Profit before taxation                                                 30,804 
 Segment Assets 
 Property, plant and equipment               144,216      474,327      618,543 
 Intangible assets                         2,864,281   12,711,308   15,575,589 
 Other assets                              3,751,666    2,017,553    5,769,219 
                                         -----------  -----------  ----------- 
                                           6,760,163   15,203,188   21,963,351 
                                         -----------  -----------  ----------- 

The chief operating decision maker also report on geographical segment, which consists of Europe, Americas and the rest of the world. The breakdown of the revenue is shown below. The business segment consists of marine fuel and support services as shown below:

                                                                 Rest of the 
                            Europe             Americas                world                Total 
                              2010                 2010                 2010                 2010 
                               GBP                  GBP                  GBP                  GBP 
 Revenue                17,443,236            2,604,031            6,981,570           27,028,837 
                ------------------   ------------------   ------------------   ------------------ 
 Total assets           19,777,543                    -                    -           19,777,543 
                ------------------   ------------------   ------------------   ------------------ 
  Expenditure              391,788                    -                    -              391,788 
                ------------------   ------------------   ------------------   ------------------ 
                                                                 Rest of the 
                            Europe             Americas                world                Total 
                              2009                 2009                 2009                 2009 
                               GBP                  GBP                  GBP                  GBP 
 Revenue                15,548,971            3,276,989            5,868,574           24,694,534 
                ------------------   ------------------   ------------------   ------------------ 
 Total assets           21,963,351                    -                    -           21,963,351 
                ------------------   ------------------   ------------------   ------------------ 
  Expenditure              428,779                    -                    -              428,779 
                ------------------   ------------------     ----------------   ------------------ 


                                 2010       2009 
                                  GBP        GBP 
 Finance costs: 
 Bank interest                 18,128     53,213 
 Bank loan interest                 -         16 
 Other interest                     -      2,748 
                            ---------  --------- 
                               18,128     55,977 
                            ---------  --------- 
 Finance income: 
 Deposit account interest       5,708      2,101 
 Other interest received            -      2,403 
                            ---------  --------- 
                                5,708      4,504 
                            ---------  --------- 
 Net finance costs:          (12,420)   (51,473) 
                            ---------  --------- 


The operating profit for the year is stated after charging/(crediting):

                                                    2010      2009 
                                                     GBP       GBP 
 Rent operating leases                           658,674   670,578 
 Depreciation - owned assets                     157,223   180,410 
 Depreciation - leased assets                      4,329     4,121 
 Amortisation of intangibles                     110,950   256,472 
 Loss on sale of tangible assets                  22,488       319 
 Auditors' remuneration (Company GBP28,626; 
  2009: GBP20,000)                                53,017    40,000 
 Auditors' remuneration (Non-audit work)           3,000     3,000 
 Compensation for loss of office                  48,000         - 
 Foreign exchange differences                  (110,946)   128,071 

The analysis of administrative expenses in the consolidated income statement by nature of expense:

                                                2010           2009 
                                                 GBP            GBP 
       Employment costs                    4,204,244      3,963,951 
       Depreciation and amortisation         272,511        441,003 
       Advertising costs                     385,804        316,098 
       Travelling and entertaining           316,440        275,676 
       Establishment costs                   799,797        813,165 
       Other expenses                      1,423,013      1,098,059 
                                        ------------   ------------ 
                                           7,401,809      6,907,952 


The tax charge on the profit for the year was as follows:

                                                    2010             2009 
                                                     GBP              GBP 
 Profit on ordinary activities before 
  taxation multiplied by standard rate 
  of UK corporation tax of 28% (2008 
  - 28%)                                         164,765            8,625 
 Effects of: 
 Non deductible expenses                          35,955            2,951 
 Depreciation add back                             5,461            8,586 
 Capital allowance                              (15,793)          (6,931) 
 Losses carried forward                         (93,078)           64,065 
 Other tax adjustments                             (422)         (57,445) 
                                          --------------   -------------- 
                                                (67,877)           11,226 
                                          --------------   -------------- 
 Current tax charge                               96,888           19,851 

The Group has estimated trading losses of GBPnil (2009 - GBPnil), management expense excess of GBP4,800 (2009 - GBP276,000) and non trading losses of GBP12,334 (2009 - GBP12,000) available to carry forward against future profits. The deferred tax asset not provided at 28% on the grounds that the recovery could not be foreseen with reasonable certainty was GBP398 (2009 - GBP80,000).

The Group also has estimated trading losses from foreign subsidiaries of GBP420,000 (2009 - GBP515,000). The deferred tax asset not provided at 20% on the grounds that the recovery could not be foreseen with reasonable certainty was GBP82,000 (2009 - GBP144,000).


                                        2010   2009 
                                         GBP    GBP 
           European VAT Provision    150,000      - 
           Goodwill write off        102,180      - 
           Fixed asset write off      77,900      - 
                                    --------  ----- 
                                     330,080      - 
                                    --------  ----- 

A provision for European VAT was provided by the board. This represents a potential fiscal liability where private vessels were fueled in European waters.

During the year, Management took the decision to liquidate Yacht Help Group Gibraltar to save costs and improve efficiency. An impairment review of the goodwill associated with Gibraltar resulted in the prudent decision to write off the goodwill. The value written off during the period was 102,180 GBP.

During the year the company closed an office in Palma and Barcelona with the result of a write off of fixed assets of 77,900 GBP.


The calculation of earnings per ordinary share is based on earnings after tax and the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year. For diluted earnings per share, the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue is adjusted to assume conversion of all dilutive potential ordinary shares. The Group has two classes of dilutive potential ordinary shares being those share options granted to employees and suppliers where the exercise price is less than the average market price of the Group's ordinary shares during the year and the shares to be issued to satisfy the deferred consideration on the acquisition of a subsidiary.

Details of the adjusted earnings per share are set out below:

                                            2010         2009 
 Basic EPS 
 Earnings attributable to ordinary 
  shareholders (GBP)                     491,560       10,953 
 Weighted average number of shares    48,166,584   48,166,584 
 Basic EPS (pence)                          1.02         0.02 
                                            2010         2009 
 Diluted EPS 
 Earnings attributable to ordinary 
  shareholders (GBP)                     491,560       10,953 
 Weighted average number of shares    49,144,304   49,144,304 
 Diluted EPS (pence)                        1.02         0.02 
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