RNS No 7370m
1st July 1997


                       AUSTRALIA OR JAPAN

                        NYCOMED AMERSHAM
                  Nycomed and Amersham to merge

* The   Boards   of   Nycomed   ASA  ("Nycomed")   and   Amersham
  International  plc ("Amersham") have reached agreement  on  the
  terms  of  a  full merger of the two companies (the  "Merger").
  The  Merged Group will be called Nycomed Amersham plc ("Nycomed

* The  Merger  will  create a global group with world  leadership
  positions  in  in-vivo diagnostic imaging agents and  research-
  based biotechnology supply.

* Nycomed  Amersham has combined pro forma revenues and operating
  profits before restructuring charges of #1.5 billion (NOK  14.8
  billion) and #244 million (NOK 2.5 billion) respectively, based
  on  historic  results of Nycomed and Amersham and  taking  into
  account the Amersham Pharmacia Biotech Merger.

* The  combined  market capitalisations of Nycomed  and  Amersham
  amounted  to  #1.8 billion (NOK 21.8 billion) at the  close  of
  business on 27th June, 1997.

Merger benefits

* The  Boards  of  Nycomed  and  Amersham  believe  that  Nycomed
  Amersham  will  be  the  world's leading  provider  of  in-vivo
  diagnostic  imaging  agents,  with combined  worldwide  imaging
  agent sales of over #670 million (NOK 6.8 billion).

* Nycomed  and Amersham's complementary imaging agent  portfolios
  and geographic fit will enable deeper penetration of diagnostic
  imaging  agent  markets worldwide enabling significant  revenue
  synergies to be achieved.

* Nycomed's  ultrasound agent, NC100100, which  is  targeted  for
  submission  to  the FDA in 1998, is expected to enable  Nycomed
  Amersham to win a significant share in the medium term  of  the
  emerging  ultrasound market, which the Boards  of  Nycomed  and
  Amersham believe could be worth #1 billion by 2005.

* Nycomed  and  Amersham's respective R&D strengths in  chemistry
  and  the  biosciences  will  improve  the  ability  of  Nycomed
  Amersham to anticipate and develop the sophisticated functional
  diagnostic  imaging  agents that will be required  for  medical
  practice into the next century.

* The  integration of Nycomed and Amersham is expected  to  yield
  annual  pre-tax cost savings of at least #40 million  (NOK  485
  million)  within the three financial years following completion
  of the Merger.

Merger terms

* The  Merger  will  be effected by means of a  share  for  share
  exchange offer (the "Merger Offer") by Amersham for Nycomed.

* Nycomed  shareholders will be offered new  shares  in  Amersham
  representing, in aggregate, 53 per cent. of the enlarged issued
  share capital of Nycomed Amersham.

* Amersham  shareholders  will  own  47  per  cent.  of   Nycomed
  Amersham's  enlarged issued share capital, assuming  acceptance
  of the Merger Offer in full.

* All Nycomed shareholders will receive a special dividend of NOK
  5.62  (46p) in respect of each Nycomed share.  Payment of  this
  dividend will be subject to Nycomed shareholder approval.

* The  Merger  Offer  is  being made  available  to  all  Nycomed
  shareholders and will be registered with the SEC in the  United

* Nycomed  Amersham will be listed in London and intends to  make
  an  application to list the shares on the Oslo,  New  York  and
  Copenhagen Stock Exchanges.

Board and management

* The Chairman of Nycomed Amersham will be Johan Fredrik Odfjell,
  the  Deputy  Chairman  will  be Richard  Lapthorne,  the  Chief
  Executive  Officer will be Bill Castell and  the  Deputy  Chief
  Executive Officer will be Svein Aaser.   Andrew Allner will  be
  Nycomed  Amersham's Finance Director and Trond Berger  will  be
  Nycomed Amersham's Corporate Development Director.

* The Board of Directors will comprise fourteen members, with six
  Executive  and eight Non-executive Directors all drawn  equally
  from  Amersham  and Nycomed.  In addition, Nycomed,  consistent
  with Norwegian practice, and Amersham will each be entitled  to
  nominate one employee representative director to the Board.

Other matters

* The  Merger  is conditional, inter alia, on completion  of  the
  Amersham Pharmacia Biotech Merger announced on 10th June, 1997,
  approval  by  Amersham  and  Nycomed shareholders  and  various
  regulatory clearances.

* Documentation in connection with the Merger is expected  to  be
  posted to Nycomed and Amersham shareholders at the beginning of
  September 1997.

* Nycomed  Amersham will have a calendar financial year  end  and
  its first results will be in respect of the nine months to 31st
  December,  1997.  Nycomed Amersham's accounts will be  prepared
  under  UK GAAP in sterling and Norwegian kroner, with  US  GAAP

* Nycomed  has been advised by Goldman Sachs and Sundal  Collier.
  Amersham has been advised by Morgan Stanley and Deutsche Morgan
  Grenfell.  Brokers to Amersham are Hoare Govett.

* Deutsche  Bank  AG  London and Citibank, N.A.  have  agreed  in
  principle  to  provide fully underwritten credit facilities  in
  connection  with the Merger and the Amersham Pharmacia  Biotech

Commenting  on  the  Merger, Johan Fredrik Odfjell,  Chairman  of
Nycomed and Chairman-designate of Nycomed Amersham, said:

"Over  the  past  two  years  Nycomed  has  been  developing  its
strategies  for taking the company into the next century.   Faced
with  a  decline  in  the x-ray contrast media  market,  we  have
launched  a  major cost-reduction exercise, Focus  98,  which  is
successfully  on  plan.   At the same  time  we  have  made  good
progress  with  new  imaging agents and  in  particular  our  new
ultrasound  agent.  The Nycomed Amersham merger achieves  for  us
the  second  part  of  our strategy by strengthening  our  global
distribution and the technology base of our company, as  well  as
gaining for us the No. 1 position in the in-vivo imaging market."

He added:

"Cross-border mergers are never easy, and Richard Lapthorne and I
intend  working closely together to provide the necessary support
for  Bill  Castell and his team in this task.  I am pleased  that
Richard  has  accepted a fuller role than would normally  be  the
case for a Deputy Chairman.  We believe that combining our forces
in  this way will help the company deliver greater value  to  our
shareholders  and a sound and exciting future for  our  employees
around the world."

Richard  Lapthorne,  Chairman of Amersham  and  Deputy  Chairman-
designate of Nycomed Amersham, said:

"The  recently  announced transaction to form Amersham  Pharmacia
Biotech  positioned Amersham's Life Science business into  a  new
company which will be a world leader in its field.  The merger of
Nycomed and Amersham achieves the same positioning objective  for
Amersham's Healthcare business."

He continued:

"The  industrial  fit  between  Nycomed  and  Amersham  is  truly
exceptional,  with genuine complementary synergies  in  products,
geographic  profiles,  technology and  research  and  development
strengths.  We also have a good fit in people and culture  which,
together with the industrial fit, will enable the merged group to
develop   further  its  leadership  positions  in  its  principal

This  summary should be read in the context of the full  text  of
this announcement.


Nycomed                Svein Aaser              00 47 23 18 50 50
                       Eric Cameron             00 47 23 18 50 50
                       Trond Berger             00 47 23 18 50 50
Goldman Sachs          Richard Campbell-        0171 774 1000
                       Breeden                  0171 774 1000
                       Berent Wallendahl        
Sundal Collier         Jan Petter Collier       00 47 22 01 6000
                       Are Andersen             00 47 22 01 6000
Finsbury               Rupert Younger           0171 251 3801
Amersham               Bill Castell             01494 544 000
                       Andrew Allner            01494 544 000
                       Giles Kerr               01494 544 000
Morgan Stanley         Michael Tory             0171 425 5555
                       Mark Perrett             0171 425 5555
Deutsche Morgan        Mark Preston             0171 545 8000
Grenfell               Philip Mastriforte       0171 545 8000
Brunswick              Alan Parker              0171 404 5959

Conference notes

The  following meetings for investors, stockbrokers' analysts and
the press are being held today:


10.00 a.m.               Analysts presentation
11.45 a.m.               Press conference

Location:                The Sugar Rooms, The Brewery, Chiswell
                         Street, London EC1


09.30 a.m.               Press conference
11.00 a.m.               Analysts conference

Location:                Nycoveien 2, Oslo

The  following  foreign exchange rates have  been  used  in  this

(a)  #1  :  NOK  10.082  and  #1 : NOK 10.926,  respectively  the
     average  and  year end rates for the year to 31st  December,
     1996,  to  translate respectively Nycomed  profit  and  loss
     information  and  Nycomed  balance  sheet  information  into

(b)  #1  :  SEK  10.474  and  #1 : SEK 11.685,  respectively  the
     average  and  year end rates for the year to 31st  December,
     1996, to translate respectively Pharmacia Biotech profit and
     loss   information  and  Pharmacia  Biotech  balance   sheet
     information into sterling;

(c)  #1  :  NOK  10.324  and  #1 : NOK 10.834,  respectively  the
     average and year end rates for the year to 31st March, 1997,
     to translate respectively:

     (i)  Amersham profit and loss information and balance  sheet
          information into Norwegian kroner;

     (ii) Amersham  Pharmacia Biotech pro forma profit  and  loss
          information   and   balance  sheet   information   into
          Norwegian kroner;

(d)  the  same rates as in (a) to translate Nycomed Amersham  pro
     forma   profit  and  loss  information  and  balance   sheet
     information into Norwegian kroner;

(e)  #1  :  NOK  12.129, the rate prevailing on 27th June,  1997,
     being  the last practicable date prior to the date  of  this
     announcement, for all other information.

The  contents of this announcement have been approved  by  Morgan
Stanley  and Deutsche Morgan Grenfell solely for the purposes  of
Section 57 of the Financial Services Act 1986.

No offer or invitation to acquire securities in Amersham is being
made  now  nor  are offers being solicited.  Any  such  offer  or
invitation will only be made in an offer document to be published
in  due course and any such acquisitions should be made solely on
the basis of information contained in such offer document.

Goldman Sachs International ("Goldman Sachs"), which is regulated
in  the  United  Kingdom by The Securities and Futures  Authority
Limited,  and  Sundal  Collier & Co. a.s ("Sundal  Collier")  are
acting  for Nycomed and no one else in connection with the Merger
and  will  not  be responsible to anyone other than  Nycomed  for
providing the protections afforded to customers of Goldman  Sachs
and  Sundal  Collier  respectively, nor for providing  advice  in
relation to the Merger.

Morgan  Stanley  &  Co.  Limited ("Morgan  Stanley")  and  Morgan
Grenfell  & Co. Limited ("Deutsche Morgan Grenfell"),  which  are
both  regulated  in  the  United Kingdom by  The  Securities  and
Futures  Authority Limited, are acting for Amersham  and  no  one
else in connection with the Merger and will not be responsible to
anyone other than Amersham for providing the protections afforded
to  customers  of  Morgan  Stanley and Deutsche  Morgan  Grenfell
respectively, nor for providing advice in relation to the Merger.