RNS Number : 1154J

Sunrise Resources Plc

11 August 2023

11 August 2023


("Sunrise" or "the Company")


Sunrise Resources plc wishes to announce as follows:

Issue of Employee Warrants

On Wednesday 9 August 2023, the Board resolved to issue warrants to subscribe for Ordinary Shares in the Company as part of a long-standing annual arrangement as follows:

A total of 9,000,0000 warrants over new Ordinary Shares, representing 0.22% of the Company's issued share capital, are being issued to certain employees of Tertiary Minerals plc ("Tertiary") working on the Company's behalf and to the two non-executive directors of the Company in connection with their remuneration as follows:

 Grantee                   No. of Warrants        Warrant Exercise Price 
                                                   (pence per share) 
 Tertiary Employees 
  (4)                      (Total of) 4,000,000   0.1 
                          ---------------------  ----------------------- 
 Non-Executive Director 
  Roger Murphy             2,500,000              0.1 
                          ---------------------  ----------------------- 
 Non-Executive Director 
  James Cole               2,500,000              0.1 
                          ---------------------  ----------------------- 

The Warrant exercise price is 0.1 pence, being the par value of the Company's Ordinary Shares. Each warrant entitles the holder to subscribe for one new Ordinary Share in the Company at the warrant exercise price at any time within the period of 4 years from 9 August 2024.

This brings the total number of warrants in issue in the Company to 85,000,000. This represents 2.11% of the Company's issued share capital.

Further information:

 Sunrise Resources plc           Tel: +44 (0)1625 838 884 
  Patrick Cheetham, Executive 
                                 Tel: +44 (0)207 628 3396 
   Beaumont Cornish Limited 
   Nominated Adviser 
   James Biddle/Roland Cornish 

Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) Disclosure

The information set out below is provided in accordance with the requirements of Article 19(3) of the Market Abuse Regulations (EU) No. 596/2014 which forms part of UK domestic law by virtue of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 ('MAR').


1   Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities 
     I person closely associated 
a)  Name                         Roger Murphy 
    --------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
2   Reason for the notification 
a)  Position/status              Non-executive director 
    --------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
b)  Initial notification         Initial notification 
    --------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
3   Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
     auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
a)  Name                         Sunrise Resources plc 
    --------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
b)  LEI                          213800MGDOE974QHPZ44 
    --------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
4   Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for 
     (i) each type of instrument; (ii) each type of transaction; 
     (iii) each date; and (iv) each place where transactions 
     have been conducted 
a)  Description of the            Warrants, each warrant to subscribe 
     financial instrument,         for one ordinary 
     type of instrument            share of 0.1p each 
    --------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
    Identification code          GB00B075Z681 
    --------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
b)  Nature of the transaction   Grant of Warrants 
    --------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
c)  Price(s) and volume(s)      Price(s)            Volume(s) 
    --------------------------  ------------------  ------------------- 
                                Exercise price of   2,500,000 warrants 
                                 0.1 pence 
                                ------------------  ------------------- 
d)  Aggregated information       N/A (Single transaction as in 4 c) 
     - Aggregated volume          above) 
     - Price 
    --------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
e)  Date of the transaction       09/08/2023 
                                   11:00 UTC 
    --------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
f)  Place of the transaction     Outside a trading venue (XOFF) 
    --------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
  1     Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities 
         I person closely associated 
 a     N a me                            James Cole 
      --------------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
 2     Reason for the notification 
 a     Position/st atus                  Non-executive director 
      --------------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
 b)    Initial notification              Initial notification 
      --------------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
 3       Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
          auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
 a     Name                              Sunrise Resources plc 
      --------------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
 b)    LEI                               213800MGDOE974QHPZ44 
      --------------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
 4     Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for 
        (i) each type of instrument; (ii) each type of transaction; 
        (iii) each date; and (iv) each place where transactions 
        have been conducted 
 a     Description of the fina           Warrants, each warrant to subscribe 
  )     ncial instrument, type            for one ordinary 
        of ins trument                    share of 0.1p each 
      --------------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
      Identification code                GB00B075Z681 
      --------------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
 b)    Nature of the transact            Grant of Warrants 
        i on 
      --------------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
 c)    Price(s) a nd volume(s)           Price(s)                  Volume(s) 
      --------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------- 
   Exercise price of 
    0.1 pence                                                      2,500,000 
  --------------------------------------------------------------  ------------- 
 d)    Aggregated information            N/A (Single transaction as in 4 c) 
        - Aggregated volume               above) 
        - Price 
      --------------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
 e)    Date of the transaction             09/08/2023 
      11:00 UTC 
 f)    Place of the transaction          Outside a trading venue (XOFF) 
      --------------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
 1.   Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities/person 
       closely associated 
 a)   Name:                             Michael Dogbe 
     --------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 2.   Reason for the notification 
 a)   Position/status:                  Management Accountant, Tertiary Minerals 
     --------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 b)   Initial notification/Amendment:   Initial notification 
     --------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 3.   Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
       auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
 a)   Name:                             Sunrise Resources plc 
     --------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 b)   LEI:                              213800MGDOE974QHPZ44 
     --------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 4.   Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated 
       for (i) each type of instrument; (ii) each type of transaction; 
       (iii) each date; and (iv) each place where transactions 
       have been conducted 
 a)   Description of the                Warrants, each warrant to subscribe 
       financial instrument,             for one ordinary share of 0.1p each 
       type of instrument:               GB00B075Z681 (Ordinary Shares) 
       Identification code: 
     --------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 b)   Nature of the transaction:        Grant of warrants to subscribe for 
                                         new ordinary shares 
     --------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 c)   Price(s) and volume(s):             Price(s)         Volume(s) 
                                           Exercise Price   1,000,000 warrants 
                                            of 0.1 pence 
     --------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 d)   Aggregated information:           N/A (Single transaction as in 4 c) 
       Aggregated volume:                above) 
     --------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 e)   Date of the transaction:          10/08/2023 
                                         11:00 UTC 
     --------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 f)   Place of the transaction:         Outside a trading venue 
     --------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 1.   Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities/person 
       closely associated 
 a)   Name:                             Jaelithe Talboom 
     --------------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
 2.   Reason for the notification 
 a)   Position/status:                  Office Manager, Tertiary Minerals 
     --------------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
 b)   Initial notification/Amendment:   Initial notification 
     --------------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
 3.   Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
       auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
 a)   Name:                             Sunrise Resources plc 
     --------------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
 b)   LEI:                              213800MGDOE974QHPZ44 
     --------------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
 4.   Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated 
       for (i) each type of instrument; (ii) each type of transaction; 
       (iii) each date; and (iv) each place where transactions 
       have been conducted 
 a)   Description of the                Warrants, each warrant to subscribe 
       financial instrument,             for one ordinary share of 0.1p each 
       type of instrument:               GB00B075Z681 (Ordinary Shares) 
       Identification code: 
     --------------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
 b)   Nature of the transaction:        Grant of warrants to subscribe for 
                                         new ordinary shares 
     --------------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
 c)   Price(s) and volume(s):             Price(s)         Volume(s) 
                                           Exercise Price   1,000,000 warrants 
                                            of 0.1 pence 
     --------------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
 d)   Aggregated information:           N/A (Single transaction as in 4 c) 
       Aggregated volume:                above) 
     --------------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
 e)   Date of the transaction:          09/08/2023 
                                         11:00 UTC 
     --------------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
 f)   Place of the transaction:         Outside a trading venue 
     --------------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
 1.   Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities/person 
       closely associated 
 a)   Name:                             Joel Cheetham 
     --------------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
 2.   Reason for the notification 
 a)   Position/status:                  Project Manager, Permitting & GIS, 
                                         Tertiary Minerals plc 
     --------------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
 b)   Initial notification/Amendment:   Initial notification 
     --------------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
 3.   Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
       auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
 a)   Name:                             Sunrise Resources plc 
     --------------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
 b)   LEI:                              213800MGDOE974QHPZ44 
     --------------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
 4.   Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated 
       for (i) each type of instrument; (ii) each type of transaction; 
       (iii) each date; and (iv) each place where transactions 
       have been conducted 
 a)   Description of the                Warrants, each warrant to subscribe 
       financial instrument,             for one ordinary share of 0.1p each 
       type of instrument:               GB00B075Z681 (Ordinary Shares) 
       Identification code: 
     --------------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
 b)   Nature of the transaction:        Grant of warrants to subscribe for 
                                         new ordinary shares 
     --------------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
 c)   Price(s) and volume(s):             Price(s)         Volume(s) 
                                           Exercise Price   1,000,000 warrants 
                                            of 0.1 pence 
     --------------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
 d)   Aggregated information:           N/A (Single transaction as in 4 c) 
       Aggregated volume:                above) 
     --------------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
 e)   Date of the transaction:          09/08/2023 
                                         11:00 UTC 
     --------------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
 f)   Place of the transaction:         Outside a trading venue 
     --------------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
 1.   Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities/person 
       closely associated 
 a)   Name:                             Susan Swift 
     --------------------------------  ---------------------------------------- 
 2.   Reason for the notification 
 a)   Position/status:                  Office Administrator, Tertiary Minerals 
     --------------------------------  ---------------------------------------- 
 b)   Initial notification/Amendment:   Initial notification 
     --------------------------------  ---------------------------------------- 
 3.   Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
       auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
 a)   Name:                             Sunrise Resources plc 
     --------------------------------  ---------------------------------------- 
 b)   LEI:                              213800MGDOE974QHPZ44 
     --------------------------------  ---------------------------------------- 
 4.   Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated 
       for (i) each type of instrument; (ii) each type of transaction; 
       (iii) each date; and (iv) each place where transactions 
       have been conducted 
 a)   Description of the                Warrants, each warrant to subscribe 
       financial instrument,             for one ordinary share of 0.1p each 
       type of instrument:               GB00B075Z681 (Ordinary Shares) 
       Identification code: 
     --------------------------------  ---------------------------------------- 
 b)   Nature of the transaction:        Grant of warrants to subscribe for 
                                         new ordinary shares 
     --------------------------------  ---------------------------------------- 
 c)   Price(s) and volume(s):             Price(s)         Volume(s) 
                                           Exercise Price   1,000,000 warrants 
                                            of 0.1 pence 
     --------------------------------  ---------------------------------------- 
 d)   Aggregated information:           N/A (Single transaction as in 4 c) 
       Aggregated volume:                above) 
     --------------------------------  ---------------------------------------- 
 e)   Date of the transaction:          09/08/2023 
                                         11:00 UTC 
     --------------------------------  ---------------------------------------- 
 f)   Place of the transaction:         Outside a trading venue 
     --------------------------------  ---------------------------------------- 

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

August 11, 2023 07:45 ET (11:45 GMT)

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