RNS Number : 5799X

Quarto Group Inc

30 August 2022

The Quarto Group, Inc.

(the "Company", "Quarto", "Group")

Half-Year Results for the Six Months Ended 30 June 2022

The Quarto Group Inc. (LSE: QRT), the leading global illustrated book publisher, announces its unaudited half-year results for the six months ended 30 June 2022.

 Results ($m)                     H1 2022   H1 2021 
-------------------------------  --------  -------- 
 Group Revenue                    61.9      56.9 
 Adjusted(1) Group Operating 
  Profit                          6.7       4.0 
 Group Operating Profit           7.2       4.0 
 Adjusted(1) Profit before Tax    6.1       3.1 
 Profit before Tax                6.6       3.0 
 Profit after Tax                 4.7       2.1 
 Net Debt                         5.6       16.4 

1. Adjusted measures are stated before amortization of acquired intangibles and exceptional items.


   --    Revenue up 9% at $61.9m against 2021. 

-- Operating profit of $7.2m up from $4m in 2021, partly due to the continued cost reduction program implemented in 2018.

-- Net debt reduced in last 12 months by $10.8m (66%) to $5.6m driven by the cost reduction program, improved trading, dynamic inventory management and reduced finance costs.

Chief Executive, Alison Goff commented on the half year position:

"This is an encouraging set of results following on from the growth in 2021. Revenue has continued to grow delivering a higher than expected operating profit, in what is seasonally, our weakest half of the year.

Quarto had strong sales in the first half of 2022 across both its UK and US segments.

Quarto UK continued the momentum from last year with 10% revenue growth up $2.5m to $27.2m, with operating profit up $1m to $3.1m. Strong business to business sales were a key driver together with a solid trade performance. Bestsellers within the period include The Queen, a new title in 2022 in our very successful Little People Big Dreams series, as well as National Parks of the USA which was published in 2018. My Beautiful Voice by Joseph Coelho which was published in 2021, was the winner of the Indie Book Award 2022 in the picture book category. We were also awarded the IPG Sustainability Award for our Ivy Kids Imprint, which has set new sustainability standards in publishing.

Quarto US saw an 8% revenue growth up $2.6m to $34.7m, again driven by strong business to business sales. Operating profit also increased by 8% to $4.1m. Custom sales grew in excess of 120% in the period as we continued to focus on utilising our intellectual property of existing titles. We continue to see Beautiful Boards and All New Square Foot Gardening perform strongly.

We are now focused on the second half of the year, which will be a critical time for Quarto, as we expect the trading environment to be particularly challenging. This is due to the current high cost of living and continued volatility in freight, in respect to capacity issues resulting in higher freight costs. However, I am confident we have the right plans in place to capture all possible opportunities to ensure a satisfactory year-end position.

The Board remains focused on continuing its efforts to keep costs under control, drive sales, whilst maintaining the debt reduction and developing further growth strategies for the remainder of 2022, 2023 and beyond."

-S -

The Legal Identifier of the Company is 549300BJ2WPX3QUATW58.

For further information, please contact:

   The Quarto Group Inc.                                   +44 (0)20 7700 6700 

Daniel Logan, Group Finance Director

Michael Clarke, Company Secretary

About The Quarto Group

The Quarto Group (LSE: QRT) creates a wide variety of books and intellectual property products, with a mission to inspire life's experiences. Produced in many formats for adults, children and the whole family, our products are visually appealing, information rich and stimulating.

The Group encompasses a diverse portfolio of imprints and businesses that are creatively independent and expert in developing long-lasting content across specific niches of interest.

Quarto sells and distributes its products globally in over 50 countries and 40 languages, through a variety of sales channels, partnerships and routes to market.

Quarto employs c.300 talented people in the US and the UK. The group was founded in London in 1976. It is domiciled in the US and listed on the London Stock Exchange.

For more information, visit quarto.com or follow us on Twitter at @TheQuartoGroup.



Trading was encouraging for the first six months of 2022. Revenue was up 9% year on year at $61.9m following on from the growth in 2021(H1 2021: $56.9m). Revenue increased year on year in 2021 by 21% (H1 2020: $46.9m).

Our Adult imprints performed strongly, with revenues up 12% year on year. Revenues from Children imprints was also up 6% year on year. Gross profit margin was ahead of prior year at 36.4% (H1 2021: 31.8%) driven by a reduction in pre-publication amortization, despite pressure on print and freight costs.

The increased revenues and substantial benefits from the cost reduction program initiated in late 2018 that continued through the pandemic, resulted in an adjusted group operating profit of $7.2m (H1 2021: $4.0m). The adjusted profit before tax was $6.6m (H1 2021: $3.1m).

Both our US and UK reporting segments improved their trading performance year on year, resulting in a significant improvement in the Group's adjusted operating result, as shown in the table below.

Net debt at 30 June 2022 was $5.6m (H1 2020: $16.4m) a decrease of $10.8m over the twelve-month period, with minimal movement in the last 6 months (See note 7.) This strong cash generation has been driven by the improved trading, dynamic inventory management, cost reduction program and reduced finance costs.

The book trade market in the first six months of 2022 proved to be resilient, continuing the recovery seen in 2021. The co-edition market also performed strongly year on year.


 Revenue ($m)                 H1 2022   H1 2021   H1 2020 
---------------------------  --------  --------  -------- 
 United States                39.7      36.3      28.7 
 United Kingdom               6.6       7.9       6.4 
 Rest of the World            8.0       6.1       5.6 
 Europe                       7.6       6.6       6.2 
---------------------------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Total Revenue                61.9      56.9      46.9 
---------------------------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Adjusted Operating Profit    H1 2022   H1 2021   H1 2020 
---------------------------  --------  --------  -------- 
 US Publishing                4.1       3.8       (0.4) 
 UK Publishing                3.1       1.0       (0.6) 
 Group overhead               (0.5)     (0.8)     (0.8) 
---------------------------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Total adjusted operating 
  profit                      6.7       4.0       (1.8) 
---------------------------  --------  --------  -------- 

Note: Revenue is shown by destination; adjusted operating profit is shown by segment.

The Group's increase in revenue this year to date, is a result of strong business to business sales. Whilst our sales to traditional retailer and specialists accounts have seen growth, online sales have decreased year on year.

UK-based Frances Lincoln Children's Books imprint continues to drive forward, with the Little People, Big Dreams series continuing to be a highlight, with over 6 million copies sold in the English language to date. We have expanded the list to include inspirational role models such as Marcus Rashford, Nelson Mandela and the continuing success of David Attenborough.

In the US, our New York-based Adult imprints, especially Chartwell, Wellfleet Press and Rock Point, continue to perform strongly led by Beautiful Boards and MBS titles.

Co-edition is ahead of prior year both in English and Foreign language however, as we move into H2, we are expecting this to be a challenging market.

In respect to Custom, we have seen new opportunities driving revenue growth and we expect this to become a larger part of our business-to-business revenue in the latter half of 2022 and the coming years.

International English language sales are up year on year, driven predominantly by Canada, with sales to Australia down year on year.

We continue to see a reduction in our financing costs, as we drive down the Group's net debt.


As we move into H2 this financial year, we expect to see a turbulent second half of the year, with the cost-of-living crisis impacting both the US and UK trade sales. We are also seeing a sharper fall in online sales than expected, impacted not only by the increased cost of living, but as the consumer returns to purchase books from the traditional book stores. Business to business sales is continuing to hold firm, with particular growth through the custom channel. However, we expect this channel to become increasingly more challenging.

We have taken the decision to close our Distribution Service, where we provide Sales & Logistic services for third party customers, which will start to impact our sales from July 2022. We have also decided to sell Smart Lab, our Toy imprint, in order to focus on our core publishing business.

Whilst the volatility in freight has reduced, costs remain at the high levels of last year, along with pressure on print prices. We continue to try to mitigate these costs and have actively increased our use of local print suppliers as well as review our inventory policy, to ensure we print at the most efficient quantities. We expect this pressure on print and freight to continue for the foreseeable future.

However, I am confident we have the right plans in place to capture all possible opportunities to ensure a satisfactory year-end position. The Board remains focused on continuing its efforts to keep costs under control, drive sales, whilst maintaining the debt reduction and developing further growth strategies for the remainder of 2022, 2023 and beyond.

On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank all our staff, readers, customers, suppliers and shareholders around the world, for their continued support and commitment.

Alison Goff

Chief Executive Officer


Condensed Consolidated Income Statement

For the six months ended 30 June 2022

                                                                Six months 
                                                    Six months          to    Year ended 
                                                            to     30 June   31 December 
                                                  30 June 2022        2021          2021 
                                                     Unaudited   Unaudited       Audited 
                                           Note          $'000       $'000         $'000 
Continuing operations 
Revenue                                     3           61,908      56,864       151,483 
Cost of sales                                         (39,391)    (38,775)     (103,897) 
-----------------------------------------  ----  -------------  ----------  ------------ 
Gross profit                                            22,517      18,089        47,586 
Distribution costs                                     (3,699)     (3,562)       (8,439) 
Impairment of financial assets                           (301)       (689)         (874) 
Administrative expenses                               (11,836)     (9,858)      (22,314) 
-----------------------------------------  ---- 
Operating profit before amortisation 
 of acquired intangibles and exceptional 
 items                                                   6,681       3,980        15,959 
-----------------------------------------  ----  -------------  ----------  ------------ 
Amortisation of acquired intangibles                         -         (7)           (7) 
Exceptional items                           4              491           -             - 
-----------------------------------------  ----  -------------  ----------  ------------ 
Operating profit                            3            7,172       3,973        15,952 
Finance costs                                            (545)       (929)       (1,796) 
-----------------------------------------  ----  -------------  ----------  ------------ 
Profit before tax                                        6,627       3,044        14,156 
Taxation                                    5          (1,904)       (895)       (4,230) 
Profit for the period                                    4,723       2,149         9,926 
=========================================  ====  =============  ==========  ============ 
Attributable to: 
Owners of the parent                                     4,723       2,149         9,926 
=========================================  ====  =============  ==========  ============ 
Earnings/(loss) per share (cents) 
From continuing operations 
Basic                                       6             11.5         5.3          24.3 
Diluted                                     6             11.5         5.3          24.3 


Condensed Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

For the six months ended 30 June 2022

                                      Six months     Six months    Year ended 
                                              to             to   31 December 
                                    30 June 2022   30 June 2021          2021 
                                       Unaudited      Unaudited       Audited 
                                           $'000          $'000         $'000 
Profit for the period                      4,723          2,149         9,926 
Other comprehensive income which 
 may be reclassified to profit 
 or (loss) 
Foreign exchange translation 
 differences                             (2,833)            255         (506) 
Tax relating to items that may 
 be reclassified to profit or 
 loss                                          -              -            66 
---------------------------------  -------------  -------------  ------------ 
Total comprehensive income for 
 the period                                1,890          2,404         9,486 
=================================  =============  =============  ============ 
Attributable to: 
Owners of the parent                       1,890          2,404         9,486 
=================================  =============  =============  ============ 


Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet

                                                                       31 December 
                                           30 June 2022  30 June 2021         2021 
As at 30 June 2022                   Note     Unaudited    Unaudited       Audited 
                                                  $'000         $'000        $'000 
Non-current assets 
Goodwill                                         18,622        19,429       19,286 
Other intangible assets                               2           101           51 
Property, plant and equipment                     4,419         6,112        5,181 
Intangible assets: Pre-publication 
 costs                                           27,040        39,958       29,941 
Deferred tax assets                               2,437         3,604        2,436 
-----------------------------------  ----  ------------  ------------  ----------- 
Total non-current assets                         52,520        69,204       56,895 
-----------------------------------  ----  ------------  ------------  ----------- 
Current assets 
Inventories                                      22,552        17,366       20,393 
Trade and other receivables                      38,293        34,473       51,242 
Cash and cash equivalents             7           8,106        19,044       28,432 
Assets Held for Sales                 8           2,360             0            0 
-----------------------------------  ----  ------------  ------------  ----------- 
Total current assets                             71,311        70,883      100,067 
-----------------------------------  ----  ------------  ------------  ----------- 
Total assets                                    123,831       140,087      156,962 
-----------------------------------  ----  ------------  ------------  ----------- 
Current liabilities 
Short term borrowings                 7         (3,116)       (3,905)      (5,438) 
Trade and other payables                       (42,083)      (41,992)     (53,789) 
Lease liabilities                               (1,111)       (1,426)      (1,363) 
Tax payable                                     (5,420)       (4,117)      (7,467) 
Total current liabilities                      (51,730)      (51,440)     (68,057) 
-----------------------------------  ----  ------------  ------------  ----------- 
Non-current liabilities 
Medium and long-term borrowings       7        (10,596)      (31,498)     (28,508) 
Deferred tax liabilities                        (2,933)       (6,347)      (3,130) 
Tax payable                                       (386)         (386)        (386) 
Lease liabilities                               (3,087)       (4,289)      (3,672) 
Total non-current liabilities                  (17,002)      (42,520)     (35,696) 
-----------------------------------  ----  ------------  ------------  ----------- 
Total liabilities                              (68,732)      (93,960)    (103,753) 
-----------------------------------  ----  ------------  ------------  ----------- 
Net assets                                       55,099        46,127       53,209 
===================================  ====  ============  ============  =========== 
Share capital                                     4,089         4,089        4,089 
Paid in surplus                                  48,701        48,701       48,701 
Retained earnings and other 
 reserves                                         2,309       (6,663)          419 
-----------------------------------  ----  ------------  ------------  ----------- 
Total equity                                     55,099        46,127       53,209 
===================================  ====  ============  ============  =========== 


Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

For the six months ended 30 June 2022

                                                                                                         to owners 
                                                       Paid in              Translation    Retained         of the 
                                       Share capital   surplus                  reserve    earnings         parent 
                                                $000      $000                     $000        $000           $000 
Balance at 1 January 
 2021                                          4,089    48,701                  (5,607)     (3,470)         43,713 
Profit for the period                              -         -                        -       2,149          2,149 
Foreign exchange translation 
 differences                                       -         -                      255           -            255 
Total comprehensive (expense)/income 
 for the period                                    -         -                      255       2,149          2,404 
-------------------------------------  -------------  --------  -----------------------  ----------  ------------- 
Share based payment charge                         -         -                        -          10             10 
-------------------------------------  ------------- 
Transactions with owners 
Balance at 30 June 2021                        4,089    48,701                  (5,352)     (1,311)         46,127 
=====================================  =============  ========  =======================  ==========  ============= 
Balance at 1 January 
 2022                                          4,089    48,701                  (6,047)       6,466         53,209 
Profit for the period                              -         -                        -       4,723          4,723 
Foreign exchange translation 
 differences                                       -         -                  (2,833)           -        (2,833) 
Total comprehensive income 
 for the period                                    -         -                  (2,833)       4,723          1,890 
-------------------------------------  -------------  --------  -----------------------  ----------  ------------- 
Share based payment charge                         -         -                        -           -              - 
Balance at 30 June 2022                        4,089    48,701                  (8,880)      11,189         55,099 
=====================================  =============  ========  =======================  ==========  ============= 


Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

For the year ended 31 December 2021

                                               Paid in              Translation    Retained       to owners 
                               Share capital   surplus                  reserve    earnings   of the parent 
                                        $000      $000                     $000        $000            $000 
Balance at 1 January 
 2021                                  4,089    48,701                  (5,607)     (3,470)          43,713 
Profit for the year                        -         -                        -       9,926           9,926 
Foreign exchange translation 
 differences                               -         -                    (506)           -           (506) 
Tax relating to items 
 that may be reclassified 
 to profit or loss                         -         -                       66           -              66 
Total comprehensive 
 income for the year                       -         -                    (440)        9926           9,486 
-----------------------------  -------------  --------  -----------------------  ----------  -------------- 
Share based payment 
 credit                                    -         -                        -          10              10 
-----------------------------  -------------  --------  -----------------------  ----------  -------------- 
Transactions with owners                   -         -                        -          10              10 
Balance at 31 December 
 2021                                  4,089    48,701                  (6,047)       6,466          53,209 
=============================  =============  ========  =======================  ==========  ============== 


Condensed Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

For the six months ended 30 June 2022

                                               Six months 
                                                       to     Six months    Year ended 
                                                  30 June             to   31 December 
                                                     2022   30 June 2021          2021 
                                                Unaudited      Unaudited       Audited 
                                                    $'000          $'000         $'000 
Profit for the period                               4,723          2,149         9,926 
Adjustments for: 
     Net finance costs                                545            929         1,796 
     Depreciation of property, plant 
      and equipment                                   696            766         1,741 
     Software amortization                             50             51           101 
     Tax charge                                     1,904            895         4,230 
     Profit on disposal of right-of-use                 -              - 
      assets                                                                         - 
     Share based payments                               0             10            10 
     Amortisation and amounts written 
      off acquired intangibles                          -              7             7 
     Amortisation and amounts written 
      off pre-publication costs                    10,176         12,026        31,000 
     Forgiveness of the Cares Act Loan            (2,275)              -             - 
     (Gain) / Loss on disposal of property, 
      plant & equipment                                58              -             - 
Operating cash flows before movements 
 in working capital                                15,877         16,833        48,811 
    Increase in inventories                       (5,253)        (1,867)       (5,036) 
   Decrease / (Increase) in receivables            10,664         10,239       (7,106) 
    (Decrease) / Increase in payables            (10,276)        (7,371)         4,035 
---------------------------------------------  ----------  -------------  ------------ 
Cash generated by operations                       11,012         17,834        40,704 
Income taxes paid                                 (3,614)        (1,156)       (3,053) 
---------------------------------------------  ----------  -------------  ------------ 
Net cash from operating activities                  7,398         16,678        37,651 
Investing activities 
Investment in pre-publication costs               (8,997)       (10,911)      (20,229) 
Purchases of property, plant and 
 equipment                                           (35)           (56)         (111) 
Net cash used in investing activities             (9,032)       (10,967)      (20,340) 
Financing activities 
Interest payments                                   (182)        (1,923)       (1,866) 
Lease payments                                      (837)          (712)       (1,426) 
External loans repaid                            (17,629)       (31,567)      (30,840) 
External loans drawn                                    -         25,118        22,994 
Net cash used in financing activities            (18,648)        (9,084)      (11,138) 
Net (decrease)/increase in cash 
 and cash equivalents                            (20,282)        (3,373)         6,173 
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning 
 of period                                         28,432         22,079        22,079 
Foreign currency exchange differences 
 on cash and cash equivalents                        (44)            338           180 
---------------------------------------------  ----------  -------------  ------------ 
Cash and cash equivalents at end 
 of period                                          8,106         19,044        28,432 
=============================================  ==========  =============  ============ 


Notes to the condensed financial statements

1. Interim Statement

These interim consolidated financial statements are for the half year to 30 June 2022. They were approved by the board on 30 August 2022. These results are unaudited and have not been reviewed by the Group's auditor. The comparative figures for the six months to 30 June 2021 were unaudited and derived from the interim financial statements for that period.

The information for the year ended 31 December 2021 does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. A copy of the statutory accounts for that year has been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The auditor's report on those accounts was not qualified, did not include a reference to any matters to which the auditor drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying the report and did not contain statements under section 498 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006.

Basis of preparation

These interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the Financial Conduct Authority and with IAS 34, "Interim Financial Reporting".

The Group's forecast and projections, taking account of reasonably possible changes in trading performance, show that the Group will be able to operate well within the level of its current banking facilities. The Directors have therefore adopted a going concern basis in preparing the Interim Information.

2. Accounting policies

The accounting policies, significant judgements and key sources of estimation adopted in the preparation of this Interim Report are consistent with those applied by the Group in its consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2021.


Notes to the condensed financial statement

3. Segmental analysis

 Six months to 30 June 2022                US Publishing     UK Publishing     Total 
                                                    $000              $000      $000 
 Revenue                                          34,650            27,258    61,908 
                                        ================  ================  ======== 
 Operating profit before amortisation 
  of acquired intangibles and 
  exceptional items                                4,096             3,115     7,211 
 Amortisation of acquired intangibles                  -                 -         - 
                                        ----------------  ----------------  -------- 
 Segment result                                    4,096             3,115     7,211 
 Unallocated corporate expenses                                                (530) 
 Exceptional items                                                               491 
 Operating profit                                                              7,172 
 Finance costs                                                                 (545) 
 Profit before tax                                                             6,627 
 Tax charge                                                                  (1,904) 
 Profit after tax                                                              4,723 
 Six months to 30 June 2021              US Publishing   UK Publishing    Total 
                                                  $000            $000     $000 
 Revenue                                        32,085          24,779   56,864 
                                        ==============  ==============  ======= 
 Operating profit before amortisation 
  of acquired intangibles and 
  exceptional items                              3,792           1,029    4,821 
 Amortisation of acquired intangibles              (7)               -      (7) 
                                        --------------  --------------  ------- 
 Segment result                                  3,785           1,029    4,814 
 Unallocated corporate expenses                                           (841) 
 Exceptional items                                                            - 
 Operating profit                                                         3,973 
 Finance costs                                                            (929) 
 Profit before tax                                                        3,044 
 Tax charge                                                               (895) 
 Profit after tax                                                         2,149 
 Year ended 31 December 2021             US Publishing   UK Publishing     Total 
                                                  $000            $000      $000 
 Revenue                                        81,062          70,421   151,483 
                                        ==============  ==============  ======== 
 Operating profit before amortisation 
  of acquired intangibles and 
  exceptional items                             10,024           7,001    17,025 
 Amortisation of acquired intangibles              (7)               -       (7) 
--------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  -------- 
 Segment result                                 10,017           7,001    17,018 
 Unallocated corporate expenses                                          (1,066) 
 Corporate exceptional items                                                   - 
 Operating profit                                                         15,952 
 Finance costs                                                           (1,796) 
 Profit before tax                                                        14,156 
 Tax                                                                     (4,230) 
 Profit after tax                                                          9,926 


Notes to the condensed financial statements

   3.   Segmental analysis (continued) 
 Geographical revenue 
 The Group generates its revenue in the 
  following geographical areas: 
                                Six months   Six months     Year ended 
                                        to           to    31 December 
                              30 June 2022      30 June           2021 
                                 Unaudited         2021        Audited 
                                     $'000    Unaudited          $'000 
 United States                      39,712       36,315         93,399 
 United Kingdom                      6,556        7,851         20,241 
 Europe                              7,616        6,661         21,204 
 Rest of the World                   8,024        6,087         16,639 
 Total                              61,908       56,864        151,483 
=========================  ===============  ===========  ============= 
   4.   Exceptional Items 
                                        Six months   Six months 
                                                to           to     Year ended 
                                           30 June      30 June    31 December 
                                              2022         2021           2021 
                                         Unaudited    Unaudited        Audited 
                                             $'000        $'000          $'000 
 Exceptional items comprised: 
 Impairment costs on remeasurement of 
  Disposal Group (see note 8)              (1,781)            -              - 
 Forgiveness of Cares Act Loan               2,272            -              - 
 Total                                         491            -              - 
=====================================  ===========  ===========  ============= 
   5.   Taxation 

Taxation for the six months to 30 June 2022 is based on the Group estimated underlying tax rate for the year.


Notes to the condensed financial statements

   6.   Earnings per share 
                                              Six months 
                                                      to     Six months    Year ended 
                                                 30 June             to   31 December 
                                                    2022   30 June 2021          2021 
                                               Unaudited      Unaudited       Audited 
                                                   $'000          $'000         $'000 
  From continuing operations 
  Profit/ for the purposes of basic and 
   diluted earnings per share, being net 
   profit/ attributable to owners of the 
   parent                                          4,723          2,149         9,926 
  Amortisation of acquired intangibles 
   (net of tax)                                        0              5             5 
  Exceptional items (net of tax)                   (369)              -             - 
--------------------------------------------  ----------  -------------  ------------ 
  Earnings for the purposes of adjusted 
   earnings per share                              4,354          2,154         9,931 
============================================  ==========  =============  ============ 
                                                  Number         Number        Number 
  Weighted average number of shares           40,889,000     40,889,000    40,889,100 
  Dilutive outstanding options awards                  -         43,482             - 
--------------------------------------------  ----------  -------------  ------------ 
  Diluted weighted average number of shares   40,889,000     40,932,482    40,899,100 
============================================  ==========  =============  ============ 
  Earnings/(loss) per share (cents)                Cents          Cents         Cents 
  From continuing operations 
  Basic                                             11.5            5.3          24.3 
  Diluted                                           11.5            5.3          24.3 
  Adjusted basic                                    10.6            5.3          24.3 
  Adjusted diluted                                  10.6            5.3          24.3 
   7.   Net debt 
                                                      30 June   31 December 
                                    30 June 2022         2021            21 
                                       Unaudited    Unaudited       Audited 
                                           $'000        $'000         $'000 
 Net debt comprised: 
 Cash and cash equivalents                 8,106       19,044        28,432 
 Short term borrowings                   (3,116)      (3,905)       (5,438) 
 Medium and long-term borrowings        (10,596)     (31,498)      (28,508) 
 Net debt                                (5,606)     (16,359)       (5,514) 
                                   =============  ===========  ============ 

At 30 June 2022, the Group has a $15.3m club facility, comprising a term loan, revolving credit facility and overdraft. These facilities expire on 16 July 2024 and are subject to covenants, which were all met in the current period. In addition, the Group has $8.0m of sub-ordinated loans with related parties, repayable on 31 August 2024 and a loan of $0.1m relating to government support given under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act of the USA (see note 4).


Notes to the condensed financial statements

8. Disposal group held for sale

At the reporting date, management had committed to sell Smart Lab, our toy imprint. Accordingly, that imprint is presented as a disposal group held for sale. Whilst no disposal has been agreed, we have received a non-binding offer. Efforts to sell the disposal group have continued and a sale is expected to be completed by September 2022.

Assets and liabilities of disposal group held for sale

 Non-current assets            16 
 Current assets             2,344 
 Assets held for Sale       2,360 

Non-current assets held for sale are Pre-publication costs.

   9.   Principal risks and uncertainties facing the Group 

There have been no changes to the principal risks and uncertainties facing the Group since the year-end. These are disclosed on pages 19 to 21 of the 2021 Annual Report.

   10.   Financial instruments 

There are no material differences between the fair value of financial instruments and their carrying value.

11. Management Statement

This Interim Management Report (IMR) has been prepared solely to provide additional information to shareholders to assess the Group's strategies and the potential for those strategies to succeed. The IMR should not be relied on by any other party or for any other purpose.

The IMR contains certain forward-looking statements. These statements are made by the directors in good faith based on the information available to them up to the time of their approval of this report but such statements should be treated with caution due to the inherent uncertainties, including both economic and business risk factors, underlying any such forward-looking information.

Responsibility statement

We confirm that to the best of our knowledge:

a) the condensed set of financial statements, which has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 "Interim Financial Reporting", gives a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the issuer, or the undertakings included in the consolidation as a whole as required by DTR 4.2.4R;

b) the interim management report includes a fair review of the information required by DTR 4.2.7R (indication of important events during the first six months and description of principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the year); and

c) the interim management report includes a fair review of the information required by DTR 4.2.8R (disclosure of related party transactions and changes therein).

By the order of the board

 Alison Goff                Andrew Cumming 
  Chief Executive Officer    Chairman 
 30 August 2022             30 August 2022 

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

August 30, 2022 05:00 ET (09:00 GMT)

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