ABN: 60 099 377 849 
 Unit 7, 11 Preston Street 
 Como  WA  6152 
 PO Box 860 
 Canning Bridge  WA  6153 
 Telephone:  +618-9367 0601 
 Facsimile:  +618-9367 0602 
 Email: admin@medusamining.com.au 
                             MEDUSA MINING LIMITED 
                                   (AIM: MML) 
                          QUARTERLY ACTIVITIES REPORT 
                           PERIOD ENDED 30 JUNE 2010 
Medusa  Mining  Limited  ("Medusa"  or  the  "Company"), through its Philippines 
operating  company  Philsaga  Mining  Corporation  ("Philsaga"),  announces  its 
Quarterly Activities Report for the period ending 30 June 2010. 
Highlights for the June 2010 quarter: 
  * Co-O Mine Quarterly production of 25,012 ounces at an average grade of 
    13.65 g/t at cash cost of US$182 per ounce and record annual production of 
    89,679 ounces 
  * Total cash and bullion at end of quarter of approximately US$62.0 million 
  * Co-O Indicated Resources increased by 4% to 603,000 ounces and Inferred 
    Resources increased by 36% to 898,000 ounces 
  * Appointment of Mr Peter R. Jones as Non-executive Chairman and Mr Peter 
    Hepburn-Brown as Executive Director - Operations 
Managing Director Geoff Davis commented: 
 "I  am pleased with  this quarter's production  of 25,012 ounces and the record 
production  for the  year of  89,679 ounces. Surface  stockpiles and  broken ore 
underground augur well for achieving our production targets. 
Following  recent completion of the Co-O Mine two phase expansion program to the 
production  level of 100,000 annualised ounces, we will focus on stabilising the 
operations  for the next two quarters  at production levels around 25,000 ounces 
per  quarter for the first  half and then assess  the possibility of incremental 
production increases for the second half. 
The  Company is pleased  with the new  resource estimate at  Co-O and intends to 
maintain  the total resources estimate at current levels on an annual basis, but 
will  actively continue drilling  to seek exensional  mineralisation outside the 
current mine limits. 
An  exploration budget of US$20  million for the forthcoming  year will ensure a 
very  active  programme.  Drilling  has  commenced  on schedule at the extensive 
Bananghilig  Deposit and is underway at  Saugon, highlighting both the short and 
long term potential of the Company." 
In  line  with  the  Company's  size  and  future  plans,  the  Board  has  been 
strengthened  with the appointment of a  new Chairman and the recent appointment 
of the Executvie Director of Operations." 
                                                                    29 July 2010 
For further information please contact: 
 Medusa Mining Limited                +61 8 9367 0601 
 Geoffrey Davis, Managing Director 
 Roy Daniel, Finance Director 
 United Kingdom 
 Fairfax I.S. PLC                     +44 (0)20 7598 5368 
 Nominated Adviser and Broker 
 Ewan Leggat/Laura Littley 
 Lothbury Financial Services          +44 (0)20 7868 2567 
 Michael Padley/Libby Moss 
 Nicholas Sayce, Investor Relations   +1 416 822 4404 
                                                     QUARTERLY ACTIVITIES REPORT 
                                                                    PERIOD ENDED 
                                                                    30 JUNE 2010 
SNAPSHOT OF MEDUSA:                           |OVERVIEW: 
- Expanding gold producer                     |Co-O MINE PRODUCTION 
  operating solely in the Philippines         | 
- Debt free and un-hedged                     |- Quarterly production of 25,012 
- Forecast production FY 2010/11              |ounces at an average grade of 
  of 100,000 ozs.                             |13.65 g/t at cash cost of US$182 
- Long term cash costs at Co-O                |per ounce and record annual 
  Mine circa US$190 per oz                    |production of 89,679 ounces 
- Co-O Mine conceptual target size            | 
  3 to 7million ozs**                         |Co-O RESOURCES & RESOURCE 
- Mineral Resources comprise                  |DRILLING 
  * Co-O Mine: Indicated 603k ozs at 13.2 g/t |- Indicated Resources increased 
    gold; Inferrred  898k ozs at 9.6 g/t gold |by 4% to 603,000 ounces and 
  * Bananghilig: Inferred 650k ozs at 1.3 g/t |Inferred Resources increased by 
    gold                                      |36% to 898,000 ounces 
                                              | - Drill gold results announced 
- Probable Reserves : Co-O Mine               |30 June include 1.00 metre at 
  500k ozs @ 14.9 g/t gold                    |26.83 g/t, 2.00 metres at 23.35 
- Organic growth policy to                    |g/t, 1.00 metre at 22.13 g/t, 
  potentially produce 300,000 to              |1.20 metres at 28.74 g/t, 1.70 
  400,000 ozs per year                        |metres at 54.41 g/t, 1.95 metres 
- Excellent exploration upside:               |at 36.39 g/t, 1.25 metres at 
  high grade vein and                         |23.76 g/t and 4.00 metres at 
  disseminated bulk gold targets,             |64.54 g/t 
  plus seven porphyry copper                  |- Reserve estimate scheduled for 
  targets                                     |August 2010 
Board of Directors                            |BANANGHILIG DEPOSIT 
Peter R. Jones (Non-executive Chairman)       |- Granting of the Tambis MPSA 
Geoffrey Davis (CEO)                          |covering the Bananghilig Deposit 
Peter Hepburn-Brown (Director Operations)     |is well advanced 
Roy Daniel (CFO)                              |- Drilling has commenced with one 
Robert Weinberg (Non-executive Director)      |rig, with four more rigs expected 
Andrew Teo (Non-executive Director)           |to follow by the end of September 
Capital Structure:                            |LINGIG COPPER 
Ordinary shares:   187,584,911                |- Mineralisation located in two 
Unlisted options:      1,240,000              |settings, basalt-hosted and 
Listings:                                     |- Recent results include 154.60 
ASX and AIM (Code: MML), TSX (Code: MLL)      |metres at 0.45% copper ending in 
                                              |mineralisation and 86.00 metres 
Address and Contact Details:                  |at 0.12% copper 
PO Box 860                                    |- Assessment of results will be 
Canning Bridge  WA  6153                      |undertaken before further 
Telephone  : +618 9367 0601                   |drilling is carried out 
Facsimile  : +618 9367 0602                   | 
Email      :admin@medusamining.com.au         |SAUGON PROJECT 
Website    :www.medusamining.com.au           |- Drilling currently underway 
                                              |with two rigs 
                                              |FINANCIALS & CORPORATE 
                                              |- Total cash  and bullion at end 
                                              |of quarter of approximately 
                                              |US$62.0 million (unaudited) 
                                              |- Appointment of Mr Peter R. 
                                              |Jones as Non-executive Chairman 
                                              |and Mr Peter Hepburn-Brown as 
                                              |Executive Director Operations 
                                              |** The potential target size and 
                                              |grade is conceptual in nature, 
                                              |and there has been insufficient 
                                              |exploration to define a mineral 
                                              |resource, and it is uncertain if 
                                              |further exploration will result 
                                              |in the target being defined as a 
                                              |mineral resource. Refer to Stock 
                                              |Exchange announcement dated 18 
                                              |January 2010. 
The locations of the Company's projects are shown on Figures 1 (please see the 
link at the end of this announcement) and 2 (please see the link at the end of 
this announcement). 
The production statistics for the June 2010 quarter with comparatives for the 
March 2010, December 2009 and September 2009 quarters and Year to Date are 
summarised in Table I. 
Table I. Gold production statistics 
|Period            |Unit|Qtr ended|Qtr ended|Qtr ended|Qtr ended|   YTD   | 
|                  |    |30 Jun 10|31 Mar 10|31 Dec 09|30 Sep 09|30 Jun 10| 
|Tonnes mined      |WMT | 53,872  | 51,512  | 54,222  | 43,287  | 202,893 | 
|Ore milled        |DMT | 60,611  | 40,943  | 37,588  | 40,467  | 179,609 | 
|Head grade        |gpt |  13.65  |  20.61  |  18.68  |  14.78  |  16.52  | 
|Recovery          | %  |   94%   |   94%   |   94%   |   94%   |   94%   | 
|Gold produced (1) |ozs | 25,012  | 25,505  | 21,108  | 18,054  | 89,679  | 
|Cash costs (2)    |US$ |  $182   |  $180   |  $184   |  $193   |  $184   | 
|Gold sold         |ozs | 24,858  |    -    | 21,108  | 18,054  | 64,020  | 
|Average gold price|US$ | $1,182  |    -    | $1,111  |  $975   | $1,100  | 
|received          |    |         |         |         |         |         | 
(1)  Gold  production,  is  actual  gold  poured  during the period and does not 
reflect changes in the balance of gold in circuit 
(2)  Cash costs  refers to  the cost  of gold  mined (net of development costs), 
produced  but not  necessarily sold  and includes  royalties and local  taxes of 
US$46  per ounce  for the  Jun 2010 qtr  (Mar 10 qtr:  US$48 per oz, Dec 09 qtr: 
US$48 per oz, Sep 2009 qtr: US$34 per ounce, YTD: US$46 per ounce) 
Gold  production for the quarter was 25,012 ounces at an average grade of 13.65 
g/t  gold and  cash costs  of US$182  per ounce.  Annual production for the year 
ended June 2010 was 89,679 ounces at an average grade of 16.52 g/t gold and cash 
costs of US$184 per ounce, inclusive of taxes, royalties and production taxes of 
US$46 per ounce. 
Medusa an unhedged gold producer, sold 24,858 ounces of gold at an average price 
of US$1,182 during the quarter. 
The  increased tonnage processed  reflects increased throughput  capacity of the 
mill.  The reduction  in grade  compared to  the previous  quarter reflects less 
development  in areas  with black  leader (which  are being  set up for longhole 
stoping) and the use of some of the stockpiled material. The grade is within the 
anticipated long term grade range of 12 to 15 g/t gold. 
The  forecast for the forthcoming fiscal year is production of 100,000 ounces at 
anticipated  cash costs of US$190 per ounce,  as seen in Graph 1 (please see the 
link at the end of this announcement). 
Mineral Resource Estimate 
A  new mineral  resource estimate  was completed  by Cube  Consutling Pty Ltd of 
Perth,  Western Australia  (see announcement  of 22 July  2010) resulting in the 
Indicated  Resources increasing by  4% and the Inferred  Resources increasing by 
36% as summarised in Table II. 
Table II. Co-O Mine mineral resource estimate to 21 June  2010 
| Category  |          > 0 g/t gold          | 
|           +-----------+----------+---------+ 
|           |    tonnes | g/t gold |  ounces | 
| Indicated | 1,418,000 |     13.2 | 603,000 | 
| Inferred  | 2,905,000 |      9.6 | 898,000 | 
- A lower cut-off of 0 g/t gold has been applied 
- Variable upper cuts up to 200 g/t gold has been applied to different veins 
- Rounding to the nearest 1,000 may result in some slight discrepancies in 
Mine Development 
The new 60 metre inclined shaft (6W) to the Level 6 has reached final depth and 
development on Level 6 will commence during the next quarter (Fig.4) (please see 
the link at the end of this announcement). 
A vertical siter or shaft location drill hole to 500 metres depth has been 
completed to the north of the adit entrances (Fig. 4) (please see the link at 
the end of this announcement) in preparation for sinking a vertical ventilation 
shaft, the Mid Royal Shaft, initially to Level 2. This shaft will also allow 
rationalisation of services into the mine (power, water, compressed air). 
Preparations for shaft sinking is expected to commence during the next quarter. 
The Level 3 drive from the Baguio Shaft to below the Tinago Shaft has been 
completed and preparations are under way to commence an Alimak rise to link 
Level 3 to the Tinago Shaft. This will then act as the main ventilation exhaust 
for the western end of the mine. It is intended that a power line will be 
installed to the Tinago Shaft. 
Mine Production 
Production has continued uninterrupted at the mine. Surface stockpiles are 
approximately 20,000 tonnes which were drawn down by around 7,000 tonnes. 
The fitting of the skip and headframe to the vertical Ventilation Shaft near the 
Baguio Shaft to haul mineralised material from above Level 1 has been completed 
with haulage commenced. 
Mill Expansion 
The mill expansion comprised a new primary, secondary and tertiary crushing 
circuit with a washing and screening section. The fine ore is stored in two 800 
tonne capacity fine ore bins. 
Mill operation during the period was in line with management expectations. 
Increased efficiencies were achieved after smaller diameter grinding balls were 
loaded into the ball mill in line with the finer feed size now available. The 
milling averaged 666 tonnes per day compared to 454 tonnes per day in the 
previous quarter, an increase of 46%. 
A thickener unit is nearing completion. Construction of a new water storage tank 
is expected to commence during the next quarter followed by two new leach tanks. 
Tailings Dam 
Construction of a new eight year life tailings dam has been completed. 
Construction has commenced on the dedicated power line from the San Francisco 
sub-station to the mill. It is anticipated that this will be completed in the 
December quarter 2010. 
Figure 4 (please see the link at the end of this announcement) shows all the new 
MD series diamond drill holes from MD 241 to MD 260 totalling 13,993 metres 
which have been completed around the Co-O Mine since 29 March 2010. Results are 
awaited for MDs 258 and 259. Figure 5 (please see the link at the end of this 
announcement) shows the underground drilling totalling 4,865 metres from all 
levels in the mine. 
A possible new vein(s) discovery is indicated by intersections to the north of 
the Royal Vein which have been returned from MED 244 (0.40 metres at 17.20 g/t 
gold and 1.00 metre at 3.14 g/t gold), MED 252 (0.25 metres at 16.87 g/t gold 
and 0.20 metres at 16.11 g/t gold), and EXP 028 (0.35 metres at 10.59 g/t gold, 
1.00 metre at 1.37 g/t gold and 0.20 metres at 2.39 g/t gold)) in conjunction 
with a deep intersection in MD 68 which intersected 3.10 metres at 15.37 g/t 
gold at approximately 500 metres below Level 1 (announced 4 June 2008). 
An increasing amount of resource drilling will be undertaken from underground 
allowing some of the surface rigs to be re-allocated to the Bananghilig Project. 
Drill results 
Table III lists the surface diamond drilling results greater than 3 g/t gold 
over >0.5 metres from the Co-O Mine for new drill holes from MD 241 to MD 260 as 
well as results not previously reported for one earlier hole as announced on 30 
June 2010. Other reports containing intersections for holes numbered MD 217 to 
240 were announced on 29 March 2010 and for holes below MD 217 were announced on 
18 January 2010, 1 July 2009, 1 December 2008 and 12 August 2008. In 2007 the 
announcements are dated 9 July, 15 May and 28 February. The announcement of 30 
June 2010 also contains information regarding drill hole surveying techniques 
and comments on vein interpretation, resource conversion methodologies and 
sampling and assaying procedures. 
Table IV lists the underground drill holes from Levels 2, 3, 4 and 5. 
The announcement of 30 June 2010 contains more detailed results for surface and 
underground drill holes down to 0.2 metres wide as underground development shows 
that in many cases as the veins approach cross-cutting faults, they narrow down 
on both sides of the fault over 5 to 10 metres before widening out, and hence 
the narrower intersections are important in defining vein continuity. There is 
also some pinching and swelling of veins along strike and some cross-faulting. 
Most drilling is sub-parallel to the fault directions and rarely intersects the 
faults, which are subsequently identified by underground on-vein development. 
Table III. Co-O surface drill hole results >3 g/t gold and >0.5 metres downhole 
for new holes MD 241 to MD 260 and complete assays for previously partly 
reported hole designated * 
|Hole number| East |North |Dip|Azimuth|    From|   Width|Grade (uncut)| 
|           |      |      |( °)|    ( °)|(metres)|(metres)|   (g/t gold)| 
|MD 237*    |613812|913203|-49 | 176  |  299.50|    1.15|    14.10 (*)| 
|           |      |      |    |      |  331.20|    1.00|    26.83 (*)| 
|MD 241     |614136|912992|-45 | 193  |  278.10|    2.00|      23.35  | 
|           |      |      |    |      |  308.90|    0.60|      35.45  | 
|           |      |      |    |      |  404.80|    0.65|       7.16  | 
|MD 244     |614130|913231|-60 | 180  |   77.75|    1.00|      3.14   | 
|           |      |      |    |      |  205.20|    0.50|       4.52  | 
|           |      |      |    |      |  256.40|    0.75|      17.95  | 
|           |      |      |    |      |  276.80|    1.00|       7.60  | 
|           |      |      |    |      |  356.50|    0.80|      15.52  | 
|           |      |      |    |      |  380.10|    1.00|      22.13  | 
|MD 245     |613721|913204|-47 | 180  |  298.60|    0.95|     8.82 (*)| 
|MD 247     |613640|913131|-45 | 191  |  376.00|    1.15|     5.50 (*)| 
|MD 252     |614292|913157|-45 | 200  |  220.90|    1.50|     5.86 (*)| 
|           |      |      |    |      |  441.70|    0.60|     4.23 (*)| 
|           |      |      |    |      |  495.30|    1.20|    28.74 (*)| 
|           |      |      |    |      |  531.30|    1.40|     4.54 (*)| 
|MD 260     |613450|913207|-67 | 148  |  413.50|    1.00|     6.57 (*)| 
(i) Intersection widths are downhole drill widths not true widths 
(ii) Assays denoted by (*) are by Philsaga Mining Corporation's laboratory, all 
other assays are by McPhar Geoservices Inc. in Manila 
(iii) Grid coordinates based on the Philippine Reference System 92. 
Table IV. Co-O underground drill hole results >3 g/t gold and >0.5 metres 
| Hole   |  East | North | Dip| Azimuth|    From|   Width| Grade (uncut)| 
|number  |       |       |( °) |  ( °)   |(metres)|(metres)|    (g/t gold)| 
| LEVEL 2|       |       |    |        |        |        |              | 
| L2-014 | 613350| 912801|  3 |    0   |   86.00|    0.70|     38.16 (*)| 
|        |       |       |    |        |  152.05|    0.65|     18.33 (*)| 
| L2-015 | 613368| 912785|  3 |   10   |   86.00|    0.70|     29.00 (*)| 
|        |       |       |    |        |   89.65|    0.30|     13.10 (*)| 
|        |       |       |    |        |  159.70|    0.35|      7.80 (*)| 
| LEVEL 3|       |       |    |        |        |        |              | 
| L3-003 | 613258| 912846|  3 |   59   |    3.20|    1.55|      4.31 (*)| 
| L3-004 | 613376| 912985|  3 |   327  |   21.20|    0.90|      3.09 (*)| 
| L3-005 | 613477| 912930|  3 |   42   |   87.25|    1.35|      7.20 (*)| 
| L3-008 | 613913| 913028|  3 |   23   |  103.10|    4.20|      4.98 (*)| 
| LEVEL 4|       |       |    |        |        |        |              | 
| L4-002 | 613923| 912905|  3 |   157  |   56.25|    0.75|      5.03 (*)| 
| L4-004 | 613923| 912905|  3 |   157  |    Wait|        |              | 
| L4-005 | 613758| 912749|  3 |   32   |   22.30|    1.70|     54.41 (*)| 
|        |       |       |    |        |   27.70|    0.90|     10.07 (*)| 
| L4-006 | 613760| 912748|  3 |   47   |   31.50|    1.10|     11.53 (*)| 
|        |       |       |    |        |  137.20|    1.20|      5.41 (*)| 
| L4-007 | 613757| 912749|  3 |   352  |   12.60|    1.00|     10.22 (*)| 
| LEVEL 5|       |       |    |        |        |        |              | 
| L5-001 | 613880| 912749| -60|   346  |   29.95|    1.95|     35.39 (*)| 
|        |       |       |    |        |   39.45|    1.25|     23.76 (*)| 
|        |       |       |    |        |   44.80|    4.00|     64.53 (*)| 
|        |       |       |    |        |   51.45|    1.25|      5.36 (*)| 
| L5-003 | 613888| 912794|  3 |    0   |   57.40|    2.30|     12.40 (*)| 
|        |       |       |    |        |   99.00|    2.00|      3.70 (*)| 
| L5-004 | 613885| 912794|  3 |   342  |   90.50|    3.10|     14.61 (*)| 
| L5-005 | 613883| 912793|  3 |   330  |   55.80|    2.05|      6.43 (*)| 
|        |       |       |    |        |   58.50|    0.60|     14.37 (*)| 
|        |       |       |    |        |  258.90|    1.40|      3.20 (*)| 
| L5-006 | 613885| 912789| -70|   168  |   48.20|    0.70|     56.87 (*)| 
|        |       |       |    |        |   50.45|    2.80|     18.11 (*)| 
| L5-007 | 613885| 912789| -56|   168  |   37.75|    6.50|     12.24 (*)| 
(i) Intersection widths are downhole drill widths not true widths 
(ii) Assays denoted by (*) are by Philsaga Mining Corporation's laboratory, all 
other assays are by McPhar Geoservices Inc. in Manila 
(iii) Grid coordinates based on the Philippine Reference System 92. 
As  announced on 18 January  2010, a conceptual target  size** for the Co-O Mine 
was  estimated at  between 3 million  and 7 million  ounces. Further details are 
provided in the above announcements. 
Figure  6 (please see the link at the  end of this announcement) was included in 
the  announcement of 22 July 2010 and  shows a composite longitudinal projection 
of  all the drill hole intersection grades below Level 6 (250 metres below Level 
1). These intersections strongly support the concept that mineralisation extends 
to  a depth of 500 metres  below Level 1, and also  show that the mineralisation 
occurs below the 500 metre level. 
It  should  be  noted  that  the  conceptual  target size** includes the current 
resource estimate. The mine has produced approximately 290,000 ounces to 30 June 
 **  The potential target size and grade  is conceptual in nature, and there has 
been insuffiicient exploration to define a mineral resource, and it is uncertain 
if  further exploration  will result  in the  target being  defined as a mineral 
Using the Co-O Mine as a model, drill testing commenced in the September quarter 
of 2009 on veins in the vicinity of the Co-O Mine. 
The  Co-O vein system  outcrops at surface  on the western  side of the Oriental 
Fault,  where it was first  discovered. The veins at  surface rarely exceed 0.5 
metres  width and  generally assay  around 1 to  5 g/t gold  (with possibly some 
supergene enrichment). Gold values start to increase significantly approximately 
80 metres below surface. 
Figure  7 (please  see  the  link  at  the  end  of this announcement) shows the 
positions  of the  28 holes completed  to date.  Results for EXP 001 to 012 were 
announced  on 10 December 2009 and an update to EXP 022 was provided on 29 March 
2010. A  total of 5,189.6 metres have been completed in the seven holes EXP 022 
to 028. 
Table V shows the results >1g/t gold for holes EXP 022 to 028. 
Table V. Co-O regional drill hole results >1g/t gold and >0.2 metres downhole 
for holes EXP 022-028 
|Hole number| East |North |Dip|Azimuth|  From  | Width  |  Grade   | 
|           |      |      |( °)|  ( °)  |(metres)|(metres)| (uncut)  | 
|           |      |      |   |       |        |        |(g/t gold)| 
|EXP 024    |613551|914075|-47|  270  |  547.40|    1.00|  2.48 (*)| 
|EXP 027    |613941|913554|-55|  155  |  683.00|    0.25|  2.12 (*)| 
|EXP 028    |614180|913559|-56|  157  |  704.70|    0.35| 10.59 (*)| 
|           |      |      |   |       |  707.80|    1.00|  1.37 (*)| 
|           |      |      |   |       |  724.90|    0.20|  2.39 (*)| 
(i) Intersection widths are downhole drill widths not true widths 
(ii) Assays denoted by (*) are by Philsaga Mining Corporation's laboratory, all 
other assays are by McPhar Geoservices Inc. in Manila 
(iii) Grid coordinates based on the Philippine Reference System 92. 
The  Lingig  prospect  is  covered  by  a Mines Operating Agreement ("MOA") over 
Mineral  Production Sharing Agreement ("MPSA") application number APSA 024-XIII 
comprising  two  parcels  situated  to  the  north  and  to the east (the Lingig 
porphyry  copper prospect) of the  Co-O Mine and millsite  as shown on Figure 2 
(please see the link at the end of this announcement). 
Drilling  has intersected copper  mineralisation in two  settings and results to 
date   are  shown  on  Figure  8 (please  see  the  link  at  the  end  of  this 
announcement).  Additional information is contained in the announcement dated 7 
May 2010. 
Basalt-hosted  mineralisation (now called the  Basalt Prospect) is hosted within 
the   basaltic   and  doleritic  rocks  around  the  1974 discovery  area.  This 
mineralisation  appears to form a large north plunging body presumed to be still 
open  to the north  down-plunge. The most  recent and most  northerly drill hole 
returned   154.60 metres   at   0.45% copper   but   was   abandoned  in  strong 
mineralisation.  It is interpreted that the bottom of this mineralisation may be 
faulted-off  by the underlying thrust fault and the rest of the mineralised zone 
is yet to be located. Further drilling is required. 
Breccia-hosted mineralisation (now called the Breccia Prospect) has continued to 
be  located associated with intense  biotitic alteration in dioritic, polylithic 
hydrothermal breccias. 
The  breccia body is tabular and open to the south with copper mineralisation in 
intensely  altered hydrothermal breccias  with the most  recent intersections of 
154.7 metres  at 0.19% copper in hole LIN  37 and 86.0 metres of 0.12% copper in 
hole LIN 40. Further drilling is required. 
The  Tambis project, currently  comprising the Bananghilig  Gold Deposit and the 
Kamarangan  copper porphyry prospect (Fig. 2) (please see the link at the end of 
this  announcement),  is  operated  under  a  Mining  Agreement with Philex Gold 
Philippines  Inc.  over  MPSA  application  APSA-000022-XIII which covers 6,262 
hectares   (includes   the   Bananghilig   Gold   Project   and  the  Kamarangan 
copper-molybdenum prospect). Processing of the application is well advanced. 
Banaghilig Gold Project 
Figure  2 (please  see  the  link  at  the  end  of this announcement) shows the 
location  of the Bananghilig Deposit. Drilling has  commenced at site and by the 
end  of September it is intended that there will be five rigs operating with the 
aim  to increase the resources  to a level which  could provide a 5 year minimum 
mining life at a production rate of approximately 200,000 ounces per year. 
Usa Porphyry Copper-Gold Prospect 
The Usa prospect located within Mineral Production Sharing Agreement application 
("APSA")  XIII-00077. The  Company has  a Memorandum  of Agreement  with Corplex 
Resources Inc ("Corplex") whereby: 
  * Corplex will receive a 4% gross royalty on all production, or 
  * in the event of a major discovery and completion of a Scoping Study which 
    demonstrates at least a five year mine life, Corplex can elect to, 
         a)    buy back a 30% interest by re-imbursing to the Company a sum 
equal to four times the expenditure on the tenement; and 
         b)    contribute to 30% of all on-going expenditure from the point of 
buy-back forwards. 
         c)    should Corplex elect not to contribute to all on-going 
expenditure, then Corplex can elect once only to dilute to a 15% 
non-contributing free carried interest to commencement of production, at which 
point the Company shall provide a loan to Corplex to fund its 15% interest; or 
         d)    in the event that Corplex does not exercise the buy-back, then 
Corplex will maintain its 4% gross royalty on production. 
There  are indications that the prospect  extends eastwards into APSA XIII-00098 
which  is owned by Mindanao Philcord Mining Corporation which will receive a 1% 
Net Profits Interest from any production. 
Regional Setting 
Detailed  information on the Usa prospect is contained in the announcement dated 
5 May  2010 and Figure 2 (please see  the link at the  end of this announcement) 
shows  the Usa prospect  location. Figure 9 (please  see the link  at the end of 
this  announcement) shows the detailed geology and geochemistry contours of rock 
chip samples. 
The  Usa  prospect  is  located  adjacent  to  the west side of the Barobo Fault 
corridor.   This  fault  is  parallel  to  the  Philippine  Rift  Fault  located 
approximately  30 kilometres to the west of  the Usa prospect.  The Barobo Fault 
corridor  has numerous gold  prospects already located  along or adjacent to it, 
including Guinhalinan, Umbon, Matanog and Alikway. 
Local Geology and Mineralisation 
The  geology  consists  of  a  mineralised  and altered diorite complex which is 
intruding  andesitic volcanics,  older limestone  and calcareous  sediments. The 
setting  and style of mineralisation are very  similar to that at the Kamarangan 
copper-molybdenum   porphyry  prospect  to  the  north  where  chalcopyrite  and 
magnetite  bearing diorite  was intersected  over several  hundred metres in two 
holes  during a scout diamond drilling completed in late 2008 to early 2009 (see 
announcement dated 29 May 2009). 
The  fine- to  medium-grained diorite  is variably  but strongly phyllic altered 
(white  clay, sericite and pyrite) with  variably dispersed hairline veinlets of 
fine-grained  magnetite.  Mineralisation  is  predominantly  pyrite occurring as 
fracture  filling  grains  disseminated  grains  and  vein infill. The pyrite is 
accompanied  with bornite,  and with  occasional chalcopyrite. Malachite stained 
limestone  and calcareous sediments  with sphalerite, pyrite  and bornite veins, 
and  weakly mineralised  pyrite and  chalcopyrite magnetite  have been  noted in 
drainage float samples to the north of the diorite. 
Contouring  of the rock chip copper results (>700 ppm Cu) and gold results (>0.1 
g/t  Au)  are  shown  on  Figure  9 (please  see  the  link  at  the end of this 
announcement)  which are  in close  spatial proximity.  The relationship  of the 
diorite  body  to  the  surrounding  rocks  suggests  that  it has been recently 
uncovered and is not deeply eroded. 
Artisanal  mining activity with small but consistent recoveries is common in the 
drainages  overlying  and  downstream  of  the mineralised altered diorite. Less 
active  artisanal mining activity is noted to  the north where chlorite and clay 
altered, sulphide veined andesitic units occur. 
A large grid based soil sampling program designed to delineate the extent of the 
gold and copper mineralisation should be completed during the September quarter. 
The  Mines  Operating  Agreement  with  Alcorn  Gold  Resources Inc. covers MPSA 
application  number 039-XIII situated approximately  8 kilometres north from the 
millsite  as  shown  on  Figure  2 (please  see  the  link  at  the  end of this 
announcement). Processing of the MPSA is progressing. 
Mapping  and sampling is  continuing. Drilling will  recommence when the MPSA is 
Drilling  commenced  at  Saugon  during  the  quarter  with two drilling rigs. A 
detailed  summary of previous exploration conducted in 2004 was published on 20 
April 2010. 
Figure 10 (please see the link at the end of this announcement) shows the 
regional geology, location of the First Hit Vein, and the Paradise and Mabas 
Work  in  2004 involved  drilling  of  the  First  Hit  Vein in conjunction with 
underground  development  via  a  30 metre  deep  60 º inclined  winze  down  the 
vein-breccia to assist in understanding the mineralisation. By chance, the winze 
was  sunk at a contact between well banded and high grade vein on the north wall 
and  polylithic  hydrothermal  quartz  breccias  on  the  south  wall containing 
fragments  of various different vein and silica types, and with lower grade gold 
The  2004 drilling  indicated  three  zones  of  mineralisation  as being partly 
developed  footwall and  hanging wall  zones and  a well  developed central zone 
(First   Hit   Vein)   which  has  the  highest  grades  and  a  more  prominent 
silver-polymetallic association. 
Regional Setting 
Subsequent  to the drilling in 2004, an  aeromagnetic survey was completed which 
showed   the  First  Hit  Vein  set  are  on  the  northern  edge  of  a  large, 
northeast-trending  demagnetised zone  over 2,000 metres  wide and approximately 
8,000 metres  long, part of  which is shown  on Figure 10. A  number of features 
within this zone were interpreted to be suggestive of intrusive bodies, possibly 
porphyry  copper-related. Field work  has established that  outcropping areas of 
the  northern side  of this  zone show  intense clay-pyrite alteration, which is 
presumed to extend across the bulk of the zone under cover to the south. 
Sections  of the demagnetised zone are  covered by younger sediments, some grits 
and  shales at the base and capped  by white, semi-massive to massive limestone. 
This  appears to be a remnant of the same younger sequence that occurs elsewhere 
to the north in the Company's tenements. 
Drilling  has re-commenced at  the First Hit  Vein with two  rigs, and will test 
additional  targets that have been  outlined by recent field  work. As the 2004 
drill  holes were not down hole surveyed  in the early drilling, some holes will 
be  repeated to establish the geometry of the mineralised system before step-out 
drilling is undertaken. Two rigs will be involved in the programme which will be 
results-driven over the next 4 to 6 months. 
Table I. First Hit Vein drill hole results >3 g/t gold and >0.2 metres downhole 
|Hole  | East |North |Dip|Azimuth|  From  | Width  |        Grade (uncut)        | 
|number|      |      |( °)|  ( °)  |(metres)|(metres)|(g/t gold, g/t Ag, % Cu, %Pb,| 
|      |      |      |   |       |        |        |            %Zn)             | 
|SDDH  |616944|899267|-55|  316  |  108.50|    1.00|35.75, 544, 0.38, 1.88, 1..62| 
|2B    |      |      |   |       |        |        |                             | 
|SDDH 4|616912|899318|-59|  290  |   89.50|    0.20|9.76, 142, 0.30, 1.18, 0.40  | 
|SDDH 5|616964|899344|-54|  345  |   71.80|    0.95|3.26, 32, 0.20, 0.20, 0.61   | 
|SDDH 9|616979|899250|-67|  319  |  176.20|    0.20|4.97, 78, 0.74, 1.51, 1.54   | 
|SDDH  |616921|899334|-73|  300  |   60.80|    1.00|16.30, 244, 1.32, 2.65, 4.97 | 
|27    |      |      |   |       |        |        |                             | 
|      |      |      |   |       |   71.05|    5.95|9.63, not assayed            | 
|SDDH  |616922|899307|-70|  300  |   89.95|    2.05|20.54, not assayed           | 
|28    |      |      |   |       |        |        |                             | 
|SDDH  |616961|899315|-72|  300  |  112.25|    0.90|15.32, not assayed           | 
|29    |      |      |   |       |        |        |                             | 
|SDDH  |616922|899254|-75|  315  |  174.25|    0.75|3.94, not assayed            | 
|31    |      |      |   |       |        |        |                             | 
|SDDH  |617033|899279|-65|  310  |  173.80|    0.40|6.87, not assayed            | 
|34    |      |      |   |       |        |        |                             | 
|SDDH  |617000|899305|-65|  310  |  128.20|    0.85|5.05, not assayed            | 
|35    |      |      |   |       |        |        |                             | 
  (i)   Intersection widths are downhole drill widths not true widths; 
  (ii)   All assays are by McPhar Geoservices Inc laboratory in Manila; 
  (iii)  Grid coordinates based on the Philippine Reference System 92; 
  (iv)  The drill holes have not been downhole surveyed. 
Paradise Prospect 
Holes  SDDH 19 and 22 were drilled at the  Pardise Prospect which consists of an 
outcropping silica-barite cap with anomalous gold values. Drilling encountered a 
1.60 metre  wide  barite  vein  containing  0.89 g/t gold. Extensive clay-pyrite 
alteration  of  volcanics  was  uncovered  in  road  cuttings  to  the south and 
northeast of the silica outcrops. 
Mabas Prospect 
Holes  SDDH 15,16,18, 20, 21, 23 and 24 were drilled at the Mabas Prospect where 
there  were some existing  workings. The best  drill-hole intersection below the 
workings  was 1 metre at  5.64 g/t gold in  SDDH 24. The workings were re-opened 
and  developed.  The  mineralisation  consisted  of  generally black chalcedonic 
silica  with some  lead-zinc mineralisation  and gold  values in  the 6 to 8 g/t 
range.  The silica appeared to be confined to  a lens or boudin within the Mabas 
Shear zone. 
Mabas South Prospect 
The  Mabas South Prospect has been discovered by recent field work, and whilst a 
narrow  vein at <0.5  metres wide, has  consistently returned gold values around 
10 g/t  gold in most  samples. This vein  will be drilled  to test for grade and 
thickness at depth. 
FINANCIALS (unaudited) 
As  at 30 June 2010, the Company which is  debt free, had total cash and bullion 
of approximately US$62.0 million (unaudited) (31 Mar 2010: US$48.1 million). 
During the quarter: 
  * the Company sold 24,858 ounces of gold at an average price of US$1,182 (No 
    gold was sold during the Mar 2010 qtr). Year to date gold proceeds totalled 
    US$70.4 million from the sale of 64,020 ounces of gold at an average price 
    of US$1,100 per ounce); 
  * incurred exploration expenditure of US$5.4 million (Mar 2010 qtr: US$4.3 
    million; YTD:US$18.9 million); 
  * spent US$1.8 million on capital works associated with the mine/mill 
    expansion and sustaining capital (Mar 2010 qtr: US$1.8 million); YTD US$7.7 
    million); and 
  * incurred US$2.0 million in capitalised mine development (inclusive of shaft 
    sinking) costs (Mar 2010 qtr: US$1.8 million; YTD: US$7.9 million). 
Mr  Peter R. Jones was appointed Non-executive Chairman of the Company on 8 July 
2010 and Mr Peter Hepburn-Brown was appointed as Executive Director - Operations 
on 27 July 2010. 
Managing Director, Geoff Davis commented: 
 "I  am pleased with  this quarter's production  of 25,012 ounces and the record 
production  for  the  year  of  89,679 ounces.  Surface  stockpiles  and  broken 
ore underground augur well for achieving our production targets. 
 Following recent completion of the Co-O Mine two phase expansion program to the 
production  level of 100,000 annualised ounces, we will focus on stabilising the 
operations  for the next two quarters  at production levels around 25,000 ounces 
per  quarter for the first  half and then assess  the possibility of incremental 
production increases for the second half. 
 The  Company is pleased with  the new resource estimate  at Co-O and intends to 
maintain  the  annual  total  resources  estimate  at  current  levels, but will 
actively continue drilling to seek exensional mineralisation outside the current 
mine limits. 
 An  exploration budget of US$20 million for  the forthcoming year will ensure a 
very  active  programme.  Drilling  has  commenced  on schedule at the extensive 
Bananghilig  Deposit and is underway at  Saugon, highlighting both the short and 
long term potential of the Company." 
For further information please contact: 
 Medusa Mining Limited                 +61 8 9367 0601 
 Geoffrey Davis, Managing Director 
 Roy Daniel, Finance Director 
 United Kingdom 
 Fairfax I.S. PLC                      +44 (0)20 7598 5368 
 Nominated Adviser and Broker 
 Ewan Leggat/Laura Littley 
 Lothbury Financial Services Limited   +44 (0)20 7868 2010 
 Michael Padley/Libby Moss 
 Nicholas Sayce, Investor Relations    +1 416 822 4404 
Information in this report relating to Exploration Results has been reviewed and 
is  based on  information compiled  by Mr  Geoff Davis,  who is  a member of The 
Australian  Institute of  Geoscientists. Mr  Davis is  the Managing  Director of 
Medusa  Mining Limited  and has  sufficient experience  which is relevant to the 
style  of mineralisation  and type  of deposits  under consideration  and to the 
activity  which he is undertaking to qualify  as a "Competent Person" as defined 
in  the  2004 Edition  of  the  "Australasian  Code for Reporting of Exploration 
Results,  Mineral Resources  and Ore  Reserves" and  is a  "Qualified Person" as 
defined   in   "National   Instrument   43-101" of   the   Canadian   Securities 
Administrators.  Mr Davis consents to the inclusion in the report of the matters 
based on his information in the form and context in which it appears. 
Information  in this report relating to Mineral Resources has been estimated and 
compiled  by Mark Zammit of Cube Consulting Pty Ltd of Perth, Western Australia. 
Mr  Zammit is a member of The  Australasian Institute of Mining & Metallurgy and 
has  sufficient experience that  is relevant to  the style of mineralisation and 
type  of deposit under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking 
to  qualify  as  a  Competent  Person  as  defined  in  the  2004 Edition of the 
"Australasian  Code for Reporting of  Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and 
Ore  Reserves" and  is a  "Qualified Person"  as defined in "National Instrument 
43-101" of  the Canadian  Securities Administrators.  Mr Zammit  consents to the 
inclusion  in the report of the matters based on his information in the form and 
context in which it appears. 
Information  in this  report relating  to Ore  Reserves is  based on information 
compiled  by  Declan  Franzmann,  B  Eng  (Mining),  MAusIMM.  Mr Franzmann is a 
full-time employee of Crosscut Consulting. Mr Franzman has sufficient experience 
which  is relevant  to the  style of  mineralisation and  type of  deposit under 
consideration  and  to  the  activity  which  they are undertaking to qualify as 
Competent  Persons as defined in the  2004 Edition of the "Australasian Code for 
Reporting  of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources  and Ore Reserves" and is a 
"Qualified  Person" as defined  in "National Instrument  43-101" of the Canadian 
Securities  Administrators. Mr Franzmann consents to the inclusion in the report 
of  the matters  based on  his information  in the  form and context in which it 
Refer  to the revised Technical Report which was filed on www.sedar.com in March 
2010 for  further discussion of the Co-O Deposit's geology, structural controls, 
drilling,   sampling   and   assaying   information,   and  any  known  material 
environmental, permitting, legal, title, taxation, socio-political, marketing or 
other relevant issue. 
    Quarterly Report 30 June 2010 Accompanying Images: http://hugin.info/138050/R/1434623/380198.pdf 
This announcement is distributed by Thomson Reuters on behalf of 
Thomson Reuters clients. The owner of this announcement warrants that: 
(i) the releases contained herein are protected by copyright and 
    other applicable laws; and 
(ii) they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and 
     originality of the information contained therein. 
Source: Medusa Mining Ltd via Thomson Reuters ONE 

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