RNS Number:8155B
TripleArc PLC
30 September 2002

Embargoed until 1005                    30 September 2002

                      TripleArc Plc

   Interim Results for the 6 months ended 30 June 2002

Interim results from TripleArc Plc, the UK based provider
        of web based print procurement solutions.


- Acquisition of ControlP for #250,000
- #2.6m revenue (nil)
- Gross profit of #350,000 (nil)
- Pre-tax loss of #1.26m (#0.56m) before goodwill and
  share option expenses
- Sales to improve by year end and accelerate in 2003

Commenting on the results, Conor O'Brien, Chief Executive
Officer stated:

"Reflecting general economic conditions, the industry has
faced  tough  times  and  the take  up  of  e-procurement
solutions  has  been slower than we  expected.   In  this
environment,  opportunities  to  consolidate  within  the
sector  are  presenting themselves and  the  purchase  of
ControlP is an excellent fit for the business.

"Despite  the delays during the first half in  confirming
contracts,  we  expect revenue to improve in  the  second
half  and  accelerate  in 2003 as the  printing  industry
adopts the technology solutions offered by the Group."

For further information please contact:

TripleArc Plc                               020 7258 6290
Conor O'Brien, Chief Executive Officer

Weber Shandwick Fleet Financial             020 7950 2800
Terry Garrett/ Nick Dibden

                    TripleArc Plc
           6 month Results ended 30 June 2002

The  Board of TripleArc Plc, the UK based provider of web
based  print procurement solutions, announces its interim
results for the 6 month period ended 30 June 2002.

Financial Review

Revenue  for  the six months to 30 June  2002  was  #2.6m
(2001 #nil), representing a significant milestone as  the
Group moves from being a development oriented company  to
building an expanding revenue stream.

Gross   profit   of   #0.35m  (2000  #nil)   was   mainly
attributable   to  gl2,  the  Group's  print   management

Research  and development costs were #0.45m in the  first
half of 2002 compared to #0.38m in the prior period.  The
increase reflects the Group's investment in technology to
develop   the   Collaborative  Workflow   System   (CWS).
Development  spend is expected to decline in  the  second
half of the year.

The   acquisition  of  gl2  in  October  2001   and   the
restructuring of TripleArc from a limited  company  to  a
quoted  group  in  December 2001 have had  a  significant
effect  on  the  comparison of certain  elements  of  the
profit  and  loss account, including the  non-cash  share
option compensation charge, amortisation of goodwill  and
administrative  expenses.   These  items  are   described

Administrative  expenses (2002: #0.8m, 2001:  #0.2m)  and
selling  and  distribution  costs  (2002:  #0.36m,  2001:
#0.004m)  in  the  first half of 2002  are  significantly
higher  than  the comparative base in the first  half  of
2001  when  TripleArc  was solely a  technology  company,
almost   exclusively  focused  on  product   development.
Development  of  TripleArc's infrastructure  led  to  the
recruitment  of additional staff including  a  sales  and
marketing team for the technology division.  In addition,
the   2002   figures  include  gl2,  the  Group's   print
management division.

Amortisation  of  goodwill on  the  gl2  acquisition  was
#0.13m  (2001:nil).  A non-cash share option compensation
expense  of #0.5m was charged in the first half  of  2002
(2001:nil).  This arose on share options granted prior to
TripleArc's  listing on AIM where the exercise  price  of
the  option was below the prevailing market price at  the
date of grant.  All options granted since TripleArc's AIM
listing have been issued at market price.

The  operating loss, before amortisation of goodwill  and
share  option  compensation expense,  was  #1.26m  (2001:
#0.6m).     After   charging   non-cash   share    option
compensation  of  #0.5m  and  goodwill  amortisation   of
#0.13m, the loss before tax was #1.9m (2001: #0.6m).

The  loss  per ordinary share was 2.93 pence in  the  six
months ending 30 June 2002 (2001: 1.49 pence)

The  acquisition  of  the  business  of  ControlP  on  28
September  2002 has no effect on the results reported  in
this statement.

Operational Review


As  expected,  the  printing  industry  has  demonstrated
significant interest in e-procurement solutions as a  way
of   streamlining  its  activities,  cutting  costs   and
enhancing  efficiency.  The adoption  of  Internet  based
solutions is widely accepted as a natural progression  in
improving  the  ordering and production  process  between
customers and printers.

However, the current economic climate, has inevitably led
to   a  slower  adoption  of  the  technology  than   had
originally   been  anticipated.   TripleArc   has   taken
advantage of consolidation within the sector by acquiring
the  business  of  ControlP,  a  provider  of  print   e-
procurement   solutions.   ControlP  was   previously   a
division   of  Documedia  Solutions  Plc.   The  ControlP
acquisition strengthens TripleArc's position as a leading
provider  of  e-commerce procurement  solutions  for  the
printing industry.

The Group has generated a substantial number of enquiries
and  entered  into encouraging discussions with  pipeline
customers.  However potential customers are taking longer
to  commit  to  implementation and the sales  process  is
slower  than  expected, particularly  with  larger  print

Nevertheless,  TripleArc technology, which is  positioned
as a 'solution sell' to address the numerous difficulties
and  inefficiencies within the print procurement process,
is  a leader in its field and therefore the Board expects
sales  to accelerate as confidence returns to the  sector
during the course of 2003.

Print Procurement Solutions

Following   TripleArc's  acquisition  of  ControlP,   its
approach  to  providing an end-to-end online  procurement
solution  for the print industry consists of a  portfolio
of advanced web-based print procurement solutions.

Placed   at   the  leading  edge  of  print   procurement
technology, the Board believes the Group's solutions have
the  potential to become the market leading  systems  for
print  procurement.  TripleArc's  Collaborative  Workflow
system  (CWS)  is  the only fully Job  Definition  Format
("JDF")  compliant  print  procurement  solution  in   an
industry that is rapidly moving to adopt the format.

JDF  is  a  data  exchange  standard  that  acts  as   an
electronic  "job  ticket", allowing  the  integration  of
manufacturing products from diverse vendors into seamless
workflow  solutions.   This enables  every  part  of  the
procurement   and   manufacturing   process,    including
customers,  designers as well as printers, to communicate
more effectively throughout the complete life cycle of  a
print job.

Printing World commented this month that, "The success of
JDF, Job Definition Format,...is assured".   As TripleArc
is a front runner in JDF adoption, the CWS solution has a
strong competitive advantage in the market.

The  CWS has now been implemented into a number of  major
printers  and print management companies.   A  number  of
trials  are also in the course of negotiation with  large
corporate customers.  Revenue generation has been minimal
to  date  in  line with the application service  provider
(ASP)  business  model  adopted.  Revenue  generation  is
expected to increase in the last quarter of the year.

Print Management Services

The  first  half of the year has been a difficult  period
for  gl2,  the  Group's print management business,  as  a
result  of the downturn in the marketing services sector,
in  which  many of its clients focus.  gl2's  performance
has  improved since June and the second half of  2002  is
anticipated  to produce better results.  gl2's  increased
use  of the CWS is expected to have a positive impact  on
performance,   improving  its  proposition   to   market,
reducing costs and increasing capacity.

The   acquisition  of  gl2  last  October  has   made   a
significant  contribution to the Group.  gl2's  knowledge
and expertise of the print industry has been reflected in
the  quality of the TripleArc technology solutions.   The
roll  out of TripleArc's CWS to gl2's principal suppliers
presents  additional sales opportunities for  TripleArc's
technology division.

Equally,    the   benefits   of   including   TripleArc's
procurement  solutions as part of  the  print  management
offering  of gl2 are bearing fruit.  gl2 has  gained  new
clients such as DFS, The Laurel Pub Company, and LIDA,  a
division  of  M & C Saatchi, for the production  of  high
volume marketing materials for a major retailer.

A  new managing director, Neil Watson, has been appointed
to head gl2. Neil was previously the managing director of
the Carlton Barclay Group and brings extensive experience
in  leading growing companies and winning new accounts to
the gl2 management team.


TripleArc's solutions are well placed at the leading edge
of  technology  for the print industry and the  Directors
believe that sales will accelerate over the coming twelve
months  as  the adoption of e-commerce solutions  gathers
momentum within the sector.

Despite  the delays in confirming contracts in the  first
half  period,  sales are  anticipated to improve  in  the
closing months of the year and accelerate in 2003.

The  Board  has  reviewed the Group's  current  financial
resources  and  is comfortable that sufficient  cash  and
cash facilities are available to fund the Group's current
activities into the second half of 2003.

The  Directors view the future with confidence.  The  gl2
proposition has been enhanced by the added value services
offered   through   the  use  of  TripleArc's   products.
TripleArc's  acquisition of ControlP ensures the  Group's
position  as  one  of the top providers of  e-procurement
solutions in the printing industry.

Consolidated profit and loss account
                                          six months ended six months ended
                                                   30 June          30 June
                                                      2002             2001
                                               (unaudited)      (unaudited)
                                                         #                #

Revenue                                        2,587,439                  -

Cost of sales                                 (2,239,762)                 -
                                              ___________        ___________

Gross profit                                     347,677                  -

Research and development                        (452,812)          (375,165)

Selling and distribution costs                  (361,012)            (3,778)

Administrative expenses                         (797,372)          (178,822)
                                              ___________        ___________
Loss before amortisation of goodwill
and share option compensation expense         (1,263,519)          (557,765)

Amortisation of acquired goodwill               (127,860)                 -

Non cash share option compensation expense      (543,426)                 -
                                              ___________        ___________
Loss on ordinary activities before interest
and taxation                                  (1,934,805)          (557,765)

Interest receivable                               32,660                  -

Interest payable and similar charges              (6,489)              (538)
                                              ___________        ___________

Loss on ordinary activities before taxation   (1,908,634)          (558,303)

Tax on loss on ordinary activities                     -                  -
                                              ___________        ___________

Loss for the financial period                 (1,908,634)          (558,303)
                                              ===========        ===========

Loss per ordinary share              1            (2.93p)            (1.49p)

Consolidated balance sheet

                                six months ended  six months ended   year ended
                                         30 June           30 June  31 December
                                            2002              2001         2001
                                     (unaudited)       (unaudited)    (audited)

Fixed Assets
Intangible Assets                     3,641,906                  -    3,769,767

Tangible  Assets                        135,799             36,288      104,174
                                     ___________        ___________   __________

Fixed Assets                          3,777,705             36,288    3,873,941

Current Assets
Stocks                                   22,803                  -       27,680
Debtors                               1,414,134             25,690    1,451,664
Cash                                  1,410,749             67,475    2,901,154
                                     ___________        ___________   __________

                                      2,847,686             93,165    4,380,498

Creditors: amounts falling due
within one year                      (2,002,555)          (643,137)  (2,273,735)
                                     ___________        ___________   __________

Net Current Assets                      845,131           (549,972)   2,106,763
                                     ___________        ___________   __________

Total Assets less Current liabilities 4,622,836           (513,684)   5,980,704

Creditors: amounts falling due
after more than one year                (21,675)            (3,309)     (15,312)
                                     ___________        ___________   __________

Total net assets/(liabilities)        4,601,161           (516,993)   5,965,392
                                     ===========        ===========   ==========
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital               3,259,580                  -    3,259,579
Share Premium Account                 5,449,166                  -    5,448,190
Share capital and share premium
of previous entity                            -            656,260            -
Stock Option Reserve                    794,756                  -      251,330
Merger Reserve                         (621,490)                 -     (621,490)
Group interest in shares of
TripleArc Plc                          (150,000)                 -     (150,000)
Profit and loss account              (4,130,851)        (1,173,253)  (2,222,217)
                                     ___________        ___________   __________

Equity Shareholders Funds             4,601,161           (516,993)   5,965,392
                                     ===========        ===========   ==========

Consolidated cash flow statement
                                           six months ended six months ended
                                                   30 June           30 June
                                                      2002              2001
                                               (unaudited)       (unaudited)
                                                         #                 #

Net cash outflow from operating activities   2  (1,337,310)         (443,198)

Returns on investments and servicing of finance
Interest received                                   32,660                 -
Interest paid                                       (5,350)                -
Interest element of finance lease payments          (1,739)             (538)
                                                ___________       ___________

Net cash inflow/(outflow) from returns on
investments and servicing of finance                25,571              (538)

Corporation tax paid                                     -                 -

Capital expenditure and financial investment
Purchase of tangible fixed assets                  (50,008)          (12,452)
                                                ___________       ___________

Net cash outflow for capital expenditure           (50,008)          (12,452)

Net cash outflow before use of liquid
resources and financing                         (1,361,747)         (456,188)

Proceeds from issue of share capital                     -            79,684
Proceeds from Issue of 10% Convertible Loan Stock        -           345,583
Expenses paid in connection with share issue      (104,006)                -
Capital element of finance lease payments           (4,652)             (563)
Debentures repaid                                  (20,000)                -
                                                ___________       ___________

Net cash (outflow)/inflow from financing          (128,658)          424,704
                                                ___________       ___________

Decrease in cash                           3,4  (1,490,405)          (31,484)
                                                ===========       ===========

Note 1: Loss per ordinary share

                                  six months  six months  year ended
                                       ended       ended 31 December
                                     30 June     30 June
                                        2002        2001        2001

Loss attributable to ordinary
shareholders                      #1,908,634    #558,303  #1,607,267
                                  ==========  ==========  ==========
Weighted average number of
ordinary shares outstanding       65,191,572  37,376,635  42,307,700
                                  ==========  ==========  ==========

Basic loss per share (in pence)       (2.93p)     (1.49p)     (3.80p)
                                  ==========  ==========  ==========

Basic  loss  per  share  is calculated  by  dividing  the
weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue  into
the  loss  after taxation for the period attributable  to
ordinary  shareholders.  There is no difference for  2001
and  2002  between the basic net loss per share  and  the
diluted  net  loss per share as all potentially  dilutive
ordinary  shares outstanding have been excluded from  the
computation as their effects are anti-dilutive.

Note 2: Reconciliation of operating loss to net cash
outflow from operating activities

                                          2002             2001
                                             #                #

Operating loss                      (1,934,805)        (557,765)
Depreciation                            32,421            4,000
Amortisation of goodwill               127,860                -
Amortisation of stock compensation     543,426                -
Decrease in stocks                       4,877                -
Decrease/(increase) in debtors          37,530          (14,193)
(Decrease)/increase in creditors      (148,619)         124,760
                                    ___________      ___________
                                    (1,337,310)        (443,198)
                                    ===========      ===========

Note 3: Analysis of changes in net funds

                            At 31 Dec    Non cash              At 30 June
                                 2001        flow     cashflow         2002
                                    #           #            #            #

Cash at bank and on hand    2,901,154           -   (1,490,405)   1,410,749
Bank loans                   (100,000)          -            -     (100,000)
Debenture loan                (50,000)          -       20,000      (30,000)
Finance Leases                (23,101)    (14,037)       4,652      (32,486)
                            _________    _________  ___________  __________
Total                       2,728,053     (14,037)  (1,465,753)   1,248,263
                            =========    =========  ===========  ==========

Note 4: Reconciliation of net cash movements to net funds

                                                six months      six months
                                                     ended           ended
                                                   30 June         30 June
                                                      2002            2001
                                                         #               #

Decrease in cash in the period                  (1,490,405)        (31,484)
Decrease / (Increase) in debt                       20,000        (345,583)
Capital payments on finance leases                   4,652             563
                                                ___________     ___________
Decrease in net funds resulting from cashflows  (1,465,753)       (376,504)
Increase in net debt arising from additional
finance leases                                     (14,037)         (5,406)
                                                ___________     ___________
Movement in the net funds in the period         (1,479,790)       (381,910)
Net funds at the beginning of the period         2,728,053          98,959
                                                ___________     ___________
Net funds/(debt) at end of period                1,248,263        (282,951)
                                                ===========     ===========

Note 5: Publication of non-statutory accounts.

The  financial  information set out in  this  preliminary
results   announcement  does  not  constitute   statutory
accounts  as defined in Section 240 of the Companies  Act
1985.   The financial information for the year  ended  31
December  2001  is extracted from the statutory  accounts
for  that  year.  Those accounts upon which the auditor's
report  was  unqualified  have  been  delivered  to   the
Registrar of Companies.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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