ACN 009 087 852
                                                                        ASX CODE:  MUR,  AIM CODE: MUU
                                                        Telephone: +618 9322 4071, Fax: +618 9322 4073
                                                                                         Quarterly Report
                                                                                           September 2007

    -   Promising results received from first West African uranium drilling program completed at the
        Firawa Prospect, Guinea, including:

             -      10m @  652ppm U3O8 (including 1m @ 1,325ppm U3O8)
             -      5m @ 749ppm U3O8 (including 1m @ 1,020ppm U3O8)
             -      12m @ 771ppm U3O8 (including 1m @ 995ppm U3O8)
    -   Results confirm uranium mineralisation over a 2km strike length within a previously identified
        5km uranium anomaly at Firawa.

    -   Expanded 20,000m diamond drilling program planned to commence in early 2008 targeting a JORC
        compliant resource estimate for Firawa.

    -   Planning underway for RC drilling at the Bohoduo Prospect and reconnaissance exploration at the
        Sesse Prospect in Guinea during 2008.

    -   4,000m  RC  drilling program scheduled to commence in Bir En Nar Region, Mauritania,  during
        November 2007.
    -   First  7  holes  of 1,500 metre RC infill drilling program completed at Maroochydore  Copper
        Project, Western Australia (JV with Aditya Birla Minerals Limited).

    -   Drilling  results in line with expectations with good copper intercepts from  all  7  holes,
        including 7m @ 2.45% Cu and 26m @ 1.44% Cu.
    -   A$7.4M share placement completed to sophisticated investor clients of Hartleys Limited and DJ
        Carmichael Pty Ltd, increased from A$6.6M due to very strong level of investor demand.


During  the  Quarter,  Murchison continued to develop its portfolio of uranium  exploration  projects  in
Guinea  and  Mauritania, West Africa, with encouraging results obtained from its first  drilling  program
completed  at  the  Firawa Prospect in Guinea. Plans have also been prepared for  follow-up  drilling  at
Firawa and an initial drilling program at Bohoduo in Guinea to be undertaken in early 2008.

Arrangements  have  been finalised for the Company's second uranium drilling program  with  a  4,000m  RC
drilling  program to start in the first half of November 2007 on one of Murchison's exploration  licenses
in the Bir En Nar region of Mauritania.

During  July,  a  drilling program commenced at the Company's Maroochydore Copper JV Project  in  Western
Australia's  Pilbara region. Joint venture partner and project operator, Aditya Birla  Minerals  Ltd,  is
undertaking the drilling. All drilling is being carried out within the existing resource boundary of  the
JORC resource of 51Mt @ 1% copper and 0.04% cobalt.

In  July, the Company also completed the final tranche of its placement announced in May 2007, raising  a
total of A$7.4M through sophisticated investor clients of Hartleys Limited and DJ Carmichael Pty Ltd.

Republic of Guinea, West Africa

Fig.1 Location of Murchison United's Guinea Projects

During  the quarter, assay results were received from the Company's maiden drilling program at its Firawa
Prospect completed in May this year. This program comprised 29 Reverse Circulation (RC) drill holes for a
total  of  1,809  metres  of  drilling. Results shown below from this initial program  confirmed  uranium
mineralisation over a highly prospective 2km section of a previously identified 5km long uranium anomaly.

               Best Assay Results From Initial Drilling Program at Firawa Project, Guinea
    Drill Hole       Intersection Length         Section               U3O8          Maximum 1m Section
        RC                   (m)                   (m)                 (ppm)             U3O8 (ppm)
       FRW03                  6                  66 - 72                480                  716
       FRW09                 14                  20 - 34                555                  680
       FRW12                 10                  39 - 49                652                 1,325
       FRW14                  6                  39 - 45                715                  883
       FRW15                  8                  20 - 28                409                  693
       FRW24                  6                  13 - 19                476                  573
       FRW30                  5                  30 - 35                749                 1,020
       FRW31                  5                   1 - 6                 678                  983
       FRW33                  2                  48 - 50                630                  680
       FRW33                 20                  22 - 42                524                  726
       FRW34                  4                  53 - 57                615                  840
       FRW35                 12                  13 - 25                771                  995

Samples were taken for every metre drilled. The drilling was mostly undertaken in deep laterite weathered
soil  profile. The samples, which consisted mostly of clay - in many sections wet - were sent to the  ALS
Chemex  laboratory  in  Bamako,  Mali  for  preparation and then  forwarded  for  multi-metal  analytical
processing  to  the  ALS Chemex laboratory in Vancouver, Canada. The samples were high temperature  dried
before  splitting  and crushing. Additional samples were collected from sections indicating  the  highest
radiation in order to further examine the clay minerals and assess optimal methods of uranium extraction.

The  uranium mineralisation follows an East-West tectonic structure, interpreted as a fault zone along  a
distance  of  five kilometres. The RC drilling was conducted over the two-kilometre section  regarded  as
most  prospective, where RC sampling revealed chips of gneiss, pegmatite, quartz veins and  mafic  rocks,
probably  dikes  related  to  the  faulting. At this stage the genesis and  delineation  of  the  uranium
mineralisation  is  unclear. It is speculated that uranium dissolved in water along the  fault  has  been
captured  in  supergene  clay  minerals  but  forthcoming  mineralogical  studies  will  provide  further

Fig.2 Drill rig onsite at Guinea

The  Company  intends  to commence further work on the ground at Firawa as soon as possible,  which  will
include  topography, bulldozing and the planned commencement of a substantial 20,000 metre diamond  drill
program to follow up the results of the initial successful RC drilling program. It is envisaged that  the
diamond drilling program will commence in early 2008.

The  Company  also plans to commence topography, bulldozing, and an RC drilling program  at  its  Bohoduo
prospect during 2008, as well as undertaking further reconnaissance work at its Sesse project.

As  a result of this significant program in Guinea, the Company is in the process of establishing a fully
staffed  office  at  the regional centre of Kissidougou, from which these exploration  programs  will  be

Republic of Mauritania, West Africa

During  this  quarter, arrangements were finalised for the Company's second uranium drilling  program  in
West Africa to be carried out on one of the Company's key Exploration Licences in the Bir En Nar region.

The  drilling program at Bir En Nar is scheduled to commence in the first half of November 2007, and will
comprise  40 RC drill holes to an average depth of 100m per hole for a total of 4,000 metres of drilling.
Samples  will be taken every metre for multi-element analysis in Canada and the Company will release  the
results of the drilling to the market as they become available.

The  drilling  will focus on one of the Company's southernmost licences in the Bir En Nar  region,  where
episyenite samples collected during previous field reconnaissance visits have returned assays  of  up  to
9,500ppm U.

The Company's original intention was to conduct a program of diamond drilling at Bir En Nar, however this
was changed due to difficulties in obtaining adequate water supplies.

The  Company  is  also  establishing a permanent office in Nouakchott  that  will  be  staffed  by  local
geologists who will provide assistance to the Company's Technical Director.

The  Company  currently has six "Group 4" uranium exploration licences in Mauritania with a total  ground
position of 8,200km2. Two additional applications for exploration permits are currently pending.

Fig.3 Location of Murchison United's exploration permits in Mauritania

The permit areas are located in the north of the country near the town of Bir Moghrein and in the Bir  En
Nar  region.  These were originally identified by the Company's Technical Director, Mr Bosse  Gustafsson,
from  a  study  commissioned by the World Bank and further refined from aeroradiometric data highlighting
the region's prospectivity for uranium occurrences.

Fig.4 Location of Murchison United's Bir En Nar Project in Mauritania

Maroochydore Copper Project, Western Australia

The  Maroochydore Copper project is a 50:50 Joint Venture between Murchison and its partner Aditya  Birla
Minerals  Limited,  which is also the project operator. The project is strategically located  in  Western
Australia's  Pilbara  region,  approximately 100km southeast of Aditya Birla's  Nifty  Copper  Mine  near

During  the quarter, a 13-hole RC drilling program totaling 1,500m commenced. Due to limited availability
of  the  drill  rig, only the first 7 vertical holes have been completed. The remaining 6 holes  will  be
completed once another drill rig becomes available. Due to problems encountered with water inflow, it  is
planned to use a larger RC drill rig to complete this program.

Significant intercepts were returned from all holes as shown below:

  Hole ID        Easting       Northing     From (m)    To (m)    Width (m)         Cu            Co
                                                                                   (%)          (ppm)
  MRC0084        9499.8         49550          64         86         22*           0.90          493
  MRC0085         9800         49448.5         43         98         55*           0.42          198
  MRC0086         9500         49448.5         59         86         27*           1.24          436
  MRC0087         9550         49448.5         69         95         26*           1.44          614
  MRC0088         9700         49448.5         45         49          4            1.80          157
  MRC0088                                      67         70          3*           0.89          110
  MRC0089         9600         49548.5         63         68          5*           0.63          629
  MRC0089                                      77         84          7*           2.45           99
  MRC0090         9650          49550          62         75         13*           0.84          484
Notes:  Intersections reported above a nominal 0.4%Cu cutoff.
        * denotes wet samples contained within interval

All  drilling is being carried out within the existing boundary of the JORC resource. The results of this
infill drilling demonstrate continuity of mineralisation within the small area drilled with copper grades
in line with expectations.

A  six-hole  diamond  drilling program has also been planned for further infill drilling  and  to  obtain
samples for metallurgical test work. The timing of this program is also dependent upon rig availability.

Maroochydore has a JORC compliant Indicated and Inferred Mineral Resource of 51 million tonnes at a grade
of  1%  copper  and 0.04% cobalt for 0.51 million tonnes of contained copper and 20,000 tonnes  contained
cobalt (at a 0.5% Cu cut-off). The Company's net attributable interest in this Mineral Resource is 25.5Mt
at 1% copper and 0.04% cobalt for 0.25Mt contained copper and 10,000 tonnes contained cobalt.

The Company is currently meeting its commitments pursuant to the joint venture agreement.

Millenium Leases, Cloncurry - Queensland Australia.

The "Millenium" mining leases (ML's 3512, 2761, 2762, 7506 and 7507) are located some 35 kilometres north-
west  of  Cloncurry in north-west Queensland, Australia. The five adjacent leases include the  historical
"Federal"  copper mine and cover an area approximately 3.5 kilometres long and 500 metres wide  extending
in a northerly direction.

The  Company has prepared a drilling program for the Millenium leases, which will be implemented as  soon
as practicable now that funding has been secured through the Company's recent share placement.


The  share  placement  announced on 7 May 2007 was completed on 17 July 2007 with a total  of  67,671,531
shares  allotted  in two tranches at A$0.11 per share. A total of A$7.4 million was raised,  placing  the
Company in a strong position to aggressively pursue its exploration activities.


Consistent  with  its  core focus on energy assets, Murchison continues to consider other  energy-related
resource  opportunities,  both in Australia and overseas. Discussions to date are  preliminary  and  non-
binding. If and when any proposals become binding, relevant announcements will be released.

Mark Reilly
Managing Director
30 October 2007

Murchison's Nominated Advisor for the AIM market is RFC Corporate Finance Ltd.
Contact: Stuart Laing, Ph: +618 9480 2506

The information in this report that relates to exploration results in West Africa is based on information
compiled  by Mr. Bosse Gustafsson, who is a member of the European Federation of Geologists a  Recognised
Overseas  Professional  Organisation ("ROPO"). Mr Bosse Gustafsson is a full time Technical  Director  of
Murchison United NL and is responsible for exploration activities in Mauritania and Guinea. Mr Gustafsson
has sufficient experience, which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and the type of deposit under
consideration and to the activity, which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in
the  2004 Edition of the 'Australian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore
Reserve'.  Mr  Gustafsson  consents  to  the inclusion in this report  of  the  matters  based  on  their
information in the form and context in which it appears.

The  information  on Mineral Resources for the Maroochydore project has been reproduced from  the  public
reporting  on the project's Mineral Resource's by the project operator, Aditya Birla Minerals Ltd.   This
reported  Mineral  Resource was signed off for Aditya Birla Minerals Ltd by Mr  Ian  Glacken  of  Snowden
Mining Industry Consultants.

The  information  in  this  announcement that relates to exploration results at  Maroochydore  Copper  JV
Project  is  based on information supplied by the project operator, Aditya Birla Minerals Ltd (ASX:  ABY)
through their Group Exploration Manager, Steve Oxenburgh MAusIMM, who is a full time employee of ABML and
is a Competent Person as defined in the 2004 Edition of the 'Australian Code for Reporting of Exploration
Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserve'. Mr Oxenburgh consents to the inclusion in this report of the
matters based on their information in the form and context in which it appears.

Appendix 5B

Mining exploration entity quarterly report
Introduced 1/7/96.  Origin:  Appendix 8.  Amended 1/7/97, 1/7/98, 30/9/2001.

Name of entity

ABN                                                            Quarter      ended      ("current
59 009 087 852                                                          30 SEPTEMBER 07

                                                            Current quarter       Year to date
Cash flows related to operating activities                       A$'000            (3 months)
1.1       Receipts from product sales and related debtors              -                        -
1.2       Payments for  (a)  exploration and evaluation            (143)                    (143)
               (b)  development                                        -                        -
               (c)  production                                         -                        -
               (d)  administration                                 (357)                    (357)
1.3       Dividends received                                           -                        -
1.4       Interest  and  other items of a  similar  nature                                       
          received                                                    92                       92
1.5       Interest and other costs of finance paid                     -                        -
1.6       Income taxes paid                                            -                        -
1.7       Other (provide details if material)                          -                        -
          Net Operating Cash Flows                                 (408)                    (408)
          Cash flows related to investing activities                    
1.8       Payment for purchases of:                                                              
               (a) prospects                                           -                        -
               (b) equity investments                                  -                        -
               (c) other fixed assets                                (4)                      (4)
1.9       Proceeds from sale of:                                                                 
               (a) prospects                                           -                        -
               (b) equity investments                                  -                        -
               (c) other fixed assets                                  -                        -
1.10      Loans to other entities                                      -                        -
1.11      Loans repaid by other entities                               -                        -
1.12      Other (provide details if material)                          -                        -
          Net investing cash flows                                   (4)                      (4)
1.13      Total   operating  and  investing   cash   flows         (412)                    (412)
          (carried forward)

Consolidated statement of cash flows

1.13      Total   operating  and  investing   cash   flows         (412)                    (412)
          (brought  forward)
          Cash flows related to financing activities                                             
1.14      Proceeds from issues of shares, options, etc.            2,722                    2,722
1.15      Proceeds from sale of forfeited shares                       -                        -
1.16      Proceeds from borrowings                                     -                        -
1.17      Repayment of borrowings                                      -                        -
1.18      Dividends paid                                               -                        -
1.19      Other - Settlement of Guarantee                                                        
          Net financing cash flows                                 2,722                    2,722
          Net increase (decrease) in cash held                     2,310                    2,310
1.20      Cash at beginning of quarter/year to date                3,863                    3,863
1.21      Exchange rate adjustments to item 1.20                                                 
1.22      Cash at end of quarter                                   6,173                    6,173
Payments to directors of the entity and associates of the directors
Payments to related entities of the entity and associates of the
related entities
                                                                              Current quarter
        Aggregate  amount of payments to the parties included  in  item                   141
        Aggregate amount of loans to the parties included in item 1.10                      0
        Explanation necessary for an understanding of the transactions

        Salaries and rental of office premises

Non-cash financing and investing activities
2.1     Details of financing and investing transactions which have had a material effect on
        consolidated assets and liabilities but did not involve cash flows


2.2     Details  of  outlays  made  by other entities to establish or  increase  their  share  in
        projects in which the reporting entity has an interest


Financing facilities available
Add notes as necessary for an understanding of the position.

                                                Amount available          Amount used
                                                $A'000                    $A'000
3.1       Loan facilities                                  Nil                    N/A
3.2       Credit standby arrangements                      Nil                    N/A

Estimated cash outflows for next quarter

4.1       Exploration and evaluation                                                    448
4.2       Development                                                                     0
          Total                                                                         448

Reconciliation of cash
Reconciliation  of cash at the end of  the  quarter      Current quarter       Previous quarter
(as  shown  in the consolidated statement  of  cash          $A'000                 $A'000
flows) to the related items in the accounts  is  as
5.1     Cash on hand and at bank                               6,173                        3,863
5.2     Deposits at call                                           -                            -
5.3     Bank overdraft                                             -                            -
5.4     Other (provide details)                                    -                            -
        Total: cash at end of quarter (item 1.22)              6,173                        3,863

Changes in interests in mining tenements

                               Tenement      Nature of interest       Interest   at  Interest  at
                               reference     (note (2))               beginning  of  end       of
                                                                      quarter        quarter
6.1     Interests  in  mining                                                        
        reduced or lapsed      
6.2     Interests  in  mining                                                        
        tenements    acquired                                                        
        or increased           
Issued and quoted securities at end of current quarter
Description  includes rate of interest and any redemption or conversion rights together with  prices  and

                                       Total number    Number quoted    Issue price        Amount
                                                                       per security       paid up
                                                                       (see note 3)           per
                                                                            (cents)      security
                                                                                        (see note
                                                                                       3) (cents)
7.1     Preference     +securities                                                               
7.2     Changes during quarter                                                                   
        (a)  Increases through
        (b)  Decreases through
        returns of capital, buy-
        backs, redemptions
7.3     +Ordinary securities          380,182,617        380,182,617                             
                                        2,250,000                  -             25             1
7.4     Changes during quarter                                                                   
        (a) Increases through                                                                    
        Issue for cash                   26,852,366       26,852,366       11 cents      11 cents
         (b)  Decreases through                                                                  
        returns of capital, buy-                   
7.5     +Convertible          debt                                                               
        securities (description)
7.6     Changes during quarter                                                                   
        (a)  Increases through
        (b)  Decreases through
        securities matured,
7.7     Options  (description  and                                         Exercise      Expiry
        conversion factor)                                                    price        date
                                        7,500,000                  -            5.5     19/5/10
                                        2,500,000                  -            5.5     30/6/10
                                        2,000,000                  -            5.5    29/11/10
                                        6,000,000                  -            7.5     3/05/10
7.8     Issued during quarter                                                                    
7.9     Exercised during quarter                                                                 
7.10    Expired during quarter            350,000                              46.0        1/7/07
7.11    Debentures                                                                               
        (totals only)
7.12    Unsecured notes                                                                          
        (totals only)

Compliance statement

1     This  statement has been prepared under accounting policies, which comply with accounting  standards
      as defined in the Corporations Act or other standards acceptable to ASX (see note 4).

2     This statement does give a true and fair view of the matters disclosed.

Sign  here:        ............................................................        Date:  30  October
Managing Director

Print name:      .............Mark Reilly......................


1     The  quarterly  report provides a basis for informing the market how the entity's  activities  have
      been  financed  for  the past quarter and the effect on its cash position.  An  entity  wanting  to
      disclose  additional  information is encouraged to do so, in a  note  or  notes  attached  to  this

2     The  "Nature  of interest" (items 6.1 and 6.2) includes options in respect of interests  in  mining
      tenements acquired, exercised or lapsed during the reporting period.  If the entity is involved  in
      a  joint  venture  agreement and there are conditions precedent, which will change  its  percentage
      interest  in a mining tenement, it should disclose the change of percentage interest and conditions
      precedent in the list required for items 6.1 and 6.2.

3     Issued  and quoted securities  The issue price and amount paid up is not required in items 7.1  and
      7.3 for fully paid securities.

4     The  definitions  in, and provisions of, AASB 1022: Accounting for Extractive Industries  and  AASB
      1026: Statement of Cash Flows apply to this report.

5     Accounting  Standards  ASX will accept, for example, the use of International Accounting  Standards
      for  foreign  entities.  If the standards used do not address a topic, the Australian  standard  on
      that topic (if any) must be complied with.


Murchison United N.L


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