Noble Health Fund VCT plc
Half-yearly Report
for the six months ended 31 July 2008


Objective of the Fund

The objective of the fund is to provide investors with an attractive return by
maximising the stream of dividend distributions from the capital gains and
income generated from a diversified portfolio of investments in the health

Investment Policy

*    To create a balanced portfolio of growth companies in the health sector.
*    To invest in companies which have proven management and technology or
     business propositions which are protected by patents or know-how and where there
     are barriers to entry for competitors.
*    Investments may include unquoted early-stage companies, those requiring
     development capital and companies raising money on AIM.

Key data
                                           31/07/08    31/07/07   31/01/08
                                        (unaudited) (unaudited)  (audited)
Total Net Asset Value ("NAV")               �13.3m      �15.8m      �14.5m
Shares in issue                         19,307,784  18,822,500  18,837,545
NAV per share                                68.8p       83.8p       77.0p
Share price                                  64.5p       72.5p       59.5p
Market capitalisation                       �12.5m      �13.6m      �11.2m
Ordinary share price discount to NAV          6.3%       13.5%       22.7%
NAV per share plus cumulative dividends      82.3p       95.8p       90.5p
paid to date
Cumulative dividends per ordinary share      13.5p       12.0p       13.5p
since inception


*    Investments totalling �1.2m made in seven companies (includes three follow
     on investments) in the six months ended 31 July 2008.
*    Top up offer launched in February 2008 which raised �561k.
Chairman's Statement

The  past  six  months  has  provided an extremely challenging  environment  for
smaller  companies  to operate in and this has impacted the performance  of  the
fund.  The  net asset value per share fell by 10.6% to 68.8p with  movements  in
both  quoted and unquoted portfolios. During this period the FTSE AIM  All-Share
Total Return index fell 14.5%. Within the fund the quoted stocks held throughout
the six months fell by 16.3% and this was almost entirely due to one investment,
York  Pharma, which is discussed in the Fund Manager's Review. It is encouraging
to report that the balance of this part of the portfolio fell by only 1.6%.

On the unquoted side progress continues to be made against the milestones we set
each  investment. However these young companies now face a significantly tougher
environment in which to raise further funds. We have taken the decision to write
down  the  value  of  five  of our investments, the material  ones  being  Amura
Holdings  and  Inforsense,  and this again is detailed  in  the  Fund  Manager's
Review.  Both these investments had previously been written up and are now  held
broadly  at cost. The risk profiles of these companies have increased  over  the
past  few  months and the Board feels it is prudent to be more cautious  in  the
current  environment. Due to the timing of these impairments,  which  have  been
made  since  the  half-year  end and which reflect  the  Board's  views  on  the
implications  of events unfolding at this time, the NAV previously  released  to
the  market  on 5 August 2008 as at 31 July 2008 differed from that included  in
this  report.   You will appreciate that the speed with which these  events  are
happening  makes  it  inevitable that any comments made in  this  Statement  are
likely to be out of date by the time it reaches you.

Despite market conditions we successfully raised �561k (before costs) in a  top-
up offer and the closing cash and liquid resources available for investment sits
at �3.46m, which is of increased significance in the current credit crunch.

Within  the  fund  we also made new investments during the half  year  totalling
�1.22m  in  seven  companies.  Three of which were follow  on  investments  into
existing  holdings of which two, Altacor and OmniDental Sciences  are  unquoted.
Of the four new investments, only Population Genetics is unquoted. There were no
divestments in the last six months.

In  the  current circumstances the Board feels it is not prudent to  declare  an
interim dividend to shareholders, but the payment of a dividend will be reviewed
later in the financial year.   The Company operates a buy back policy purchasing
shares  at  a  discount  to  NAV  agreed by the  Board.   However,  due  to  the
uncertainty created by the ongoing credit crunch, the Board has also decided  to
postpone further buy backs of shares until later in the year.  This is, we hope,
a temporary measure reflecting highly stressed market conditions.

We  have  continued  to monitor the portfolio closely against  the  current  VCT
legislation  and  I am pleased to report that we anticipate comfortably  meeting
the relevant qualifying tests as they arise.

Gill Nott resigned as Chairman of the Board at the annual general meeting and  I
was  delighted  to  be appointed Gill's successor. I would like  to  thank  Gill
personally for her hard work, dedication and enthusiasm which she brought to the
role over the many years she served the fund.

During the period there have also been some changes to the investment management
team at Noble Fund Managers Limited ("Noble"). Gerard Tardy, who was one of  the
founders  of  the  healthcare investment team, retired, His role  was  initially
taken  by  Paul  Toon, who was Head of Unquoted Investments at Noble.   However,
Paul  Toon  has since left Noble and the investment team is now led by  Dr  Paul
Jourdan, Head of Equity Investments at Noble, and also the manager of the  Noble
AIM VCT plc.

The  Board and Noble plan to conduct their annual review of strategy in  October
this  year.  The current tough economic conditions raise some serious  strategic
questions for the Company, in regard to how we maximise value from our portfolio
of  investments, many of which are in fairly early-stage businesses. This review
will  be  the  first which I shall attend as Chairman, and will be a substantial

Charles Pinney
29 September 2008
Fund Manager's Review

The first half of the year has been overshadowed by the credit crunch which,  at
the  time of writing, has just claimed another victim in the form of Bradford  &
Bingley.  There  is a very high degree of uncertainty today about  how  far  the
credit  problems  will  damage the so-called "real"  economy,  in  the  form  of
recession.  What is clear, however, is that problems at the banks have  made  it
much  more  difficult  for small companies to raise new funds,  and  created  an
environment in which customers are tending to delay spending decisions and scale
down  inventory levels. Against this backdrop it is perhaps not surprising  that
several  of  the  portfolio  companies have seen difficult  trading  or  funding

Quoted Portfolio
The  value  of  the quoted portfolio fell by 16.3% during the half year  period,
which  compares to a fall of 14.5% in the FTSE AIM All-Share Total Return  Index
over  the same period. The majority of the portfolio did much better than  this.
However York Pharma, which had previously been a very profitable investment  and
thus  became  a  large holding, saw its share price retrench by 56%  on  further
delays  to  the  licensing  of its lead product, as  well  as  embarking  on  an
ambitious  programme  of acquisitions, which left it needing  to  raise  further
funds  in  an  adverse funding climate. Excluding this factor the  fall  in  the
quoted portfolio worked out at 1.6%.

Unquoted Portfolio
The  principal  issue  for this part of the portfolio  is  the  ongoing  funding
requirement.   Negotiating a way through these requirements, and achieving  some
exits in the portfolio on good terms, are the principal challenges for the  next
year in this tougher environment.

Provisions  have  been  made on a number of holdings. The significant  ones  are
Inforsense and Amura Holdings.  Inforsense is a software company which  supplies
integrative  analysis  technology,  which is  the  ability  to  spot  trends  in
otherwise uncorrelated data.  Buoyed by its success in the healthcare sector  it
sought  to expand into the financial sector believing this sector would be  keen
adopters of their technology. This move has coincided with the credit crunch and
has led to a retrenchment to its core business. This loss of momentum has caused
us  to impair the holding valuation to �802k which is a write down of �616k when
compared to the valuation at the year end.

Amura Holdings is a drug discovery business, which has broadly continued to  hit
its  milestones.  However,  there  was  a delay  to  an  anticipated  commercial
agreement over the summer which has contributed to a mark down in the  value  of
the  holding  to  �1,069k.  The write down of these holdings has  reduced  their
value to broadly cost.

Qualifying Portfolio
Four new qualifying investments totalling �848k were made during the period,  of
which  three  were  additional investments in portfolio  companies  Altacor,  IS
Pharma and OmniDental Sciences.

One  new  investment of �347k, with a commitment to increase this  depending  on
achieving  agreed  milestones,  was  made  in  Population  Genetics.  Population
Genetics   is  an  exciting  start-up  with  a  novel  technology   which   will
significantly increase the capacity of genome sequencing machines.

Non-Qualifying Portfolio
Three  new investments totalling �371k were made, reflecting the Board's  desire
to  build  a non-qualifying portfolio of listed companies with a view to  better
diversifying  the Company's investment risk, and gain exposure  to  some  larger
more mature companies.

PureCircle, the largest of these investments, is a pioneer in the production  of
Rebaudioside-A  (Reb A) from the Stevia plant. Reb A is being adopted  by  major
drinks  companies  as  the most effective natural low calorie  sweetener.  Corin
Group,  the next largest, is an orthopaedics company, best known for its  large-
diameter  cup,  `metal-on-metal' hip replacement devices, and in particular  for
its hip-resurfacing device known as Cormet.  Having received approval in the US,
Cormet  is  being  distributed by Stryker there.  However, the  shares  fell  by
around  75% after Stryker reported slow initial sales. We used this fall  as  an
opportunity to take a small position, believing Cormet to have a strategic value
to Stryker well in excess of Corin Group's current capitalisation.  CustomVis is
an  innovative company in the laser vision corrective industry, with a focus  on
custom surgery, their flagship product is a solid state refractive laser that is
designed  specifically for custom surgery, permitting an  accurate  approach  to
correcting both standard and non-standard vision disorders.

Unfortunately it looks as if the credit crunch has a good deal further  to  run.
There  is  a  clear expectation of further trouble amongst the UK banks  as  the
economy slows and the housing market continues to fall. In this scenario the key
question for Noble is how and when to deploy the cash on the balance sheet. Much
of  this has been kept aside for follow-on investments at present.  We will need
to scrutinise this carefully with the Board, making sure that we are rigorous in
assessing the best risk-adjusted outcomes as funds are invested.

Noble Fund Managers Limited
29 September 2008

Investment Portfolio as at 31 July 2008

                                        Cost   Valuation   Valuation
                                                             as % of
                                           �           �           %
Quoted investments                                                  
1st Dental Laboratories plc          289,000      52,568         0.4
Chromogenex plc*                     253,000      40,250         0.3
Corin Group plc                      148,008     144,750         1.1
Craneware plc*                       139,302     221,197         1.7
CustomVis plc*                        78,000      44,880         0.3
Genosis plc*                         899,886      18,945         0.1
Immunodiagnostics Systems             42,351     212,795         1.6
 Holdings plc
IS Pharma plc*                       365,940     328,247         2.5
MediGene AG                          639,173     237,434         1.8
Paion AG                             200,000      51,898         0.4
PureCircle Limited*                  145,223     202,938         1.5
Sinclair Pharma plc                  219,219      76,394         0.6
Vectura Group plc                    481,664     399,678         3.0
York Pharma plc                      592,413     238,287         1.8
                                   _________   _________   _________    
Total quoted investments           4,493,179   2,270,261        17.1
                                   _________   _________   _________  
Unquoted investments                                                
Altacor Limited                      400,000     400,000         3.0
Amura Holdings Limited               987,150   1,069,250         8.1
BioVex Inc                           763,885     645,854         4.9
deltaDot Limited                     599,574     539,610         4.1
Digital Healthcare Limited           810,000     695,768         5.2
Inforsense Limited                 1,020,000     801,922         6.0
OmniDental Sciences Limited          750,000     750,000         5.6
Onyx Scientific Limited              850,000     850,000         6.4
Optasia Medical Limited              650,000     650,000         4.9
Plum Baby Limited                    749,148     749,148         5.7
Population Genetics Limited          346,667     346,667         2.6
                                   _________   _________   _________  
Total unquoted investments         7,926,424   7,498,219        56.5
                                   _________   _________   _________  
Total investments                 12,419,603   9,768,480        73.6
                                   _________   _________   _________  
Net current assets                             3,506,657        26.4
                                   _________   _________   _________
Equity shareholders' funds                    13,275,137       100.0
                                   _________   _________   _________ 

* These investments are also held by other VCTs managed by Noble.

Principal Risks and Uncertainties

The Company's assets consist of equity and fixed interest investments, cash and
liquid resources.  Its principal risks are therefore market risk, credit risk
and liquidity risk.  Other risks faced by the Company include economic,
investment and strategic, regulatory, reputational, operational and financial
risks as well as the potential for loss of approval as a VCT.  These risks, and
the way in which they are managed are described in more detail under the heading
Principal Risks and Uncertainties within the Directors' Report and Business
Review in the Company's Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 January
2008.  The Company's principal risks and uncertainties have not changed in their
nature since the date of that report, although in the current market the degree
to which the Company is subject to these risks has changed due to market

Responsibility Statement of the Directors in respect of the half-yearly
financial report

We confirm that to the best of our knowledge:
-    the condensed set of financial statements has been prepared in accordance
     with the Statement "Half-yearly financial reports" issued by the UK Accounting
     Standards Board;
-    the Chairman's Statement (constituting the interim management report)
includes a fair review of the information required by DTR4.2.7R of the
Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being an indication of important events that
have occurred during the first six months of the financial year and their impact
on the condensed set of financial statements;
-    the Statement of Principal Risks and Uncertainties above is a fair review
of the information required by DTR4.2.7R, being a description of the principal
risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the year; and
-    the financial statements include a fair review of the information required
by DTR4.2.8R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being related party
transactions that have taken place in the first six months of the current
financial year and that have materially affected the financial position or
performance of the entity during that period; and any changes in the related
party transactions described in the last annual report that could do so.

Approved by the Board and signed for and on behalf of the Board

Charles Pinney
29 September 2008

Income Statement for the six months ended 31 July 2008

                           Six months ended            Six months ended                Year ended
         Note                  31 July 2008                31 July 2007           31 January 2008
                                (unaudited)                 (unaudited)                 (audited)
               Revenue      Capital      Total  Revenue   Capital     Total   Revenue    Capital    Total
                     �           �           �        �         �         �         �          �        �
Gain on              -           -           -        -    57,010    57,010         -     30,067   30,067
disposal of

Decrease in          - (1,468,303) (1,468,303)        - (145,785) (145,785)       -(1,018,122)(1,018,122)
fair value                                                                         
of investments

Income      6  121,293          -      121,293  175,061         -   175,061   340,652         -   340,652

Investment    (32,907)   (98,721)    (131,628) (34,907) (104,720) (139,627)  (66,751) (200,254) (267,005)
management fee                                                                        

Other expenses (114,874)        -    (114,874)(118,423)         - (118,423) (267,467)         - (267,467)
(Loss)/return  (26,488)(1,567,024) (1,593,512)  21,731 (193,495) (171,764)  6,434 (1,188,309) (1,181,875)
before taxation

Taxation on          -          -           -         -         -        -         -          -        -

(Loss)/return  (26,488) (1,567,024) (1,593,512) 21,731 (193,495) (171,764)  6,434 (1,188,309) (1,181,875)
after taxation

Return per  4  (0.14)p     (8.16)p     (8.30)p    0.13p   (1.12)p   (0.99)p     0.04p    (6.58)p  (6.54)p
ordinary share                                                            
- basic and

The total column is the profit and loss account of the Company.
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the statement.
All revenue and capital items derive from continuing operations.
No operations were acquired or discontinued during the period.
There were no other recognised gains or losses in the period.

Dividends Paid
                                    Six months   Six months           Year
                                         ended        ended          ended
                                       31 July      31 July     31 January
                                          2008         2007           2008
                                    (unaudited) (undaudited)     (audited)
                                             �           �              �
Interim dividend for the year                -           -        943,913
ended 31 January 2008 of 5p per
ordinary share - paid on 14 May
Interim dividend for the year                -     281,719        281,719       
ended 31 January 2008 of 1.5p per                                 
ordinary share - paid on 30
November 2007
                                             -     281,719      1,225,632

Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds
for the six months ended 31 July 2008
                                     Six months   Six months          Year
                                          ended        ended         ended
                                   31 July 2008      31 July    31 January
                                                        2007          2008
                                    (unaudited)  (unaudited)     (audited)
                                              �            �             �
Opening shareholders' funds         14,497,689   12,137,079    12,137,079
Loss for the period                (1,593,512)    (171,764)   (1,181,875)
Net increase in share capital in       370,960    4,753,577     4,768,117
Dividends paid                               -    (943,913)   (1,225,632)
Closing shareholders' funds         13,275,137   15,774,979    14,497,689

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the statement.

Balance Sheet
as at 31 July 2008

                                       31 July     31 July   31 January
                                          2008        2007         2008
                                   (unaudited) (unaudited)    (audited)

                              Note           �           �            �
Fixed assets                                                           
Investments held at fair             9,768,480   9,876,637   10,017,114
Current assets                                                         
Debtors                                130,121     122,751      147,149
Cash at bank and on deposit            175,702           -      470,290
Investments - liquidity fund         3,287,370   6,031,299    3,943,498
                                     3,593,193   6,154,050    4,560,937

Current liabilities                                                    
Creditors: amounts falling            (86,536)   (255,708)     (80,362)
due within one year                ____________________________________ 
Net current assets                   3,506,657   5,898,342    4,480,575
Total assets less current           13,275,137  15,774,979   14,497,689
liabilities                        ____________________________________ 
Capital and reserves                                                   
Called up share capital                193,077     188,225      188,375
Share premium account*         8     6,931,312   6,352,776    6,403,631
Special distributable          8     8,458,244   8,940,718    8,622,048
Capital redemption reserve*    8       391,571     388,703      389,190
Capital reserve - realised     8       320,094     288,055      418,815
Capital reserve - unrealised   8   (2,651,121)    (57,245)  (1,182,818)
Revenue reserve                8     (368,040)   (326,253)    (341,552)
Equity shareholders' funds          13,275,137  15,774,979   14,497,689
Net asset value per share      5         68.8p       83.8p        77.0p

*    These reserves are not distributable.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the balance sheet.

Cash Flow Statement for the six months ended 31 July 2008

                                    Six months   Six months         Year
                                         ended        ended        ended
                                       31 July      31 July   31 January
                                          2008         2007         2008
                                   (unaudited)  (unaudited)    (audited)
                             Note            �            �            �
Operating activities                                                    
Investment income received             151,238      143,296      299,398
Deposit interest received                7,240        7,636       16,039
Investment management fees           (145,710)    (139,627)    (303,213)
Other operating costs                (117,298)    (168,713)    (260,829)
Net cash outflow from           9    (104,530)    (157,408)    (248,605)
operating activities                ____________________________________
Financial investment                                                    
Purchase of investments            (1,219,669)  (2,609,666)  (4,129,602)
Disposal/(purchase) of                 656,128  (4,443,597)  (2,355,796)
liquidity funds
Disposals of investments                     -      690,025    1,170,205
Net cash outflow from                (563,541)  (6,363,238)  (5,315,193)
financial investment                ____________________________________
Payment of dividends                         -    (801,572)  (1,031,799)
Net cash outflow before              (668,071)  (7,322,218)  (6,595,597)
financing                           ____________________________________
Issue of shares                        551,499    5,885,942    5,896,127
Expenses of the issue of              (14,212)    (104,570)    (161,762)
Buy back of shares                   (163,804)    (191,657)    (228,608)
Net cash inflow from                   373,483    5,589,715    5,505,757
financing                           ____________________________________
Decrease in cash during the          (294,588)  (1,732,503)  (1,089,840)
period                              ____________________________________
Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net cash
Net cash at start of period            470,290    1,560,130    1,560,130
Net cash at end of period              175,702    (172,373)      470,290
Decrease in cash during the          (294,588)  (1,732,503)  (1,089,840)
period                              ____________________________________

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the statement.

Notes to the Financial Statements for the six months ended 31 July 2008

1.    The unaudited half-yearly financial results cover the six months ended  31
      July  2008 and have been prepared in accordance with applicable accounting
      standards  and  adopting the accounting policies set out in the  statutory
      accounts  for  the year ended 31 January 2008 drawn up in accordance  with
      the  Accounting Standard Board's (ASB) Statement on Half-yearly  Financial
      Reports  (July 2007) and adopting the accounting policies set out  in  the
      statutory accounts for the year ended 31 January 2008 which were  prepared
      under UK GAAP.

2.    The  financial information set out in this report has not been audited but
      has  been  reviewed by the auditors and does not comprise  full  financial
      statements  within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies  Act  1985.
      Statutory  accounts  for  the  year ended  31  January  2008,  which  were
      unqualified,  have  been  lodged  with  the  Registrar  of  Companies.  No
      statutory  accounts in respect of any period after 31  January  2008  have
      been  reported on by the Company's auditors or delivered to the  Registrar
      of Companies.

3.    Copies  of  the  half-yearly report are being sent  to  all  shareholders.
      Further  copies are available free of charge from the Company's registered

4.    The  return  per  ordinary share is based on the  return  attributable  to
      ordinary  shareholders  for the six months ended  31  July  2008  and  the
      weighted  average  number  of  shares  in  issue  during  the  period   of
      19,214,346 (31 July 2007: 17,265,852, 31 January 2008: 18,052,613).

5.   The net asset value per ordinary share is calculated based on net assets of
      �13,275,137 (31 July 2007: �15,774,979, 31 January 2008: �14,497,689) and the
      number of ordinary shares in issue of 19,307,784 (31 July 2007: 18,822,500, 31
      January 2008: 18,837,545).

6.   Income
                                                   Six months  Six months          Year
                                                        ended       ended         ended
                                                      31 July     31 July    31 January
                                                         2008        2007          2008
                                                  (unaudited) (unaudited)     (audited)
                                                            �           �             �
      Income from investments:                                          
         Income from global liquidity funds            95,472     156,144       297,959
         Dividends received                                 -           -         3,904
         Interest on loan stock                        18,581      11,281        22,750
      Other income:                                                     
         Deposit interest                               7,240       7,636        16,039
                                                      121,293     175,061       340,652

  7.   The effective rate of tax for the six months ended 31 July 2008 is nil due
       to the loss incurred in the period.

  8.   Unaudited reserves:
                                                   Share        Special     Capital
                                                 premium  distributable  redemption
                                                 account        reserve     reserve
                                                       �              �           �
      At 1 February 2008                       6,403,631      8,622,048     389,190
      Premium on allotment of ordinary shares     553,943             -           -
      Share issue expenses                       (26,262)             -           -
      Shares repurchased and cancelled                  -     (163,804)       2,381
      At 31 July 2008                           6,931,312     8,458,244     391,571
                                                  Capital       Capital         
                                                  reserve       reserve     Revenue
                                                 realised    unrealised     reserve
                                                        �             �           �
      At 1 February 2008                          418,815   (1,182,818)   (341,552)
      Loss for period                            (98,721)   (1,468,303)    (26,488)
      At 31 July 2008                             320,094   (2,651,121)   (368,040)
  9.   Reconciliation of net loss on ordinary activities to net cash outflow from
       operating activities
                                                        Six months    Six months        Year
                                                             ended         ended       ended
                                                      31 July 2008  31 July 2007  31 January 
                                                       (unaudited)   (unaudited)   (audited)
                                                                 �             �           �
      Loss on ordinary activities before taxation      (1,593,512)     (171,764) (1,181,875)
      Net loss and change in fair value of investments   1,468,303        88,775     988,055
      Increase/(decrease) in creditors, excluding            6,174      (45,659)     (4,149)
       corporation tax payable
      Decrease/(increase) in debtors                        14,505      (28,760)    (50,636)
      Net cash outflow from operating activities         (104,530)     (157,408)   (248,605)
 10. Related Parties

     Noble  manages  the  investments of the Company.  Noble  also  provides  or
     procures   the  provision  of  secretarial,  administration  and  custodian
     services  to the Company.  Management fee charges are restricted such  that
     total  costs (excluding trail commission) do not exceed 3.6% of net  assets
     at the end of the accounting period.

     During  the  period, the Company was charged sums by Noble Group companies.
     The relationships and amounts charged during the period include:
     Noble  Fund  Managers  Limited  charged  the  Company  management  fees  of
     �131,628 (31 July 2007: �139,627).
     Noble Corporate Management Limited charged the Company administration  fees
     of  �7,500  (31 July 2007: �7,500) excluding irrecoverable VAT and  company
     secretarial  fees of �7,500 (31 July 2007: �7,500) excluding  irrecoverable
     Noble  &  Company charge the Company broker fees of �4,000 (31  July  2007:
     �4,000) excluding irrecoverable VAT.

  11.  VAT on management fees
     As  a  result  of an announcement by HM Revenue & Customs that  it  accepts
     that  the  fund  management  of VCTs should  have  fallen  within  the  VAT
     exemption  for  fund management services introduced on 1 January  1990,  HM
     Revenue  &  Customs now invites claims for VAT charged retrospectively  for
     certain  periods.  The amount of VAT recoverable by the Company is  yet  to
     be finalised however it is not expected to be material.
Independent Review Report to Noble Health Fund VCT Plc

We  have  been  engaged by the Company to review the condensed set of  financial
statements in the half-yearly financial report for the six months ended 31  July
2008  which  comprises  the  Income Statement, Reconciliation  of  Movements  in
Shareholders'  Funds,  Balance  Sheet,  Cash  Flow  Statement  and  the  related
explanatory  notes.  We have read the other information contained in  the  half-
yearly  financial  report  and  considered  whether  it  contains  any  apparent
misstatements or material inconsistencies with the information in the  condensed
set of financial statements.

This  report is made solely to the Company in accordance with the terms  of  our
engagement. Our review has been undertaken so that we might state to the Company
those  matters we are required to state to it in this report and  for  no  other
purpose.  To  the  fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept  or  assume
responsibility  to anyone other than the Company for our review work,  for  this
report, or for the conclusions we have reached.

Directors' responsibilities
The half-yearly financial report is the responsibility of, and has been approved
by,  the  directors. The directors are responsible for preparing the half-yearly
financial report in accordance with the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the
United Kingdom's Financial Services Authority.

As  disclosed in the notes, the annual financial statements of the  Company  are
prepared  in  accordance  with  UK company law  and  the  applicable  accounting
standards  ("UK GAAP").  The condensed set of financial statements  included  in
this  half-yearly  financial report has been prepared  in  accordance  with  the
Accounting Standard Board's Statement "Half-yearly Financial Reports".

Our responsibility
Our  responsibility is to express to the Company a conclusion on  the  condensed
set  of  financial statements in the half-yearly financial report based  on  our

Scope of review
We  conducted  our review in accordance with International Standards  on  Review
Engagements  (UK  and  Ireland) 2410, "Review of Interim  Financial  Information
Performed  by  the  Independent Auditor of the Entity" issued  by  the  Auditing
Practices Board for use in the United Kingdom. A review of half-yearly financial
information  consists of making enquiries, primarily of persons responsible  for
financial  and  accounting  matters, and applying analytical  and  other  review
procedures.  A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted  in
accordance  with  International  Standards on  Auditing  (UK  and  Ireland)  and
consequently  does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become  aware
of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit.  Accordingly we
do not express an audit opinion.

Review conclusion
Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe
that  the  condensed  set of financial statements in the  half-yearly  financial
report  for  the six months ended 31 July 2008 is not prepared, in all  material
respects,  in accordance with the Accounting Standards Board's Statement  "Half-
yearly  Financial  Reports"  and the Disclosure and Transparency  Rules  of  the
United Kingdom's Financial Services Authority.


29 September 2008
Shareholder Information

Share price
The  Company's ordinary shares are listed on the London Stock Exchange. The mid-
price of the Company's ordinary shares is given daily in the Financial Times  in
the  Investment  Companies  section of the London  Share  Service.  Share  price
information  can  also  be obtained from many financial websites  including  the
London Stock Exchange site:

Net asset value per share
The  Company's net asset value per ordinary share as at 31 July 2008 was  68.8p.
The  Company normally announces its net asset value per share on a weekly  basis
to  The London Stock Exchange. Monthly net asset value per share information can
be           found          on          Noble          Group's          website: .

Financial calendar
September 2008      Half-yearly report for the six months ended 31 July 2008
                    circulated to shareholders
November 2008       Interim Management Statement
31 January 2009     Year-end
April 2009          Results for the year ended 31 January 2009 announced and annual
                    report and review sent to shareholders
June 2009           Annual General Meeting

Further information
For further information regarding the Company please contact:
    Kate Justham     0207 763 2200
    Doreen Nic       0131 225 9677
    Eddie Cheesman   0131 225 9677

For further information regarding the Company's buy-back policy please contact:
    Kate Justham     0207 763 2200

Shareholders should contact the following regarding queries:

Basic contact details, ie change of address, queries regarding share and tax
certificates and dividend mandate forms:

Computershare (Company Registrar)

Shareholder helpline
The  Shareholder  helpline is available on UK business days between  Monday  and
Friday,   8.30am   to   5pm.   The  helpline  contains  automated   self-service
functionality  which is available 24 hours a day, 7 days  a  week.   Using  your
Shareholder  Reference Number which is available on your  share  certificate  or
dividend tax voucher, Computershare's self-service functionality will let you do
the following things:

Automated Functions
  -    confirm the latest share price
-    confirm your current shareholding balance
-    confirm payment history
-    order a Change of Address, Dividend Mandate or Stock Transfer Form
Tel: 0870 703 0137 (calls charged at national rate)

Investors who hold ordinary shares in their own name can check their holdings on
Computershare's website  Please note that to access  this
facility  investors  will  need to quote the reference  number  shown  on  their
certificate.   Alternatively, by registering for the Investor's Centre  facility
on  Computershare's  website, investors can view details of their  holdings  for
which  Computershare is Registrar, as well as access additional  facilities  and
documentation.    Please   see   for    further

Corporate Information

Charles Pinney (Chairman)
Peter Arthur
Ann Hacker
Frank Harding

All are non-executive Directors

Registered office
5th floor
120 Old Broad Street

Broker                             VCT tax adviser
Noble & Company Limited            PricewaterhouseCoopers
76 George Street                   1 Embankment Place
Edinburgh                          London
EH2 3BU                            WC2N 6RH

Secretary                          Registrar
Noble Corporate Management Limited Computershare Investor Services PLC
76 George Street                   The Pavilions
Edinburgh                          Bridgwater Road
EH2 3BU                            Bristol
                                   BS99 6ZZ

Fund Manager                       Solicitors
Noble Fund Managers Limited        Martineau Johnson
5th floor                          No.1 Colmore Square
120 Old Broad Street               Birmingham
London                             B4 6AA

Auditors                           Bankers
PKF (UK) LLP                       NatWest Bank
Farringdon Place                   Financial Institutions Group
20 Farringdon Road                 7th Floor, 280 Bishopsgate
London                             London

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