RNS Number : 4851D

Peninsular Gold Limited

28 March 2014

28(th) March 2014

Peninsular Gold Limited

('Peninsular Gold' or the 'Company' or the 'Group')


Interim results (unaudited) for the six month period to 31(st) December 2013


Dear Shareholders,

Once again we are updating you on our half yearly results for the period from 1(st) July to 31(st) December, 2013.

The pre-tax loss for the Group for the six months to 31(st) December 2013 was GBP2,817,879 (2012: Profit GBP2,216,330). This loss for the first half of the year reflects the impact of the recent gold price lows, a foreign exchange loss of GBP 1,462,032 (of which GBP1,439,028 is unrealised) and the impact on production in Q4 2013 of heavy rains and a mill being offline for a few weeks.

Q1 of 2014 has started well with an improvement in gold production in January of 2,105 ounces followed by 1,987 ounces in February.

As announced on 23 December 2013 the Company raised GBP1,200,000 of working capital via the issuance of unsecured convertible loan notes.


Gold production for the six months to 31(st) December, 2013 was 10,464 ounces (2012: 11,705 ounces) of gold from an estimated plant throughput of 644,000 tonnes.

During Q3 2013 the Raub operation shifted to mining and processing principally tailings material and the focus has been to achieve a higher plant availability and throughput rate. Some mill downtime for one of the mills, lower recoveries and the impact of heavy rain in Q4 2013 impacted production as announced on 14 March, 2014.

However, Q1 2014 has started well with the improved levels of gold production in January and February.

In addition to our emphasis at Raub to improve both throughput and recovery we are also looking to reduce costs and improve operational efficiencies.

Successful Settlement of Defamation Case

As announced on 20(th) March 2014, we have successfully concluded the defamation proceedings brought by RAGM against MToday News Sdn Bhd and one of its reporters ("Defendants"). The proceeding was brought as a result of the Defendants having published a number of defamatory statements of RAGM, suggesting that RAGM has directly caused the alleged ill-health and/or alleged deaths of residents of Kampung Bukit Koman and has been irresponsible in carrying out operations at its Carbon-In-Leach plant.

The Defendants made an unequivocal and public apology, which was made in open court and published an agreed Statement of Apology on its Website. The Defendants in their apology have admitted that there is no foundation to any of the allegations made and have unreservedly withdrawn all imputations cast upon RAGM. The Defendants have further agreed and undertaken not to publish similar statements of a defamatory nature in the future.

Strategy and Outlook

We are continuing to focus on increasing the plant throughput and gold output over the coming months as well as on the cost effectiveness of our operations.

The second half of the financial year, H1 2014, is already looking better with total gold production for January and February of 4,092 ounces matched with a higher gold price. If these factors maintain or improve further, coupled with our ongoing cost effectiveness measures, then we are hopeful of an improved second half. Should it prove necessary at any point, we are confident of being able to obtain additional working capital for the Company.

Dato' Sri Andrew Tai Yeow Kam

Chairman and Chief Executive

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position (Unaudited)

At 31(st) December 2013

(Expressed in United Kingdom Sterling)

                                            31(st) December   31(st) December       30(th) 
                                                  2013              2012             June 
                                    Notes     (Unaudited)       (Unaudited)       (Audited) 
                                                  GBP               GBP              GBP 
 Non-Current Assets 
 Property, plant and equipment        2          44,373,674        46,663,899       48,699,884 
 Other intangible assets              3          13,983,544        14,933,042       14,411,270 
 Mining development expenditure       4           7,160,159         8,429,990        7,946,387 
                                           ----------------  ----------------  --------------- 
 Total Non-current Assets                        65,517,377        70,026,931       71,057,541 
 Current Assets 
 Inventories                          5           3,494,886         3,257,482        4,335,152 
 Trade and other receivables          6           1,052,949         1,824,641        1,169,982 
 Cash and cash equivalents            7             203,849           135,833          264,659 
 Short-term investment                7             133,381           108,194          157,873 
                                           ----------------  ----------------  --------------- 
                                                  4,885,065         5,326,150        5,927,666 
 Current Liabilities 
 Trade and other payables             8        (11,660,860)       (8,951,102)     (10,763,097) 
 Borrowings                           9         (3,773,251)       (2,886,197)      (3,427,937) 
 Current tax liability                            (204,158)          (94,436)        (297,334) 
                                           ----------------  ----------------  --------------- 
 Total Current Liabilities                     (15,638,269)      (11,931,735)     (14,488,368) 
 Net Current Liabilities                       (10,753,204)       (6,605,585)      (8,560,702) 
                                           ----------------  ----------------  --------------- 
 Total Assets Less Current 
  Liabilities                                    54,764,173        63,421,346       62,496,839 
 Non-Current Liabilities 
 Trade and other payables           8,13          (510,000)         (450,000)        (480,000) 
 Borrowings                           9        (17,223,036)      (22,074,809)     (20,751,921) 
 Provision for mine restoration      10           (750,396)         (808,282)        (822,986) 
   Total Non-Current Liabilities               (18,483,432)      (23,333,091)     (22,054,907) 
                                           ----------------  ----------------  --------------- 
 Net Assets                                      36,280,741        40,088,255       40,441,932 
                                           ================  ================  =============== 
 Shareholders' Equity 
 Share capital                       11                   -                 -                - 
 Stated capital account              11          40,897,957        40,897,957       40,897,957 
 Reserves                                       (4,617,216)         (809,702)        (456,025) 
 Total Equity                                    36,280,741        40,088,255       40,441,932 
                                           ================  ================  =============== 

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income (Unaudited)

For the Period From 1(st) July 2013 to 31(st) December 2013

(Expressed in United Kingdom Sterling)

                                                   Six months      Six months         Year 
                                                   ended 31(st)    ended 31(st)    ended 30(th) 
                                                     December        December          June 
                                                       2013            2012            2013 
                                          Notes    (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)      (Audited) 
                                                       GBP             GBP             GBP 
 Revenue                                              8,671,910      12,516,990      22,833,501 
 Less: Cost of sales                                (6,704,849)     (6,740,131)    (12,603,799) 
                                                 --------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Gross Profit                                         1,967,061       5,776,859      10,229,702 
 Administrative expenses                            (1,462,825)     (1,860,072)     (3,923,266) 
 Other operating expenses                             (636,883)       (610,520)     (1,563,781) 
 Financial income                                           331           1,953           5,660 
 Finance costs                            13,14     (1,226,468)     (1,179,535)     (2,544,705) 
 Foreign exchange (loss) 
  / gain                                            (1,462,032)          87,645         345,298 
 Other income                                             2,937               -           1,829 
 (Loss) / profit before 
  taxation                                  14      (2,817,879)       2,216,330       2,550,737 
 Income tax expense                        15          (19,580)       (103,970)       (238,543) 
 (Loss) / profit for the 
  Period                                            (2,837,459)       2,112,360       2,312,194 
 Other Comprehensive (Expense)/Income: 
   Exchange difference arising 
    on translation of foreign 
    operations                                      (1,377,786)          89,975         243,818 
 Other Comprehensive (Expense)/ 
  Income for the Period, 
  net of tax                                        (1,377,786)          89,975         243,818 
                                                 --------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Total Comprehensive (Expense)/Income 
  for the Period                                    (4,215,245)       2,202,335       2,556,012 
 (Loss) / Profit attributable 
  to : 
 Equity shareholders of 
  the parent                                        (2,837,459)       2,112,360       2,312,194 
 Basic earnings per share                  16           (3.30p)           2.46p           2.69p 
                                                 ==============  ==============  ============== 
 Diluted earnings per 
  share                                    16           (3.30p)           2.46p           2.69p 
                                                 ==============  ==============  ============== 

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity (Unaudited)

For the Period From 1(st) July 2013 to 31(st) December 2013

(Expressed in United Kingdom Sterling)

                              Share       Stated     Accumulated   Capital    Translation      Total 
                             capital      capital       losses      reserve     reserve 
                               GBP         GBP           GBP         GBP          GBP           GBP 
 At 1(st) July 
  2012                              -   40,897,957   (5,958,709)    456,303     2,490,369    37,885,920 
 Profit for the 
  period                            -            -     2,112,360          -             -     2,112,360 
 Exchange difference 
  arising on translation 
  of foreign operations             -            -             -          -        89,975        89,975 
 At 31(st) December 
  2012                              -   40,897,957   (3,846,349)    456,303     2,580,344    40,088,255 
 Profit for the 
  period                            -            -       199,834          -             -       199,834 
 Exchange difference 
  arising on translation 
  of foreign operations             -            -             -          -       153,843       153,843 
 At 1(st) July 
  2013                              -   40,897,957   (3,646,515)    456,303     2,734,187    40,441,932 
 Loss for the period                -            -   (2,837,459)          -             -   (2,837,459) 
 Convertible loan 
  notes - equity 
  portion (note 
  9)                                -            -             -     54,054             -        54,054 
 Exchange difference 
  arising on translation 
  of foreign operations             -            -             -          -   (1,377,786)   (1,377,786) 
 At 31(st) December 
  2013                              -   40,897,957   (6,483,974)    510,357     1,356,401    36,280,741 
                           ==========  ===========  ============  =========  ============  ============ 

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows (Unaudited)

For the Period From 1(st) July 2013 to 31(st) December 2013

(Expressed in United Kingdom Sterling)

                                            Six months      Six months         Year 
                                            ended 31(st)    ended 31(st)    ended 30(th) 
                                              December        December          June 
                                                2013            2012            2013 
                                            (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)      (Audited) 
                                                GBP             GBP             GBP 
 Operating Activities 
 (Loss) / profit before tax                  (2,817,879)       2,216,330       2,550,737 
 Depreciation of property, plant 
  and equipment                                 978,906          919,251       2,043,468 
 Finance costs                               1,187,325         1,179,535       2,203,963 
 Interest income                                   (331)         (1,953)         (5,660) 
 Profit on disposal of fixed assets                    -               -        (12,812) 
 Loss / (Gain) on foreign exchange             1,462,032        (87,645)       (345,298) 
 Amortisation of mining development 
  expenditure                                    182,981         397,621         736,833 
 Unwinding of discount on restoration 
  provision                                       12,396               -          25,287 
 Amortisation of other intangible 
  assets                                         427,726         332,095         853,867 
 Amortisation of transaction costs 
  for bank loan                                   26,369           7,532          35,590 
 Amortisation of transaction costs 
  for convertible loan                               378               -               - 
 Transaction cost on bank borrowings 
  written off                                          -         279,865         279,865 
 Cash inflow before working capital 
  changes                                      1,459,903       5,242,631       8,365,840 
 Taxation paid                                  (19,580)       (103,970)       (173,119) 
 Changes in working capital: 
 Decrease / (increase) in inventories            840,266       (992,916)     (2,070,586) 
 Decrease / (increase) in trade 
  and other receivables                          117,033       (788,834)       (134,174) 
 (Decrease) / increase in trade 
  and other payables                         (1,461,326)       2,507,160       3,786,752 
                                          --------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Cash inflow from operating activities           936,296       5,864,071       9,774,713 
 Investing Activities 
 Interest received                                   331           1,953           5,660 
 Purchase of property, plant and 
  equipment                                  (1,586,614)     (2,330,893)     (3,733,208) 
 Proceeds from disposal of fixed 
  assets                                               -               -         111,307 
 Mining development expenditure                (200,536)       (454,953)       (153,681) 
 Placement of fixed deposit                            -           (834)        (50,513) 
 Withdrawal of fixed deposit                      24,493               -               - 
 Cash outflow from investing activities      (1,762,326)     (2,784,727)     (3,820,435) 

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows (Unaudited) (continued)

For the Period From 1(st) July 2013 to 31(st) December 2013

(Expressed in United Kingdom Sterling)

                                                 Six months        Six months          Year 
                                                 ended 31(st)      ended 31(st)        ended 
                                                   December          December       30(th) June 
                                                     2013              2012            2013 
                                                 (Unaudited)       (Unaudited)      (Audited) 
                                                     GBP               GBP             GBP 
 Financing Activities 
 Repayment of bank loans                           (1,323,448)     (25,575,203)    (27,469,651) 
 Increase in bank loans (Note 9)                             -       24,742,315      25,213,083 
 Repayment of hire purchase obligations               (33,040)         (37,849)        (69,528) 
 Proceeds from issue of convertible 
  loan notes, 
  net of transaction costs (Note 
  9)                                                 1,184,664                -               - 
 Finance costs paid                                (1,193,848)      (1,172,910)     (2,355,658) 
                                              ----------------   --------------   ------------- 
 Cash outflow from financing activities            (1,365,672)      (2,043,647)     (4,681,754) 
 Net (decrease) /increase in Cash 
  and Cash Equivalents                             (2,191,702)        1,035,697       1,272,524 
 Cash and Cash Equivalents at beginning 
  of Period                                         264,659             180,238         180,238 
 Foreign exchange translation reserve    2,130,892   (1,080,102)   (1,188,103) 
                                        ----------  ------------  ------------ 
 Cash and Cash Equivalents at end 
  of Period (Note 7)                       203,849       135,833       264,659 
                                        ==========  ============  ============ 

Notes to the Financial Statements (Unaudited)

For the Period From 1(st) July 2013 to 31(st) December 2013

1. Accounting Policies

These financial statements for the period from 1(st) July 2013 to 31(st) December 2013 have been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34 which applies to interim financial statements.

The same accounting policies and methods of computation are followed in these interim financial statements as were used in the preparation of the financial statements for the year ended 30(th) June 2013. A copy of those accounts is available on www.peninsulargold.com. The information provided as comparatives herein for the year ended 30(th) June 2013 does not constitute the full statutory accounts as per Jersey law by itself. This information was derived from the statutory accounts for the year ended 30(th) June 2013, a copy of which has been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The auditors' report on the said accounts was not qualified.

   2.   Property, Plant and Equipment 
                                                    Furniture,                  Mining      Leasehold      Assets         Total 
                  Plant &                 Motor      Fittings                   Assets        Land         Under 
                 Equipment   Buildings   Vehicles   Equipment    Renovation                             Construction 
                    GBP         GBP        GBP         GBP          GBP           GBP          GBP          GBP            GBP 
 At 1(st) July 
  2013           3,251,245     470,600    434,024      439,130      208,868    19,846,642     103,014     32,966,928    57,720,451 
 Additions               -           -    120,647        4,707        8,422        45,647           -      1,407,191     1,586,614 
  difference     (333,025)    (48,203)   (44,456)     (44,824)     (21,394)   (2,032,890)    (10,552)    (3,376,800)   (5,912,144) 
 At 31(st) 
  2013           2,918,220     422,397    510,215      399,013      195,896    17,859,399      92,462     30,997,319    53,394,921 
                ==========  ==========  =========  ===========  ===========  ============  ==========  =============  ============ 
 At 1(st) July 
  2013           2,603,766     398,962    289,541      205,086       91,623     5,369,781      61,808              -     9,020,567 
 Charge for 
  the period        23,427      34,192     47,190       17,902       10,319       840,981       4,895              -       978,906 
  difference     (268,001)    (42,765)   (32,279)     (21,876)      (9,958)     (596,744)     (6,603)              -     (978,226) 
 At 31(st) 
  2013           2,359,192     390,389    304,452      201,112       91,984     5,614,018      60,100              -     9,021,247 
   2.   Property, Plant and Equipment (Continued) 
     Net Book 
     At 31(st) 
      2013           559,028    32,008   205,763   197,901   103,912   12,245,381   32,362   30,997,319     44,373,674 
                    ========  ========  ========  ========  ========  ===========  =======  ===========  ============= 
   At 30(th) June 
    2013             647,479    71,638   144,483   234,044   117,245   14,476,861   41,206   32,966,928     48,699,884 
                    ========  ========  ========  ========  ========  ===========  =======  ===========  ============= 
    At 31(st) 
     2012            652,803   105,344   274,387   241,695   125,407   16,111,132   45,527   29,107,604     46,663,899 
                    ========  ========  ========  ========  ========  ===========  =======  ===========  ============= 

Assets under construction refer to the construction works in progress for the upgrade to the Carbon-In-Leach Plant. In September 2009, Raub Australian Gold Mining Sdn Bhd commenced its project to upgrade the Carbon-In-Leach Plant at its Raub gold project in Pahang, Malaysia. The plant is expected to be commissioned during the second half of 2014.

Leasehold land refers to a piece of land, owned by S.E.R.E.M. Malaysia Sdn Bhd, to which mining certificate MC511 relates.

Notes to the Financial Statements (Unaudited)

For the Period From 1(st) July 2013 to 31(st) December 2013

3. Other Intangible Assets - Mining Reserves and Resources

                            31(st)          31(st)         30(th) 
                            December       December         June 
                              2013           2012           2013 
                          (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)     (Audited) 
                              GBP            GBP            GBP 
 Opening balance           17,378,478       17,378,478   17,378,478 
 Opening balance            2,967,208        2,113,341    2,113,341 
 Charge for the period        427,726          332,095      853,867 
 Closing balance            3,394,934        2,445,436    2,967,208 
                         ============  ===============  =========== 
 Net book value            13,983,544       14,933,042   14,411,270 
                         ============  ===============  =========== 

Other intangible assets comprise mineral properties including mining licences and rights.

The Group's mining assets were valued by independent experts prior to the acquisition of the subsidiaries on 17(th) June 2005 and these valuations were considered to be relevant and unimpaired at the financial reporting date. The valuation was based upon the defined reserves, resources and the Group's prospecting interests. Valuation techniques most relevant to the asset type, as considered by the independent valuer, were applied and included discounted cash flows for the defined reserves, comparable transaction method for the inferred resources and the Geoscience Factor method for mineral titles.

No revenue has been generated from SEREM in the financial period ended 31(st) December 2013 from its mineral reserves. Hence, there is no amortisation of mining reserves and resources for SEREM.

Notes to the Financial Statements (Unaudited)

For the Period From 1(st) July 2013 to 31(st) December 2013

   4.   Mining Development Expenditure 
                                      31(st)        31(st)       30(th) 
                                      December      December       June 
                                        2013          2012         2013 
                                    (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)   (Audited) 
                                        GBP           GBP          GBP 
 Opening balance                      9,858,079     9,457,521   9,457,521 
 Currency translation difference    (1,009,762)        73,486     246,877 
 Additions                              200,536       454,953     153,681 
 Closing balance                      9,048,853     9,985,960   9,858,079 
                                   ============  ============  ========== 
 Opening balance                    1,911,692   1,147,885   1,147,885 
 Currency translation difference    (205,979)      10,464      26,974 
 Amortisation for the period          182,981     397,621     736,833 
 Closing balance                    1,888,694   1,555,970   1,911,692 
                                   ==========  ==========  ========== 
 Net Book Value    7,160,159   8,429,990   7,946,387 
                  ==========  ==========  ========== 

The directors are of the view that there will be sufficient future revenues from the extraction of gold to offset the mining development expenditure capitalised in the financial statements.

   5.    Inventories 
                                       31(st)            31(st)           30(th) 
                                       December          December           June 
                                         2013              2012             2013 
                                     (Unaudited)       (Unaudited)       (Audited) 
                                         GBP               GBP              GBP 
 Spare parts and consumables             657,637           955,245         895,347 
 Ore stockpiles                        2,349,479         1,621,943       2,942,331 
  Work- in- progress                     463,118           664,845         470,008 
  Finished goods                          24,652            15,449          27,466 
                                       3,494,886         3,257,482       4,335,152 
                                    ============      ============      ========== 

Notes to the Financial Statements (Unaudited)

For the Period From 1(st) July 2013 to 31(st) December 2013

6. Trade and Other Receivables

                                  31(st)        31(st)       30(th) 
                                  December      December       June 
                                    2013          2012         2013 
                                (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)   (Audited) 
                                    GBP           GBP          GBP 
 Other receivables, deposits 
  and prepayments                 1,052,949     1,824,641   1,169,982 
                               ============  ============  ========== 

7. Cash and Cash Equivalents

                               31(st)        31(st)       30(th) 
                               December      December       June 
                                 2013          2012         2013 
                             (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)   (Audited) 
                                 GBP           GBP          GBP 
 Cash at bank and in hand        203,849       135,833     264,659 
                            ============  ============  ========== 

A fixed deposit of GBP133,381 (2012 : GBP108,194) with a licensed bank has not been included in Cash and Cash Equivalents as it has a maturity exceeding three months at inception. It has been reported in short term investments.

8. Trade and Other Payables

                                  31(st)        31(st)        30(th) 
                                  December      December       June 
                                    2013          2012         2013 
                                (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)   (Audited) 
                                    GBP           GBP          GBP 
 Trade payables                   8,495,139     6,500,692    8,189,557 
 Other payables and accruals      3,675,721     2,900,410    3,053,540 
                                 12,170,860     9,401,102   11,243,097 
 Less: non-current portion 
  (Note 13)                       (510,000)     (450,000)    (480,000) 
                               ------------  ------------  ----------- 
                                 11,660,860     8,951,102   10,763,097 
                               ============  ============  =========== 

Notes to the Financial Statements (Unaudited)

For the Period From 1(st) July 2013 to 31(st) December 2013

9. Borrowings

                                        31(st)             31(st)           30(th) 
                                        December          December           June 
                                          2013              2012             2013 
                                      (Unaudited)       (Unaudited)       (Audited) 
                                          GBP               GBP              GBP 
 Current Portion 
   Bank loans                           2,584,756         2,824,193        3,382,502 
   Convertible loans                    1,130,988                 -                - 
    Hire purchase obligations              57,507            62,004           45,435 
                                     ------------      ------------      ----------- 
                                        3,773,251         2,886,197        3,427,937 
                                     ------------      ------------      ----------- 
 Non-current Portion 
   Bank loans                          16,377,394        21,186,862       19,953,041 
   Preference shares - debt 
    portion                               664,000           664,000          664,000 
   Hire purchase obligations              181,642           223,947          134,880 
                                     ------------      ------------      ----------- 
                                       17,223,036        22,074,809       20,751,921 
                                     ============      ============      =========== 

Bank Loans

All bank loans are secured by way of a debenture over all the assets and undertakings of RAGM, a third party charge over a property owned by a company under common control and corporate guarantees provided by the Parent Company.

Convertible Loan Notes

During the financial period ended 31st December 2013, the Company raised GBP1,200,000 (before expenses) by way of the issue of 1,200,000 convertible redeemable unsecured loan notes. The convertible loan notes are convertible into new ordinary shares of no par value in the capital of the Company. The number of Ordinary Shares to be issued on conversion shall equal the number of loan notes to be converted divided by a conversion factor of 0.12. The right to convert is conditional upon a noteholder making an additional payment to the Company on conversion of 3 pence for each Ordinary Shares to be issued on conversion.

Upon redemption of the loan notes by the Company, either at maturity or earlier, a noteholder is entitled to receive from the Company an additional payment equal to the number of convertible loan notes to be redeemed by the relevant noteholder divided by 0.12 and multiplied by 3 pence. If all convertible loan notes are redeemed and not converted this would result in an additional payment of GBP300,000.

Notes to the Financial Statements (Unaudited)

For the Period From 1(st) July 2013 to 31(st) December 2013

Convertible Loan Notes (Continued)

The net proceeds received from the issue of convertible loan notes were split between the liability and the equity portions as follows:-

 Proceeds of issue of convertible loan 
  notes                                   1,184,664 
 Amortisation of transaction costs              378 
 Equity portion                            (54,054) 
 Liability portion                        1,130,988 

Hire Purchase Obligations

Hire purchase agreements are subject to fixed interest rates ranging from 2.37% to 4.35%.

 10. Provision for mine restoration                                      31(st)        31(st)       30(th) 
                                        December      December       June 
                                          2013          2012         2013 
                                      (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)   (Audited) 
                                          GBP           GBP          GBP 
   Opening balance                        822,986             -           - 
   Provision for mine restoration               -       783,447     783,447 
   Unwinding of discount                   12,396        24,835      24,835 
   Currency translation difference       (84,986)             -      14,704 
   Closing balance                        750,396       808,282     822,986 
                                     ============  ============  ========== 

The provision for mine restoration is made based on management assessment of the expected cost of restoration which includes the rehabilitation of waste dumps, rehabilitation of storage facilities, road maintenance and watering.

Notes to the Financial Statements (Unaudited)

For the Period From 1(st) July 2013 to 31(st) December 2013

11. Share Capital and Stated Capital Account

   (a)        Share Capital 
                                            31(st)        31(st)        30(th) 
                                            December      December     June 2013 
                                              2013          2012 
                                          (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)   (Audited) 
                                              GBP           GBP          GBP 
   Unlimited ordinary shares of GBPNil              -             -            - 
    par value each 
                                         ============  ============  =========== 
 Allotted, called up and fully paid 
   85,986,550 ordinary shares of GBPNil             -             -            - 
    par value each 
   2,000,000 preference shares of                   -             -            - 
    GBPNil par value each 
                                         ------------  ------------  ----------- 
                                                    -             -            - 
                                         ============  ============  =========== 
   (b)        Stated Capital Account 
                                  2013 GBP 
   At 1(st) July 2013 
   and at 31(st) December 
   2013                              40,897,957 

Notes to the Financial Statements (Unaudited)

For the Period From 1(st) July 2013 to 31(st) December 2013

12. Translation reserve

Assets and liabilities of foreign consolidated subsidiaries are translated into United Kingdom Sterling at the rate of exchange ruling at the balance sheet date.

Revenue and expenses are translated at the average exchange rates for the period. All resulting translation differences are included in a translation reserve in equity.

The closing rates used in the translation of foreign currency monetary assets and liabilities are as follows:

 United Kingdom Sterling    1.00   Malaysian Ringgit         5.4076 
 United Kingdom Sterling    1.00   United States Dollars     1.6479 
 United States Dollars      1.00   Malaysian Ringgit         3.2815 

13. Dividends

Included in the Financing Costs is an amount of GBP30,000 in respect of 2,000,000 redeemable, convertible 6% preference shares' dividends. In accordance with the share subscription agreement, preference dividends should be accrued from the date of issuance to the conversion date or the redemption date. The accumulated amount of preference dividends has now amounted to GBP510,000 since the issue of the said shares at GBP0.50 per share on 27(th) May 2005, as indicated in trade and other payables.

Notes to the Financial Statements (Unaudited)

For the Period From 1(st) July 2013 to 31(st) December 2013

14. (Loss) / Profit Before Tax

(Loss) / Profit before tax for the period are arrived at after charging the following:

                                             31(st)            31(st)            30(th) 
                                             December          December           June 
                                               2013              2012             2013 
                                           (Unaudited)       (Unaudited)       (Audited) 
                                               GBP               GBP              GBP 
   Cost of sales 
 Cost of production                          5,840,145         5,938,980       10,788,609 
  Depreciation of property, plant 
   and equipment                               864,704           801,151        1,815,190 
  Operating & administrative expenses 
 Audit fees - current                                -                 -           84,509 
  - underprovision in prior year                 1,000                 -                - 
 Depreciation of property, plant 
  and equipment                                114,202           118,100          228,278 
  Amortisation of mining development 
   expenditure                                 182,981           397,621          736,833 
 Amortisation of other intangible 
  assets                                       427,726           332,095          853,867 
 Amortisation of transaction costs 
  for bank loan                                 26,369             7,532           35,590 
  Amortisation of transaction costs 
   for convertible loan                            378                 -                - 
  Profit on disposal of fixed assets                 -                 -         (12,812) 
  Rental of premises                            67,493            67,968          140,157 
  Finance costs 
   Bank loan interest                          921,737           665,623        1,704,662 
   Other financial charges                     233,813           179,308          744,453 
   Convertible loan interest                     1,775                 -                - 
   Amortisation of transaction costs            26,747           279,865           35,590 
   Preference dividends                         30,000            30,000           60,000 
   Unwinding of discount on restoration 
    provision                                   12,396            24,739           25,287 
   Financial income 
   Interest income                                 331             1,953            5,660 

15. Income Tax Expense

The Parent Company is subject to Jersey income tax at a rate of 0%.

Malaysian Corporation Tax is provided on taxable profits at the appropriate rate for subsidiary companies located in Malaysia. Income tax for the financial period is derived by using the Malaysian tax rate of 25% (2012 : 25%).

Notes to the Financial Statements (Unaudited)

For the Period From 1(st) July 2013 to 31(st) December 2013

15. Income Tax Expense (Continued)

Tax reconciliation:

 Group                                      31(st) 
 Loss before taxation                     (2,817,879) 
 Income tax using Malaysian tax rate        (704,470) 
 Tax exempt under Pioneer Status             (24,505) 
 Disallowed expenses                          819,076 
 Effect of timing difference on mining 
  allowance and capital allowance            (85,697) 
 Over provision during the year                15,176 
   16.   Earnings per share 

The calculation of earnings per share is based on the earnings for the period after taxation and on the weighted average number of shares in issue during the period as below:-

 Basic earnings per share        31(st) December     31(st)        30(th) 
                                       2013          December       June 
                                                       2012         2013 
                                   (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)   (Audited) 
                                       GBP             GBP          GBP 
 Earnings used in calculation        (2,837,459)     2,112,360    2,312,194 
 Weighted average number of 
  ordinary shares                     85,986,550    85,986,550   85,986,550 
 Basic earnings per share                (3.30p)         2.46p        2.69p 
                                ================  ============  =========== 

Notes to the Financial Statements (Unaudited)

For the Period From 1(st) July 2013 to 31(st) December 2013

16. Earnings per share (Continued)

      Diluted earnings per share            31(st) December      31(st)         30(th) 
                                                  2013           December        June 
                                                                   2012          2013 
                                              (Unaudited)      (Unaudited)    (Audited) 
                                                  GBP              GBP           GBP 
      Earnings used in calculation              (2,837,459)       2,112,360    2,312,194 
     Weighted average number of ordinary 
      shares                                     85,986,550      85,986,550   85,986,550 
        Diluted earnings per share                  (3.30p)           2.46p        2.69p 
                                           ================  ==============  =========== 

The redeemable preference shares and convertible loan notes are non-dilutive.

17. Segmental information

Currently all revenues, profits and losses before tax and the carrying value of assets and liabilities arise from the production and sale of gold doré bars and activities related to the upgrade of the carbon-in-leach plant and gold mining and exploration activity within Malaysia.

18. Capital Commitments

                                31(st)        31(st)       30(th) 
                                December      December       June 
                                  2013          2012         2013 
                              (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)   (Audited) 
                                  GBP           GBP          GBP 
 Authorised and contracted 
  for                           4,059,617     7,502,950   4,814,839 
                             ============  ============  ========== 

The above amount relates to the expansion of the carbon-in-leach plant (CIL).


For further information:

  Dato' Sri Andrew TY Kam         Patrick Watson 
    Chairman and Chief Executive    Finance Director 
    Peninsular Gold Limited         Peninsular Gold Ltd. 
    Tel: +60 (0)3 2698 8381         Tel: +44 (0)7799 885653 
  ------------------------------  --------------------------- 
   Samantha Harrison / Craig       Colin Rowbury 
    Francis                         Broker 
    Nominated Advisor               Daniel Stewart & Co. Ltd. 
    Ambrian Partners Limited        Tel: +44 (0)20 7776 6936 
    Tel: +44 (0)20 3440 6800 
  ------------------------------  --------------------------- 

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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