commenced in early October. 
(a)     Baguio Shaft 
The Baguio Shaft is designed to  provide ore from the western end  of 
the mine above Level 3 for the production increase in 2010 to 100,000 
ounces annualised. It is  an inclined shaft  with a revised  inclined 
depth of approximately  240 metres.  It is  currently at  a depth  of 
70.30  metres  and,  provided   ground  conditions  are   reasonable, 
completion is estimated in late 2009. 
(b)     Ventilation Shaft 
The vertical ventilation shaft at the western end of the mine to link 
with upper level workings has been  completed at 80 metres depth  and 
is now linked to the Levels 1 and 2 providing improved ventilation at 
the western end of the  mine. This shaft will  be set-up to haul  ore 
derived from above Level 1. 
(c)     Hillview Shaft 
A decision  on  the  final  position  of  this  high  capacity  three 
compartment shaft is expected next quarter. 
(d)     Mill Expansion 
The construction of  two new leach  tanks at the  mill (commenced  in 
August) which  will  boost  leaching capacity  to  approximately  750 
tonnes per day is expected to be completed during the next quarter. 
Budgets and quotes  are being  finalised for the  installation of  an 
expanded crushing circuit to  reduce the feed size  to the ball  mill 
and increase ball mill throughput  to approximately 1,000 tonnes  per 
day depending on rock characteristics. 
(e)     Tailings Dam 
Tailings dam quotes  are currently being  considered for raising  the 
wall of the current dam. 
The grid  power line  to the  Co-O  Mine has  been energised  and  is 
performing satisfactorily. Arrival  of electric  compressors for  the 
eastern end  of the  mine  is expected  during  the next  quarter  to 
replace diesel compressors. 
The power line is currently being extended to the western end of  the 
mine where electric compressors will also be installed. 
On 19  January 2009  the Company  published a  new resource  estimate 
(Table II)  for  the Co-O  Mine.  The new  estimation  increases  the 
resources by  341,000  ounces  or 40%  (from  862,000  ounces)  after 
allowing for mine depletion since  12 August 2008. The main  increase 
is from the  new high  grade discovery  named the  Great Hamish  Vein 
which currently contains 318,00ounces in  265,000 tonnes at 37.3  g/t 
The current resource (announced 19 January 2009) and reserve 
(announced 27 August 2008) estimations are shown in Tables II and 
Table II. Co-O Mine resource summary 
| Category    |           > 0 g/t gold           | 
|             |----------------------------------| 
|             |  tonnes   | g/t gold |  ounces   | 
| Indicated   | 1,110,000 |     13.4 |   480,000 | 
| Inferred    | 1,710,000 |     13.2 |   723,000 | 
| Grand total | 2,820,000 |     13.3 | 1,203,000 | 
Estimation undertaken by Cube Consulting Pty Ltd (2009) 
-    A lower cut-off of 3 g/t gold is the designated lower cut-off 
based on economic parameters; 
-    An uppercut of 300 g/t gold has been applied; and 
-    Resources are inclusive of reserves. 
Table III. Reserve estimation summary 
| Category |         > 3 g/t gold         | 
|          |------------------------------| 
|          | tonnes  | g/t gold | ounces  | 
| Probable | 712,000 |    10.77 | 249,000 | 
The reserve estimations were undertaken by Golder Associates Pty Ltd 
Table IV lists the  surface diamond drilling  results greater than  3 
g/t gold from the Co-O Mine for drill holes MD 85 to MD 113 which are 
included in  the new  resource estimate.  Some intersections  in  MDs 
85-88 have been previously reported on 11 August 2008. Other previous 
announcements on the Co-O drilling on 9 July, 15 May and 28  February 
2007 contain information regarding drilling and surveying techniques, 
comments  on  vein  interpretation  and  methodologies  and  assaying 
The discovery of a  new high grade vein,  the Great Hamish Vein,  was 
announced on 1 December 2008. This  vein is open along strike and  at 
depth, and is currently being developed on two levels. 
The GHV has been  defined over approximately 550  metres on the  west 
side  of  the  Oriental  Fault  and  is  interpreted  to  have   been 
intersected on the east side  of the fault in  holes MD 87,  98,  108 
and 112 over a  strike length of approximately  100 metres. The  vein 
has consistent  high  grades  and generally  dips  northwards  around 
The GHV has been intersected by  drives on Levels 2 (50 metres  below 
adit) and  3  (100 metres  below  adit),  with driving  on  vein  and 
sub-level development commenced. 
Assays from the levels to date are: 
Level 2:     Level drive:      119 metres length at average width  of 
1.4 metres at 39.79 g/t gold 
                 Sublevel:        133 metres length at average  width 
of 1.2 metres at 33.72 g/t gold 
Level 3:     Level drive:      87  metres length at average width  of 
1.2 metres at 92.00 g/t gold 
                 Sub-level:        82 metres length at average  width 
of 1.0 metres at 70.09 g/t gold 
Table IV. Drill hole results >3g/t gold for holes MD 85 to 113 which 
are included in the new resource estimate. GHV intersections are 
marked with an #. 
|      |        |        |     |         |          |          |    Grade| 
|Hole  |    East|   North|  Dip|  Azimuth|      From|     Width|  (uncut)| 
|      |        |        |  (°)|      (°)|  (metres)|  (metres)|     (g/t| 
|      |        |        |     |         |          |          |    gold)| 
|EAST  |        |        |     |         |          |          |         | 
|MD 87 |  614206|  912994|  -43|      212|    224.75|      1.00|5.46     | 
|      |        |        |     |         |    277.20|      5.00|3.50     | 
|      |        |        |     |         |    289.00|      4.30|22.66    | 
|      |        |        |     |         |    313.00|      1.00|23.19    | 
|      |        |        |     |         |    347.10|      0.20|11.45    | 
|      |        |        |     |         |    376.30|      2.00|29.20    | 
|      |        |        |     |         |    388.90|      3.90|26.45    | 
|      |        |        |     |         |    406.90|      0.60|11.65    | 
|      |        |        |     |         |    413.60|      1.70|13.65    | 
|      |        |        |     |         |   419.40#|     1.60#|19.55#   | 
|MD 98 |  614150|  912993|  -57|      210|    313.80|      1.10|5.10     | 
|      |        |        |     |         |    340.45|      0.20|28.04    | 
|      |        |        |     |         |    504.60|      0.20|4.37     | 
|      |        |        |     |         |   508.70#|     4.90#|67.03#   | 
|      |        |        |     |         |          |          |(*)      | 
|MD 108|  613856|  912812|  -54|      185|    249.40|      0.80|3.21     | 
|      |        |        |     |         |    250.75|      0.35|5.80     | 
|      |        |        |     |         |   371.95#|     0.25#|120.55#  | 
|      |        |        |     |         |          |          |(*)      | 
|MD 112|  614010|  912889|  -65|      180|    245.20|      0.25|13.07 (*)| 
|      |        |        |     |         |    252.75|      0.85|30.23 (*)| 
|      |        |        |     |         |    331.00|      1.70|60.86 (*)| 
|WEST  |        |        |     |         |          |          |         | 
|MD 85 |  613587|  912868|  -75|      180|    157.80|      0.30|11.44    | 
|      |        |        |     |         |    183.50|      0.40|7.82     | 
|      |        |        |     |         |    214.50|      1.30|9.23     | 
|      |        |        |     |         |   257.00#|     2.50#|16.02#   | 
|      |        |        |     |         |    264.30|      0.40|6.56     | 
|      |        |        |     |         |    277.65|      1.05|8.09     | 
|MD 86 |  613737|  912855|  -60|      190|   217.25#|     2.65#|113.80#  | 
|      |        |        |     |         |    287.80|      0.50|33.26    | 
|MD 88 |  613546|  912850|  -75|      195|     66.05|      1.10|20.04    | 
|      |        |        |     |         |     69.70|      1.80|13.65    | 
|      |        |        |     |         |    126.35|      1.85|16.61    | 
|      |        |        |     |         |    219.20|      3.35|3.82     | 
|      |        |        |     |         |    228.45|      1.15|3.71     | 
|      |        |        |     |         |    264.20|      0.35|42.49    | 
|      |        |        |     |         |    280.30|      5.00|4.59     | 
|      |        |        |     |         |    328.20|      0.90|3.92     | 
|      |        |        |     |         |   366.10#|     1.45#|97.62#   | 
|      |        |        |     |         |    399.50|      0.85|13.79    | 
|MD 91 |  613477|  912845|  -70|      205|     61.20|      2.40|4.47 (*) | 
|      |        |        |     |         |     69.10|      0.50|39.63 (*)| 
|      |        |        |     |         |   198.40#|     1.00#|31.71#   | 
|      |        |        |     |         |    287.95|      0.35|11.50 (*)| 
|MD 92 |  613544|  912844|  -62|      196|     65.10|      1.15|4.52     | 
|      |        |        |     |         |    193.30|      0.25|88.45    | 
|      |        |        |     |         |   195.40#|     1.60#|61.05#   | 
|      |        |        |     |         |    211.60|      0.75|14.97    | 
|      |        |        |     |         |    278.70|      0.40|9.49     | 
|MD 97 |  613660|  912837|  -65|      190|    151.50|      0.30|33.10    | 
|      |        |        |     |         |   172.40#|     3.45#|43.26#   | 
|      |        |        |     |         |          |          |(*)      | 
|      |        |        |     |         |    195.60|      0.30|12.03    | 
|      |        |        |     |         |    201.05|      0.20|40.76 (*)| 
|      |        |        |     |         |    206.90|      1.30|7.31 (*) | 
|      |        |        |     |         |    295.90|      0.60|43.59    | 
|      |        |        |     |         |    307.60|      0.30|6.73     | 
|MD 100|  613350|  912846|  -72|      185|    119.70|      0.40|8.80 (*) | 
|      |        |        |     |         |    155.60|      2.50|17.31    | 
|      |        |        |     |         |    218.30|      1.20|6.79     | 
|      |        |        |     |         |   223.40#|     2.80#|31.09#   | 
|      |        |        |     |         |    249.00|      0.75|7.57     | 
|      |        |        |     |         |    267.00|      0.60|10.39    | 
|      |        |        |     |         |    277.80|      1.20|4.89     | 
|      |        |        |     |         |    343.80|      2.60|10.53    | 
|      |        |        |     |         |    357.65|      1.00|5.49     | 
|      |        |        |     |         |    362.00|      1.00|7.53     | 
|MD 103|  613663|  912782|  -50|      196|    99.30#|     0.30#|28.29#   | 
|MD 104|  613840|  912883|  -60|      168|    202.00|      1.10|14.96    | 
|      |        |        |     |         |   258.65#|     2.25#|166.29#  | 
|MD 111|  613766|  912841|  -70|      180|    161.00|      0.60|4.50 (*) | 
|      |        |        |     |         |    190.50|      1.70|15.77 (*)| 
|      |        |        |     |         |   248.85#|     2.25#|28.10#   | 
|      |        |        |     |         |          |          |(*)      | 
|      |        |        |     |         |    330.75|      0.25|9.57     | 
|MD 112|  614010|  912889|  -65|      180|    245.20|      0.25|13.70 (*)| 
|      |        |        |     |         |    252.75|      0.85|30.23 (*)| 
|      |        |        |     |         |    331.00|      1.70|60.86 (*)| 
|MD 113|  613767|  912847|  -81|      173|    187.40|      1.10|26.13 (*)| 
|      |        |        |     |         |    420.45|      0.55|7.10 (*) | 
|      |        |        |     |         |    485.15|      0.55|4.15 (*) | 
|      |        |        |     |         |    544.70|      1.00|5.93 (*) | 
(i)        (*) denotes Philsaga assays; 
(ii)        Independent  laboratory  McPhar  assays  are  quoted   in 
preference to Philsaga assays; 
(iii)      Grid coordinates based on the Philippine Reference  System 
(iv)      Intersection lower cut-off grade is 3 g/t gold; 
(v)       Some previously reported intersection widths and grades may 
have changed as a result of check assaying by McPhar. 
Drilling is continuing with six surface rigs and 3 underground rigs. 
Figure 3. (please see the link at the end of this announcement) 
Composite diagram of the Co-O Mine area showing the projection of the 
veins and locations of drill holes MD 85-113. 
Figure 4. (please see the link at the end of this announcement)  Co-O 
Mine 3D model looking north. 
The Lingig prospect is covered by a Mines Operating Agreement ("MOA") 
over MPSA  application number  APSA 024-XIII  comprising two  parcels 
situated to the  north and to  the east (the  Lingig porphyry  copper 
prospect) of the Co-O Mine and millsite as shown on Figure 2  (please 
see the link at the end of this announcement). 
Detailed information  on  the  Lingig porphyry  copper  prospect  was 
provided in a release dated 13 November 2007 and in the December 2007 
quarterly report. 
Initial drill results from  the first hole, LIN  1, were provided  in 
the September 2008 quarterly report.  This hole returned 83.9  metres 
at 0.3% copper above  mineralised porphyry compared  to 98 metres  at 
0.27% Cu in DDH 1 in the same zone in 1974.  Drilling with one rig is 
continuing with some difficult  ground conditions being  encountered. 
The geology is  being revised  through comprehensive  new mapping  as 
previous maps  have  found to  be  inaccurate and  not  supported  by 
subsurface  geology.  On  completion  of  this  mapping,   subsequent 
interpretations and receipt of a back-log of assays, a  comprehensive 
update will be provided in March 2009. 
The  Tambis  project,  currently   comprising  the  Bananghilig   and 
Kamarangan prospects,  is  operated  under a  Mining  Agreement  with 
Philex  Gold  Philippines  Inc.   over  Mineral  Production   Sharing 
Agreement ("MPSA")  application APSA-000022-XIII  which covers  6,262 
Drilling has  been completed  at the  Bananghilig area  for the  time 
being. Detailed compilation  of the results  has been completed,  and 
subject to further interpretative work demonstrating good  continuity 
of mineralisation, an initial resource estimate may be undertaken. 
An extensive  area of  weathered  magnetite with  secondary  hematite 
skarn mineralisation  was located  early in  2008. The  area is  also 
marked by extensive  alluvial gold workings  from previous  artisinal 
sluicing operations. Detailed descriptions and results are  contained 
in an announcement dated 29 February 2008 and 14 August 2008. 
The iron-rich skarn  rocks, as  well as other  skarn types  including 
epidote-silica skarns and  sulphide-rich skarns,  and hornfels  rocks 
have been  mapped  as covering  an  area approximately  2,000  metres 
east-west by > 800  metres north-south. The  skarns are developed  in 
sub-vertical, banded limestones and associated sedimentary rocks. 
Figure 2 (please see the link at the end of this announcement)  shows 
the location  of the  Kamarangan area  in the  Tambis-Barobo  region. 
Drill results from holes KAM 1  and 2 were provided in the  September 
2008 quarterly report indicating the presence of sub-ore grade copper 
and molybdenum mineralisation in porphyry rocks and higher grades  of 
copper and  gold  in  the magnetite-rich  skarn  rocks.  Drilling  is 
continuing and  a comprehensive  report will  be provided  after  the 
initial drilling  campaign  which is  estimated  to be  completed  in 
Figure 9.  (please see the link at the end of this announcement)  Map 
showing skarn types and the locations of drill holes KAM 1 and 2. 
The Mines Operating Agreement ("MOA") with Alcorn Gold Resources Inc. 
covers  Mining  Production  Sharing  Agreement  ("MPSA")  application 
number 039-XIII situated  approximately 8 kilometres  north from  the 
millsite as shown on Figure 2 (please see the link at the end of this 
announcement). Processing of the Anoling MPSA is progressing. 
Diamond drilling with one rig is continuing. Underground  exploration 
has been discontinued and drilling may  be increased in 2009 if  rigs 
are available whilst the tenement application is progressed. 
Ø  Abacus Project 
The  Mines  Operating  Agreement  ("MOA")  with  Abacus  Consolidated 
Resources  and  Holdings  Inc.   covers  Exploration  Permit   ("EP") 
application number 000028-XIII situated to the north of the Co-O mine 
and millsite as shown on Figure 2 (please see the link at the end  of 
this announcement). The granting process  for the Abacus EP is  being 
The ridge  and  spur soil  sampling  described in  the  Tambis-Barobo 
section above has covered the eastern parts of the tenement. 
Ø  Saugon Project 
The Saugon  regional  ridge  and  spur  soil  sampling  programme  is 
Ø  Bunawan Mining Corporation JV (Medusa earning 70%) 
The Company,  through  its Philippines  operating  company,  Philsaga 
Mining Corporation  ("Philsaga"), signed  a joint  venture  agreement 
("JVA") with  Bunawan Mining  Corporation  ("Bunawan") on  23  August 
2007, the Philippine  operating company of  ASX listed Sierra  Mining 
Limited ("Sierra"), whereby  Philsaga will earn  a 70% joint  venture 
interest in Exploration  Permit application  ("EPA") 000037-XIII  and 
Mineral Production Sharing Agreement application ("APSA") 000003-XIII 
(together the "Bunawan JV"). 
The Company  through Philsaga  Mining  Corporation is  continuing  to 
fulfil its obligations under the JVA. 
Work has commenced  on a  16 bed  hospital at  the Co-O  Mine and  is 
expected to be operational around  mid-year. A helipad for  emergency 
evacuations will also be constructed adjacent to the hospital. 
Construction of six  new class rooms  to be commenced  at the  Manabo 
Village serving the Co-O  Mine will be completed  for the new  school 
year commencing in July. 
The  first  full   season  of  support   for  rice  growers   through 
interest-free micro-loans  is  underway. Initial  field  trials  have 
established base line costs which have been incorporated into  formal 
agreements  between   the   Company's   Foundation   and   the   rice 
On 19 September 2008 Crosby  Capital Limited ("Crosby") of Hong  Kong 
announced a proposal  to make an  unsolicited and highly  conditional 
takeover offer ("Offer Announcement") for the Company. 
On 23 September 2008, the Medusa Board conducted an initial review of 
the proposed offer as outlined in the Offer Announcement and  advised 
shareholders to take no  action as the Board  believed the offer  was 
inadequate and opportunistic. 
On 3 November 2008 Crosby withdrew their offer. 
Medusa Mining Limited 
Information in this report relating to Exploration Results, is  based 
on information compiled by   Mr Geoff Davis, who  is a member of  The 
Australian Institute  of  Geoscientists.  Mr Davis  is  the  Managing 
Director of Medusa Mining Limited and has sufficient experience which 
is relevant to the style of mineralization and type of deposits under 
consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to  qualify 
as a  Competent  Person  as  defined  in  the  2004  Edition  of  the 
"Australian  Code  for  Reporting  of  Exploration  Results,  Mineral 
Resources and Ore Reserves".  Mr Davis consents  to the inclusion  in 
the report of the  matters based on his  information in the form  and 
context in which it appears. 
Cube Consulting Pty Ltd 
Information  in  this  report  relating  to  Mineral  Resources   has 
been estimated and complied by  Mark  Zammit  of Cube Consulting  Pty 
Ltd. Mr Zammit is a member of  The Australasian Institute of Mining & 
Metallurgy and  has  sufficient experience  that is  relevant to  the 
style of mineralisation and type  of deposit under consideration  and 
to the activity  which he is  undertaking to qualify  as a  Competent 
Person as defined  in the 2004  Edition of the  "Australian Code  for 
Reporting  of  Exploration   Results,  Mineral   Resources  and   Ore 
Reserves". Mr Zammit consents to the  inclusion in the report of  the 
matters based on his information in the form and context in which  it 
Cube Consulting  is  an  independent Perth  based  resource  industry 
consulting  firm  specialising  in  geological  modelling,   resource 
estimation and information technology. 
Golder Associates Pty Ltd 
The information in this report that relates to Ore Reserves is  based 
on  information   compiled   by   Charles   Hastie   BAppSc   (Mining 
Engineering), B AppSc (Multidisciplinary Science), MAusIMM and  Peter 
Onley MBA, MSc, BSc (Hons), FAusIMM, CP.  Mr Hastie and Mr Onley  are 
full-time employees of Golder Associates Pty Ltd. 
Messrs Hastie and Onley have sufficient experience which is  relevant 
to  the  style   of  mineralisation   and  type   of  deposit   under 
consideration and  to  the activity  which  they are  undertaking  to 
qualify as Competent Persons  as defined in the  2004 Edition of  the 
"Australasian Code  for  Reporting of  Exploration  Results,  Mineral 
Resources and Ore Reserves". Charles  Hastie and Peter Onley  consent 
to the  inclusion  in  the  report of  the  matters  based  on  their 
information in the form and context in which it appears. 
Golder Associates is  a global consulting  group employing more  than 
5500 staff offering services  in earth engineering and  environmental 
The lead auditor's independence declaration under section 307C of the 
Corporations Act 2001 is set out  on page 15 for the half-year  ended 
31 December 2008. 
This report is signed in accordance with a resolution of the Board of 
Managing Director 
Dated this 4th day of March 2009. 
              for the half-year ended 31 December 2008 
                                                Consolidated Entity 
                                              31 Dec 2008 31 Dec 2007 
                                                  A$          A$ 
Revenue                                        20,169,951   6,164,793 
Cost of Sales                                 (7,628,898) (4,091,345) 
Exploration and Evaluation Expense                      -   (293,574) 
Administration Expenses                       (1,838,256) (1,549,500) 
Other Expenses                                  (499,466) (1,825,794) 
Profit/(loss) before income tax expense        10,203,331 (1,595,420) 
Income tax (expense)/benefit                    1,841,405           - 
Profit/l(loss) for the period after  income 
tax expense                                    12,044,736 (1,595,420) 
Overall operations: 
Basic earnings per share                           $0.083    ($0.011) 
Diluted earnings per share                         $0.077         n/a 
The  accompanying  condensed  notes  form  part  of  these  financial 
                       CONDENSED BALANCE SHEET 
                       as at 31 December 2008 
                                              Consolidated Entity 
                                            31 Dec 2008 30 Jun 2008 
                                       Note     A$          A$ 
Cash & cash equivalents                       5,736,734   4,834,161 
Trade & other receivables                     4,709,168   2,185,194 
Inventories                                   1,694,968     935,976 
Other current assets                            373,867     333,119 
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS                         12,514,737   8,288,450 
Property, plant & equipment                  32,462,322  28,499,551 
Exploration and evaluation expenditure       39,933,163  28,292,304 
Development expenditure                      19,647,577  12,447,889 
Deferred tax assets                           1,401,362   2,851,792 
TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS                     93,444,424  72,091,536 
TOTAL ASSETS                                105,959,161  80,379,986 
Trade & other payables                       10,880,461   6,845,501 
TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES                    10,880,461   6,845,501 
Deferred tax liability                        1,901,640   5,217,720 
Total Non-Current Liabilities                 1,901,640   5,217,720 
TOTAL LIABILITIES                            12,782,101  12,063,221 
NET ASSETS                                   93,177,060  68,316,765 
Issued capital                          6    66,946,550  65,866,550 
Reserves                                     11,206,222   (529,337) 
Retained profits                             15,024,288   2,979,552 
TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                   93,177,060  68,316,765 
The  accompanying  condensed  notes  form  part  of  these  financial 
              for the half-year ended 31 DECEMBER 2008 
                          Retained    Premium    Foreign 
               Share     Profits /    Reserve   Currency 
              capital   (Accumulated  (refer   Translation 
              Ordinary    Losses)     note 7)    Reserve      Total 
                 A$          A$         A$         A$          A$ 
Balance at 
01.07.2007   63,805,000    4,327,041 1,544,961     793,287  70,470,289 
during the 
period        1,067,450            -         -           -   1,067,450 
during the 
period in 
with AASB 2 
- Share 
payments              -            - 1,009,600           -   1,009,600 
to members 
of parent 
entity                -  (1,595,420)         -           - (1,595,420) 
from Option 
Reserve         994,100            - (994,100)           -           - 
arising on 
of foreign 
subsidiaries          -            -         -   1,881,699   1,881,699 
Sub-total    65,866,550    2,731,621 1,560,461   2,674,986  72,833,618 
paid or 
provided for          -            -         -           -           - 
Balance at 
31.12.2007   65,866,550    2,731,621 1,560,461   2,674,986  72,833,618 
Balance at 
01.07.2008   65,866,550    2,979,552 1,722,692 (2,252,029)  68,316,765 
during the 
period        1,080,000            -         -           -   1,080,000 
during the 
period in 
with AASB 2 
- Share 
payments              -            -   140,761           -     140,761 
Profit / 
to members 
of parent 
entity                -   12,044,736         -           -  12,044,736 
arising on 
of foreign 
subsidiaries          -            -         -  11,594,798  11,594,798 
Sub-total    66,946,550   15,024,288 1,863,453   9,342,769  93,177,060 
paid or 
provided for          -            -         -           -           - 
Balance at 
31.12.2008   66,946,550   15,024,288 1,863,453   9,342,769  93,177,060 
| The accompanying condensed notes form part of these financial     | 
| statements.                                                       | 
              for the half-year ended 31 DECEMBER 2008 
                                               Consolidated Entity 
                                            31 Dec 2008  31 Dec 2007 
                                                 A$           A$ 
Receipts from customers                       20,490,476    5,734,867 
Payments to suppliers and employees          (6,320,562)  (5,946,771) 
Interest received                                 23,527      248,659 
Net cash provided by operating activities     14,193,441       36,755 
Purchase of non-current assets               (2,330,054)  (1,242,938) 
Payments for exploration expenditure and     (5,528,740)  (4,666,166) 
Payments for development activities          (7,328,223)  (2,776,237) 
Payments relating to loan                              -  (2,800,000) 
Net cash (used in) investing activities     (15,187,017) (11,485,341) 
Proceeds from issue of shares                  1,080,000    1,742,200 
Transaction costs from issue of shares                 -  (1,811,250) 
Net cash provided by / (used in)               1,080,000     (69,050) 
financing activities 
Net increase / (decrease) in cash held            86,424 (11,517,636) 
Cash at beginning of period                    4,834,161   20,168,063 
Exchange rate adjustments                        816,149      138,289 
Cash at end of period                          5,736,734    8,788,716 
The  accompanying  condensed  notes  form  part  of  these  financial 
              for the half-year ended 31 DECEMBER 2008 
Note 1: Basis of preparation 
Medusa Mining Limited (the "Company") is a company domiciled in 
The consolidated interim financial report of the Company as at and 
for the six months ended 31 December 2008 comprises the Company and 
its subsidiaries (together referred to as (the "Consolidated Entity") 
and the consolidated entity's interests in associates and jointly 
controlled entities. 
The consolidated annual financial report of the consolidated entity 
as at and for the year ended 30 June 2008 is available on the 
company's website. 
(a)           Statement of compliance 
The consolidated interim financial report is a general purpose 
financial report which has been prepared in accordance with AASB 134: 
Interim Financial Reporting, Australian Accounting Interpretations, 
other authoritative pronouncements of Australian Accounting Standards 
Board and the Corporations Act 2001. 
The consolidated interim financial report does not include all of the 
information required for a full annual financial report, and should 
be read in conjunction with the consolidated annual financial report 
of the consolidated entity as at and for the year ended 30 June 2008. 
This consolidated interim financial report was approved by the Board 
of Directors on 26 February 2009. 
(b)           Significant accounting policies 
The accounting policies applied by the consolidated entity in this 
consolidated interim financial report are the same as those applied 
by the consolidated entity in its consolidated financial report as at 
and for the year ended 30 June 2008. 
(c)           Estimates 
               The preparation of the interim financial report 
requires management to make judgements, estimates and assumptions 
that affect the application of accounting policies and the reported 
amounts of assets and liabilities, income and expense. Actual results 
may differ from these estimates. 
               In preparing this consolidated interim financial 
report, the significant judgements made by  management in applying 
the consolidated entity's accounting policies and the key sources of 
estimation uncertainty were the same as those that applied to the 
consolidated financial report as at and for the year ended 30 June 
               Determination of Ore Reserves and remaining life 
                The Company  estimates its ore  reserves and  mineral 
resources based  on information  compiled  by Competent  Persons  (as 
defined in  accordance  with the  Australian  Code for  Reporting  of 
Exploration Results, Mineral  Resources and Ore  Reserves as  revised 
December 2004 (the JORC  code). Reserves determined  in this way  are 
taken into account in the calculation of depreciation,  amortisation, 
impairment, deferred mining  costs, rehabilitation and  environmental 
In estimating  the remaining  life of  the mine  for the  purpose  of 
amortisation and depreciation calculations, due regard is given,  not 
only to the amount of remaining recoverable gold ounces contained  in 
proved and probable ore reserves, but also to limitations which could 
arise from the potential for changes in technology, demand, and other 
issues which are inherently difficult to estimate over a lengthy time 
Where a  change in  estimated recoverable  gold ounces  contained  in 
proved  and  probable   ore  reserves  is   made,  depreciation   and 
amortisation is accounted for prospectively. 
The determination of ore reserves and remaining mine life affects the 
carrying value of a  number of the  Consolidated Entity's assets  and 
liabilities including  deferred mining  costs and  the provision  for 
rehabilitation.  The  company  recently  completed  a  new   resource 
estimation at the Co-O mine which increased the JORC compliant ounces 
from 862,000 ounces to 1,203,000 ounces. 
(d)           Financial Risk Management 
The consolidated entity's financial risk management objectives and 
policies are consistent with that disclosed in the consolidated 
financial report as at and for the year ended 30 June 2008. 
              for the half-year ended 31 DECEMBER 2008 
Note 2: Changes in Accounting 
The Group has reviewed its estimate  of the effective tax rate  which 
is expected to be  applicable to the various  group entities for  the 
year ending 30 June 2009 and  in future periods in which taxable  and 
deductible temporary differences are  expected to reverse.  Following 
this change in  estimate, the balances  of the consolidated  deferred 
tax  liability  and   deferred  tax  asset   relating  to   temporary 
differences and tax losses have been revised resulting in income  tax 
benefit  for  the  period  of  $1,841,405.  This  amount  includes  a 
write-back of  previously  recognised  deferred  tax  liabilities  of 
$2,038,552 relating to the year ended 30 June 2008. 
                                                Consolidated Entity 
                                              31 Dec 2008 31 Dec 2007 
                                                  A$          A$ 
Note 3: Profit/(Loss) for the period 
The following revenue and expense items are 
relevant  in   explaining   the   financial 
performance for the interim period: 
Revenue Items 
- Interest revenue                                 21,703     270,305 
- Gold and silver sales                        20,147,924   5,895,663 
Expense Items 
- Depreciation                                  1,221,328     398,575 
- Amortisation                                    792,636     919,744 
- Employee benefits expense                       560,680     535,946 
- Exploration expenditure write off                     -     293,574 
- Recognition of share based payments             140,761     133,600 
Note 4: Dividends 
No dividend was declared or paid by the Company since the last annual 
reporting date. 
Note 5: Segment Information 
Primary reporting - geographical segment 
Segment revenue: 
-  Australia                                    15,902     265,587 
-  Philippines                              20,154,049   5,899,206 
Total Revenue                               20,169,951   6,164,793 
Segment results - Profit/(loss): 
-  Australia                               (1,527,370) (1,962,255) 
-  Philippines                              11,730,701     366,834 
Profit/(loss) from ordinary activities      10,203,331 (1,595,421) 
              for the half-year ended 31 DECEMBER 2008 
                                    Consolidated Entity 
                      31 Dec 2008 30 Jun 2008 31 Dec 2008 30 Jun 2008 
                       (shares)    (shares)      (A$)        (A$) 
Note 6:  Issued 
Ordinary shares on    146,307,548 145,057,548  66,946,550  65,866,550 
Opening balance       145,057,548 142,037,548  65,866,550  63,805,000 
add - 
Shares issued during    1,250,000   3,020,000   1,080,000   2,061,550 
the period 
                      146,307,548 145,057,548  66,946,550  65,866,550 
Movement in ordinary 
during the half-year: 
-      Balance     at 145,057,548 142,037,548  65,866,550  63,805,000 
beginning   of    the 
-  Options converted            -   3,000,000           -   1,729,200 
to ordinary shares 
at  $0.5764 per share 
-  Options converted            -      20,000           -      13,000 
to ordinary shares 
at  $0.65 per share 
-  Options converted      250,000           -     180,000           - 
to ordinary shares 
at  $0.72 per share 
-  Options converted    1,000,000           -     900,000           - 
to ordinary shares 
at  $0.90 per share 
-  Transfer from                -           -           -     994,100 
option reserve 
-  Issue costs                  -           -           -   (674,750) 
                      146,307,548 145,057,548  66,946,550  65,866,550 
                                    Consolidated Entity 
                      31 Dec 2008 30 Jun 2008 31 Dec 2008 30 Jun 2008 
                       (options)   (options)     (A$)        (A$) 
Note 7: Option 
Premium Reserve 
Option Premium         10,400,000  12,401,446   1,863,453   1,722,692 
Opening balance        12,401,446   6,021,446   1,722,692   1,544,961 
less - 
Options converted/    (2,401,446) (3,020,000)           -   (994,100) 
add - 
Options Issued                  -   7,400,000           -     295,831 
Share options             400,000   2,000,000     140,761     876,000 
recognised during the 
period in accordance 
with AASB 2 - Share 
based payments 
                       10,400,000  12,401,446   1,863,453   1,722,692 
              for the half-year ended 31 DECEMBER 2008 
                                  Consolidated Entity 
                   31 Dec 2008   30 Jun 2008   31 Dec 2008   30 Jun 
                    (options)     (options)       (A$)        (A$) 
Movement in 
during the 
-   Balance    at    12,401,446     6,021,446     1,722,692 1,544,961 
beginning of  the 
- Unlisted          (1,250,000)   (3,020,000)             - (994,100) 
options converted 
to shares 
- Unlisted                    -     7,000,000             -         - 
exercisable at 
$1.60 each 
-         630,000             -             -             -    56,464 
Unlisted  options 
issued        and 
exercisable    at 
$1.25  each   (0% 
vested at balance 
-         Options   (1,151,446)             -             -         - 
-  Share  options       400,000     2,400,000       140,761 1,115,367 
recognised during 
the   period   in 
accordance   with 
AASB  2  -  Share 
based payments 
                     10,400,000    12,401,446     1,863,453 1,722,692 
Note 8: Contingent 
Under a  Heads of  Agreement ("HOA")  between Sierra  Mining  Limited 
("SML") and Medusa signed in August 2007, Medusa had agreed to take a 
9.9% placement in Sierra of 4.85 million shares (at an issue price of 
A$0.25,  totalling  A$1.21  million)  with  2.425  million   unlisted 
attaching options exercisable at A$0.30 each with an expiry date of 4 
years from the date of completion of due diligence. 
On 8  April 2008  Sierra advised  the ASX  that Sierra  would not  be 
proceeding with  the placement  of 9.9%  of Sierra  shares to  Medusa 
under the HOA, and Medusa agreed not  to take up the placement in  an 
announcement to the ASX and AIM markets. 
Subsequently, on 23 June 2008, Sierra has made a claim against Medusa 
relating to the HOA and has demanded that Medusa subscribes for the 
securities.  Medusa denies it has any obligation to take up the 
proposed placement and will defend any legal proceedings that may be 
There have been no developments in the period since the annual 
Note 9: Commitments 
There has  been no  change to  the commitments  as disclosed  in  the 
entity's 30 June 2008 annual financial report. 
Note 10: Related Parties 
Arrangements with  related  parties  continue to  be  in  place.  For 
details on these arrangements, refer to 30 June 2008 annual financial 
Note 11: Events subsequent to 
balance date 
There has not arisen in the interval between the half-year ended 31 
December 2008 and the date of this report any other item, transaction 
or event of a material or unusual nature likely, in the opinion of 
the Directors of the Company, to affect significantly the operations 
of the Consolidated Entity, the results of those operations, or the 
state of affairs of the Consolidated Entity, in subsequent financial 
periods except for: 
On 26 February 2009 the  Company announced a placement of  20,300,000 
fully paid  ordinary  shares  at $1.21  each   to  institutional  and 
sophisticated clients  of  Euroz Securities  Limited  ("Euroz").  The 
placement which was fully underwritten by Euroz raised gross proceeds 
of $24.563 million. 
              for the half-year ended 31 DECEMBER 2008 
Note 12: Changes in Accounting 
The following accounting policies were available for early adoption 
but have not been applied in preparing these consolidated interim 
financial statements. 
* AASB 101 Presentation of Financial Statements (Revised 2007) 
* AASB 8 Operating Segments 
* AASB 123 Borrowing Costs (Revised 2007) 
The adoption of AASB 101 (Revised 2007) is applicable for annual 
reporting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2009. It makes 
certain changes to the format and titles of the primary financial 
statements and to the presentation of some items within these 
statements. It also gives rise to additional disclosures. The 
measurement and recognition of the Group's assets, liabilities, 
income and expenses is unchanged. However, some items that were 
recognised directly in equity will be recognised in other 
comprehensive income, for example revaluation of property, plant and 
equipment. AASB 101 affects the presentation of owner changes in 
equity and introduces a 'Statement of comprehensive income'. 
AASB 8 is applicable for annual reporting periods beginning on or 
after 1 January 2009. It will not affect the identified operating 
segments for the Group. Reported segment results are based on 
internal management reporting information that is regularly reviewed 
by the chief operating decision maker. 
AASB 123 Borrowing Costs (Revised 2007) requires the capitalisation 
of borrowing costs to the extent they are directly attributable to 
the acquisition, production or construction of qualifying assets that 
need a substantial period of time to get ready for their intended use 
or sale. There will be no effect of the application of the new 
standard given that the Group already capitalise borrowing costs 
related to qualifying assets. 
The Directors of the Company declare that: 
1.     The financial statements and notes, as set out on pages 16  to 
(a)         comply  with  Accounting   Standard  AASB  134:   Interim 
Financial Reporting and the Corporations Regulations;  and 
(b)        give a  true and  fair view of  the Consolidated  Entity's 
financial position as at 31 December 2008 and of its performance  for 
the half year ended on that date. 
2.      In the  Directors' opinion  there are  reasonable grounds  to 
believe that the Company will  be able to pay  its debts as and  when 
they become due and payable. 
This declaration is made in accordance with a resolution of the Board 
of Directors. 
Managing Director 
Dated this 4 th day of March 2009 
This announcement was originally distributed by Hugin. The issuer is 
solely responsible for the content of this announcement. 

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