RNS Number:8844G
Mizuho Holdings Inc
31 January 2003

January 31, 2003 

                         Quarterly Disclosure

We would like to report the third quarter results of fiscal year 2002.

We disclose our information voluntarily, understanding the purpose and the
intention of "Front-Loaded Reform Program" under the Ministerial Meeting on
Economic Measures and "Program for Structural Reform of Securities Markets" by
the Financial Services Agency.

Figures of the first quarter (6/30/2002) and the third quarter (12/31/2002) in
the exhibits are unaudited.

          Please direct any inquiries to:

          Mizuho Holdings, Inc.

               Public Relations : 03-5224-2026 
               Accounting       : 03-5224-2030


                                                           Mizuho Holdings, Inc.

1. "Disclosure under the category defined by the Financial Reconstruction Law" (Non-consolidated)

                                                                                                  (in billions of yen)


                                                                            12/31/2002     6/30/2002     9/30/2002

     Mizuho Bank
                              Claims against Bankrupt and Substantially 
                              Bankrupt Obligors                                  379.1         389.3         390.4
                              Claims with Collection Risk                      1,093.2       1,160.1       1,057.0
                              Claims for Special Attention                       973.4         813.0         835.0
                              Total                                            2,445.9       2,362.4       2,282.6
     Mizuho Corporate Bank

                              Claims against Bankrupt and Substantially 
                              Bankrupt Obligors                                  547.7         546.5         458.3
                              Claims with Collection Risk                        828.1         617.9         741.6
                              Claims for Special Attention                     1,357.8       1,337.9       1,490.5
                              Total                                            2,733.7       2,502.3       2,690.5

Aggregated figures of Mizuho Bank
and Mizuho Corporate Bank

                              Claims against Bankrupt and Substantially 
                              Bankrupt Obligors                                  926.9         935.8         848.8
                              Claims with Collection Risk                      1,921.3       1,778.0       1,798.7
                              Claims for Special Attention                     2,331.3       2,150.9       2,325.5
                              Total                                            5,179.6       4,864.8       4,973.1

     Mizuho Asset Trust & Banking

                              Claims against Bankrupt and Substantially 
                              Bankrupt Obligors                                   39.5          55.6          49.2
                                 Banking Account                                  23.7          32.9          32.0
                                 Trust Account                                    15.8          22.6          17.2
                              Claims with Collection Risk                        170.0         178.2         162.7
                                 Banking Account                                 162.1         167.0         153.1
                                 Trust Account                                     7.9          11.2           9.5
                              Claims for Special Attention                       227.7         245.3         239.7
                                 Banking Account                                 198.6         212.9         210.2
                                 Trust Account                                    29.1          32.3          29.5
                              Total                                              437.3         479.2         451.7
                                 Banking Account                                 384.4         413.0         395.4
                                 Trust Account                                    52.8          66.2          56.3


                              Claims against Bankrupt and Substantially 
                              Bankrupt Obligors                                  966.5         991.4         898.1
                                 Banking Account                                 950.6         968.8         880.9
                                 Trust Account                                    15.8          22.6          17.2
                              Claims with Collection Risk                      2,091.4       1,956.3       1,961.4
                                 Banking Account                               2,083.5       1,945.0       1,951.8
                                 Trust Account                                     7.9          11.2           9.5
                              Claims for Special Attention                     2,559.0       2,396.3       2,565.3
                                 Banking Account                               2,529.9       2,363.9       2,535.7
                                 Trust Account                                    29.1          32.3          29.5
                              Total                                            5,617.0       5,344.1       5,424.9
                                 Banking Account                               5,564.1       5,277.8       5,368.6
                                 Trust Account                                    52.8          66.2          56.3

(Note) 1. Above figures as of December 31st,2002 and June 30th, 2002 are
compiled in the same way as those are done in account settlement (including the
interim account) except not being subject to the internal/external audit, and
are classified into the categories defined in Article 4 of "Regulation Rules of
the Law relating to Emergency Measures for Revitalization of Financial Systems".

That is, all claims existed as of the end of December and June, 2002 are
assessed in accordance with the strict "Standard on Self-Assessment of Assets"
based on "the Financial Inspection Manuals" promulgated by the Financial
Services Agency. Each credit origination department has classified all obligors
into the five categories (Bankrupt, Substantially Bankrupt, Intensive Control,
Watch, and Normal) according to the creditworthiness of obligors and has
assessed the collectability of those credits from the viewpoint of collateral
and/or guarantee by each category, preceding to the secondary assessment by the
independent credit division in charge.

Based on the results, we disclose here the claims against "Bankrupt" and
"Substantially Bankrupt" as "Claims against Bankrupt and Substantially Bankrupt
Obligors", those against "Intensive Control" as "Claims with Collection Risk"
and both "Loans Past Due for 3 Months or More" and "Restructured Loans " out of
loans to Watch Obligors as "Claims for Special Attention".

Above figures are presented net of direct write-offs.

2. As reported in "Revision of Consolidated Earnings Estimate" released on
January 21st, 2003 etc,the estimated figures of "Claims under the category
defined by the Financial Reconstruction Law " at the end of March, 2003 are
around 4,500 billions of yen for Mizuho Bank and Mizuho Corporate Bank, and
around 380 billions of yen for Mizuho Asset Trust & Banking Company.


                                                           Mizuho Holdings, Inc.

2.Capital Adequacy Ratio

(Consolidated Basis)
                                       Criteria           Ratio                    3/31/2003
                                                                                (Estimates) *1

Mizuho Financial Group *2              BIS         Capital Adequacy Ratio          Around 9%
                                                       Tier I Ratio              Mid 4% range

   Mizuho Corporate Bank               BIS         Capital Adequacy Ratio    Slightly less than 10%
                                                       Tier I Ratio                Around 5%

   Mizuho Bank                         BIS         Capital Adequacy Ratio          Around 9%
                                                       Tier I Ratio              Mid 4% range
                                       Domestic    Capital Adequacy Ratio          Around 9%
                                                       Tier I Ratio              Mid 4% range

   Mizuho Trust & Banking *3           BIS         Capital Adequacy Ratio          Around 10%
                                                       Tier I Ratio              Mid 5% range

1. The estimates may vary in accordance with changes of the premises about
business operating circumstances.

2. By the stock-for-stock exchange on March 12, 2003, Mizuho Financial Group,
Inc. ("MHFG") will become the parent company (100% ownership) of Mizuho
Holdings, Inc. ("MHHD") and MHHD will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of MHFG.
The estimates shown above indicate the figures after the stock-for-stock
(The stock-for-stock exchange is subject to approval of the appropriate 
regulatory authorities in Japan and other countries, and approval of
the shareholders' meeting.)

3. Mizuho Asset Trust & Banking Co., Ltd. will merge with Mizuho Trust & Banking
Co., Ltd. on March 12, 2003 and change its name to "Mizuho Trust & Banking Co.,
Ltd". The estimates shown above indicate the figures after the consolidation.
Due to the consolidation, it will be subject to the BIS capital adequacy
standards. (Currently subject to domestic standards)
(The consolidation is subject to approval of the appropriate regulatory
authorities in Japan and other countries, and approval of the shareholders'


Mizuho Holdings                        BIS        Capital Adequacy Ratio              10.42%
                                                       Tier I Ratio                    5.26%

   Mizuho Corporate Bank               BIS        Capital Adequacy Ratio               9.74%
                                                       Tier I Ratio                    5.13%

   Mizuho Bank                         BIS        Capital Adequacy Ratio              10.36%
                                                       Tier I Ratio                    5.53%
                                     Domestic     Capital Adequacy Ratio               9.85%
                                                       Tier I Ratio                    5.53%

   Mizuho Asset Trust & Banking      Domestic     Capital Adequacy Ratio              10.10%
                                                       Tier I Ratio                    5.05%


                                                                                                 Mizuho Holdings, Inc.

3. Unrealized Gains and Losses on Securities with Market Value (Non-consolidated)

(1) Unrealized Gains and Losses of Other Securities (Available for Sale)

                                                    12/31/2002                               6/30/2002 
                                      (Before Devaluation and Depreciation)     (Before Devaluation and Depreciation)

                                    Market Value  Unrealized Gains/Losses      Market Value  Unrealized Gains/Losses  
                                   (= Book Value)            Gains   Losses    (= Book Value)        Gains  Losses  

Mizuho Bank
              Other Securities
             (Available for Sale)       6,295.5    (107.9)    72.3    180.2       8,511.6    71.8    137.8    66.0  
           Stocks                         805.4    (121.1)    47.4    168.5       1,051.6    56.9    113.0    56.0  
           Bonds                        5,423.3      19.9     24.4      4.5       7,371.8    20.4     24.6     4.2  
           Others                          66.7      (6.7)     0.3      7.1          88.1    (5.5)     0.2     5.7  

Mizuho Corporate Bank
              Other Securities
             (Available for Sale)      13,345.3    (686.7)   214.8    901.6      12,101.5   (57.8)   321.7   379.6  
           Stocks                       3,495.9    (768.4)   109.8    878.3       4,579.8   (64.2)   276.6   340.9 
           Bonds                        4,656.7       9.4     11.7      2.2       3,616.2     1.9      4.1     2.2   
           Others                       5,192.7      72.2     93.1     20.9       3,905.4     4.4     40.9    36.4 

   Aggregated Figures of
   Mizuho Bank and Mizuho
       Corporate Bank
              Other Securities
             (Available for Sale)      19,640.9    (794.7)   287.1  1,081.8      20,613.2    13.9    459.6   445.6 
           Stocks                       4,301.3    (889.6)   157.3  1,046.9       5,631.5    (7.3)   389.6   397.0 
           Bonds                       10,080.0      29.4     36.2      6.8      10,988.1    22.3     28.7     6.4 
           Others                       5,259.4      65.4     93.5     28.1       3,993.6    (1.0)    41.1    42.2  

Mizuho Asset Trust & Banking
              Other Securities
             (Available for Sale)       1,206.7    (112.8)    21.7    134.5       1,152.7   (39.2)    36.4    75.7 
           Stocks                         387.7    (116.3)    16.8    133.2         476.3   (37.3)    33.1    70.4  
           Bonds                          512.1       2.2      2.5      0.2         398.0     1.8      2.5     0.6  
           Others                         306.8       1.2      2.3      1.1         278.3    (3.8)     0.7     4.6 

              Other Securities
             (Available for Sale)      20,847.7    (907.5)   308.8  1,216.4      21,765.9   (25.3)   496.1   521.4 
           Stocks                       4,689.1  (1,005.9)   174.2  1,180.1       6,107.8   (44.6)   422.8   467.4  
           Bonds                       10,592.2      31.7     38.7      7.0      11,386.1    24.2     31.3     7.1  
           Others                       5,566.3      66.6     95.9     29.2       4,271.9    (4.8)    41.9    46.8  

                                       (Reference)          (in billions of yen)
                                      (Before Devaluation and Depreciation)    

                                    Market Value  Unrealized Gains/Losses         
                                   (= Book Value)            Gains   Losses     

Mizuho Bank
              Other Securities          
             (Available for Sale)       8,522.3     (60.9)    67.5    128.5   
           Stocks                         868.6     (64.2)    48.5    112.8  
           Bonds                        7,558.6      10.0     18.3      8.2 
           Others                          95.0      (6.8)     0.5      7.4    

Mizuho Corporate Bank
              Other Securities         
             (Available for Sale)      13,259.6    (420.4)   287.9    708.4 
           Stocks                       3,938.3    (549.2)   134.9    684.1 
           Bonds                        4,465.2      12.1     14.2      2.1    
           Others                       4,856.0     116.6    138.7     22.1  

   Aggregated Figures of
   Mizuho Bank and Mizuho
       Corporate Bank
              Other Securities
             (Available for Sale)      21,782.0    (481.4)   355.5    836.9   
           Stocks                       4,807.0    (613.4)   183.4    796.9  
           Bonds                       12,023.8      22.1     32.6     10.4   
           Others                       4,951.0     109.8    139.3     29.5

Mizuho Asset Trust & Banking
              Other Securities
             (Available for Sale)       1,195.3     (67.9)    27.4     95.3   
           Stocks                         422.9     (72.1)    22.0     94.1     
           Bonds                          576.5       3.1      3.2      0.1
           Others                         195.8       1.0      2.0      1.0

              Other Securities         22,977.3    (549.3)   382.9    932.2
           Stocks                       5,230.0    (685.5)   205.5    891.0  
           Bonds                       12,600.4      25.3     35.9     10.6    
           Others                       5,146.9     110.8    141.4     30.5 

(Notes) 1. Market Value of Stocks is determined based on the average market
prices during one-month periods before the respective balance sheet dates, and
for others, the prevailing market price at the balance sheet dates.

2. "Other securities" include certificate of deposits and commercial paper, etc.

3. Since it is estimated as reported in "Revision of Consolidated Earnings
Estimate" released on January 21, 2003 etc. that Mizuho Bank, Ltd., Mizuho
Corporate Bank, Ltd., and Mizuho Asset Trust & Banking Co., Ltd. will recognize
Net Losses Related to Stocks and Other Securities of Y40 billion, Y360 billion
and Y115 billion respectively, which amount to Y515 billion in the aggregate, in
fiscal year 2002,
Net Unrealized Losses are expected to decrease compared to September 30, 2002.

(2) Unrealized Gains and Losses of Held-to-Maturity Bonds and Shares in Subsidiaries and Affiliates

                                                    12/31/2002                               6/30/2002 
                                       Book Value  Unrealized Gains/Losses      Book Value  Unrealized Gains/Losses  
                                                              Gains   Losses                           Gains   Losses  

Mizuho Bank
              Held-to-Maturity Bonds            -           -     -        -             -           -     -        -

              Shares in Subsidiaries 
                  and Affiliates            163.6       (99.1)    -     99.1         163.6       (63.4)    -     63.4
Mizuho Corporate Bank
              Held-to-Maturity Bonds            -           -     -        -             -           -     -        -

              Shares in Subsidiaries 
                  and Affiliates            163.6       (99.7)    -     99.7         163.6       (63.9)    -     63.9   

   Aggregated Figures of
   Mizuho Bank and Mizuho
       Corporate Bank
              Held-to-Maturity Bonds            -           -     -        -             -           -     -        -

              Shares in Subsidiaries 
                  and Affiliates            327.2      (198.8)    -    198.8         327.2      (127.4)    -    127.4 

Mizuho Asset Trust & Banking
              Held-to-Maturity Bonds            -           -     -        -             -           -     -        -

              Shares in Subsidiaries 
                  and Affiliates                -           -     -        -             -           -     -        -   

              Held-to-Maturity Bonds            -           -     -        -             -           -     -        -

              Shares in Subsidiaries 
                  and Affiliates            327.2      (198.8)    -    198.8         327.2      (127.4)    -    127.4   

                                        (Reference)         (in billions of yen)
                                    Book Value  Unrealized Gains/Losses         
                                                           Gains   Losses     

Mizuho Bank
              Held-to-Maturity Bonds          -          -     -        -

              Shares in Subsidiaries 
                  and Affiliates          163.6      (80.3)    -     80.3                      

Mizuho Corporate Bank
              Held-to-Maturity Bonds          -          -     -        -

              Shares in Subsidiaries 
                  and Affiliates          163.6      (80.9)    -     80.9                 

   Aggregated Figures of
   Mizuho Bank and Mizuho
       Corporate Bank
              Held-to-Maturity Bonds          -          -     -        -

              Shares in Subsidiaries 
                  and Affiliates          327.2     (161.2)    -    161.2               

Mizuho Asset Trust & Banking
              Held-to-Maturity Bonds          -          -     -        -

              Shares in Subsidiaries 
                  and Affiliates              -          -     -        -              
              Held-to-Maturity Bonds          -          -     -        -

              Shares in Subsidiaries 
                  and Affiliates          327.2     (161.2)    -    161.2                     

(Note) Unrealized losses of shares in Mizuho Asset Trust & Banking Co., Ltd.
held by both Mizuho Bank, Ltd. and Mizuho Corporate Bank, Ltd. are expected to
be disposed by using an accounting profit through the Corporate Split Procedure.
In addition, Mizuho Corporate Bank, Ltd. is expected to dispose the unrealized
losses of shares in Mizuho Investors Securities.


                                                                                         Mizuho Holdings, Inc.

4. Derivative Transactions (Non-consolidated)

(1) Interest Rate-Related Transactions

                                                         12/31/2002                             6/30/2002
Bank name       Classification      Type      Contract     Market   Unrealized      Contract     Market   Unrealized
                                               Value       Value    Gains/Losses     Value       Value    Gains/Losses

Mizuho Bank        Listed         Futures        220.6       (0.1)         (0.1)       347.3        0.0            0.0
                                  Options            -          -             -            -          -              -

                   OTC            FRA's              -          -             -            -          -              -
                                  Swaps       72,652.0      118.2         118.2     81,830.9      116.7          116.7
                                  Options      3,441.2        1.4           1.4      3,852.3        3.0            3.0
                         Total                                            119.5                                  119.8

Mizuho Corporate
Bank               Listed         Futures     50,511.7        2.9           2.9     27,189.1        1.3            1.3  
                                  Options     14,746.7        8.4           0.3     35,054.4       19.2            0.4  
                   OTC            FRA's        3,018.0        0.1           0.1      4,733.7       (0.5)          (0.5) 
                                  Swaps      172,275.8      143.3         143.3    181,474.1       71.2           71.2  
                                  Options      7,594.4        3.2           3.2      8,183.7        4.5            4.5  
                         Total                                            149.9                                   77.0

Aggregated Figures
of Mizuho Bank and
Mizuho Corporate 
Bank               Listed         Futures     50,732.4        2.7           2.7     27,536.5        1.3            1.3  
                                  Options     14,746.7        8.4           0.3     35,054.4       19.2            0.4  
                   OTC            FRA's        3,018.0        0.1           0.1      4,733.7       (0.5)          (0.5) 
                                  Swaps      244,927.9      261.5         261.5    263,305.0      187.9          187.9  
                                  Options     11,035.7        4.6           4.6     12,036.0        7.6            7.6 
                         Total                                            269.5                                  196.8 

Mizuho Asset Trust 
& Banking          Listed         Futures         94.8        0.3           0.3        166.3        0.0            0.0  
                                  Options          5.9       (0.0)          0.0         23.8        0.0           (0.0) 
                   OTC            FRA's              -          -             -            -          -              -
                                  Swaps       14,448.2        1.0           1.0     14,505.5        1.9            1.9 
                                  Options         88.1        0.6           0.3        108.2        0.7            0.3
                         Total                                              1.8                                    2.3

      Total        Listed         Futures     50,827.3        3.1           3.1     27,702.9        1.3            1.3  
                                  Options     14,752.6        8.4           0.3     35,078.3       19.2            0.4  
                   OTC            FRA's        3,018.0        0.1           0.1      4,733.7       (0.5)          (0.5) 
                                  Swaps      259,376.2      262.6         262.6    277,810.6      189.9          189.9  
                                  Options     11,123.8        5.2           5.0     12,144.3        8.3            8.0 
                         Total                                            271.3                                  199.2

                                            (Reference)     (in billions of yen)
Bank name       Classification      Type      Contract     Market   Unrealized      
                                               Value       Value    Gains/Losses      

Mizuho Bank        Listed         Futures        221.5       (0.1)         (0.1)        
                                  Options            -          -             -             

                   OTC            FRA's              -          -             -             
                                  Swaps       77,091.6      126.9         126.9      
                                  Options      3,491.9        0.9           0.9       
                         Total                                            127.7                                   

Mizuho Corporate
Bank               Listed         Futures      37,034.6       3.0           3.0                                         
                                  Options      23,003.2      18.0           1.4

                   OTC            FRA's         4,089.4      (0.0)         (0.0)
                                  Swaps       178,391.7     140.5         140.5
                                  Options       7,621.7       4.6           4.6
                         Total                                            149.5                                    

Aggregated Figures
of Mizuho Bank and
Mizuho Corporate 
Bank               Listed         Futures      37,256.1       2.9           2.9                        
                                  Options      23,003.2      18.0           1.4

                   OTC            FRA's         4,089.4      (0.0)         (0.0)
                                  Swaps       255,483.4     267.4         267.4        
                                  Options      11,113.6       5.5           5.5       
                         Total                                            277.2                                    

Mizuho Asset Trust 
& Banking          Listed         Futures         54.6       (0.1)         (0.1)                                        
                                  Options            -          -             -

                   OTC            FRA's              -          -             -             
                                  Swaps       14,638.5       (0.7)         (0.7)
                                  Options         98.1        0.6           0.3        
                         Total                                             (0.5)                                    

      Total        Listed         Futures     37,310.7        2.8           2.8
                                  Options     23,003.2       18.0           1.4

                   OTC            FRA's        4,089.4       (0.0)         (0.0)                    
                                  Swaps      270,121.9      266.6         266.6                       
                                  Options     11,211.8        6.1           5.8
                         Total                                            276.7

(Note) Derivative transactions qualifying for hedge accounting are excluded from
the above table.


                                                                                                  Mizuho Holdings, Inc.
(2) Currency-Related Transactions

                                                         12/31/2002                             6/30/2002
Bank name       Classification      Type      Contract     Market   Unrealized      Contract     Market   Unrealized
                                               Value       Value    Gains/Losses     Value       Value    Gains/Losses

Mizuho Bank         OTC         Currency swaps   8,456.1     (43.7)      (42.2)        7,834.3     (50.1)     (46.5) 
                                   Others             -         -           -               -         -          -
                                Total                                    (42.2)                               (46.5)

Mizuho Corporate    OTC         Currency swaps  14,191.7      1.2        (44.2)       13,612.5      85.5       11.1     
 Bank                              Others              -        -            -               -         -          -
                               Total                                     (44.2)                                11.1 

Aggregated Figures  OTC         Currency swaps  22,647.9    (42.5)      (86.5)        21,446.8      35.4     (35.4)
of Mizuho Bank and                 Others              -        -           -                -         -         -
Mizuho Corporate                Total                                   (86.5)                     (35.4)

Mizuho Asset Trust  OTC         Currency swaps     235.7      0.0         0.0            272.9       0.0       0.0   
& Banking                           Others             -        -           -                -         -         -
                                Total                                     0.0                        0.0

                    OTC         Currency swaps  22,883.6    (42.5)      (86.5)        21,719.8      35.4     (35.4)     
   Total                            Others             -        -           -                -         -         -
                                Total                                   (86.5)                               (35.4)

                                            (Reference)     (in billions of yen)      

Bank name       Classification      Type         Contract     Market   Unrealized     
                                                 Value        Value    Gains/Losses    

Mizuho Bank         OTC         Currency swaps   8,257.4    (48.6)      (48.2)
                                   Others              -        -           -    
                                Total                                   (48.2)                                 

Mizuho Corporate    OTC         Currency swaps  13,237.3     (4.1)      (60.7)                                          
Bank                            Others                 -        -           -    
                               Total                                    (60.7)                                 

Aggregated Figures  OTC         Currency swaps  21,494.8    (52.8)     (109.0)
of Mizuho Bank and                 Others              -        -           -             
Mizuho Corporate                Total                                  (109.0)                                

Mizuho Asset Trust  OTC         Currency swaps     249.7      0.0         0.0     
& Banking                           Others             -        -           -           
                                Total                                     0.0

                    OTC         Currency swaps  21,744.6    (52.7)     (109.0)
                                Others                 -        -           -   
                                Total                                  (109.0) 

(Note) Derivative transactions qualifying for hedge accounting and the following 
transactions are excluded from the above table.

-- Currency Swap transactions accounted for under the accrual method are as 

                                                          12/31/2002                            6/30/2002
Bank name              Type                    Contract     Market   Unrealized      Contract     Market    Unrealized  
                                               Value        Value    Gains/Losses    Value        Value     Gains/Losses

Mizuho Bank           Currency swaps                  -          -             -            -          -             -  
Mizuho Corporate      Currency swaps              293.4        7.6           (1.1)      454.1      (11.0)         (7.8) 

Aggregated Figures    Currency swaps              293.4        7.6           (1.1)       454.1     (11.0)         (7.8)
of Mizuho Bank and                 
Mizuho Corporate                

Mizuho Asset Trust    Currency swaps              117.1       (0.3)          (0.3)       134.4      (0.3)         (0.3)
& Banking                           
     Total            Currency Swaps              410.6        7.2           (1.5)       588.6     (11.4)         (8.2)

                                             (Reference)    (in billions of yen)
Bank name              Type                    Contract     Market   Unrealized        
                                               Value        Value    Gains/Losses    

Mizuho Bank           Currency swaps                 -          -             -            

Mizuho Corporate      Currency swaps              405.2       0.6         (11.0)            

Aggregated Figures    Currency swaps              405.2       0.6         (11.0)        
of Mizuho Bank and                 
Mizuho Corporate                

Mizuho Asset Trust    Currency swaps              125.9      (0.2)         (0.2)               
& Banking                           
     Total            Currency Swaps              531.1       0.3         (11.3)      

-- Currency-related derivatives which are marked to market are as follows:

                                                                                      (Reference) (in billions of yen)
                                                       12/31/2002        6/30/2002     9/30/2002
Bank name       Classification      Type                Contract        Contract       Contract    
                                                        Value           Value          Value 

Mizuho Bank         Listed       Currency Futures              -                -             -  
                    OTC          Currency Forwards       3,876.9          4,606.5       4,423.6 
                                 Currency Options        5,231.4          5,850.2       5,551.4
Mizuho Corporate    Listed       Currency Futures            2.4              2.3             -                         
Bank                OTC          Currency Forwards      35,618.7         40,043.5      31,119.3
                                 Currency Options       10,070.7         12,161.6      10,644.2                 
Aggregated Figures  Listed       Currency Futures            2.4              2.3             -         
of Mizuho Bank and  OTC          Currency Forwards      39,495.7         44,650.0      35,542.9
Mizuho Corporate                 Currency Options       15,302.1         18,011.8      16,195.6                         

Mizuho Asset Trust  Listed       Currency Futures              -                -             -            
& Banking           OTC          Currency Forwards         152.7            159.2         242.9          
                                 Currency Options           42.1             65.4          57.0

     Total          Listed       Currency Futures            2.4               2.3            -
                    OTC          Currency Forwards      39,648.5          44,809.3     35,785.9
                                 Currency Options       15,344.3          18,077.3     16,252.7 


(3)  Stock-Related Transactions

                                                         12/31/2002                             6/30/2002
Bank name       Classification      Type      Contract     Market   Unrealized      Contract     Market   Unrealized
                                               Value       Value    Gains/Losses     Value       Value    Gains/Losses
                                 Index Futures       -          -              -           -          -            -
Mizuho Bank        Listed        Index Futures           
                                 Options             -          -              -           -          -            -
                   OTC           Options             -          -              -           -          -            -
                                 Total                                         -                                   -

                                 Index Futures    28.5        0.4            0.4           -          -            - 
Mizuho Corporate   Listed        Index Futures
Bank                             Options             -          -              -           -          -            -
                   OTC           Option              -          -              -           -          -            -
                                 Total                                       0.4                                   -
                                 Index Futures    28.5        0.4            0.4           -          -            -
Aggregated Figures  Listed       Index Future  
of Mizuho Bank and               Options             -          -              -           -          -            -
Mizuho Corporate    OTC          Options             -          -              -           -          -            -    
Bank                             Total                                       0.4                                   -

                                 Index Futures       -          -              -           -          -            -
Mizuho Asset Trust  Listed       Index Futures
& Banking                        Options             -          -              -           -          -            -
                    OTC          Options             -          -              -           -          -            -
                                 Total                                         -                                   -
                                 Index Futures    28.5        0.4            0.4           -          -            -
                    Listed       Index Futures
     Total                       Options             -          -              -           -          -            -
                    OTC          Options             -          -              -           -          -            -
                                 Total                                       0.4                                   -


                                                (Reference) (in billions of yen)
Bank name       Classification      Type       Contract     Market   Unrealized      
                                                Value       Value    Gains/Losses     
                                 Index Futures       -          -              -    
Mizuho Bank        Listed        Index Futures           
                                 Options             -          -              -        
                   OTC             Options           -          -              -                                        
                                 Total                                         -                                   

                                 Index Futures       -          -              - 
Mizuho Corporate   Listed        Index Futures
Bank                             Options             -          -              -  
                   OTC             Option            -          -              -   
                                 Total                                         -  
                                 Index Futures       -          -              - 
Aggregated Figures  Listed       Index Future  
of Mizuho Bank and               Options             -          -              -  
Mizuho Corporate    OTC            Options           -          -              - 
Bank                             Total                                         -                                   

                                 Index Futures       -          -              - 
Mizuho Asset Trust  Listed       Index Futures
& Banking                        Options             -          -              - 
                    OTC            Options           -          -              -  
                                 Total                                         -                                 
                                 Index Futures       -          -              - 
                    Listed       Index Futures
     Total                       Options             -          -              - 
                    OTC            Options           -          -              - 
                                 Total                                         -                                  

(Note) Derivative transactions qualifying for hedge accounting are excluded from the above table.

(4) Bond-Related Transactions

                                                         12/31/2002                             6/30/2002
Bank name       Classification      Type      Contract     Market   Unrealized      Contract     Market   Unrealized
                                               Value       Value    Gains/Losses     Value       Value    Gains/Losses
                                 Index Futures    14.4        0.0            0.0        60.1       (0.3)         (0.3) 
Mizuho Bank        Listed        Index Futures           
                                 Options             -          -              -           -          -            -
                   OTC           Options             -          -              -           -          -            -
                                 Total                                       0.0                                 (0.3)  

                                 Index Futures   806.3        0.6            0.6     1,466.8       (0.5)         (0.5) 
Mizuho Corporate   Listed        Index Futures
Bank                             Options         126.9        0.2           (0.0)      835.0        1.6          (0.1)  
                   OTC           Options             -          -              -           -          -             - 
                                 Total                                       0.5                                 (0.7)  
                                 Index Futures   820.7        0.6            0.6     1,527.0       (0.8)         (0.8)  
Aggregated Figures  Listed       Index Future  
of Mizuho Bank and               Options         126.9        0.2           (0.0)      835.0        1.6          (0.1)  
Mizuho Corporate    OTC          Options             -          -              -           -          -             -   
Bank                             Total                                       0.6                                 (1.0)  

                                 Index Futures    29.7         0.0           0.0        73.0       (0.4)         (0.4)  
Mizuho Asset Trust  Listed       Index Futures
& Banking                        Options          17.0        (0.0)         (0.0)       74.5        0.2          (0.0)  
                    OTC          Options          88.9        (0.1)          0.0        85.5        0.1           0.0   
                                 Total                                       0.0                                 (0.3)  
                                 Index Futures   850.4         0.6           0.6     1,600.0       (1.3)         (1.3)  
                    Listed       Index Futures
     Total                       Options         143.9         0.1          (0.0)      909.5        1.9          (0.1)  
                    OTC          Options          88.9        (0.1)          0.0        85.5        0.1           0.0   
                                 Total                                       0.6                                 (1.4)

                                                (Reference) (in billions of yen)              
Bank name       Classification      Type      Contract     Market   Unrealized
                                               Value       Value    Gains/Losses
                                 Index Futures    10.9        (0.0)        (0.0) 
Mizuho Bank        Listed        Index Futures           
                                 Options             -           -           -
                   OTC           Options             -           -           -  
                                 Total               -           -          0.0                                     

                                 Index Futures 1,004.8         4.0          4.0 
Mizuho Corporate   Listed        Index Futures
Bank                             Options         308.7         0.6          0.2          
                   OTC           Options             -           -             -          
                                 Total                                      4.2
                                 Index Futures 1,015.7         4.0          4.0          
Aggregated Figures  Listed       Index Future  
of Mizuho Bank and               Options         308.7         0.6          0.2  
Mizuho Corporate    OTC          Options             -           -            -
Bank                             Total                                      4.2                                     

                                 Index Futures    19.0        (0.1)        (0.1) 
Mizuho Asset Trust  Listed       Index Futures
& Banking                        Options             -           -             -
                    OTC          Options             -           -             -
                                 Total                                     (0.1)
                                 Index Futures 1,034.8         3.8          3.8    
                    Listed       Index Futures   
     Total                       Options         308.7         0.6          0.2    
                    OTC          Options             -           -            -
                                 Total                                      4.0 

(Note) Derivative transactions qualifying for hedge accounting are excluded from the above table.


(5) Commodity-Related Transactions

                                                         12/31/2002                             6/30/2002

Bank name       Classification      Type      Contract     Market   Unrealized      Contract     Market   Unrealized
                                               Value       Value    Gains/Losses     Value       Value    Gains/Losses
Mizuho Bank         OTC            Options      36.5         0.8             0.8         6.4        0.0       0.0 
Mizuho Corporate    OTC            Options     176.4         0.2             0.4        79.4        0.3       0.3
Aggregated Figures    
of Mizuho Bank and  OTC            Options     212.9         1.0             1.3        85.8        0.3       0.3
Mizuho Corporate              
Mizuho Asset Trust  OTC            Options         -           -               -           -          -         -
& Banking                                 
      Total         OTC            Options     212.9         1.0             1.3         85.8       0.3       0.3   

                                              (Reference) (in billions of yen)   

Bank name       Classification      Type      Contract     Market   Unrealized      
                                               Value       Value    Gains/Losses     
Mizuho Bank         OTC            Options     24.8         0.6        0.6     
Mizuho Corporate    OTC            Options     89.8         0.1        0.3 
Aggregated Figures    
of Mizuho Bank and  OTC            Options    114.7         0.8        1.0 
Mizuho Corporate              
Mizuho Asset Trust  OTC            Options        -           -          -
& Banking                                 
      Total         OTC            Options    114.7         0.8        1.0                

(Note) Commodities are oil, copper and aluminium etc.

(6) Credit Derivatives Transactions

                                                         12/31/2002                             6/30/2002

Bank name       Classification      Type      Contract     Market   Unrealized      Contract     Market   Unrealized
                                               Value       Value    Gains/Losses     Value       Value    Gains/Losses
Mizuho Bank         OTC           Credit               
                                  Derivatives       -           -            -           -            -            -

Mizuho Corporate    OTC           Credit
Bank                              Derivatives    48.5        (0.0)         (0.0)       62.4        (0.0)        (0.0)
Aggregated Figures    
of Mizuho Bank and  OTC           Credit
Mizuho Corporate                  Derivatives    48.5        (0.0)         (0.0)       62.4        (0.0)        (0.0)
Mizuho Asset Trust  OTC           Credit            -           -               -         -           -            -
& Banking                         Derivatives        
      Total         OTC           Credit
                                  Derivatives    48.5         (0.0)        (0.0)       62.4        (0.0)        (0.0) 

                                               (Reference) (in billions of yen)

Bank name       Classification      Type      Contract     Market   Unrealized      
                                               Value       Value    Gains/Losses                                     
Mizuho Bank         OTC           Credit               
                                  Derivatives       -           -            -   

Mizuho Corporate    OTC           Credit
Bank                              Derivatives    60.8         (0.0)        (0.0)
Aggregated Figures    
of Mizuho Bank and  OTC           Credit
Mizuho Corporate                  Derivatives    60.8         (0.0)        (0.0)
Mizuho Asset Trust  OTC           Credit            -           -             -  
& Banking                         Derivatives        
      Total         OTC           Credit
                                  Derivatives    60.8         (0.0)        (0.0)  

(7) Weather Derivatives Transactions
                                                          12/31/2002                             6/30/2002

Bank name       Classification      Type      Contract     Market   Unrealized      Contract     Market   Unrealized
                                               Value       Value    Gains/Losses     Value       Value    Gains/Losses
Mizuho Bank         OTC           Weather               
                                  Derivatives     1.1           -             -         1.1         0.0          0.0  

Mizuho Corporate    OTC           Weather
Bank                              Derivatives     0.8        (0.0)           0.0        1.1         0.0          0.0
Aggregated Figures    
of Mizuho Bank and  OTC           Weather
Mizuho Corporate                  Derivatives     2.0         (0.0)          0.0        2.2         0.0           0.0 
Mizuho Asset Trust  OTC           Weather           -           -              -         -            -            -
& Banking                         Derivatives        
      Total         OTC           Weather
                                  Derivatives      2.0        (0.0)          0.0        2.2         0.0           0.0 

                                               (Reference)  (in billions of yen)  

Bank name       Classification      Type       Contract    Market   Unrealized
                                               Value       Value    Gains/Losses    
Mizuho Bank         OTC           Weather         0.5          0.0           0.0      

Mizuho Corporate    OTC           Weather
Bank                              Derivatives     0.6          0.0           0.0  
Aggregated Figures    
of Mizuho Bank and  OTC           Weather
Mizuho Corporate                  Derivatives     1.1          0.0           0.0    
Mizuho Asset Trust  OTC           Weather         
& Banking                         Derivatives       -            -             -
      Total         OTC           Weather
                                  Derivatives     1.1          0.0           0.0

(Note) Transactions are related to temperature and precipitations etc.


5. Overview of Derivative transactions qualifying for Hedge Accounting (Non-consolidated)
                                                                        (Reference)                 (in billions of yen)
                                    12/31/2002                                           9/30/2002

Bank name         Deferred Hedge  Deferred Hedge  Net Deferred Hedge  Deferred Hedge  Deferred Hedge  Net Deferred Hedge
                      Gains           Losses         Gains(losses)       Gains            Losses       Gains(Losses)

Mizuho Bank              121.8        198.7            (76.9)            102.5            196.7         (94.2)

Mizuho Corporate Bank  1,614.4      1,656.0            (41.5)          1,561.5          1,622.7         (61.1)

Aggregated Figures of
Mizuho Bank and
Mizuho Corporate Bank  1,736.2      1,854.8           (118.5)          1,664.1         1,819.5         (155.4)

Mizuho Asset Trust &
Banking                   74.0         94.9            (20.8)             66.8            89.5          (22.6)

        Total          1,810.3      1,949.7           (139.3)          1,730.9         1,909.0         (178.1)

(Note) The above figures reflect all derivative transactions qualifying for hedge accounting.


                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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