15 DECEMBER 2010 
Northern  AIM VCT PLC  is a Venture  Capital Trust (VCT)  managed by NVM Private 
Equity.   The  trust  was  launched  in  October  2000.  Its  portfolio  of VCT- 
qualifying investments is focused on companies quoted on AIM but also includes a 
number of later-stage unquoted holdings. 
Financial highlights - year ended 31 October 2010: 
(comparative figures as at 31 October 2009 in italics): 
                                                 2010            2009 
  ·         Net assets                             GBP7.0m            GBP7.6m 
  ·         Net asset value per share             31.6p           34.4p 
  ·         Return per share 
 Revenue                                          0.2p            0.1p 
 Capital                                          0.1p            4.6p 
 Total                                            0.3p            4.7p 
  ·         Dividend per share proposed 
 in respect of the year 
 Revenue                                          0.1p             - 
 Capital                                          2.9p            3.0p 
 Total                                            3.0p            3.0p 
  ·         Cumulative return to 
 shareholders since launch 
 Net asset value per share                       31.6p           34.4p 
 Dividends paid per share*                       22.3p           19.3p 
 Net asset value plus dividends 
 paid per share                                  53.9p           53.7p 
  ·         Share price at end of year            25.5p           26.0p 
*Excluding proposed final dividend 
For further information, please contact: 
 NVM Private Equity Limited 
 Alastair Conn/Christopher Mellor   0191 244 6000 
 Website: www.nvm.co.uk 
Overview of the year 
During the past year the UK economy has begun a tentative recovery from the deep 
recession  whose  low  point  was  reached  in  the first half of 2009.  The new 
Government  has  maintained  an  expansionary  monetary policy whilst seeking to 
impose  a severe fiscal  tightening over the  next few years,  based on revenue- 
raising  measures such as  the imminent increase  in VAT as  well as significant 
cuts  in public expenditure.   These and other  factors have combined to prolong 
the  general  uncertainty  which  has  overshadowed  the  activities  of smaller 
companies in the UK. 
The AIM market made little progress between November 2009 and July 2010 but then 
rose  sharply over the last  quarter of our financial  year to 31 October 2010, 
ending  the year 25% higher overall.  The number of VCT-qualifying new issues on 
AIM  has  again  been  disappointingly  low.   Whilst  a  number of our investee 
companies  have made encouraging  progress despite the  difficult conditions, in 
most cases this has yet to be reflected in a re-rating of the share price.  As a 
result  Northern AIM VCT has generated only a modest return over the past year. 
However it is pleasing that we have been able to maintain the annual dividend at 
3.0p, in line with our stated objective, for a fourth successive year. 
Performance and dividend 
The  return per share for  the year as shown  in the income statement was 0.3p, 
equivalent to 0.9% of the opening net asset value (NAV) per share, compared with 
4.7p in  the  preceding  year.   Investment  income  was  slightly down from the 
corresponding  period, but a reduction in the level of revenue expenses led to a 
small  increase in the revenue  surplus for the year.   The capital value of the 
investment  portfolio showed little overall growth  and, after taking account of 
the  3.0p dividend paid in  March 2010, the NAV  per share fell  to 31.6p at 31 
October 2010 from 34.4p a year ago. 
The  proposed final dividend of 3.0p per share  in respect of the year ended 31 
October  2010 will,  subject  to  shareholders'  approval  at the annual general 
meeting, be paid on 18 March 2011 to shareholders on the register on 18 February 
2011.  This  will take  the cumulative  total dividends  paid by  the company to 
25.3p per share. 
The  business  review  in  the  annual  report contains a detailed discussion of 
developments in the investment portfolio during the year.  Three new investments 
were added, one of which resulted from the restructuring of an existing holding, 
and  a number of disposals were completed so as to maintain an adequate level of 
cash reserves. 
Although  the AIM market as a whole has  performed well over the past two years, 
many of the smaller VCT-qualifying companies on AIM have seen their market value 
stagnate  or fall due to  a lack of significant  buying interest.  Our policy of 
holding  a significant weighting  in unquoted UK  companies continues, though in 
the prevailing economic conditions we have felt it right to take a cautious view 
on  the  valuation  of  unquoted  holdings  and  consequently  this  part of the 
portfolio did not achieve a positive contribution this year. 
Shareholder issues 
During  the year the directors have again maintained a policy of not buying back 
the  company's own shares  in the market.   Over the past  year there has been a 
steady level of secondary market activity in the shares, generally at a discount 
of  around 20% to NAV, and it remains  our view that the company's distributable 
reserves  and cash resources should be focussed on making dividend distributions 
which benefit all shareholders equally. 
The  company has now been in existence for  ten years, and at the annual general 
meeting on 11 March 2011 shareholders will be invited to vote on the five-yearly 
resolution  for  the  continuation  of  the  company.   Whilst the directors are 
recommending  shareholders to vote in favour of continuation, it is important to 
emphasise  that the future direction of the  company is being kept under careful 
review,  with a  number of  possible strategic  options being  considered.  High 
priority  will be given to protection of  the capital gains deferral obtained by 
many shareholders when making their original investment in the company. 
Shareholders  will receive  with the  annual report  a separate  circular giving 
details of all the business to be transacted at the annual general meeting. 
VCT qualifying status 
The  company  has  continued  to  comply  with  the  qualifying  conditions  for 
maintaining  its approval by HM  Revenue & Customs as  a venture capital trust. 
The  board  retains  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP  as  advisers  on  VCT taxation 
Although  the financial markets have  been on an upward  trend in recent months, 
many  observers remain pessimistic about the  short to medium term prospects for 
the  UK economy.  The impact of higher VAT  and spending cuts has yet to be felt 
and it seems likely that some difficult times still lie ahead.  This is bound to 
have  some effect on the performance of  our portfolio.  However we believe that 
our  investments, both  quoted and  unquoted, are  currently held at a valuation 
which leaves some room for future enhancement.  We will continue to seek ways to 
realise this potential for the benefit of shareholders. 
James Dawnay 
The  audited financial statements for the year ended 31 October 2010 are set out 
for the year ended 31 October 2010 
                      Year ended 31 October 2010          Year ended 31 October 2009 
                 Revenue     Capital       Total     Revenue     Capital       Total 
                     GBP000         GBP000         GBP000         GBP000         GBP000         GBP000 
on disposal 
  investments          -        (106)       (106)          -         135         135 
Movements in 
fair value 
  of                   -         197         197           -         895         895 
              ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
                       -          91          91           -       1,030       1,030 
Income               218           -         218         236           -         236 
Investment           (25)        (74)        (99)        (18)        (55)        (73) 
Recoverable            -           -           -           7          22          29 
Other               (154)          -        (154)       (199)          -        (199) 
              ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
Return on 
  activities          39          17          56          26         997       1,023 
before tax 
Tax on return 
  ordinary             -           -           -           -           -           - 
              ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
Return on 
  activities          39          17          56          26         997       1,023 
after tax 
              ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
Return per           0.2p        0.1p        0.3p        0.1p        4.6p        4.7p 
for the year ended 31 October 2010 
                                             Year ended         Year ended 
                                        31 October 2010    31 October 2009 
                                                    GBP000                GBP000 
 Equity shareholders' funds 
   at 1 November 2009                             7,585              7,152 
 Return on ordinary 
   activities after tax                              56              1,023 
 Dividends recognised in the year                  (662)              (653) 
 Net proceeds of share issues                        67                 63 
 Equity shareholders' funds                  ----------         ---------- 
   at 31 October 2010                             7,046              7,585 
                                             ----------         ---------- 
as at 31 October 2010 
                                        31 October    31 October 
                                              2010          2009 
                                               GBP000           GBP000 
 Fixed asset investments 
   Quoted on AIM                             3,464         3,734 
   Unquoted                                  2,318         2,138 
                                        ----------    ---------- 
 Total fixed asset investments               5,782         5,872 
                                        ----------    ---------- 
 Current assets: 
   Debtors                                      40           353 
   Cash at bank                              1,318         1,461 
                                        ----------    ---------- 
                                             1,358         1,814 
 Creditors (amounts falling due 
   within one year)                            (94)         (101) 
                                        ----------    ---------- 
 Net current assets                          1,264         1,713 
                                        ----------    ---------- 
 Net assets                                  7,046         7,585 
                                        ----------    ---------- 
 Capital and reserves: 
 Called-up equity share capital              1,116         1,103 
 Share premium                               2,092         2,038 
 Capital redemption reserve                    183           183 
 Capital reserve                             5,147         7,272 
 Revaluation reserve                        (1,609)       (3,089) 
 Revenue reserve                               117            78 
                                        ----------    ---------- 
 Total equity shareholders' funds            7,046         7,585 
                                        ----------    ---------- 
 Net asset value per share                    31.6p         34.4p 
for the year ended 31 October 2010 
                                             Year ended              Year ended 
                                        31 October 2010         31 October 2009 
                                        GBP000         GBP000         GBP000         GBP000 
Net cash inflow from operating                      271                     267 
Corporation                                           -                       - 
tax paid 
Purchase of                          (1,343)                   (476) 
Sale/repayment of investments         1,524                   2,222 
                                 ----------              ---------- 
Net cash inflow from financial                      181                   1,746 
Equity                                             (662)                   (653) 
                                             ----------              ---------- 
Net cash inflow/(outflow) before                   (210)                  1,360 
Issue of                                 77                      77 
Share issue                             (10)                    (14) 
                                 ----------              ---------- 
Net cash inflow from                                 67                      63 
                                             ----------              ---------- 
Increase/(decrease) in cash at                     (143)                  1,423 
                                             ----------              ---------- 
Reconciliation of return before 
to net cash flow from operating 
Return on ordinary activities                        56                   1,023 
before tax 
(Gain)/loss on                                      106                    (135) 
disposal of 
Movements in fair                                  (197)                   (895) 
value of investments 
Decrease in debtors                                 313                     220 
Increase/(decrease)                                  (7)                     54 
in creditors 
                                             ----------              ---------- 
Net cash inflow from operating                      271                     267 
                                             ----------              ---------- 
Reconciliation of movement in 
net funds 
                1 November 2009              Cash flows         31 October 2010 
                            GBP000                     GBP000                     GBP000 
Cash at                   1,461                    (143)                  1,318 
                     ----------              ----------              ---------- 
as at 31 October 2010 
                                              Valuation   % of net assets 
                                                    GBP000          by value 
 Venture capital investments 
 (*denotes unquoted, others quoted on AIM) 
 Crantock Bakery*                                   756              10.7 
 Andor Technology                                   441               6.3 
 IS Pharma                                          417               5.9 
 IG Doors*                                          364               5.2 
 Pilat Media Global                                 361               5.1 
 Advanced Computer Software Group                   351               5.0 
 Longhirst Venues*                                  349               5.0 
 Nationwide Accident Repair Services                332               4.7 
 Axial Systems Holdings*                            287               4.1 
 IDOX                                               260               3.7 
 Kerridge Commercial Systems*                       251               3.5 
 Brulines Group                                     214               3.0 
 Bond International Software                        204               2.9 
 Britspace Group*                                   186               2.6 
 Jelf Group                                         160               2.3 
                                             ----------        ---------- 
 Fifteen largest holdings                         4,933              70.0 
 Quadnetics Group                                   155               2.2 
 Cello Group                                        135               1.9 
 CVS Group                                          134               1.9 
 Optilan Group*                                     125               1.8 
 Prologic                                           120               1.7 
 Baydonhill                                          42               0.6 
 Colliers International UK                           37               0.5 
 Adept Telecom                                       35               0.5 
 Twenty                                              32               0.5 
 Belgravium Technologies                             20               0.3 
 First Artist Corporation                            10               0.1 
 Individual Restaurant Company                        4               0.1 
 Spectrum Interactive*                                -                 - 
                                             ----------        ---------- 
 Total fixed asset investments                    5,782              82.1 
 Net current assets                               1,264              17.9 
                                             ----------        ---------- 
 Net assets                                       7,046             100.0 
                                             ----------        ---------- 
The  board carries  out a  regular review  of the  risk environment in which the 
company  operates.   The  main  areas  of  risk  identified  by the board are as 
Investment  risk:  The  majority of  the company's  investments are in small and 
medium-sized   unquoted  and  AIM-quoted  companies  which  are  VCT  qualifying 
holdings,  and which  by their  nature entail  a higher  level of risk and lower 
liquidity than investments in large quoted companies. The directors aim to limit 
the  risk attaching to the portfolio as  a whole by careful selection and timely 
realisation  of investments, by  carrying out rigorous  due diligence procedures 
and  by  maintaining  a  wide  spread  of  holdings in terms of financing stage, 
industry  sector and  geographical location.   The board  reviews the investment 
portfolio with the investment managers on a regular basis. 
Financial  risk:  As most of the company's investments involve a medium to long- 
term commitment and many are relatively illiquid, the directors consider that it 
is inappropriate to finance the company's activities through borrowing except on 
an occasional short-term basis.  The company has very little exposure to foreign 
currency risk and does not enter into derivative transactions. 
Economic  risk:  Events  such as  economic recession  or general fluctuations in 
stock  markets and interest rates may affect the valuation of investee companies 
and  their ability to access adequate  financial resources, as well as affecting 
the company's own share price and discount to net asset value. 
Stock  market risk:  The majority of the company's investments are quoted on the 
AIM  market and  will be  subject to  market fluctuations upwards and downwards. 
 External factors such as terrorist activity can negatively impact stock markets 
worldwide  and the  AIM market  is no  exception to  this.  In  times of adverse 
sentiment there tends to be very little, if any, market demand for shares in the 
smaller companies quoted on AIM. 
Liquidity  risk:  The  company's investments  may be  difficult to realise.  The 
fact  that a stock is  quoted on AIM does  not guarantee its liquidity and there 
may  be a large spread  between bid and offer  prices.  Unquoted investments are 
not traded on a recognised stock exchange and are inherently illiquid. 
Internal  control  risk:   The  board  regularly  reviews the system of internal 
controls,  both financial  and non-financial,  operated by  the company  and the 
manager.   These include controls  designed to ensure  that the company's assets 
are safeguarded and that proper accounting records are maintained. 
VCT qualifying status risk:  The company is required at all times to observe the 
conditions  laid down in the Income Tax Act 2007 for the maintenance of approved 
VCT  status.  The  loss of  such approval  could lead  to the company losing its 
exemption  from corporation tax  on capital gains,  to investors being liable to 
pay  income  tax  on  dividends  received  from  the  company  and,  in  certain 
circumstances,  to  investors  being  required  to  repay the initial income tax 
relief  on their  investment.  The  manager keeps  the company's  VCT qualifying 
status  under continual review  and reports to  the board on  a quarterly basis. 
 The  board  has  also  retained  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP  to  undertake  an 
independent VCT status monitoring role. 
The  directors  are  responsible  for  preparing  the annual financial report in 
accordance  with  applicable  law  and  regulations.   Company  law requires the 
directors  to prepare financial statements for  each financial year.  Under that 
law the directors have elected to prepare the financial statements in accordance 
with  UK Accounting Standards.  The financial  statements are required by law to 
give  a true and fair view of the state  of affairs of the company at the end of 
the  financial period  and of  the return  of the  company for  that period.  In 
preparing  these financial statements, the directors  are required to (i) select 
suitable  accounting  policies  and  then  apply  them  consistently;  (ii) make 
judgements  and estimates that are reasonable  and prudent;  (iii) state whether 
applicable  UK Accounting Standards have been  followed, subject to any material 
departures  disclosed  and  explained  in  the  financial  statements;  and (iv) 
prepare  the  financial  statements  on  the  going  concern  basis unless it is 
inappropriate to presume that the company will continue in business. 
In  relation to the financial statements for the year ended 31 October 2010 each 
of  the  directors  has  confirmed  that  to  the  best of his knowledge (i) the 
financial statements, which have been prepared in accordance with the applicable 
set  of  accounting  standards,  give  a  true  and  fair  view  of  the assets, 
liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the company;  and (ii) the 
directors'  report includes a fair review  of the development and performance of 
the  business and the position of the company together with a description of the 
principal risks and uncertainties which it faces. 
The  directors are also  responsible for keeping  proper accounting records that 
disclose  with reasonable  accuracy at  any time  the financial  position of the 
company  and enable them to ensure that its financial statements comply with the 
Companies  Act 2006.  They have general responsibility  for taking such steps as 
are  reasonably  open  to  them  to  safeguard  the assets of the company and to 
prevent and detect fraud and other irregularities. 
Under  applicable law  and regulations,  the directors  are also responsible for 
preparing  a  directors'  report,  directors'  remuneration report and corporate 
governance statement that comply with that law and those regulations. 
The  company's  financial  statements  are  published  on the NVM Private Equity 
Limited  website, www.nvm.co.uk.  The maintenance  and integrity of this website 
is  the responsibility of NVM  and not of the  company.  Visitors to the website 
should be aware that legislation in the United Kingdom governing the preparation 
and  dissemination of financial statements may  differ from legislation in other 
The  directors of the  company at the  date of this  announcement were Mr  C J P 
Dawnay  (Chairman), Mr S D Bullock, Mr  A M Conn, Mr I A  Macdonald and Mr J W J 
The  above  summary  of  results  for  the  year  ended 31 October 2010 does not 
constitute  statutory financial statements within  the meaning of Section 435 of 
the  Companies  Act  2006 and  has  not  been  delivered  to  the  Registrar  of 
Companies.   Statutory financial statements will be  filed with the Registrar of 
Companies  in due course;   the independent auditors'  report on those financial 
statements  under Section 495 of the Companies  Act 2006 is unqualified and does 
not contain a statement under Section 498(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006. 
The  proposed final  dividend of  3.0p per share  for the  year ended 31 October 
2010 will, if approved by shareholders, be paid on 18 March 2011 to shareholders 
on the register at the close of business on 18 February 2011. 
The  full annual  report including  financial statements  for the year ended 31 
October  2010 is expected  to be  posted to  shareholders on 14 January 2011 and 
will  be available  to the  public at  the registered  office of  the company at 
Northumberland  House, Princess Square,  Newcastle upon Tyne  NE1 8ER and on the 
NVM Private Equity Limited website, www.nvm.co.uk. 
Neither  the contents of the NVM Private Equity Limited website nor the contents 
of  any website  accessible from  hyperlinks on  the NVM  Private Equity Limited 
website  (or any  other website)  is incorporated  into, or  forms part of, this 
This announcement is distributed by Thomson Reuters on behalf of 
Thomson Reuters clients. The owner of this announcement warrants that: 
(i) the releases contained herein are protected by copyright and 
    other applicable laws; and 
(ii) they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and 
     originality of the information contained therein. 
Source: Northern AIM VCT PLC via Thomson Reuters ONE 

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