RNS Number:5005C
Technoplast Industries Ld
01 September 2004


                              FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                                  30 JUNE 2004



                    FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS AT 30 JUNE 2004

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

Management Discussion and Analysis                                                              A-N
Auditors' Review Report                                                                          2
Condensed Consolidated Profit and Loss Account                                                   3
Condensed Consolidated Statement of Recognised Gains and Losses                                  4
Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets                                                            5
Condensed Consolidated Cash Flow Statements                                                     6-8
Notes to the Financial Statements                                                               9-24

Management Discussion and Analysis

                      for the period ended 30th June 2004

We take pleasure in presenting the consolidated financial statements of
Technoplast Industries Limited for the period ended 30th June 2004.  The term "
Company" as used in this report refers to the parent company, Technoplast
Industries Ltd. and the term "Group" refers to the consolidation of the Company
and its subsidiaries.

The term "period" refers to the results for the six month period ended 30th June
2004, while the term "quarter" refers to the three month period ended 30th June

We present below a description of the main events that occurred during 2004 and
during the period under report.

*           On 13 May 2004, the merger with Kidron Plastics Ltd. was
consummated.  As part of the merger, 145,613,968 no-par value shares were issued
to Kidron Management and Holdings (1961) Ltd. and others, in return 100% of the
shares of Kidron Plastics Ltd. and in return for the exercise of the option to
make an additional cash investment of U.S.$ 500 thousand.

*           The aforementioned merger transaction was treated from an accounting
standpoint as a reverse acquisition.  In other words, from an accounting
standpoint, Kidron Plastics Ltd. acquired the control over Technoplast, even
though from a legal standpoint, it was the Company that acquired Kidron
Plastics, in return for shares of the Company that were issued to the
controlling shareholders of Kidron Plastics.  The Company elected the accounting
treatment of the reverse acquisition since the controlling shareholders of
Kidrom Plastics obtained control over the merged entity, in accordance with
international standards relating to this kind of event.

*           Accordingly, Kidron Plastics' assets and liabilities were presented
at their book value as recorded in its books, and the assets and liabilities of
the Company were presented at their fair value as at the date of acquisition,
since, from an accounting standpoint, the Company was the acquired entity.

*           In the aforementioned acquisition transaction, it was decided that
the basis for determining the value of the transaction is the value of the
Company and the value of Kidron Plastics Ltd.  The value was determined as part
of a company valuation conducted by an independent expert for Kidrom Plastics
and for the Company for purposes of consummating this transaction.

*           The consolidated profit and loss account of Kidron Plastics and the
Company for the second quarter of the year includes the results of operations of
the Company for the entire quarter and half of the results of operations of
Kidron (from the date of acquisition through the end of the quarter).

*           The comparative amounts are those that were publicized in the past
as part of the Company's financial statements.

*           Since transfer of control over the Company, Management has been
making changes (personnel and processes) which are expected to be completed by
the end of 2004.

*           On 13 May 2004, the Tel Aviv District Court approved a creditor
arrangement for the Company, the major provisions of which are as follows:

The guaranteed creditors (the banks), to whom the Company owed an amount of NIS
65 million, (as of date of the arrangement) will receive the following:

-   A payment of NIS 15 million within 6 months.

-   An amount of NIS 28 million will be converted into U.S. dollars and spread
out over a 10-year period.

-   Participation in profits up to an amount of NIS 10 million over a ten-year
period (an amount of 25% of the Company's pre-tax income in excess of U.S.$ 1.1
million from operations and/or the sale of injection mould plastic products).

-   An amount of NIS 12 million will be erased, subject to the payment of the
NIS 15 million within six months of the approval of the creditor arrangement.

Unsecured creditors, to whom the Company owed an amount of NIS 13 million, will
receive the following:

-   Two alternatives: Alternative A - A cash payment (within 90 days) of 25% of
their debt; Alternative B - A cash payment (within 90 days) of 15% of their debt
and 25% spread out over 5 years.

-   Participation in profits, unlimited in time, of 25% of their debt (15% of
the Company's pre-tax income in excess of U.S.$ 1.1 million from operations in
manufacturing and/or the sale of injection mould plastic products).

-   Erasure of 50% of their debt, and under alternative B, erasure of 35% of the

    Creditors to whom the Company owes less than NIS 10,000 each received 70% of
their debt.

According to the creditors arrangement, subsequent to the balance sheet date,
the Company paid an amount of NIS 7.5 million the banks and an amount of NIS 2.5
million to its unsecured creditors.

Payment of the second half to the banks, in an amount of NIS 7.5 million is
expected to be made in November 2004.

The trustee of the creditors arrangement received payment demands from suppliers
and service providers in a total amount of NIS 16.7 million, of which the
trustee approved at this stage demands of NIS 11.6 million, broken down as
follows: payment demands under alternative A in an amount of NIS 5.2 million;
payment demands under alternative B in an amount of NIS 6 million; and payment
demands in an amount of NIS 0.4 million (to creditors with outstanding debts of
less than NIS 10,000).

Based on the alternatives selected by the suppliers, an amount of NIS 2.5
million was to be paid within 90 days, an amount of NIS 4.3 million was for
long-term payment, and an amount of NIS 4.8 million was to be erased.

*           In April 2004, the Company signed an assessment agreement with the
tax assessing officer, whereby the order issued to the Company in respect of the
1998 tax year, in an amount of NIS 11.7 million (including interest and linkage
differentials) would be cancelled.  Concurrently, an amount of NIS 22 million
would be deducted from the Company's tax loss carryforwards.

As a result of the aforementioned assessment arrangement, in the first quarter
of 2004, the Company erased a provision for taxes in an amount of NIS 5 million.

*           Following consummation of the merger agreement with Kidron, on 23
May 2004, a new production agreement was signed by the Company and Z.A.G.
Industries Ltd. (hereinafter - "Z.A.G."), whereby Z.A.G. undertook to transfer
to the Company at least 30% of Z.A.G.'s injection production of plastic products
in Israel (whether the production is done by Z.A.G., subcontractors or third
parties), but not less than US$9 million, at agreed-upon prices.

The production agreement is for a period of 10 years, commencing with the
signing of the agreement.  Notwithstanding the above, after four years of
operation, either party is entitled to terminate the production agreement upon
advance notice of 12 months.  In the event such advance notice is given, the
other party has the right to extend the advance notice period by an additional
12 months (i.e., a total of 24 months).

On 29th August 2004, the Supervisor of Restrictive Trade Practices exempted this
agreement from the requirement to obtain approval as a restrictive agreement for
a period of ten years.

In addition, another agreement was signed among Z.A.G., the Company and a
limited partnership of Technoplast Investments (1993) Ltd.  The Limited
Partnership will manufacture and have sole global marketing rights for
agreed-upon products of Z.A.G. and products of the Company.  For purposes of its
operations, the Limited Partnership will purchase production services from the
Company, at agreed-upon prices.  Z.A.G. will act as the sole representative of
the Limited Partnership in North America.

The agreement is for a two-year period, commencing with the date of its signing,
and will be automatically extended for additional periods of two years, unless
any of the parties notifies the other party prior to the end of the agreement
period of its desire to terminate the agreement at the end of the agreement
period.  Such notice must be given at least three months in advance, with the
other party having the right to extend the advance notice period by an
additional three months (i.e., a total of six months).

On 29th August 2004, the Supervisor of Restrictive Trade Practices exempted this
agreement from the requirement to obtain approval as a restrictive agreement for
a period of two years.

Subsequent to the balance sheet date, in order to realize this agreement, the
following companies were set up: the Partnership, Kidron Plastics Marketing Ltd.
and Kidron Plastics (UK) Ltd.

*           As part of a compromise agreement signed with its banks, the Company
allotted the banks 8,131,053 option warrants that currently comprise 4.3% of the
Company's share capital under full dilution.  The exercise price per option was
set at U.S.$ 0.0178 per share.  The options are exercisable until 12 May 2009.

*           On 16 March 2004, the board of directors of the Company approved the
sale of all of the shares and rights of the Company in SMS to a third party, in
return for the cancellation of the Company's guarantee of the debts of SMS to a
certain bank and in return for an amount equal to 15% of the annual net income
of SMS in excess of NIS 3 million, relative to the shares being sold, but not to
exceed an aggregate amount of NIS 650 thousand, linked to the Israeli Consumer
Price Index, over a period of 60 months.

The sale of the shares to the third party was subject to obtaining various
approvals by no later than 15 May 2004.  It was also agreed that in the event
that such approvals are not obtained, the Company will be entitled to demand the
return of the shares and rights in SMS.

The date for obtaining the approval of the banks was extended by mutual
agreement with the third party to 30 June 2004 and, concurrently, the date by
which the Company is entitled to demand return of the shares and rights in SMS
was also extended to 15 July 2004.

In accordance with the approval of the sale of the shares, the SMS activity is
segregated from the Company's activities in the consolidated profit and loss
account, under an item entitled "loss on discontinued operations".  The
discontinued operations contributed a loss of NIS 2.8 million to the
consolidated profit and loss account for the first quarter of 2004 (NIS 16.6
million in 2003).

Further to its resolution of 16 March 2004 regarding the sale of its holdings in
SMS and the resignation of the representatives of the Company from the board of
directors of SMS, the board of directors of the Company resolved, on 30 May
2004, that it had no intention of investing in or supporting the activities of
SMS in any manner of form.  A notice regarding this decision was circulated to
the other shareholders of SMS and to the banks financing SMS.

*           The Company decided not to exercise its right to demand the return
of the shares by 15th July 2004, as above, and as a result, the holdings in the
shares of SMS were absolutely and unconditionally transferred to the third
party.  As part of the consummation of the transaction, the Company waived the
demand that the purchaser undertake a guarantee toward a particular bank.

*           Results of operations during the period under report reflected the

As mentioned above, the profit and loss account for the current quarter includes
the results of company operations for the entire quarter and half of the results
of operations of Kidron Plastics (from the date of acquisition until the end of
the quarter), while the comparative amounts include only the results of
operations of the Company.

-           Group sales for the period amounted to NIS 51.8 thousand, compared
with NIS 42 million in the same period last year, an increase of 23%.  Company
sales totalled NIS 49.8 million during the period, compared with NIS 42 million
last year, an increase of 19%.  Group sales for the quarter amounted to NIS 21.1
million, compared with NIS 16.7 million in the same quarter last year, an
increase of 26%.  Company sales in the quarter amounted to NIS 19.1 million,
compared with NIS 16.7 million in the same period last year, an increase of 14%.

-           The Group's gross profit reached 7% for the period, compared with 8%
of sales in the same period last year.  The Group's gross profit for the quarter
reached 3% of sales, compared with a gross loss of 5% of sales in the same
quarter last year, and gross profit of 11% for all of 2003.

-           The Company showed a negative cash flow from current operations in
an amount of NIS 2.2 million, compared with a negative cash flow in the same
period last year in an amount of NIS 5.7 million, and compared with a negative
cash flow of NIS 4.5 million during all of 2003.

*           We present below condensed income statement data for the quarter,
compared with results of operations in 2003 and in the same quarter last year,
in NIS millions:
                          Six months ended   Three months   Year ended 31 Six months ended   Three months
                             30/6/2004     ended 30/6/2004    /12/2003       30/6/2003     ended 30/6/2003
Sales                           51.8             21.1           97.4             42              16.7
Gross profit (loss)             3.6              0.6            11.2            3.3             (0.8)
Operating loss before          (6.5)             (5)            (10)           (6.5)            (5.7)
Operating loss after           (9.5)            (6.4)          (12.9)          (6.3)            (4.5)
Loss from continuing           (7.7)            (6.4)          (20.7)          (15.0)           (14.2)

*           The consolidated loss for the period amounted to NIS 10.5 million,
compared with a loss of NIS 17.2 million in the same period last year.  The
consolidated loss for the quarter amounted to NIS 6.4 million, compared with NIS
15.6 million in the same quarter last year, and compared with a loss of NIS 37.3
million for all of 2003.

*           The results for the period were affected by other expenses of NIS
3.4 million, the write-off of a provision for income tax in an amount of NIS 5
million, and the loss on discontinued operations in an amount of NIS 2.8

*           The loss from continuing operations amounted to NIS 7.7 million for
the period, compared with NIS 15 million in the same period last year.  The loss
on continuing operations for the quarter amounted to NIS 6.4 million, compared
with NIS 14.1 million in the same quarter last year and compared with a loss of
NIS 20.7 million for all of 2003.

*           As at 30th June 2004, the Group had shareholders' equity of NIS 1.5
million and a working capital deficit of NIS 2.3 million.  The Group has
accumulated losses as at 30th June 2004 in an amount of NIS 112.7 million.

Subsequent events

*           Bank Igud LeIsrael Ltd. and Bank Hapoalim BM issued new credit lines
in an amount of U.S.$ 2 million in favour of Kidron Plastics Marketing Ltd., a
granddaughter subsidiary of the Company which was set up in order to realize the
organizational changes and the marketing cooperation with ZAG.

Insurance and indemnification of senior officers

The general shareholders meeting approved the following resolutions:

*           The Company's engagement of an insurance company for purposes of
obtaining a policy for liability insurance in respect of senior executives of
the Company, including a controlling interest in the Company (hereinafter - the

        The limit of liability of the proposed policy is up to U.S.$ 5,000,000
per claim and per insurance period, and the policy is renewable from time to
time.  The insurance will apply both to senior executives that serve from time
to time and/or senior executives that are controlling shareholders that serve
from time to time.

*           Granting a release from liability to senior executives serving from
time to time ("senior executives"), including controlling shareholders in the
Company, whereby the Company releases its senior executives in advance from
liability toward the Company in respect of damages caused and/or to be caused by
them as a result of a breach of their fiduciary responsibility toward the
Company, and waives any claims against them.  The aforementioned does not apply
to any action or inaction in respect of which the Company is not permitted to
release its senior executives from liability under the provisions of the
Companies Law, 1999 (hereinafter - the "Companies Law"), as issued from time to

*           Undertaking to indemnify the directors and senior executives serving
the Company from time to time, including a controlling shareholder, subject to
certain conditions.

*           Granting a guarantee to secure the repayment of the debts of a

*           The general shareholders' meeting of the Company approved the
following resolution:

In accordance with the provisions of the allotment agreement the Company signed
with Kidron Management and Holdings (1961) Ltd. on 31st August 2004, a
guarantee, renewable and unlimited in amount, was cancelled.  The guarantee was
given by Kidron to secure the debts and liabilities of Kidron Plastics Ltd. to a
certain bank.  Therefore, in view of the fact that the Company is the owner of
100% of the issued and paid-up share capital of Kidron Plastics Ltd., a demand
was made of the Company to provide a guarantee to secure the repayment of the
debts of Kidron Plastics Ltd. to the First International Bank of Israel Ltd., in
place of the guarantee of Kidron to the same bank.  As at the date of the
financial statements, the debt of Kidron Plastics Ltd. to the First
International Bank of Israel Ltd. was an amount of NIS 4.5 million, in respect
of the credit line issued by the bank to finance inventory and receivables.

*           The controlling shareholders in the Company, Mr. Michael Susz and/or
Kidron Management and Holdings (1961) Ltd. gave guarantees, limited as per
agreement, to secure the abovementioned new credit lines issued by Bank Igud
LeIsrael Ltd. and Bank Hapoalim BM in favour of Kidron Plastics Marketing Ltd.
The guarantees were granted without the Company having to give to its
controlling shareholders any consideration or contra-undertaking.

The Group and its Business Environment


The Company is an industrial concern engaged in the manufacture of
injection-moulded and pressed plastic products.  The Company has an active plant
in Migdal Ha'emek.

Subsidiaries, associated undertakings and other companies

AFIC Printing Products Ltd. (hereafter - "AFIC")

The Company holds 25.1% of AFIC's shares.  AFIC is engaged in the production and
marketing of cartridges for printers and cash registers.

Sales of AFIC during the period totalled NIS 11.4 million, compared with NIS
12.4 million during the same period last year and NIS 24.5 million for all of
2003.  Net earnings for the period and the quarter amounted to NIS 0.8 million
and NIS 0.4 million, respectively, compared with NIS 1.1 million and NIS 0.5
million, respectively, during the same periods last year and NIS 2.3 million for
all of 2003.

The company's shareholders' equity as at 30th June 2004 amounted to NIS 6.9
million, compared with NIS 5 million at the end of the same period last year,
and NIS 6.1 million as at 31st December 2003.  The investment in AFIC is
presented in the financial statements under the equity method.

The Company is entitled to appoint 2 directors as its representatives on the
board of directors of AFIC and it exercised this right by appointing two

As at 30th June 2004, the Company recorded its investment in AFIC at an amount
of NIS 1.7 million, 25.1% of the shareholders' equity of AFIC at that date.

Kidron Plastics Ltd. (hereinafter - "Plastics")

Plastics is engaged in the importing, marketing, and distribution of raw
materials and products in the area of plastics to the fiberglass and polyester

The Company holds 100% of the issued and paid-up share capital of Plastics.
Plastics' financial statements are consolidated under the reverse acquisition
method as described above.  Sales of Plastics for the quarter amounted to NIS
7.3 million and its net earnings amounted to NIS 0.1 million.  Its shareholders'
equity as at 30th June 2004 amounted to NIS 0.3 million.

Financial Position (consolidated)
                                        30th June 2004           30th June 2003        31st December 2003
                                     NIS'000   % of balance   NIS'000   % of balance   NIS'000      % of
                                                  sheet                    sheet                   balance
Total balance sheet                91,100                   160,108                  143,076
Current assets                     31,214          34%      27,032          17%      29,352          21%
Investments                        1,763            2%      1,287            --      1,578           1%
Tangible fixed assets              53,708          59%      60,237          38%      56,356          39%
Goodwill                           4,415            5%      --               --      --              --
Assets attributed to discontinued  --               --      71,552          45%      55,790          39%
Current liabilities                33,489          37%      65,084          41%      73,498          51%
Long-term liabilities              56,094          61%      18,078          11%      14,051          10%
Liabilities attributed to          --               --      72,310          45%      71,037          50%
discontinued operations
Shareholders' equity (deficit)     1,517            2%      4,636            3%      (15,510)       (11%)

The explanations below pertain to the changes in the consolidated balance sheet
which took place during the reporting period.

Current assets increased during the period under report by approximately NIS 1.9
million.  This increase resulted from the increase of approximately NIS 4
million in trade debtors and the increase of NIS 0.6 million in cash, offset by
the NIS 2.2 million decrease in accounts receivable and other debit balances,
and the NIS 0.6 million decrease in inventory.  Kidron Plastics, consolidated
for the first time, contributed mainly an increase of NIS 5.4 million in trade
debtors and an NIS 1.3 million increase in inventory.

The NIS 2.6 million decrease in tangible fixed assets originated from
depreciation for the period in an amount of NIS 3.6 million, plus an amount of
NIS 0.6 million representing the depreciated cost of fixed assets sold during
the period, offset by purchases of fixed assets in an amount of NIS 0.9 million,
plus the addition of fixed assets of Kidron Plastics in an amount of NIS 0.7

Current liabilities presented in the balance sheet as at 30th June 2004
decreased by approximately NIS 40 million, as a result of the decrease in
short-term credit from banking institutions in an amount of NIS 31.4 million and
a decrease of NIS 8.6 million in trade and other creditors.
The decrease in short-term credit from banks derives from the repayment of
credit in an amount of NIS 3.2 million and from long-term loans and new credit
lines placed at the disposal of the Company by the banks as part of the
agreement signed with the banks in May 2004.  Kidron Plastics contributed an
amount of NIS 6.4 million to the increase in short-term credit from banks.

The decrease in trade creditors and accounts payable derives from the write-off
of supplier balances in accordance with the creditors arrangement in respect of
unsecured creditors in an amount of NIS 4.8 million and the reclassification to
long-term liabilities of supplier balances in an amount of NIS 4.3 million, of
which NIS 2.8 million were spread out over a 5-year period and NIS 1.5 million,
contingent upon participation in profits unlimited in time.  Kidron Plastics
contributed an amount of NIS 2.8 million to the increase in balances of
suppliers and accounts payable.

The NIS 42 million increase in long-term liabilities derived from the new credit
lines issued to the Company by the banks as part of the agreement with them.
These include long-term loans of NIS 15 million, liabilities of NIS 12 million
which are expected to be written off and liabilities of NIS 10 million to be
repaid from the future profits.  Another factor which contributed to the
increase in long-term liabilities were the supplier and accounts payable
balances which were reclassified to long-term liabilities in accordance with the
creditors arrangement.  These included an amount of NIS 2.8 million spread out
over a 5-year period and NIS 1.5 million which is presented as liabilities to be
repaid from future profits.

During the reporting period, the Company's shareholders' equity made the
transition from a negative to a positive amount, with an of NIS 1.5 million as
at the end of the period, compared with a deficit of NIS 15.5 million at the
beginning of the reporting period.

The NIS 17 million increase in shareholders' funds derived from the loss for the
period under report in an amount of NIS 10.5 million, from a share issue against
the shares of Kidron Plastics in an amount of NIS 25.2 million and from a share
issue for a cash amount of NIS 2.3 million.

Results of consolidated operations

                     Six months ended    Six months ended     Three months ended   Three months ended      Year ended
                         30/6/2004          30/6/2003            30/6/2004            30/6/2004           31/12/2003
                      NIS'000    % of     NIS'000    % of     NIS'000  % of sales  NIS'000  % of sales  NIS'000    % of
                                 sales               sales                                                         sales
Turnover             51,756              41,995              21,073               16,655               97,412
Gross profit (loss)  3,563        7%     3,323        8%     604           3%     (813)        (5%)    11,189       11%
Operating loss       (6,510)     (13%)   (6,516)     (15%)   (4,974)     (24%)    (5,668)     (34%)    (9,989)     (10%)
Financing income     (2,997)     (6%)    208          0%     (1,419)      (7%)    1,206         7%     (2,884)     (3%)
(expenses), net
Operating loss after (9,507)     (18%)   (6,308)     (15%)   (6,393)     (30%)    (4,462)     (27%)    (12,873)    (13%)
Other expenses, net  (3,369)     (6%)    (9,010)     (21%)   (50)          0%     (9,828)     (59%)    (8,448)     (9%)
Taxes on income -    4,970       (10%)   --                  (30)          0%     --                   --
tax benefit
Share of Group in 
profits              212          --     278          0%     114           0%     136           0%     574          --
of associated 
Loss on discontinued (2,837)     (5%)    (2,149)     (5%)    --                   (1,479)      (1%)    (16,588)    (17%)
Loss for the period  (10,531)    (20%)   (17,189)    (41%)   (6,359)     (30%)    (15,633)    (94%)    (37,335)    (38%)

Analysis of the results of consolidated operations for the period ended 30th
June 2004


Group sales during the period increased by NIS 9.8 million (23%) compared with
sales in the same period last year, and totalled NIS 51.7 million for the
period.  Group sales during the quarter increased by NIS 4.4 million (27%)
compared with sales in the same quarter last year, and totalled NIS 21.1 million
for the quarter.  Kidron Plastics contributed an amount of NIS 2 million to the
increase in Group sales for the quarter.

Company sales during the period increased by NIS 7.8 million (19%) compared with
sales in the same period last year, and totalled NIS 49.7 million for the
period.  Company sales during the quarter increased by NIS 2.5 million (15%)
compared with sales in the same quarter last year, and totalled NIS 19.1 million
for the quarter.

Gross profit

Consolidated gross profit during the period reached an amount of NIS 3.6 million
(7% of sales), compared with a gross profit of NIS 3.3 million (8% of sales) in
the same period last year.  The Group's gross profit for the quarter amounted to
NIS 0.6 million (3% of sales), compared with a gross loss of NIS 0.8 million
(-5% of sales) in the same quarter last year and a gross profit of NIS 11.1
million (11% of sales) for all of 2003.

The Company's gross profit during the period reached an amount of NIS 2.9
million (6% of sales), compared with a gross profit of NIS 3.3 million (8% of
sales) in the same period last year.  The Company's gross loss for the quarter
amounted to NIS 0.1 million (-1% of sales), compared with a gross loss of NIS
0.8 million    (-5% of sales) in the same quarter last year.

The decrease in gross profit derived mainly from an increase in the percentage
of raw materials out of total sales during the quarter (62% of sales, compared
with 56% raw material consumption in the same period last year).  The increase
in the percentage of raw material consumption derived from the sharp increase in
raw material prices and from a change in the product mix sold during the
reporting period, compared with the products that were sold in the same period
last year.  The increase in gross profitability of the Company during the
quarter, compared with the same quarter last year derived mainly from an
increase in sales.

Operating loss

The Group's operating loss for the period amounted to NIS 6.5 million (12% of
sales), compared with NIS 6.5 million in the same period last year (16% of
sales), and compared with an operating loss of 10% in all of 2003. The Group's
operating loss for the quarter amounted to NIS 5 million (24% of sales),
compared with NIS 5.7 million in the same quarter last year (34% of sales), and
compared with an operating loss of 10% in all of 2003.  The decrease in gross
profit was the major factor contributing to the increase in the operating loss.

Selling and marketing expenses decreased by NIS 0.7 million and amounted to NIS
5.6 million (11% of sales) in the period and to NIS 2.6 million during the
quarter (13% of sales), compared with NIS 6.3 million (15% of sales) and NIS 2.9
million (17% of sales) in the same period and quarter of last year,
respectively.  The decrease in selling expenses was achieved as a result of the
efficiency measures taken by Company management in recent quarters.

General and administrative expenses amounted to NIS 4.5 million during the
period, compared with NIS 3.5 million during the same period last year (9% of
sales during the period and 8% of sales during the same period last year).
General and administrative expenses amounted to NIS 2.9 million during the
quarter, compared with NIS 2 million during the same quarter last year (14% of
sales during the quarter and 12% of sales during the same quarter last year).
The increase in general and administrative expenses derived mainly from the
expenses of Kidron Plastics which were added this quarter.

Financing expenses

Financing expenses of the Group and the Company amounted to NIS 3 million during
the period, compared with NIS 0.2 million in the same period last year.
Financing expenses of the Group and the Company amounted to NIS 1.4 million
during the quarter, compared with financing income of NIS 1.2 million in the
same quarter last year.

The increase in financing expenses is explained mainly by the exchange rate
differentials (expense) during the period in an amount of NIS 0.5 million,
compared with income from exchange rate differentials of NIS 2.2 million in the
same period last year.

Other expenses

Other expenses amounted to NIS 3.4 million during the period, compared with
other expenses of NIS 9 million in the same period last year.  The expenses
reflect mainly the provisions that were recorded in the first quarter of the
year in respect of debit balances previously recorded on the books of the

Taxes on income

In accordance with the assessment agreement signed by the Company with the tax
assessing officer in April 2004, whereby the order issued against the Company in
respect of the 1998 tax year in an amount of NIS 11.7 million was cancelled, the
Company erased the provision for taxes it recorded in its books in an amount of
NIS 5 million.

Loss from discontinued operations

Further to the contingent sale of the shares and rights of the Company in its
subsidiary, Smart Modular Storage Ltd., to a third party, the share of the
Company in the results of the subsidiary was recorded in the first quarter of
the year as a loss from discontinued operations.  During the current quarter,
the Company did not exercise its option to demand the return of the shares of
Smart Modular Storage to its possession and, as a result, the transfer of the
holdings in the shares of SMS to a third party became final.

Liquidity and cash flows
Liquidity data (consolidated)                                      30/6/04       30/6/03      31/12/03
Working capital deficit                                         (2,275)       (38,052)      (44,146)
Cash, bank deposits and short-term trade investments            827           485           211

Liquidity ratios (consolidated)
Cash, bank deposits and short-term trade investments/current        0.026         0.018         0.007
Current ratio                                                       0.93          0.42          0.40
Quick ratio                                                         0.75          0.34          0.30

Cash flows (consolidated)

Group cash flows from operations for the period totalled an outflow of NIS 2.3
million, compared with a cash outflow from current operations of NIS 5.7 million
during the same period last year.

Group cash flows from operations for the quarter totalled an outflow of NIS 2.6
million, compared with a cash outflow from current operations of NIS 2.9 million
during the same quarter last year.

The factors that contributed to the cash flows were as follows: the loss for the
period in an amount of NIS 10.5 million, less expenses in a net amount of NIS
0.7 million not constituting a cash flow, plus a decrease in trade creditors and
other payables (NIS 4.1 million), offset by a decrease in inventories (NIS 1.96
million), a decrease in other receivables (NIS 2.5 million), depreciation and
amortisation of NIS 3.6 million, a loss on discontinued operations in an amount
of NIS 2.8 million, a decrease in trade debtors (NIS 0.9 million).

The discontinued operations had a cash outflow from current operations of NIS
0.8 million during the period, compared with NIS 1 million in the same period
last year.  This outflow was used mainly in the purchase of fixed assets.

Cash flows from financing activity during the period under report amounted to an
inflow of approximately NIS 3.7 million, compared with an inflow of NIS 2
million in the same period last year.  The inflow resulted from the net
repayment of short-term bank credit in an amount of NIS 3.2 million, offset by
the receipt of long-term loans in an amount of NIS 4.6 million and the cash
proceeds of the share issue in an amount of NIS 2.3 million

Sources of finance

As a result of the creditors arrangement that was approved by the court, and the
investment of shareholders, as described above, Company management believes that
the credit framework the Company receives from the bank will be adequate to
cover its current financing needs.


Company policy is to contribute to the community, especially in the areas
surrounding its plants, based on the financial ability to do so.

During the period under report, in accordance with this policy, the Company made
contributions of NIS 10 thousand to various institutions and organizations.

Exposure to market risks and risk management


The Group's activity in competitive international markets for consumer goods
exposes the Company to risks deriving from changes in exchange rates and prices
of raw materials, to the risks of granting credit to customers in Israel and
abroad, and to the risks of being dependent on major customers.

The Company's board of directors discusses market risks and the manner in which
they are handled, at its quarterly meetings.

The general manager is responsible for managing risks deriving from changes in
raw material prices (including changing selling prices in accordance with the
up-to-date prices of raw materials), changes in exchange rates and the risks of
granting credit to customers and the risks from dependency on major customers.

The Company is exposed to the following market risks:

Exchange rate fluctuations

Approximately 90% of the Group's sales are denominated in the dollar or European
currencies (hereinafter - "foreign currency").  In addition, 90% of the raw
material costs are foreign currency denominated and about 20% of the Group's
other expenses are foreign currency linked.

As at 30th June 2004, the excess of the Group's liabilities in foreign currency
over its assets in foreign currency amounted to NIS 17.9 million.

The above data show that the Company is exposed to two opposing foreign currency
effects - on the one hand, a devaluation of the shekel results in financing
expenses because of the outstanding foreign currency liabilities.  On the other
hand, since the percentage of foreign currency linked expenses is lower than the
percentage of foreign currency linked revenues, the Company's operating income
increases as a result of the same devaluation.

Changes in raw material prices

In accordance with the Company's agreement with ZAG, the Company's major
customer (approximately 58% of all Company sales during the period), any change
in the price of raw materials is immediately and entirely transferred to the
prices of products.

With regard to other customers, the Company has no obligation to fixed prices
over the long-term.  As a result, no forward transactions are entered into, to
guarantee raw material prices.  Nevertheless, it is difficult to raise product
prices every time raw material prices increase and under the best of
circumstances, compensation is only partial.

Recently, raw material prices rose by approximately 13%, but the Company and its
competitors have not raised the prices of merchandise they sell to their

Customer credit risks

As indicated below, the Group has a major customer, Z.A.G., comprising 58% of
the consolidated sales turnover during the period.  Management estimates that
the credit risk in respect of this customer is not high and does not justify
taking out credit insurance.  Therefore, the Group does not insure itself for
credit risks.

The Company entered into an agreement with an international provider of business
and financial data regarding companies around the world, and it uses the data it
obtains to conduct initial and ongoing credit risk evaluations of both its new
and existing customers.

Dependency on a major customer

The Company has a major customer  - Z.A.G., to which it sold during the period,
58% of the total Group sales.

As mentioned above, on 23rd May 2004, the Company's board of directors approved
new long-term agreements between the Company and its major customer.

Linked balance sheet as at 30th June 2004 (NIS '000)

                                       Denominated in  Linked to the   Unlinked     Non-monetary      Total
                                        or linked to       ICPI                        items
Cash and cash equivalents              742             -             85            -              827
Trade debtors                          15,390          -             6,052         -              21,442
Other debtors                          -               1,152         1,675         -              2,827
Stocks                                 -               -             -             6,118          6,118
Investments                            -               28            -             1,735          1,763
Tangible assets                        -               -             -             53,708         53,708
Goodwill                               -               -             -             4,415          4,415
Total assets                           16,132          1,180         7,812         65,976         91,100

Credit from banking institutions       11,700          8,480         26,085        -              46,265
(excluding current maturities)
Trade creditors                        1,840           -             10,754        -              12,594
Other creditors                        1,800           -             3,788         -              5,588
Long-term loans                        18,647          6,412         41            -              25,100
Deferred taxes                         -               -             -             36             36
Total liabilities                      33,987          14,892        40,668        36             89,583

Surplus (deficit) of assets over       (17,855)        (13,712)      (32,856)      65,940         1,517

             Michael Susz                                           Moshe Katz
         Chairman of the Board                             General Manager and Director

31st August 2004

The Board of Directors of                                          31 August 2004
Technoplast Industries Ltd.

Dear Sirs:

Re:     Review of the Unaudited Condensed Interim Consolidated
        Financial Statements for the Six Month and Three Month Periods ended
        30 June 2004

At your request, we have reviewed the condensed interim consolidated balance
sheet of TECHNOPLAST INDUSTRIES LIMITED and its subsidiaries as at 30 June 2004,
the condensed consolidated profit and loss accounts, condensed statements of
recognised gains and losses, condensed statements of changes in shareholders'
equity and the condensed consolidated statements of cash flows for the six month
and three month periods then ended.

Our review was conducted in accordance with procedures prescribed by the
Institute of Certified Public Accountants in Israel and included, inter alia,
reading the said financial statements, reading the minutes of the shareholders'
meetings and of the meetings of the Board of Directors and its committees, as
well as making inquiries of persons responsible for financial and accounting

We were provided with the reports of other accountants regarding the review of
the financial statements of a subsidiary, whose assets as at 30 June 2004
constitute approximately 12% of total consolidated assets and whose revenues for
the six month and three month periods constitute approximately 4% and 9% of
total consolidated revenues respectively.  Moreover, the data included in the
consolidated financial statements pertaining to the equity value of the
investment and the Company's share in the results of operations of an associated
undertaking, are based on the financial statements that were reviewed by other

Since the review performed is limited in scope and does not constitute an audit
in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, we do not express an
opinion on the condensed financial statements.

During the performance of our review, including reading review reports of other
auditors as stated above, nothing came to our attention that would necessitate
any material modifications to the condensed financial statements referred to
above in order for them to be in conformity with generally accepted accounting
principles and in accordance with Section D of the Securities Regulations
(Periodic and Immediate Reports), 1970.

                             Fahn Kanne & Co
                   Certified Public Accountants (Isr.)

                      The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed statements.


                                                                                              Convenience translation
                                Year ended    Three months ended       Six months ended      Three months    Six months
                                   31st            30th June               30th June          ended 30th     ended 30th
                                 December                                                        June           June
                                   2003       2003(*)      2004       2003(*)      2004          2004           2004
                                Adjusted(1) Adjusted(1)  Reported   Adjusted(1)  Reported             Reported
                                                          cost(2)                 cost(2)              cost(2)
                                 NIS' 000    NIS' 000    NIS' 000    NIS' 000    NIS' 000       #' 000         #' 000
                                 (Audited)  (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited)  (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)
Turnover                         97,412      16,655      21,073      41,995      51,756      2,587          6,353

Cost of sales                    86,223      17,468      20,469      38,672      48,193      2,512          5,915
                                 ______      ______      ______      ______      ______      _____          _____
Gross profit (loss)              11,189      (813)       604         3,323       3,563       75             438
Selling, general and 
administrative                  (21,178)    (4,855)     (5,578)     (9,839)     (10,073)    (685)          (1,236)
                                 ______      ______      ______      ______      ______      _____          _____
Operating loss before other 
expenses                         (9,989)     (5,668)     (4,974)     (6,516)     (6,510)     (610)          (798)
Other expenses                   (8,448)     (9,828)     (50)        (9,010)     (3,369)     (6)            (414)
                                 ______      ______      ______      ______      ______      _____          _____
Loss on ordinary activities 
before                          (18,437)    (15,496)    (5,024)     (15,526)    (9,879)     (616)          (1,212)
financial expenses
Net financial expenses (income)  (2,884)     1,206       (1,419)     208         (2,997)     (174)          (368)
                                 ______      ______      ______      ______      _____       _____          _____
Loss on ordinary activities 
before                          (21,321)    (14,290)    (6,443)     (15,318)    (12,876)    (790)          (1,580)
Tax                              -           -           (30)        -           4,970       (4)            610
                                 ______      ______      ______      ______      ______      _____          _____
Loss after taxation             (21,321)    (14,290)    (6,473)     (15,318)    (7,906)     (794)          (970)
Net equity in profits of 
associated                       574         136         114         278         212         14             26
                                 ______      ______      ______      ______      ______      _____          _____
Loss from continuing operation  (20,747)    (14,154)    (6,359)     (15,040)    (7,694)     (780)          (944)
Loss from discontinued operation(16,588)    (1,479)     -           (2,149)     (2,837)     -              (348)
                                 ______      ______      ______      ______      ______      _____          _____
Loss for the period             (37,335)    (15,633)    (6,359)     (17,189)    (10,531)    (780)          (1,292)
                                 ______      ______      ______      ______      ______      _____          _____

Loss per share (NIS/#)
Loss from continuing operation   (0.62)        (0.42)    (0.06)      (0.45)      (0.11)      (0.007)        (0.013)
Loss from discontinued operation (0.49)        (0.04)    -           (0.06)      (0.04)      -              (0.005)
                                 ______      ______      ______      _____       _____       _____          _____
                                 (1.11)        (0.46)    (0.06)      (0.51)      (0.15)      (0.007)        (0.018)
                                 ______      ______      ______      _____       _____       _____          _____

(1)     Adjusted to NIS of December 2003.

(2)     See Note 2.

(*)     Reclassified - see Note 1D.

                      The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed statements.


                                                                                             Convenience translation
                               Year ended    Three months ended       Six months ended      Three months    Six months
                                  31st            30th June               30th June          ended 30th     ended 30th
                                December                                                        June           June
                                  2003       2003(*)      2004       2003(*)      2004          2004           2004
                               Adjusted(1) Adjusted(1)  Reported   Adjusted(1)  Reported             Reported
                                                        cost(2)                 cost(2)              cost(2)
                                NIS' 000    NIS' 000    NIS' 000    NIS' 000    NIS' 000       #' 000         #' 000
                               (Audited)  (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited)  (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)
Total recognised losses 
for the period                 (37,335)    (15,633)    (6,359)     (17,189)    (10,531)    (780)          (1,292)
                                ______      ______      ______      ______      _____       _____          _____

(1)     Adjusted to NIS of December 2003.

(2)     See Note 2.

(*)     Reclassified - see Note 1D.

                      The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed statements.

                                                   31st December     30th June      30th June      30th June
                                                        2003          2003(*)          2004           2004
                                                            Adjusted(1)                 Reported cost(2)
                                                      NIS' 000        NIS' 000       NIS' 000        #' 000
                                                     (Audited)      (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)
Assets attributed to the discontinued operation   55,790           71,552         -              -
                                                  ----------       ----------     ----------     ----------
Fixed assets
Tangible assets                                   56,356           60,237         53,708         6,592
Investee company                                  1,544            1,248          1,735          213
Severance pay - redundancy provision              34               39             28             3
Goodwill                                          -                -              4,415          542
                                                  _______          _______        _______        ______
                                                  57,934           61,524         59,886         7,350
                                                  ----------       ----------     ----------     ----------
Current assets
Stocks                                            6,711            5,093          6,118          751
Debtors                                           22,430           21,454         24,269         2,979
Cash at bank and in hand                          211              485            827            101
                                                  _______          _______        _______        ______
                                                  29,352           27,032         31,214         3,831
                                                  ----------       ----------     ----------     ----------
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year
Bank loans and overdrafts                         51,001           44,964         19,616         2,408
Creditors                                         22,497           20,120         13,873         1,703
                                                  _______          _______        _______        ______
                                                  73,498           65,084         33,489         4,111
                                                  ----------       ----------     ----------     ----------
Net current assets/liabilities                    (44,146)         (38,052)       (2,275)        (280)
                                                  _______          _______        _______        ______
                                                  _______          _______        _______        ______
Total assets less current liabilities             69,578           95,024         57,611         7,070

                                                  _______          _______        _______        ______
                                                  _______          _______        _______        ______
Liabilities attributed to the discontinued        71,037           72,310         -              -
                                                  ----------       ----------     ----------     ----------
Creditors: amounts falling due after more than
one year
Non-convertible bank loans                        14,051           18,078         29,749         3,651
Creditors                                         -                -              2,809          345
Deferred taxes                                    -                -              36             4
Liabilities to banking institutions, expected to  -                -              12,000         1,473
be written off
Liabilities to be repaid out of future income     -                -              11,500         1,411
                                                  _______          _______        _______        ______
                                                  14,051           18,078         56,094         6,884
                                                  ----------       ----------     ----------     ----------
Net assets/liabilities                            (15,510)         4,636          1,517          186
                                                  _______          _______        _______        ______
                                                  _______          _______        _______        ______
Capital and reserves (Note 5)                     (15,510)         4,636          1,517          186
                                                  _______          _______        _______        ______
                                                  _______          _______        _______        ______

(1)     Adjusted to NIS of December 2003.

(2)     See Note 2.

(*)     Reclassified - see Note 1D.

        Michael Susz                         Moshe Katz                         Aliza Perry
   Chairman of the Board                  General Manager                       Comptroller
                                            and Director

Date of approval: 31 August 2004.

                      The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed statements.

                                       CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENTS
                                                                                        Convenience translation         
                            Year ended     Three months ended         Six months ended      Three months   Six months
                               31st             30th June                 30th June          ended 30th    ended 30th
                             December                                                           June          June
                               2003       2003(*)       2004        2003(*)       2004          2004          2004
                            Adjusted(1) Adjusted(1) Reported cost Adjusted(1) Reported cost       Reportedcost(2)
                                                         (2)                       (2)
                             NIS' 000    NIS' 000     NIS' 000     NIS' 000     NIS' 000       #' 000        #' 000
                             (Audited)  (Unaudited)  (Unaudited)  (Unaudited)  (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)
Net cash flows from operating
activities (Appendix A)
Net cash flow from 
continuing                  (2,915)     (4,335)     (2,561)       (1,584)     (2,253)       (315)         (276)
operating activities
Net cash outflow from 
discontinued                (1,545)     1,452       -             (4,090)     -             -             -
operating activities
                            ______      ______      ______        _____       _____         _____         _____
                            (4,460)     (2,883)     (2,561)       (5,674)     (2,253)       (315)         (276)
                            ---------   ---------   ---------     -------     -------       -------       -------
Investing activities
Payments to acquire 
tangible fixed              (1,245)     (251)       (317)         (929)       (869)         (39)          (107)
Receipts from sales of 
tangible fixed               1,089       232         -             900         -             -             -
Purchase of a subsidiary 
consolidated                 -           -           20            -           20            2             2
for the first time 
(Appendix C)
Receipts from sale of 
the discontinued             -           -           -             -           -             -             -
operation (Appendix D)
                            ______      ______      ______        _____       _____         _____         _____
Net cash outflow from 
continuing                  (156)       (19)        (297)         (29)        (849)         (37)          (105)
investing activities
Net cash outflow from 
discontinued               (1,283)     (65)        -             (989)       -             -             -
investing activities
                            ______      ______      ______        _____       _____         _____         _____
Net cash flow from 
investing                  (1,439)     (84)        (297)         (1,018)     (849)         (37)          (105)
                            ______      ______      ______        _____       _____         _____         _____
Financing activities
Issue of shares             -           -           2,290         -           2,290         281           281
Receipt of long-term bank 
loans                       4,470       -           18,491        -           18,491        2,270         2,270
Repayment of long-term 
loans                      (8,210)     (1,790)     (12,068)      (4,419)     (13,906)      (1,481)       (1,707)
Short-term bank loans and 
credit, net                 6,901       5,089       (5,348)       6,396       (3,157)       (656)         (388)
                            ______      ______      ______        _____       _____         _____         _____
Net cash inflow (outflow) 
from                        3,161       3,299       3,365         1,977       3,718         414           456
continuing financing 
Net cash inflow from 
discontinued                3,916       60          -             6,369       -             -             -
financing activities
                            ______      ______      ______        _____       _____         _____         _____
                            7,077       3,359       3,365         8,346       3,718         414           456
                            ---------   ---------   ---------     -------     -------       -------       -------
Increase in cash and cash 
equivalents                 1,178       392         507           1,654       616           62            75
                            ______      ______      ______        _____       _____         _____         _____

Opening balance - from 
continuing                  121         1,540       320           121         211           39            26
                            ______      ______      ______        _____       _____         _____         _____

Opening balance - from 
discontinued                806         649         1,041         806         1,894         128           232
                            ______      ______      ______        _____       _____         _____         _____

Closing balance - from 
continuing                  211         485         827           485         827           101           101
                            ______      ______      ______        _____       _____         _____         _____

Closing balance - from 
discontinued                1,894       2,096       -             2,096       -             -             -
                            ______      ______      ______        _____       _____         _____         _____         

(1)     Adjusted to NIS of December 2003.

(2)     See Note 2.

(*)     Reclassified - see Note 1D.

                      The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed statements.

                                   APPENDIX A



                                                                                            Convenience translation
                              Year ended    Three months ended       Six months ended      Three months    Six months
                                 31st            30th June               30th June          ended 30th     ended 30th
                               December                                                        June           June
                                 2003       2003(*)      2004       2003(*)      2004          2004           2004
                              Adjusted(1) Adjusted(1)  Reported   Adjusted(1)  Reported             Reported
                                                       cost(2)                 cost(2)              cost(2)
                               NIS' 000    NIS' 000    NIS' 000    NIS' 000    NIS' 000       #' 000         #' 000
                               (Audited)  (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited)  (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)

Loss for the year             (37,335)    (15,633)    (6,359)     (17,189)    (10,531)    (780)          (1,292)
Loss from discontinued 
operation                      16,588      1,479       -           2,149       2,837       -              348
Depreciation of tangible 
fixed assets                   15,340      9,003       1,806       11,418      3,640       222            447
and intangible assets
Write-down of investment in 
other                         (970)       -           -           (970)       -           -              -
Loss on sale of tangible 
fixed assets,                  1,855       1,446       -           1,538       613         -              75
Decrease (increase) in the 
value of                       (27)        -           -           -           -           -              -
capital note
Increase (erosion) in the 
value of                       (1,176)     (1,585)     (387)       (2,004)     228         (49)           28
long-term liabilities
Company's equity in earnings 
of                             (574)       (136)       (114)       (278)       (212)       (14)           (26)
associated undertakings, net
Decrease/(increase) in stocks   467         2,110       391         2,085       1,890       48             232
Decrease/(increase) in trade 
debtors                         5,592       2,765       1,431       6,186       879         176            108
Decrease/(increase) in other 
debtors                        (475)       (316)       (928)       77          2,482       (114)          305
Increase/(decrease) in trade 
creditors                      (2,180)     (678)       1,046       (2,979)     2,601       128            319
Increase/(decrease) in other 
creditors                       176         (2,824)     548         (1,416)     (6,714)     67             (824)
Decrease in redundancy 
provision                      (196)       5           -           (162)       -           -              -
Increase/(decrease) in 
severance pay -                 -           29          5           (39)        34          1              4
redundancy provision
                              ______      ______      ______      _____       _____       _____          _____
Net cash outflow from 
operating                     (2,915)     (4,335)     (2,561)     (1,584)     (2,253)     (315)          (276)
                              ______      ______      ______      _____       _____       _____          _____

(1)     Adjusted to NIS of December 2003.

(2)     See Note 2.

(*)     Reclassified - see Note 1D.

                      The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed statements.

                                   APPENDIX B

                          MAJOR NON-CASH TRANSACTIONS
                                                                                  Convenience translation
                                            Three months    Six months ended   Three months      Six months
                                           ended 30th June     30th June     ended 30th June  ended 30th June
                                                2004              2004             2004             2004
                                                   Reported cost(1)                  Reported cost(1)
                                              NIS' 000          NIS' 000          #' 000           #' 000
                                             (Unaudited)      (Unaudited)      (Unaudited)      (Unaudited)
Capital issue against shares of a            25,268            25,268           3,102            3,102
                                             ______            ______           _____            _____

                                   APPENDIX C

                                                                                  Convenience translation
                                            Three months    Six months ended   Three months      Six months
                                           ended 30th June     30th June     ended 30th June  ended 30th June
                                                2004              2004             2004             2004
                                                   Reported cost(1)                  Reported cost(1)
                                              NIS' 000          NIS' 000          #' 000           #' 000
                                             (Unaudited)      (Unaudited)      (Unaudited)      (Unaudited)
Working capital except for cash, net      438               438              54               54
Excess cost attributed to working capital (4,300)           (4,300)          (528)            (528)
Fixed assets, net                         (736)             (736)            (90)             (90)
Goodwill                                  (4,415)           (4,415)          (542)            (542)
Severance pay - redundancy provision      (28)              (28)             (4)              (4)
Non-convertible bank loans                41                41               5                5
Excess cost attributed to the             (16,284)          (16,284)         (1,998)          (1,998)
discontinued operations
Deferred taxes                            36                36               4                4
Share issue                               25,268            25,268           3,102            3,102
                                          ______            ______           _____            _____
                                          20                20               3                3
                                          ______            ______           _____            _____

                                   APPENDIX D

                                                                                  Convenience translation
                                            Three months    Six months ended   Three months      Six months
                                           ended 30th June     30th June     ended 30th June  ended 30th June
                                                2004              2004             2004             2004
                                                   Reported cost(1)                  Reported cost(1)
                                              NIS' 000          NIS' 000          #' 000           #' 000
                                             (Unaudited)      (Unaudited)      (Unaudited)      (Unaudited)
Assets attributed to the discontinued     55,685(**)        55,685(**)       6,835(**)        6,835(**)
Liabilities attributed to the             (73,769)          (73,769)         (9,054)          (9,054)
discontinued operation
Liabilities remaining in the financial    1,800             1,800            221              221
Excess cost attributed to the             16,284            16,284           1,998            1,998
discontinued operation
                                          ______            ______           _____            _____
                                          -                 -                -                -
                                          ______            ______           _____            _____

(1)        See Note 2.

(**)     Includes cash and cash equivalents in the amount of NIS 1,041 thousand
that were included in the discontinued operation no longer consolidated.


NOTE 1         -     GENERAL

A.      Company activities

Technoplast Industries Limited (hereafter - the Company) is a public company
engaged in the manufacture and marketing of plastic products.

B.      Merger with Kidron Plastics Ltd.

Further to the in-principle agreement signed on 29th June 2004, the Company
signed an agreement on 31st August 2004 with Kidron Management and Holdings
(1961) Ltd., on its behalf and on behalf of others (hereinafter - "Kidron"),
whereby Kidron will transfer to the Company, by means of a stock swap, all of
the shares of Kidron Plastics Ltd. (hereinafter - "Kidron Plastics"), a company
active in the area of importing and marketing of raw materials for the plastics
industry, against an allotment of Company shares which will grant Kidron 77.27%
of the issued and paid in share capital of the Company.  In addition, Kidron was
granted an option to invest in the Company an amount of U.S.$ 500 thousand in
cash, for additional shares (hereinafter - the "Merger Transaction").

According to the agreement, the merger transaction is contingent upon the
fulfilment of certain conditions, including the formulation of a creditors
arrangement for the Company (see C. below), the approval of the Tel Aviv Stock
Exchange, the approval of the tax authorities, and the approval of the Israel
Investment Centre.

On May 13, 2004, upon the approval of the creditors arrangement by the district
court, the Merger Transaction with Kidrom Plastics was consummated.  At that
time, 117,201,486 no par value shares of the Company were issued to Kidron and
others, in consideration of 100% of the shares of Kidron Plastics.

On that date, all of the directors serving on the Company's board of directors
resigned, except for the public directors, and new directors were appointed to
the board as representatives of Kidron.

Accounting ramifications of the Merger Transaction

From a legal standpoint, the Company purchased Kidron Plastics in return for
shares of the Company that were allotted to the controlling shareholders of
Kidron Plastics.  However, since the controlling shareholders of Kidron Plastics
obtained control of the merged entity, it was determined that Kidron Plastics is
to be considered as the purchaser from an accounting standpoint and the Company
is to be considered as the acquired company.  The abovementioned transaction was
handled as a reverse acquisition.

Accordingly, the assets and liabilities of Kidron Plastics were presented at
their book value on the books of Kidron Plastics, and the assets and liabilities
of the Company were presented at their fair value as of the date of acquisition,
since the Company was considered to be the acquired company from an accounting

Cost of the acquisition

In the aforementioned acquisition transaction, it was stipulated that the basis
for determining the value of the transaction is the value of Kidron Plastics
Ltd., the accounting purchaser, which is a privately-held company having a
stable operation.  The value was determined as part of a company valuation
carried out for Kidron Plastics and the Company in advance of the signing of the
merger transaction, by independent experts.

The cost of the acquisition, in an amount of NIS 2,116 thousand was determined
on the basis of 22.27% of the fair value of Kidron Plastics Ltd. (the part of
Kidron Plastics that was transferred to the ownership of the shareholders of
Technoplast as part of the Merger Transaction).


NOTE 1         -     GENERAL (cont.)

B.      Merger with Kidron Plastics Ltd. (cont.)

Calculation of the excess cost of the acquisition and the allocation thereof

The excess cost, in an amount of NIS 25 million, was calculated on the basis of
the book value of the company as of the date of acquisition (13th May 2004).

Of the total amount of the excess cost, an amount of NIS 16.3 million was
attributed to liabilities in respect of discontinued operations, and an amount
of NIS 4.3 million was attributed to the discrepancy between the book value and
fair value of the working capital (mainly the balance of trade accounts payable,
as a result of the creditors arrangement).  The balance of NIS 4.4 million is
goodwill.  In the event that in the future, the liabilities to the banks in an
amount of NIS 12 million are written off as stipulated in the creditors
arrangement (see C below), the goodwill will be cancelled and the amount of the
write-off will be attributed to the discrepancy between the book value and fair
value of the loans as of the day of the merger, generating a negative excess
cost that will be attributed to non-monetary items, as per Opinion No. 57 of the
Institute of Certified Public Accountants in Israel.

Exercising the option

At the date of the Merger Transaction, the option was realized, whereby Kidron
was issued 28,412,482 shares in return for U.S.$ 500 thousand in cash.

Profit and loss for the second quarter

The consolidated profit and loss account of Kidron Plastics and the Company for
the second quarter of the year includes the results of operations of the Company
for the entire quarter and half of the results of operations of Kidron (from the
date of acquisition through the end of the quarter).

Comparative amounts

The comparative amounts are those that were publicized in the past as part of
the Company's financial statements.


NOTE 1         -     GENERAL (cont.)

B.      Merger with Kidron Plastics Ltd. (cont.)

Presented below are the balance sheets from the financial statements of Kidron
Plastics Ltd.:

Summary of the balance sheets
                                      31st December    30th June    30th June     30th June
                                          2003          2003(*)        2004         2004
                                              Adjusted(1)               Reported cost(2)
                                        NIS' 000       NIS' 000      NIS' 000      #' 000
                                        (Audited)     (Unaudited)  (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)
Fixed assets
Tangible assets                      544             476           736          90
Severance pay - redundancy provision 22              21            28           3
                                     _______         _______       _______      ______
                                     566             497           764          93
                                     ----------      ----------    ----------   ----------
Current assets
Stocks                               1,146           1,090         1,297        159
Debtors                              4,610           4,460         5,743        705
Cash at bank and in hand             86              12            20           2
                                     _______         _______       _______      ______
                                     5,842           5,562         7,060        866
                                     ----------      ----------    ----------   ----------
Creditors: amounts falling due
within one year
Bank loans and overdrafts            4,407           3,964         4,616        567
Creditors                            1,957           1,892         2,798        343
                                     _______         _______       _______      ______
                                     6,364           5,856         7,414        910
                                     ----------      ----------    ----------   ----------
Net current assets/liabilities       (522)           (294)         (354)        (44)
                                     _______         _______       _______      ______
                                     _______         _______       _______      ______
Total assets less current            44              203           410          49

                                     _______         _______       _______      ______
                                     _______         _______       _______      ______
Creditors: amounts falling due after
more than one year
Non-convertible bank loans           -               -             41           5
Deferred taxes                       24              7             36           4
                                     _______         _______       _______      ______
                                     24              7             77           9
                                     ----------      ----------    ----------   ----------
Net assets                           20              196           333          40
                                     _______         _______       _______      ______
                                     _______         _______       _______      ______
Capital and reserves                 20              196           333          40
                                     _______         _______       _______      ______
                                     _______         _______       _______      ______

(1)     Adjusted to NIS of December 2003.

(2)     See Note 2.


NOTE 1         -     GENERAL (cont.)

B.      Merger with Kidron Plastics Ltd. (cont.)

Summary of the Profit and Loss Statements
                                                                                               Convenience translation
                              Year ended     Three months ended       Six months ended      Three months     Six months
                             31st December        30th June               30th June        ended 30th June ended 30th   
                                 2003         2003        2004        2003        2004          2004            2004
                              Adjusted(1)  Adjusted(1)  Reported   Adjusted(1)  Reported              Reported
                                                         cost(2)                 cost(2)               cost(2)
                               NIS' 000     NIS' 000    NIS' 000    NIS' 000    NIS' 000       #' 000          #' 000
                               (Audited)   (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)
Turnover                     10,894        2,504       3,914       4,879       7,345       480             901

Cost of sales                6,292         1,400       2,523       2,808       4,521       310             555
                             ______        ______      ______      ______      _____       _____           _____
Gross profit                 4,602         1,104       1,391       2,071       2,824       170             346
Selling, general and         4,056         812         1,140       1,679       2,236       140             274
administrative expenses
                             ______        ______      ______      ______      _____       _____           _____
Operating profit before      546           292         251         392         588         30              72
other expenses
Other expenses               -             -           2           -           52          -               6
                             ______        ______      ______      ______      _____       _____           _____
Profit on ordinary           546           292         253         392         640         30              78
activities before financial
Net financial expenses/      (353)         156         (68)        79          (158)       (8)             (19)
                             ______        ______      ______      ______      _____       _____           _____
Income on ordinary           193           448         185         471         482         22              59
activities before taxes
Tax loss after taxation      76            166         60          178         169         7               21
                             ______        ______      ______      ______      _____       _____           _____
Income for the period        117           282         125         293         313         15              38

                             ______        ______      ______      ______      _____       _____           _____
                             ______        ______      ______      ______      _____       _____           _____

(1)     Adjusted to NIS of December 2003.

(2)     See Note 2.


NOTE 1         -     GENERAL (cont.)

B.      Merger with Kidron Plastics Ltd. (cont.)

Consolidated statement of recognised gains and losses
                                                                                               Convenience translation
                              Year ended     Three months ended       Six months ended      Three months     Six months
                             31st December        30th June               30th June        ended 30th June ended 30th   
                                 2003         2003        2004        2003        2004          2004            2004
                              Adjusted(1)  Adjusted(1)  Reported   Adjusted(1)  Reported              Reported
                                                         cost(2)                 cost(2)               cost(2)
                               NIS' 000     NIS' 000    NIS' 000    NIS' 000    NIS' 000       #' 000          #' 000
                               (Audited)   (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)
Total recognised gains for   117           282         125         293         313         15              38
the year

                             ______        ______      ______      ______      _____       _____           _____
                             ______        ______      ______      ______      _____       _____           _____

(1)     Adjusted to NIS of December 2003.

(2)     See Note 2.


NOTE 1         -     GENERAL (cont.)

C.      Creditor Arrangement

On 13 May 2004, the Tel Aviv District Court approved a creditor arrangement for
the Company, the major provisions of which are as follows:

The guaranteed creditors (the banks), to whom the Company owes an amount of NIS
65 million (as of 31 March 2004), will receive the following:

-         A payment of NIS 15 million within 6 months.

-         An amount of NIS 28 million will be converted into U.S. dollars and
spread out over a 10-year period.

-         Participation in profits up to an amount of NIS 10 million over a
ten-year period (25% of the Company's pre-tax income from operations and/or the
sale of injection mould plastic products, in excess of US$ 1.1 million).

-         An amount of NIS 12 million will be erased, subject to the payment of
the NIS 15 million within six months of the approval of the creditor

Unsecured creditors, to whom the Company owes an amount of NIS 13 million, will
receive the following:

-         Two alternatives:  Alternative A - A cash payment (within 90 days) of
25% of their debt; Alternative B - A cash payment (within 90 days) of 15% of
their debt and 25% spread out over 5 years.

-         Participation in profits, unlimited in time, of up to 25% of their
debt (up to 25% of the Company's pre-tax income from operations and/or the sale
of injection mould plastic products, in excess of U.S.$ 1.1 million).

-         Erasure of 50% of their debt, with an alternative of 35%.

Creditors to whom the Company owes less than NIS 10,000 each will receive 70% of
their debt.

According to the creditors arrangement, subsequent to the balance sheet date,
the Company paid an amount of NIS 7.5 million the banks and an amount of NIS 2.5
million to its unsecured creditors.

The balance of the liability to the banks which was due within six months
following the date of approval of the creditors arrangement, in an amount of NIS
7.5 million, is expected to be made in November 2004.

The trustee of the creditors arrangement received payment demands from suppliers
and service providers in a total amount of NIS 16.7 million, of which the
trustee approved at this stage demands of NIS 11.6 million, broken down as
follows: payment demands under alternative A in an amount of NIS 5.2 million;
payment demands under alternative B in an amount of NIS 6 million; and payment
demands in an amount of NIS 0.4 million (to creditors with outstanding debts of
less than NIS 10,000).

Based on the alternatives selected by the suppliers, an amount of NIS 2.5
million was to be paid within 90 days, an amount of NIS 4.3 million was for
long-term payment, and an amount of NIS 4.8 million was to be erased.

Further to the approval of the creditors arrangement, the review report of the
Company's auditors does not contain a reference to the "going-concern" issue
which had been included in the auditors' report on the financial statements as
of December 31, 2003.


NOTE 1         -     GENERAL (cont.)

C.      Creditor Arrangement (cont.)

As part of the compromise agreement signed with the banks, the Company allotted
to the banks 8,131,052 option warrants that currently comprise 4.3% of the
Company's share capital, fully diluted.  The exercise price of each warrant is
U.S.$ 0.0178 per share.  The option warrants are exercisable until May 12, 2009.

D.      Sale of Smart Modular Storage Ltd. Shares (hereafter: "SMS")

On 16 March 2004, the board of directors of the Company approved the sale of all
of the shares and rights of the Company in SMS to a third party, in return for
the cancellation of the Company's guarantee of the debts of SMS to a bank and in
return for an amount equal to 15% of the annual net income of SMS in excess of
NIS 3 million, relative to the shares being sold, but not to exceed an aggregate
amount of NIS 650 thousand linked to the Israeli Consumer Price Index over a
period of 60 months.

The sale of the shares to the third party was subject to obtaining various
approvals by no later than 15 May 2004.  It was also agreed that in the event
that such approvals are not obtained, the Company will be entitled to demand the
return of the shares and rights in SMS.

The date for obtaining the approval of the banks was extended by mutual
agreement to 30 June 2004 and, concurrently, the date by which the Company is
entitled to demand return of the shares and rights in SMS was also extended to
15 July 2004.

Since 16 March 2004, the Company has no representation on the board of directors
of SMS.

The financial statements present the SMS activity as discontinued operations, in
accordance with Standard No. 8 of the Israeli Accounting Standards Board.

The Company included in the results of a discontinued operations an amount of
NIS 2.8 million for the first quarter of 2004.  In accordance with Opinion No.
57 of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants in Israel, the Company also
included in the results of its operations for the first quarter, the minority
share in the shareholders' deficit of SMS, which exceeds SMS's liabilities to
the minority shareholders and the guarantees received from the minority

Further to its resolution of 16 March 2004 regarding the sale of its holdings in
SMS and the resignation of the representatives of the Company from the board of
directors of SMS, the board of directors of the Company resolved, on 30 May
2004, that it had no intention of investing in or supporting the activities of
SMS in any manner or form.  A notice regarding this decision will be circulated
to the other shareholders of SMS and to the banks financing SMS.

The Company did not exercise its right to demand the return to its hands of the
shares by July 15, 2004 and, as a result, the holdings of the Company in the
shares of SMS were transferred unconditionally and absolutely to the third
party.  As part of the consummation of the Merger Transaction, the Company
waived the agreement of the purchaser to undertake a guarantee toward a certain


NOTE 1         -     GENERAL

E.       New production agreement with Z.A.G.

          On 23 May 2004, the Company signed a new production agreement with
Z.A.G. Industries Ltd. (hereinafter - "Z.A.G."), whereby Z.A.G. undertook to
transfer to the Company at least 30% of Z.A.G.'s injection production of plastic
products in Israel (whether the production is done by Z.A.G., subcontractors or
third parties), but not less than US$9 million, at agreed-upon prices.

          The production agreement is for a period of 10 years, commencing with
the signing of the agreement.  Notwithstanding the above, after four years of
operation, either party is entitled to terminate the production agreement upon
advance notice of 12 months.  In the event such advance notice is given, the
other party has the right to extend the advance notice period by an additional
12 months (i.e., a total of 24 months).

          On 29th August 2004, the Supervisor of Restrictive Trade Practices
exempted this agreement from the requirement to obtain approval as a restrictive
agreement for a period of ten years.

          In addition, the Company signed another agreement with Z.A.G. and a
limited partnership in which a subsidiary of the Company serves as an unlimited
partner and the Company serves as the sole limited partner (hereinafter - the "
Limited Partnership").  The Limited Partnership will have sole global marketing
rights for agreed-upon products of Z.A.G. and products of the Company
(hereinafter - the "Products of the Limited Partnership").

          For purposes of its operations, the Limited Partnership will purchase
production services from the Company at agreed-upon prices and will appoint
Z.A.G. as its sole representative in North America for purposes of marketing and
selling the Products of the Limited Partnership for an agreed-upon

          The marketing of the Products of the Limited Partnership to the rest
of the world will be done by the Limited Partnership, at its discretion.

          The agreement is for a two-year period, commencing with the date of
its signing, and will be automatically extended for additional periods of two
years, unless any of the parties notifies the other party prior to the end of
the agreement period of its desire to terminate the agreement at the end of the
agreement period (either original or extension).  Such notice must be given at
least three months in advance, with the other party having the right to extend
the advance notice period by an additional three months (i.e., a total of six

          On 29th August 2004, the Supervisor of Restrictive Trade Practices
exempted this agreement from the requirement to obtain approval as a restrictive
agreement for a period of two years.

          Subsequent to the balance sheet date, in order to realize this
agreement, the following companies were set up: the Partnership, Kidron Plastics
Marketing Ltd. and Kidron Plastics (UK) Ltd.

          The aforementioned agreements are independent of one another.

          ZAG is a major customer of Technoplast, with purchases from
Technoplast amounting to NIS 37 million in 2003 and NIS 43 million in 2002.  ZAG
is the owner of the huge U.S. concern, The Stanley Works, the shares of which
are traded in New York.

F.       Tax assessment arrangement

In April 2004, the Company signed an assessments agreement with the tax
assessing officer, whereby the order issued to the Company in respect of the
1998 tax year, in an amount of NIS 11.7 million (including interest and linkage
differentials) would be cancelled.  Concurrently, an amount of NIS 22 million
would be deducted from the Company's tax loss carryforwards.

As a result of the aforementioned assessment arrangement, the Company erased a
provision for taxes in an amount of NIS 5 million during the period under



A.      The Company implements Accounting Standard No. 14 - Financial Reporting
for Interim Periods, issued by the Israeli Accounting Standards Board.

          Except for the exceptions below, the significant accounting policies
applied in the interim statements are consistent with those applied in the
annual financial statements of the Company at 31st December 2003.

B.      Discontinuance of Adjustment of Financial Statements

          In 2001, the Israeli Accounting Standards Board issued Standard No.
12, "Discontinuance of Adjusting Financial Statements for Inflation".  In
December 2002, the Board approved Standard No. 17, "Postponement of the
Discontinuance of the Adjustment of Financial Statements".  According to
Standard No. 12 and Standard No. 17, financial statements will no longer be
adjusted for inflation commencing on 1 January 2004.  The Company implemented
the provisions of the Standards and, as of 1 January 2004, it no longer adjusts
its financial statements.

C.      Financial statements in reported amounts

1.      Definitions

A.      Adjusted amount - a nominal historical amount adjusted in accordance
with the provisions of Opinions 23, 36, and 50 of the Institute of Certified
Public Accountants in Israel.

B.      Reported amount - an adjusted amount as of December 31, 2003, plus
amounts in nominal values added subsequent to December 31, 2003, less amounts
deducted subsequent to December 31, 2003.

C.      Adjusted financial reporting - financial reporting based on the
provisions of Opinions 23, 36 and 50 of the Institute of Certified Public
Accountants in Israel.

D.      Nominal financial reporting - financial reporting based on reported

2.       Basis for financial statement presentation

A.      In the past, the Company presented its financial statements on the basis
of historical cost, adjusted for changes in the Israeli Consumer Price Index.
The adjusted values, as above, presented in the 31 December 2003 financial
statements served as the basis for nominal financial reporting as of 1 January
2004.  Additions made during the quarter are presented in nominal shekel values.

B.      The amounts of non-monetary assets do not necessarily reflect the
economic or realizable value of such assets.  Rather, they reflect the reported
value of the assets.

C.      The term "cost" as used in the financial statements refers to "reported
cost" (see definition below).

D.      Comparative data for prior periods were adjusted to the Israeli Consumer
Price Index of December 2003.



C.      Financial statements in reported amounts (cont.)

3.       Balance sheet

A.      Non-monetary items are presented in reported amounts.

B.      Monetary items are presented in the balance sheet in nominal historic
values as of the balance sheet date.

4.       Income statement

A.      Revenues and expenses deriving from non-monetary items or from reserves
included in the balance sheet are derived from the difference between the
reported amount at the beginning of the period and the reported amount at the
end of the period.

B.      The remainder of the income statement items are presented in nominal


The accompanying financial statements are prepared on the basis of historical
cost adjusted for the changes in the general purchasing power of the new Israeli
Shekel ("NIS").

Comparative figures in these financial statements were adjusted to the NIS of
December 2003.

The percentage change in the Israeli Consumer Price Index ("CPI") and in the
representative foreign currency exchange rates are as follows:

                                                CPI                  #                   $
                                           2004     2003      2004      2003      2004      2003
                                            %         %         %         %         %         %
For the six months ended 30 June           1.4      (0.5)      3.8      (6.9)      2.7     (8.97)
For the three months ended 30 June         1.5     (1.27)     (1.9)      (4)     (0.68)    (8.00)
For the year ended 31 December              -      (1.89)       -       2.83        -      (7.56)


The reported cost financial statements at 30 June 2004 (including the profit and
loss account and the balance sheet) have been translated into Sterling using the
representative exchange rate at the balance sheet date (#1 = NIS 8.1472).  The
translation has been made solely for the convenience of the reader.  The amounts
presented in these financial statements should not be construed to represent
amounts receivable or payable in Sterling or convertible into Sterling, unless
otherwise indicated in these statements.



A.      Reported cost

                                        Share       Premium    Capital funds Loss account    Total
                                       capital     on shares
                                       NIS' 000     NIS' 000     NIS' 000      NIS' 000     NIS' 000
Three month period ended
30 June 2004
Balances at 1 April 2004             42,724       43,608       327           (106,341)    (19,682)
Capital issue against shares of a    -            25,268       -             -            25,268
Share issue for cash                 -            2,290        -             -            2,290
Net loss for three months            -            -            -             (6,359)      (6,359)
                                     ______       ______       ____          ______       ______
Balances at 30 June 2004             42,724       71,166       327           (112,700)    1,517
                                     ______       ______       ____          ______       ______
                                     ______       ______       ____          ______       ______

                                    Share      Premium     Capital      Loss        Total
                                   capital    on shares     funds      account
                                  NIS' 000    NIS' 000    NIS' 000    NIS' 000    NIS' 000
Six month period ended
30 June 2004
Balances at 1 January 2004       42,724      43,608      327         (102,169)   (15,510)
Capital issue against shares of  -           25,268      -           -           25,268
a subsidiary
Share issue for cash             -           2,290       -           -           2,290
Net loss for six months          -           -           -           (10,531)    (10,531)
                                 ______      ______      ____        ______      ______
Balances at 30 June 2004         42,724      71,166      327         (112,700)   1,517
                                 ______      ______      ____        ______      ______
                                 ______      ______      ____        ______      ______

B.      Convenience Translation

                                    Share      Premium     Capital      Loss        Total
                                   capital    on shares     funds      account
                                   # '000      # '000     NIS' 000     # '000      # '000
Three month period ended
30 June 2004
Balances at 1 April 2004         5,244       5,352       40          (13,052)    (2,416)
Capital issue against shares of  -           3,101       -           -           3,101
a subsidiary
Share issue for cash             -           281         -           -           281
Net loss for three months        -           -           -           (780)       (780)
                                 _____       _____       ___         ______      ______
Balances at 30 June 2004         5,244       8,734       40          (13,832)    186
                                 _____       _____       ___         ______      ______
                                 _____       _____       ___         ______      ______



B.      Convenience Translation (cont.)

                                    Share      Premium     Capital      Loss        Total
                                   capital    on shares     funds      account
                                   # '000      # '000     NIS' 000     # '000      # '000
Six month period ended
30 June 2004
Balances at 1 January 2004       5,244       5,352       40          (12,540)    (1,904)
Capital issue against shares of  -           3,101       -           -           3,101
a subsidiary
Share issue for cash             -           281         -           -           281
Net loss for six months          -           -           -           (1,292)     (1,292)
                                 _____       _____       ___         ______      ______
Balances at 30 June 2004         5,244       8,734       40          (13,832)    186
                                 _____       _____       ___         ______      ______
                                 _____       _____       ___         ______      ______

C.      Adjusted to NIS of December 2003

                                        Share       Premium      Capital       Profit        Total
                                       capital     on shares      funds       and loss
                                       NIS' 000     NIS' 000     NIS' 000     NIS' 000      NIS' 000
Three month period ended
30 June 2003
Balances at 1 April 2003             42,724       43,608       327          (66,390)      20,269
Net loss for three months            -            -            -            (15,633)      (15,633)
                                     ______       ______       ____         ______        ______
Balances at 30 June 2003             42,724       43,608       327          (82,023)      4,636
                                     ______       ______       ____         ______        ______
                                     ______       ______       ____         ______        ______

                                        Share       Premium      Capital       Profit        Total
                                       capital     on shares      funds       and loss
                                       NIS' 000     NIS' 000     NIS' 000     NIS' 000      NIS' 000
Six month period ended
30 June 2003
Balances at 1 January 2003           42,724       43,608       327          (64,834)      21,825
Net loss for six months              -            -            -            (17,189)      (17,189)
                                     ______       ______       ____         ______        ______
Balances at 30 June 2003             42,724       43,608       327          (82,023)      4,636
                                     ______       ______       ____         ______        ______
                                     ______       ______       ____         ______        ______



D.      Adjusted to NIS of December 2003

          Year ended 31 December 2003

                                        Share       Premium      Capital       Profit        Total
                                       capital     on shares      funds       and loss
                                       NIS' 000     NIS' 000     NIS' 000     NIS' 000      NIS' 000
Balances at 1 January 2003           42,724       43,608       327          (64,834)      21,825

Loss for the year                    -            -            -            (37,335)      (37,335)
                                     ______       ______       ___          ______        ______
Balances at                          42,724       43,608       327          (102,169)     (15,510)
31 December 2003
                                     ______       ______       ___          ______        ______
                                     ______       ______       ___          ______        ______


A.      General

          Group companies are engaged in three main business segments:

          Manufacture and marketing for subcontractors (including Z.A.G.), and
manufacture of self manufactured products and import and marketing of raw
material for the chemical industry.

B.      Business segments

Reported cost
                                   Production        Production &        Import &          Total
                                     of self          marketing -      marketing of     consolidated
                                  manufactured      subcontracting     raw material
                                    products      (including Z.A.G.)   for chemical
                                     NIS'000            NIS'000           NIS'000         NIS'000
Three month period ended
30 June 2004 (unaudited)
Segmental turnover              8,642             10,474              1,957           21,073
                                ______            ______              ______          ______
                                ______            ______              ______          ______

Segmental results               (3,985)           (1,113)             124             (4,974)
                                ______            ______              ______          ______
                                ______            ______              ______          ______

                                   Production        Production &        Import &          Total
                                     of self          marketing -      marketing of     consolidated
                                  manufactured      subcontracting     raw material
                                    products      (including Z.A.G.)   for chemical
                                     NIS'000            NIS'000           NIS'000         NIS'000
Six month period ended
30 June 2004 (unaudited)
Segmental turnover              23,182            26,617              1,957           51,756
                                ______            ______              ______          ______
                                ______            ______              ______          ______

Segmental results               (5,267)           (1,367)             124             (6,510)
                                ______            ______              ______          ______
                                ______            ______              ______          ______


NOTE 6         -     BUSINESS SEGMENTS (cont.)

B.      Business segments (cont.)

Convenience translation

                                   Production        Production &        Import &          Total
                                     of self          marketing -      marketing of     consolidated
                                  manufactured      subcontracting     raw material
                                    products      (including Z.A.G.)   for chemical
                                     # '000             # '000            # '000           # '000
Three month period ended
30 June 2004 (unaudited)

Segmental turnover              1,061             1,286               240             2,587
                                _____             _____               _____           _____
                                _____             _____               _____           _____

Segmental results               (489)             (137)               16              (610)
                                _____             _____               _____           _____
                                _____             _____               _____           _____

                                   Production        Production &        Import &          Total
                                     of self          marketing -      marketing of     consolidated
                                  manufactured      subcontracting     raw material
                                    products      (including Z.A.G.)   for chemical
                                     # '000             # '000            # '000           # '000
Six month period ended
30 June 2004 (unaudited)

Segmental turnover              2,846             3,267               240             6,353
                                _____             _____               _____           _____
                                _____             _____               _____           _____

Segmental results               (646)             (168)               16              (798)
                                _____             _____               _____           _____
                                _____             _____               _____           _____


NOTE 6         -     BUSINESS SEGMENTS (cont.)

B.      Business segments (cont.)

Adjusted to NIS of December 2003
                                           Production of self       Production &           Total
                                          manufactured products      marketing -        consolidated
                                                                 (including Z.A.G.)
                                                 NIS'000               NIS'000            NIS'000
Three month period ended
30 June 2003 (unaudited)

Segmental turnover                        10,356                6,299                 16,655
                                          ______                ______                ______
                                          ______                ______                ______

Segmental results                         (4,750)               (918)                 (5,668)
                                          ______                ______                ______
                                          ______                ______                ______

                                           Production of self       Production &           Total
                                          manufactured products      marketing -        consolidated
                                                                 (including Z.A.G.)
                                                 NIS'000               NIS'000            NIS'000
Six month period ended
30 June 2003 (unaudited)

Segmental turnover                        24,652                17,343                41,995
                                          ______                ______                ______
                                          ______                ______                ______

Segmental results                         (5,010)               (1,506)               (6,516)
                                          ______                ______                ______
                                          ______                ______                ______

Adjusted to NIS of December 2003
                                           Production of self       Production &           Total
                                          manufactured products      marketing -        consolidated
                                                                 (including Z.A.G.)
                                                 NIS'000               NIS'000            NIS'000
Year ended
31 December 2003 (audited)

Segmental turnover                        56,103                41,309                97,412
                                          ______                ______                _______
                                          ______                ______                _______

Segmental results                         (6,985)               (3,004)               (9,989)
                                          ______                ______                _______
                                          ______                ______                _______


A.      Receipt of new credit lines

          Bank Igud LeIsrael Ltd. and Bank Hapoalim BM issued new credit lines
in an amount of U.S.$ 2 million in favour of Kidron Plastics Marketing Ltd., a
granddaughter subsidiary of the Company which was set up in order to realize the
organizational changes and the marketing cooperation with ZAG.


NOTE 7         -     SUBSEQUENT EVENTS (cont.)

B.      The general shareholders meeting of the Company approved the following

          Insurance and indemnification of senior executives

          The Company's engagement of an insurance company for purposes of
obtaining a policy for liability insurance in respect of senior executives of
the Company, including a controlling interest in the Company (hereinafter - the

          The limit of liability of the proposed policy is up to U.S.$ 5,000,000
per claim and per insurance period, and the policy is renewable from time to
time.  The insurance will apply both to senior executives that serve from time
to time and/or senior executives that are controlling shareholders that serve
from time to time.

          Granting a release from liability to senior executives serving from
time to time ("senior executives"), including controlling shareholders in the
Company, whereby the Company releases its senior executives in advance from
liability toward the Company in respect of damages caused and/or to be caused by
them as a result of a breach of their fiduciary responsibility toward the
Company, and waives any claims against them.  The aforementioned does not apply
to any action or inaction in respect of which the Company is not permitted to
release its senior executives under the provisions of the Companies Law, 1999
(hereinafter - the "Companies Law"), as issued from time to time.

          Undertaking to indemnify the directors and senior executives serving
the Company from time to time, including a controlling shareholder, subject to
certain conditions.

          Giving a guarantee to secure the payment of the debts of a subsidiary

          Giving a Company guarantee to secure payment of the debts of Kidron
Plastics Ltd. to a certain bank, replacing the guarantee of Kidron Management
and Holdings (1961) Ltd. to that bank.  The removal of the guarantee of Kidron
Management and Holdings (1961) Ltd. was a precondition to the allotment
agreement of 31st August 2004.  As at the date of the financial statements, the
debt of Kidron Plastics Ltd. to bank was an amount of NIS 4.5 million, in
respect of the credit line issued by the bank to finance inventory and

C.      Guarantee of controlling shareholders of the Company

          The controlling shareholders of the Company, Mr. Michael Susz and/or
Kidron Management and Holdings (1961) Ltd. gave guarantees, limited as per
agreement, to secure the new credit lines issued by Bank Igud LeIsrael Ltd. and
Bank Hapoalim BM in favour of Kidron Plastics Marketing Ltd.  The guarantees
were granted without the Company having to give to its controlling shareholders
any consideration or contra-undertaking.



                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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