ANNUAL RESULTS FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31ST MAY 2003

                                       Chairman's Statement

The decline in Shareholders funds of about 10% from �3,802,366 at 31st May 2002 to �3,449,723 at
31st May 2003 has to be taken in the context of the considerable decline in the UK Stock Market
over the corresponding period, and taking all factors into account is both disappointing but

Your Directors have decided to recommend a final dividend of 22p per Ordinary Stock Unit and
18.33p per Deferred Stock Unit which when added to the interim dividend paid of 18p per Ordinary
Stock Unit and 14.51p per Deferred Stock Unit would result in total dividends payable for the year
of 40p per Ordinary Stock Unit and 32.84p per Deferred Stock Unit, which are unchanged from the
dividends declared for the year ending 31st May 2002.

The decision to leave the dividends unchanged reflects the fact that income from investments was
marginally down from �176,243 to �175,262 which reflected lower receipts of special dividends,
counterbalanced by an increased emphasis on preference dividends and high yielding smaller company
stocks.   Profits on sale of investments were considerably down from the previous year and
reflected lack of sales during the relevant year.

Modest appreciations in both capital values and income receipts have been recorded since the end
of financial year.

Edward N. Cooper
                            Group Profit and Loss Account 31st May 2003

                                                                     2003                     2002
                                                                        �                        �
Income from Fixed Assets Investments                              175,262                  176,243
Administrative Investments                                         25,428                   27,630
Operating Profit                                                  149,834                  148,613
Interest Receivable                                                 6,775                   12,223
Profit on Disposal of Investments                                  18,441                   44,065
Interest payable                                                    (430)                    (123)
Profit on Ordinary Activities before taxation                     174,620                  204,778
Tax on profit on Ordinary Activities                               13,564                   10,983
Profit on Ordinary Activities after taxation                      161,056                  193,795
Dividends (including non-equity)                                  119,762                  119,762
Retained Profit for the Financial Year                             41,294                   74,033
Earnings per share (pence) Ordinary Units                           53.8p                    64.7p
Earnings per share (pence) Deferred Units                           44.3p                    53.4p

                                STAVERT ZIGOMALA PLC AND SUBSIDIARY
                                 Balance Sheet as at 31st May 2003
                                                                        �                        �
FIXED ASSETS                                                                                      
Investments                                                     3,916,581                4,405,399
CURRENT ASSETS                                                                                    
Debtors                                                            20,981                   11,310
Cash at Bank                                                       75,168                  218,690
CREDITORS: Amount                                                                                 
falling due after more than one year                               74,893                   80,876
TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT                                                                         
LIABILITIES                                                     3,937,837                4,554,523
CREDITORS: Amount                                                                                 
falling due after more than one year                               46,295                   46,295
                                                                3,891,542                4,508,228
PROVISIONS FOR LIABILITIES AND CHARGES                                                            
Deferred Taxation                                                 507,819                  705,862
                                                                3,383,723                3,802,366
CAPITAL AND RESERVES                                                                              
Called up share capital                                            50,000                   50,000
Investment reserve for unrealised gains                         1,915,146                2,375,083
Other reserves                                                  1,184,865                1,166,424
Profit and loss account                                           233,712                  210,859
SHAREHOLDERS FUNDS                                                                                
(including non-equity interests)                                3,383,723                3,802,366
                                     Group Cash Flow Statement
                                     Year Ended 31st May 2003
                                                                     2003                     2002
                                                                        �                        �
Net Cash Inflow from operating activities                         136,598                         
Returns on investment and servicing of finance                                                    
     Interest received                                              6,775                         
     Interest paid                                                  (430)                   12,223
     Non-equity dividends paid                                      (350)                         
Net Cash Inflow from returns on investment                                                        
and servicing of finance                                            5,995                         
TAXATION                                                         (15,982)                         
Capital expenditure and financial investment                                                      
     Acquisition of Investments                                 (186,585)                         
     Sale proceeds on disposal of Investments                      35,864                (300,211)
Net Cash Outflow for capital expenditure                                                          
and financial investment                                        (150,721)                         
Equity dividends paid                                           (119,412)                         
Decrease in cash                                                (143,522)                         
FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES                                                   
                                                                        �                        �
Operating profit                                                  149,834                  148,613
(increase/decrease in debtors                                     (9,671)                   40,485
Decrease in creditors                                             (3,565)                 (50,852)
Net cash inflow from operating activities                         136,598                  138,246
RECONCILIATION OF NET CASH FLOW                                                                   
                                                                     2003                     2002
                                                                        �                        �
Decrease in cash in the period                                  (143,522)                (212,643)
Change in net funds                                             (143,522)                (212,643)
Net funds at 1 June 2002                                          172,395                  385,038
Net funds at 31 May 2003                                           28,873                  172,395
ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN NET FUNDS                                                                  
                                          At                                             At
                                       1 June 2002                   Cash flows    31 May 2003
                                                     �                          �                �
Net cash:                                      218,690                  (143,522)           75,168
Cash in hand and at bank                                                                          
Debt due after 1 year                         (46,295)                       -            (46,295)
Net funds                                      172,395                  (143,522)           28,873
Ex dividend date                 3   December 2003                                                
Record date                      5   December 2003                                                
Dividend payment date            22 December 2003                                                 

                      Stavert Zigomala Plc - Registered in England No. 194028
                        Registered Office - PO Box 233  Manchester M60  1QP
         Registrars - Hague Lambert  Artillery House, 15 Byrom Street, Manchester M3  4PF

                                                                STAVERT ZIGOMALA PLC