|                      | and Wales                           | 
| "Court Hearing"      | the hearing of the petition by the  | 
|                      | Court (to sanction the Scheme)      | 
| "Court Meeting"      | the meeting of the Ortac            | 
|                      | Shareholders convened by order of   | 
|                      | the Court pursuant to Part 26 of    | 
|                      | the Companies Act 2006 to consider  | 
|                      | and, if thought fit, approve the    | 
|                      | Scheme, including any adjournment   | 
|                      | thereof                             | 
| "Court Order"        | the order of the court sanctioning  | 
|                      | the scheme under Part 26 of the     | 
|                      | Companies Act 2006 and confirmation | 
|                      | of the reduction of capital of      | 
|                      | Ortac in accordance with the terms  | 
|                      | of the Scheme under Part 26 of the  | 
|                      | Companies Act                       | 
| "CREST"              | the computerised settlement system  | 
|                      | used to facilitate the transfer of  | 
|                      | title to shares in uncertificated   | 
|                      | form operated by Euroclear          | 
| "CREST Regulations"  | the Uncertificated Securities       | 
|                      | Regulations 2001 (SI 2001           | 
|                      | No.01/3755), as amended             | 
| "Custodian"          | Computershare Company Nominees      | 
|                      | Limited                             | 
| "Depositary"         | Computershare Investor Services PLC | 
| "Depositary          | the interests representing Ordinary | 
| Interests" or "DIs"  | Shares issued through the           | 
|                      | Depositary, further information on  | 
|                      | which is contained in Part VI of    | 
|                      | the Document                        | 
| "Directors"          | the Existing Directors, excluding   | 
|                      | David Lenigas, and the Proposed     | 
|                      | Directors of the Company whose      | 
|                      | names are set out on page 3 of this | 
|                      | Document                            | 
| "Document"           | the Admission Document of Templar   | 
|                      | Minerals Limited, dated 30 July     | 
|                      | 2010                                | 
| "Effective Date"     | the date on which the Scheme        | 
|                      | becomes effective in accordance     | 
|                      | with its terms, which is expected   | 
|                      | to be 15 September 2010             | 
| "Enlarged Group"     | the Company and its subsidiary      | 
|                      | undertakings as at the date of      | 
|                      | Admission which shall include Ortac | 
|                      | and its subsidiaries, details of    | 
|                      | which are set out at paragraph 2.8  | 
|                      | of Part VI of the Document          | 
| "Enlarged Share      | the Ordinary Shares in issue        | 
| Capital"             | immediately on Admission            | 
| "Euroclear"          | Euroclear UK & Ireland Limited, a   | 
|                      | company incorporated in England and | 
|                      | Wales and the operator of CREST     | 
| "Existing Directors" | the existing directors of the       | 
|                      | Company, namely, Charles Wood,      | 
|                      | Alastair Clayton and David Lenigas  | 
| "Existing Ordinary   | 898,087,976 Ordinary Shares in      | 
| Shares"              | issue as at the date of this        | 
|                      | Document being the entire issued    | 
|                      | share capital of the Company        | 
| "Feasibility Study"  | a study prepared or confirmed by a  | 
|                      | recognised and independent firm of  | 
|                      | mining engineering consultants      | 
|                      | which contains a detailed           | 
|                      | examination of the feasibility of   | 
|                      | bringing a deposit of minerals on   | 
|                      | the Kremnica Gold Project into      | 
|                      | Commercial Production by            | 
|                      | establishment of a mine.            | 
| "Form of             | the form of instruction, which is   | 
| Instruction"         | enclosed with this Document, for    | 
|                      | use by holders of Depositary        | 
|                      | Interests in connection with the    | 
|                      | General Meeting                     | 
| "Form of Proxy"      | the form of proxy, which is         | 
|                      | enclosed with this Document, for    | 
|                      | use by holders of Existing Ordinary | 
|                      | Shares in connection with the       | 
|                      | General Meeting                     | 
| "FSA"                | the Financial Services Authority    | 
| "FSMA"               | the Financial Services and Markets  | 
|                      | Act 2000, as amended                | 
| "General Meeting" or | the general meeting of the          | 
| "GM"                 | Shareholders to be held at Ogier    | 
|                      | House, St Julian's Avenue, St Peter | 
|                      | Port, Guernsey, GY1 1WA on 19       | 
|                      | August 2010 at 10am BST, notice of  | 
|                      | which is contained in Part VII of   | 
|                      | the Document                        | 
| "GM Resolutions"     | the resolutions set out in the      | 
|                      | Notice of General Meeting contained | 
|                      | in Part VII of this Document and    | 
|                      | "GM Resolutions" shall be construed | 
|                      | accordingly                         | 
| "Group"              | the Company and its subsidiary      | 
|                      | undertakings immediately prior to   | 
|                      | Admission                           | 
| "Hearing Date"       | the date of the Court Hearing at    | 
|                      | which the Court Order is made       | 
| "IPO Admission"      | the initial admission of Ordinary   | 
|                      | Shares to trading on AIM on 11 May  | 
|                      | 2007                                | 
| "IPO Admission       | the admission document of the       | 
| Document"            | Company dated 4 May 2007 in         | 
|                      | relation to the IPO Admission       | 
|                      | (available on the Company's website | 
|                      | at www.templarminerals.com)         | 
| "Kremnica Gold       | The gold project situated in the    | 
| Project" or          | Banská Bystrica district in         | 
| "Kremnica Project"   | Slovakia and comprising certain     | 
|                      | mining and exploration licences as  | 
|                      | more fully described in the CPR     | 
| "Kremnica Gold       | Kremica Gold s.r.o., a limited      | 
| s.r.o"               | liability company incorporated      | 
|                      | under the laws of the Slovak        | 
|                      | Republic under registered number 36 | 
|                      | 019 798                             | 
| "Kremnica Gold       | Kremnica Gold Mining s.r.o, a       | 
| Mining s.r.o"        | limited liability company           | 
|                      | incorporated under the laws of the  | 
|                      | Slovak Republic under registered    | 
|                      | number 36 861 537                   | 
| "Kremnica Mining     | the mining licence held and         | 
| Licence"             | operated by Kremnica Gold Mining    | 
|                      | s.r.o. as more fully described in   | 
|                      | the CPR                             | 

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Templar Minerals (LSE:TMP)
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